
    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module1 Unit1教案
    Unit 1 Good morning Miss Zhou
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:the first lesson of their Junior High SchoolIt’s necessary to help them know the importance of learning English and some basic methods
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 1
    2Learn to use the key sentences to greet each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    hello class my name is miss good good afternoon etc
    2Key sentences
    Good morningafternoon
    My name’s Miss Zhou
    3How to use what they have learnt to greet each other
    4How to write the 26 letters regularly
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    1Show some pictures to tell them the importance of English learning
    2Show pictures on the Internet to tell them what is the correct way of learning English
    1learn new words by showing some pictures
    2Read all the new words together
    1practice the dialogues in pairs in class like that
    2Act their dialogues out in class
    step4Key points
    name’s name is the differences of Mr and Miss
    step5 Match
    1Match the dialogues in Part 3 by themselves
    2Check answers one by one Encouragement should be given
    3Read the dialogues in groups
    step6Listen and say
    Listen to the tape in Part 5 and say after it Especially they should pay attention to the pronunciation of the 26 letters
    step7Sing the ABC Song
    1 Listen to the song at first then imitate how to sing it for several times
    2 Ask some of them to sing the song in class Encouragement should be given
    1 It’s very important to tell them how to write the letters regularly so the teacher needs to spend more time on this step The teacher should check their spelling carefully and correct them in time
    2 The best work should be showed to others in class
    3 Have a small inclusion about their work
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 7 write the names regularly
    2 Check answers and ask them to write their own names in English
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step11 Homework
    1Sing ABC Song
    2Read the dialogues in Unit 1 smoothly
    3Write the 26 letters carefully in their exercise books

    新外研英语七年级starter部分Module1 Unit2教案
    Unit 2 Good morning I’m Chen Zhong
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt how to write the 26 letters regularly in this lesson they need to consolidate them and learn some new everyday English
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about greetings in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 2
    2Learn to use the key sentences to greet each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    I you your spell sorry how fine etc
    2Key sentences
    What’s your name
    I’m Lingling
    Can you spell it please
    How are you
    Fine thank you
    3How to use the key sentences to greet with their classmates
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Revision
    1 Revise how to write the 26 letters without opening their books
    2 Sing the ABC song
    1learn new words and expressions by showing some pictures The pronunciation of the new words should be paid more attention
    2Read all the new words and expressions together Then freely give them some help
    1What’s your name I’m Li Si
    2Can you spell itplease Yes…
    3How are you I’m fine thank you
    step4Listen and read
    1Listen and read after the tape for 2 times then freely Give them some help
    2Act the dialogue out in groups then in pairs
    step5 Listen and sing
    Listen and learn to sing the song Good Morning
    Listen and match the sentences on their own Check answers and read it in groups
    step7Listen and number
    Listen and number the sentences on their own Check answers and read it in groups
    1Write the answers in Part 5especially they should write their answers regularly
    2Check answers and give some encouragement
    step9Work in pairs
    Work in pairs to finish Part 6 Prepare for a few minutes ask them to have an action in class
    1Read the keys together then freely
    2Have a quick test one by one
    Step11Read and find
    1 Read and fine some rules about the verb be
    2Show some exercises to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson
    Step 12 Homework
    1To classify the letters according to their pronounciation
    2Recite the text as possible as they can
    3Learn to read the 48 phonetic symbols

    新外研英语七年级starter部分Module1 Unit3教案
    Unit 3 This is my friend
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt how to write the 26 letters regularly and some new everyday English in this lesson they need to consolidate them and learn to use them in their daily life
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about greetings in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 3
    2Learn to use the key sentences to greet each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    This she her his he tomorrow time etc
    2Key sentences
    This is my friend his name is…
    This is Miss Zhou she is my teacher
    Nice to meet you
    It’s time to go now
    3How to use the key sentences to greet with their classmates in their daily life
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Revision
    1 Revise how to classify the 26 letters according to their pronounciation
    2 Sing the Good Morning song
    1Teach them how to read new words and expressions according to the pronunciation of them
    2Read all the new words and expressions together Then freely give them some help
    1This is… heshe is …
    2This is … hisher name is…
    Show the table about pronouns and read them after the teacher
    step5 Listen and read
    1Listen and read after the tape for 2 times then freely Give them some help
    2Read Part 1 in groups then in pairs
    3 Act the dialogues out in pairs in class encouragement should be given
    step6Abbreviated forms
    Sum up what they have learnt about the abbreviated forms read and fine the rules
    Listen and match the sentences on their own Check answers and read it in groups
    Step8 Listen and number
    Listen and number the sentences on their own Check answers and read it in groups
    step8Work in groups
    1This is my friend…name is…Hello… nice to meet you
    Listen and finish the sentences on their own Check answers and read it together
    step10Exercises in class
    Show some exercises to consolidate what they have learnt in this lessonCheck answers one by one Encouragement should be given
    Step 12 Homework
    1Watch the video to learn how to read the 48 phonetic symbols
    2Recite the text as possible as they can

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module2 Unit1教案
    Unit 1 Open your book
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 1
    2Learn to use the key sentences to greet each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    Sit stand open close up down etc
    2Key sentences
    Open your book
    Close your book
    Stand up
    3How to use what they have learnt to greet each other
    4How to write the key sentences regularly
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    1Revise the letters in Module 1
    2Revise the words and key sentences they have learnt in Module 1
    1learn new words and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2Read all the new words freely give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    step3Listen and read
    Listen to Part 1 read after it Then read it in pairs
    step4Listen and repeat
    1Listen to the tape in Part 2 repeat
    2Read Part 2 with the help of their teacher freely
    3Do as the teacher’s order
    step5 Match
    1Complete Part 4 by themselves
    2Read the answers together to check them
    Show the questions quikly ask them to translate them orally in class
    1 Listen to the tape and write their answers in their books
    2 Show the answers to check their answersgive more encouragement
    step8Work in pairs
    1 Work in pairs to complete Part 6
    2 Ask some of them to act in class
    step9Everyday English
    1 Show the questions and ask them how to answer
    2 Read Everyday English in groups
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step11 Homework
    1Copy the key sentences correctly in their exercise books
    2Read Unit 1 smoothly
    3Try to remember the spelling of the new words and expressions
    4Learn to sing the song hello how are you

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module2 Unit2教案
    Unit 1 What’s your number
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 1
    2Learn to use the key sentences to greet each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    new student here in one two three etc
    2Key sentences
    What’s your telephone number
    Are you a new student here
    What class are you in
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    4How to write the key sentences regularly
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    1Revise the words in Unit 1 by doing some exercises
    2Ask some questions in Unit 1 freely
    1learn the numbers 110 and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2Have a quick testgive them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    3Learn some other new words and read them together encouragement should be given
    step3Listen and chant
    1Listen to the tape in Part3 at first then listen again to learn to chant
    2Chant each other ask some of them to act it in class
    step4Listen and repeat
    1Listen to the tape in Part 1 repeat
    2Read Part 1 with the help of their teacher freely
    3Read the dialogue in pairs
    4Like this Ask and answer Lala’s informationthen ask their classmates
    step5Listen and read
    1Read Part 4 by themselves find the telephone numbers and fill in the blanks
    2Read the answers together to check them
    3Listen to the tape in Part 4 and read after it read it for some more times with the help of the teacher freely
    4Read it in groups then in pairs in class
    step6Listen and point
    Listen to the tape carefullycheck the answers one by one
    step7Listen and write
    1 Listen to the tape and write their answers in their books to finish Part 6
    2 Show the answers to check their answersgive more encouragement
    3 Listen to the tape in Part 7 write the numbers Check answers and read them together
    step8Work in pairs
    1 Work in pairs what’s your telephoneQQ number
    2 Ask some of them freely in class
    step9Listen and write
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 8 fill in the table on their own check answers
    2 Ask them to ask and answer in pairs according to the table in Part 8
    3 Ask and answer freely to finish Part 9
    Step 10 Complete and find
    A ________ you a new student here
    B Yes I _______
    A What class are you in
    B I’m in Class Five Mr Liu’s class
    A What class ________Li Minghao in
    B He is in Class Six Miss Liang’s class
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step12 Homework
    1Make a survey and write their friends’ telephone number
    2Read Unit 2 smoothly including the new words try to have a dictation
    3Continue to learn the 48 phonetic symbols

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module2 Unit3教案
    Unit 1 What’s your number
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 2
    2Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    How old boy girl desk chair bag thirteen fifteen etc
    2Key sentences
    How old are you
    I’m twelve
    How many girls boys are there
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    4How to write the key sentences regularly
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    Revise the numbers in Unit 2 by a quick test
    1learn the new numbers 1120 and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2Have a quick testgive them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    3Match the numbers in Part 3 check answers
    4Tell them how to write the numbers from 21 to 29
    5 Learn some other new words and read them together then freely Give them some help
    step3Listen and Point
    Listen to the tape in Part4 at firstcheck answers then listen again to repeat
    step4Listen and write
    1Listen to the tape in Part 5write the answers at the same time
    2Check answers and read it one by one
    4Learn about some more like plusminusmultiplydivide
    step5Listen and write
    1Listen to the tape in part 6 write the numbers in their books
    2 Check answer each other read them loud in class
    step6Listen and Match
    Listen to the tape in Part 7 carefullycheck the answers
    step7Listen and read
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 1and repeat
    2 Act the dialogue in pairs
    step8Work in pairs
    1 Work in pairs How many boysgirls are there
    2 Ask some of them freely in class
    Sum up the key points and ask more questions freely in class
    Step 10 Words and expressions in Module 2
    Listen to the tape and repeat after it
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step12 Homework
    1Try to remember the spelling of words in Unit 2 and have a dictation
    2Read Unit 2 and try to recite it
    3Copy the numbers120 in their exercise books

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module3 Unit1教案
    Unit 1 What’s this in English
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 1
    2Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    In writeonblackboardpenpencilbirdflower etc
    2Key sentences
    What’s this in English
    How do you spell pencil
    Write it on the blackboard
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    4How to use the key sentences in their real life
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    Have a quick test to revise what they have learnt in Module 2
    1Revise the numbers
    2Revise the key sentences what they have learnt in Module 2
    3Have a quick answer in only 3 seconds
    1Show some pictures to learn new words and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2Read all the new words freely give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    step3Listen and read
    Listen to the tape in Part 1 read after it Then read it in groups then in pairs Have an action in class Encouragement should be given
    step4Listen and Point
    1Listen to the tape in Part 2 repeat
    2Read Part 2 with the help of their teacher freely
    3Show some pictures to ask and answer each other
    step5 Listen and write
    1Listen and write the answers in Part 3 on their own
    2Read the answers together to check them
    step6Ask and answer
    1 Ask and answer to finish Part 4 work in pairs according to the pictures in Part 4 freely
    2 Action in classEncouragement should be given
    step7Listen and write
    1 Listen to the tape and write their answers in Part 5
    2 Show the answers to check their answersgive more encouragement
    step8Answer race
    Divide them into 4 groups to have an answer race
    1 What’s this in English
    2 How do you spell it
    step9Everyday English
    Read Everyday English
    1What’s this in English
    2Write it on the blackboard
    4How do you spell pencil
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step11 Homework
    1Find some objects and work in pairs to ask and answer
    What’s this in English How do you spell it
    2Try to read Unit 1 smoothly or recite it
    3Additional exercises
    Step 12 A Song
    Learn to sing the song What’s this after class

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module3 Unit2教案
    Unit 1 Can you help me please
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测 In this Unit they’ll continue to learn some more everyday English How to use them may be difficult for them
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 2
    2Learn to use the key sentences to communicate each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    Helpcoursethatagainwelcome etc
    2Key sentences
    Can you help meplease
    How do you spell it
    Can you say that again please
    You’re welcome
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    1Revise the words in Unit 1 by having a guessing game
    2Ask them How do you spell… To check the spelling of the key words in unit 1
    1learn the new words and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2Learn new words and read them together encouragement should be given
    3Give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    Show some pictures ask and answer like this
    AWhat’s this in English
    BIt’s a…
    AHow do you spell it
    AThank you
    BYou’re welcome
    Ask some of them to have an action in class encouragement should be given
    step4Listen and read
    1Listen to the tape in Part 1 repeat
    2Read Part 1 with the help of their teacher freely
    3Read the dialogue in pairs
    4Encourage them to have an action in class
    step5Listen and point
    1Listen to the tape in Part 2 and write the words below the pictures according to the spellings
    2Read the words in groups then have a dialogue in pairs in class
    step6Everyday English
    Show Everyday English to read them together
    1Can you help me please
    Yes of course
    2I don’t know
    3Can you say that again please
    4Thank you
    You’re welcome
    step7Read and match
    1 Listen to the tape and write their answers in their books to finish Part 3
    2 Show the answers to check their answersgive more encouragement
    3 Check answers and read them together
    step8Work in pairs
    1 Work in pairs to finish Part 5 freely
    2 Ask some of them freely in class
    step9Listen and write
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 6 write the answers
    2 Check answers and read them together
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step12 Homework
    1 Use their school things to ask and Answer Can you help meplease How do you spell it
    2 Write their own dialogues in their exercise books
    3 Additional exercises

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module3 Unit3教案
    Unit 1 What colour is it
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 3
    2Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    blackwhiteredyellowcolour etc
    2Key sentences
    What colour is it
    What colour are they
    Is it a red car Yes it is No it isn’t
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    4How to spell new words according to the phonetic symbols
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    Revise the numbers by a quick test
    1 Ask them what colour is it To learn different colors and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2 Ask the same questions one by one to check if they have mastered the key sentences
    3Write the different colors below the balls
    4Have a quick test to say the names of different colors
    step3Listen and Point
    1 Listen to the tape in Part1 at first then listen again to repeat
    2 Read Part 1freely with the help of their teacher
    step4Read and match
    1Listen to the tape in Part 3 write the answers at the same time
    2Check answers by listening again
    3work in pairs to read Part 3
    step5Listen and write
    1Listen to the tape in part 7 write the answers in their books
    2 Check answer each other read them loud in class
    step6Work in pairs
    Work in pairs to finish Part 5 Ask some of them to act their dialogues in class encouragement should be given
    1 Read the words in the table in Part 5 quickly
    2 Divide them into 3 groups according to the table below
    3 Check answers and read them together
    1 Draw
    2 Ask and answer what colour is it What colour are they
    Is it a… Yes it is
    Are they… No they aren’t
    3 work in pairs to have a creation
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step10Words and expressions in Module 3
    Listen to the tape of words and expressions in Module 3 read after the tape at the same time
    Step11 Homework
    1Draw a picture Paint it and name the colors correctly
    2Ask and answer according to the pictures What colour is it It’s…
    3Read unit 3 smoothly
    Step 12 A song
    Learn to sing the song What colour after class

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module4 Unit1教案
    Unit 1 What day is it today
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 1
    2Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    day today Monday Tuesday Wednesday etc
    2Key sentences
    What day is it today
    What day is your favourite day
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    4How to use the key sentences in their real life
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    1Revise the words and expressions in Module 3
    2Revise the key sentencesWhat’s this in English How do you spell it
    3Have a quick answer
    1Show some calendars to learn new words of a week and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2Read all the new words freely give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    3 Show them a real calendar to ask and answer What day is it today What day is it tomorrow
    4Ask some of them to have an action in class
    step3Listen and write
    Listen to the tape in Part 5 check answers Encouragement should be given
    step4Read and answer
    1Read Part 1 and answer
    awhere are they
    b What day is it today
    c What day is it tomorrow
    2Check answers one by one
    step5 Listen and read
    1Listen to the tape in Part 1 read after the tape
    2Read Part 1 freely give them some helpEncouragement should be given
    3Work in groups or pairs to act Part 1
    step6Read and match
    1 Read and match to finish Part 3 work in pairs to check the answers
    2 Read it in class
    step7Listen and write
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 6 and write their answers
    2 Show the answers to check their answersgive more encouragement
    3 Ask some of them to read the sentences
    step8Ask and answer
    Ask and answer to finish Part 7Ask some of them to have an action in classGive them more encouragement
    step9Everyday English
    Read Everyday English
    1What day is it today
    2What day is your favourite day
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step11 Homework
    1 Find a real calendar to ask and answer
    What day is it today
    How do you spell Monday
    What day is your favourite day
    2Try to read Unit 1 smoothly or recite it
    3Additional exercises
    Step 12 A Song
    Learn to sing the song What’s day after class

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module4 Unit2教案
    Unit 1 What’s the weather like
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测 In this Unit they’ll continue to learn some more everyday English How to use them may be difficult for them
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 2
    2Learn to use the key sentences to communicate each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    Spring summer autumn winter warm hot cold cool etc
    2Key sentences
    What’s the weather like
    How is the weather Etc
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    Revise Unit 1 by asking some questions
    1Show some pictures to learn the new words and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2 Read them together encouragement should be given
    3Give them some help and ask some of them to read them in class
    4Ask them some questions as an inclusion such as
    How many seasons are there in a year
    What are they
    What’s the weather like in…
    step3Listen and repeat
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 1repeat after the tape together
    2 Close their booksask them to spell the words quickly
    3 Listen to the tape in Part 2 repeat after the tape Then match the pictures check answers
    4 Have a quick test to say a sentences according to the pictures what they see
    step4Listen and point
    1Listen to the tape in Part 3 repeat
    2Read Part 3 with the help of their teacher freely
    3Read the dialogue in pairs
    4Encourage them to have an action in class
    Work in pairs to have a discussion What’s your favourite season Why Then have an action in class more encouragement should be given
    step6Listen and write
    Listen to the tape in Part 5 and write the answers on their own check answers one by one Then ask some of them to read their answers in class
    1 Show the key sentences and read them
    2 Find the use of in
    Step8Fill a table
    1 Go through the map in Part 6 Fill the table
    2 Check answers and read them together
    Step9Work in pairs
    1 Work in pairs to finish Part 6 freely
    2 Ask some of them work freely in class
    Step 10 Everyday English
    Read Everyday English as an inclusion
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step12 Homework
    1Show some season pictures and work in pairs to ask and answer Or they can have a guessing game
    2Read Unit 2 smoothly
    3Additional exercises
    Step 13 A song called The Four Seasons

    新外研英语七年级Starter部分Module4 Unit3教案
    Unit 1 What’s your favourite sport
    课型:Listening and speaking
    课时:45 minutes
    课前预测:They have learnt some everyday English In this Unit they continue to learn some more about it
    教学方法:Interactive approach
    板书设计:Key words and sentences about everyday English in PPT
    1 Master the key words and expressions in Unit 3
    2Learn to use the key sentences to ask and answer each other
    3Cultivate their ability of creation
    1Key words and expressions
    Sport swimming basketball football table tennis etc
    2Key sentences
    What’s your favourite sport
    Let’s play football after school
    3How to use what they have learnt to ask and answer each other
    4How to spell new words according to the phonetic symbols
    PPTpictures on the Internet videotape
    Step 1 Warming up
    Revise the four season by a quick answer one by one
    1 Show some pictures about sports to learn different activities and read them togetherespecially pay attention to their pronunciation
    2 Read all the new words together then freely
    3Questions what’s your favourite sport
    Ask them freely help them to answer Football is my favourite sport Or
    My favourite sport is football
    4Continue to say Football is my favourite sport too Let’s play football after school
    Help them to answer OK good idea
    1 Show some verbs ask them to adding Then check answers
    2 Have a small inclusion about the rules
    Step4Work in pairs
    Work in pairs to finish Part 6 Encouragement should be given
    Step5Listen repeat and number
    1Listen to the tape in Part 1 repeat
    2Listen to the tape in Part 2 number the pictures
    Step6Read and answer
    1What’s Daming’s favourite sport
    2Is football Tony’s favourite sport
    Yes it is
    3 What’s Betty and Lingling’s favourite sport
    Swimming are their favourite sport
    step7Listen and read
    1 Listen to the tape in Part 3 and read after the tape
    2 Read again with the help of their teacher
    3 Read freely then work in pairs
    step8Listen and number
    1 Go through Part 4 listen and write their answers by themselves
    2 Check the answers and read the sentences together
    Step 9Write
    1 Finish Part 5 check answers and read it
    2 Listen and write the answers in Part 7 check answers one by one ask them to read their answers together
    Do some exercises in class to consolidate what they have learnt in this lesson Encouragement should be given
    Step10Words and expressions in Module 4
    Listen to the tape of words and expressions in Module 3 read after the tape at the same time
    Step11 Homework
    1A composition My favourite season
    Summer is my favourite season
    In summer I can play basketball with my friends after school I like swimming
    in summer too Summer is a nice season
    2Read unit 3 smoothly
    Step 12 A song
    Learn to sing the song Sports after class
    Module 1 My classmates
    教学容:Unit 1 Nice to meet you
    二课型:Listening and speaking
    1 掌握作介绍时英美士中国答惯
    2 培养良际交流态度交流时尊重方惯令方感舒服
    1 掌握基词汇:Chinese from where year about Ms not hi our American he China What about America England
    2 动词be般现时陈述般疑问形式
    3 介绍表达方式
    1运 be般现时陈述般疑问形式


    Step One
    Warmingup (5’)

    Activity 1 Greet the students as usual
    T I’m very glad to be here and give you a lesson Just now you are puzzled about my name Now let me try to introduce myself
    My name is Ms Mo I’m a teacher I’m from China and I’m Chinese I’m 24 years old Nice to meet you
    Activity 2 New words study
    Show two pictures of flags and students Make a story about them
    T Just now I said I’m from China and I’m Chinese And you are also from China Today I’m going to introduce two of my friends Let’s look at their pictures and guess Where are they from

    1Greet the teacher

    2 Read these new words and practice this dialogue
    A Where are you from
    B I’m from England and I’m English I’m from America and I’m American



    Step Two
    Listening (5’)

    Activity 3 Listening and vocabulary
    T Now you’ve met Betty and Tony They are my friends and they are now your friends too Would you like to know more about them Let’s listen to the tape and listen what they are talking

     Activity 4 Listen and read
    T:From this dialogue above we can know that Betty and Tony are students You are students in my class And they are in Ms Li’s class Let’s listen to the tape and see what they are talking about While listening you should think about these two questions as follow

     1 Listen and check (√ ) the number of speaker
    a) 1 b) 2 c) 3
    2 Listen again and check (√ ) the words you hear
    class friend
    hello name
    teacher too

    2Students close the book listen to the tape and answer the questions
    1 Who are they
    2 Is Daming from China
    3Read this dialogue after the teacher



    Afterlistening practice (10’)

    Activity 5 Now check (√) the true sentences
    1 Ms Li is from Wuhan
    2 Lingling is twelve years old
    3 Daming is thirteen years old
    4 Tony is not in Class 4
    5 Betty is from America

    Activity 6 Choose the correct answers
    Show some special sentence in the dialogue on the screen (般疑问句)
    1—Is Daming from Beijing
    —Yes he isNo he isn’t
    2—Is Lingling from Beijing
    —Yes she isNo she isn’t
    3—Is Tony from America
    —Yes he isNo he isn’t
    4—Is Betty English
    —Yes she isNo she isn’t
    5—Are you from China
    —Yes I amNo I’m not

    Activity 7 Complete the passage
    Teacher read the new words first and students read after the teacher
    Betty Tony Daming and Lingling are (1) in Class 4 (2) 7 Betty is from (3)
    and Tony is from (4) Daming and Lingling are (5)

    1Students do this exercise by themselves first
    2Next check their answers with partners and find the original sentences in the dialogue
    3Try to correct the wrong ones
    4Then the teacher asks students to say out their answers

    1Students do this exercise by themselves
    2Check the answers with the whole class
    3Pair work
    Students ask and answer these dialogues with partners
    Teacher asks some pairs to make a presentation in front of the whole class

    1Students do this exercise by themselves first
    2Then the teacher ask some students to read their version
    3Show the answers on the screen and explain the key points
    4Read the short passage together




    Step Four
    Consolidation (9’)
    Activity 8 Language points
    1 I’m from Wuhan武汉

    里be from表示里
    外:be from come from

    eg They are from England
    They come from England
    注意:I’m from China and I’m Chinese

    2. I’m twelve years old 十二岁
    表述年龄表示 ……岁省略

    3. What about you呢?

    4.Welcome to…欢迎……
    eg Welcome to our school

    5. be verbs
    T Pay attention to the red words is am are these three are called be verbs Can you make a conclusion about their usage? When do we use is am are let the students think about this question for a while and answer together

    6. 列句:两更意思关系紧密句子合成句子形成列句分句and连接
    eg I’m your teacher and you are my students

    1Take notes write down the key points
    1 学生I’m a student
    2 12岁 He is twelve years old
    3 身体They are very well
    4 男孩You are a boy
    5 女孩She is a girl
    6 狗 It is a dog

    be 动词法歌
    amareIs 连着单数名词is复数名词全are
    变否定容易benot 加变疑问前提首句写关键末句问号莫忘记

    Use is or isn’t are or aren’t to fill in the blanks(is or isn’t are or aren’t 填空)
    1) Lingling Chinese
    2) She English
    3) Lingling and Daming teachers
    4) They students
    Find more sentences in the dialogue and read them(寻找列句)


    Step Five
    Speaking (10’)

    Activity9 Summary and pair work
    T Today we have learned how to ask personal information Do you still remember them Let’s try together
    The teacher asks some pairs to show in front of the whole class

    Activity 10 Self introduction
    T Boys and girls did you notice that if we put the answers to the questions together we can make a self introduction So now let’s try to do it You can follow these sentence structures
    Give students 3 minutes and ask 2 of them to make a show
    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson

    1) A What’s your name
    My name is …
    2) A Are you English Chinese American
    Yes I am No I’m not I’m… I’m from…
    3) A How old are you
    I’m…years old
    4) A What class are you in
    I’m in Class… Grade…
    5) A Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too
    Practice this dialogue with their partners
    Teacher asks some pairs to show in front of the class

    Hello class My name is … I’m from … and I’m …I’m a student I’m … years old I’m in Class… Grade… Nice to meet you Thank you
    Students practice by themselves
    Then two students make a self introduction in front of the class


    Step Six
    1 Listen to the tape and read after it three times
    2 Finish the exercises of Unit 1
    3 Preview the second unit
    Finish the homework

    Module 1 My classmates
    Unit 1 Nice to meet you
    1) A What’s your name
    My name is …
    2) A Are you English Chinese American
    Yes I am No I’m not I’m… I’m from…
    3) A How old are you I’m…years old
    4) A What class are you in I’m in Class… Grade…
    5) A Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet you too

    单项选择 (50分)
    ( ) 1 Zhang Ling and I are thirteen years old ______ are friends
    A They B You C We
    ( ) 2 Tom is from ______ and he is ______
    A English England B England English C English English
    ( ) 3 —Nice to meet you
    A Nice to meet you too B Good afternoon C Goodbye
    ( ) 4 —Where are you from
    A I’m in Class One B I’m Li Lei C I’m from Shenzhen
    ( ) 5 Beijing is a big ______
    A city B school C class

    二句子改错 (50分)
    1 Lingling is twelve and she is in class 2
    A B C
    2 Mr Smith is from America but he is a teacher
    A B C
    3 Miss Li Lingling and Daming is all Chinese
    A B C
    4 David is from England and she is in China
    A B C
    5 There are twenty nine students in our class
    A B C
    Book1 Module1My classmates
    教学容:Unit2 I m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old
    二 课型:Reading and writing
    三 教学目标:
    1够正确列单词词组:but everyone capital last name first namebigsmall
    四 教学重难点:
    2掌握中外姓名表达惯:first name last name
    五 教学准备:
    课堂整体运务型教学模式 创设真实语境通呈现伴互动组活动等师生生生交流充分体现学生学程中体位教师课堂引导者组织者合作者课指导学生通阅读获取信息培养学生阅读技教学程中采媒体手段辅助教学利种图片题务贯穿整教学程节课需准备:PPT课件课堂练表格奖品

    六 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    Play a piece of music and then show some pictures about the stars include some simple personal information
    Who is shehe
    Where is shehe from
    How old is shehe
    1 Answer the questions in the whole classlike this SheHe is…SheHe is from…SheHe is…years old…

    2Answer the questions in person

    Step Two

    Activity 2 New words study
    1Lead the students to learn the new words in groups

    2Show the sentences about the new words in this unit and some pictures

    3Choose the little teacher to teach the new words and the teacher correct the mistakes

    4Check the exercise in Activity 1
    1Learn the new words in groups

    2Fill in the blanks
    Check the answers with the whole class

    3Little teacher to teach the new wordsThe others to read after the little teacher

    4Competitive in the whole class

    Step Three
    reading (20’)

    1 Scanning
    (1)Ask students to scan
    the passage
    T How many students are there in this passage
    T Read quickly and tell me who they are

    2 Skimming
    Ask students to skim the passage and check (√) the true sentences and then correct the false sentences

    3Careful reading
    (1) Paragrap1
    ①Choose the best answers
    T Now please look at paragraphs 1 and choose the best answers of the two questions

    ②Let the students read Paragraph 1 in groups of six and find out difficulties

    ③Solve difficulties

    T Let’s continue learning Paragraph 2

    (2) Paragraph 2
    ①Present some sentences to the students and ask them to write T or F also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph 2

    ②Ask a student to be a little teacher to check the answers

    ③ Let one team students read Paragraph 2 and the other students listen carefully to point out important points

    ④Solve difficulties

    T The last paragraph is talking about Tony Smith Let’s read and know more about him

    (3)Paragraph 3
    ①Let the students fill in the blanks after reading Paragraph 3

    ②Let the students to check the answers in groups first and then competive

    ③Ask a group of six students to read paragraph 3 Let the other students listen carefully and find out difficulties
    ④Solve difficulties

    T Let’s read the passage together
    (4)Ask the students
    read the passage
    together make sure they
    understand the passage
    (1)Scan the passage and answer like this
    Ss Three
    Ss David Lingling Tony Smith
    Group competition

    (2)Read the passage and check (√) the true sentences and then correct the false sentences by themselves
    1 Henry is Daming’s English name
    2 Lingling’s English name is Linda
    3 Daming is twelve years old
    4 Wang Hui is from Beijing
    5 Tony is twelve years old
    6 Tony is from the capital of England

    (1) Read paragrap1
    ①Choose the best answers
    1Where is the capital of China
    B China
    2How old is Lucy
    A She is twelve years old
    B We don’t know
    C She is from Beijing

    ②Read Paragraph 1 in groups of six and find out difficulties

    ③Solve the difficulties together

    (2)Read the paragraph 2 also correct the wrong sentences
    ①write T or F after reading Paragraph 2
    1 Wang Lingling is twelve years old( )
    2 Wang Lingling and Wang Hui are in the same class( )
    3 Henry is from Shanghai and it’s a samll city ( )

    ②A student to be a little teacher to check the answers Others try their best to answer the questions

    ③One team students read Paragraph 2 and the other students point out difficulties points

    ④To say the difficulties
    and solve together

    (3)Read the Paragraph 3
    ① Fill in the blanks
    after reading paragraph 3
    My name is ______ _______
    I’m from__________It’s a _____city in England Tony is my ______name and Smith is my ________nameI’m thirteen______old It’s nice to_____ you all

    ②The students check the answers in groups first and then competive

    ③A group of six students to read paragraph 3 The other students listen carefully and find out difficulties

    ④Say the difficulties and solve them

    (4)The students read the
    passage together to make sure
    understand the passage


    通学生快速阅读培养学生获取旨力 进步学做铺垫


    Step Four
    ①Let the students fill
    in the blanks according
    to the picture

    ②Call back the answers
    from two students then
    read the short passage
    in the whole class

    ① Ask and answer about the people in the pictures

    ②Ask some students to come to the blackboard and introduce themselvesand their friends
    the others listen and retell
    1 Look at the picture
    and the table to fillin the blanks
    Li Daming’s ________ name is David He is _______ years old and he is fromBeijing Beijing is ______ _________ _____ ChinaWang Lingling is_______ years old Wang Hui is ______ friend He’s______ Shanghai Shanghai is a big _____ Tony Smith is from______ He is _______Tony is______ first name and Smith is his _____ name
    Pair work
    ①One ask and one answer Check in groups

    ②Ready in groups of sixListen carefully and retell



    Step Five

    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson

    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    What's your name
    Where are you from
    How old are you
    What's your favourite subject
    采访记录整理成篇My new classmates短文(适增加采访问题全文少60单词)

    Finish the homework

    七 板书设计:
    Module 1 Unit 2 I m Wang Lingling and I’m thirteen years old
    What’s your name My name is…
    Where are you from I’m from…
    Nice to meet you … Nice to meet you too

    My name is Jim Green I am twelve I am not from China and I am not Chinese I am English but I am a student in a Chinese middle school I am in Class 3 Grade 1
    Li Ping is my friend He is thirteen He is Chinese He is from Hunan He is not in Class Three He is in Class 1 We are good friends
    Read the passage again Find the important information and then fill in the table below

    Jim Green
    (1)__ ____
    (2)______ Grade 1
    Li Ping
    (5)______ Grade 1

    二Write sentences for you (50分)


    Book1 Module 1 My classmates
    八 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    九 课型:Revision and application
    十 教学目标:
    1 正确运模块词汇:Chinese from where year about American all capital England about What about first name last name等
    2 运动词be般现时陈述句般疑问句形式运代词I my you your he his she her
    3 be动词做简单介绍询问方信息
    4 掌握英美国家姓名表达方式中国掌握作介绍时英美士中国答惯
    十 教学重难点:
    十二 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:PPT图片等
    十三 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadingin

    1Show the pictures and ask the students to make dialogues to introduce three people to your class

    2Give instructions of word game
    1The students act out the dialogues in pairs introduce the three pepole to the class with the pictures

    2 Play a word game a little teacher others give the answers
    1Review and consolidate the usage of the present simple be and I he she my his her you your it our

    2Review and consolidate the new words
    2 Whiletask(17’)

    1 Ask the students to write the grammar they have leant in this module as many as they can
    The teacher give some examples

    2Let the students do Activity 2 and then check the answers

    Students finish it by themselves like this
    1 肯定句:语+ be(amisare) +
    2 否定句:语+be+not+
    3 般疑问句:Be+语+?
    4 特殊疑问句:疑问词+般疑问句?
    1 be + 形容词
    I am very happy 幸福
    He is very kind 非常
    2 be + 名词
    Mr Wang is our English teacher
    They are our good friends
    3 be + 介词短语
    She is at home 家里
    Are you from America 美国?
    The book is on the desk 书桌子
    4 be + 副词 Class is over 课

    2Do Activity 2 look at the pictures in Activity 1 and complete the sentences
    Then check the answers with the partners

    Review and consolidate the grammar in this modulel

    3 Let the students do Activity 3 and then check the answers

    4Let the students do Activity 4 and then check the answers

    3 Do Activity3 Complete the conversation Then ask two students to check the answersRead in whole class

    4 Do Activity3 Complete the table The students will have a match for it

    5Around the world
    Ask the students to learn the differnce expression of names
    And fill in the form

    The students will be given three minutes to fill in the form
    Three students will have a match for it on the blackboard

    To know the differnce expression of names

    Family nameLast name
    Given nameFirst name
    Yang Liwei

    Bill Gates

    Li Ming

    Tony Smith

    3 Posttask

    1 Organization

    2 Organization

    1Students work in groups of sixAsk and answer questionsUsing the questions in the text and writing down their best friends’ information
    2 Make a report about their best friends’ information Then share with the class
    1To practice the skill of speaking

    2 Enable students to talk about themselves and their friends

    3 Ask the students to write a short passage in the test

    4 Organization

    3Write a short passage in the test Using the information in the table to help you

    4 Some students share their passage with the class See who is the best

    To practice the skill of writing
    4 Summary

    Ask the students to conclude the usage of the present simple be and I he she my his her you your it our
    Students conclude the usage of the usage of the present simple be and I he she my his her you your it our

    Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module
    5 Homework(1’)

    板书设计 Module 1 Unit 3 Language in use
    What’s your name My name is…
    Where are you from I’m from…
    How old are you I’m …years old

    1 He is ____ Beijing and he is ___ my class
    2 I’m from _____ and I’m _______
    3 Lingling is not from _______ and she
    isn’t _______
    4 Tom is _____ (15岁)years old
    5 We ___ students We ____ _____ Beijing

    二假设Ann请根表格材料提示I’m Ann题学作介绍少50单词(50分)


    Book1 Module 2 My Family
    教学容:Unit 1 Is this your mum
    二 课型:Listening and speaking
    三 教学目标:
    1 To talk about your family members
    2 To listen and understand familiar topic
    3 To learn some key words and useful expressions

    四 教学重难点:
    1单词词组:brother cousin daughter family grandfather parent son sister uncle a photo of… in front of… on the left next to
    五 教学准备:
    六 预求:
    七 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    1 First :let the students see a video It is a song about familyAnd then answer
    1How many people are there in the video
    2Who are they
    Second Greeting Free talk to lead in our today’s module (Module2 My family Unit 1
    Is this your mum )

    1 Enjoy the video and try to answer the questions

    2 Talk with the teacher and partners

    Step Two

    Task1Check the new words
    1 Let the students see the screen
    A boy Tony and then study the new words(about his family)
    2Organize the students to read the new words together

    3Check the students’ new words learning according to the Activity 1

    1See the pictures and things to say out the new words

    2 Read the new words together

    3 Check the students’ new words learning according to the Activity 1
    Step Three
    Whiletask (20’)

    (1) Play the tape ask students to listen and check the people Tony mentions(Activity 2)

    (2)Guide the students to listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer (Activity3)

    Task 3 Reading
    (1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    (2)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    (3) Organize the students to underline the correct words

    (4)Organize the students to check their answers one by one
    (Activity 4)

    Task 4 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found

    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task5 Show some photos of my family(introduce the teacher’s family members )

    (1) Listen and check the people Tony mentions (Activity 2)
    (2)Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer Then check

    (1)Read the conversation with the video

    (2) Read the conversation in groups

    (3) Underline the correct words(Activity 4)

    (4) Check the answers one by one

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note

    (2)solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    Listen and appreciate (欣赏)some pictures about the teacher’s family members )





    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    (1) Show some photos of your family and talk about your family with your family

    (2) Have the Ss come to the blackboard and show out their photos of their family And then make dialogues with partners

    (1) Ask students to do some
    Exercises and then check

    (1) Make dialogues in pairs with the teacher’s help

    (2) Act out the new dialogues

    (3)Do the exercises then check



    Step Five

    1Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    想象家庭样少女少孙子孙女请画出family tree 学描述出

    Finish the homework

    Module2 My Family 组评价
    八 Unit1 Is this your mum
    T1 T2 T3
    Example There are three people in my family They are my father my mother and I My father is forty seven years old My mother is forty six years old Both of them are workers
    Let the students introduce their families
    A Is this your mumdad
    B Yes it is this is my
    A Are those your grandparents
    B Yes they areNo they aren’t
    A Who’s this
    B That’s my
    A What a happy family
    B Thank you


    祖父 外祖父 gr_nd_ather
    祖母 外祖母g_andm_ther
    父亲 fa__er
    母亲 moth__
    兄弟 b__ther
    姐 妹 s_s_er
    姨 伯母 au_t
    叔叔 伯伯 un__e

    1 It is a p____ of Tony’s family
    2 How m___ people are there in Lingling’s family
    3 Daming’s sister is on the l__
    4 Tony’s a___ is next to his u____
    1 妹妹医生站旁边
    ___ sister is a _____ She is standing ___ __ me
    2 奶奶美国名公汽车司机
    ___ grandma is ____ America She’s a bus _____
    3 新行车片
    Look _____ ___ _____ ______ of my new bike
    4 妈妈紧挨着爸爸
    His mother is ____ __ his father
    her we our my his she he
    My name’s Rebecca These are ___ friends There are from different countries Susan is American ___ father is a doctor Mike isn’t Chinese ___is English ___ mother is a teacher ___ is ___ English teacher ___ are her students
    Book 1 Module 2 My Family
    教学容:Unit2 These are my parents
    二 课型:Reading and writing
    三 教学目标:
    1To read the passage aloud and find specific information about people
    2To learn some key words and useful expressions
    3To write personal information using punctuation (capital letters and full stops) correctly
    四 教学重难点:
    五 教学准备:
    六 预求:
    七 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (5’)

    1Lead in
    Look and say
    Look at a picture and say
    Who’s this
    This is …
    What’s your father’s mother’ job
    HeShe is …

    2.Work in pairs
    Ask the students to make dialogues with partners
    according to activity 6
    1What’s your father’s name
    2 What’s your father’s job
    3 What’s your mother’s name
    4 What’s your mother’s job

    Look at a picture and answer the questions according to the picture

    Make dialogues with their partners according to the activity 6
    1 What’s your father’s name
    2 What’s your father’s job
    3 What’s your mother’s name
    4 What’s your mother’s job


    Step Two

    1Label the places in the pictures with the words and expressions from the box
    2Label the people in Activity 1 with the words and expression from the box(activity 2)

    1 Label the places in the pictures with the words and expressions from the box Then check
    2 Label the people in Activity 1 and then check
    Step Three
    reading (18’)

    1 Scanning
    (1)Ask students to scan
    the passage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1

    2 Skimming
    Ask students to skim the passage and complete the table in Activity 4

    3Careful reading
    (1)Paragraph 12
    ①Choose the best answers
    T Please read paragraph12 and choose the best answers in groups

    1Scan the passage and write the letters of the pictures in Activity 1

    2Skim the passage and complete the table in Activity 4

    ①Read paragraph1 and choose the best answers in groups


    通学生快速阅读培养学生获取旨力进步理解文章容 进步学做铺垫


    1) Betty is from ______
    A America B England C China
    2) Betty’s mother works at a _
    A hotel B school C theatre
    3) Daming’s father is ________
    A a nurse B a policeman C an actor
    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    (2)Paragraph 34
    ①Read paragraph 34 and check the true sentences

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    ①Students check the true sentences about paragraph 34
    also correct the wrong sentences

    1 Tony is from England
    2 Tony’s mother teaches Chinese at a school
    3 Lingling’s mother works at a but station

    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    Step Four
    1 Organize the Ss to introduce Betty Daming Tony and Lingling with the information in the table in Activity 4
    2 Activity 6 Have the Ss to work in pairs asking and answering the questions
    3 Writing(Activity 5)
    ①Look at the sentences and underline capital letters and full stops
    ②Ask some students to show out their answers
    ③explain the use of capital letters and full stops
    1 Introduce Betty Daming Tony and Lingling with the information in the table in Activity 4 one by one
    2 Asking and answering the questions in pairs in Activity 6 Then introduce their partner’s father and mother
    3 Show out their answers and take a note


    Step Five
    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2 Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write down your family (3050字)
    a bigsmall family there are people grandma grandpa mother father uncle aunt sister brother cousin job worker teacher

    Finish the homework and review the new words and expressions

    八 板书设计:
    Module2 My Family 组评价
    Unit 2 These are my parents T1 T2 T3
    Work in pairs
    This is …
    SheHe is from …
    My mother is…
    My father’s job is …
    SheHe works at …

    1 Dad’s mum is a nurse She’s at a _______
    2 My dad is a ______ He works at a school
    3 Daming’s uncle is a manager He works in a ____
    4 Linda is my mother’s sister she is my ____
    5 My father is a _________ His job is at a police station
    1 There ____ (be) 30 students in my class
    2 We see many ______ (doctor) in the hospital
    3 How many ______ (person) are there in your family
    4 He is Tom Give ____ (he) the English book
    5 This is ______ (Betty) family picture
    1 There are 5 people in my family(变般疑问句作肯定回答)
    __ ___ 5 people in your family
    Yes there is
    2 These are Betty’s grandparents(划线部分提问)
    ______ grandparents are these
    3 He is a doctor(a teacher改选择疑问句)
    __ he a doctor __ __ _______
    4 Thank you for your help(改义句)
    Thank you for _______ ___
    5 Is this your grandmother(作肯定回答)
    Yes _ __

    Book1 Module 2 My Family
    教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    二 课型:Revision and application
    三 教学目标:
    1 正确运模块词汇指示代词名词格
    2 正确运称代词格形式形容词性物代词
    3 够家谱形式画出家庭结构图学介绍家庭说基础够落实笔头够写短文介绍家庭
    四 教学重难点:
    五 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片等
    六 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadingin

    1 Ask the students to work in pairs ask and answer questions about the families make dialogues like these(Activity 1)
    Is this your family
    Yes it is
    Are these your grandparents
    Yes they are

    1The students act out the dialogues in pairs using the following sentences
    Is this your family
    Yes it is
    Are these your grandparents
    Yes they are …

    Review and consolidate the sentences which they have learn
    2 Whiletask(20’)

    1 Ask the students to do Activity 2
    Look at the pictures and talk about the families
    ① Lily’s family
    ② Jack’s family
    ③ Li Ming’s family
    Eg This is Lily’s family Her father is a doctor and her mother is a nurse Her grandfather…

    1 Look at the pictures and talk about the families

    ① Lily’s family
    ② Jack’s family
    ③ Li Ming’s family
    Review and consolidate the vocabulary and language just learned in the first two units
    Let the students do Activity 2 and then check the answers

    3Ask students to
    finish Activity 345

    4 Ask students to read Around the world and then answer the questions after reading

    2 Do Activity 2
    Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with this that these those Then check the answers with the partners

    3 Finish Activity 345 and then check it together

    Read Around the world and answer the questions after reading


    Enlarge the knowledge about the world
    3 Posttask

    1 Ask students to work in pairs
    (activity 6)
    Draw your family tree Work in pairs Talk about each other’s family
    2Ask the students to act out their conversations

    3Let students do some exercises and then check

    1Work in pairs
    Draw your family tree Work in pairs Talk about each other’s family (activity 6)

    2Act out your conversations

    3 Do some exercises and then check

    1To practice the skill of speaking

    2 Enable students to talk about their family

    Practice the language points
    4 Summary

    Ask the students to say out what to learn
    Students conclude the knowledge that they learn

    Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module
    5 Homework(1’)
    Write about your family
    My father is a(n)…at…
    Module 2 My Family

    Unit3 Language in use

    1 __ _____ any bread in the box
    2 She doesn’t ____ a nice kite
    3 Under the tree _____ ___ some women drinking tea
    4 ___ _____ any cakes in your bag
    5 ___ _____ your parents
    1 There are five people in my family (划线部分提问)
    2 This is my parent (改成复数形式句子)
    3 His brother works at a factory (变般疑问句)
    4 This is David’s sister (变否定句)
    5 This is a big family (变感叹句)
    1 贝蒂妈妈医院工作
    Betty’s mother _____ at a _______
    2 姐姐警察局工作
    His _____ works at a _____ ______
    3 祖父母没中国
    His grandparents aren’t in China ____ ___
    4 家口?
    ________________________ in your family
    5 妈妈姨姨?
    Is she ______________________
    6 爷爷奶奶?
    ____ these ____________

    Book 1 Module 3 My school
    十四 教学容:Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class
    十五 课型:Listening and speaking
    十六 教学目标:
    1正确运单元词汇短语:computer furniture map picture television wall thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety really many how many there a lot of any world
    3掌握there be句型肯定否定般疑问特殊疑问句式相应回答运句型介绍教室样子
    十七 教学重难点:
    掌握there be句型肯定否定般疑问特殊疑问句式相应回答运句式介绍教室样子
    六 预求:
    七 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1)Show some pictures and ask Ss like these
    What’s in the picture
    IsAre there …
    What’s in the classroom
    There isare …
    (2)Show more pictures and let Ss talk about them and learn some new words try to use the sentences with There isare…

    1 Answer the questions

    2 Talk with partners learn some new words and try to use the sentences with There isare

    学生free talk程中感受新语言项目通环节活跃课堂气氛调动学生学兴趣

    Step Two

    Task1 Check the new words
    1 Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words

    2 Organize the students to read the new words together

    3Ask the Ss to describe the pictures and try to use the words in the box(Activity 1)

    1 Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words

    2 Read the new words together

    3 To describe the pictures and try to use the words in the box(Activity 1)
    引导学生谈实物ppt图片检查学生词汇掌握程度训练学生表达力通图片情景学单词做词离句Check完词汇时做Activity 1进行巩固
    Step Three
    Whiletask (20’)

    (1)Ask the Ss to read the numbers in the box in Activity 2 and match the words with numbers in Activity 6
    (1) Play the tape ask the students to listen and choose the correct picture in Activity 1 (Activity 2)
    (2)Organize the students to check their answers

    (3)Guide the students to listen to the conversation and complete the table(Activity 3)
    T Here’s the dialogue about Linda’s and Daming’s classrooms Let’s listen and complete the table

    (4)Organize the students to check their answers

    Task 3 Reading
    (1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    (2)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    (3) Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    Task 4 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they have found

    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    (1)Read the numbers aloud and match the words with the numbers in Activity 6
    (1) Listen to the tape and choose the correct picture in Activity 1 (Activity 2)

    (2) Check the answers

    (3) Listen to the conversation and complete the table(Activity 3)

    (4)Check the answers

    (1)Read the conversation with the video

    (2) Read the conversation in groups

    (3) Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and make notes

    (2)Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help


    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    (1) Get the Ss to talk about Linda’s and Daming’s class with the information in the table in Activity 3 in groups then individual
    (2)Ask students to talk about their ideal classroom
    A How many … are there in your classroom
    B There are…
    A Is there a …
    B Yes there isNo there isn’t

    (3) Have the Ss act out their new dialogues
    (4) Organize the Ss to talk about their ideal classroom

    (5) Ask students to do some
    exercises and then check

    (1) Try to talk about Linda’s and Daming’s class with the information in the table in Activity 3 in groups then individual
    (2)Make dialogues in groups with the teacher’s help And write down the information in the table in Activity 7

    (3) Act out the new dialogues
    (4) Talk about their ideal classroom in groups then individual
    (5)Do the exercises then check



    Step Five

    1 Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2 Let the students choose the best team in this lesson
    1 Sum up the language points

    2 To choose the best team
    Step Six
    Write a passage about their ideal classroom

    Write a passage about their ideal classroom

    Module 3 My school 组评价
    八 Unit 1 There are thirty students in my class
    What’s in your classroom T1 T2 T3
    There is are ________
    How many students are there in your class
    There are sixty

    ( )1 There _______ 21 boys in our class
    A am B is C are
    ( )2 There aren’t _______ computers on our desks
    A some B any C much
    ( )3 Are there any books on your desk _________
    A Yes there is B Yes there are C Yes they are
    ( )4 There a pen and some rulers on the desk
    A is B are C have
    ( )5The teacher asks us to listen to him
    A in the class B in class C at class
    ______ ______ 46 students _______ ______ ________
    ______ _______ a computer on ______ _______ _________
    ______ _______ _______ are there in _______ _______
    Book 1 Module 3 My school
    十八 教学容:Unit2 The library is on the left of the playground
    十九 课型:Reading and writing
    二十 教学目标:
    1够正确列单词词组:building hall gate library office playground science lab behind in front of between middle near with for room
    二十 教学重难点:
    二十二 预求:
    二十三 教学准备:
    二十四 教学程:


    Step One
    Warmingup (5’)

    Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1) Ask the Ss like these
    What’s in the classroom
    There isare …
    Where is the…
    (2)Show a picture of a school and ask the Ss like these
    What’s in the picture?
    Where is the library
    (3)Help the Ss to answer The library is on the left of the playground Show more pictures of different positions
    (4) Let the Ss read Betty’s words silently to find where the Ss are sitting

    1 Answer the questions

    2 Read Betty’s words silently to find where the Ss are sitting and label the names

    先引导学生回顾节课容巩固there be结构语句通环节活跃课堂气氛说句子中考验学生方位介词知识掌握程度阅读作准备

    Step Two

    Check the new words
    1 Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words

    2 Organize the students to read the new words together

    3Ask the Ss to label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box(Activity 1)

    1 Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words

    2 Read the new words together

    3 To label the pictures with the words and expressions from the box(Activity 1)
    引导学生谈实物ppt图片检查学生词汇掌握程度训练学生表达力通图片情景学单词做词离句Check完词汇时做Activity 1进行巩固阅读作铺垫
    Step Three
    Whilereading (20’)

    1 Reading
    (1) Scanning
    Ask the Ss to read the passage and label the map of the school then check the answers

    (2) Skimming
    Ask students to read the passage again and check the true sentences

    (3) Careful reading
    Ask the Ss to read the passage again and answer the questions in Activity 4 then check the answers in groups Organize the Ss to check the answers in the whole class

    2 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they have found

    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    (1)Read the passage and label the map of the school
    (2) Check the answers

    (1) Read the passage again and check the true sentences
    1 There are six buildings in our school( )
    2 In the middle of the school is a library( )
    3 On the right of classroom is the dining hall( )

    (1) Answer the questions

    (2) Check the answers in groups

    (3) Check the answers in the whole class

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and make notes

    (2)Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help


    通学生快速阅读培养学生获取旨力进步理解文章容 进步学做铺垫


    Step Four
    ①Let the Ss fill in the blanks according to the picture
    ②Call back the answers from two students then the whole class read the short passage

    ①Write sentences about their school
    ②Ask some students to say out their sentences
    ①Look at the picture and fill in the blanks
    This is a ___ of our school There are __ buildings in our school __________the school is a big playground The _____ is on the left of the playground ____ the library are the school offices The ________ is between this building and the dining hall ______ it is the sports hall and the building in front of that is for _____
    ②Two students say out the answers the whole class read the short passage together

    ① Write sentences about their school

    ②Some students say out their sentences



    Step Five

    1 Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2 Let the students choose the best team in this lesson
    1 Sum up the language points

    2 To choose the best team
    Step Six
    (1) Write a passage about their school
    (2) Finish the exercises in the workbook of Unit 2

    Finish the homework

    Module 3 My school 组评价
    Unit 2 The library is on the left of the playground T1 T2 T3
    Where is the…
    on the left on the right
    behind in front of
    between …and …
    in the middle of

    1 贝蒂玲玲旁边
    Betty _____ ______ ______ Lingling
    They _____ _____ _____ ______ Daming and Lily
    3 汤姆凯特吉姆面
    Tom _____ ______ Kate and Jim
    4 —学校办公室?
    —______ _______ ________ school offices
    —Yes there ________ _______ offices
    Book 1 Module3 My school
    七 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    八 课型:Revision and application
    九 教学目标:
    1 掌握正确运模块词汇
    2 掌握there be句型肯定否定般疑问特殊疑问句式相应回答
    3 正确表示方位介词描述物体位置关系
    4 提高学英语兴趣树立信心培养积极动参种语言实践活动学态度
    十 教学重难点:
    运there be句型表方位介词描述介绍学校情况
    十 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片等
    十二 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadingin

    1 Ask the Ss
    What’s the topic of this module
    What’s in the school
    Show and get the Ss to complete the word map in Activity 3
    2 Get the Ss to talk about their school And write some key structures sentences on the blackboard
    1 Answer the teacher’s questions and complete the word map

    2 Talk about their school with the words on the word map
    eg Is there a library in your school
    Where is it
    How many books are there in it
    Review and consolidate the sentences which they have learned
    2 Whiletask
    2 Let the students do Activity 2 and then check the answers

    3Ask students to read Around the world and then answer the questions after reading

    2 Do Activity 2 and check the answers

    3Read Around the world and answer the questions after reading

    Consolidate the prepositions of place

    Enlarge the knowledge about the world
    3 Posttask

    2 Ask students to work in groups
    Draw a map of your school

    2Ask the students to introduce their school

    3Let students do some exercises and then check

    1Work in groups
    Draw a map of their school

    2Introduce their school

    3 Do some exercises and then check

    1To practice the skill of speaking

    2 Enable students to talk about their ideal school

    3Practice the language points
    4 Summary

    Ask the students to say out what they have learned
    Students conclude the knowledge that they have learned

    Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module
    5 Homework(1’)
    Draw a map of your ideal school and write a passage about your ideal school
    Unit 3 Language in use
    Is there a library in our school Yes there is
    The library is behind the on the left of the playground
    How many books are there in the library
    There are …

    I 句型转换
    1 There are some offices in front of our classroom(改般疑问句)
    ____ ____ _____office in front of your classroom
    2 There are some computers on our desks(改否定句)
    _____ ______ _____ computers on our desks
    3 Is there a computer on your desk (作否定回答)
    ______ ______ ______
    II Complete the passage
    There _______ 44 students in Jeff’s class There are 21 ______ and 23 girls There _____ a blackboard on the front wall There ______ two maps on the wall but there _____ any pictures in the classroom There ______ 38 students in Dick’s class 20 boys and _____ girls There _____ a computer on the teacher’s desk There are four pictures in the classroom but there ______ a map
    Book 1 Module 4 Healthy food
    二十五 教学容:Unit 1 We’ve got lots of apples
    二十六 课型:Listening and speaking
    二十七 教学目标:
    1正确运单元词汇短语 food drink candy fruit meat vegetable apple bean beef carrot chicken chocolate coffee juice milk potato tea tomato water kind some bad go shopping havehas got lots of too much
    3掌握have got肯定句否定句疑问句回答
    掌握have got肯定句否定句疑问句回答 运have got

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1)Show some pictures and ask Ss like these
    Are you hungry
    What’s you favorite food
    (2)Show more pictures and let Ss talk about them

    2 Answer the questions

    (2)Talk with partners about food

    学生free talk程中感受新语言项目通环节活跃课堂气氛调动学生学兴趣

    Step Two

    Task1 Check the new words
    1 Word game Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words quickly
    2 Guessing game
    Let the Ss play a guessing game

    3Ask the Ss to look at the pictures and talk about them(Activity 1)
    4 Ask the Ss to label the food in the pictures with the words from the boxes (Activities 23)

    1 Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words quickly

    2 Play a guessing game Guess out What’s in the bag Use the sentence Have you got any …

    3Look at the pictures and talk about them(Activity 1)
    4 Label the food in the pictures with the words from the boxes (Activities 23)
    Step Three
    Whiletask (20’)

    Play the tape ask students to listen and check (∨) the food and drink Betty and her mother have got (Activity 4)

    Task 3 Listening and Reading
    (1)Tell students they are going to listen to Tony and his father talking about going shopping and complete the table (Activity 5)
    (2)Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    (3)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    (4) Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group
    Task 4 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found

    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task5 Retell the dialogue
    (1)Ask students to retell the conversation with the information in the table in Activity 5 in groups
    (2)Ask two of the students to retell the dialogue

    Listen to the tape and choose check (∨) the food and drink Betty and her mother have got (Activity 4)

    (1) Listen to Tony and his father talking about going shopping complete the table and (Activity 5)

    (2)Read the conversation with the video

    (3) Read the conversation in groups

    (4) Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note

    (2)Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    (1)Try to retell the conversation with the information in the table in Activity 5 in groups

    (2)Two students retell the dialogue the others listen




    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    (1)Ask students to talk about What they have got at home and make a list

    (1) Talk about What they have got at home and make a list


    A Have you got any apples
    B Yes I have I have got some apples No I haven’t

    Have got
    Haven’t got




    (2) Have the Ss to talk about what the friends’ home have got

    (3)Ask students to do some
    Exercises and then check

    (2) Talk about what the friends’ home have got

    (3)Do the exercises then check

    Step Five

    1 Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2 Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1 Sum up the language points

    2 To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    (3) Make dialogues with partners to talk about the food
    (4) Finish the exercises in the workbook of Unit 1
    Finish the homework

    Module4 Healthy food 组评价
    二十八 Unit1 Unit 1 we’ve got lots of apples

    We’ve got some … T1 T2 T3
    Have we got any…
    Yes we haveNo we haven’t

    ( )1There isn’t _______meat in that box
    A any B some C a
    ( )2Mary has got some
    A apple B milk C tomato
    ( )3 I don’t like vegetables I like fruit
    A and B so C but
    ( )4 There is a glass of on the table
    A cakes B apples C water
    ( )5 John like apples of all the
    A vegetables B fruits C drinks
    It was late ______ I went home
    There isn’t any ______ in the fridge We need to ____ _____
    _______ _______another cake
    We both have______ _______ ________to do
    _______ you ______ ______ _______with me

    Book 1 Module 4 Healthy food
    二十九 教学容:Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy
    三十 课型:Reading and writing
    三十 教学目标:
    1够正确列单词词组: healthy bread fish ice cream noodle rice eat child children be good for be bad for egg eye cheese soup well fat or breakfast every lunch home dinner banana
    三十二 教学重难点:
    1够读懂关健康食品短文阅读中找出healthy food and drinkunhealthy food and drink 完成务(重点)
    三十三 教学准备:
    三十四 教学程:
    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    1Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1)Show some pictures and ask Ss like these What’re these
    Ss They’re…
    2.Taste and say
    Ask 3 students to come to blackboard and taste wine cola and orange juice Ask them to say which food and drink are healthy

    1Say the sentences
    like this They’re…

    2Taste and say
    Sentence like this The orange juice is healthy drink for children The wine is unhealthy drink for children
    The cola is unhealthy drink



    Step Two

    1 Show the pictures in Activity 2 get the Ss to learn the new words
    2 Organize the Ss to work in groups making the three lists from the food and drink of the pictures
    Delicious food and drink
    Favourite food and drink
    Healthy food and drink

    1 Learn the new words with the pictures
    2 Work in groups making the three lists from the food and drink of the pictures
    Delicious food and drink
    Favourite food and drink
    Healthy food and drink
    Then show their answers
    Step Three
    reading (24’)

    Step Three
    reading (24’)

    1 Scanning(Activity3)
    (1)Ask students to scan the passage
    T Please scan the passage and choose which food and drink are healthy for children
    2 Skimming
    Ask students to skim the passage
    T How many paragraphs are there in the passage
    Ss Three
    T Read quickly again and match the main ideas with each paragraph

    3 Careful reading
    ①Ask the students to carefully read Paragraph 1&2 then complete the table
    ②Let the students read Paragraph 3 in groups of six and find out difficulties

    ③Solve difficulties

    T Let’s listen and read the passage together
    ④Ask the students listen and read the passage together make sure they understand the passage

    (1)Scan the passage and choose healthy food and drink for children (Activity3)

    Skim the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph
    Paragraph 1 Unhealthy food and drink for children

    Paragraph 2 Healthy food and drink for children
    Paragraph3 A healthy diet

    ①Read the passage of Paragraph 1&2 then complete the table

    ②Read Paragraph 3 in groups of six and find out difficulties

    ③Solve the difficulties together

    ④The students listen and read the passage together make sure understand it

    求学生快速阅读短文选出healthy food and drink for children够巩固刚学食物句型



    Step Four
    1 Retell (Activity4)
    ①Let the students fill
    in the blanks according
    to the table
    ②Call back the answers
    from two students then
    read the short passage in the whole class

    Choose food from Unit 1 and 2 for your meals (breakfast lunch dinner)Now work in pairs Talk about your answers like this
    ①What’s your favourite food and drink
    ②Is it healthy food and drink Then ask some students to come to the blackboard and act

    ①Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box

    Work in pairs Talk about their answers like this
    ①What’s your favourite food and drink
    ②Is it healthy food and drink Then some students to come to the blackboard and act


    Step Five
    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2 Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1 Sum up the language points

    2 To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write a passage to describe their a healthy diet

    Finish the homework

    Unit2 Is your food and drink healthy 组评价
    T1 T2 T3
    It’s good for…
    It’s bad for…
    It’s important to…

    ( )1Meat and fish _______healthy food
    A am B are C is
    ( )2The students are in good They like eating ______ food
    A healthy health B healthy health C health healthy
    ( )3 is on the table
    A Many apples B Much carrots C Much tea
    ( )4 My food is meat I often eat it
    A boring B favourite C awful
    ( )5 Tony is a clever boy he doesn’t study hard
    A So B but C or
    The little girl’s ______ _____ is _______
    ——_______Tom’s _________food
    ——They’re ______ and _____
    Beef and potatoes_______ ________ food
    Juice water and milk ______ healthy drinks _______ cola________ a healthy drink
    —— _____ we _____ ______vegetables
    —— Yes we ______ ______ we _____ _____ _____ milk
    Book 1 Module 4 Healthy food
    三十五 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    三十六 课型:Revision and application
    三十七 教学目标:
    1 正确运模块词汇:healthy bread fish ice cream noodle rice eat child children be good for be bad for egg eye cheese soup well fat or breakfast every lunch home dinner banana等
    2熟练运havehas got句型
    3句子中正确some any
    三十八 教学重难点:
    三十九 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片调查表等
    四十 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadingin

    1 Play a word game Four Ss from each group come to the blackboard and write down the words of 4 kinds
    Food drink vegetable fruit
    See which one write the most words
    2 Get the Ss to talk about what they have got in groups And write some key structures on the blackboard
    1 Play a word game Four Ss from each group come to the blackboard and write down the words of 4 kinds as many as possible
    Food drink vegetable fruit

    2 Talk about what they have got in groups
    eg A Have you got any fish
    B No I haven’t I haven’t got any fish
    C Has B got any fish
    D No he hasn’t He hasn’t got any fish
    Review and consolidate the food and drink
    2 Whiletask

    1 Let the students do Activity 1 and then check the answers
    1 Do Activity 1 Work in pairs Look at the picture and talk about the food in the fridge
    2 Write about the food in the fridge Then check the answers with the partners
    Review and consolidate the vocabulary just learned in the first second units
    2 Let the students finish (Activity4)
    Students finish (Activity4)2
    3 Posttask

    1 Organization

    1 Have a party about their weekend Then share with the class
    1 Talk about healthy food and drink for children using the vocabulary just learned in the first second units
    2 Ask the students to make a poster about a healthy breakfast
    2 Make a poster about a healthy breakfast in groups
    To practice the skill of writing
    4 Summary

    Ask the students to conclude the usage of singular and plural nouns correctly

    Students conclude the usage of singular and plural nouns correctly

    Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module
    5 Homework(1’)
    Write a passage to introduce your eating habits
    Module 4 Healthy food
    Unit 3 Language in use
    I haven’t got any fish potatoes
    I have got some meat oranges
    HeShe has some…
    He She hasn’t any
    ( )1There are many _______in the school
    A boy B girl C students
    ( )2I have here
    A two cups of tea B two cup of tea C two cups of teas
    ( )3Fish and milk my favourite food
    A be B are C is
    ( )4 healthy we should eat less junk food
    A To be B Are C Be
    ( )5 These want to have some ______ for lunch
    A Americans fish B American fish C Americans fishs
    1 There is a pen and two pencils in my pencilcase (划线部分提问)
    __________ ________ your pencilcase
    2 We have got some fruit (改般疑问句)
    _______ you ______ _______ fruit
    3They have got some eggs (改否定句)
    They ______ ______ _______ eggs
    4Have you got any oranges(做肯定回答)
    _____ ______ ______
    5 Betty’s mum hasn’t got any potatoes She’s got some meat (but连接两句子)
    Book 1 Module 5 My School Day
    教学容: Unit1 I love history
    二 课型:Listening and speaking
    三 教学目标:
    1掌握节课单词:half past o’clock art geography history maths PE IT lesson like difficult love subject because interesting love
    3理解关a school day话
    四 教学重难点:介绍学校开设科目课时间
    五 教学准备:
    六 预求:
    七 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1)Review numbers

    (2)Show a big clock to the students Ask What’s the time and get the Ss to learn how to say out the time
    (1)Play a game Say out the following numbers quickly onetenfourteenfifteentwentytwenty—two thirty forty fifty

    (2)Look at the clock
    They may say
    It’s one o’clock
    It’s half past one
    It’s ten past two
    It’s ten to three

    复学学时间表达法引导学生学past to表达时间

    Step Two

    Task1Check the new words
    1 Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words

    2Organize the students to learn the key structures by asking What are our lessons today

    1Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words history maths etc

    2 Talk about the lessons
    We have Chinese English maths…
    We have Chinese at eight o’clock
    We have English at…
    Step Three
    Whiletask (20’)

    Task2 Do activity 2
    1 Give students some minutes to do activity 2 by themselves

    2 Add biology politics

    (1) Play the tape ask students to listen and answer the two questions
    1 What lessons do they have on Monday
    2 What subject is Betty good at

    (2)Organize the students to check their answers

    Task 3 Reading
    (1) Organization

    (2)Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    (3)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    (4) Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    Task 4 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found

    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task5 Retell the dialogue
    (1)Ask students to complete the passage
    (Activity 5)

    (2)Ask two of the students to retell the dialogue

    1 First learn by themselves then check the answer in the group
    2 Think all the subjects in school that they study

    (1) Listen to the tape and answer the two questions
    1 What lessons do they have on Monday

    2 What subject is Betty good at

    (2)Check the answers

    (1) Ss read the conversation in activity 3 and check the true sentences
    (2)Student read the passage with the video Then work in groups to practice

    Try to read the best in groups

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note

    (2)solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    (1)Students complete the passage

    (2)Several students retell the dialogue the others listen






    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    Group work
    Make a conversation
    Talk about your lessons
    1 What are your lessons today What lessons do we have today
    2 Do you like maths
    3 When is your maths lesson
    4 I have art at eight o’clock

    (2) Have the Ss to introduce their lesson a day

    (3) Give some exercise on the screen

    (1) Make dialogues in groups with the teacher’s help

    (2) Introduce their lesson a day in groups

    (3) Do the exercise and check the answers Other students correct the mistakes



    Step Five

    1Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points
    (1) time expressions
    (2) at on in
    (3) the simple present tense

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Talk about your favourite school day

    Talk about their favourite school day


    Module 5 My School Day 组评价
    Unit1 I love history
    1 — What’s the time What time is it T1 T2 T3
    — It’s … o’clock It’s half past …
    2 — What day is it today
    — It is …
    3 — When is your … lesson
    — I have … at …
    4 — Do you like…
    — Yes I like … No I don’t like

    1 700 ______________________ 2 930 _______________________
    3 620 _______________________ 4 1110 ______________________
    5 555 _______________________ 6 345 _______________________
    二 根汉语提示完成句子
    1 天午玲玲明节数学课
    Lingling and Daming ____ __ ______ ______ this morning
    2 历史课什时候?
    _____ __ your history ______
    3 午没英语
    We _____ ____ English in the morning
    4 — 天星期? — 星期五
    — _____ ____ is it today — It’s ______
    5 八点钟语文
    We have ________ at ______ _______
    6 喜欢化学 喜欢数学
    They ____ _________ but they _____ ____ _______
    Module 5 My school day
    四十 教学容:Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock
    四十二 课型:Reading and writing
    四十三 教学目标:
    1 掌握列单词短语: go to school weekday get up have breakfastlunchdinner start house work break go home evening watch do homework go to bed sleep
    2 掌握灵活运列句子:
    (1) I go to school on weekdays but not on Saturday and Sunday
    (2)I get up at half past seven in the morning and then have breakfast
    4and but联进两简单句
    四十四 教学重难点:
    四十五 教学准备:
    四十六 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)
    Lead in
    1 Daily work
    Morning Report
    2 Free talk
    Ask What day is it today
    What are your lessons today
    What’s your favourite lesson
    What time do you have Chinese Etc

    1 One student give a Morning Report
    2 Free talk
    Talk about with the teacher



    Step Two

    Task Learn the new words
    Show some pictures on the computer and get the Ss to talk about them to learn the new words
    T What time do you get up
    T What do you do then

    Look at the pictures on the computer and talk about them to learn the new words

    S I get up at half past six
    S I wash my face and have breakfast Etc
    Step Three
    reading (24’)

    Step Three
    reading (24’)

    1 Ask students to read the passage quickly and put the pictures in order
    2 Scanning
    Ask students to match the times with the pictures in Activity 1
    3 Skimming
    Ask students to skim the passage and answer
    How many lessons do they have every day

    5 Careful reading
    Task 1 Ask them to read the passage and finish Activity 3 Underline the correct expressions
    Then check the answers by asking individual student

    Task 2 Ask them to read carefully complete the table in groups

    Task 3 Reading
    (1) Organize the students to read the passage

    (2)Ask the Ss to read in groups

    (3) Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    Task 4 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the front and show out some difficult language points that they found

    (2)Help the students to solve the other difficult points which they didn’t mention
    To teach to join the sentences with and then
    Grammar Explain the simple past tense
    1 Read the passage quickly and put the pictures in order

    2 Scanning
    Match the times with the pictures in Activity 1

    3 Skimming
    Read the passage and answer
    How many lessons do they have every day

    Read the passage and finish Activity 3
    1 )I get up start work at half past seven
    2 )We have a break have lunch at half past twelve
    3 )I go home watch TV in the evening
    4 )I do my homework see my friends in the evening
    5 )I go home go to sleep at ten o’clock

    Read carefully complete the table in groups

    What time
    What to do

    in the morning

    go to school

    start work

    in the afternoon and evening


    go home

    go to bed
    1 Watch the video and read with it then read the passage together
    2 Work in groups to practice

    3 Try to read the best

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note The phrases they may tell
    have lunchhave ricedrink water go homewatch TVhave dinnerdo my homework
    go to bedin the morning
    in the afternoonin the evening

    (2)Listen carefully to the teacher Take notes








    Step Four
    ①Let the students fill
    in the blanks according
    to the picture and the
    ②Call back the answers
    from some students then
    read the short passage
    in the whole class

    Organize the students to share their school day in a group of four

    2 Look at the picture
    and the table to fill
    in the blanks
    I’m Alex Greenall I ____ ___ at half past seven ___ the morning I go to school at _____ ____ _____ and lessons _____ at nine o’clock We have _____ lessons in the morning I ____ __ _____ at eleven o’clock I don’t like ________ We have lunch at ____ _____ ______ Lessons start in the afternoon at _____ ___ _____ We have ____ lessons in the afternoon We ____ _____ at half past three I go to bed at _____ o’clock

    Share your day in group of four



    Step Five
    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write a passage to describe their best friendThey may begin like this
    Hi I’m _____ I study in…

    Finish the homework

    Module 5 My School Day 组评价
    Unit 2 We start work at nine o’clock T1 T2 T3
    1 I get up at half past seven in the morning
    and have breakfast
    2 in the morning
    in the afternoon
    in the evening
    3 I get up at seven o’clock and then go to
    school at eight o’clock

    1 She ____ (go) to bed at nine o’clock
    2 You ________ (not go) home
    3 She _______ (watch) TV in the evening
    4 He gets up and ___ (have) breakfast
    5 _______ (lesson) start at half past one in the afternoon
    6 We do our __________ (homework) in the evening
    1 起床
    2 课间休息
    3 学
    4 吃早饭
    5 喝水
    6 at half past ten
    7 go to bed
    8 go to the playground
    9 have dinner
    三 句型转换
    1 I go to school at 830 (划线部分提问)
    _____ __ you __ to school
    2 She gets up at half past six (改否定句)
    She ______ ___ up at half past six
    3 In the morning we have a break We play football (and两句子连起)
    In the morning we have a break ___ ____ _______
    4 We start lessons at nine o’clock (改般疑问句)
    ___ you ____ ______ at nine o’clock
    5 They do the housework in the evening (改否定句)
    They _____ __ the housework in the evening

    Module 5 My school day
    四十七 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    四十八 课型:Revision and application
    四十九 教学目标:
    2运实义动词(语I they you we)般现时肯定句否定句般疑问句特殊疑问句

    五十 教学重难点:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片调查表等
    六 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadin

    1Play a game Simon Says T Simon says get up then do the action
    2 Duty report
    1Play a game Simon Says
    2 Listen to a morning report One student come to the front to give a lecture

    2 Whiletask(17’)

    1 Give three verbs on the blackboard (have do go) get the Ss to write as many phrases as they can
    2 Get the Ss to make sentences with the (have do go) phrases and write some important sentences on the blackboard
    3 Organize the Ss to do Activity 4and 5 Then Activity 3
    5 Around the world
    Say In China we start class usually at 800 in the morning and we finish class usually at 600 in the evening What about the children in UK Read and find the answer quickly
    Organize them to read the short passage together once
    6English Grammar for this module Ask some students to summary the key sentences
    Teach the Simple Present Tense by using ppt

    1 Write as many phrases as they can using have do go
    eg have lessons have a break have breakfast etc
    2 Make sentences with the (have do go) phrases
    eg We have lessons on Monday
    I have breakfast at half past six

    3 Finish the exercises in Activity 4 5 3

    5 Read and find the answer
    What time do the children in UK begin classes and finish school
    Answer in pairs
    Read the short passage together once

    6 Summary the language points which they learnt in Module 5
    I talk to my friends
    You have dinner in the evening
    We have art and history
    They don’t start at eight o’clock
    Learn the Simple Present Tense and take notes
    词短语句子引导学生复 知识

    汇总介词at in on 法重点掌握
    at 时刻前
    in 表示午午晚on 表示某天某天午午晚


    3 Posttask

    Work in pairs Ask them to imagine their ideal school day (Activity7)
    Talk about their ideal school day in a group of three Choose their favorite one to share with the whole class


    4 Summary

    Ask the students to conclude the structure of
    the Simple Present Tense

    Students conclude the structure of the simple the Simple Present Tense

    5 Homework(1’)
    1 Write a passage called My ideal school day

    Module 5 My school day
    Unit 3 Language in use
    I go to the park on Sunday
    I don’ t go to school


    选择正确介词 (at in on) 完成面句子
    1 We have history __ the afternoon
    2 I go to school __ half past seven
    3 Do you have a piano lesson __ Saturday
    4 They do their homework __ ten o’clock
    5 What time do you go to school __ the morning
    6 The children have computer lessons __ four o’clock __ Fridays
    二 单项选择题
    1 Jenny ____ in an office Her parents ____in a hospital
    A work works B works work C work are working D is working work
    2 One of the boys_____ a black hat
    A have B there is C there are D has
    3 We will go shopping if it____ tomorrow
    A don't rain Bdidn't rain Cdoesn't rain Disn't rain
    4 He said the sun ____in the east and ____in the west
    A rose set B rises sets C rises set D rise sets
    5 Wang Mei ____ music and often ____ to music
    A like listen B likes listens C like are listening D liking
    6 Jenny____ English every evening
    A has study B studies C study D studied
    Book1 Module 6 A trip to the zoo
    教学容:Unit 1 Does it eat meat
    二课型:Listening and speaking
    (1)To help students master the words : elephant giraffe kangaroo lion monkey panda polar bear tiger wolf zebra bamboothere such as leafleaves dangerous
    (2)To help students master the sentences:
    ①Does it eat meat
    Yes it does
    No it doesn’t
    (1) To understand and get more detailed information about animals from 
    listening and reading 
    (2) To ask and answer questions about the habitat and the food of different animals 
    (3) To talk about their favourite animal
    Students can love and protect animals from learning 
    Talk about one’s favourite animal
    (2) 恰道英语问答关动物问题介绍喜爱动物


    Step One
    Warmingup (6’)

    Activity 1 Greet the students as usual
    T T HelloclassNice to meet you 
    Ss Nice to meet you too 
    T What’s the weather like today
     Ss It’s…
    T The weather will be … this weekend (too) 
    I’m going to the park 
    Where are you going  
    Ss …
    T Tony and Lingling are having a trip to 
    the zoo Ok Today we are going to learn Module 6 A trip to the zoo This is Beijing Zoo(show a short film about Beijing Zoo)
    T What can you see from the film

    Activity 2 New words study
    T Now let’s see What kinds of animals in Beijing Zoo
    Guessing game 
    T The animal likes to eat bananas What is it
    T The animal has a long nose and two big ears 
      T It’s the king of forest 
    2 Show pictures to learn new words 
    (1) panda  (2) giraffe   (3) kangaroo Australia  (4) polar bear  Arctic (5)zebra  (6)wolf  Europe (7) camel 
    3 Repeat after the little teacher 
    4 Read by Ss together 
    5 Read the new words together

    (1) Greet the teacher
    (2) Talk
    something about the short film

    (1) Guess the animals

    (2)Read after the little teacher

    (3)Read the new words together

    (4)Check the exercise in groups



    Step Two
    Listeningand reading (8’)

    Activity 3 Listening
    (1)T Now Tony and Lingling are in Beijing ZooWould you like to know more about them Let’s listen to the tape and listen what they are talking

    (2)Organize the students to check their answers

     Activity 4 Reading
    (1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    (2)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    (3) Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    (1) Students close the book listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks

    (2)Check the answers in groups

    (1)Read the conversation with the video

    (2) Read the conversation in groups

    (3) Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group



    Afterlistening practice (10’)

    Activity 5 Solve the language points

    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found
    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Activity6 Retell the dialogue
    (1)Ask students to complete the passage
    (Activity 5)

    (2)Ask two of the students to retell the dialogue
    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note
    (2)solve the
    difficult points with the teacher’s help

    (1)Students complete the passage

    (2)Two students retell the dialogue the others listen


    Speaking (15’)

    Activity7 Summary and pair work
    T Today we have learned something about animals NowLet’s work in pairs Ask and answer
    The teacher asks some pairs to show in front of the whole class

    Activity 8 Role plays
     Free talk Work in pairs and make up a similar dialogue Let’s go to the zoo
    1) A what’s your favourite animal
    B My favourite animal is…
    2) A Does it eat plants
    BYes it does No it doesn’t
    3) A Does it come from China
    B Yes it doesNo it doesn’t
    4) A Is it the panda
    Practice this dialogue with their partners
    Teacher asks some pairs to show in front of the class

    (1)Work in groups of six students and make role plays Imaging they are in the zoo
    (2)Then some groups show in front of the class


    Step Six
    Activity 9Homework
    1 Listen to the tape and read after it three times
    2 Finish the exercises of Unit 1
    3 Preview the second unit

    the homework

    Module6 A trip to the zoo
    Unit 1 Does it eat meat
    1) Does it eat meat
    Yes it does No it doesn’t
    2) Shall we…
    Yes let’s… No …
    3) There be…
    Be there…
    Yes there isare No there isn’taren’t

    单项选择 (50分)
    ( ) 1 Welcome ______Beijing
    A at B in C to D on
    ( ) 2 The ______ don’t like eating meat
    A wolf B panda C monkeys D wolves
    ( ) 3 —The polar bear_________tne Aratic
    A comes from B come from C are from D from
    ( ) 4 —________the tiger_______grass
    A Does eats B Does eats C Does eat D Do eat
    ( ) 5 Where are the children
    Look _________
    A there are they B there they are C here are they D are they here

    二根汉语完成句子 (50分)
    1 欢迎北京动物园里
    ________ __ Beijing Zoo
    2 天接万六千
    ______ ________ _____ visit it every day
    3 袋鼠澳利亚
    The kangaroo _______ ____ Australia
    _____ ___ and ___ a tiger
    5 熊猫喜欢动物
    The panda is ___ ________ ______

    Module6 A trip to the zoo
    九 教学容:Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia
    十 课型:Reading and writing
    十 教学目标:
    1掌握节课单词词组:little a little only about kilo people as well as grass large usually alone be good at strong catch even all kinds of
    十二 教学重难点:
    十三 教学准备:
    十四 预求:
    十五 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (5’)

    Step Two
    1Lead in
    Guess the animal in each picture and then tell us where it comes from
    (1)It’s the king of the forest
    It lives in ____
    (2)It’s small and cute
    It likes eating bananas and peaches
    It lives in ____

    2.(1)Find these place on the map
    Africa America Asia Europe
    (2)Look at the map again and write four sentences Use the words from the box
    There are tigers in Asia
    There are elephants in…

    Look at a picture and guess the animal in each picture and then tell us where it comes from

    (1)Find these place on the map
    (2)Look at the map again and write four sentences Use the words from the box
    There are tigers in Asia
    There are elephants in…

    Step Three
    reading (18’)

    1 Scanning
    Scanning the passage and answer the questions
    (1) How many animals are mentioned(提) in the passage
    (2) What are they

    2 Skimming
    Ask students to skim the passage and complete the table(Activity 3)

    3Careful reading
    (1)Paragraph 1
    ①Read Paragraph 1 and then fill in the blanks

    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    (2)Paragraph 23
    ①Read Paragraph 23 and then choose the right answers
    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    (3)Read paragraph45
    ①Read paragraph 45 and answer the questions
    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs
    1 Scanning the passage and answer the questions
    (1) How many animals are mentioned(提) in the passage
    (2) What are they

    2Skim the passage and and complete the table (Activity 3)

    ①Read Paragraph 1 and then fill in the blanks

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    ①Read Paragraph 23 and then choose the right answers

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs

    ①Read paragraph 45 and answer the questions
    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these paragraphs


    通学生快速阅读培养学生获取旨力进步理解文章容 进步学做铺垫


    Step Four

    1 Writing(Activity 5)
    ①How much do you know
    about the animals
    ②Correct the mistakes
    ③Ask some students to say out their answers

    ①How much do you know
    about the animals
    ②Correct the mistakes
    ③Ask some students to say out their answers

    Step Five

    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2 Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson

    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write something about your favourite animal (3050字)
    my favourite animal there be come from live in eat sth like sth doesn’t like sth

    Finish the homework and review the new words and expressions

    十七 八
    十八 板书设计:

    Module6 A trip to the zoo Unit2 The tiger lives in Asia
    My favourite animal there be come from live in eat sth
    like sth doesn’t like sth
    T1 T2 T3

    There is a zoo in our city My parents often take me there on the 26 I like animals I have a lot of 27 animals in my room In the 28 I can see tigers elephants bears monkeys pandas snakes and many other 29 Some animals are friendly but some are not Tigers bears and some snakes are 30 That is why they have to stay in 31 But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in cages They should be free The animals in cages can’t be 32
    I think the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins I like 33 them swim and jump They swim so fast and jump so high They can play with a ball They can stand up and walk 34 water They are very 35 to people If you fall into the water and can’t swim they may come to help you
    26 A summer B month
    C autumn D weekend
    27 A real B funny
    C toy D your
    28 A zoo B park
    C bank D library
    29 A tigers B people
    C friends D animals
    30 A dangerous B safe
    C interesting D ugly
    31 A houses B buildings
    C cages D ponds(池塘)
    32 A angry B happy
    C sad D strong
    33 A looking B seeing
    C watching D noticing
    34 A in B at
    C with D on
    35 A friendly B rude
    C warm D cold
    Book 1 Module 6 A trip to the zoo
    五十 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    五十二 课型:Revision and application
    五十三 教学目标:
    i 语言知识目标:
    ②正确运模块词汇:bear elephant giraffe lion monkey panda tiger zebra zoo animal come from dangerous bamboo cute which over there funny Africa Asia Europe little a little kilo people all over the world African as well as grass be good at strong many kinds of等


    五十四 教学重难点:
    五十五 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片调查表等
    五十六 教学程:

    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadingin

    1 Show the pictures and ask the students to make dialogues about what they are
    2 Give instructions of guessing game
    1The students act out the dialogues in pairs about what they are with the pictures

    2 Play a guessing game asking their partners some questions in order to guess which places they traveled eg Do you like animals Where are they from
    Review and consolidate how to use do and does
    2 Whiletask(17’)

    1 Let the students do Activities 24 and then check the answers
    1 Do Activities 24 Then check the answers with the partners
    Review and consolidate the vocabulary just learned in the first two units
    2 Ask the students to translate around the world into Chinese

    2 The students will be given five minutes to translate around the world into Chinese

    To learn about the foreign culture

    5 Ask the students to make a poster of their favorite animal
    3 They will have a match for writing and drawing on the blackboard (See which group can do the best of the four groups)
    4 Two students will review the poster on the blackboard And see which group will do the best
    5 The students make a poster of their favorite animal and get ready to interview their best friend
    To practice talking about their favorite animal
    3 Posttask

    1 Organization

    2 Organization

    1Students interview their best friends about their favorite animal using the poster in the above and writing down their best friends’ information
    2Make a report about their best friends’ favorite animal Then share with the class
    1To practice the skill of speaking

    2 Enable students to talk about their favorite animal using the Simple Present Tense

    3 Ask the students to write about some dangerous animals
    4 Organization

    3 Write an email to the best friends about some dangerous animals
    4 Some students share their emails with the class See who writers the best
    To practice the skill of writing
    4 Summary

    Ask the students to conclude the usage of the simple present regular verbs
    Students conclude the usage of the simple present regular verbs

    Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module
    5 Homework(1’)
    Write about your favourite animal

    Module 6 A trip to the zoo
    Unit 3 Language in use
    It doesn’t eat meat Does it eat meat
    Yes it is No it doesn’t
    The tiger lives in Asia


    ( )1 Here ___your magazines
    A am B is C are D be
    ( )2 The elephant comes from ______It’s _______
    A American America B Africa Africa
    C Australian Australia D India Indian
    ( )3 —Can you speak English Mr Wang
    —Yes but only____
    A little B a little C a lot D a few
    ( )4 Tom is ______Chinese
    A good at B good for C good to D well at
    ( )5 My pen pal lives _______England
    A on B in C at D
    ( )6 —Where ______the camel come ________
    — Asia
    A does from B do from C does of D do of
    ( )7 Where does Lily _______
    A come from B be from C is from D from
    Book 1 Module7 Computers
    五十七 教学容:Unit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer

    五十八 课型:Listening and speaking

    五十九 教学目标:
    1掌握单元词汇短语:connect turn turn on learn use save box finally paper print
    2听懂电脑操作相关连续指令 听力材料中辨认电脑相关信息
    六十 教学重难点:
    2掌握行动词般现时特殊疑问句回答 运般现时询问做某事什方做某事等

    六十 预求:
    六十二 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1)Show some pictures and ask Ss like these
    What is this
    Do you often use a computer
    What do you often do on the computer
    (2)Show more pictures and let Ss talk about them try to use the sentences with What how where when

    (1)Answer the questions and discuss the questions in group

    (2)Talk with partners and try to use the sentences withWhat how where when
    学生free talk程中感受新语言项目通环节活跃课堂气氛调动学生学兴趣

    Step Two

    Task1Check the new words
    1 Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words

    2Organize the students to read the new words together

    3Ask the Ss to describe the picture and try to use the words in the box(Activity 1)

    1Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words

    2 Read the new words together

    3 To describe the picture and try to use the words in the box(Activity 1)
    引导学生谈实物ppt图片检查学生词汇掌握程度训练学生表达力通图片情景学单词做词离句Check完词汇时做Activity 1进行巩固

    Step Three
    Whiletask (20’)

    (1) Play the tape ask students to listen and number the words as the students hear them (Activity)
    (2)Ask the students to label the parts of the computer according to the computer in the classroom (Activity 2)
    (3)Ask one student to connedct the screen to the computer
    T Do you know how to do before you use the computer Let’s do it together (Activity3)
    (4)Organize the students to check their answers

    Task 3 Reading
    (1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video
    (2)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation
    (3) Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    Task 4 Solve the language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found
    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task5 Retell the dialogue
    (1)Ask students to complete the passage
    (Activity 5)
    (2)Ask two of the students to retell the dialogue
    (1) Listen to the tape and number the words (Activity 1)

    (2)label the parts of the computer(Activity 2)

    (3)The other students fill in the blank (Activity3)

    (4)Check the answers

    (1)Read the conversation with the video

    (2) Read the conversation in groups

    (3) Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen carefully them carefully and note
    (2)solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    (1)Students complete the passage

    (2)Two students retell the dialogue the others listen




    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    (1)Ask students talk about what your school will be like in ten years
    A We will study at home and only go to school for sports and games
    B Well this is good but I’ll miss my teachers and friends

    (2) Have the Ss act out their new dialogues

    (3)Ask students to do some
    Exercises and then check

    (1) Make dialogues in groups with the teacher’s help

    (2) Act out the new dialogues

    (3)Do the exercises then check


    Step Five

    1Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Make dialogues with partners to talk about how to write homework on the computer

    Finish the homework

    Module7 Computers 组评价
    六十三 Unit1 How do I write my homework on the computer T1 T2 T3
    First next then finally…
    I usually sometimes don’t usually…
    How often…

    1 ________(首先) I want you to help me do it
    2 What are we going to do ________(次)
    3 ________(然) you can find your way
    4 ________() I want to say Thank you to all of you
    What’s wrong with my______ ________
    2 写家庭作业?
    ______ _______ he _________ his homework
    _______ I _______ your computer
    You need to ______ _________ _________ ________
    Book 1 Module7 Computers
    六十四 教学容:Unit2 When do you use a computer
    六十五 课型:Reading and writing
    六十六 教学目标:
    1够正确列单词词组: share Australia company customerInternet check plan ticket movie search for information send cinema visit
    3够正确特殊疑问词when how等
    六十七 教学重难点:
    六十八 教学准备:
    六十九 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    1Lead in
    Play a piece of music and then have a conversation with the students
    What’s this
    We often use the computer to …
    How do you write your homework on the computer

    2.See and say
    Ask some students to present some ways of using the computer Ask other students to say out the sentences Use the sentences like this What are they doing Do you often …
    1Say the sentences
    like this It is a computerWe often use the computer to…

    2See the action and say
    sentence like this He is downloading the music…
    I often…



    Step Two

    Show the students some pictures about using the computer and lead the students to describe what they are doing Also present new words and teach them
    egshareAustraliacompany customer Internet …

    learn some new words and try to describe them like this I share my computer with my brother


    Step Three
    reading (20’)

    1 Scanning
    Ask students to scan the passages
    T What are the passages talking about
    2 Careful reading
    ①Ask students to skim the passages
    T Jack Alice and like using the computer Find out Who can use the computer on Sundays
    Who often share the computer with his father
    Who has a friend in Australia
    ②T Let’s read again and tell true or false
    Ask a student to be a little teacher to check the answers

    ③Let some team students read the paragraphs and the other students listen carefully to point out important points
    ④Solve difficulties

    3Ask the students
    read the letter
    T Let’s read the letter together Make sure they
    understand the letter
    Scan the passage and answer the question

    ①Read the passages and answer the questions

    ②Write T or F after reading
    1 Jack’s father uses the computer every Friday night
    ( )
    2 Alice checks emails at home ( )
    3Mike likes playing computer games ( )
    4 Mike and his parents use their home computer ( )

    A student acts a little teacher to check the answers Others try their best to answer the questions
    ③Read Paragraph A&B in groups of six and find out difficulties

    ④To say the difficulties and solve the difficulties together

    The students read the
    letter together ang make sure to
    understand the passage


    Step Four
    1 Let the students do Activity 3

    2 Let the students do Activity4

    3 Retell
    ①Let the students fill
    in the blanks according
    to the picture and the
    ②Call back the answers
    from two students then
    read the short passage
    in the whole class

    2Make a survey
    Ask the students to make a survey in group Then ask teams to report
    When do you use a computer…How do you …
    Match the words and expressions in ColumnA with those in Column B
    Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box

    Look at the picture and the table to fill in the blanks
    Jack has a _______ at home His father and he _____it His father is a ______ of a coes on the ______ to ______ the times Jack _____ or _______ on the computer every Friday night Alice can use the computer ____ She ____ information fo her ____and check her email She talk to her ______ on the Internet Mike’s ______ don’t use computer He use it on ____ He ________ to his friends and play computer ______ But _______ he plays a lot of games and ________ doesn’t like it

    2 Make a servey and report
    I often use a computer I …on the computer…




    Step Five
    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write a passage to talk about when and how you use a computer

    Finish the homework


    Module4 Module7 Computers 组评价
    七十 Unit2 When do you use a computer
    share a computer T1 T2 T3
    go on the Internet
    talk to customers
    watch movies
    work for a company

    ( )1 _______the radiol I d like to listen to the weather report over it
    ATurn off B Turn on C Turn out D Turn down
    ( )2 do you write emails to your parents
    Once a week
    A How often B How long C How soon D Where
    ( )3 Jack usually his homework after dinner
    A writes B do C take D buys
    ( )4 I have got to tell you
    A two piece of information B two piece of informations
    C two pieces of information D two piece of informations
    ( )5 What do on the weekend
    A usually he does B does he usually
    C does usually he D he usually does
    1 He helps you to buy tickets(变否定句)

    2 She likes listening to the music (变般疑问句做否定回答)

    3 You can write the name on the box (划线部分提问)

    4 My sister goes to school by bus (划线部分提问)

    5 Lily gets up at six (划线部分提问)

    Book 1 Module 7 Computer
    七十 教学容:Unit3 Language in use

    七十二 课型:Revision and application

    七十三 教学目标:
    1 正确运模块词汇
    2 运特殊疑问句询问做某事步骤细节
    3 会描述做某事步骤 学间进行真实交际
    七十四 教学重难点:
    运特殊疑问句询问做某事步骤细节描述做某事步骤 学间进行真实交际

    七十五 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片调查表等

    七十六 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目

    1 Leadingin

    Show the pictures and ask the students to make dialogues about how to write homework on a computer

    1The students act out the dialogues in pairs about how to write homework on a computer with the pictures


    2 Whiletask(17’)

    1 Let the students do Activity 1 and then check the answers
    2 Let the students do Activity 2 and then check the answers
    3 Organization

    4 Organization

    5 Let the students do Activity 3 and then check the answers
    6Ask the students to write questions with the words in the form
    1Match the questions with the answers Then check the answers with the partners

    2Complete the conversations

    3 They will have a match for writing on the blackboard (See which group can write the most correct sentences of the four groups)
    4 Two students will collect the sentences on the blackboard And see which group will do the best
    5Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets

    6The students write questions and get ready to interview their best friend

    复巩固特殊疑问句法掌握行动词般现时特殊疑问句回答 运般现时询问做某事什方做某事等

    Where use a computer

    Who go on the Internet

    What do on the computer

    When go online

    How open a document

    3 Posttask

    1 Organization

    2 Organization

    1Students interview their best friends about using a computer They use the questions in the form above and write down their best friends’ information
    2 Make a report about their best friends’ answers using the information in the form Then share with the class

    3 Ask the students to write about their using a computer with first next then finally…
    4 Organization

    3Write an email to the best friends about their using a computer withfirst next then finally…

    4 Some students share their emails with the class
    通写作方式学描述件事情进程步骤熟练展示出 真实运日常交际中
    4 Summary

    1Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Write an email to your best friend about their using a computer with first next then finally…

    Module 7 Computer
    Unit 3 Language in use 组评价
    First next then finally… T1 T2 T3
    I usually sometimes don’t usually…
    How often…

    . 求改写句子
    1 Tom sends three emails to his teacher(划线部分提问)

    2 Jim plays games on his computer (变否定句)

    3Lucy usually buys a ticket on the Internet (划线部分提问)

    4Mr Wang uses his computer in the evening (划线部分提问)

    5She often does her homework on the computer (变般疑问句)

    I often ________ _______ ________ on the Internet
    How do you usually _______ _________ _________
    Please ___________ __________ the computer
    I haven’t got any time to _______ ___________
    Book 1 Module8 Choosing presents

    1功:Would you like to…发出邀请
    3词汇:card party present would always great cake never cut give sing happy choose wear shoe spend money film song usually sometimes often ect
    4语音:k g θ ð ʃ ʒ
    1听:识 Would you like to … 句型发出邀请听懂关生日简单描述
    2说:Would you like to …句型发出邀请询问方生日

    Unit 1 I always like birthday parties
    教 材
    教 学 设 计
    课 型
    Listening and speaking
    1Language Knowledge
    To use the key vocabulary card party present would always never cut give sing happy secret
    To use the key structures Would you like to…
    I always often usually sometimes never…
    2 Listening and speaking skills
    1)To understand conversations involving birthday in listening Improve the students’ listening ability
    2) To understand the description of birthday celebration
    3) To use the invitation expressed by Would you like to…
    4) To ask about one’s birthday
    3 Affection and attitudes To like making friends with others and care for others’ likes
    1 To understand conversations involving birthday in listening Improve the students’ listening ability
    2 To talk about one’s birthday

    1Warming up
    Greet to the Ss

    2Lead in
    1 Organize the Ss to enjoy and sing a happy song—Happy birthday

    Q What is the song about
    To lead the title

    3 Free talk
    Q1 When is your birthday
    Q2:How do you celebrate your birthday

    1Greet to the teacher

    2 Listen to the songs and sing with the recorder

    3Answer the question
    What is the song about
    ( Birthday)

    4 To read the title once And answer the teacher’s questions

    While_ task
    Presentation of key words
    (T What do we usually do on our birthday to lead in this part)
    1 Show the Ss the pictures and teach the new words

    2 Check the new words

    1 Look at the pictures and answer the teacher’s questions They can answer all together or a group or one by one

    2 Look at the pictures Say out the new words one by one
    (Activity 2)
    1 Play the tape Have the students number the words as they hear Then check the answers

    2 Guide the students to learn the conversation (Activity 3)
    (T I have a friend his name is Tony This Saturday is his birthday What does he do And What about his friends to lead in the conversation)

    3 Play the tape again and get the students to listen and choose the best answers Then check

    Task1 Listening

    1 Listen and number the words as they hear Then check

    2 Listen to the conversation and choose the best answers Then check
    1Daming’s birthday is on _______
    A Sunday B Friday
    C Saturday
    2 Tony likes _______
    A cards B birthday parties C flowers
    3 Daming’s mother never makes _____
    A Jiaozi B a birthday cake C noodles
    4 Lingling ______ gets birthday presents
    A always B sometimes C never


    Task2 Reading
    (Acitivity 3)
    1 Let the Ss read the conversation and do Activity3

    2 Let them check their answers

    3 Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    4 Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation then ask several pairs to act it out

    Task3:Language points

    1 Organize three students to come to the teacher’s desk and show out some phrases and the difficult points

    2 Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task 4 Practice
    1 Ask the students to do Activity4 and retell it

    2 Let the students complete the sentences with the words from the box then check the answers (Activity5)
    Task 2 Reading

    1 Read the conversation and do Activity 3

    2 Check the answers one by one

    3 Read the conversation with the video

    4 Read the conversation in groups then read in roles

    Task3 Language points

    1 Three students come to the teacher’s desk to show out some phrases and the difficult points the other students listen to them carefully and note them

    2 Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    Task 4 Practice
    1 Do Activity4 individually and retell it

    2 Finish off Activity 5 then check the answers


    Task5:Make a survey
    1 Let the Ss work in groups of three One interviews the other two students about their birthdays

    2 Let the Ss do a report according to the information

    3 Ask three or four Ss to report their surveys Let other Ss listen and choose the best reporters

    1 Work in groups of three One interviews the other two students about their school things Use the questions
    A What do you usually do on your birthday
    B I usually…
    A Would your friends like to come to your birthday party
    B Yes they’ d like to
    A What parents do you get from your friends
    B I always often usually get… but I never get…

    2 After finishing it they must do a report

    3 Three or four Ss report their surveys to the class The other Ss listen and choose the best reporters
    Step4 Sum up
    Sum up
    Let the Ss finish the exercises in the paper
    Finish the exercises in the paper
    Moule8 Choosing presents 组评介:
    Unit 1 I always like birthday parties T1 T2 T3
    1 Would you like to…
    Yes I’d like to Sorry I’m afraid I can’t I have to…

    2 I always usually often sometimes never…

    1 整节课气氛活跃课堂引入然新颖容真实老师学生感兴趣歌曲入手引起学生兴趣图片出现学生欣然接受新知识点师生双边关系融洽学生轻松谐气氛中学英语表现感觉学乐趣更激发学兴趣
    2 活动设计贴学生历生活务设计具明确目性操作性务简繁易难层层深入吸引全体学生参
    3 充分训练学生听说读写力尤读写综合部分设计练题环节学生较课堂操练进入课书面练效果较
    4 存问题改进措施
    1) 表演汇报学生较积极口语水限导致参表演汇报学生面够广力鼓励学生胆参处理分层教学学生特长充分发挥
    2) 互动评价够元化应进步改进完善

    1 Make a survey
    What do you usually do on your birthday
    What presents do you get
    Would your friends like to come
    have a birthday party eat noodles eat birthday cake
    a birthday cake (always)
    a birthday cake (often)

    2 面句子采访学:
    AWhat do you usually do on your birthday Peter
    B I usually…
    A Would your friends like to come to your birthday party
    B Yes they’ d like to
    A What parents do you get from your friends
    B I always often usually get… but I never get…

    3 Give a report and choose the best reporter (评出佳报告员)
    Peter usually has a birthday party eats noodles and birthday cakes on his birthday His friends would like to come to his party He always gets a birthday card and he often gets a birthday cake from his birthday…

    1 Tom gives me a present (改义句)
    Tom _____ a present __ ___
    2 never plays he games computer (连词成句)
    3 She does her homework at home(改否定句)
    She ______ ___ her homework at home
    4 This Saturday is my birthday (划线部分提问)
    _____ __ _ your birthday
    1 托尼通常收张生日贺卡Tony ______ ____ a birthday card
    2 常做蛋糕He ____ _____ a cake
    3 汉语英语唱歌He ____ the song in French
    4 生日聚会样?_____ _____ a birthday party
    5 举办生日聚会We _____ ____ a birthday party
    Unit 2 She often goes to concerts
    七十七 教学容:Unit2 She often goes to concerts
    七十八 课型:Reading and writing
    七十九 教学目标:
    1掌握单元单词 choose wear shoe spend money film song weekend
    八十 教学重难点:
    1 理解关生日短文
    2 般现时介绍爱
    八十 教学准备:
    八十二 预求:
    八十三 教学程:
    Step One
    Warmingup (5’)

    1Lead in
    (1)Ask students to discuss If your birthday is tomorrow What presents would you like Why

    (2)Let students look at the pictures and choose their birthday presents

    (1)To discuss their birthdays presents and reasons

    (2) Look at the pictures and choose their presents


    Step Two

    1 Learn the new words
    (1) Show students some pictures and check the new words
    (2) Ask the students to label the picture with the words from the box ( Activity 1)

    (1) Look at the pictures to say out some new words

    (2) Label the pictures with the picture with the words from the box then check the answers ( Activity 1)
    Step Three
    reading (18’)

    1 Scanning
    (1)Ask students to scan
    the passage and answer
    Who does the passage talk about
    2 Skimming
    1 Ask students to skim the passage and match the people with what they like doing (Activity 2)

    2 Let the students check the answers

    3Careful reading
    (1)Paragraphs 1 and 2
    ① Read Para 1 and 2then answer the following questions

    1How often do Daming’s grandparents get some exercise

    2Does Daming’ mother like chocolate

    3 How many silk scarves does she have got
    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these two paragraphs

    (2)Paragraph 3 and 4
    ①Read para3and 4then answer the following questions
    4Does Betty’s cousin like reading

    5 What does she often do

    6 Does Tony’s sister like music

    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these two paragraphs

    (3)Paragraphs 5
    ①Let the students fill in the blanks after reading it
    Lingling’s aunt and uncle like _______ but they _____ ______ go to football matchesThey usually watch football _____ _______They like _______ AC Milan

    ②Organize some students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph

    (4) choose presents from the pictures in Activity1 for them

    1Daming’s grandparents __________
    2 Daming’s mother______
    3 Betty’s cousin_______
    4Tony’s sister________
    5Lingling’s aunt and uncle

    (1) Scan the passage and answer the question:
    Who does the passage talk about

    1 Skim the passage and match the people with what they like doing (Activity 2)

    2 Check the answers

    ①Read Para 1 and 2then answer the questions

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these atwo paragraphs

    ①Read Para 3 and 4 and answer the questions

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in these two paragraphs

    ①The students fill in the blanks after reading it

    ②Some students come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found in this paragraph

    (4) choose presents from the pictures in Activity1 for them

    通学生快速阅读培养学生获取旨力进步理解文章容 进步学做铺垫


    Step Four

    1 Retell
    ①Let the students fill
    in the blanks according
    to the passage
    (Activity 3)

    ②Call back the answers
    from two students then
    retell the short passage
    in the whole class

    ① T It is more important to show your love for your parents and your friends So we should learn to thank
    ② Write about the things you like or don’t like and the things your best friend likes or doesn’t like and choose presents for them

    ①Fill in the blanks according
    to the passage (Activity 3

    ②Call back the answers then
    retell the short passage

    ① Write about the things you like or don’t like and the things your best friend likes or doesn’t like and choose presents for them



    Step Five
    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2 Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1 Sum up the language points

    2 To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write a passage
    Write about the things you like or don’t like and the things your best friend likes or doesn’t like and choose presents for them
    Finish the homework

    ( ) 1 ____ mother likes singing
    A Tony B Tony’s C Tony
    ( ) 2 There is _______ shoes under the bed
    A a lot B a pair of C a
    ( ) 3I have a lot of _______
    A magazines B novel C book
    ( ) 4 He doesn’t ______ the piano on Monday
    A plays B playing C play
    ( ) 5 She likes ____ and she reads ___ book
    A reading a lot B reading lots of C to read lot of
    1 His favorite food is rice (改义句)
    He ______ rice ________
    2 She plays the piano and likes to sing (改否定句)
    She _______ _______ the piano _______ like to sing
    3 He often goes to the cinema (改般疑问句)
    ____ he often ___ to the cinema
    4 Betty’s aunt and uncle live in the USA (划线部分提问)
    ______ __ Betty’s aunt and uncle ___

    Book 1 Module8 Choosing presents
    八十四 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    八十五 课型:Revision and application
    八十六 教学目标:
    1 正确运always often sometimes never usually often
    八十七 教学重难点:
    八十八 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片调查表等
    八十九 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目
    1 Leadingin

    1Show some pictures and ask students to discuss in pairs and make sentences like these
    I like watching films
    I often go to the cinema
    1 Discuss in pairs and make sentences like these

    I like watching films
    I often go to the cinema
    Review and consolidate the sentences which they have learn
    2 Whiletask(20’)

    1Explain the grammar to the students 般现时

    2 Let the students work in pairs Ask and answer questions about Grandpa
    (Activity 1)
    Does Grandpa always watch TV
    Yes he does

    3 Ask the students to do Activity 3 Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets( Activity 3 )
    1 Listen to the teacher to explain the grammar般现时

    2 work in pairs Ask and answer questions about Grandpa
    (Activity 1)

    3 Do Activity3 and then check the answers
    Review and consolidate the grammar and vocabulary just learned in the first two units
    4 Ask the students to do Activity 4 Complete the sentences with Would you like or Let’s

    5 Let the students do Activity5 Read the emails and check the true sentences ( Activity 5)

    6 Ask students to read Around the world and then answer the questions after reading
    Q1:What do people often give to children as birthday presents in the UK and the US

    Q2 When do the children open their presents

    6 Check the answers

    4 Complete the sentences with Would you like or Let’s

    5 Read the emails and check the true sentences ( Activity 5)

    6 Read Around the world and answer the questions after reading
    Q1:What do people often give to children as birthday presents in the UK and the US

    Q2 When do the children open their presents

    6 Show the answers

    Review the words

    Enlarge the knowledge about the world
    3 Posttask

    1Ask students to work in groups of six Planning a classmate’s birthday party
    2Ask the students to say out their ideas
    3Let students do some exercises and then check

    1Work in six
    Talk about their ideas of the plan

    2Say out the ideas

    3 Do some exercises and then check

    To practice the skill of speaking

    Practice the language points
    4 Summary

    Ask the students to say out what to learn
    Students conclude the knowledge that they learn

    Let the students internalize the grammar they’ve learned in this module
    Finish the workbook of Unit 3

    1 He ________ TV every evening (watch)
    2 We always _____ to school on foot (go)
    3 Tom with his classmates often ______ football after school (play)
    4 Your shoes _____ under the bed (be)
    5 His uncle usually _____ to work by bus (go)
    6 I always _____ up at six in the morning (get)
    7 John ______ like his father (look)
    1 — Can your father drive
     —Yes and he usually _____ to school   
    A drove B is driving C drives D has driven
    2 Tom _____ to work by bicycle
    A usually go B go usually C usually goes D goes usually
    3 Jerry _________ for school
    A is usually late B usually is late C is late usually D goes usually late
    4 — Do you often exercise Jason
    — No _____ I don’t like sports at all
    A always B often C usually D never
    5 — Is the cat ______ friend
    — Yes _______
    A your it isn’t B he it is C your it is D her it isn’t

    Module 9 People and places
    九十 教学容:Unit 1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot
    九十 课型:Listening and speaking
    九十二 教学目标:
    1掌握单元词汇短语:call lie lie in the sun take photos wait walk a few enjoy go back
    2掌握现进行时态be (am is are) +doing法结构
    九十三 教学重难点:
    九十四 教学准备:
    九十五 预求:
    九十六 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    Lead in
    1Free talk
    (1)Show some pictures and ask Ss like these
    What is he she doing now
    Where are they What are they doing now

    (2)Show more pictures and let Ss talk about them try to use the sentences with be doing

    1Free talk
    (1)Answer the questions
    He is listening to music
    She is dancing now
    They are playing basketball

    (2)Talk with partners and try to use the sentences with be doing

    学生熟悉日常活动free talk程中感受新语言项目通环节活跃课堂气氛调动学生学兴趣

    Step Two

    Task1Check the new words
    1 Show some pictures and things to get the students to say out the new words and phrases

    2Organize the students to read the new words together

    3Ask the Ss to describe the picture and try to use the words in the box(Activity 1)
    Where is Betty What is she doing
    What is Lingling doing What are they doing

    1Look at the pictures and things to say out the new words and phrases

    2 Read the new words and phrases together

    3 To describe the picture and try to use the words in the box(Activity 1)
    引导学生谈实物ppt图片检查学生词汇掌握程度训练学生表达力通图片情景学单词做词离句Check完词汇时做Activity 1进行巩固
    Step Three
    Whiletask (20’)

    1Play the tape ask the students to listen and number the pictures (Activity 2)

    2Ask the students to Listen to the conversation carefully and match the people 15 with the actions ag
    T Now we are going to listen to a dialogue between Betty and her mum Betty is in China and her mum is at home in America Let’s listen and match

    1 Listen to the tape and
    number the pictures (Activity 2)

    2 Listen to the conversation carefully and match the people 17 with the actions ag




    1Betty a eat an ice cream
    2 Tony b have lunch
    3 Wang Hui c lie in the sun
    4 Lingling e stand on the Great Wall
    5 Daming f take photos
    g buy presents
    3Organize the students to check their answers

    Task 3 Reading
    1Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    2Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    3 Have a competition Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    Task 4 Solve the language points
    1Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points that they found

    2Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task5 Retell the dialogue
    1 Organize the students to complete the table(Activity 3)

    2 Organize the students to underline the correct words(Activity 4)

    3 Ask the students to work in pairs Say what people are doing in the conversation using the form in Activity 3
    3Check the answers

    1Read the conversation with the video

    2 Read the conversation in groups

    3 Read the dialogue in groups and choose the best group

    1 Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note

    2Solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    1Students complete the table(Activity 3)

    2Students underline the correct words
    (Activity 4)

    3Students work in pairs Say what people are doing in the conversation using the form in Activity 3

    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    1Work in pairs Ask students to talk about the photos which they brought and say what people are doing in the photos at the moment
    A This is a photo of my family
    I’m sitting on the grass and
    reading My father mother
    brother sister is … We are
    having a good time
    B In this photo we are enjoy ing the school trip Li Ming is … Tony is …

    2 Have some students to come to the blackboard to talk about their photos

    3.Play a guessing game Have some Ss to do the actions in front of the class The other Ss guess what is he doing

    4Ask students to do some
    Exercises and then check

    1Work in pairs Students talk about the photos which they brought and say what people are doing in the photos at the moment

    2Some students to come to the blackboard to talk about their photos

    3Play a guessing game Some Ss do the actions in front of the class The other Ss guess what is he doing

    4.Do the exercises then check




    Step Five

    1Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today

    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson

    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups

    Step Six
    1Choose one of photos and write down what people are doing
    2Finish the exercises in the workbook of Unit 1

    Finish the homework


    Module9 People and places 组评价
    Unit1 We’re enjoying the school trip a lot T1 T2 T3
    I’ m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you
    Wang Hui is taking a lot of photos
    Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun

    2 动词ing形式变化规

    ( )1At the momenteveryone dumplings
    A are eating B eating C is eating D eat
    ( )2Listen She in the classroom
    A is singing B sing C to sing D is sing
    ( )3Americans like the sun
    A lie in B lying in C to lie under D lying on
    ( )4My father enjoys piano
    A to play B playing C play the D playing the
    ( )5This is not easy work
    A a B C one D an
    二 动词适形式填空
    1 Listen She (sing) a song
    2 Look Tony (take) photos
    3 John (play) basketball at this moment
    4 What are you doing
    I (run) for the bus
    5 Daming (eat)lunch and (lie)in the sun at the moment
    Book 1 Module9 People and places
    教学容:Unit2 They’re waiting for the buses or trains
    二 课型:Reading and writing
    三 教学目标:
    五 教学准备:
    六 预求:
    七 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    1Lead in
    Ask one Ss to do the action with the given words the other Ss guess and say like this He is swimming running…

    2.See and say
    Show some pictures to revise the pattern Get students to ask and answer in pairs For example What is she doing She is getting up

    Say the sentences like this He is swimming running…

    Ask and answer in pairs For example What is she doing She is getting up



    Step Two

    1Show students a map of the world and some famous cities Tell them there are 24 time tones in the world and at the same moment people in different countries have different time tones and they are doing different activities
    For example It’s 100 am in Beijing People are sleeping People aren’t having dinner(Activity 1)
    2Let the students learn words and phrases they will use in the reading

    1Look at the world’s map and the cities learn the time tones Say people in different countries have different time tones and they are doing different activities For example It’s 100 am in London People are … People aren’t … (Activity 1)

    2Learn the words and phrases they will use in the reading
    Such as running for trains having afternoon tea going to the opera watching a ballet getting dressed etc

    引导学生谈图片 步骤中 学积极动发言答案统老师鼓励学生胆表达训练学生描述图画力描述时学新单词短语学生扫清阅读障碍
    Step Three
    reading (18’)

    Step Three
    reading (20’)

    1 Scanning
    (1)Ask students to scan
    the passage
    T People in different places of the world are doing different things Please read the passage and match the
    paragraphs with the pictures in Activity 1
    (2) Organize the students to check their answers

    2 Skimming
    (1)Ask students to skim the passage
    T Read it quickly again and choose the correct answer in Activity 3
    (2) Organize the students to check their answers

    3Careful reading
    (1)Paragraph A
    Ask the Ss to read Paragraph A and answer the questions in groups
    1) In London what are people doing at 5 PM
    2) Some are having afternoon tea at home what are other people doing

    (2)Paragraphs B&C
    Ask the Ss to read Paragraphs B&C and check the true sentences

    (3)Paragraph D&E
    Ask the Ss to read Paragraphs D&E and complete the passages

    (1)Scan the passage and match the paragraphs with the pictures in Activity 1

    (2)Check the answers

    (1)Skim the passage Read it quickly again and choose the correct answer in Activity 3

    (2) Check the answers

    Read Paragraph A and answer the questions in groups
    1) In London what are people doing at 5 PM
    ____________________ ___
    2) Some are having afternoon tea at home what are other people doing
    _____________________ __

    Read Paragraphs B&C and check the true sentences
    1) People aren’t having dinner at home at eight PM ( )
    2) Some are going to the cinema or watching films ( )
    3)People in Beijing are sleeping at one o’clock
    ( )

    3 Read paragraphs D&E and complete the passages
    In Los Angeles it’s nine o’clockPeople aren’t ________ washing or__________ They’re working Children are starting ___________
    In ______ it’s midday People aren’t working They are ___________ They are eating _______or hot dogs and drinking______They’re seeing
    friends_______or shopping




    Step Four
    (1)Let the students retell the last two paragraphs

    (1)Show a postcard from Betty’ mum
    T Here is a postcard from Betty’s mum She is in Los Angeles now Please read the postcard and check the true sentences(Activity 5)

    (2) Ask Ss to writing Betty’s postcard to her grandma from the Great Wall (Activity 7)

    (3) Ask Ss to read Betty’s postcard in the class

    (1) Try to retell the last two paragraphs
    In Los Angeles it’s nine o’clockPeople aren’t ________ washing or__________ They’re working Children are starting ___________
    In ______ it’s midday People aren’t working They are ___________ They are eating _______or hot dogs and drinking______They’re seeing
    friends_______or shopping

    (1)Read the postcard and check the true sentences(Activity 5)

    (2) Writing a Betty’s postcard to her grandma from the Great Wall (Activity 7)
    Dear Grandma
    Now I’ m standing


    (3)Read Betty’s postcard in the class



    Step Five
    1Get the students to
    sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write a postcard to your best friend to tell him her
    What are your family doing at the moment

    Finish the homework


    Module9 People and places 组评价
    Unit2 They’re waiting for the buses or trains T1 T2 T3
    In London it’s … and people are leaving work
    Some people are …Some are …
    In Beijing it’s … so people aren’t
    2 明信片书写格式

    ( )1 I can’t find Mary because all the girls are all the same clothes
    A wearing B dressing C putting on D put on
    ( )2Can you him clearly (清楚)?
    A to hear B hear C listen D to listen
    ( )3 My brother often me at the school gate
    A is waiting B is waiting for C waits D waits for
    ( )4Now we’re in Beijing We’re Beijing tomorrow
    A leave for B leaveing for C leaving D leaving for
    ( )5People run buses after work
    A after B for C about D of
    1现5点钟 喝午茶
    _____five and people ____________________
    The boy _________________________
    They _______________________________
    4Tony 写明信片
    _____ Tony ____________________Yes ____________
    In Moscow people or
    Book 1 Module9 People and places
    四 教学容:Unit3 Language in use
    五 课型:Revision and application
    六 教学目标:
    1正确运模块词汇: call lie in the sun take photos of wait for a few on sale enjoy hot dog restaurant go back等
    七 教学重难点:
    八 教学准备:
    节课型Revision and application根新课标求结合教材学生特点采务型互动式进行教学结合情景法交际法听说法纳法等教学方法实施课堂活动开启学生思维通系列条理教学活动引导学生探究学互动合作学学生体验愉快学节课需教具资料:幻灯图片调查表等
    九 教学程:
    教 师 活 动
    学 生 活 动
    活 动 目

    Step One
    1 Show the flash of some pigs but students can’t see what they are doing Get students to guess
    T What is he doing Is he running Is he singing
    1See and guess
    He She is …


    Step Two

    1 Show students the phrases ask and answer questions in pairs (Activity 4)

    2 Let students see nine sentences and ask them to try to find out the rules of v ing forms
    3Ask the students to do some exercises

    1 Use the given phrases
    ask and answer like this :
    A Are you running for a bus
    B No Yes
    2 See nine sentences and try to find out the rules of v ing forms

    3Do some exercises
    1)The girls_______(buy) hot dogs
    2)Daming ________
    (have) an ice cream
    3)Tony _________(talk) on his cell phone
    4)Betty_________(carry) a bag
    5)Lingling_______(shop) in the mall


    4Show the picture about Betty’s school trip on the Great Wall Ask Ss to say
    (Activity 1)
    5Ask the students to complete the conversation between Tony and his father
    T Tony is visiting the Forbidden City now and he is calling his dad
    (Activity 2)
    3 Organize Ss to check the answers
    4 Have Ss write about
    the pictures
    (Activity 2)
    5 Have one student show his answer to the class

    4Look at the picture and say what they are doing
    (Activity 1)

    5Complete the conversation between Tony and his father
    (Activity 2)

    3 Check the answers

    4 Write about the
    pictures(Activity 2)

    5 Check the answers


    Step Three

    1 Around the world
    Show students pictures of the US
    T There are different time zones from New York to Hawaii And people in different places are doing different things Please read and
    finish the blanks

    2 Make a radio report
    Have Ss work in group s of three of four And plan a radio report


    1 Read Around the world
    And finish the blanks
    It’s in New York and people are It’s in Los Angeles children are
    It’s in Hawaii most people are

    2Work in group s of three of four And plan a radio report
    What news you’d like to report
    List the activities
    Make notes
    Write down the news
    3Show their reports to the whole class
    4 Choose the best report


    通组合作讨完成新闻报道运模块学词汇句型运正确 时态表达鼓励学胆想象胆表达想法
    Step Four

    Ask the students to conclude the usage of
    the present continue tense
    Students conclude the usage of the present continue tense

    Step Five
    Write a news report

    Module9 People and places
    Unit 3 Language in use
    现进行时:be +Ving

    ( )1 Wang Hui is __________ his mother on his cell phone
    A drawing B leaving C calling D telling
    ( )2 Don’t talk here They are __________
    A walking B playing C sitting D sleeping
    ( )3 —__________ the trip
       —Yes we are
    A Does he enjoy B Do you enjoy
    C Is Sam enjoying D Are you enjoying
    ( )4 The tiger ____ breakfast
    A run for B runs C is running D is running for
    ( )5He usually sends ________ postcards to his friend
    A a lot B lot of C a lot of D a lots
    Unit 1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival

    2学课前学生已够娴熟两合作组方法进行语言表达交流基英语相结合英语开展思维发表意见学生七年级初步解关现进行时句型单元前面基础引入现进行时般疑问句通学生较感兴趣话题Spring Festival教师预设务中引导学生交际中动态生成学生话说乐合作分享样利更运课知识达提高综合运语言力目

    Module 10节日话题容谈春节准备重点学现进行时般疑问句结构单元目标学进行时般疑问句结构通听读呈现般疑问句功运说写务循环训练强化语言知识

    目标:①To understand the conversation about the Spring Festival
    ②To recognize phrases and recognize short answers
    ③To talk about the Festivals with given information
    vocabulary—Spring Festival ready get ready for learn dragon dragon dance lantern sweep
    structures What is Lingling doing
    She’s getting ready for the Spring Festival
    Is your mother working
    Yes she is No she isn't



    Step One
    Warmingup (2’)

    Lead in
    1Organize the Ss to enjoy and sing a happy song—Happy New Year

    2T What festival is the song about
    To lead the title

    1Listen to the songs and sing with the video

    2 Answer the question
    What festival is the song about
    ( Spring Festival)

    3 To read the title once


    Step Two

    Task1Check the new words
    1Show some pictures and get the students to check the new words
    eg T What’s the girl doing
    S She’s making lanterns
    T Is her grandma making lanterns with her
    S No she isn’t She’s cooking the meal

    2Organize the students to read the new words together

    1See the pictures and say the new words

    2 Read the new words together

    Step Three
    Whiletask (22’)

    (1) Play the tape Have the students match the people with what they are doing Then check the answers
    T The new year is coming
    What should we do(Activity 2)

    (2)Guide the students to learn the conversation (Activity 3)
    (T The ring bells Who’s that to lead in the conversation)

    Task 3 Reading
    (1) Organize the students to read the conversation with the video

    (2)Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation

    (3) Organize the students to choose the correct answers (Activity3)

    (4)Organize the students to check their answers one by one

    Task 4Language points
    (1)Organize students to come to the blackboard and show out some difficult language points

    (2)Help the students to solve the difficult points

    Task 5Retell the dialogue
    (1)Ask the students to complete the passage
    (2)Ask the students to retell it

    (1) Listen to the tape and match the people with what they are doing Then check

    (2) Listen to the conversation and choose the best answers Then check

    (1)Read the conversation with the video

    (2) Read the conversation in groups

    (3) Read the conversation again and choose the correct answers (Activity 3)

    (4) Check the answers one by one

    (1) Students come to the blackboard to show out some language points the other students listen to them carefully and note

    (2)solve the difficult points with the teacher’s help

    (1)Complete the passage

    (2) Retell the dialogue

    Step Four
    Task 6Do some speaking
    (1)Show some pictures and organize the students to talk about the other festivals

    (2) Help the students to make dialogues of the other festivals like this
    A Are they eating birthday cakes
    B No they aren’t
    A what are they doing
    B They are eating moon cakes

    (3)Organize the students to make dialogues in pairs according to some pictures and information

    4 Have the Ss act out their
    new dialogues

    (1)Look and say out the other festivals

    (2)make dialogues of the other festivals with the teacher’s help

    (3) Work in pairs and make dialogues according to some pictures and information
    4 Act out the new dialogues

    Step Six
    (festival get ready for cook the meal lantern sweep away cutting paper at work)

    Finish the homework

    Module10 Spring Festival 组评价
    Unit1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival
    Is her grandma making lanterns with her T1 T2 T3
    No she isn’t
    What’s she doing
    She’s cooking the meal


    根汉语提示 完成句子 空词
    1 元宵节通常吃元宵
    On Lantern _______ we usually ____ yuanxiao
    2 贝蒂正学舞龙
    Betty is _______ a dragon _____
    3 玲玲家正春节做准备
    Lingling’s ______ are ______ _____ ____ Spring Festival
    4 正唱圣诞歌
    They are _______ Christmas songs
    5 正做灯笼
    They are _______ _______
    Book1 Module10 Spring Festival
    十 教学容:Unit2 My mother’s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck
    十 课型:Reading and writing
    十二 教学目标:
    1够正确列单词词组:Christmas February January before sweep away luck table celebrate traditional dumpling programme sweater coat mean lucky merry tell
    十三 教学重难点:
    2区分现进行时般现时法 学知识描述英国圣诞节(难点)
    十四 教学准备:
    十五 教学程:

    Step One
    Warmingup (3’)

    1 Lead in
    Play a piece of music and then ask some students to do some actions and others say out what the students are doing

    See the actions and say sentences like this
    xxx is writing…
    xxx is singing…
    xxx and xxx are…


    Step Two

    Show three pictures to the students and ask the students to talk about what is happening

    Look at the pictures and talk about what is happening
    What’s Li Shan’s mother doing
    She’s cleaning the house

    Step Three
    reading (24’)

    Step Three
    reading (24’)

    1 Scanning
    (1)Ask students to scan the passage and match the paragraphs with the pictures in Activity1
    T Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in China We do many things for Spring Festival Please scan the passage and match the paragraphs with the pictures in Activity1

    2Careful reading
    ①Present some sentences to the students and ask them to write T or F also correct the wrong sentences after reading Paragraph C

    ②Choose the best answers after reading
    T Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers of the two questions

    ③Ask a student to be a little teacher to check the answers

    3Reading in groups
    ①Let some team students read the passage paragraph by paragraph in groups of six and other students listen carefully to find out the important points
    ②Solve difficulties

    ③Ask the students to read the passage together and make sure they understand the passage

    (1)Scan the passage and match the paragraphs with the pictures in Activity1
    Picture A for paragraph A

    ①Tell true or false after reading
    1 Spring Festival happens every year( )
    2 people don’t clean their house before Spring Festival ( )

    ②Choose the best answers after reading
    1 Li Shan usually ______ after the dinner
    A eats dumplings
    B watches TV
    C cleans the house
    2 What does hongbao mean
    A It means rich
    B It means good luck
    C It means beautiful

    ③A student to be a little teacher to check the answers Others try their best to answer the questions

    ①Read the passage paragraph by paragraph in groups of six and other students listen carefully to find out the important points

    ②Solve difficulties

    ③The students read the passage together and make sure to understand the passage


    Step Four
    ①Let the students complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box in Activity 3
    ②Call back the answers
    from two students then
    read the short passage
    in the whole class

    Ask the students to write sentences with the notes in Activity4 and join two notes and write one sentence with and

    ①Complete the passage with the correct form of the words and expression from the box in Activity 3

    ②Call back the answers
    from two students then
    read the short passage
    in the whole class

    Write sentences with the notes in Activity4 and join two notes and write one sentence with and



    Step Five
    1Get the students to sum up the language points
    T What have we learned today
    2Let the students to choose the best team in this lesson
    1Sum up the language points

    2To choose the best groups
    Step Six
    Write a passage about Christmas in Britain

    Finish the homework

    Module 10 Spring Festival
    十六 Unit2 My mother’s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck
    T1 T2 T3
    现进行时be doing
    般现时 do does

    1 She is _______ in her room at the moment
    A looking her book B seeing the book
    C reading the book D watching the book
    2 Look The boy is __________ in the river now
    A swiming B swimming C swim D swims
    3 –Is she drawing pictures now
    A Yes she is B Yes he is C No she is D Yes she isn’t
    4 My sister _________ eating an apple
    A doesn’t B does C are D isn’t
    5 My father often __________ to work
    A walk B rides a bike C by bike D is walking
    二 句型转换
    1 He is taking some photos now (改般疑问句)
    ________ he taking _________ photos now
    2 We are looking at the old watch (改否定句)
    We ______ ________ looking at the old watch
    3 Li Lei is cleaning the house now (划线部分提问)
    _________ is Li Lei ________ now
    4 They are doing their homework in the classroom (划线部分提问)
    ________ ________ they doing their homework
    5 She usually washes her clothes on Sundays(now改写句子)
    She _______ __________ her clothes now





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