
    Starter Unit 1 Good morning

    Language Goals

    Grasp letters A-H and learn to greet people

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words and Phrases

    Key Sentences
    Good morning Good afternoon Good evening

    How are you? I'm finethanksI'm OK

    Key Grammar
    Learn to write the eight letters

    Ability Goals

    Be able to greet people politely

    Moral Goals

    Learn to be friendly to others

    Teaching Time

    Two periods

    Period 1

    Period 2

    Period 1 (1a~2e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Good morning
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Grasp the letters Aa-Hh and learn to recognize the English names
    Teaching aids 教具
     a computer and some cards
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Greet the students and lead in the new lesson
    T:Good morningeveryoneMy name is…I am your English teacherYou can call me MissMsMr …(Walking to a boy)What's your name
    Boy:My name is Li Tao
    T:Good morningLi Tao
    Boy:Good morningMsMr …(Help the student to respond correctly if necessary)
    The teacher writes Good morningLi Taoon the blackboard
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words and English names:goodmorninghihelloAliceBobCindyDaleEricFrankGraceHelenLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbols(音标).And you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Try reading the sentences in 1a and try to tell boys' names from girls' names
    Self-study guide 3:
    Self-study 2c and learn to write the eight letters
    Questions for thinking:
    1.Do you know how to greet people in the morning
    2.Do you know how to write the eight letters AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHh
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the writing of the eight letters
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can respond correctlyAnd ask students to fill in the blanks:
    Boys' names:________________________________________________________________________
    Girls' names:________________________________________________________________________
    Check up 3:
    Write the small letters for these big letters:
    A____ B____ C____ D____ E____ F____
    G____ H____
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Play the recording of 1astudents listen and repeat
    2.Pair work
    Practice the conversations in the picture and then greet your partner(1c)
    A:Good morningZhang WenHelloZhang Wen
    B:Good morningLi YanHelloLi Yan
    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    4.Finish 2a and 2b
    5.Discussion (2e)
    Talk about what these letters HBCDBBC mean
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair(2d)
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Choose the best answer
    (  )1书写英文字母时占三格________
    A.b     B.g     C.f
    (  )2字母表序排列正确________
    A.g e f B.a d e C.c a d
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    Good morningHelen
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 2 (3a~4d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Good afternoonGood eveningHow are you?I'm finethanksI'm OK
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Learn to greet people in different time
    Teaching aids 教具
     a computer
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    The teacher greets the students
    T:Good morningclass
    Ss:Good morningMissMsMr …
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:afternooneveninghowareyouIamfinethanksOKLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsAnd you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 3a and solve two problems:
    1.Can you read the sentences
    2.Do you understand them
    Self-study guide 3:
    Self-study 4c and try to find out the rules of pronunciation
    Questions for thinking:
    A:HiCindyHow are you
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask a few students to read the three conversations in 3aThen ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can respond correctly
    Check up 3:
    Check the pronunciations of the letters and words in 4c and see if they know the pronunciation rules of A and E
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (3a3b3c)
    (1)Listen to 3a and number the pictures [1-3].
    (2)Listen again and repeat the conversation
    (3)Practice the conversation in 3a with your partner
    (4)Listen to 3c and repeatAnd then practice it with your partner
    2.Group work
    Choose an English name for yourself and then greet each other
    B:HiDaleHow are you
    A:I'm finethanksHow are you
    B:I'm OKfine
    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Finish 4a
    Check the answers with students
    2.Let students listen to 4b and repeatEncourage students to find out the same vowel in each group
    3.Sing a song
    Let students listen to 4d and learn to sing the song
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Choose the best answer
    (  )1How ________ your father
    A.are     B.is     C.am
    (  )2—Your English is good
    A.Thank you
    B.Thanks you
    C.Not good
    (  )3含字母A发音相音素字母 ________
    A.F B.G C.H
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    Good afternoon
    Good evening

    How are you?

    I'm finethanksI'm OK

    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    节课继续学见面问候语重点学会天中时间段里见面时问候语学生解西方国家文化俗熟悉How are you?正确回答反复练中形成英语语感老师安排活动学生语感培养帮助

    Starter Unit 2 What's this in English

    Language Goals

    Grasp letters I-R and learn to identify things and spell words

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words and Phrases
    whatisthisinEnglishin EnglishmapcuprulerpenorangejacketkeyquiltitathatNBAPkgspellplease

    Key Sentences
    What's this in English? It's an orange

    What's that in English? It's a jacket

    What's that in English? It's an orange

    Spell itplease O-R-A-N-G-E

    Key Grammar
    Learn to write the ten letters

    Ability Goals

    Learn to talk about what things are in English

    Moral Goals

    Learn to communicate with others in English

    Teaching Time

    Two periods

    Period 1

    Period 2

    Period 1 (1a~2e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    whatisthisinEnglishin EnglishmapcuprulerpenorangejacketkeyquiltitathatNBAPkg
     2Key sentences:
    What's this in English
    It's an orange
    What's that in English
    It's a jacket
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Grasp the letters Ii—Rr and learn to identify things
    Teaching aids 教具
     a computer and some cards
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    The teacher greets the students and picks up some of their stationery like penrulerand ask them:What's this in English?Lead the students to answer the question in English
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:whatisthisinEnglishin EnglishmapcuprulerpenorangejacketkeyquiltitathatNBAPkg
    Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsAnd you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Try reading the sentences in 1a and try to understand the conversations
    Self-study 2c and learn to write the ten letters Ii—Rr
    Questions for thinking:
    Do you know how to write the ten letters IiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRr
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the writing of the ten letters
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:
    (1)Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    (2)Ask and answer
    Show students some pictures of things on the screen and ask them to answer questions
    Sample conversation:
    T:What's this in English
    Ss:It's a cup
    T:What's this in English
    Ss:It's an orange
    T:What's that in English
    Ss:It's a key

    Check up 2:
    Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can respond correctly
    Check up 3:
    Write the big letters for these small letters:
    n____ o____ p____ q____ r____ m____ l____ i____ j____ k____
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Play the recording of 1astudents listen and repeat
    2.Pair work
    Practice the conversations in the picture and then ask students to make their own conversations(1c)
    A:What's this in English
    B:It's a pen
    A:What's that in English
    B:It's a ruler

    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    4.Finish 2a and 2b
    5.Discussion (2e)
    Talk about what these letters PNBAkg mean
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair(2d)
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Look at the picture and make your own conversation

    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    whatisthisinEnglishin EnglishmapcuprulerpenorangejacketkeyquiltitathatNBAPkg
    What's this in English
    It's an orange
    What's that in English
    It's a jacket
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    单元重点学会英文指认物品句型What's this in English?学程中学生逐渐运英文思维实物教学方法训练中意学生受母语负迁移影响学会It's aan…句型记忆单词必课继续学字母Ii-Rr求读准语音区分元音熟练书写

    Period 2 (3a~4d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What's that in English
    It's an orange
    Spell itplease
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Learn to identify things and spell words
    Teaching aids 教具
     a computer
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Revise the words by asking and answering questions(Showing the students some pictures on the screen)

    T:What's this
    Ss:It's a key
    T:What's that
    Ss:It's a map

    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:spellpleaseLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsAnd you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 3a & 3e and solve three problems:
    1.Can you read the sentences
    2.Do you understand them
    3.Can you make similar conversations with your partner
    Questions for thinking:
    What will you say if you don't know the spelling of some words?What does Spell itplease mean
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Self-study guide 3:
    Self-study 4c and try to find out the pronunciation rules of AEIO
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the different ways of asking for the spelling of words
    Can you spell itplease
    How do you spell it
    Spell itplease
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    (1)Ask a few pairs of students to role-read 3c and 3e
    (2)Ask some students to make their own conversations with their partners
    Check up 3:
    Check the pronunciations of the letters and words in 4c
    (1)First ask students to read the letters and words
    (2)Then let them listen to the tape and repeat
    (3)Go on with 4d
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (3a3b3c)
    (1)Listen and number the pictures[1-8].
    (2)Listen and complete the words under the pictures in 3a
    (3)Check the answers with students by asking and answering questions like this:
    T:Look at Picture 1What's this in English
    Ss:It's a key
    T:Spell itplease

    (4)Listen to 3c and repeat
    2.Pair work
    Make some conversations with your partner using the pictures in 3a and 3e
    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Finish 3d
    (1)Listen to 3d and repeat
    (2)Listen to the conversations and number the words you hear[1-4].
    2.Finish 4a and 4b
    (1)Students do 4a by themselves first and then check the answers
    (2)Students read the words and number them in alphabetical order[1-15].
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Have a dictation of the new words in Starter unit 2
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    What's that in English
    It's an orange
    Spell itplease
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Starter Unit 3 What color is it

    Language Goals

    Grasp letters S-Z and learn to identify colors

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words and Phrases

    Key Sentences
    What's this?

    It's V.

    What color is it?

    It's red

    —What's this in English?

    —It's a key

    —Spell itplease


    Key Grammar
    Learn to write the eight letters

    Ability Goals

    Learn to talk about colors in English

    Moral Goals

    Learn to communicate with others in English

    Teaching Time

    Two periods

    Period 1

    Period 2

    Period 1 (1a~2e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What's this
    It's V
    What color is it
    It's red
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Grasp the letters Ss-Zz and learn to identify colors
    Teaching aids 教具
     a computer and some cards
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Greet the students and lead in the new lesson
    The teacher greets the students and have a conversation with students
    T:What's this in English?(Picking up a pen from a student)
    Ss:It's a pen
    T:What color is it
    Ss:It's black
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:colorredyellowgreenblueblackwhitepurplebrownSMLUFOCCTVLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsAnd you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Try reading the sentences in 1a and try to understand them
    Self-study guide 3:
    Self-study 2c and learn to write the eight letters
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Do you know how to talk about colors
    (2)Do you know how to write the eight letters SsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the writing of the eight lettersAnd make sure the students can write the letters in the right way
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can use the target language correctly
    Check up 3:
    Write the small letters for these big letters:
    S____ T____ U____ V____ W____
    X____ Y____ Z____
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Play the recording of 1astudents listen and repeat
    2.Pair work
    Practice the conversations in the picture and then make your own conversation talking about the colors of your school things(1c)
    A:What color is your bag
    B:It's red
    A:What color is your ruler
    B:It's white

    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    4.Finish 2a and 2b
    5.Discussion (2e)
    Talk about what these letters SMLUFOCCTV mean
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    (1)Write the missing big letter or small letter for each pair(2d)
    1.红色________     2绿色________
    3.白色________ 4yellow________
    5.blue________ 6black________
    7.purple________ 8brown________
    The ruler ________ ________
    ________ ________ is it
    The ________ is ________
    The ________ is ________
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Choose the best answer
    (  )1It's ________ blackIt's ________ black ruler
    A.   B.a   C.a   D.aa
    (  )2—________ is that quilt
    —It's black
    A.Which color B.How color
    C.What color D.What's color
    (  )3—What's this
    —It's ________ N and ________ M.
    A.aa B.anan
    C.aan D.
    (  )4What's that ________ English
    A.at B.to C.in D.on
    (  )5—What's this
    —________ a map
    A.Its B.This is
    C.That's D.It's
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    What's this
    It's V
    What color is it
    It's red
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    预备篇第三单元指认物品英文句型What's this in English?继续拓展延伸询问物品颜色学生学时体会It's a penIt's black表达区理解冠词aan着话题扩展课堂口头表达容越越利学生语言输出继续学字母Ss-Zz

    Period 2 (3a~4d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    —What's this in English
    —It's a key
    —Spell itplease
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Learn to identify colors and ask for the spelling of words
    Teaching aids 教具
     a computer
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Ask and answer(Showing the students some pictures of things)
    T:What's this in English
    Ss:It's a key
    T:What color is it
    Ss:It's yellow
    T:Yesthis is a yellow keyWhat and what color is this
    Ss:It's a penIt's black
    T:So we can say this is a black pen
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:thenowseecansaymyLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsAnd you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Listen to 3a and make your own conversations with the ruler and cup
    Self-study guide 3:
    Read the letters and words in 4c and try to find out the pronunciation rules of AEIOU
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can use the target language correctly
    Check up 3:
    Check the pronunciations of the letters and words in 4c
    (1)First ask students to read the letters and words
    (2)Then let them listen to the tape and repeat
    (3)And ask students to read the following new words and see if they know the pronunciation rules of AEIOU
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    (1)Listen and color the things(3a)
    (2)Listen again and complete the sentences(3b)
    (3)Listen and complete the chart(3c)
    2.Pair work (3d)
    Make some conversations with your partner using the things in 3a or around you
    A:What's thisthat in English
    B:It's a cup
    A:Spell itplease
    A:What color is it
    B:It's white
    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Finish 4a
    2.A game
    The teacher says a letterand the students try to say out the two letters next to it as quickly as possible
    3.Listen and sing the alphabet song
    4.Finish 4d
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
          A        B
    (  )1Good morningclass a.It's green
    (  )2Hello b.Finethank you
    (  )3What color is it c.It's M.
    (  )4How are youJim d.Hello
    (  )5What's this in English e.M-A-P
    (  )6Spell itplease f.Good morning
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    —Spell itplease
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 1 My name's Gina

    Language Goals

    Learn to ask for names and phone numbers

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    first namelast nametelephone numberphone numberID cardfamily namemiddle school

    Key Sentences
    What's your name?

    My name's JennyI'm Gina

    What's hisher name?

    HisHer name's TonyGina

    His firstlast name is…

    Nice to meet you

    Nice to meet youtoo

    What's yourhisher phone number?

    It's 232-4672

    Key Grammar
    Present tense to be:amis

    What questions:What is…?

    Possessive adjectives:myyourhisher

    Ability Goals

    Learn to greet people and make new friends

    Moral Goals

    Learn to make new friends

    Teaching Time

    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1f)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What's your name
    My name's Gina
    Nice to meet you
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     How to listen to and ask for names
    Teaching aids 教具
     a tape playersome cards and real things
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk:
    Show the students a few real things and ask them to ask and answer about the things in pairs
    A:What's this in English
    B:It's a ruler
    A:What color is it
    B:It's yellow
    A:Spell yellowplease

    Greet students and make a self-introduction
    T:Good morningafternoonboys and girlsIt's very nice to meet you hereI'm Yuan LiYou can call me Miss YuanOK?Wellmay I know your names
    S1:My name is Song TaoNice to see youMiss Yuan
    S2:I'm Han TingNice to meet you
    S3:And I'm Liu FenGlad to meet you
    T:Now you seeWe are going to learn to greet people and ask for names today
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:namenicetomeettooyourMs
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1a on Page 1 and try to understand it
    Questions for thinking:
    I'm Cindy=________ ________ ________ Cindy
    Answer the question:
    —What's your name
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Greet a few students and see if they can respond correctly
    T:Good morningMy name is Yuan LiNice to meet you
    S1:My name is…Nice to meet youtoo

    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to the exercises above
    T:So in order to introduce yourselfwe can use:My name is…or I am…
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen and number the conversations[1-3].Play the recordingThen check the answers
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversations above with their partners and make their own conversations
    3.Chain work:
    Ask students to work in groupsThe first student asks the second student for his or her nameThe second student answers the question and goes on to ask the third student for his or her name…
    A:HelloI'm GinaWhat's your name
    B:My name is BobNice to meet you
    A:Nice to meet youtoo
    B:HiI am BobWhat's your name
    C:My name is…
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.What's ________ name?(you)
    2.Nice ________ you(meet)
    3.________ name is Gina(I)
    4.—________ is this?(what)
    —It's a book
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    A:What's your name
    B:My name's Gina
    =I'm Gina
    (name's=name is:
    I'm=I am)
    Nice to meet you
    Nice to meet youtoo
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    第单元重点学询问姓名回答提问学会初次见面问候语Nice to meet you学生解中西方文化差异课堂教学中体现礼貌交

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What's his name
    His name's EricHe's Eric
    What's her name
    Her name's MaryShe's Mary
    Are you Helen
    YesI amNoI'm not
    Is he Jack
    Yeshe isNohe isn't
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     How to tell names
    Teaching aids 教具
     some cardsa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Have a conversation with a student
    T:What's your name
    S:My name is Li Jie
    T:(Pointing to a boy) What's his name?Do you know
    S:Luo Tao
    T:Yesyou are rightHis name is Luo TaoToday we will go on learning to ask others' names
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:hisandheryesshehenonot
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 2b on Page 2 and make sure you can read the names in the box
    Questions for thinking:
    His name is Luo Tao=________ ________ Luo Tao
    Her name's Alice=________ ________ Alice
    Self-study guide 3:
    Self-study 2c and 2d and try to make up a conversation with your partner to talk about a third person's nameThe teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask the students to read the names and fill in the blanks
    Boys' names:Tom________
    Girls' names:Mary________
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to the exercises above
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (2b)
    Listen and number the conversations[1-4].Play the recordingThen check the answers
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversations in 2b with their partners and make their own conversations
    Read the conversation in 2d and role-play it with your partner in front of the class
    4.Pair work
    Show students a few pictures of some famous people and ask them to talk about the famous people
    Sample conversations:
    A:What's his name
    B:His name is Yao Ming
    A:What's her name
    B:Her name is Guo Jingjing
    T:We can see from the above that when we say something about a boy or a manwe use his and when we say something about a girl or a womanwe use her.
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Finish 3a on Page 3
    2.Finish 3b on Page 3
    Ask the students to do it by themselves firstThen check the answers with the students
    3.Fill in the blanks with the words given
    Tom:HelloWhat's ________ name
    Jenny:My ________ Jenny
    Tom:________ Tom
    Jenny:Nice to meet youTom
    Bill:What's ________ name
    Maria:His ________ is Tom
    Bill:And what's her ________?
    Maria:Her name ________ Jenny
    4.Group work(3c)
    Practice introducing yourself and others in a groupTry to remember names
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Correct the mistakes in the following sentences
    1.His name is Jenny
    2.This is my a jacket
    3.I last name is Hand
    4.What's is your last name
    5.—Is he Tom?—Yeshe's
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    A:What's his name
    B:His name is Luo Tao=He is Luo Tao
    A:What's her name
    B:Her name is Cindy
    =She is Cindy
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    课时话题What's your name?延伸What's hisher name?回答变第三称单数重点学生接触英文语法中称数概念学生反复练害怕出错胆训练断提高

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1f)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    zeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetelephonenumberphone number
     2Key sentences:
    What's your telephone number
    It's 281-9176
    Is this your number
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     How to ask for and give telephone numbers
    Teaching aids 教具
     some cards and a tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    1.Put the following into English
    Let students listen to the song Ten Little Indian Boys
    T:Do you know what we are going to learn today?We are going to learn to say the numbers and ask for telephone numbers
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:zeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetelephonenumberphone number
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1c on Page 4 and make sure you can read the sentences and understand them
    Questions for thinking:Do you know how to ask for people's phone numbers?The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Let students count things in different amount in English
    Check up 3:
    Let a few pairs of students to act out the dialog in 1c
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen to the conversation and write the telephone numbersThen check the answers
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversations in 1b with their partners and make their own conversations
    3.Listening (1d)
    Play the tape for the students to listen and finish the exercises in 1d and 1eCheck the answers and play the tape again for the students to repeat the conversations
    4.Group work
    Divide the students into some groups of fourAsk each student to write her or his telephone number on a piece of paper and put it in a bagThen take out a piece of paper and find the owner
    A sample conversation:
    S:Is this your telephone number
    S1:Noit isn't
    S:Is this your telephone number
    S2:Yesit is
    S:What's your telephone number
    S2:My phone number is 022-86453290
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Complete the following conversation
    Dick:________I'm ________________?
    Alan:My name is Alan________
    Dick:Nice to meet youtoo________?
    Alan:It's 438-3689
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    .Write the answers to the math problems
    二.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words
    (1)This is ________(I) ruler
    (2)________(he) name is Alan
    (3)________(she) jacket is red
    (4)It's ________(you) clock
    (5)________(my) am a boy________(me) English name is Tony
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    zeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetelephonenumberphone number
    A:What's your telephone number
    B:It's 281-9176
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    课时重点学英文询问回答电话号码话题询问姓名然延伸询问电话号码学生学会WhatHow many询问号码时开始学简单英文数词注意说号码时语音语调

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    firstlastfriendChinamiddleschoolfirst namelast namemiddle school
     2Key sentences:
    What's your first name?My first name is Jack
    What's your lastfamily name
    My lastfamily name is Smith
    What's his telephone number
    It's 876-9548
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Enable students to learn about the differences between Chinese names and English names
    Teaching aids 教具
     some photosppt and a tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Sing a song
    Teach students the song Ten Little Indian Boys
    Show a picture of Yao Ming on the screen

    T:What's his name?Do you know
    Ss:Yao Ming
    T:YesHis last name is Yaoand his first name is Ming
    Do you know what your last name is and what your first name is?Today we are going to learn about first names and last names
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:firstlastfriendChinamiddleschool
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 2a and try to tell first names from last namesRead and understand the conversation in 2a
    Questions for thinking:
    Is the boy's name Jack Smith or Smith Jack
    Do you know the differences between Chinese names and English names
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask a pair of students to act out the dialog in 2a
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to self-study exercises
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversation in 2a with their partners and make their own conversations
    (1)Read 2b and match the messages with the pictures
    (2)Circle the first names and underline the last names
    (3)Finish 2c
    (1)Finish 3a
    Check the answers to 3a by asking students questions
    Sample version:
    T:What's the girl's first name
    Ss:Her first name is Alice
    T:Is her last name Green
    Ss:Yesit is
    T:Is her full name Alice Green or Green Alice
    Ss:Alice Green
    T:What's her telephone number
    Ss:It's 951-3397
    Ask some students to come to the front of the class to introduce themselves
    Write a short passage to introduce your best friend
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Show students two photosOne is an American boy named Jack Smith whose telephone number is 133-5689 and the other is a Chinese girl named Liu Ying whose telephone number is 13974335628Ask the students to have conversations with target languages
    Sample version:
    A:What's his first name
    B:His first name is Jack
    A:What's his last name
    B:His last name is Smith
    A:What's his telephone number
    B:It's 133-5689
    2.Finish the task in Self Check 1
    3.Pair workFinish the task in Self Check 2
    4.PronunciationFirstlisten and read(Page 80)
    Then list more words with the following pronunciations
    1.i________      2i________
    3.e________ 4________
    5.:(r)________ 6(r)________
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    His name is Dale
    2 ________________________________________________________________________
    Her last name is Jones
    My telephone number is 281-9176
    My name is Eric
    Her first name is Jenny
    First name:Gina
    Last name:Brown
    Telephone number:556-12379
    1.________ you Tom?NoI ________ Jim
    2.My mother ________ fine
    3.How ________ your mother
    4.I ________ not Mary
    5.________ she your teacher
    6.What ________ her name
    7.He ________ not Bob
    8.What ________ your name?My name ________ Jim
    9.How ________ you?I ________ finethank you
    10.What ________ your phone number?It ________ 261-9854
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    His name is Yao Ming
        Yao   Ming  
    lastfamily name first name
        full name
    His name is Jack Smith
    Jack   Smith
    first name lastfamily name
        full name
    You are Lily
    You are not Lily
    Are you Lily
    YesI amNoI am not
    He is Tom
    He is not Tom
    Is he Tom
    Yeshe isNohe isn't
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    单元课时带领学生复整单元学容外学生学会firstlast name带领学生结be动词第称第三称情况通身份证信息练句子时求学生书写出简单句子效训练方法

    Unit 2 This is my sister

    Language Goals

    Learn to introduce family membersfriends and other people

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    family photofamily treefamily membersin the next picture

    Key Sentences
    Who's she?She is my sister

    Who's he?He is my brother

    Who're they?They are my parentsgrandparents

    This is my friend JaneThat is my grandfather

    These are my brothersThose are my parents

    Have a good daytimeEnjoy yourself

    I see

    Key Grammar
    Who question:Who's shehe?Who're they?

    Demonstrative pronouns:thisthesethatthose

    Subject pronouns:Ishehe

    Ability Goals

    Learn to introduce family members and exchange personal information with short conversations

    Moral Goals

    Learn to love families and make friends with others

    Teaching Time

    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1d)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    These are my brothers
    Who's she
    She's my sister
    That's my family
    Those are my parents
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     How to introduce family members correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     a tape playersome picturesCAI
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    1.Free talk:
    T:Good morningboyWhat is your name
    S1:I am Wei Yi
    T:Wei Yinice to meet you
    S1:Nice to meet youtoo
    T:Wellhe is Wei YiWho can tell me what his first name is
    S2:His first name is Yi
    T:Goodand may I know your name
    S2:My name is Du Zhiqiang
    Play a guessing game
    T:Everyone has iteveryone loves it and everyone lives in itWhat is it
    Students:It's our family
    T:Today let's come to study Unit 2 This is my sister
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:motherfatherparentsbrothersgrandparentsgrandmothergrandfathersisterfriend
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1a on Page 7 and try to understand it
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)If I want to introduce my mother to otherswhat should I say?This is my mother or she is my mother
    (2)Choose the right answers
    ________ my parents(These areThis is)
    ________ my brother(That isThose are)
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can respond correctly
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen and circle the words you hear in 1a
    Play the recordingThen check the answers
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversations above with their partners and make their own conversations
    3:Act out:role-play
    Ask some pairs of students to role-play the conversation in front of the class
    A:This is my familyThose are my parents
    B:Who's she
    A:She is my sister
    B:Who are they
    A:They are my grandparents
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.LookThat's my familyThose are my ________
    A.parents   B.brother   C.friend
    2.—Are these your brothers
    —Yes________ are
    A.these B.they C.those
    3.—________ that girl
    —She's my friend Jane
    A.Is B.What's C.Who's
    1.LucyMary and Linda are my good ________(friend).
    2.Look at the photoThose are my ________(grandparent).
    3.Is ________(these) your sister
    4.They ________(be) my father and mother
    5.MrBlack has() three ________(brother).
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    She's is my sister
    These are my brothers
    Those are my parents
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    This is my friend Jane
    Who is shehe
    ThisThat is …
    Who are they
    TheseThose are…
    Are those your parents
    Yesthey areNothey aren't
    Have a good day
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     How to identify people
    Teaching aids 教具
     a tape playersome picturesCAI
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Ask and answer:How many people are there in your family
    Who are they
    Ask a student to have a brief introduction of his or her family
    T:Nowlet's come to know Cindy's family
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:parentsgrandparentsfriendsisterbrothermythesethoseYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 2a on Page 8 and make sure you can read the words in the box
    Self-study guide 3:
    Self-study 2c2d and 3a and try to make up a conversation with your partner to talk about your own families or friends
    Questions for thinking:
    Put the following into English
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask the students to read the names and fill in the blanks in 2b
    Check up 3:
    Ask some pairs of students to role-play the conversation in front of the class and see if there are any problems in pronunciationAnd check the answers to self-study exercisesThen check the answers to 3a and ask students to practice it with their partners
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (2a2b)
    Listen and circle the words you hear and match the names with the peoplePlay the recording again and ask students to repeat it sentence by sentenceThen check the answers
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversations in 2d with their partners and make their own conversations
    3.Finish 3b
    Look at the pictureTry to make as many sentences as you can according to the given words
    ThisThat is myyour…
    TheseThose are myyour …
    4.Group work:
    (1)Take out the family photos you bring to schoolThen talk about the photos with your partner
    (2)Work in groups of fourTry to ask and answer questions about your group mates' family photosAnd then report it to the class
    There are … people in my familyThey are…This is my…HeShe is a(n) …HeShe's …years oldThese are my…
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.That is my brother(变复数句)
    ________ ________ my brothers
    2.It is a nice picture(变复数句)
    ________ ________ nice pictures
    3.Are these your sisters?(变单数句)
    ________ ________your sister
    4.Are those your friends?(作肯定否定回答)
    Yes________ ________No________ ________
    5.He's my__father.(画线部分提问)
    ________ he
    6.They're my_grandparents.(画线部分提问)
    ________ they
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    .Complete the sentences
    ________ ________ my friend Jane
    ________ my grandmother
    ________ ________ my brothers
    ________ ________ my parents
    ________ she
    She's my ________
    ________ he
    ________ my brother
    二.Oral speaking:Kate邀请朋友露茜(Lucy)莉莉(Lily)参加家庭派KateLucy Lily 介绍家(写段话口头表演出)
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    that's=that is
    who're= who are
    who's=who is
    they're=they are
    Who is shehe
    Who are they
    Are those your parents
    Yesthey areNothey aren't
    Have a good day
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    daughtersoncousingrandpamomuncledadgrandmaauntfamily tree
     2Key sentences:
    These are my parents and this is my grandmaThis is my friendLin Fang
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     To understand the relationship of the families
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIsome cardspictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Quick response:
    Show cards to students and ask them to speak out the words or phrases together as quickly as possible
    Let the students watch the video Home with KidsAt the same time the teacher draws an unfinished family tree on the blackboardAfter watchingask students to make a report about the family of Xia Yu
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:daughtersoncousingrandpamomuncledadgrandmaauntfamily tree
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1a and add the words in the box to the family tree
    Questions for thinking:
    How do you introduce your family members to others by using the useful sentences
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Check the answers to 1a
    Check up 2:
    Father's mother is my ________
    Father's father is my ________
    Father's sister is my ________
    Mother's brother is my ________
    My sister is my parents' ________
    My brother is my parents'________
    My aunt's daughter is my ________
    Check up 3:
    Ask students to make a report about his or her family to classmates
    Helloeveryonemy name is He Changjun and this is my familyThey are my grandparentsThese are my parentsThe little boy is my brotherHis name is He Changhui
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b1c)
    (1)Listen to the conversation and check the words you hearThen check the answers
    (2)Listen again and try to find out which picture Jiang Tao and Tom are talking about in 1c
    (3)Listen and repeat
    2.Practice in pairs
    (1)Ask students to practice the conversations in 1b with their partners and make their own conversations
    (2)Draw a picture of your family and friendsTell your partner about your picture
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Tom and Jack ________good friends
    A.is      B.are      C.be
    2.The name ________ the school is XJQ Middle School
    A.in B.on C.of
    3.Jenny is my dad's sisterShe's my ________
    A.aunt B.uncle C.cousin
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.Lucy is my uncle's daughter
    She is my ________
    2.John is my father's brother
    He is my ________
    3.Jack is my grandparents' son
    He is my ________________
    4.Susan is my mother's sister
    She is my ________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    momauntfamily treegrandmadaduncle
    These are my parents and this is my grandma
    This is my friendLin Fang
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    photonextofpictureherein the next picturegirldog
     2Key sentences:
    Here are two nice photos of my family
    In the next picture are my brothersBob and Eric
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to write a short passage to describe familiesand share it with classmates orally
    Teaching aids 教具
     photoscardsCAIa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk:
    T:Helloboys and girlshow many family members do you remember
    T:OKwho wants to share his (her) family with us
    S1:I have a big familymy fathermy mothermy sister and I
    S2:There are three people in my familymy father mother and I
    T:Well done
    T:TodayI bring a good friend hereDo you want to know her
    T:(Show a family photo in the CAI)Welllet's know her together
    T:Her name is Jenny…
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:photonextofpictureheregirldog
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 2b and finish 2c and try to understand the meaning of the passage by self-readingUnderline the important or difficult sentences or phrases
    Questions for thinking:
    How many people are there in Jenny's family
    Who are they
    Alan and Mary are Jenny's ________
    Cindy is Jenny's and Helen is Jenny's
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask a group of students to read the passage in 2b
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to self-study exercises
    Check up 4:
    Check the answers to 2c
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Group work:Review the names and classify them into the male and female names and ask two students to write them down on the blackboard
    2.Writing:Complete the passage in 3a and write a passage about your family
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Show students some words for family members and group them
    2.Complete the conversation
    Bill:Here's a photo of my family
    Daming:________ he
    Bill:________ my uncle
    Daming:________ this girl
    Bill:________ my cousin
    Daming:Are ________ your parents
    Bill:Yes________ areAndthese ________ my grandparents
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Complete the sentences
    Here ________ a photo ________ my ________
    ________ are my ________ and ________
    ________ two ________ are my ________
    —Is Kitty the ________ ________ your cat
    —No________ isn't
    —________ your ________ in the ________ picture
    —Yes________ ________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    HiI'm Luo XiaohanHere is a photo of my familyThese are my grandparents and these are my parentsThis is my sisterLuo XiaoyanThose are my uncle and auntIs that girl my cousin?Yesshe isHer name's Liu Feng
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 3 Is this your pencil

    Language Goals

    Be able to ask and answer the ownership of objects

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    pencil boxID carda set ofask…for…e-mail…at…call…at…

    Key Sentences
    Excuse mewhat about…?Thank you for…You're welcome

    Is thisthat yourhisher pencilschoolbaggreen pen?

    Yesit isIt's minehishers

    Noit isn't

    Are thesethose yourhisher bookskeys?

    Yesthey areThey are minehishers

    Nothey aren't

    Ask the teacher for it

    I lost my school ID card

    I must find it

    Key Grammar
    Yes or no questions

    Nominal possessive pronouns

    Plural nouns

    Ability Goals

    Be able to communicate with classmates by asking the ownership of objects and write a Lost and Found

    Moral Goals

    Be able to take good care of the owner's stationery or other objects

    Teaching Time

    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1e)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    pencilbookeraserboxrulerpencil boxschoolbagdictionaryhisminehers
     2Key sentences:
    Is this your pencil
    Yesit isIt's mine
    Noit isn't
    Is that your schoolbag
    Yesit isIt's mine
    Are thesethose your books
    Yesthey areThey are mine
    Nothey aren't
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to use possessive pronouns correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     objectsa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk and lead-in:
    T:Excuse mewhat's this?(Show S1 a pen)
    S1:It is a pen
    T:Spell itplease
    T:Greatsit downAndwhat's this?(pencil)
    Ss:It's a pencil( Students can also answer it in Chinese)
    T:Yesit is a pencilNowlet's come to Unit 3 Is this your pencil
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:pencilbookeraserboxpencil boxschoolbagdictionaryhisminehers
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1atry to read and understand the conversations
    Questions for thinking:How to write yes or no questions
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Greet a few students and see if they can respond correctly
    T:Excuse meis this your book
    S1:Yesit isIt's mine
    T:Is that your eraser
    S2:Noit isn'tIt's hers
    T:Pay attention to thisHeremine equals to my book and hers equals to her eraser
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen and number the conversations[1-3].Play the recordingThen check the answers
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversations above with their partners and make their own conversations
    3.Chain work:
    Ask students to use their own things to work in groupsThe first student asks the second student and the second student answers the question and goes on to ask the third one…
    S1:Is this your pencil
    S2:Yesit isIt is mineAre these your pens
    S3:Nothey aren'tThey are hisIs that your schoolbag
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Is this your pencil
    Yesit isIt's mine
    =Yesit isIt is ________ ________
    2.Are these your pens
    Nothey aren'tThey are his
    =Nothey aren'tThey are ________ ________
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    2.thesebooksareher (?)
    3.thatnotmypencil boxis ()
    4.thosedictionariesareyours (?)
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    Is this your pencil
    Yesit isIt's mine
    Noit isn't
    Is that your schoolbag
    Yesit isIt's mine
    Are thesethose your books
    Yesthey areThey are mine
    Nothey aren't
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    excuse methankteacheraboutyoursforhelpwelcome
     2Key sentences:
    Excuse me
    Is thisthat your pencilschoolbag
    Yesit isIt's mineNoit isn'tIt's hershis
    What about …?
    Thank you for …
    Are thesethose yourherhis bookskeys
    Yesthey areNothey aren't
    You are welcome
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to understand the differences between my and mineher and hersyour and yours
    Teaching aids 教具
     real thingspicturesa tape playerppt
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Quick response:Show students some pictures quickly by using pptAsk a team of students to respond the words as quickly as possibleIf someone makes a mistakethe others help to correct it
    T:What's this
    S1:It is a pencil
    T:How do you spell it
    T:GreatIs this your pencil
    S1:Noit isn'tIt is hers
    T:What are they
    S2:They are erasers
    T:Spell eraserplease
    T:Well donethere are two erasersAre they yours
    S2:Yesthey are mine
    T:Thank you
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new wordsphrases and sentences:teacherexcuse meyoursWhatHow about…thank you for…helpwelcome
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Go through 2b and get ready for the listening practiceSolve the problems in pronunciation
    Self-study guide 3:
    Read the conversation in 2d with your partnerunderline the important expressions and circle the difficult words or phrases
    Self-study guide 4:
    Do the exercises in Part 3a and 3b by yourself
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)____________ that book?(书样?)
    (3)Thank you for (谢谢帮助)
    (4)What does Bob's mean
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to 3a and ask a few pairs of students to act out the conversations
    Check up 3:
    Ask a few students some questions and see if they can respond correctly
    A:Excuse meis this your ruler
    B:Noit isn'tIt's Yuan Guang's
    A:What about the red pencil box
    B:It's Wei Yi'sAnd the blue pencil is histoo
    A:Thank you for your help
    B:You are welcome
    Check up 4:
    Check the answers to 3b
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    (1)Listen to 2a and check the things you hear
    (2)Finish 2b and check the answersThen ask students to repeat the conversation
    2.Practice in pairs
    Ask students to practice the conversation above with their partners and make their own conversations using the things in the classroom
    3.Team competition:
    Ask students to work in teams to ask and answer the questions they have learnt in classThe first student asks the second student and the second student answers the question and goes on to ask the third studentAt lastthe teacher will praise the best team that answers the most quickly and fluently
    A:Excuse meis this your ruler
    B:Noit isn'tIs this your English book
    C:Yesit isIt's mineIs that your schoolbag
    D:Noit isn't

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Is this your books
    2.—What's this? —It is a eraser
    3.These are mine pencils
    4.HowWhat about watch TV
    5.Is this yours book
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.This is his schoolbag(变般疑问句)
    2.Is this your eraser?(做否定回答)
    3.Are these her keys?(做肯定回答)
    4.That is a__pencil__box.(画线部分提问)
    1.it is=________    2they are=________
    3.is not=________ 4are not=________
    5.that is=________ 6name is=________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    it's=it is
    isn't=is not
    aren't=are not
    Is thisthat your green pen
    Yesit isIt's mine
    Noit isn'tIt's hershis
    Are thesethose yourherhis keys
    Yesthey are
    Nothey aren't
    WhatHow about …
    Thank you for …
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    baseballwatchcomputergamecardID cardnotebookringbag
     2Key sentences:
    What's this
    How do you spell it
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to use the target language to make conversations
    Teaching aids 教具
     picturesppta tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:HelloIs this your English book
    S:Yesit is mine
    T:Andwhat's that
    S:It is a blue schoolbag
    T:Is it yours
    S:Noit is hers
    T:What's in your room?Who wants to tell me
    S1:Some booksa schoolbag and a bed
    T:Goodany more
    S2:A beda deska computer and some flowers
    T:Wowit is a nice room
    S3:A bedsome bookssome pencils and a basketball
    T:Welldo you want to see what's in my room
    T:(Show a picture of my room in the CAI) Let's have a look together
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:baseballwatchcomputergamecardID cardnotebookringbag
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1a and 1b on Page 16 and make sure you can read the words and understand the sentencesThen match the words with the things in the picture
    Make a conversation with your partner using the things in 1a
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Questions for thinking:How to ask for the spelling of some words
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask some students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessaryThen show students the pictures of the new words on the screen and ask them to speak out the new words
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to self-study Exercise 4
    How do you spell it
    Can you spell it
    Spell itplease
    Check up 3:
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their own conversation
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1c1d)
    Listen to the conversation and circle the things you hear in 1alisten again and write the things that belong to Linda or MikeThen check the answers
    2.Pair work
    Ask and answer the questions about the things in 1a
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Student A is Linda and Student B is MikeMake conversations about the things in 1dThen change roles
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Make a conversation according to the given words and pictures
    A:I am looking for my English book
    B:Is that your English book
    A:Yesit's mine
    B:Here you areAre these your keys
    A:Nothey aren'tThank you for your help
    B:You are welcomeBye
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    gamecardID card
    What's this
    It is a watch
    How do you spell it
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    inlibraryaskask…for…findsomeclassroome-mailatcalllostmustseta set of
     2Key sentences:
    Ask the teacher for it
    I lost my school ID card
    I must find it
    Call me at 495-3539
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to write a Lost and Found
    Teaching aids 教具
     some real thingscardsa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk and lead-in:
    T:Good morningboys and girlsHow are you
    Ss:I am fineand you
    T:I am not wellBecause I lost my cell phoneDo you often lose your things
    S1:YesI often lose my ID card
    S2:I often lose my erasers
    T:How about you
    S3:I often lose my pens
    T:That's OKEveryone has lost somethingTodaylet's learn how to find them back easily:writing a Lost and Found
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:inlibraryaskask…for…findsomeclassroome-mailatcalllostmustseta set ofYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    (1)Write the things you lose easily
    (2)Read the notices by yourselves and underline the important expressions and circle the difficult points
    Questions for thinking:
    What're the differences between lost notices and found notices
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    1.ask…for… 2call…at… 3e-mail…at…
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    (1)First ask students to read the notices to see if they have any problems in pronunciation
    (2)Ask students to retell the notices to see if they have paid attention to the important language points
    ①A computer game is in the school libraryIs it ________?________ the teacher ________ it
    ②Some keys ________ in ________7EAre they________?________ me ________ maryg2@gfimailcom
    ③________ this your watch?My phone number is ________.________ me
    ④I ________ my school ________ ________.I must ________ it________ me ________ 685-6034Thanks
    (3)Then ask some students to do some translation practice about the notices
    ②E-mail me at maryg2@gfimailcom
    (4)Read the notices again and write down the itemsThen check Lost or Found(2c)
    Explain the important points in writing Lost and Found
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box(3a)
    Write your own lost or found notice with your name and phone numberThe teacher chooses some wonderful writings to read
    3.Ask students to write down some school things heshe knows on the blackboardThe others help to correct the mistakes if necessary
    4.Group work:make a chart with pronouns
    5Pair work
    Make up the conversations in Self Check 3 with your partner and act it out
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    ________ ________ your watch
    Are ________ ________?
    A ________ ________ is ________ the school library
    Ask the ________ for ________
    Some ________ ________ ________ Classroom 7E
    I ________ my school ________ ________
    ________ me ________ 367-2598
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Are those your keys
    Call Lily at 123-4567
    My English book
    Call Jenny at 765-1234
    Answer the following questions according to the Lost and Found
    1.Someone lost ________ ________
    2Lily's telephone number is ________
    3.Lily found some ________
    4.The English book is ________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    inlibraryaskask…for…findsomeclassroome-mailatcalllostmustseta set of
    Ask the teacher for it
    I lost my school ID card
    I must find it
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag

    Language Goals

    Be able to ask and answer where things are

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    come ontape playermodel plane

    Key Sentences
    Where's the schoolbag?

    It's under the table

    Where are my books?

    They're on the sofa

    Where are their keys?

    They're on the table

    Where's the map?

    I think it's in my grandparents' room

    Yesit's on their bed

    Are the keys on the sofa?

    Nothey aren'tThey are on the table

    Key Grammar

    Where questions

    Yes or no questions

    Ability Goals

    Be able to describe where things are by using the positional prepositions correctly

    Moral Goals

    Be able to foster(培养) a good habit of tidying your things up

    Teaching Time

    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1e)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Where's my pencil box
    It's in your schoolbag
    Where are my books
    They're on the sofa
    Where's my computer game
    It's under your bed
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to describe where the things are by using the prepositions correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     picturesCAIobjectsa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Guessing game:
    T:What's in my bag?You can guess by using the sentence pattern Is it aan …? to ask me
    S1:Is it an apple
    T:It sounds you like fruit very muchBut it isn't an apple
    S2:Is it a cellphone
    T:Noit isn'tIt's something that we need to write with
    S3:Is it a pen
    T:Welllet's have a look togetherWhat's this
    Ss:It's a pen
    T:You are rightMy pen is in my bagOhwhere is my English book
    Ss:Your English book is on the desk
    T:Ohyesthank youToday we will learn to tell where things are
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:wheretablebedbookcasesofachaironunder
    Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsAnd you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study 1aread the conversations by yourselves and match the words with the things in the pictures
    Questions for thinking:
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandMaybe it is necessary to discuss the usage of prepositions
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to Part 1aAsk a team of students to give the answers one by oneand help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessaryThen check the answers to exercises in self-study
    Check up 3:
    Ask some students to make a conversation with their partner and see if they can respond correctly
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen and number the things[1-4].Play the recording twiceThen check the answers
    2.Pair work
    Make some conversations with your partner using the words below
    baseball     bookcase
    schoolbag table
    books chair
    keys sofa
    A:Where is your baseball
    B:It is under the chairWhere are your books
    A:They are on the tableWhere are my keys
    B:They are on the sofa

    3.Act out
    Ask some pairs of students to act out their dialogs in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.They are under__the__chair.
    ________ ________ they
    2.My schoolbag is on__the__table.
    ________ ________ ________ schoolbag
    3.His keys are in__the__pencil__box.
    ________ ________ his keys
    4.Tommy is at__school.
    ________ ________ Tommy
    5.Anna's books are on__the__bookcase.
    ________ ________ Anna's books
    二.Write a short passage to describe your study(书房) and tell us where your things are
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Oral test:Look at the picture in the CAIit is Jane's roomWork in groups of four and talk about where her things are
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    Where's my pencil box
    It's in your schoolbag
    Where are my books
    They're on the sofa
    Where's my computer game
    It's under your bed
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Are the keys on the sofa
    Nothey aren'tThey are on the table
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to talk about where the things are and communicate with each other properly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playerpicturesobjectscards
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk and lead-in:
    T:Where is your pencilLily
    Lily:It's in my pencil box
    T:Where is your rulerTom
    Tom:It's on the desk
    T:Mikeis your bag under your desk
    Mike:Noit isn't

    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words:comedeskthinkroomtheirhatheadyeahknowLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study Part 2d and finish the exercises in 3aAnd make a conversation by imitating the conversation in 2d
    Questions for thinking:
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Greet a few students to see if they can ask and answer fluently
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to exercises in self-study and Part 3a
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (2a)
    Listen to the tape and number the things[1-6].
    Listen again and repeat the recording and imitate the intonation(语调).
    2.Pair workAsk students to make up conversations about the picture in 2bThen make up more conversations about your own things
    A:Where are my pencils
    B:Are they in the pencil box
    A:Yesthey areThank you
    B:Are your books on the sofa
    A:Nothey aren'tThey are in the bookcase
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    A game:Find the differences
    Show students two picturesThere are five differences between themAsk students to find the five differences between them quicklyIf you finishyou can hand up and make a report like this:
    Model:In Picture Onethe books are in the bookcase and in Picture Twothe books are on the desk
    In Picture Onethe schoolbag is on the table and in Picture Twothe schoolbag is under the chair

    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    (  )What's your name
    (  )What color is it
    (  )How do you spell it
    (  )Thank you for your help
    (  )Who's the girl
    (  )Is this your blue pencil box
    A.You are welcome
    C.She is my sister
    D.It is red
    E.Yesit isIt's mine
    F.My name is Jane
    二.Correct mistakes
    This is blue pen________________________________________________________________________
    Where is your keys?________________________________________________________________________
    Those are my parent________________________________________________________________________
    What his name?________________________________________________________________________
    Is this your pencils?________________________________________________________________________
    It on the table________________________________________________________________________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    Are the keys on the sofa
    Nothey aren't
    They are on the table
    Come on
    I think it is in your grand parents' room
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    radioclocktapeplayertape playermodelplanemodel plane
     2Key sentences:
    Where are the English books
    They're under the radio
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to describe where things are
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk and lead-in:
    T:Good morningboys and girls
    Ss:Good morningMiss Yuan
    T:Are you happy today
    Ss:YesAnd you
    T:I am happytooSobefore classlet's enjoy a song
    Sing a song:
    Where is the door
    It's over thereit's over thereover there
    Where is the window
    It's over thereit's over thereover there
    Where is the …
    (after singing)
    T:Let's go on learning to talk about where things are
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Self-study the new words and phrases:radiotape playertapeclockmodel planeplaneLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study guide 2:
    Self-study Part 1a and 1blook at the picture and write down the things you know as many as possible
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in Part 1a
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Ask three students to write the things they remember on the blackboard(1b)
    (1)Listen to the conversation and circle the things Tom wants from his room(1c)
    (2)Listen again and repeat the conversation after the player loudlyTry to imitate the intonation
    (3)Listen once again and write down where the things are(1d)
    The ________ are ________________________________________________________________________
    The ________ is ________________________________________________________________________
    Ask a team of students to speak out the answers and check the answers together
    (4)Make up conversations:Ask and answer questions about the things in Tom's room
    B:Where are the English books
    G:They are under the radio
    G:Where is the tape
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Free talk
    Show students a picture with some things and ask them to practice conversations in groups
    —Where isare the ________?
    —It's (They're) inonunder ________
    —Is itAre they inonunder ________?
    —Yesit isthey areNoit isn'tthey aren'tThey are inonunder…
    Write a short passage according to the listening materials above
    Tom's English books are under the radio________________________________________________________________________
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    .Look at the first picture on Page 22Then close your books and write down all the things your remember
    二.Change the sentences into yes or no questions
    1.The English books are under the radio
    2.The ruler is on the bed
    3.The notebook is under the model
    4.The tape is in the tape player
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    Where are the English books
    They're under the radio
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    My dictionary and my radio are on the deskMy pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Learn to use and and but correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIchartpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:Do as I say
    T:Show me your pencil
    T:Show me your English book
    T:Put your English book on your desk
    T:Put your pencil on your English book
    Free talk:
    Teacher walks around the classroom and greets students
    T:Hellomay I know your name
    S1:My name is Wen Qing
    T:Nice to meet you
    S1:Nice to meet youtoo
    T:Is this your English book
    S1:Noit isn'tIt's yours
    T:Where is your English book
    S1:It is in my desk
    T:Greatsit downExcuse mecan you show me your ruler
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study guide 1:
    Write the words you know for the things in the picture(2a)
    Self-study Part 2b and complete the chart in 2cTry to memorize the new words
    Self-study guide 2:
    Circle the difficult words or phrases and underline the important points in Part 2b
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Gina is Kate's ________
    (2)________ room is not tidy
    (3)Where is the white model plane
    (5)Do they live in the same room or different rooms
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Ask some students to speak out the words for the things in 2aThe student who does best should be praised
    Ask two students to read the passage by themselves and help them correct the pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to 2ccheck and explain the answers to the exercises in self-study
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Do a survey
    Do you have these things?Where are they
    Ask students to work in teams and make a chart as the following and then make a report

    a dictionary

    a schoolbag

    a pencil

    a radio




    A:Do you have a dictionary
    A:Where is it
    B:It is in the bookcase
    A:Do you have a radio
    A:Do you have…?
    I am LilyI am very happy to introduce my nice room to you allIn my roommy books are…
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Write down five sentences about where the things are in your room
    My dictionary and my radio are on the desk
    My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk
    Classify the things in your room
    Furniture (家具):________________________________________________________________________
    Stationery (文具):________________________________________________________________________
    Others ():________________________________________________________________________
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Writing:Write a short passage to introduce your own room
    You can start with:
    HelloeveryoneI am glad to introduce my nice room to youIn my room________________________________________________________________________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    In my roommy dictionary and my radio are on the desk
    My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball

    Language Goals
    Be able to talk about ownership

    Knowledge Goals

    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    let's=let uswatch TVsoccer ball

    Key Sentences
    Do you have a ping-pong batball
    YesI doNoI don't
    Do they have a basketball
    Yesthey doNothey don't
    Does shehe have a tennissoccer ball
    Yesshehe doesNoshehe doesn't

    Key Grammar
    The simple present tense

    Ability Goals
    Be able to talk about activities and express your own feelings about them

    Moral Goals
    Form a good habit of loving sports

    Teaching Time
    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1d)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    dohavetennisballping-pongbatsoccersoccer ballvolleyballbasketball
     2Key sentences:
    Do you have a ping-pong bat
    YesI do
    Do you have a ping-pong ball
    NoI don't
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to use the word have properly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape playerobjects
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Show students a ping-pong ball and ask:
    T:What's this
    Ss:It is a ping-pong ball
    T:Yeslistenping-pong ball(read the word three times).I have a ping-pong ballDo you have a ping-pong ball
    T:Well(Show students a soccer ball) And what's this
    Ss:It's a football
    T:Goodit is a footballAnd we can also call it a soccer ballDo you have a soccer ball?(Write down the title on the blackboard)
    T:Todaylet's study Unit 5
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:dohavetennisballping-pongbatsoccersoccer ballvolleyballbasketballLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in Part 1a and match the words with the things in the picture
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Do you have a computer
    Yes________ ________
    No________ ________
    (2)Make up sentences with the word have.
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandIf students don't have any questionsthe teacher can ask them some questions to check if they really grasp the language points
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Greet a few students to see if they can respond fluently and correctly with the target language
    T:Do you have a basketball
    S1:YesI do
    T:Do you have a volleyball
    S2:NoI don't
    T:Do you have a sister
    S3:NoI don't
    T:Do you have an English book
    S4:YesI do
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to the exercises above
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen and circle the words in the box
    2.Pair work
    Practice the conversation in 1c with your partner and then make up your own conversations with picture prompt(迅速).
    Act out your conversation in front of the class
    A:I have a baseball
    B:Where is it
    A:It's under the table
    B:Do you have a baseball
    A:YesI do

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Play a guessing game:
    One student stands in front of the class with a big bag in herhis handThe other students try to guess what is in herhis bag
    A:Do you have a volleyball in your bag
    B:YesI doNoI don't
    C:Do you have a ping-pong ball in your bag
    B:YesI doNoI don't
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.I have a basketball(变般疑问句)
    2.Do you have a tennis ball?(作肯定回答)
    3.Do you have a ping-pong bat?(作否定回答)
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    dohavetennisballping-pongbatsoccersoccer ballvolleyballbasketballdon't=do not
    Do you have a ping-pong batball
    YesI doNoI don't
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Do they have a basketball
    Yesthey doNothey don't
    Does shehe have a tennissoccer ball
    Yesshehe doesNoshehe doesn't
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to use do properly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playerpictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    1.Quick response:
    The teacher says some words or sentences in Chineseand the students should speak them out in English
    For example:
    S:I have a ping-pong ball
    S:Do you have a baseball bat

    2.Free talk and lead-in:
    T:Hellodo you have a tennis ball
    S1:YesI do
    T:Where is it
    S1:It is in my desk
    T:GoodDoes he have a tennis ball
    S2:Yeshe does
    T:Very goodHe has a tennis ballNowlet's go on to learn something new about Unit 5
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:heyletusgowelatehasgetgreatplaysoundLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in Part 2d with your partner and circle the difficult words or sentencesYou can discuss your problems with your partner
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in Part 3a and 3bAnd try to understand the conversations in 3b
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Does she have a baseball
    Yes________ ________
    No________ ________
    Jane ________ a basketball
    They ________ a ping-pong bat
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandIf students don't have any questionsthe teacher can ask them some questions to check if they really grasp the language points
    Let me get itWhat does this sentence mean?And we can get a phrase from the sentenceWhat is it?Then ask students to make sentences with let sbdo sth to see if they can use it correctly
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask students to read the conversation in Part 2d and discuss the difficult points with them
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to exercises in Part 3a3b and self-study
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (2a2b)
    (1)Listen to the conversations and number the pictures[1-4].
    Play the recording again and match the pictures in 2a with the ballsThen check the answers
    (2)Let students listen to 2a and 2b again and finish the following chart



    2Pair work
    Ask and answer in pairs according to the chart above
    A:Does Jane have a tennis ball
    B:Yesshe does
    A:Does Jane have a basketball
    B:Noshe doesn't(Then exchange the roles)

    Ask some pairs of students to act out the dialog in Part 2d in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Group work
    Work in groups and do a survey using the question:Does…have a…?




    (1)I have a computer
    (2)She has a sister
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    Do they have a basketball
    Yesthey doNothey don't
    Does shehe have a tennissoccer ball
    Yesshehe doesNoshehe doesn't
    Welllet's play basketball
    That sounds good
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    interestingboringfundifficultrelaxingwatchTVwatch TV
     2Key sentences:
    Let's play computer games
    That sounds interesting
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to make suggestions and use the adjectives to express the feelings about something
    Teaching aids 教具
     a tape playerCAIpicturescards
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:Before classlet's play a gameI have some cards here and in each card you can read an answer to a questionI ask and you answerThe students who have the answer cards to my questions will stand up and answer me quickly and clearly
    For instance:
    T:Does Wei Yi have a basketball
    S123…:(The student who has the answer to my question will stand up and answer)Yeshe does
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:interestingboringfundifficultrelaxingwatchTVLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for helpThen try to understand and memorize them
    Self-study 2:
    Look at the pictures in Part 1a and match the words with the pictures
    Questions for thinking:
    Try to understand the words:interestingfunrelaxingboringdifficult and make up five sentences using the five words
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandIf students don't have any questionsthe teacher can ask them some questions to check if they really grasp the language points
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercise in 1a
    Check up 3:
    Ask five students to write down their sentences on the blackboard and learn from each other
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    Listen and check the description words you hear in 1aListen again and choose a word to fill in each blank in Part 1c
    2.Pair work(1d)
    You are Paul and your partner is Paul's friend Jennymake up a conversation
    P:HiJennydo you have a volleyball
    J:NoI don'tBut I have a basketball
    P:Welllet's play basketball
    J:That sounds good (interesting).

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Talk about the following activities and learn to describe them with the adjectives you have learnt(Showing students some sports pictures on the screen)

    A:Let's play football
    B:I don't like (playing) footballIt's boring
    A:Let's play basketball
    B:That sounds goodIt's interesting

    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    interestingboringfundifficultrelaxingwatchTVplay computer gamesplay volleyballwatch TVplay basketball
    Let's play computer games
    That sounds interesting
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    I don't have a soccer ballbut my brother Alan does
    We play it at school with our friends
    I love sportsbut I don't play them
    I only watch them on TV
    It's easy for me
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Learn to use the words and and but.
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:How many sports words do you know
    S1:Footballbasketballping-pong …
    T:OKlet's spell them together(Write the words on the blackboard)
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:samelovewithsportthemonlylikeeasyafterclassclassmateLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Self-read the survey results in 2band try to understand the meaning of each sentenceYou can circle the difficult points and try to find out the useful expressions
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercise in Part 2c
    Questions for thinking:
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandIf students don't have any questionsthe teacher can ask them some questions to check if they really grasp the language points
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in Part 2c and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask students some questions to see if they really understand the passages
    T:Does Gina have soccer balls?Who has a soccer ball?…
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Group work(3a3b)
    Make a survey about the sports equipment
    Sports Survey
    Do you have a basketball
    (  ) YesI do    (  ) NoI don't
    (  )YesI do (  ) NoI don't
    (  )YesI do (  ) NoI don't
    (  )YesI do (  ) NoI don't
    (  )YesI do (  ) NoI don't
    2.Speaking and writing (3c)
    Talk with your partner and finish the chart
    Things I have
    Things I don't have

    A:I have a volleyballbut I don't have a basketballDo you have one
    B:YesI have a basketballBut I don't have a ping-pong ball

    Then ask the students to write a small paragraph about themselves and their friends using but and the right form of the verb have.
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Choose the words from the box to describe the sports

    2.Make a report
    Sample:I think playing football is …playing basketball is…
    3.Finish the exercises in Self Check
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    .Write some sentences about yourself and your partner with and or but.
    I have a ping-pong ball and a basketballbut I don't have a baseball
    Lily has a tennis bat but she doesn't have a ping-pong bat

    A:________ me________ you have a ping-pong bat
    B:NoI ________
    A:________ Sally ________ a ping-pong bat
    B:Noshe ________ ________ a ping-pong bat
    A:________ Linda have a ping-pong bat
    B:Yesshe ________ a ping-pong bat________ she doesn't ________ a ping-pong ball
    A:Well________ you have a ping-pong ball
    B:YesI ________I ________ three ping-pong ________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    I don't have a soccer ballbut my brother Alan does
    We play soccer at school with our friends
    I love sportsbut I don't play them
    I only watch them on TV
    It's easy for me
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 6 Do you like bananas

    Language Goals

    Be able to talk about likes and dislikes

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    think abouthow abouta lot of

    Key Sentences
    Do you like salad?

    YesI doNoI don't

    Do they like pears?

    Yesthey doNothey don't

    Does she like tomatoes?

    Yesshe doesNoshe doesn't

    IWe like orangesrice

    He likes ice-cream

    Key Grammar
    The simple present tense

    Nouns:countable nouns and uncountable nouns

    Ability Goals

    Be able to communicate with classmates about likes and dislikes

    Moral Goals

    Help students to have a healthy eating habit

    Teaching Time

    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1e)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Do you like bananas
    YesI do
    Do you like salad
    NoI don't
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes
    Teaching aids 教具
     a tape playerCAIpicturesfruits
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Show students a picture of a supermarket and ask them:
    T:What's this
    Ss:It's a picture
    T:Goodcan you guess what kind of place it is
    Ss:A shopmarket…
    T:Do you often go shopping
    T:And what do you buy
    T:WonderfulTodaylet's learn more food we usually buy in the supermarket
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:bananahamburgertomatoice-creamsaladstrawberrypearmilkbreadLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversations in Part 1a by yourselves and match the words with the things in the pictures
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Write down the plural forms of the words
    (2)Do you like tomatoes
    Yes________ ________
    No________ ________
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises on Page 31 and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask a few students questions with the target language to see if they can respond correctly
    Sample dialog:
    T:Do you like milk
    S1:YesI do
    T:Do you like strawberries
    S2:YesI do
    T:Do you like oranges
    S3:NoI don't

    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen to 1b carefully and number the conversations[1-3].Listen againrepeat the conversations sentence by sentence
    2.Pair work:Work with your partner and role-read the conversations in Part 1bAnd then make your own conversations using the things in the picture
    3.Role-play:Ask some pairs of students to act out their conversations in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Speak out the words as quickly as possible with pictures promptpay attention to the plural forms of countable nouns

    (1)Do you like ________(strawberrystrawberries)
    (2)Here are some nice ________(tomatostomatoes).
    (3)Let's ________(havehas) apples and bananas
    (4)John likes ________(milkmilks) and bread
    (5)Sam ________(don'tdoesn't) like vegetable salad

    (6)—Let's play volleyball
    —________(SoundsSound) good
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Oral test:Work in groups to talk about what your favorite food or fruit is
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    Do you like bananas
    YesI do
    Do you like salad
    NoI don't
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    单元基础单元继续学般现时种句型话题Do you like bananas?学生学重点词汇表示食物名词难点理解运数名词单复数形式数名词含义容听说活动中反复提醒断训练加深理解特汉语里东西数够说成……英文中数名词学生容易出错

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Does shehe like tomatoes
    Yesshehe does
    I like oranges
    He likes ice-cream
    We like rice
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to tell countable nouns from uncountable nouns
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playerpictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:What day is it today
    Ss:Today is Friday
    T:Yestoday is FridayAnd today is also a special dayCan you guess
    Ss:Today is your birthday
    T:Notoday is not my birthday but it is my friend Sally's birthdayDo you like birthday party
    T:YesI love birthday party tootoday let's learn something about how to prepare for a birthday party
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:birthdaydinnerweekfoodsurevegetablefruitrightappletheneggcarrotricechickensoLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in Part 2d and circle the hard points and underline the important sentences
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in 3a
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Classify the words in the box into countableuncountableand countable and uncountable nounsbananahamburgertomatoice-cream
    Countable nouns:bananahamburgertomatostrawberrypearappleeggcarrotvegetable
    Uncountable nouns:milkbreadrice
    Countable and uncountable nouns:ice-creamsaladchickenfoodfruit
    (2)Correct the mistakes in the following sentences
    I have a milk________________________________________________________________________
    The tomatos are on the table________________________________________________________________________
    He like vegetables________________________________________________________________________
    Does he likes bananas?________________________________________________________________________
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in Part 3a and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask a few students to translate the following sentences to see if they can use the words dodon'tdoesdoesn'tlikelikes correctly
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    Listen and circle the food you hear in the boxListen againcomplete the conversations in 2band then you should repeat the conversations and imitate the intonation
    2.Practice the conversations with your partner and give answers that are true for you
    3.Role-play the dialog in 2d
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Put the sentences in the right order to make a conversation
    (  )YesI do
    (  )Solet's get some bread
    (  )OK
    (  )Do you like bread
    2.Group work:
    Make up a dialog imitating the conversation in 2d
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1Make a survey and complete the chart
    Doesn't like
    Wei Yi
    Wang Bingbing…






    2Make a report:
    Wei Yi likes ice-cream and milkbut he doesn't like tomatoes…
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    Countable nouns:
    Uncountable nouns:
    Countable and uncountable nouns:
    foodfruitice-creamsaladchickenTeaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    Does Tom like carrots
    Yeshe does
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playerpictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk:
    T:Do you like fruits
    T:What kind of fruit do you like
    S1:I like applesbananas and oranges
    T:Does she like apples
    S2:Yesshe does
    T:How about you
    S2:I like applestoo
    T:Do you like vegetables
    S2:YesI like tomatoes and potatoes
    T:Greatfruits and vegetables are good for us to keep healthy
    (Show students pictures of meals)
    T:Nowlet's have a discussion about how to eat healthily
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:breakfastlunchAnd try to memorize the new words
    You can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Finish the exercises in Part 1a and 1b
    Questions for thinking:
    What do you like for your breakfastlunchdinner
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are
    self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to the exercises
    Check up 3:
    Ask a few students to make up a conversation about what's for breakfastlunchdinner
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1c)
    Listen and circle the food you hear in Part 1alisten againand fill in the chart in Part 1d
    2.Pair work(1e)
    Ask and answer:
    A:Does Tom like carrots
    B:Yeshe does
    A:Does Tom like apples
    B:Nohe doesn't

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.My good friend ________(like) carrots
    2.What ________(do) your sister like
    3.My brother ________(not like ) eggs
    4.Let's ________(play) computer games
    5.I like all ________(vegetable).
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Write down the words about fruits and vegetables you have learnt as many as possible
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    Does Tom like carrots
    Yeshe does
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What do you like for breakfastlunchdinner
    I don't want to be fat
    WellI don't like bananasBut I like oranges and apples
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to talk about what food you like to eat
    Teaching aids 教具
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Have a free talk with students
    T:Do you like saladAlan
    Alan:YesI do
    T:Does Alan like saladTom
    Tom:Yeshe does
    T:Do you like pearsTom

    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:stareatwellhabithealthyreallyquestionwantbefatLearn to pronounce them according the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the magazine article in Part 2b and circle the food words and underline the useful expressions
    sports starask…aboutafter dinnerwant to do sth
    Self-study 3:
    Talk about Cindy's eating habits and write down the sentences about Cindy's likes and dislikesAnd finish the exercises in 2c
    Questions for thinking:
    Which food do you think is healthy?And check YesMaybe or No






    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandThe following sentences may be worthy of discussion
    (1)Sports star eats well.
    (2)I don't want__to__be fat
    (3)What do you like for breakfast
    (4)David asks the volleyball starCindy Smithabout her eating__habits.
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in 2c and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask students to talk about Cindy's eating habits
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    Pair work
    Make up a conversation with your partner
    A:Do you like eggs for breakfast
    B:NoI don'tI like oranges
    A:Do you like chicken for lunch
    B:YesI do
    A:Do you like hamburgers for dinner
    B:NoI don'tI like rice
    (Then exchange the roles and complete the chart)

    I like

    I don't like

    My partner

    My partner
    doesn't like

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Complete the exercise in Self Check 1
    2.Write about what you and your partner like and don't like for three meals in exercise book
    Model:For breakfastI like ________but I don't like ________.For lunch________.And for dinner________.For breakfast__________ likes ________.For lunch__________.And for dinner________.
    Which food do you think is healthy?Which food isn't healthy
    Discuss in your group and make a report
    In my groupDick thinks…is healthyLily thinks…is healthyI think…is healthy foodWe all think…is healthy foodBut we think…isn't healthy…
    What foodsports and colors do your parents like and dislike?Write at least five sentences
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Show the following on the screen
    .Choose the best answer to each question
    1.—Do you have eggs ________ lunch
    —NoI don't
    A.on     B.for   C.at
    2.He likes saladbut he ________ hamburgers
    A.don't like B.likes C.doesn't like
    3.He has ________ egg and ________ orange for breakfast
    A.anan B.aa C.ana
    4.We need lots of ________ every day
    A.vegetable B.banana C.healthy food
    5.Here is some ________ on the table
    A.tomato B.egg C.chicken
    6.—Does your son like carrots
    A.Yeshe does
    B.Yeshe is
    C.Noshe doesn't
    7.Her parents ________ breakfast at home
    A.doesn't have
    C.don't have
    8.Let's ________ some hamburgers
    A.eat B.has C.does
    二.Put the following sentences in the right order to make up a conversation
    1.Let's have some apples
    2.YesI doI like them
    3.NoI don't like orangesBut I like applesDo you like apples
    4.Let's have some fruitDo you like bananas
    5.That sounds great
    6.What about oranges?Do you like oranges
    7.NoI don't like bananas
    Correct order is:________________________________________________________________________
    三.Writing:Write a short passage about your plan to form healthy eating habits
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    What do you like for
    I likedon't like…for
    HeShe likesdoesn't like… for breakfastlunchdinner
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

         Unit 7 How much are these socks

    Language Goals
    语言目标Be able to ask about prices of things

    Knowledge Goals

    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    a pair of

    Key Sentences
    How much is the hat
    It's five dollars
    How much is this T-shirt
    It's seven dollars
    How much is that brown sweater
    It's eight dollars
    How much are these socks
    They are two dollars
    How much are those black trousers
    They're nine dollars
    Here you are
    Can I help you?

    Key Grammar
    How much questions
    Demonstrative pronouns

    Ability Goals
    Be able to offer help and thank someone in shopping
    Be able to describe clothes from pricesizecolor and other aspects

    Moral Goals
    Be able to know the importance of saving money

    Teaching Time
    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1e)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    How much is this T-shirt
    It's seven dollars
    How much are these socks
    They're two dollars
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to use the demonstrative pronouns these and those correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape playerprice tags
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk:
    T:What's this?Do you know?(Show students a price tag)
    Ss:It's a price tag(Students are allowed to answer in Chinese)
    T:Very goodwhere can you see it
    Ss:In the supermarkets
    T:Greatit's a price tag(价格标签).Welltoday we will learn how to ask pricesSolet's come to Unit 7
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:muchsockT-shirtshortssweatertrousersshoeskirtdollarLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can also listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversations in Part 1a and match the words with the things in the picture
    Questions for thinking:
    (2)How much ________ ________ bag
    (3)How much ________ ________ shoes
    ________ ________ ten dollars
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studying
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessaryThe students who do well in pronunciation will teach the new words as little teachers
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to the exercises in Part 1a and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask some students to see if they can ask and answer how much questions correctly
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    Listen and circle the things you hear in Part 1aListen again and repeat the conversations imitating the intonations
    2.Pair work (1c)
    Work in pairs and make up a conversation using the things in Part 1a
    Act out your conversations in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Look at the pictures and make up conversations(Showing students some things with price tags)

       8     25      17
    A:How much is the T-shirt
    B:It's eight dollars
    A:I don't like the colorDo you have a white one
    B:Yesit's over there
    A:What's this
    B:It's a T-shirt
    A:How much is it
    B:It's eight dollars
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.—________ is this hat
    —It's five dollars
    A.What color
    C.How much
    2.How much ________ these shorts
    A.is    B.are    C.am
    3.________ classmates do you have
    A.How much
    B.How many
    C.How often
    4.These black ________ are seven dollars
    A.shoe B.shoes C.T-shirt
    1.This shirt is small for me(改复数句)
    ________ ________ ________ small for me
    2.The red skirt is 20__yuan.(画线部分提问)
    ________ ________ ________ the red skirt
    3.Those shoes are yellow.(画线部分提问)
    ________ ________ ________ those shoes
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    How much is this T-shirt
    It's seven dollars
    How much are these socks
    They're two dollars
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    单元学重点How much引导疑问句学生应该学会正确isare构成问句学美元说法正确单复数形式正确指示代词单复数形式听说活动中反复训练询问价格话测试题够帮助学生巩固语言点

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    How much are those yellow socks
    Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to use some adjectives to describe things
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    1.Quick response
    Show pictures to students and ask them to speak out the words learnt in last lesson as fast as possible
    2.Play a game
    The teacher asks Who is in red? And the students who are in red will stand up as quickly as possible and answer the question
    The teacher says Who is in black trousers? The students who are in black trousers will stand up as quickly as possible and answer the question
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:bigsmallshortlongwomanneedlookpairtakeFirst of alllearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsThen you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctlyYou can also ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in Part 2eCircle the difficult points and underline the important expressions
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in Part 3a and 3b by yourselves
    Questions for thinking:
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    (1)I need a sweater for school
    (2)It looks nice
    (3)Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs
    (4)I'll take it
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Role-play the conversation in Part 2e
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to exercises in Part 3a3b and above
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (2a2b2c)
    Listen and repeat the words in Part 2aThen listen to the conversations a second time and circle the things you hearListen to the conversations again and fill in the price tagsThe last timelisten and repeat the conversations imitating the intonations
    2.Pair work(2d)
    Ask and answer questions about the things in Part 2b
    A:I like these shortsHow much are they
    B:They are six dollars

    3.Group work
    Discuss and talk about your own clothesshoes or other things
    A:Excuse mehow much is your schoolbag
    B:It's 80 yuan
    A:How much is your pencil
    C:It's 2 yuan

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Play a game:Who has the best memory?(3c)
    Show students some clothesshoes and bags with price tags on the screenand ask students to remember the prices as many as possible
    T:How much is the blue bag
    Ss:Ummit's ten dollars
    T:How much are those green socks
    Ss:They're three dollars

    2.Group work:Make a survey about pencil boxes you have and fill in the chartUsing How much is it? and What color is it?
    Pencil box
    5 yuan




    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.sock (复数)________________
    2.shoe (复数)________________
    4.big (反义词)________________
    5.long (反义词)________________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    Can I help you
    Two dollars for one pair and three dollars for two pairs
    I need…for…
    I'll take it
    Here you are
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1e)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    How much is the white bag
    It's seventeen dollars
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to speak and write the numbers correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playercardspictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:Good morningboys and girlsHere are some telephone numbersWho can help me read it?(Show a telephone number 235-4683)
    S1:It's two three five four six eight three
    T:Goodhow about this one?13573615638
    S2:It's one three five seven three six one five six three eight
    T:Well donehow about these?231835…
    Ss:I don't know
    T:OKthese are some price tags and today we will learn how to read and write them togetherAre you ready
    T:OKhere we go
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:teneleventwelvethirteenfifteeneighteentwentythirty
    Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Self-study the numbers in Part 1b and find out which rows of numbers are in the wrong places
    Questions for thinking:
    (1)Can you find out some rules about the writing of these numbers
    (2)How to write these price tags
    15  23  11  20  30
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in Part 1b and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask some students to read and write some numbers to see if they have mastered the numbers
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    (1)Listen and read after the tape(1a)
    (2)Listen again and circle the numbers you hear in 1a(1c)
    (3)Listen to the conversations in Part 1d and circle the things they talk about and check the thing Kate buys(1d)
    (4)Read after the tape and imitate
    You are Kate and your partner is Kate's momMake up a dialog in shopping
    Kate:MomI like this hat
    Mom:How much is that hat
    Kate:It's five dollars
    Mom:What color is it
    Kate:It's white
    Mom:Ummhow about this red hat
    Kate:OhI like it

    3.Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture in 1d(1e)
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    How much is the white bag
    It's seventeen dollars
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    Mrclothesstorebuysalesellallverypriceboya pair of
     2Key sentences:
    Come and buy your clothes at our great sale
    We sell all our clothes at very good prices
    We have green sweaters for only 15
    What do you need
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to write an ad for a store
    Teaching aids 教具
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Discuss in pairs:How much do you think these things cost?Match each clothing item with a price(2a)
    A:How much is the skirt
    B:I think it is thirty dollars

    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:Mrclothesstorebuysalesellallverypriceboy
    Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the passage in Part 2b and fill in the price tags
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in Part 2c and 3a
    Question for thinking:
    How to write an ad for your own store
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    You can do some translation practice to see if the students really understand the following language points:
    (1)at our great sale(2)at very good prices(3)For boyswe have black trousers for only 22
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to the exercises in Part 2c and 3a
    Check up 3:
    Ask a few students to role-read the dialog in Part 2c
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Pair work
    Work in pairs and talk about your wearing and fill in the chart
    I:a pair of white socksa pair of black shoesa red coat…
    My partner:…
    2Write an ad for your own clothes storeAnd ask some students to read their writings and learn from each other
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.We sell trousers for only 20(改般疑问句)
    ________ you ________ trousers for only 20
    2.I buy a nice hat for my aunt(改义句)
    I ________ my aunt a nice ________
    3.The yellow shorts are 20too(改义句)
    The yellow shorts ________ ________ 20
    4.What about this pair of shoes?(改义句)
    ________ ________ this pair of shoes
    5.We have jackets at a low price(改否定句)
    We ________ ________ jackets at a low price
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Finish Self Check 2
    The right order is:________________________________________________________________________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    Mrclothesstorebuysalesellallverypriceboya pair of
    Come and buy your clothes at our great sale
    We sell…at very good prices
    We have…for only…
    What do you need?
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 8 When is your birthday

    Language Goals

    Be able to ask and answer the dates

    Knowledge Goals


    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    How old…?See youHave a good time

    Key Sentences
    When is your birthday?

    My birthday is on May 2nd

    When is his birthday?

    His birthday is on January 17th

    When is her birthday?

    It's in August

    When is Alice's birthday?

    Her birthday is on September 5th

    When is your father's birthday?

    His birthday is on April 21st

    Key Grammar
    When questions

    Ability Goals

    Be able to talk about birthday and other events to exchange the personal information

    Moral Goals

    Be able to love life and love parents

    Teaching Time

    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1d)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    When is your birthdayLinda
    My birthday is on May 2nd
    When is your birthdayMike
    My birthday is on June 3rd
    When is your birthdayMary
    It's on January 5th
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to express the dates correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    T:Before classlet's count the numbersfor example:
    And the sixth studentthe twelfth studentthe eighteenth student and…they should stand up and say yes but not the numbers
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:whenmonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember
    Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for helpAnd try to memorize them
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversations in Part 1a and try to understand them by yourselves
    Questions for thinking:
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in self-study
    Check up 3:
    Ask some students about their birthdays to see if they can respond correctly
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening 1b
    (1)Listen and number the conversations
    (2)Listen again and repeat the conversations imitating the intonations
    2.Pair work
    Work in pairs and make up your own conversations
    Act out your conversations in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Team work:
    Work in teams and make a survey and fill in this chart







    You can use the sentences:
    How old are you
    When is your birthday
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Speak out the dates of these festivals
    New Year's Day (元旦)________________________________________________________________________
    Women's Day(妇女节)________________________________________________________________________
    April Fool's Day(愚节)________________________________________________________________________
    Teachers' Day(教师节)________________________________________________________________________
    National Day(国庆节)________________________________________________________________________
    Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节)________________________________________________________________________
    Thanksgiving Day(感恩节)________________________________________________________________________
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    When is your birthday
    My birthday is on…
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    单元题When is your birthday?知单元学目标学会询问回答日期第课时务学会问题构成会应答正确运序数词表达日期记忆月份英文名称话题进行听说训练量反复练够帮助学生突击记忆词汇学生需量听说活动中巩固语言知识加深印象

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    happyoldpartyfirstsecondthirdfiftheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethhappy birthday
     2Key sentences:
    When is Alice's birthday
    Her birthday is on September 5th
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to speak and write the dates correctly
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playerpictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk
    T:HelloeveryoneNice to meet you again
    Ss:Nice to meet youtoo
    T:Who can tell me when your birthday is
    S1:My birthday is on June 2nd
    T:Greatand what about you
    S2:My birthday is on October 28th
    T:OKwhen is S2's birthday
    S3:His birthday is on October 28th
    T:Yesyou are smart
    T:Todaywe will learn how to ask others' birthday
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:happyoldpartyfirstsecondthirdfiftheighthninthtwelfthtwentiethLearn to pronounce them to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for helpThen try to memorize the new words
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in Part 2e and underline the useful expressions
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in Part 3a and 3b
    Questions for thinking:
    Can you find out some rules of ordinal numbers
    When is Bill's birthday
    How old is Alan?And when is Alan's birthday
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    (1)My birthday is on May 2nd
    My birthday is in May
    (2)The rules of ordinal numbers
    基变序规律二三单独记-th四加起八减t九减ef -ve末尾-ty改yi加-eth想表示十变位
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises and ask some pairs of students to act out the conversation in Part 3b
    Check up 3:
    Role-play the dialog in Part 2egirls are Alan and boys are Bill
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    (1)Listen and repeat the words in Part 2a
    (2)Listen again and circle the numbers you hear in 2a(2b)
    (3)Listen to 2c and match the namesmonths and dates(2c)
    (4)Repeat and check the answers
    2.Pair work
    Work with your partner and make a conversation talking about your family members' birthday
    A:How old are you
    B:I'm twelve
    A:When is your birthday
    B:My birthday is on September 12th
    A:Andwhen is your mother's birthday
    B:My mother's birthday is on August 21st

    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Group work:Find out your group members' birthdays and ages and then line up from the youngest to the oldestSentences:How old are you?When is your birthday?
    on September 17th





    Line up:________________________________________________________________________
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.one   (  )    6nine   (  )
    2.two (  ) 7twelve (  )
    3.three (  ) 8twenty (  )
    4.five (  ) 9seven (  )
    5.eight (  ) 10nineteen (  )
    二.Oral test:邀请朋友参加生日派编写段话表演出
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    Happy birthday
    How old are you
    Do you want to come to my birthday party
    See you
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    When is Sally's birthday party
    It's on October 5th
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to talk about the events and arrange the time reasonably
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIa tape playerpictures
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Show students a calendar and ask:
    T:What's this
    Ss:It's a calendar
    T:Yesand what is the date today
    Ss:Today is October 12th
    T:Yeswhat are you going to do today
    S1:I don't know
    T:Welltodaylet's learn something about eventsOK

    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:testtripAnd try to memorize them
    Self-study 2:
    Finish the exercise in Part 1a
    Questions for thinking:
    What do you want to do on weekends
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to Part 1a
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    (1)Listen and circle the events you hear in 1a(1b)
    (2)Listen again and fill in John's calendar(1c)
    2.Pair work
    Ask and answer questions about John's calendar
    A:When is Sally's birthday party
    B:It's on October 5th
    A:When is the school trip
    B:It's on…
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Pair work:Ask and answer the events in the chart

    September 21st
    Football game
    October 15th
    English party
    November 30th
    School trip
    October 22nd
    Book sale
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.iswhenEnglishtheparty (?)
    2.oldisaunthowyour (?)
    3.Jenny'stripSeptemberisonschool27th ()
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    testtripEnglish testschool tripbasketball gamebirthday party
    When is Sally's birthday party
    It's on October 5th
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    Section B谈学校项活动话题扩学范围增加谈日期词汇结合学校实际情况学目标更加具体学生课堂活动更加趣练中利阅读日历谈安排教学枯燥味学生根日历安排相互交谈创设话题加强训练

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    On September 21stwe have a school trip in the afternoon
    We have an English party on November 30th
    On December 3rdwe have a book sale in the school library
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to read and write a note
    Teaching aids 教具
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk:
    T:How many months are there in a year
    T:What are they
    T:Do you know when New Year's Day is
    Ss:It's on January 1st
    T:When is National Day
    Ss:It's on October 1st
    T:GoodWhat's the date today
    Ss:It's December 22nd
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:festivaldearstudentthingtermbusytimethereFirst learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsThen you can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help if you have any problems
    Self-study 2:
    Read the school notice in Part 2bUnderline the important expressions and finish the chart
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in Part 3a and Self Check 2
    Questions for thinking:
    What activities from 2b do you like
    What other activities do you like
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    (1)Make sure the students really understand the Chinese meanings of the mentioned activities
    (2)We have some interesting and fun things for you this term
    (3)Next monthwe have an art festival
    (4)Your parents can come to our school
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in books and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask some questions to see if students really understand the notice
    T:When is the school trip
    Ss:It's on September 21st
    T:When is the art festival
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Discussion:Check the activities you have at school and discuss what activities you like best with your partner(2a2c)
    2.Writing:Write your own note to a friend and invite himher to an activity in your school imitating the note in Part 3aChoose a few good writings to read and learn from each other(3b)
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Complete the chart with the correct forms of the numbers











    (1)When is the English party
    (2)How old is your brother
    (3)Do you like English class
    (4)How much are those socks
    (5)When is the National Day
    (A)They're five dollars
    (B)On October 1st
    (D)YesI do
    (E)On Friday
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    How many festivals do you know in western countries?What are they?When is it?What activities do Americans have in this festival?Write a short passage to describe one festival in America
    StValentine's Day情节(February the fourteenth)
    April Fool's Day愚节(April the first)
    Mother's Day母亲节(the second Sunday in May)
    Father's Day父亲节(the third Sunday in June)
    Halloween万圣节(November 1st)
    Thanksgiving Day感恩节(the last Thursday in November)
    Christmas Day圣诞节(December the twenty-fifth)
    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words and phrases
    Key sentences
    artfestivaldearstudentthingtermbusytimetheresoccer gameschool tripSchool Daybook sale
    English Dayart festival
    Sports Daybirthday party
    Do you like (have) …?
    Please come to …next weekthis Friday
    We have a (an) …It's on …
    On …we have a(an) … in …
    See you thereHave a good time
    This is a really busy term
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Unit 9 My favorite subject is science

    Language Goals
    Be able to talk about the favorite subjects or other things

    Knowledge Goals

    Key Words

    Key Phrases
    from…to…for sure

    Key Sentences
    What's your favorite subject
    My favorite subject is science
    What's his favorite subject
    His favorite subject is Chinese
    What's her favorite subject
    Her favorite subject is art
    Why does Bob like history
    Because it's interesting
    Why do Frank and Bob like P.E
    Because it's fun
    Who is your music teacher
    My music teacher is MsXie
    When is your geography class
    It's on Monday and Friday

    Key Grammar
    whatwhywhowhen questions

    Ability Goals
    Be able to ask and answer whatwhywhowhen questions

    Moral Goals
    Foster a habit of loving study and loving life

    Teaching Time
    Four periods

    Period 1
    Section A(1a~1c)

    Period 2
    Section A(2a~3c)

    Period 3
    Section B(1a~1d)

    Period 4
    Section B(2a~Self Check)

    Period 1 Section A (1a~1c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What's your favorite subject
    My favorite subject is science
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to talk about favorites
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk and lead-in:
    T:Good morningboys and girls
    Ss:Good morningMiss Yuan
    T:Do you like bananas
    S1:YesI do
    T:How about you
    S2:I like bananastoo
    T:Do you like apples
    S3:NoI don't
    T:What about you
    S4:YesI do
    T:How about oranges?Do you like oranges
    S5:YesI do
    T:Sowhat kind of fruit do you like best?Todaywe are going to learn Unit 9 and talk about your favorites
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:favoritesubjectsciencePEmusicmathChinesegeographyhistoryLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in 1a and match the words with the pictures
    Questions for thinking:
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    (1)Some students like to make such a mistake:
    I favorite subject is art(My)
    (2)English is my favorite subject=I like English best
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:First of allask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessaryAsk a few students to be little teachers and teach students the new words
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to Part 1a and questions for thinking in self-studying
    Check up 3:
    Ask a few students to see if they can respond fluently and correctly
    T:What's your favorite subject
    S1:My favorite subject is Chinese
    T:What's your favorite subject
    S2:My favorite subject is history
    T:Is art your favorite subject
    S3:Yesit isNoit isn'tMy favorite subject is …
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b)
    (1)Listen and circle the subjects you hear in 1a
    (2)Listen again and repeat the conversations sentence by sentence
    2.Pair work
    Work with your partner and practice the conversations in 1c and then make your own conversations
    3.Act out
    Act out your conversation with your partner in front of the class
    A:What's your favorite subject
    B:My favorite subject is English
    A:How about you
    B:My favorite subject is math
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    2.Work in group to make a report about your favorites and finish the chartYou can use the sentence patterns as the following for help:
    What's your favorite fruit
    What's your favorite sport
    What's your favorite subject?




    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Complete the conversation
    A:Do you ________ playing basketball
    B:Yes Do you like playing football
    A:NoI ________I like playing basketballtoo
    B:Do you like ________ ping-pong
    A:YesI do
    B:Sowhat's ________ ________ sport
    A:My favorite sport is playing basketball

    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    What's your favorite subject
    My favorite subject is science
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 2 Section A (2a~3c)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
    whybecauseMondayFridaySaturdayfor sure
     2Key sentences:
    What's hisher favorite subject
    HisHer favorite subject is Chinesemath
    Why do you like science
    Because it's interesting
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to give reasons to something you like using appropriate adjectives
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    1.Quick response
    Speak out the words as quickly as possible according to the given pictures
    2.Free talk
    T:What's your favorite subjectJack
    J:My favorite subject is P.E
    T:Why do you like P.E
    J:Because it is relaxing
    T:HelloBillwhat's Jack's favorite subject
    B:His favorite subject is P.E
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:whybecauseMondayFridaySaturdayfor sure
    Try to pronounce the new words correctly according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Read the conversation in 2dcircle the difficult points and underline the useful expressions
    Self-study 3:
    Finish the exercises in Part 3a and 3b
    Questions for thinking:
    (2)Lily 特喜欢科目数学
    (3)Try to understand the differences between like and favorite.
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understandThe following sentences may be students' problems in understanding 2d
    (1)How's your day
    (2)Because the next day is Saturday
    (3)That's for sure
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Ask students to read the conversation in 2d and explain the difficult points to them
    Check up 3:
    Check the answers to the exercises above (3a3b).
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (2a2b)
    (1)Listen to the conversation and put it in order
    (2)Listen again and match the subjects you hear with the descriptionsAnd then check the answers
    2.Pair work (2c)
    Work in pairs and make your own conversations using the words in 2b
    A:What's your favorite subject
    B:My favorite subject is music
    A:Why do you like music
    B:Because it's interestingWhat's your favorite subject
    A:My favorite subject is English
    B:Why do you like English
    A:Because it's useful
    3.Act out
    Act out your conversations in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    1.Group work(3c)
    Work in groups to make a survey and finish the chart

    Favorite class





    2Oral English practice
    Make an interview and report the results to your classmates
    A:What's your favorite subjectLuo Hai
    B:My favorite subject is math
    A:Why do you like math
    B:Because it's interesting
    A:Who's your math teacher
    Report:Luo Hai's favorite subject is mathhe thinks math is interestingAnd his math teacher is MrHong

    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    1.—________ does he like science
    —Because it's interesting
    A.What     B.Why     C.When
    2.—What's John's favorite subject
    —________ favorite subject is P.E
    A.Its B.He C.His
    3.I like math ________ it's difficult for me
    A.but B.and C.because
    4.I like art ________ it's fun
    A.why B.what C.because
    5.—Why don't you like English
    —Because it's ________
    A.interesting B.exciting C.difficult
    6.—________ is your science teacher
    A.Who B.Who's C.What
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    whybecauseMondayFridaySaturdayfor sure
    How's your day
    Who's your P.Eteacher
    Why do you like…?
    I like…because…
    When is your…class
    It's on…
    Teaching reflection 教学反思

    Period 3 Section B (1a~1d)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    What's David's favorite subject
    Why does he like…?
    When is the class
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to talk about your own schedule
    Teaching aids 教具
     CAIpicturesa tape player
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Free talk and lead-in:
    T:What's your favorite subject
    S1:My favorite subject is art
    T:Why do you like art
    S1:Because it is interesting
    T:Who is your art teacher
    T:What day is it today
    Ss:Today is Tuesday
    T:What classes do you have today
    S2:MathEnglishgeographyChinese and history
    T:Which class do you like best
    T:Welltoday let's learn to talk about the schedule
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:freecoolTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySundayAMPMLearn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Match the words with their opposites in 1a
    Self-study 3:
    Have a look at the schedule in Part 1c and try to understand it
    Questions for thinking:
    What's your schedule from Monday to Friday?Can you write out your schedule on Monday
    What's your favorite day?Why
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check the answers to exercises in 1a and questions for thinking
    Check up 3:
    Ask students some questions to see if they can respond fluently
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Listening (1b1c)
    (1)Listen and check the words you hear in 1a
    (2)Listen again and circle the classes David talks about on the schedule
    2.Pair work(1d)
    Talk about David's favorite subject with your partnerthen talk about your favorite subject
    A:What's David's favorite subject
    A:Why does he like…?
    B:Because it's ________________________________________________________________________

    A:When is the class
    B:It's on ________________________________________________________________________
    3.Act out
    Act out your conversation in front of the class
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    Make a conversation using the sentences in the box and write it down on your exercise book
    1.When is your English class
    2.Do you like math
    3.HiLucyhow are you
    4.NoI don'tMy favorite subject is English
    5.Who is your English teacher
    6.It's on MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday and Friday
    7.I am finethank you
    8.Miss Yuan
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Show students a schedule and ask some students to talk about it using the sentence pattern they have learnt
    Sample:Today is December 25thTuesdayI have seven classesThey are ChinesecomputerEnglishmathhistoryand geographyMy favorite subject is geographybecause it is coolAnd my geography teacher is MrYang

    December 25th






    Blackboard writing 板书设计

    New words
    Key sentences
    What's David's favorite subject
    Why does he like…?
    When is the class?
    Teaching reflection 教学反思
    课时复Section A中学句型基础拓展词汇综合练范围学生结合周计划安排练英语知识表达法课堂激发学生动说出学词汇句型设计活动够启发引导学生利完成活动务课堂活泼效听说说练练演样掌握知识会牢固

    Period 4 Section B (2a~Self Check)

    Teaching important points 教学重点
     1Key words & phrases:
     2Key sentences:
    I have P.Eat 11:00
    It is+adj+but+adj
    It is really relaxing
    Teaching difficult points 教学难点
     Be able to write a short passage to talk about your own schedules and preferences and give reasons
    Teaching aids 教具
    Teaching procedures and ways 教学程方法
    ★Step Ⅰ Revision and lead-in 复导入
    Review the subjects and descriptions
    T:Who can say all the subjects we learned
    S1:ChinesemathEnglishgeographyhistoryscienceartmusic and P.E
    T:Very goodWho can say the descriptions
    S2:Funinterestingboringdifficult and relaxing
    T:Now tell your partner what you think of the subjectsYou can say them like this:I think Chinese is interestingI think math is…
    (Ss say something about all the subjects)
    T:Do you like Friday?Let's talk about your Friday
    ★Step Ⅱ Self-studying and guiding 学指导
    Self-study 1:
    Self-study the new words:usefulfromfrom…to…Mrsfinishlessonhour
    Learn to pronounce them according to the phonetic symbolsYou can listen to the tapes to help you pronounce them correctly or ask others for help
    Self-study 2:
    Finish 2a by yourselves
    Self-study 3:
    (1)Read the letter in Part 2bunderline the subjects Yu Mei likes and circle the subjects she doesn't like
    (2)And then finish the schedule in Part 2c
    (3)Answer the following questions:
    ①Is Yu Mei very busy on Friday
    ②What does she think of science
    ③What does she do from 12:00 to 1:00
    ④Who teaches her Chinese
    ⑤How long does Yu Mei have an art lesson
    Self-study 4:
    Finish the exercises in Part 3a and exercise 1 in Self Check
    Questions for thinking:
    What's your idea about your schedule on Friday
    The teacher walks around the classroom to watch and help the students study while the students are self-studyingEncourage students to find out their problems in self-studying both in pronunciation and understanding
    Time for questions:
    Discuss the difficulties that most students have and explain the language points that most students can't understand
    Maybe it's necessary to discuss the following sentences with students
    (1)The teacher says it is useful
    (2)Lunch is from 12:00 to 1:00…
    (3)Our Chinese teacherMrsWangis great fun
    (4)My classes finish at 1:50but after that I have an art lesson for two hours
    ★Step Ⅲ Check up 检查核
    Check up 1:
    Words teaching:Ask a few students to read the new words and help them correct the mistakes in pronunciation if necessary
    Check up 2:
    Check answers to exercises in the book and above
    Check up 3:
    Ask some students to talk about their schedules by imitating the letter in Part 2b
    ★Step Ⅳ Cooperative inquiry 合作探究
    1.Number these parts of an e-mail message[1-3].(3a)
    2.Finish 3b and write an e-mail to your best friend to tell him or her about your schedule on Friday and your ideas about your schedule(3b3c)
    3.Ask some students to read their e-mails and learn from each other
    ★Step Ⅴ Practice 练
    (easy interesting boring difficult busy fun free cool relaxing)
    1.Choose the words above to describe subjects and then talk with your partner
    A:What do you think of these subjects
    B:I think English is …and math is …But history is …What about you
    2.Finish Exercise 2 in Self CheckComplete the questions with whatwhenwhoor whyThen answer the questions
    ★Step Ⅵ Test 测试
    Choose the best answer to each question
    1.They have an art lesson ________ 2:00 p.m ________ Tuesday
    A.onon    B.atat   C.aton
    2.—Do you have ________ today
    —Yeswe do
    B.an English
    C.the English
    3.I think history is really ________I don't like it
    A.interesting B.boring C.exciting
    4.—Barrylet's go to school
    —Today is ________We don't need to go to school
    A.Monday B.Saturday C.Friday
    5.My father works all day longHe is really
    A.free B.cool C.busy
    Blackboard writing 板书设计
    New words
    Key sentences
    I have P.Eat 11:00
    It is+adj+but+adj
    It is really relaxing
    Teaching reflection 教学反思





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