

    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1 Awent back to  Bcame back   Cwent to
    (  )2 Aall  Bboth     Cevery
    (  )3 Aread books  Bwent fishing   Cwrote a story
    (  )4 Atook  Bcarried   Cbrought
    (  )5 Abus stop  Bairport    Cmuseum
    (  )I bought a pair of glasses for my grandma
    (  )I let them go back into the river again
    (  )Did they win the football match
    (  )I didn’t return the books
    (  )They want to enjoy the best food in Beijing
    1 I     the     last Thursday 
    2 He     in the river last Monday 
    3 I             lessons this afternoon 
    4 Did you go to             this summer 
    5 Will you help me     
    (  )1 —     did you do in Canada 
       — I learned English
       AWhat      BWhere       CWhen
    (  )2 She went     in the river this afternoon 
       Aswim  Bswam    Cswimming
    (  )3 Did you     the museum 
       Avisited   Bvisit   Cvisiting
    (  )4 We let     to go back into the classroom 
       Athey   Btheir   Cthem
    (  )5 I bought     shoes for my grandma 
       Aa pair of   Ba   Ctwo
    (  )1 I made cakes last Thursday    A
    (  )2 I went fishing yesterday  B
    (  )3 She came back at 630   C
    (  )4 I read books last Monday morning  D
    (  )5 They gave me a pair of glasses  E
    1 We         (玩开心) and did many things last summer 
    2 He         (飞机场) last Tuesday afternoon  
    3 I         (……起玩) my cousin at home yesterday 
    4 They         (爬山) at the camp last summer 
    5 She         (学弹钢琴) last week  
    1 They went to the museum (画线部分提问) 
    2 Did you play football yesterday (作否定回答)
    3 I bought some books for her (画线部分提问) 
    4 They went to school in the morning (画线部分提问) 
    5 Wang Hong and I all had an interesting vacation (改错)
    Lingling I didn’t see you this summer vacation 1    
    John I went back to the USA
    Lingling What did you do there
    John 2    
    Lingling Did you have gifts for him
    John 3     I took a Chinese kite for him And he liked it very much 
    Lingling When did you come back
    John 4    
    Lingling 5    
    John Yes he is He’s coming next year
    AYes I did
    BIs he coming to see you
    CWhere did you go John
    DI came back last Friday
    EI visited my cousin and played with him
    worked during next interesting played farm swam Who race with
    Hello I’m Jim I had a lot of fun 1     my summer vacation I went to a 2     and I 3     on it It was 4     I 5     in a river 6     my friends in the afternoon There I made many friends We 7     football We had a 8     9     won I won I was happy I’m going there again 10     summer vacation 
    十阅读短文根短文容判断句子正 (T) 误 (F)(10分)
    Last summer my parents and I went to Beidaihe It was sunny and hot that day My dad drove a car and it took us about three hours to get to the beach There were many people We walked along the beach and picked up (捡) some beautiful shells (贝壳) for about two hours Then we were hungry and ate delicious sea food After lunch we went boating with the fisherman (渔民) and we caught lots of sea fish We saw beautiful seagulls (海鸥) flying in the blue sky Then we swam in the sea It was really cool to swim in the sea And of course we had a good time It was a wonderful trip
    (  )1 It took us about three hours to get to Beidaihe by bus
    (  )2 We walked along the beach and picked up shells for about two hours
    (  )3 We went fishing there
    (  )4 We swam there
    (  )5 We had a great time last summer


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1 Aache    Bhurt    Caches
    (  )2 Adangerous  Beasy  Chard
    (  )3 Aplayer  Bcut  Cmatch
    (  )4 Aupset  Bworried  Ccareful
    (  )5 Atoo many  Btoo much  Cmuch too
    二听录音判断句子听容 (􀳫) 否 (✕) 致(10分)
    (  )1 I had a piece of honey cake for breakfast
    (  )2 Please do not have supper
    (  )3 I broke my right arm
    (  )4 What happened to your leg
    (  )5 I cried because I hurt my foot
    1 You are     you didn’t     your neck 
    2 We’ll have to take an     first 
    3 You         again 
    4 Be     when you play 
    5 The doctor gave me some      
    Acareful Bpractice Cwell Dsounds Edangerous
    (  )1 My mother doesn’t look     today  
    (  )2 He wanted to     kung fu 
    (  )3 It was very     to do that 
    (  )4 I’ll be very     when I play football 
    (  )5 That     good  
    1 This is a y     boy          
    2 Why are you c     
    3 I ate a piece of c     this afternoon 
    4 I ate too much for s     
    5 My n     aches terribly 
    1 hurt again You yourself ()
    2 had We a fun lot at of the camp ()
    3 scratch only It’s a ()
    4 drank of soup I a bowl big ()
    5 give some me Can pills you ()
    What’s         you 
    2 功夫感兴趣
    I am         kung fu  
    3 医院切手指
    I went to the         I cut my finger 
    4 恐怕吃太
    I’m     you ate     much 
    5 说应该锻炼
    I said you     exercise      
    (  )1 想问方发生什事时说    
    (  )2 明白方倒立时问    
    (  )3 告诉医生胃疼时说    
    (  )4 安慰担心时说    
    (  )5 想知道方午饭吃什时问    
    AI have a stomachache
    BWhat did you have for lunch
    CWhat happened to you
    DWhy did you stand on your head
    EDon’t be upset
    Mum 1    
    Jim No thanks Mum I don’t want to eat supper
    Mum 2    
    Jim My hand hurts
    Mum What did you do this afternoon
    Jim 3    
    Mum 4    
    AI played on the computer
    BWhat happened to you
    CBut it scratched me
    DTime for supper Jim
    EBut why was your hand hurt
    Jim Our cat saw a mouse on the computer and it wanted to catch it 5    
    Mum Oh dear Let’s go to the hospital and see a doctor
    十阅读短文根短文容判断正 (T) 误 (F)(10分)
    One day I got up very late I had a serious stomachache I went to see the doctor The doctor said to me Poor guy let me check your stomach I sat on a chair and I waited for the doctor to check what’s wrong with me But one hour two hours three hours … went by I didn’t see the doctor I went out and I was going to look for him Then I heard a voice Ah… It was the doctor What’s wrong with you I asked sounding like a doctor I want to take some pills I have a bad stomachache
    (  )1 I went to see the doctor because my stomach aches
    (  )2 It took me six hours to wait for the doctor
    (  )3 The doctor had a stomachache
    (  )4 I was a doctor too
    (  )5 I gave the doctor some pills


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1 AMonday    BThursday     CSaturday
    (  )2 Amiss  BMr  Cmissed
    (  )3 Adrove to Btook the train Cflew to
    (  )4 Abridges Bhills  Chouses
    (  )5 Aby ship Bby subway Cby air
    (  )   (  )   (  )
    (  )   (  )
    1 We     to Hangzhou last week 
    2 I missed my passport in the      
    3 We went to the     Lake by bike 
    4 They went     the lake on foot 
    5 Some     people invented the vehicles 
    1 I didn’t go to school on       
    2 It’s a comfortable     in Hangzhou  
    3 She rode a     to the farm  
    4 They went to Canada by      
    5 Mr Bell invented the      
    (  )1 —     was your trip to Tianjin 
    — It was fantastic
    AWhat         BHow         CWho
    (  )2 They didn’t     me on Friday 
    Alook  Blook at Csee
    (  )3 Your brother     upset 
    Amust be  Bmust is  Cbe
    (  )4 There were     trees in front of the house 
    Adon’t  Bno  Cany
    (  )5 It was not easy It was      
    Adangerous  Bcomfortable Cdifficult
    Afor BHow Cbought DTravelling Einventions
    (  )1     did you go there yesterday afternoon 
    (  )2     in the old days was very slow 
    (  )3 I couldn’t find my homework and I went back     it 
    (  )4 The     make our life easy and comfortable 
    (  )5 My grandpa     some green tea in Hangzhou 
    1 sorry I’m that hear to ()
    2 vehicles make The also safe travelling fast and ()
    3 invented The Wright brothers plane the ()
    4 missed They last work week ()
    5 by car We around the went lake ()
    1 We drove to Guangzhou last month (画线部分提问) 
    2 They went to Haikou by air (画线部分提问) 
    3 Who invented the telephone (根实际情况回答)
    4 Did you go to Hangzhou (作否定回答)
    5 There were bikes in front of the house (改否定句)
    A Hello Jane I didn’t see you yesterday 1    
    B I went to London to visit my grandpa
    A 2    
    B By train
    A 3    
    B Not well He had a bad stomachache
    A 4     Did you take him to see the doctor 
    B 5     Now he is in hospital 
    A I hope he’ll be better soon
    AHow was your grandpa
    BYes I did
    CWhere did you go
    DI’m sorry to hear that
    EHow did you go there
    十阅读话根话容判断正 (T) 误 (F)(10分)
    Sally How was your trip to Disneyland Bill
    Bill It was great I flew there with Elliot’s family We stayed at Elliot’s uncle’s home We went to Disneyland and spent the whole day there
    Sally Did you see Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck
    Bill Sure We also saw Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs We talked played and took pictures with them
    Sally What else did you do there
    Bill We visited magic castles I was scared We ate ice cream popcorn (爆米花) and candies We drank fresh juice We had a wonderful time there Sally where did you go on your vacation
    Sally I went to Australia with my family It was winter there But it was not too cold
    Bill How did you go there
    Sally We went there by plane
    Bill What did you do there
    Sally We saw kangaroos and koalas We also visited the famous Opera House in Sydney We met some new friends there We played together
    (  )1 Bill went to Disneyland by air
    (  )2 Bill saw Mickey Mouse Donald Duck and Cinderella
    (  )3 Bill had a good time in the Disneyland
    (  )4 Sally went to Australia by train
    (  )5 Sally played with her friends in London


              满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1 Abrother  Bbright   Cbridge
    (  )2 Ablue  Bblack  Cblackboard
    (  )3 Aclass  Bclean  Cclock
    (  )4 Across  Bcry  Ccrowded
    (  )5 Asuccess  Bsports  Cstop
    1 The     Olympic Games began in 776 BC 
    2 People from all over the     went to watch the Games 
    3 What are the      
    4 People held the first     Olympic Games in Athens 
    5 China was     one on the gold medal table in the 29th Games 
    (  )You must be proud of your country
    (  )Beijing hosted the 29th Olympic Games in 2008
    (  )The Qin Dynasty began in 221 BC
    (  )Every four years a different city hosts the Games
    (  )The ancient Olympic Games began about 3 000 years ago
    1 体育课          2 参加        
    3 世界        4 互相       
    5 silver medal        6 the ancient Olympic Games    
    7 Chinese athletes        8 be proud of       
    9 be different from        10 a long time ago       
    (  )1 I     about them last Sunday 
    Alearn        Blearns        Clearned
    (  )2     are the modern Olympic Games 
    AThose        BThat         CIt
    (  )3 I     three books two days ago 
    Abought       Bbuys         Cbuy
    (  )4 The Games     in Greece about 1 600 years ago 
    Astopped       Bstops        Cstop
    (  )5 Olympia     the host city for the ancient Olympic Games 
    Ais          Bwere         Cwas
    1 It has a long     (历史) of about 1000 years 
    2 Do you know the     (处) between the two books 
    3 He     (停止) writing stories last year 
    4 Do you know the motto of the     (现代) Olympics 
    5 The 29th Olympic Games is a great     (成功) 
    the Chinese athletes number one no games the ancient
    Olympic Games the motto of
    1 Only men could take part in          
    2 There were         for about 1 500 years 
    3 Do you know         the modern Olympic Games 
    4 China was         on the gold medal table in the 29th Games 
    5 How many medals did         win 
    (  )1 How many books did you borrow
    (  )2 When did people hold the first modern Olympics
    (  )3 Could women take part in the modern Olympic Games
    (  )4 When did Beijing hold the Olympic Games
    (  )5 When did the ancient Olympic Games begin
    AYes they could
    BI borrowed four books
    CBeijing held the Games in 2008
    DThey began in 776 BC about 3 000 years ago
    EThey held them in 1896 in Athens
    1 women could and the modern Olympic Games Both men take part in ()
    2 about 100 they had a years I of thought history only ()
    3 ancient different are the from They ones ()
    4 nations and from can meet different to each other get People better know ()
    5 Olympic Games the 30th in 2012 London held ()
    1 That was fair (改般疑问句)
    2 They are a great success (改般时)
    3 When did the Tang Dynasty begin (618 AD作答)
    4 Could women take part in the ancient Olympic Games (实际情况回答)
    5 What’s the motto of the modern Olympics (实际情况回答)

    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1 A        B
    (  )2 A  B
    (  )3 A    B
    (  )4 A    B
    (  )5 A  B
    二听录音判断句子听容 (T) 否 (F) 相符(10分)
    (  )1 What is he wearing
    (  )2 He looks cool
    (  )3 Why are you standing here
    (  )4 He is wearing a blue suit
    (  )5 She is wearing a denim
    (  )1 AShe is wearing a dress    BHe is wearing jeans
    (  )2 AShe is a teacher   BShe wears a sweater
    (  )3 AShe wears pretty dresses  BShe wears pajamas
    (  )4 AShe wears a Large   BI wear a Medium
    (  )5 AShe likes to wear formal clothes BHe likes to wear a suit
    1 wait for            2 a silver tie        
    3 say goodbye        4 副太阳镜      
    5 学校      
    (  )1 She is     a dress 
      Awears      Bwearing      Cwear
    (  )2 She can make a bag     hand 
      Awith  Bin    Cby
    (  )3 He     small eyes 
      Ahave  Bhas  Chave to
    (  )4 He likes to wear pajamas     home 
      Ain    Bon   Cat
    (  )5 She     a Large 
      Awears   Bwear   Cwearing
    1 Mike’s brother is a     (歌手) 
    2 After school I say     (见) to my teacher 
    3 Amy bought a new     (裙子) last weekend 
    4 What’s your favourite     (颜色)  
    5 Lingling has many new     (衣服) 
    (  )1 My father is a teacher        A
    (  )2 Her hobby is dancing   B
    (  )3 She wears a denim skirt   C
    (  )4 He is wearing a new pair of shoes   D
    (  )5 I am wearing a hoody   E
    (  )1 What does he wear
    (  )2 What size does your cousin wear
    (  )3 What does she wear on stage
    (  )4 What does your mum like to wear at school
    (  )5 What does your uncle do
    AHe is a lawyer
    BHe wears jeans and a coat
    CShe wears pretty dresses
    DMy cousin wears a Medium
    EShe likes to wear formal clothes
    1 looks Your and sweater nice warm ()
    2 I could wish sing I ()
    3 wearing a silver suit with He is tie a ()
    4 well Those go together two colours ()
    5 clothes Her hand can mum by make ()
    Lucy is a beautiful girl Her hobby is singing and reading books Her mother buys some books for her She often reads books in the morning She likes to wear pretty dresses at school And she likes to wear pajamas at home Her size is Medium She is happy every day
    (  )1 Lucy’s hobby is      
    Asinging     Breading books   Csinging and reading books
    (  )2 Lucy often     in the morning 
    Areads books  Bsings    Cmakes clothes
    (  )3     buys some books for Lucy 
    AHer father  BHer sister    CHer mother
    (  )4 Lucy likes to wear     at school 
    Ashirt  Bpretty dresses  Cpajamas
    (  )5 Lucy’s size is      
    AMedium  BLarge     CSmall


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1 Acolours  Bfruit  Canimals
    (  )2 Arat    Brabbit  Ccat
    (  )3 Asports  Bstamps  Cmaths
    (  )4 Aarrive  Bdrive  Cbrave
    (  )5 Asnake  Btiger  Crooster
    (  )    (  )    (  )
    (  )    (  )
    三听录音选词填空(余选项) (10分)
    Aanimals BBecause Cblack Dpandas Eicecream
    Fwhite  Gbones  Hdogs
    I like 1     very much such as horses monkeys cats tigers and so on But I like 2     best Why3     they are very cute and nice  
    I have a 4     dog Her name is Bobo She likes eating 5     very much So do I When I eat icecream she will look at the icecream carefully so I will give her some to eat 
    I think Bobo is the cutest dog in the world
    A  B  C  D  E
    (  )1 Grandpa’s birthyear animal is the tiger
    (  )2 My nephew was born in the year of the dragon
    (  )3 The rat was the first of the twelve animals
    (  )4 My father is as busy as a bee
    (  )5 My brother is as smart as a monkey
    (  )1 In the     calendar we just entered the year of the tiger 
      AChina  BChinese       CChina’s
    (  )2 My grandma     collects the birthyear animal stamps 
      Aalso  Btoo    Ceither
    (  )3 She likes the dog best She is as     as a dog 
      Ahard  Bbrave    Ccaring
    (  )4 I have a whole set of the twelve birthyear     stamps in my collection 
      Amonkey  Bpanda    Canimal
    (  )5     is the rat the first of the twelve animals 
      AWhy  BWho    CWhat
    六判断图片句子 (􀳫) 否 (✕) 相符(10分)
    (  )1 I was born in the year of the dog
    (  )2 May is the fifth month of the year
    (  )3 Winter is the coldest season of the year
    (  )4 My sister likes the rabbit best She is as friendly as a rabbit
    (  )5 They play tennis every day
    1 you for have a I New gift Year ()
    2 favourite the is My animal tiger ()
    3 as I an work as hard ox ()
    4 cycle rat The starts the ()
    5 mean you do What ()
    1 —       
    — They are Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog and Pig
    2 —       
    — Every twelve years
    3 —       
    — Maybe the Jade Emperor decided
    4 —       
    — It was the rat
    5 —       
    — I’m an ox
    AWhat is your birthyear animal
    BWhat are the twelve animals
    CWhich animal was the first of the twelve
    DHow often does each animal come around
    EWho decided the order of the birthyear animals
    A Hello Lily What did you do on the weekend
    B 1    
    A 2    
    B Yes I saw many animals
    A 3    
    B I saw giraffes lions tigers crocodiles and so on
    AWhat did you see
    BI went to the zoo
    CThey are very well
    DWhat did you do on the weekend
    EDid you have fun in the zoo
    A That’s really fun
    B 4      
    A I went to the countryside to see my grandparents
    B Oh are they all right
    A 5    
    十阅读短文根短文容判断句子正 (T) 误 (F)(10分)
    Today I visited the zoo with several classmates We went on foot It was half an hour’s walk When we got there the zoo was already full of people There are many animals in the zoo They were very interesting but we were especially (尤特) interested in monkeys They made all kinds of faces and we talked with some foreign guests in English It was time for lunch when we got home I really had a wonderful time today
    (  )1 I visited the zoo with my parents
    (  )2 We went to the zoo by bus
    (  )3 There were many people in the zoo
    (  )4 There are many animals in the zoo
    (  )5 We talked with some foreign guests in English





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    UNIT  WHAT DID YOU DO THIS SUMMER?满分:100分 时间:60分钟 得分:    听力部分一、听录音,选出单词或短语。(10分)(  )1. A.went ba...

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     Module 1 My teacher and my friendsUnit 1 Good morning, Miss Zhou.知识目标单词hello,class,my ,name,is,...

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    Period 1课题Unit1 Making friends 课型NEW WORDS备课时间1 Period教材分析教学目标1. Students can master how to pro...

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    北京课改版四年级下册数学 第五单元测试卷2

    第五单元测试卷一、填空。1.某公园在一条长100米的走廊两侧摆放菊花,每隔5米放一盆,两头都要放,一共需要(   )盆菊花。2.丽丽从家去图书馆,平均每分钟走60米,15分钟到达图书馆,丽丽家...

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