
    Lesson 1 What is she doing
    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    1 求学生掌握新单词
    2 理解够运句型 What is he she doing He She is ____ ing
    够认识单词基础熟练词运句子中 熟练准确英语描述正做事情
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记准确运Sunday classroom playground in the playground play football run a raced等单词词组
    2 熟悉do sing play run现分词形式
    理解掌握语第三称(单复数形式)现进行时态What’s she doing She’s singing…
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    Step 2 Presentation
    T Let’s get to learn some new words 教师展示新单词词组classroom playground play football dance ride a bike play basketball swim时配图片老师先领读单词然机抽取学起念出感觉学生较熟练时候单学回答鼓励增加信心
    Step 3 Practice
    根图片学生分组练句型:What is she doing She is
    What are they doing They are
    For example
    L Where are the boys in your class
    T They’re in the playground
    L What are they doing
    T Some are playing football Some are running
    Step 4 Story
    学生先学Going to the sports center找出相关动作词组解决问题组进行讨回答老师提出问题
    Step 5 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 1
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    3 组复述事
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 2 Don’t be late next time
    ◆ 教材分析

    课具体情境锻炼学生生活中规章制度理解运教材提供相关情景模式便学生进行话学生够具体情境中学容进行整合运知识头脑中形成系统教学容学生中心学生生活密切相关活动线 围绕常基英语词汇句型交际语逐步展开教学容
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 掌握四会单词短语:may park grass thing next time
    2 掌握祈句: (1) Come in please
    (2) Don’t be late next time
    (3) Go to your seat and sit down please
    ◆ 教学重难点

    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 Greet with the students by using Good morning boys and girls
    2 Show the students a picture and revise What is heshe doing by asking questions
    T Look at this girl What is she doing
    S She is eating an apple
    T Can we eat an apple in class
    S No we can’t
    T So what should we say to the girl
    T We should tell the girl Don’t eat apple in the class
    Then point out the other students in the picture and say each of these students is breaking one of the school rules So what should we say to them 老师学生互相招呼老师做动作学生猜猜老师做什
    Step 2 Presentation
    Don’t arrive late for class
    Don’t run in the hallways
    Don’t listen to music in the classroom
    Don’t fight
    Read the list to class Then ask the students to read the list again
    Step 3 Practice
    1 邀请学扮演外国做出违反课堂纪律事情引导学生学句型指出错误运目标语言指出做方:课堂听音乐For example a foreign teacher is pretending to listen to music in class Then encourage students to say something to him Can we listen to music in class If you see someone do that what should you say to him Don’t listen to music in class
    2 扩学生活动范围设置情节食堂楼道等引导学生说出更祈句
    Don’t waste food
    No littering
    Keep quite
    Don’t talk
    Step 4 Story
    学生先学Ted in the park找出里面祈句解决问题组进行讨Ted行作出评价回答老师提出问题
    Step 5 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 2
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    3 父母讲解祈句
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 3 A computer has a keyboard
    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    1 学掌握身体部位单词电脑配件单词
    2 掌握四会三会单词
    3 复动词have法学has法第三称单数形式
    4 Key sentence Does a computer have a keyboard
    Yes it does No it doesn’t time
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 New words mouthtallhandwriteletterclever……
    2 Key sentence Does a computer have a keyboard
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 Sing a song
    带领学学英文歌曲I have two hands首英文歌仅缓解学生紧张情绪激发情趣活跃课堂气氛时新授知识作铺垫
    2 复课阅读4~5组学生前面表演阅读简单话学生复节课学容时训练学生日常交际力
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 复集中识词中学课单词mouthtallhandwriteletterclever……教师出示卡片英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    2 Ask and answer
    T Do you have a pen
    S …
    T Do you have a ruler
    S …
    3 Translate two sentences
    T 支钢笔 S:I have a pen
    T 支钢笔 S:He has a pen
    4 Ask and answer
    T I have a ruler → Do you have a ruler
    Yes I do No I don’t
    T He has a ruler → Does he have a ruler
    Yes he does No he doesn’t
    5 Show the key sentence and write it on the blackboard
    Does a computer have a keyboard
    Yes it does No it doesn’t
    Step 3 Practice
    1 阅读Let’s talk容练话两两话组话种形式增强学生容理解
    2 练Let’s learn话描述电视电脑区锻炼学生生活观察力
    Step 4 Story
    Step 5 Game
    游戏五名学生参加三名学生排站着两名学生着三名学生话名学生先说I have a friend Who is she 名学生猜猜学生根三名学生特点问三问题果三问题问完猜出算输换组游戏继续
    Step 6 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 3
    2 Remember the key words well and use them

    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 4 Does Jim like swimming?
    ◆ 教材分析

    ◆ 教学目标

    1 熟练掌握句型:like+动词ing形式表示喜欢什活动
    2 复巩固动词:rundance jumpdraw……
    1 熟读课文理解课文容学分角色扮演
    2 运Do you like回答Yes I doNo I don’t
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 重点单词:oftencardskatesometimeswell
    2 重点句型:Do you like…
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 师生互相问
    2 复已学知识喜欢什活动引出课题:Do you like swimming
    T Do you have any hobbies S1
    S1 Yes I do I like playing football
    T Does she have any hobbies
    S Yes She does She likes playing tennis
    T Do you have any hobbies S2
    S2 Yes I do I like watching TV
    T Does he have any hobbies
    S Yes he does He likes collecting stamps
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 集中识词中展示课学单词短语swim skating draw fishing ride a horse教师出示卡片英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    2 学Let’s talk容复句型What's shehe doing
    Step 3 Practice
    3 练Let's learn话话形式图片中物动作描述出练话
    For example Does Jim like swimming
    Yes he does No he doesn’t
    4 展示图片组话形式询问爱惯填表记录组派代表说出组位学爱
    Step 4 Story
    学生阅读事Jim' hobbies说出Jim喜欢做什喜欢做什回答老师提出问题
    Step 5 Game
    Step 6 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 4
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 5 What does he like?
    ◆ 教材分析

    单元围绕孩子喜欢喜欢做事情设计通QiqiEve喜欢喜欢件事展开讨第称第三称运教学语言点:What do you like doing I like(doing something) Does he like(doing something) Yes he does No he doesn’t 课真实语境学生学句型询问某喜欢做什作出回答课学生已基础做进步落实巩固扩展培养学生综合语言运力
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说读写语句:
    What do you like doing I like(doing something)
    Does he like(doing sth) Yes he does No he doesn’t
    1 听懂会说目标语句运句子进行交流话
    2 读懂课文够求书写单词目标语句句式写出喜
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记重点单词
    2 重点句型:What do you like doing I like(doing something)
    Does he like(doing sth) Yes he does No he doesn’t
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    T Good morning boys and girls What day is today
    S Today is Friday
    T Tomorrow comes the weekend Will you do something to relax yourself What is your favourite sport
    S I like swimming
    T Do you often run
    S1 I like running very much
    T Do you like singing What do you like doing
    S I like…
    Step 2 Presentation
    3 集中识词中展示课学单词短语listen to music see films take photos watch TV go shopping教师出示卡片英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    4 T Look Qiqi and Eve are talking What are they talking about Do you want to know Let’s look 学Let’s talk容
    Step 3 Practice
    1 练Let's learn话话形式图片中物动作描述出练话
    For example What does Pete like
    He likes seeing films
    2 根图表组话说出表中物喜欢做什喜欢做什
    3 学Listen and say(学生先听遍录音感知课文意教师次播放录音学生边听边结合图片理解课文边思考)
    Step 4 Story
    学生老师指导阅读事We all enjoy watching TV 纳家庭喜欢做什喜欢什电视类型回答老师提出问题
    Step 5 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 5
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 7 What would you like?
    ◆ 教材分析

    单元围绕孩子想做什事情设计通话学生学会表达需求教学语言点:What would you like I’d like(something)课真实语境学生学句型询问某想什作出回答课培养学生综合语言运力
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说认读单词shopdrinkjuicebuyfeel等单词
    2 初步掌握What would you like I’d like some…句型
    3 种食物灵活实际情景中运餐时基语:Can I have some… pleaseSure Here you are等
    1 听懂会说目标语句运句子进行交流话
    2 读懂课文够求书写单词目标语句句式写出需求
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记重点单词
    2 重点句型:What would you like I’d like some
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    1 熟练掌握重点句型流畅餐点餐等情境中课句型
    2 单词feelmuch法
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 师生问
    2 老师出示词卡问 What’s this 出示bread juice……单词贴黑板然学生说:I like hot dog Can I have some hot dogs (时黑板出示句型条)示意学生回答:Sure here you are (出示句型条)该生讲台词卡老师黑板词卡师问学生:Do you like… S1 Yes I do T Do you want to get it Then how do you say 示意学生答:Can I have some… T Sure here you are (时卡片送说正确学生)通种方式复课关食物单词
    3 情景游戏:欢迎家做客
    T What do you like
    S I like…
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 收回发学生卡片展示课学单词短语shop drink a bottle of cake an ice cream some candy hamburger教师出示卡片英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    2 创设情境学Let’s talk容
    Step 3 Practice
    1 练Let’s learn话话形式图片中短语描述出练话
    For example What would you like
    I’d like a cup of tea
    2 创设情境餐厅环境学Listen and say(学生先听遍录音感知课文意教师次播放录音学生边听边结合图片理解课文边思考)
    Step 4 Story
    学生老师指导阅读事A big carrot 回答老师提出问题环节中引导学生学会分享懂助乐
    Step 5 Game
    Step 6 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 7
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 8 Would you like some potatoes
    ◆ 教材分析

    单元围绕孩子询问设计通话学生学会询问需求教学语言点:Would you like some YesNo课真实语境学生学句型询问某想什作出回答课培养学生综合语言运力
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说认读单词vegetableworrytraintomatomoneycry等单词
    2 初步掌握Would you like… 句型
    3 种食物灵活实际情景中运餐时基语:Can I have some… pleaseSure Here you are等
    3 听懂会说目标语句运句子进行交流话
    4 读懂课文够求书写单词目标语句句式表达需求
    5 通种教学活动学会交流合作享逐步学会学阶段进行客观评价
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记重点单词
    2 重点句型:Would you like…What about…应答
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 师生问
    2 教师准备包包里装着课学食物食物图片学生猜什
    T Look at the bag What’s in it Can you guess
    T Would you like some vegetables
    S1 Yes please
    Would you like some… Yes please
    师生话中渗透结构:Is this a…
    Practice 学生展示画物品利进行话
    Ss Would you like…
    T No thank you
    老师出示教授:What about a… 分组朗读
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 收回卡片展示课学单词短语vegetable potato tomato cabbage Chinese cabbage peas ticket教师出示卡片英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    2 创设情境学Let’s talk容
    Step 3 Practice
    1 练Let’s learn话话形式图片中短语描述出练话
    For example A Would you like some tomatoes
    B Yes could I have some cabbages too
    A Sure
    2 创设情境厨房里学Listen and say(学生先听遍录音感知课文意教师次播放录音学生边听边结合图片理解课文边思考)
    Step 4 Story
    学生老师指导阅读事A train ticket回答老师提出问题环节中引导学生懂助乐
    Step 5 Game
    1 选定超市场景准备相关场景物品卡片部分学生充售货员部分学生进行购物整程英语交流学生日常生活中养成惯培养学生英语力
    2 游戏:耳语传话
    Would you like a hot dog Yes please
    Would you like an ice cream Yes please
    What about an egg No thank you
    What about a cake Yes please
    Step 6 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 8
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 9 How many cakes do you want?
    ◆ 教材分析

    单元围绕购物中询问价钱设计通话学生学会询问物品价格教学语言点:How manyHow much do you want I want 课真实语境学生学句型询问某想什作出回答课培养学生综合语言运力
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说认读单元重点单词
    2 掌握关购物句型How many How much do you want I want 学会区分How many How much 法
    6 听懂会说目标语句灵活进行口语交际
    7 读懂课文够求书写单词目标语句句式表达想买东西
    8 通种教学活动学会交流合作享逐步学会学阶段进行客观评价
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记重点单词
    2 重点句型:How many How much 应答
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    熟练掌握重点句型区分How many How much 法数名词数名词
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 师生问
    2 Listening to music
    3 学生回忆说说知道关食物单词
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 媒体出示单词kilo 问学生中文带读单词媒体出示中文斤牛肉半斤
    鸡肉十斤米先问学生试者翻评成英文时媒体呈现英文a kilo of beef
    half a kilo of chicken ten kilo of rich 开火车分组读方式学生朗读词组
    2 教师出示单词卡片meat教师问答How much meat do you want I wan two kilos引导学生注意听理解意思媒体出示该句子带领学生读两两话角色表演形式学生该熟句子
    3 出示单词卡片hot dogs 问答How many hot dogs do you want I want 董复两遍引导学生注意听理解意思媒体出示该句子带领学生读种形式读
    4 师生总结How much How many意义法区
    How much询问数名词数量接数名词How many询问数名词数量接数名词复数形式
    5 媒体出示单词学生单词类数名词数名词
    Step 3 Practice
    1 练Let’s learn话话形式图片中短语描述出练话
    For example A How many cakes do you want
    B I want three
    A How much meat do you want
    B I want two kilos
    2 创设情境shop里学Look and say(学生先听遍录音感知课文意教师次播放录音学生边听边结合图片理解课文边思考)
    Step 4 Story
    学生老师指导阅读事What’s five times three回答老师提出问题环节中锻炼学生生活力
    Step 5 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 9
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 10 There is a horse under the tree
    ◆ 教材分析

    单元围绕生活方位设计通话学生学会there be句型学会语言询问描述:某处某物教学语言点:there be句型方位介词学课真实语境学生学会某处某物提出询问作出回答课培养学生综合语言运力
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说认读单元重点单词
    2 理解掌握there be句型肯定句法换词造句
    3 掌握方位介词
    1 听懂会说目标语句灵活进行口语交际
    2 读懂课文够求书写单词目标语句通话题学学生简单语言询问描述:某处某物
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记重点单词
    2 重点句型:There is are What’s on under理解灵活There be句型般疑问句否定句肯定否定回答
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    熟练掌握重点句型理解灵活There be句型般疑问句否定句肯定否定回答
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 师生问
    2 Show a picture of a classroom beside the picture there are some words they have learned Lead the Ss to make dialogues like this
    A What can you see in the classroom
    B I can see a television
    A How many desks are there in it
    B There is are
    A IsAre there (any)in the classroom
    B Yes thee is are
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 教师出示单词卡片展示课学单词短语horse tree forest village等in under on类介词教师英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    2 创设情境学Let’s talk容
    Step 3 Practice
    练Let’s learn话话形式图片中介词短语描述出练话
    For example AWhat's under the tree
    BThere is a horse under it
    AWhat's in the tree
    BThere are some birds in it
    Step 4 Story
    学生老师指导阅读事A baby panda回答老师提出问题环节中锻炼学生There be句型熟练运
    Step 5 Game
    Find the difference
    根look and say图片提示找两张图片there be句型表达出
    Step 6 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 9
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 11 There isn’t any bread in the fridge
    ◆ 教材分析

    单元围绕there be句型设计通话学生学会询问某物否某教学语言点:Is Are there any 课真实语境学生学句型询问某物否某作出回答课培养学生综合语言运力
    ◆ 教学目标

    1 够听说认读单元重点单词
    2 掌握句型Is Are there any 法
    9 听懂会说目标语句灵活进行口语交际
    10 读懂课文够求书写单词目标语句句式表达某物否某
    11 通种教学活动学会交流合作享逐步学会学阶段进行客观评价
    ◆ 教学重难点

    1 熟记重点单词
    2 重点句型:IsAre there any 应答
    3 熟读课文理解课文容
    ◆ 课前准备

    Cards Multimedia Lesson plan
    ◆ 教学程

    Step 1 Greetings and warmup activities
    1 师生问
    2 Listening to music
    3 学生回忆说说知道关食物单词
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 集中识词中展示课学单词短语beefmeatfridgecarrot部分单词前单元学里做整理巩固教师出示卡片英文说出单词学生说出写出中文
    2 学Let’s talk容学句型Is Are there any 应答
    Step 3 Practice
    1 练Let’s learn话话形式图片中短语描述出练话
    For example A Is there any beef in the fridge
    B Yes there is some
    A Are there any eggs
    B No there aren’t any
    2 创设情境学Look and say(学生先梳理遍图片结合事例进行话)
    Step 4 Story
    学生老师指导阅读事My hometown回答老师提出问题环节中锻炼学生阅读理解力
    Step 5 Homework
    1 Copy the words and read the text of Lesson 11
    2 Remember the key words well and use them
    ◆ 教学反思

    Lesson 1 What is she doing
    ◆ 词汇拼写

    1 操场_________________
    2 跳舞_________________
    3 骑行车__________________
    4 游泳________________
    ◆ 连连

    1 骑行车 A play tennis
    2 踢足球 B She is singing
    3 干什 C play football
    4 羽毛球 D What are they doing
    5 唱歌 E ride a bike
    ◆ 选词填空

    They swim run
    1 What are ______doing
    They are playing football
    2 In the sports center some are _____ some are ______
    ◆ 选择题

    1 Whose pencil is this Linda
    It is _____
    A mine B my C your
    2 Look They are play _________
    A tennis B football C basketball
    ◆ 句型转换

    1 They are reading (划线部分提问)
    ____ _____they doing
    2 Are Danny and Lisa watching TV (否定回答)

    ◆ 词汇拼写

    1 Playground
    2 Dance
    3 Ride a bike
    4 Swim
    ◆ 连连

    1 E
    2 C
    3 D
    4 A
    5 B
    ◆ 选词填空

    1 they
    2 swimming running swimming
    解析题考查学生what is they doing句型理解句中运动词现分词形式运
    ◆ 选择题

    1 A
    2 B

    1 What are
    2 They aren’t

    Lesson 2 Don’t be late next time

    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 座位 A sit B down C seat
    ( ) 2 草 A plant B grass C flower
    ( ) 3 黑板 A board B black C blackboard
    ( ) 4 影子 A window B shadow C blow
    ( ) 5 蝴蝶 A butterfly B fly C butter
    ◆ 连连
    3 ___en__h

    1 浪费粮食 A Be quite
    2 吐痰 B Don’t waste food
    3 请保持安静 C No spitting
    4 课说话 D No talking in the class

    ◆ 选词填空

    1 ______(Does May) I come in
    2 I see ______(Its That’s) all right
    3 Don’t _______(be are) late tomorrow
    4 Don’t stand______ (up down)
    ◆ 选择题

    1 The students are reading_______
    A Keep quiet B I see
    2 _____The floor is very clean
    A No spitting B Keep quiet
    ◆ 英汉互译

    1 Ted is doing the right thing
    2 Ted 正吃根香蕉
    3 Ted wants to catch the butterfly

    ◆ 单词碰

    5 C
    6 B
    7 C
    8 B
    9 A
    ◆ 连连

    1 B
    2 C
    3 A
    4 D
    ◆ 选词填空

    1 May
    2 That's
    3 Be
    4 Up
    ◆ 选择题

    1 A
    2 A
    解析题考查英语句意理解祈句运no spitting 吐痰选A

    1 Ted做事情
    2 Ted is eating a banana
    3 Ted 想抓蝴蝶
    Lesson 3 A computer has a keyboard
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A ear B eye C every D hand
    ( ) 2 A look B mouth C write D read
    ( ) 3 A screen B mouse C keyboard D email
    ( ) 4 A lips B teeth C eyes D ear
    ◆ 连连

    1 a blue cap A 没腿
    2 everyday B 写信
    3 has no legs C 顶蓝帽子
    4 a big body D 天
    5 write letters E 身体
    ◆ 单词填空
    7I don't like soup

    1 Please _________ (猜测) who he is
    2 He is _________ (矮)
    3 Does he have a _________ (嘴巴)
    ◆ 选择题

    1 Does a TV have a mouse
    A Yes it is B Yes it does C No it doesn’t
    2 It looks _________ a TV
    A likes B like C liking
    3 I play _________ him every day
    A to B with Cin
    ◆ 阅读理解判断正误

    Mike and Peter are good friends They are in the same grade Mike is tall and Peter is short Mike has big eyes And he has a small nose Peter likes playing football with Mike every day They are very happy
    1 Mike and Tim are good friends ____________
    2 Mike and Peter are in the same class ____________
    3 Mike is tall and he has big eyes ____________
    4 Peter has a small nose ____________

    ◆ 单词碰

    10 C
    11 B
    12 D
    13 D
    ◆ 连连

    5 C
    6 D
    7 A
    8 E
    9 B
    ◆ 单词填空

    1 guess
    2 short
    3 mouth
    ◆ 选择题

    1 C
    2 B
    解析题考查英语句意理解it’s takes+动词原形认识no spitting选B
    3 B
    解析题考查play with短语含义play with …玩选B

    4 错
    5 错
    7 错

    Lesson 4 Does Jim like swimming?
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A card B game C often D sport
    ( ) 2 A reading B music C riding D fishing
    ( ) 3 A butterfly B horse C fish D high
    ( ) 4 A tennis B kite C football D basketball
    ( ) 5 A ball B high C low D tall
    ◆ 排序号

    ________No he doesn’t But he likes playing pingpong
    ________ He is swimming in the pool
    ________ What about ball games Does he like football
    ________ Where is Jim
    ________ Does he like swimming
    ________ Yes he does He often goes swimming in summer
    ◆ 选词填空

    A In B Much C often D riding
    1 I like music very________
    2 He is ________ a horse
    3 They ________ play games in the park
    4 She flies a kite ________ spring
    ◆ 选择题

    ( ) 1 Does he ________ sports
    A like B likes C liking
    ( ) 2 He likes ________ ball games
    A plays B play C
    ( ) 3 ________ your favorite game
    A What B What’s C What do
    ◆ 阅读理解判断正误

    Sam is writing slowly Linda sees and asks him What are you doingSam OhI’m writing a letter to my grandmother Sam says Why do you write so slowly Linda saysSam answers Because my grandmother reads slowly
    1 Linda is writing slowly ________
    2 Sam is writing a letter ________
    3 Linda reads slowly ________
    4 Sam has a grandmother ________
    5 Sam’s grandmother can read a letter ________

    ◆ 单词碰

    14 C
    15 B
    16 D
    17 B
    18 A
    ◆ 排序号

    ◆ 选词填空

    1 B
    2 D
    3 C
    4 A
    ◆ 选择题

    1 A
    2 C
    3 B

    8 错
    10 错
    Lesson 5 What does he like?
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A see B watch C listen D music
    ( ) 2 A father B all C mother D grandma
    ( ) 3 A music B films C sports D photos
    ( ) 4 A always B often C enjoy D sometimes
    ( ) 5 A morning B Sunday C evening D noon
    ◆ 句型转换

    1 I like sports (画线部分提问)
    2 Does he like watching TV (作肯定回答)
    3 She likes flying a kite (改否定句)
    ◆ 选词填空

    ( ) 1__________Yes I do
    A What do you like B Do you like singing
    ( ) 2 What’s she doing_________
    A She’s swimming B She likes swimming
    ( ) 3___________ Nohe doesn’t like it at all
    A Do you like music B Does he like music
    ◆ 选择题

    ( ) 1 She is ________ music
    A listening B listen C Listening to
    ( ) 2 He likes ________ films
    A watches B see C seeing
    ( ) 3 He doesn’t like it ________
    A all at B at all C all
    ◆ 阅读理解判断正误

    Today is Sunday Tom and his parent (父母亲) are going to the zooTom likes Animals Now he is looking at the monkeys His father is fishing near the lake Where is his mother His mother is reading on the chair
    1 Today is Monday ____________
    2 Tom and his parents are going to the zoo ____________
    3 His father is reading a book ____________
    4 His mother is fishing near the lake ____________

    ◆ 单词碰

    19 D
    20 B
    21 A
    22 C
    23 B
    ◆ 句型转换

    1 What do you like
    2 Yes he does
    3 She doesn’t like flying a kite
    ◆ 选词填空

    5 B
    6 A
    7 B
    ◆ 选择题

    解析题考查listen to music固定搭配选C
    解析题考查短语not at all译点选B

    13 错
    15 错
    16 错

    Lesson 7 What would you like?
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A hamburger B chips C dog D bread
    ( ) 2 A coke B juice C water D drink
    ( ) 3 A bag B help C share D Eat
    ◆ 排序号

    3 ___en__h
    ( ) Can I help you
    ( ) OK here you are
    ( ) Yes I’d like a cup of tea and a bottle of coke
    ( ) OK a bottle of orange juice and a cup of tea please
    ( ) Sorry we don’t have coke Would you like a bottle of orange juice
    ( ) Thank you
    ◆ 单词填空

    1 b__y(买) 2 __uic__(果汁)
    3 F__ _l(感觉) 4__ ott _ e(瓶子)
    5 sh _ _(商店 ) 6 ca _ __ot (胡萝卜 )
    ◆ 选择题

    1 Here you ______
    A do B be C are
    2 _________ would you like
    A What’s B What C How’s
    3 I’d like a cup________ _ tea
    A of B with C from
    ◆ 英汉互译

    1 I’d like a glass of orange juice
    2 分享胡萝卜吧

    ◆ 单词碰

    24 C
    25 D
    26 A
    ◆ 排序号

    ◆ 单词填空

    8 u
    9 J e
    10 E e
    11 B l
    12 O p
    13 R r
    ◆ 选择题

    1 C
    解析题考查Here you are搭配you面be动词组合are选C
    2 B
    解析题考查单元重点句型What would you like想什选B
    3 A
    解析题考查短语搭配a cup of译杯选A

    ◆ 英汉互译

    1 想杯橙汁
    2 Let’s share it with her

    Lesson 8 Would you like some potatoes?步练
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A vegetable B potato C tomato D carrot
    ( ) 2 A egg B bread C food D hot dog
    ( ) 3 A apple B banana C orange D bun
    ( ) 4 A worry B station C train D ticket
    ◆ 排序号

    _________I don’t like cakes Do we have any hamburgers
    _________Oh Tom Hamburgers are junk food What about eggs
    _________Mum I’m hungry
    _________There is a cake on the table
    ◆ 情景交际
    _________No thanks

    ( ) 1 想表达想面包时应说:_________
    A We want some bread B We have some bread
    C We like some bread
    ( ) 2 想问方否想土豆时应说:_________
    A Would you have some tomato
    B Do you like some potatoes
    C Would you like some potatoes
    ( ) 3 想问热狗时应说:_________
    A Do you have a hot dog
    B Do we have any hot dogs
    C Do we have any hot dog
    ◆ 选择题

    ( ) 1 There is some bread ________ the fridge
    A to B at C in
    ( ) 2 Does we have ________ hamburgers
    A a B an C any
    ( ) 3 What about ________
    A an egg B egg C a egg
    ( ) 4 ________ hot dogs ________ you
    A Not to B No for C Not for
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    A Branch Office
    A beggar is standing at a corner with a hat in each hand He is waiting for handouts (施舍物) A passerby (行) stops and drops a coin in one hat then asks What’s the other hat for’’ Business has been so flourish lately the man replies that I decide to open a branch office
    1 A woman is standing at a corner _________
    2 The beggar begs (乞讨) with one hat _________
    3 A boy drops a coin in one hat _________
    4 The beggar is waiting for handouts _________
    5 The passerby decides to open a branch office _________

    ◆ 单词碰

    27 A
    28 C
    29 D
    30 A
    ◆ 排序号

    ◆ 情景交际

    14 A
    15 C
    16 B
    解析题考查日常交流语would you like some potatoes表示想土豆?单元重点句型注意热狗hot dogs
    ◆ 选择题

    1 C
    2 C
    3 A
    4 B
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    1 错
    2 错
    3 错
    5 错

    Lesson 9 How many cakes do you want?步练
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A much B many C money
    ( ) 2 A fruit B four C five
    ( ) 3 A kilo B clever C fifteen
    ( ) 4 A ship B sail C bun
    ◆ 排序号

    ___________ Here you are Anything else
    ___________ Here is the money
    ___________ Can I help you
    ___________ No thanks How much is it
    ___________ I want some bread
    ___________ Five yuan
    ◆ 英汉互译

    1 You are so clever
    2 Five times four is twenty
    3 六七少?
    4 想少牛肉?
    ◆ 选择题

    ( ) 1 What can I do________ you
    A to B at C for
    ( ) 2 How ________ cakes do you want
    A much B many C
    ( ) 3 Here you are ________else
    A Some B Any C Anything
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    Man Can l help you
    Lucy I want some potatoes
    Man How many do you want
    Lucy Four kilos How much are they
    Man They are three yuan a kilo
    Lucy Here is the money
    Man Thank you
    1 Lucy wants to buy some potatoes _________
    2 Lucy wants three kilos of potatoes _________
    3 The potatoes are four yuan a kilo _________
    4 The potatoes are twelve yuan in all _________
    5 The man gives Lucy money _________
    ◆ 单词碰

    31 C
    32 A
    33 C
    34 B
    ◆ 排序号

    ◆ 英汉互译

    1 真聪明
    2 54等20
    3 What’s six times seven
    4 How much beef do you want
    ◆ 选择题

    1 C
    2 B
    解析题考查单元重点句型cake数名词提问how many选B
    3 C
    解析题考查冠词搭配anything else?表示呢?选C
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    7 错
    8 错
    10 错

    Lesson 10 There is a horse under the tree步练
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 A horse B hoase C some
    ( ) 2 A gaot B under C grass
    ( ) 3 A bahind B panda C window
    ( ) 4 A forest B villoge Cnear
    ◆ 排排坐

    1 Where’s the goat A They are playing games
    2 What’s under the tree B Good idea
    3 What are the children doing C It is behind the house
    4 Is the cat in the tree D It’s a horse
    5 Let’s take it back to her mother E Yes it is
    ◆ 选词填空

    A In B under C to D much E take
    1There’s a bird _________ the tree
    2 It’s_________ better now
    3 It’s happy _________ go back to the forest
    4There’s a dog _________ the tree
    5 Let’s _________ it back to its mother
    ◆ 选择题

    ( ) 1 There’s a dog in front________ the house
    A to B of C at
    ( ) 2 ________ under the tree
    A What B Where C What’s
    ( ) 3 ________the village there are some houses
    A On B In C To
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    Mr Rabbit likes running Mr Tortoise likes running too Mr Rabbit says to Mr Tortoise Hello Haha your legs are short You can’t run’’ Mr Tortoise says But I can Look I’m running But you are very slow And I’m fast says Mr Rabbit
    1 Mr Rabbit likes running _________
    2 Mr Rabbit runs slowly _________
    3 Mr Rabbit laughs at (嘲笑) Mr Tortoise _________
    4 They want to have a race _________
    5 Mr Tortoise doesn’t like running _________

    ◆ 单词碰

    35 B
    36 A
    37 A
    38 B
    ◆ 排排坐

    1 C
    2 D
    3 A
    4 E
    5 B
    ◆ 选词填空

    1 A
    2 D
    3 C
    4 B
    5 E
    ◆ 选择题

    1 B
    解析题考查介词in front of …前面选B
    2 C
    解析题考查单元重点句型What's under the tree?什树选C
    3 B
    解析题考查介词搭配in the village村里选B
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    12 错
    14 错
    15 错

    Lesson 11 There isn't any bread in the fridge步练
    ◆ 单词碰

    ( ) 1 听见
    A tell B hand C hear
    ( ) 2 声音
    A sound B see C either
    ( ) 3 岛
    A land B other C island
    ( ) 4 事
    A story B tell C fridge
    ( ) 5
    A other B either C everywhere
    ◆ 求写句子

    1 Are there any fruit (作否定回答)
    2 There are some potatoes in the fridge (改否定句)
    3 There is some candy on the table (改般疑问句)
    4 My hometown is clean and beautiful (英译汉)
    ◆ 句子翻译

    ( ) 1 苹果?
    A Are there apples B Are there any apples
    ( ) 2 没鸡蛋
    A There aren’t any eggs too B There aren’t any eggs either
    ( ) 3香蕉
    A We want some bananas too B We want some bananas either
    ( ) 4 岛许老房子
    A On the island there are many old houses
    B In the island there are many old houses
    ◆ 选择题

    ( ) 1 Tomorrow _________ Sunday
    A be B are C is
    ( ) 2 Let’s go _________
    A shop B shoping C shopping
    ( ) 3 There aren’t _________ eggs
    A an B any C a
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    Hello My name is Pan Ye I’m a boy I’m from Beijing I study in Yuying Primary School I’m in Class Four Grade Four
    There are sixty pupils in my class thirty boys and thirty girls All of them are my good friends We all like Chinese Math English and other lessons
    My class is like a big family
    1 Pan Ye is a girl _________
    2 Pan Ye is from Jiangsu _________
    3 Pan Ye is in Class 3 Grade 3 ________
    4 Pan Ye has many friends _________
    5 There are sixty pupils in Pan Ye’s class _________

    ◆ 单词碰

    39 C
    40 A
    41 C
    42 A
    43 B
    ◆ 求写句子

    1 No there aren’t
    2 There aren’t any potatoes in the fridge
    3 Is there any candy on the table
    4 乡干净美丽
    ◆ 句子翻译

    1 B
    2 B
    3 A
    4 A
    ◆ 选择题

    1 C
    解析题考查be动词法Tomorrow is Sunday选C
    2 C
    解析题考查短语结构go shopping购物shop现分词形式shopping选C
    3 B
    ◆ 阅读理解判断错

    16 错
    17 错
    18 错





    需要 15 香币 [ 分享文档获得香币 ]




    Lesson 1May I speak to Mary?◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1、确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用,需要掌握的单词:speak, afternoon, pu...

    228    0


    Lesson 1 What is she doing?同步练习◆ 词汇拼写1. 操场_________________ 2. 跳舞_________________3. 骑自行车___...

    372    0


    Lesson 1 We can dance◆ 教材分析This lesson is the first lesson of the textbook, which is to learn th...

    990    0


    Lesson 1 I am a cat ◆ 教材分析本课是小学生初次接触英语,也是孩子们的第一节课,要引导孩子们主动了解英语并接触英语。创设英语环境让学生运用简单句型来向朋友打招呼问问题,激起...

    956    0


    Lesson 1 Are you going to have a birthday party?◆ 教材分析本单元是六年级上册的第一课,主要话题是holiday plan,结合be going...

    229    0


    Lesson 1May I speak to Mary?同步练习◆ 根据汉语意思补全单词1. sp__ __ k (讲,说) 2. qu__ __ tion ...

    235    0


    Unit 1 I’m not feeling well◆ 教材分析通过图片导入引出本课内容,让孩子们掌握What’s the matter? 以及Could you…..等实用句型的用法。◆ ...

    292    0


    Lesson 1I can help you◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1. 确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用,需要掌握的单词:again, me, put, bad, Engl...

    545    0


    Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? ◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1、学会本课中的四会及三会单词和短语。2、学习并掌握形容词性物主代词的用法,学习用Whose提问东西是谁的,并做...

    390    0


    Lesson 1 We Can Dance同步练习◆ 选择题1. _____ you sing?A. AreB. CanC. Is 2. Yes, I _____.A. canB. can’t...

    184    0


    Lesson 1 I am a cat同步练习◆ 选择正确的汉语意思◆ 根据汉语意思,选择正确的字母或字母组合补全单词1. Hello! A. 你好 B. 你好吗? 2. I’m Ca...

    263    0


     Lesson 1Are you going to have a birthday party?同步练习◆ 翻译下列短语1. birthday par...

    876    0


    Lesson 1 What is she doing?◆ 教材分析本课是在教材的具体情境下锻炼学生对一些动作词汇的运用。教材提供了相关的情景模式以便学生进行对话依照,使学生能够在具体的情境中将...

    352    0


    Lesson 1 I’m not feeling well同步练习◆ 单选题给下列单词选出正确的汉语意思。()1.wear A.衣服 B.穿 C.湿的()2.co...

    273    0


    Lesson 1I can help you同步练习◆ 找出对应的答语( ) 1. Thank you. A. It’s a frog.( ...

    771    0


    Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? 同步练习◆ 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词◆ 英汉互译1. W watch is it? It’s Lucy’s.2. Let’...

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    科普版英语五年级下册全册教案设计2021-1-29Lesson 1May I speak to Mary?◆ 教学目标【知识目标】1、确保学生认识和理解一些基本单词的意义和简单口头运用,需要掌...

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    总课时 :1 Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary? 教学内容:Let's ...

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    Lesson 1 What is she doing? 教学内容 Lesson1  What is she doing?Let’s learn   Let’s sing 教学目标 学习Let’...

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    Lesson 1 What is she doing?◆ 教材分析本课是在教材的具体情境下锻炼学生对一些动作词汇的运用。教材提供了相关的情景模式以便学生进行对话依照,使学生能够在具体的情境中将...

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