

    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1A see       B look      C back
    (  )2A have       B happy      C nice
    (  )3A because      B hard       C sad
    (  )4A surprised      B gold       C pet
    (  )5A missing      B ill        C new
    (  )1Why are you so happy
          A Because I have new books
          B Because mum will come back soon
          C Because I have a new friend
    (  )2What’s your watch like
          A It’s black      B It’s blue      C It’s white
    (  )3Why do you look sad
          A Because my cat is missing
          B Because my dog is missing
          C Because my watch is missing
    (  )4Is Maomao happy now
          A Yes he is      B No he isn’t    C Yes he does
    (  )5Why is Lisa worried
          A Because her mum is ill
          B Because her dog is missing
          C Because she doesn’t have new books
    (  )Don’t be sad
    (  )Why are you so upset
    (  )Nice to see you
    (  )Don’t worry Let’s look for it now
    (  )I will go to the zoo
    Lingling looks    Because her new     is missing It’s    Maomao wants to         it And Lingling thanks him  
    1come back     2glad to see you    
    3eat up     4康复    
    1We are     (高兴快活) to come back at school  
    2They have new     (书) 
    3Lulu can speak Japanese (日语)I’m so     (感惊讶) 
    4Don’t be     (难) 
    5Maomao is so     (心烦苦恼) 

    (  )1Aiai is so happy because she has a new toy
    (  )2Keke is so tired She wants to go to sleep
    (  )3Xinxin is surprised to see that big dog
    (  )4Mum doesn’t have candy Tiantian is so angry
    (  )5Where is Mum Dudu is so sad
    (  )1We are glad     you  
          A see       B to see      C saw
    (  )2—     are you so happy 
          — Because my dog is back
          A What       B When      C Why
    (  )3— I love China
          —     do I  
          A So       B Too       C And
    (  )4— Why is Mike sad
          —     his new watch is missing  
          A What       B Who       C Because
    (  )5Lingling’s mother     her a pet dog soon  
          A buy       B will buy     C to buy
    1you are Why happy so ()
    2come will She back ()
    3books new We have ()
    4look Why worried do you ()
    5be Don’t upset ()
    Hello My name is Tim I’m back at school today (天)I’m so happy because I see my friends (朋友) and teachers They are glad to see me too But Maomao is sad Because his dog is missing We will look for it together
    (  )1What’s the boy’s name
          A Maomao B Tim C Tom
    (  )2Is Tim back at school
          A Yes he is B No he isn’t C He is
    (  )3Is Maomao happy
          A Yes he is B No he isn’t C He is
    (  )4Why is Maomao sad
          A Because his cat is missing
          B Because his watch is missing
          C Because his dog is missing
    (  )5Does Tim have friends at school
          A Yes he does B No he doesn’t  C He has

    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1A speak    B say       C tell
    (  )2A new       B no       C not
    (  )3A housework    B homework    C school
    (  )4A hold       B cold       C book
    (  )5A back       B bring       C drink
    (  )1A Speaking      B He will come back tomorrow
          C No you can’t
    (  )2A Who’s calling please B This is Nana     C Speaking
    (  )3A Yes I can      B Can you go with me C Yes I do
    (  )4A I have a cat     B Yes I do      C It’s black
    (  )5A It’s 3567421      B It’s blue      C This is Lanlan
    (  )Do you do housework at home
    (  )Tina is doing homework
    (  )I want to have a look at his new watch
    (  )Please come back soon
    (  )She has to stay in bed because she is ill
    Hello My name is Jack And I’m a    I have a good friend — Mingming He     me to his home He likes me and I love him And I can do     for him He thanks me very much We play     together every day We are so      

    (  )1sp  k     A ee     B eo     C ea 
    (  )2dr nk       A i B o       C a 
    (  )3h  sework A oa B ou       C ao 
    (  )4r b t A o o B a i       C e o 
    (  )5br ng A o B u       C i 
    1Now I     (do) housework  
    2Sara buys some new     (book) 
    3He can     (speak) Japanese(日语) 
    4Guoguo     (drink) a lot of water every day  
    5Xixi wants     (bring) her toy to school  
    (  )1— May I speak to Lanlan
          A I am Lanlan       B Speaking      C Yes you can
    (  )2He is     with his dog  
          A plays       B playing      C play
    (  )3— Is Fangfang home
          A I don’t know      B Who are you C Sorry she is not home
    (  )4Please tell her     back  
          A to call       B call       C calls
    (  )5He can’t     you his new toy  
          A shows       B showing      C show
    (  )1想莉莉接电话时应说    
          A I want to call Lily        B May I speak to Lily
          C Is Lily home
    (  )2问毛毛否家时应说    
          A Is Maomao home       B Maomao is home
          C May I speak to Maomao
    (  )3电话找妈妈该说    
          A Who are you       B I don’t know where she is
          C Sorry she is not here
    (  )4想问电话号码应说    
          A Can you give me your number
          B What’s your phone number
          C How can I call you
    (  )5听说朋友生病应说    
          A Oh my God       B Really
          C I’m sorry to hear that
    1cold a bad has Linlin ()
    2number phone is My 2564387 ()
    3is This Li Xiang ()
    4books has new She some ()
    5tomorrow Will you them to school bring ()
    Dongdong has two new pens He calls Xixi but Xixi isn’t home And he tells Xixi’s mum — Mrs Liu about it Xixi wants to have a look Dongdong will bring the pens to school
    (  )1Does Dongdong have any new pens
          A Yes he does    B No he doesn’t  C He has no pens
    (  )2Who’s Mrs Liu
          A She’s Dongdong’s mum
          B She’s Xixi’s teacher
          C She’s Xixi’s mum
    (  )3Is Xixi home when Dongdong calls him
          A Yes he is      B No he isn’t C He is home
    (  )4How many new pens does Dongdong have
          A Four       B Five      C Two
    (  )5Will Dongdong bring the pens to school
          A Yes he will      B No he won’t C He will


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1A cold      B hold     C sound
    (  )2A kind      B mind       C wind
    (  )3A window    B would       C friend
    (  )4A park     B cake       C take
    (  )5A hut      B bat       C nut
    (  )1Would you please hold this (A robot B radio) for me
    (  )2Would you show me (A what B how) to play the game
    (  )3Thank you (A so B very) much
    (  )4Would you mind opening the (A door B window)
    (  )5Sorry I feel (A cold B hot)
    (  )Yes please
    (  )Sorry I feel cold
    (  )Are you OK
    (  )Would you mind opening the window
    (  )Would you like a glass of hot water
    A Hello
    B Hello This is Mike Can I play with you
    B     your new toy Let’s play it OK 
    A I don’t think so Let’s play the     game on the     
    B Sorry I can’t play it
    A I can show you It’s     

    (  )1open       A cold
    (  )2take       B lend
    (  )3hot       C close
    (  )4borrow       D turn off
    (  )5turn on       E bring
    1Can I     ()your ruler 
    2Would you mind     (开)the radio 
    3I don’t have my     (玻璃杯)with me 
    4It’s so     (体贴善良)of you  
    5These     (门)are green I like them  

    (  )1Can I borrow your crayons
    (  )2I don’t have my markers with me
    (  )3Would you please turn on the radio
    (  )4Would you mind turning off the computer
    (  )5Would you please open the window
    (  )1Would you please     me the drink 
          A to pass      B passing C pass
    (  )2I don’t have my English book     me  
          A of       B with       C for
    (  )3Would you mind     the doorI feel hot  
          A opening     B closing      C open
    (  )4Oh My green marker is missing Can I     your green marker 
          A takes       B borrow      C bring
    (  )5He has two pencils     is red and the other is blue  
          A Pencil      B Ones      C One
    1What would I do for you           
    2Would you mind hold these books for me     
    3Can I playing football with you     
    4It’s kind for you     
    5Taotao don’t have his pencil with him     
    Tim Hello Mike
    Mike Hello
    Tim Will you do me a favour
    Mike Sure What can I do for you
    Tim I’m drawing a picture for my mother I can’t find my blue marker Can I borrow your blue marker
    Mike Yes of course My markers are in my bag Here you are
    Tim Thank you
    Mike You are welcome
    (  )1Mike is drawing a picture
    (  )2Tim is drawing a picture for his teacher
    (  )3Tim can’t find his blue marker
    (  )4Tim wants to borrow one from Kate
    (  )5Mike’s markers are in his bag

    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    

    (  )1Tom is upset
    (  )2Maomao’s dog is missing
    (  )3Ms Wang is not home
    (  )4Wangwang isn’t home
    (  )5Linlin is on the hill
    (  )I have a new robot
    (  )What can I do for you Zoey
    (  )Please let her call back
    (  )This is Zoey
    (  )My number is 29876502
    A books B wants C happy
    D school E helps
    Maomao     to go to     by bike But he has many     in his hands Sara meets Maomao And she     Maomao hold the books Maomao thanks her They are so      
    (  )1know how    (  )2yellow snow
    (  )3chair hair (  )4head tea
    (  )5bird first
    1We have five new     (书) 
    2Do you have a     (电脑) 
    3Maomao     (喝) milk every day  
    4Would you mind     (说话) English louder 
    5It’s     (容易) to learn the song  
    (  )1— Would you please help me hold the books
          A Yes      B No problem   C Can I help you
    (  )2Please bring the watch     school  
          A in      B on       C to
    (  )3Would you mind     me a new jacket Mum 
          A buying     B buy       C to buy
    (  )4—     are you worried 
          — Because I can’t find my computer
          A What      B Why       C Where
    (  )5I don’t have my football     me 
          A with      B for       C and
    1new missing is book Her ()

    2Mike home not is ()
    3I borrow Can your bat ()
    4mind door you Would opening the ()
    5me do Will you a favour ()
    (  )1I can’t hear her clearly         A 担心
    (  )2Don’t worry             B 佐伊高兴帮助毛毛
    (  )3Let’s look for your watch together C 听清说话
    (  )4Zoey is glad to help Maomao       D 起说英语真
    (  )5It’s great to speak English with you   E 起找手表吧
    Qiqi is a penguin(企鹅)He is 5 years old He has a nice room There is a football a bed a toy bear a fan and some books in his room Qiqi likes his fan best But one day it’s so hot and the fan doesn’t work Qiqi is so sad Who can help himCan you
    (  )1Qiqi is a penguin
    (  )2Qiqi is six years old
    (  )3There is a watch in his room
    (  )4Qiqi likes his toy bear best
    (  )5Qiqi’s fan doesn’t work when it’s hot one day


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1A think     B get     C kind
    (  )2A buy       B pair       C pen
    (  )3A black       B blue       C brown
    (  )4A sandals     B slippers    C sneakers
    (  )5A skirt       B shirt       C shorts
    (  )1A I want to get a pencil
          B I want to go to the zoo
          C I want you to help me
    (  )2A They are blue
          B We have green and black
          C What colours do you like
    (  )3A This colour is nice
          B This kind looks nice
          C This is a jacket
    (  )4A Thank you
          B I don’t think so
          C It isn’t nice
    (  )5A Yes you may
          B No you can’t
          C Sure Here you are

       (  )      (  )      (  )

         (  )       (  )
    A Can I help you
    B Yes I want to get a pair of     
    A Which     would you like 
    B This one looks nice
    A May I try     on 
    B     Here you are  
    A How much are they
    B 26     
    A OK I’ll take them
    1This shop     (sell) Tshirts  
    2I want to buy a pair of     (shoe) 
    3Ms Qian     (think) the jacket will look nice on Lily  
    4Mike will go to the shop     (get) a pair of trousers  
    5There are three     (kind) of pens in my shop  
    trousers green jacket red shoe slippers black skirt sneakers blue shorts boots Tshirt white brown
            A                  B
    (  )1Can I help you          A Sure Here you are
    (  )2Which kind would you like     B I want to get a pair of shoes
    (  )3May I try it on         C I like it It will go with my trousers
    (  )4How much are they       D This one looks nice
    (  )5What about this one       E They are 38 yuan
    (  )1We have different     of shoes  
          A kind      B kinds       C the kind
    (  )2This jacket     nice  
          A look       B to look       C looks
    (  )3May I try     on 
          A they       B them           C their
    (  )4How much     the slippers 
          A am       B is       C are
    (  )5The brown Tshirt will go     my shorts  
          A with       B in       C on
    A take B How much C Excuse me D Here you are E try it on
    A      May I look at that jacket please 
    B Sure      
    A May I     
    B Certainly
    A     is it 
    B 15 dollars
    A I’ll     it  
    It’s Sunday today Mum will take me to buy a skirt We go to a big shop There are seven kinds of skirts in it And there are five colours — red black green brown and white And I take the white one It’ 14 dollars Mum thinks it will look nice on me
    (  )1What day is it today
          A Sunday       B Saturday       C Friday
    (  )2What do they want to buy
          A A shirt       B A skirt       C A jacket
    (  )3How many colours are there in the shop
          A Five          B Six       C Seven
    (  )4Does the girl take the white skirt
          A Yes she does B No she doesn’t C She does
    (  )5How much is the skirt
          A 14 yuan      B 15 yuan       C 14 dollars


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1Aeat      Bcook     Cpie
    (  )2Ahave       Beat       Csoup
    (  )3Ahealthy      Bhard      Chamburger
    (  )4Achange      Bchicken    Cjuice
    (  )5Ameatball      Bsalty      Ccabbage
    (  )1What would you like to eat
          A Some vegetables      B Some potatoes
          C A glass of orange juice
    (  )2Can I have the sweet and sour fish please
          A Of course          B Sorry      C Yes you can
    (  )3I will have some meatballs for     
          A breakfast       B lunch       C supper
    (  )4What would you like for dessert
          A Potatoes       B An apple pie C Mushroom soup
    (  )5How much is it
          A 30 yuan       B 40 yuan     C 50 yuan
    (  ) I’d like some jiaozi
    (  ) Can I have some fish please
    (  ) What would you like to eat
    (  ) Of course
    (  ) Some fish for me too
    Jack and his parents     Chinese food They     eat in restaurants There are all     of dishes on the     but they always     fish and soup  

    (  )1healthy        A 鸡肉
    (  )2cook       B 想
    (  )3chicken       C 益健康
    (  )4would like      D厨师
    (  )5take one’s order      E 点菜
    1We are    (抱歉) to be late for school  
    2Please help me    (点餐) fish and noodles  
    3What would you like     (吃) 
    4Don’t make chicken     (咸) 
    5I’d like a     (玻璃杯) of apple juice  

    (  )1Tangtang would like to eat some meatballs
    (  )2Can I have the sweet please
    (  )3Mike will have the sweet and sour fish for lunch
    (  )4I’d like some soup
    (  )5Do you have Chinese cabbage
    (  )1May I     your order now 
          A eat       B to take      C take
    (  )2—     would you like to eat 
          — I’d like some bananas
          A What       B When      C Why
    (  )3Here     your money  
          A am      B is       C are
    (  )4I will     Peking Duck and a glass of water 
          A have       B like       C order

      (  )5There     a book and a computer on the desk  
          A am       B is       C are
    1take May your I order ()
    2have will She for breakfast a pizza ()
    3books new We have ()
    4What like for would you dessert ()
    5I’ll the tell cook ()
    Jack and his parents are from England Jack is a student in a middle school His father works in a school His mother is a doctor They all like Chinese food So they often go to the restaurant Jack likes Peking Duck His parents always order some meatballs
    (  )1Where is Jack from
          A China        B England       C America
    (  )2Is Jack a student
          A Yes he is       B No he isn’t      C He is
    (  )3Are Jack’s parents both() doctors
          A Yes they are     B No they aren’t     C No they are
    (  )4What does Jack like to eat
          A Jiaozi      B Peking Duck      C Meatballs
    (  )5Do Jack and his parents like Chinese food
          A Yes they do      B No they don’t      C No they do


    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1A hot       B live       C ice
    (  )2A become      B clever      C say
    (  )3A walk       B hard      C hamburger
    (  )4A close       B lake      C juice
    (  )5A interesting     B air       C walk
    (  )1How is the weather today
          A Bad        B Fine         C Cold
    (  )2What do you do on weekends
          A I go to parks       B I go to the zoo      C I go to farms
    (  )3Where do you live
          A I live on the farm    B I live on the grassland
          C I live in the forest(森林)
    (  )4Where do the giraffes live
          A They live on the farm B They live on the grassland
          C They live in the forest
    (  )5 Do you take long walks on weekends
          A Yes I do       B No I don’t         C I do
    (  )I am not so sure
    (  )Let’s find out on the Internet
    (  )What is nature Tom
    (  )Great
    (  )Look It says here everything is nature
    (  )1ox  dog        (  )2eat  sweet
    (  )3tall  ball       (  )4shop  close
    (  )5fish  like
    winter bad jiaozi Peking Duck summer fine meat cold fish rain
    without close nature bad shining
    1Everything is     — water air and trees  
    2The weather is    It is raining  
    3We can’t live     water or air  
    4I am     to nature  
    5— How is the weather in Beijing
       — Fine It is     
    A snow in winter  B go to parks  C take long walks
    D by the lake  E on the grassland
    1     2     3     4     5     
    (  )1We cannot live     water or air  
          A with      B for        C without
    (  )2Ice can     water in summer  
          A become B becomes       C becoming
    (  )3It often     in summer  
          A rain       B snows       C rains
    (  )4—     is the weather in Sydney 
          — Fine It is shining
          A What      B Who       C How
    (  )5Lingling often goes out     her dog  
          A with       B for       C without
    1is raining in It Shanghai ()
    2summer Snow rain becomes in ()
    3live on We farm the ()
    4Where he live does ()
    5love I nature ()
    Everything around us is nature air water trees lakes and hills We cannot live without water We cannot live without air Animals also need water and air We go out on weekends and holidays We go to parks or to the zoo There are four seasons in a year It often rains in summer Summer is hot so snow becomes rain Rain becomes snow in cold winter We love nature We feel happy to be close to nature
    (  )1People and animals cannot live without air
    (  )2People love nature They feel happy to be close to nature
    (  )3It often snows in autumn(秋天)
    (  )4Snow becomes rain in cold winter
    (  )5People can live without water

    满分100分 时间60分钟 分    
    (  )1A go hiking    B go swimming   C go skating
    (  )2A fruit       B foot       C food
    (  )3A rain       B windy      C spring
    (  )4A the weather    B the sweater    C the father
    (  )5A the shirt     B the skirt     C the girl

    (  )1A We have blue and black
          B We have many kinds
          C We have one
    (  )2A They are not here
          B They are green
          C They are 18 yuan
    (  )3A They like water 
          B They are so big 
          C They live in an ocean
    (  )4A It’s cold      B It’s cool      C It’s hot
    (  )5A I fly kites      B I go skating      C I go swimming
    (  )1Zhuozhuo is a fish
    (  )2Zhuozhuo lives in the tree
    (  )3Tiaotiao lives in a pond
    (  )4Tiaotiao often helps Zhuozhuo with food
    (  )5Guaiguai is a giraffe
    1Fruit and vegetables are     (益健康) 
    2It’s an     (趣) book and I like it very much  
    3Mum     (散步) with dad every morning  
    4There are a lot of     (森林) in Liaoning  
    5There is no     (草) in Mr Wu’s farm  
    noodles trousers autumn whales pencil case jacket woodpeckers rice pencil spring jiaozi schoolbag shirt summer seals hamburger shorts sea lions notebook winter
    (  )1Grassland is a place     a lot of grass  
          A in       B of       C with
    (  )2May I     your order now 
          A get       B take       C make

    (  )3All of us     to school  
          A walk       B to walk C walking
    (  )4It     rain in winter  
          A isn’t       B doesn’t     C won’t
    (  )5Where     beavers live 
          A do       B does       C are
    (  )1How much are the shorts       A I’d like red
    (  )2Does the fish live in water       B It’s warm
    (  )3What colour would you like       C They are 52 dollars
    (  )4What would you like to eat       D Yes it does
    (  )5How’s the weather in spring       E I’d like some noodles
    1How’s the weather in winter in Beijing
    2Do whales live in an ocean
    3What do you do in summer
    4Do you like Western food
    5How much is your schoolbag
    Lanlan has 50 yuan She can buy a new bag now This red bag is very nice Wow it is 180 yuan It’s too expensive This yellow bag is 20 yuan It’s beautiful And this blue bag is 30 yuan She can buy two bags
    (  )1Lanlan has 60 yuan
    (  )2The red bag is 20 yuan
    (  )3The blue bag is 20 yuan
    (  )4The yellow bag is expensive
    (  )5Lanlan can buy two bags

    参 考 答 案
    Unit 1
    1Nice to see you
    2Why are you so happy
    3Tina is sad
    4The gold is missing
    5Tom’s mum is ill
    答案1A 2B 3C 4B 5B
    1— Why are you so happy
    — Because I have a new friend
    2— What’s your watch like
    — It’s black
    3— Why do you look sad
    — Because my dog is missing
    4— Is Maomao happy now
    — Yes he is
    5— Why is Lisa worried
    — Because she doesn’t have new books
    答案1C 2A 3B 4A 5C
    1I will go to the zoo
    2Why are you so upset
    3Don’t be sad
    4Don’t worry Let’s look for it now
    5Nice to see you
    答案3 2 5 4 1
    Lingling looks sad Because her new pen is missing It’s black Maomao wants to look for it And Lingling thanks him
    答案 sad pen black look for
    五1回 2见高兴 3吃光
    4get well 5look for
    六1glad 2books 3surprised 4sad
    七1D 2E 3A 4B 5C
    八1B 2C 3A 4C 5B
    九1Why are you so happy
    2She will come back
    3We have new books
    4Why do you look worried
    5Don’t be upset
    十1B 2A 3B 4C 5A

    参 考 答 案
    Unit 2
    1May I speak to Maomao
    2Lin Tao is not home
    3Sara is doing homework now
    4Please hold on
    5Do you want to have a drink
    答案1A 2C 3B 4A 5C
    1Is Tiantian there
    2May I speak to Xinxin
    3What can I do for you
    4What’s your cat like
    5What’s your phone number
    答案1A 2C 3B 4C 5A
    1I want to have a look at his new watch
    2Tina is doing homework
    3She has to stay in bed because she is ill
    4Do you do housework at home
    5Please come back soon
    答案4 2 1 5 3
    Hello My name is Jack And I’m a robot I have a good friend — Mingming He brings me to his home He likes me and I love him And I can do housework for him He thanks me very much We play football together every day We are so happy
    答案robot brings housework football happy
    五1C 2A 3B 4A 5C
    六1am doing 2books 3speak 4drinks
    5to bring
    七1B 2B 3C 4A 5C
    八1B 2A 3C 4B 5C
    九1Linlin has a bad cold
    2My phone number is 2564387
    3This is Li Xiang
    4She has some new books
    5Will you bring them to school tomorrow
    十1A 2C 3B 4C 5A

    参 考 答 案
    Unit 3
    1hold 2kind 3window 4take
    答案1B 2A 3A 4C 5B
    1Would you please hold this radio for me
    2Would you show me how to play the game
    3Thank you so much
    4Would you mind opening the window
    5Sorry I feel cold
    答案1B 2B 3A 4B 5A
    1Would you mind opening the window
    2Sorry I feel cold
    3Are you OK
    4Would you like a glass of hot water
    5Yes please
    A Hello
    B Hello This is Mike Can I play with you
    A Fine
    B Take your new toy Let’s play it OK
    A I don’t think so Let’s play the word game on the computer
    B Sorry I can’t play it
    A I can show you It’s easy
    答案 Fine Take word computer easy
    五1C 2E 3A 4B 5D
    六1borrow 2turning on 3glass 4kind
    七1C 2E 3B 4A 5D
    八1C 2B 3A 4B 5C
    九1would 改 can 2hold 改 holding 3playing 改 play 4for 改of 5don’t 改 does not doesn’t
    十1F 2F 3T 4F 5T

    参 考 答 案
    1Would you mind sitting there
    2— Hello Is grandma there
    — Hello Speaking
    3— Why is Mrs Zhao worried
    — Because her son is ill
    4— What can I do for you
    — Can you hold the books for me
    5— Would you clean the sweat(汗)for me
    — No problem
    答案3 5 1 2 4
    1— Why are you so happy Tom
    — Because I see my friends
    2— Why is Maomao sad
    — Because his cat is missing
    3— May I speak to Ms Wang
    — Sorry she is not home
    4— Is Wangwang home
    — Speaking
    5— Where is Linlin
    — She is on the hill
    答案1✕ 2✕ 3􀳫 4✕ 5􀳫
    A May I speak to Shasha pleaseThis is Zoey
    B Sorry she is not home What can I do for you Zoey
    A I have a new robot I want her to have a look Please let her call back My number is 29876502
    B OK I’ll tell her about it
    答案3 2 4 1 5
    Maomao wants to go to school by bike But he has many books in his hands Sara meets Maomao And she helps Maomao hold the books Maomao thanks her They are so happy
    答案B D A E C
    五1✕ 2􀳫 3􀳫 4✕ 5􀳫
    六1books 2computer 3drinks
    4speaking 5easy
    七1B 2C 3A 4B 5A
    八1Her new book is missing
    2Mike is not home
    3Can I borrow your bat
    4Would you mind opening the door
    5Will you do me a favour
    九1C 2A 3E 4B 5D
    十1T 2F 3F 4F 5T

    参 考 答 案
    Unit 5
    1I want to get a skirt
    2The red pair of shoes looks nice
    3How about the brown one
    4Mum will buy me a pair of sneakers
    5Jim will take the white shirt
    答案1B 2B 3C 4C 5B
    1Can I help you
    2What colours do you have
    3Which kind would you like
    4The cap will look nice on you
    5May I try it on
    答案1A 2B 3B 4A 5C

    1— Can I help you
    — Yes I want to get a Tshirt
    2— May I try the shorts on
    — Certainly
    3The slippers will look nice on you
    4I’ll take the pink boots
    5It’s getting cold I’ll buy you a jacket
    答案2 4 1 3 5
    A Can I help you
    B Yes I want to get a pair of shoes
    A Which kind would you like
    B This one looks nice
    A May I try them on
    B Sure Here you are
    A How much are they
    B 26 yuan
    A OK I’ll take them
    答案 shoes kind them Sure yuan
    五1sells 2shoes 3thinks 4to get
    六颜色 green red black blue white
    服装 trousers jacket skirt shorts
    鞋类 shoe slippers sneakers boots
    七1B 2D 3A 4E 5C
    八1B 2C 3B 4C 5A
    九C D E B A
    十1A 2B 3A 4A 5C

    参 考 答 案
    Unit 6
    1What would you like to eat
    2I will have Peking Duck
    3Do you have a hamburger
    4Here is your change
    5Please make potatoes salty
    答案1A 2A 3C 4A 5B
    1— What would you like to eat
    — Some vegetables
    2— Can I have the sweet and sour fish please
    — Of course
    3 I will have some meatballs for supper
    4— What would you like for dessert
    — I would like an apple pie
    5— How much is it
    — 40 yuan
    答案1A 2A 3C 4B 5B
    1What would you like to eat
    2I’d like some jiaozi
    3Can I have some fish please
    4Of course
    5Some fish for me too
    答案2 3 1 4 5
    Jack and his parents like Chinese food They often eat in restaurants There are all kinds of dishes on the menu but they always order fish and soup
    答案 likeoftenkindsmenuorder
    五1C 2D 3A 4B 5E
    六1sorry 2order 3to eat 4salty
    七1D 2B 3A 4C 5E
    八1C 2 A 3B 4A 5B
    九1May I take your order
    2She will have a pizza for breakfast
    3We have new books
    4What would you like for dessert
    5I’ll tell the cook
    十1B 2A 3B 4B 5A

    参 考 答 案
    Unit 7
    1live 2 clever 3walk 4lake
    答案1B 2B 3A 4B 5A
    1— How is the weather today
    — Fine
    2— What do you do on weekends
    — I go to farms
    3— Where do you live
    — I live on the farm
    4— Where do the giraffes live
    — They live on the grassland
    5— Do you take long walks on weekends
    — Yes I do
    答案1B 2C 3A 4B 5A
    1What is nature Tom
    2I am not so sure
    3Let’s find out on the Internet
    5Look It says here everything is nature
    答案2 3 1 4 5
    四1􀳫 2􀳫 3􀳫 4✕ 5✕
    五食物 jiaozi Peking Duck meat fish
    季节 winter summer
    天气 bad fine cold rain
    六1nature 2bad 3without
    4close 5shining
    七1C 2E 3A 4D 5B
    八1C 2A 3C 4C 5A
    九1It is raining in Shanghai
    2Snow becomes rain in summer
    3We live on the farm
    4Where does he live
    5I love nature
    十1T 2T 3F 4F 5F

    参 考 答 案
    1We go swimming in summer
    2Lara would like some fruit
    3It’s warm in spring
    4How’s the weather in autumn
    5The shirt is 60 dollars
    答案1B 2A 3C 4A 5A
    1— How much is the skirt
    — It’s 30 dollars
    2— Where does a whale live
    — It lives in an ocean
    3— May I take your order
    — Yes Pork ribs and meatballs first
    4— Where does a woodpecker live
    — It lives in a hole in the tree
    5— How is the weather in winter
    — It’s cold and snowy
    答案3 4 1 5 2
    1What colours do you have
    2How much are the slippers
    3Where do whales live
    4How is the weather like in autumn
    5What do you do in spring
    答案1A 2C 3C 4B 5A
    Hello My name is Zhuozhuo I am a woodpecker I live in a big hole in a tree And I live with many friends in a forest Tiaotiao is a monkey He is so friendly He often helps me to look after my babies Guaiguai is a giraffe His neck is so long And he can see my home in the tree The other friends are happy to live with me too
    答案1F 2T 3F 4F 5T
    五1healthy 2interesting 3walks
    4forests 5grass
    六季节 autumn spring summer winter
    食物 noodles rice jiaozi hamburger
    学校品 pencil casepencil schoolbag
    服装 trousers jacket shirt shorts
    动物 whales woodpeckers seals sea
    七1C 2B 3A 4B 5A
    八1C 2D 3A 4E 5B
    十1F 2F 3F 4F 5T





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