
    Unit 1 How tall are you

    单元学题较身高体重教学容围绕孩子恐龙博物馆里参观情景展开教学重点听说读写核心句型—How tall is it —It is… —How old are you —I’m… It’sI’m…than you —What size are your shoes —Size 7 Your feet are…than mine —How heavy are you —I’m… You’re…听说读写单词younger older taller shorter longer smaller bigger thinner heavier stronger
    l 够听说读写句型—How tall is it —Maybe 4 metres —How tall are you —I’m 165 metres I’m taller than this one —What size are your shoes —Size 7 Your feet are bigger than mine —How heavy are you —I’m 48 kilograms You’re heavier
    l 够情景中恰运句型—How tall are you —I’m… —How heavy are you —I’m… I’m…than you —What size are your shoes —My shoes are…较动物外貌特征
    l 够听说读写单词younger older taller shorter longer smaller bigger thinner heavier stronger
    l 够正确述单词描述动物外貌特征
    l 理解形容词较级基构成词尾加er
    l 理解形容词较级表达意义
    l 解常见中西方鞋码标注法
    l 解太阳位置影子关系
    第课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report
    第三课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第四课时: Part B Let’s learn & Match and say
    第五课时: Part B Read and write
    第六课时: Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
    The first period(第课时)
    Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    l 够通阅读Let’s try板块听力部分重点容进行预测
    l 够通听录音听懂解答Let’s try板块问题预测发生事
    Let’s talk
    l 够通观察谈Let’s talk板块图片图片教师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    l 够通听录音学会正确语音语调意群朗读话组中进行角色扮演
    l 够听说读写情景中恰运句型—How tall is it —It’s… —How tall are you —I’m… It’sI’m…than… 描述较动物外貌特征
    l 够语境中助图片等帮助理解新词dinosaur hall metre than both意思正确发音
    l 够完成较学身高年龄活动
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 够理解掌握课时重点词汇句型
    2 够情景中运句型—How tall are you —I’m…metres 询问回答彼身高
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1:Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a video about dinosaurs in different sizes (课件出示:体型恐龙视频)
    T:Do you know what they are in the video
    T:Yesyou’re right They are dinosaurs What do you think of them Are they big or small
    Ss:They are big They are small …
    T:Yeah Some dinosaurs are big Some dinosaurs are small
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    3 Leadin
    T:We talked something about dinosaurs Nowadays we can only see dinosaurs in the videos or in the museums Look The children are in the museum now Let’s observe the picture and guess what they are talking about (课件出示:Unit 1情景图)
    Step 2:Presentation
    1 Listen and circle②
    (1) Show the questions of Let’s try on the PPT (出示课件) Let students predict and guess the answers
    (2) The teacher plays the recording of Let’s try (出示课件) Students try to choose the right answers
    (3) Students read the dialogue and check the answers with the teacher (出示课件)
    (4) Show two dinosaurs on the PPT

    T:Can you guess which one is the second dinosaur And why
    Ss:… Because it is…
    T:Yes The second dinosaur is taller than the first one
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Look and say③
    Show a picture about three dinosaurs in different sizes on the PPT (出示课件)
    T:There are more dinosaurs in this picture The first dinosaur is tall How about the second one and the last one
    Ss:The second one is taller The last one is the tallest dinosaur
    Use body language to teach the words tall taller tallest
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Learn the new words and sentences
    (1) Show a picture of the hall on the PPT (出示课件)
    T What is it
    Ss A museum
    T It is a hall in the museum And it is the hall of dinosaurs
    Lead students to read the word hall three times
    Show the pictures of Let’s talk (出示课件)
    T:In the hall of the museumZhang Peng and Mike see the tallest dinosaur Can you guess How tall is it
    Let students watch the video of the first part of Let’s talk and try to fill in the blanks(出示课件)
    Check the answers and teach the sentences How tall is it Maybe it is 4 metres It’s taller than…
    Lead students to pay attention to the ruler in the picture
    T Do you know what the letter m means on the ruler
    Ss It means 米
    T Clever You must be good at maths Can you tell me which word is the same meaning as m
    Ss Metre …
    T Super
    Lead students to read the word metre three times
    Show a picture on the PPT to help students understand the word both
    T Look at the picture Both means A and B
    Lead students to read the word both three times
    (2)T:They see more dinosaurs in the hall What are they talking about
    Let students watch the video of the second part of Let’s talk and try to answer the questions in the book
    Check the answers and teach the sentences How tall is Zhang Peng He’s 165 metres Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur
    Let students pay attention to the word than Ask students to circle this word in their books
    T When should we use this word And where should we put it
    Ss …We put it after the word taller
    T Yes When we compare two persons or things we should put it after the comparative forms of adjectives
    Lead students to read the word than three times
    4 Read and act④
    (1) Students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups
    (3) Act out
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 3 Practice⑤
    1 Let’s do and write
    Let students measure how tall they are by using a tapeline Finish the exercises below the dialogue according to their measurement results and their true ages
    2 Practice the words and the sentences
    Use the word cards to practice the words and the sentences
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4:Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Height and Age
    1 Ask and answer in pairs
    Make a model
    T:How tall are you How old are you
    S:I’m 145 metres I’m 12 years old
    T:Who is taller than you Who is older than you
    S:XXX is taller than me XXX is older than me
    Students make their own dialogues like the model
    2 Show time
    The teacher gives stickers of dinosaurs to students if they do a good job
    3 Play a chain game
    One student stands up and asks Who is taller than me If someone thinks himselfherself taller heshe can stand up and answerI’m taller than you The second student continues to ask the question if heshe is really taller than the first one Otherwiseheshe should sit down The student who is taller keeps asking the same question Find the tallest student in class in this way
    At lastall students try to say XXXyou’re the tallest one in our class
    4 Introduce different kinds of dinosaurs
    Show more pictures about different kinds of dinosaurs on the PPT Introduce more information about dinosaurs (课件出示:更种类恐龙图片)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Go to a museum and make your own dialogue about comparing the dinosaurs in the museum
    3 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 视频引入带领学生进入恐龙世界激发学生谈恐龙兴趣
    2 聊中认识恐龙感受恐龙典型身体特征够语境中熟练运形容词较级进行恐龙外貌特征较时够完成较学身高年龄活动
    3 呈现活动设计丰富易操作具备层次感效提升学生核心素养学生解决问题导引导学生学
    4 突出语功联系学生班级实际情况设置环节环环相扣层层深入帮助学生真实情境中然学语言
    5 板书设计清晰明重点突出起辅助作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    l Read the questions in Let’s try and predict the content in the listening section
    l Understand the recording circle the right answers and predict what will happen in the next part
    Let’s talk
    l Understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing the pictures Be able to answer the questions below the dialogue
    l Read the dialogue correctly and act out
    l Use the sentence structures properly
    l Understand and read the new words dinosaurhallmetrethanboth correctly
    l Be able to compare themselves with others in height and age
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Understand and master the key words and sentence structures of this period
    l Use sentence structures —How tall are you —I’m…metres to ask and answer the question about each other’s height
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to use the sentence structure with comparative forms of adjectives to talk about human’s or animals’ heightage and so on to implement text output
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a video about dinosaurs in different sizes
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy the video
    3 Observe the picture
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning and lead in the topic of dinosaurs Review some adjectives

    1 Listen and circle
    (1)Show the questions of Let’s try on the PPT
    (2)Play the recording of Let’s try
    (3)Check the answers
    (4)Show two dinosaurs on the PPT Ask students some questions
    (1)Predict and guess the answers
    (2)Listen and choose the right answers
    (3)Read the dialogue and check the answers
    (4)Observe the pictures and answer the questions
    Lead students to predict the listening content before listening to the recording Cultivate students’ logical reasoning ability
    2 Look and say
    Show a picture about three dinosaurs in different sizes
    on the PPT

    Talk about the dinosaurs
    Learn the words tall taller tallest
    Use body language to let students know something about the usage of comparative degree
    Prepare for the next part
    3 Learn the new words and sentences
    (1)Show the pictures of Let’s talk Play the first video Teach the new words hall metre both than Teach the new sentences How tall is it Maybe it is 4 metres It’s taller than…
    (2)Play the second video Teach the sentences How tall is Zhang Peng He’s 165 metres Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur
    (1)Watch the video and fill in the blanks Learn the new words and sentences
    (2)Watch the video and answer the questions in the book Learn the new sentences
    Design different tasks Lead students to learn new words and sentence structures gradually Reduce the difficulty of learning
    4 Read and act
    Read after the recording Practice and act out
    Make sure that students can read the dialogue correctly and fluently

    1 Let’s do and write
    2 Practice the words and the sentences
    1 Measure the height and finish the exercises below the dialogue
    2 Practice the words and the sentences
    Prepare for the next part
    Practice the key words and sentences
    Height and Age
    1 Ask and answer in pairs
    2 Show time
    3 Play a chain game
    4 Introduce different kinds of dinosaurs
    1 Make a dialogue in pairs like the model
    2 Show the dialogue
    3 Ask and answer in a chain
    4 Watch the pictures and learn more information about dinosaurs
    Create a real situation to develop students’ comprehensive ability of using English Expand some introduction about dinosaurs to enrich students’ extracurricular knowledge
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Go to a museum and make your own dialogue about comparing the dinosaurs in the museum
    3 Do the exercises

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    l 通图片课件然拼读法等方法结合教材中线物身高年龄情景够听说读写形容词较级形式youngeroldertallershorterlonger等
    l 够熟练运述单词描述物外貌特点
    l 够理解形容词较级基构词规律词尾加er
    Do a survey and report
    l 够运A部分学词汇句型描述学实际情况
    l 够根表格提示完成调查根调查结果作总结报告
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频实物等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a video about adjectives describing different people

    3 Guess:Who is he she
    T:She is young She is tall and thin Her hair is short and black Her eyes are big She has a small mouth She wears a yellow dress She likes dancing very much Who is she
    Ss:She is…
    The teacher gives an example to describe a student in the class Students try to guess the right person according to these sentences containing adjectives The student who says the right name can get one score Then this student goes on giving descriptions about a student in the class The others guess
    4 Leadin
    Play a game:Sing a different tune
    The teacher says a word then students say the antonym of this word
    T old Ss young
    T long Ss short
    T:big Ss small
    T white Ss black
    T tall Ss short

    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Learn the words taller shorter②
    Choose a tall student (But this student should be shorter than the teacher) The teacher stands beside himher and asks himher How tall are you
    T: Oh you’re tall But look at me I’m…metres So I’m taller than you And you’re shorter than me
    The teacher uses body language to help students understand the words taller shorter
    The teacher shows the picture of Let’s learn
    T:Look at Zhang Peng and John How tall are they Please watch the cartoon and answer the questions:
    (1)How tall is John
    (2)Who is tallerJohn or Zhang Peng
    Students watch the cartoon of Let’s learn and answer the two questions Check the answers together(出示课件)
    (Write down the words tall—taller short—shorter on the blackboard Write er in red chalk)
    (Write down the sentence I’m…than you on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read the words and sentences several times
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Learn the words younger older③
    Show a picture of a baby and an old man on the PPT (出示课件) Ask students to read the old man’s words
    T:Let’s look at the picture of Miss White and Sarah Guess what they are saying Try to fill in the blanks You can find the answers in your books(出示课件)
    Check the answers together
    (Write down the words old—older young—younger on the blackboard Write er in red chalk)
    (Write down the sentence You’re…than me on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read the words and sentences several times
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    教师利PPT创设场景帮助学生old—youngolder—younger学生模仿old man语句学新单词句型
    3 Learn the words shorter longer④
    The teacher takes out two rulers of different lengths
    T:This is a short ruler It is shorter And this is a long ruler It is longer
    (Write down the words short—shorter long—longer on the blackboard Write er in red chalk)
    T:Please look at Amy and Chen Jie (出示课件) They are wearing different clothes Can you say something about their clothes by using shorter and longer
    Lead students to read the words and sentences several times
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    利实物展示学short—long shorter—longer更加形象易懂学生运学单词衣物进行描述学生学力表达力进行拔高训练
    Step 3 Practice⑤
    1 High—Low voice
    Practice reading the new words in this way:If the teacher reads the word in a high voicestudents should read it in a low voice If the teacher reads the word in a low voicestudents should read it in a high voice
    2 Say a rap
    T:I say tall You say taller
    T:Tall Ss:Taller
    T:Long Ss:Longer

    3 Let’s judge
    The teacher says some sentences Students judge them If the sentence is true students sit still If the sentence is wrong students stand up and correct it The first one who stands up will get one score
    Make a model
    T:I’m older than you
    Students sit still
    T:I’m shorter than you
    The shorter students stand up The first one who stands up says You’re taller than meI’m shorter than you

    Show the rules of this activity on the PPT
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Do a survey and report
    1 Watch the video of Do a survey and report
    2 Divide students into several groups
    Ask questions about each other’s age and height Write down the information in the table(课件出示:Do a survey and report板块表格)
    3 Show time:Students stand up and report
    T:You can report in this way Wu Binbin is taller than Johnbut Zhang Peng is taller than Wu Binbin If you do a good jobyou’ll get one score(课件出示:该板块Report)
    4 Count the scores and find the winner
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Write down the key words in the exercise book
    2 Introduce your family members’ age and height in English And try to compare them
    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 趣味性活动设计激发学生学兴趣调动学生学热情营造积极学氛围吸引学生注意力
    2 采创设真实场景图片实物展示等种方式教学单词注重学生学方法学策略培养引导学生学
    3 分层次练帮助学生浅入深复巩固学新知识调动学生种感官增加学趣味性
    4 整课时环节紧密流程清晰够达成课时教学目标
    5 创设真实场景提出具体务学目标目然帮助学生真实场景里然学新知识

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    l Learn to listenspeakread and write the comparative adjectives youngeroldertaller shorterlonger through picturescourseware natural spelling and other methods
    l Skillfully use the above words to describe the characters’ physical features
    l Understand the basic wordformation rules of comparative adjectives
    Do a survey and report
    l Use the words and sentence structures learned in Part A to describe themselves and their classmates
    l Be able to complete the survey and make a summary report based on the survey results
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Be able to listenspeakread and write the comparative forms of adjectivessuch as younger older taller shorter and longer
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to skillfully use comparative adjectives in sentences according to the real situation
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a video about adjectives describing different people
    3 Guess Who is he she
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Watch the video
    3 Guess and ask
    4 Sing a different tune
    Cultivate students’ interest in learning Review the adjectives they have learned Lead in the new lesson
    1 Teach the words taller shorter by creating a real scene And then ask students some questions
    Talk with the teacher
    Watch the video and answer the questions:
    (1)How tall is John
    (2)Who is taller John or Zhang Peng
    Learn the words and sentences
    Create a scene to compare the height And lead in a pair of opposite adjectives Ask and answer questions to help students understand the text and new words
    2 Teach the words younger older by creating a scene on the PPT And then ask students to fill in the blanks
    Read the old man’s words
    Fill in the blanks
    Learn the words and sentences
    Create a scene to help students compare old—young older—younger Let students learn new words and sentence structures independently
    3 Teach the words shorter longer by comparing two rulers And then ask students to say something about the clothes
    Observe two rulers of different lengths
    Observe the picture and say something about the different clothes
    Learn the words and sentences
    It is more vivid and easier to understand to learn new words by using object display Help students improve their ability of learning and expression
    1 High—Low voice
    Read the words in different voices
    The multilevel exercises can fully mobilize students’ various senses which not only enliven the classbut also strengthen students’ memory of new words and sentence structures
    2 Say a rap
    Say the comparative forms of adjectives
    3 Let’s judge
    Judge the teacher’s sentences and correct the wrong sentences
    Do a survey and report
    1 Watch the video of Do a survey and report
    2 Divide students into several groups
    3 Show time
    4 Count the scores and find the winner
    1 Watch the video
    2 Ask questions about each other’s age and height in groups Write down the information in the table
    3 Stand up and report
    4 Show the scores
    Lead students to complete the survey and report to help them review the key points of this lesson break through the difficulties and improve their comprehensive language using ability
    1 Write down the key words in the exercise book
    2 Introduce your family members’ age and height in English And try to compare them
    3 Do the exercises

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    l 够读懂题目求学会听前预测听重点容
    l 够运基听力技巧完成听旨题细节题检测
    l 够通听力练获Let’s talk板块物场景信息进入正式话学做准备
    Let’s talk
    l 够图片老师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    l 够正确语音语调意群朗读话进行角色表演
    l 够听说读写情景中恰运句型What size are your shoes Your feet are bigger than mine —How heavy are you —I’m…kilograms谈体重鞋码等问题
    l 够语境中助图片理解新单词kilogram意思正确发音
    l 够简单解常鞋码标注法
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    够情境中灵活运句型What size are your shoes How heavy are you等进行调查
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song—My small cat(出示课件)
    3 Revision
    Let’s rap
    T:Let’s rap together today For exampleif I say tallyou say taller Are you ready Go
    T:Tall Ss:Taller
    T:Short Ss:Shorter
    T:Long Ss:Longer

    4 Leadin
    Let’s find the shoe size
    T:I’m going hiking this weekend But firstI want to buy a pair of new sports shoes Do you want to buy new sports shoes too
    T:What size are your shoes Size 34 Size 36 Try to find the size on your shoes
    S1:Size 35
    T:I wear size 36 My feet are bigger than yours
    S2:Size 38 My feet are bigger than yours
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Listen and circle②
    (1)Show the questions of Let’s try on the PPT(出示课件)Let students predict the listening content and guess the answers
    (2)Play the recording for the first time (出示课件) Ask students to choose the right answers of the two questions in Let’s try
    (3)Play the recording again(出示课件) Students read the listening material and check the answers together with the teacher(出示课件)
    T:Why does Wu Binbin want to buy some new hiking clothes
    Ss:Because he is bigger than last year
    T:Good answer
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Guess and fill in the table③
    Show the main picture of Let’s talk on the PPT(出示课件)
    T:Wu Binbin and Mike are at the shoe store They are trying on the shoes Look at this picture Can you tell whose feet are biggerWu Binbin’s or Mike’s
    Ss:Mike’s feet are bigger than Wu Binbin’s
    T:How about the weight Can you guess who is heavierWu Binbin or Mike
    Ss:Mike Wu Binbin
    T:Read the dialogue of Let’s talk by yourselves Then try to finish the table on the PPT(出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Learn the new words and sentences
    (1)Watch the cartoon of Let’s talk for the first time(出示课件)
    T:What size are Mike’s shoes
    Ss:Size 7
    T:What size are Wu Binbin’s shoes
    Ss:Size 37
    T:Mike wears size 7 shoes but Wu Binbin wears size 37 shoes Why
    Show a table on the PPT(课件出示:中西方鞋码表) Learn to say the shoe sizes in different countries in different ways
    T:From the table we can know in the USA Mike wears size 7 shoes but in China he wears size 40 shoes So Wu Binbin says to Mike Your feet are bigger than mine
    (Write down the key sentences —What size are your shoes —Size 7 —Your feet are bigger than mine on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read these sentences several times
    (2)Watch the cartoon of Let’s talk for the second time ④(出示课件)
    T:How heavy is Mike
    Ss:He is 48 kilograms
    T:How heavy is Wu Binbin
    Ss:He is 46 kilograms
    T:Who is heavier
    Ss:Mike is heavier
    (Write down the key sentences —How heavy are you —I’m 48 kilograms —You’re heavier I’m 46 kilograms on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read these sentences several times Teach the word kilogram by presenting the picture on the PPT (出示课件)
    (3)Check the answers in the previous table (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    4 Read and act⑤
    (1) Let students read after the recording Remind them to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2) Let students practice the dialogue in groups
    (3) Fill in the blanks

    (4) Act out
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3 Practice⑥
    Prepare for Children’s Day
    T:Children’s Day is coming We need new clothes and new shoes for the party
    1 Work in pairs
    Two students in a group Ask and answer questions about each other’s heightweight and shoe size Write down the information in the table(课件出示:张学生信息表格)
    2 Make a report
    The two students above compare with each other in height weight and shoe size then try to make a report
    The teacher makes a model:I’m 155 metres He is 162 metres He is taller than me I’m 45 kilograms He is 46 kilograms He is heavier than me My shoes are size 38 His shoes are size 36 My feet are bigger than his
    3 Show time
    Ask one student to stand up and share his her report
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑦
    In a shoe store
    Create a shoe store in the classroom
    1 Ask one student to act as a customer
    T:Can I help you
    S1:Yesplease I need a pair of new shoes
    T:OK What size are your shoes
    S1:Size 36
    T:Try them on
    S1:Ohthey are too small
    T:Your feet are bigger now Try on this pair Size 37
    S1:They are fine I’ll take them
    2 Group work
    Two students come to the shoe store and try to act as the customer and the sales assistant
    3 Give a reward
    Each group can get a star if they complete the dialogue show
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Finish the table at your home



    Shoe size

    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 整教学设计流程清晰整体性强环节联系紧密
    2 教学目标明确教学重难点突出讲练结合落实位
    3 呈现活动形式丰富样充分发挥现代教育技术优势运媒体方式辅助教学突破重难点效提升学生核心素养
    4 教学中量创设真实场景效调动学生积极性紧密学知识联系实际 培养学生实践运知识语言力

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    l Be able to predict the main content of the listening part by reading the questions
    l Finish the exercises by using basic listening tips
    l Get the information about the characters and the scene in Let’s talk through the listening task
    Let’s talk
    l Understand the main idea of the dialogue with the help of the pictures and the teacherand answer the questions below
    l Be able to read the dialogue with correct pronunciation and intonation and act out
    l Be able to listenspeakreadwrite and use key sentence structures in the situations
    l Understand the meaning of the new word kilogramand learn its correct pronunciation
    l Be able to understand the method of shoe size labeling used commonly
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Ask and answer questions about heightweightshoe sizeetc
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to use the key sentence structures flexibly in the situations to make a survey
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song—My small cat
    3 Revision
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy the song
    3 Rap with the teacher
    4 Talk with the teacher
    Stimulate students’ interest
    Review the old knowledge and introduce the topic of this lesson
    1 Listen and circle
    (1) Show the questions of Let’s try on the PPT
    (2) Play the recording of
    Let’s try
    (3) Play the recording again
    And check the answers
    (1) Predict and guess the answers
    (2) Listen to the recording and answer the questions
    (3) Listen to the recording again
    Read the listening material and check the answers
    Lead students to predict the content of the listening partand learn to catch the key words and phrases in the listening process
    2 Ask students to fill in the table
    Guess and fill in the table
    Develop students’ ability to learn independently
    3 Teach the new words and sentences
    (1)Play the cartoon of Let’s talk for the first time
    (2)Play the cartoon of Let’s talk for the second time
    (3)Check the answers in the previous table
    (1) Watch the cartoon and answer the questions
    (2) Learn the new sentences
    (3) Check the answers in the previous table
    Present new knowledge through the picture let students can have a very intuitive understanding of what they are learningwhich does not need complicated explanations from the teacher and reduces the difficulty of learning
    4 Read and act
    Read after the recording
    Practice the dialogue in groups
    Fill in the blanks
    Act out
    Make sure students read the dialogue correctly and fluently
    Prepare for Children’s Day
    1 Work in pairs
    2 Make a report
    3 Show time
    1 Ask and answer questions about each other’s heightweight and shoe size Write down the information in the table
    2 The two students compare their heightweight and shoe size with each other and try to make a report
    3 One student stands up and shares hisher report
    Let students purposefully complete the table by creating a scene and then compare the data in the table
    Help students practice the sentence structures learned in this lesson effectively
    Create a shoe store in the classroom
    1 Ask one student to act as a
    2 Group work
    3 Give a reward
    1 One student acts as a customer
    2 Two students come to the shoe store and try to act as the customer and the sales assistant
    3 Get a star as a reward
    Let students have an experience of buying shoes in class Combine the knowledge they have learned with practice effectivelyand improve their language using ability
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Finish the table at your home
    3 Do the exercises

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Match and say

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    l 通图片实物课件等结合孩子郊游情景够听说读写形容词较级形式smallerbiggerthinnerheavierstronger等
    l 够熟练运述单词描述物事物特点
    l 够解部分形容词原形变成较级时需双写词尾字母加er者变yi加er规
    Match and say
    l 够运B部分学词汇句型描述较朋友钓鱼特征达运语言目
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 够听说读写形容词较级形式smallerbigger thinnerheavierstronger等
    2 够灵活运学形容词较级描述物事物特征差异
    ▶ 教学难点
    够掌握单词heavy thinbig较级构成方式
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频实物纸鱼等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s do
    T:Let’s say and do together
    3 Revision
    Show the pictures and the words of Let’s learn in Part A on the PPT (出示课件)
    The teacher asks questions like these:
    Who is olderyoungertallershorter
    Whose dress is shorterlonger
    Students answer these questions to review the learned words and sentences
    4 Leadin
    A riddle:
    T:I can blow it bigger and bigger I also can make it smaller and smaller We need lots of them in a party What is it
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Learn the words bigger smaller②
    T:Yesthe answer is a balloon
    The teacher takes out a balloon Ask a student to blow it When the student is blowing the teacher leads the others to say biggerbigger bigger Then the teacher writes down the words big—bigger on the blackboard(Write ger in red chalk)
    When the balloon is big enough the teacher takes it in hand carefully
    T:Look I can make it smaller
    The teacher makes the balloon smaller and smaller and then leads students to say smaller smaller smaller At lastthe teacher writes down the words small—smaller on the blackboard (Write er in red chalk)
    Show the picture of Mike and Wu Binbin on the PPT (出示课件)
    T:They are looking at their feet Whose feet are bigger
    T:Yes Mike’s feet are bigger than Wu Binbin’s Wu Binbin’s feet are smaller than Mike’s
    Lead students to read the words several times
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Learn the words heavier thinner③
    (1) Present a picture of a pig and its weight on the PPT
    T:How heavy is it
    Ss:It is 150 kilograms
    T:Is it heavy
    Ss:Yesit is
    Present a picture of an elephant and its weight on the PPT
    T:How heavy is it
    Ss:It is 7000 kilograms
    T:Is it heavy
    Ss:Yesit is
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    T:Which animal is heavierthe pig or the elephant
    Ss:The elephant

    The teacher writes down the words heavy—heavier on the blackboard (Write ier in red chalk)
    Lead students to read the words several times
    (2)The teacher chooses a thin student and asks him or her to stand up
    T:Do you think he she is heavy
    Ss:Nohe she is thin
    T:Good answer Can you find a thinner student in our class
    Ss:XXX is thinner than himher
    T:Good Who is thinner than XXX
    Find the thinnest student in the class in this way
    The teacher writes down the words thin—thinner on the blackboard (Write ner in red chalk)
    Lead students to read the words several times
    Show the picture of Jim and John on the PPT (出示课件)
    T:How heavy is Jim
    Ss:He is 52 kilograms
    T:Who is thinner And who is heavier
    Ss:John is thinner Jim is heavier
    T:Do you know why Jim is heavier Maybe he eats too much fast food So we should eat less fast food and exercise more Then we’ll be more healthy
    (Write down the key sentences —How heavy are you —I’m…kilograms on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read the sentences several times
    3 Learn the word stronger④
    Show the picture of Zhang Peng and Sarah on the PPT (出示课件)
    T:Zhang Peng is a helpful boy Look at this picture Sarah’s bag is too heavy She can’t carry it Zhang Peng helps her Do you know why Zhang Peng can carry this heavy bag
    T:Because he is strong So who is strongerSarah or Zhang Peng
    Ss:Zhang Peng is stronger
    T:Wonderful So if you are strongyou can help others too
    The teacher writes down the words strong—stronger on the blackboard(Write er in red chalk)
    Lead students to read the words for several times
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Watch and read
    The teacher plays the cartoon of Let’s learn Students watch the cartoon and try to read after it
    2 Play games⑤
    (1) Work in pairs Compare the size of school supplies or body parts
    Ask some pairs to show their works
    The group which does a good job can get a paper fish
    (2) Find the differences and try to describe them

    The teacher makes a model:Lily is younger than Lucy
    The student who makes a sentence can get a paper fish
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Match and say
    1 Ask the students who get the paper fish to stand up and try to describe their fish
    Make a model
    My paper fish is thin My paper fish is big …
    T:You can find your fish in your book
    2 Finish the matching task
    T Todaythe children go fishing in a pool Please observe the fish in the pool They are different Firstplease help each child choose a fish Match them with a line
    3 Ask students to compare each child’s fish
    Make a model
    Mike’s fish is bigger than Sarah’s Sarah’s fish is thinner than Chen Jie’s
    4 Show time
    Students stand up and say their own sentences
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    通Match and say板块引导学生完成连线务学知识形态鱼进行描述培养学生语言综合运力
    ▶ 板书设计
    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Write down the key words in the exercise book
    2 Do the exercise (见练册应课时作业P4第三题)

    ▶ 教学反思
    1 节课充分运动作演示法导入新课学生观察较发现中学新知识真正体现学中中学原
    2 采创设真实场景图片实物展示等种方式教学单词注重学生学方法学策略培养引导学生学
    3 游戏活动设计激发学生学兴趣调动学生学热情营造积极学氛围吸引学生注意力
    4 整课时环节紧密流程清晰够达成课时教学目标
    5 充分利身边道具学生体验中学学中体验较中加深形容词较级理解学起更加轻松

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    l Be able to listenspeakread and write the comparative adjectives smallerbiggerthinnerheavierstronger through picturesactual objects courseware and other methods
    l Be able to use the words above to describe the characteristics of people and things
    l Understand the rules that some adjectives from the original form to the comparative form require the double suffix letter and then plus er or change y into i and then plus er
    Match and say
    l Use the words and sentence structures learned in Part B to describe and compare the characteristics of the fish the children caught
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Be able to listenspeak read and write the comparative adjectives smallerbiggerthinnerheavierstronger
    l Be able to flexibly use the comparative forms of adjectives to describe the differences between people and things
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to master the comparative forms of the words heavythinbig
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s do
    3 Review
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Say and do together
    3 Answer some questions
    4 Guess a riddle
    Arouse students’ interest in learning Lead students to review the adjectives they have learned in Part A Lead in the new lesson
    1 Teach the words biggersmaller
    Watch the balloon get bigger
    Watch the balloon get smaller
    Learn the words
    Use a balloon to show bigger and smallerand make students understand the meaning of the adjectives intuitively
    2 Teach the words heavier thinner
    Learn the new word heavier by observing the pictures and answering the questions
    Learn the new word thinner by searching for the thinnest student
    Use the comparison method to teach heavier and thinner
    Avoid misunderstanding
    Emotional education: Pay attention to a healthy diet and do more exercise
    3 Teach the word stronger
    Observe the picture and answer the teacher’s questions
    Learn new words in context Emotional education: Do the best to help others
    1 Play the cartoon of Let’s learn
    Watch the cartoon and try to read after it
    The design of a gamebased practice can not only help students relax after a period of learning but also practice and apply the knowledge in a pleasant atmosphere
    2 Play games
    Work in pairs Compare the size of school supplies or body parts
    Find the differences between the two girls in the picture and try to describe the differences
    Match and say
    1 Ask the students who get the paper fish to stand up and try to describe their fish
    2 Finish the matching task
    3 Ask students to compare each child’s fish
    4 Show time
    1 Stand up and try to describe their fish
    2 Finish the matching task
    3 Compare each child’s fish
    4 Stand up and say their own sentences
    Lead students to finish the matching task Let them use the knowledge to describe and compare different forms of fishso as to cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability
    1 Write down the key words in the exercise book
    2 Do the exercise

    The fifth period (第五课时)
    Part B Read and write

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Read and write
    l 够听说认读单词countrysidelowershadow smarterbecome
    l 够朗读理解课文容完成练部分务
    l 通阅读活动逐步培养学生阅读技巧提高学生学力
    l 提高学生表达力交力
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频物头饰视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Prereading①
    1 Greetings
    Say hello to students Divide them into two groups Let them PK by getting more sunshine cards to make their group trees grow taller and taller
    2 Enjoy a song about spring (课件出示:首关春天歌)
    3 Show some pictures about beautiful spring (课件出示:关春天美景图片)
    (1) Students talk about spring with the teacher
    T Spring is coming The sky is clearer and the sun is brighter How about the weather?
    Ss The weather is warmer

    T Super Can you think of any other changes Think of more changes from winter to spring You can discuss in groups
    Ask some students to stand up and describe the changes The more they say the more sunshine their group can get They can describe like this
    The grass turns green The day is getting longer and the night is getting shorter…
    (2) Let students look at the pictures and lead them to tick the right pictures belonging to spring (出示课件)
    T:Spring is so beautiful Wu Binbin and his family are going on a trip to the countryside Wu Binbin will tell a story to Robin (课件出示:张农村图片)
    Teach the wordcountryside
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Whilereading②
    1 Fast reading
    T:Who is in this story Watch the cartoon of Read and write (出示课件) Then read the story fast and answer this question
    After readingthe teacher leads students to say Little Duck and Old Tree are in this story
    T:Let’s try to get more information
    2 Careful reading
    (1) Let students read the story by themselves The teacher gives two tasks:
    ①Finish the exercises in Read and circle (课件出示:Read and write板块第部分练)
    ②Circle the comparative forms of the adjectives in the text
    (2) Check the answers of Read and circle together (出示课件)
    T:Nowplease write down the title in your books
    (3) Show the text Lead students to learn the comparative forms of the adjectives (出示课件)
    Lead students to learn the circled words by letting them guess the meanings of these comparative forms of the adjectives
    Stress the word smarter
    T Why does Little Duck ask his friend Old Tree questions
    Ss:Because Old Tree is older and smarter
    T Great You’re smart And you’re all getting smarter and smarter
    The teacher can help students understand by using body language
    (4)T:Boys and girls I have a question What is Little Duck doing
    Ss He is watching the sun go down
    T Good answer And he is watching his shadow
    Teach shadow by showing the picture(课件出示:影子图片) and using the real shadows in the classroom
    3 Read again
    T:Little Duck has a question about his shadow Read the story again and finish the dialogue (课件出示:该板块第二部分练) Check the answers together(出示课件)
    Teach lower and lower and longer and longer by creating a science laboratory
    T:Naturallywhen the sun is getting lower and lowerour shadows are getting longer and longer
    Let’s go to the science laboratory to see the relationship between light and shadow(出示课件)
    The teacher leads students to read lower and lower and longer and longer several times with actions
    Let students read the text by following the recording Then read it by themselves with correct sense groups and pausing
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 3 Postreading
    1 Group work③
    Ask students to think and discuss in groups:Do you agree with Old Tree Why
    Encourage students to express their opinions
    2 Play a role
    T If you are Old Tree can you answer Little Duck’s question What’s your answer You can say whatever you think of
    Let students wear the headwear of Old Tree to say their answers
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension④
    1 Enjoy a video about the changes of time (课件出示:段央视公益广告妈妈等视频)
    Let students feel and talk about the changes of the mother and the son
    The teacher makes a model:The mother is getting older and older The boy is getting taller and taller
    2 Free talk
    Let students try to talk about the changes of their parents by using the comparative forms of the adjectives
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Try to talk about the changes of your friend and yourself by using the comparative forms of the adjectives
    2 Retell the story—Little Duck’s Shadow
    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计流程清晰达成课程教学目标
    2 活动设计突出学生学体位引导理解学学生阅读程中学会定阅读技巧掌握效阅读策略
    3 充分利网络资源辅助教学出示歌曲视频等吸引学生注意力帮助学生理解知识感身受具定情感教育意义
    4 板书设计基课重点目然效帮助学生理解整文重点词汇

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    l Be able to listenspeak and read the words countryside lowershadowsmarterbecome correctly
    l Be able to read and understand the text and complete the exercises
    l By reading activitiesstudents will gradually develop their reading skills and improve their independent learning ability
    l Enhance students’ ability to express themselves and interact with others
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Be able to read and understand the text and grasp the basic reading skills
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to improve reading ability and think boldly
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    1 Greetings
    2 Play a song about spring
    3 Show some pictures about beautiful spring
    1 Greetings
    2 Listen to the song
    3 Talk about spring and tick the right pictures belonging to spring
    Preheat the comparative forms of the adjectives and naturally lead in the topic of this lesson
    1 Fast reading
    Play the cartoon and ask a question:Who is in this story
    Watch the cartoon Then read fast and answer the question
    Help students adopt different reading strategies according to different tasks and learn to read the text independently In the science laboratory stimulate students’ interest in learning and train their comprehensive learning
    2 Careful reading
    (1) Give two tasks
    (2) Check the answers
    (3) Show the text Lead students to learn the comparative forms of the adjectives
    (4)Ask a question:What is Little Duck doing Teach shadow
    (1) Read the text and complete the tasks
    (2) Check the answers
    (3) Guess the meanings of these comparative forms of the adjectives
    (4) Answer the question and learn the new word
    3 Read again
    (1) Give a task
    (2) Check the answers
    (3) Create a science laboratory
    (4) Play the recording
    (1) Read the story again and finish the dialogue
    (2) Check the answers
    (3) Learn lower and lower and
    longer and longer
    (4) Read the text by following the recording
    1 Group work
    Ask students to think and discuss in groups Encourage them to talk more
    Think and discuss in groups: Do you agree with Old Tree Why
    Through the discussion of Old Tree’s opinion train students’ selfexpression ability
    2 Play a role
    Let students play the role of Old Tree
    Answer Little Duck’s question
    1 Play a video about the changes of time
    Make a model
    2 Free talk
    Let students try to talk about the changes of their parents
    1 Enjoy a video about the changes of time
    2 Talk about parents’ changes
    Apply what they have learned to practice Teach students to be grateful to their parents respect and love their parents
    1 Try to talk about the changes of your friend and yourself by using comparative forms of the adjectives
    2 Retell the story—Little Duck’s Shadow
    3 Do the exercises

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s check
    l 完成Let’s check板块听力练考查学生单元学容掌握情况
    l 学会图片信息中推测考查点做目针性听录音听完成务
    l 培养学生良听力惯持续提高学生听力水
    Let’s wrap it up
    l 够写出Let’s wrap it up板块形容词较级形式总结掌握形容词较级变化规律
    l 启发学生思维引导学生学培养学生英语学策略
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 检测学生学成果
    2 掌握板块形容词较级形式变化规律灵活运
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频实物教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a song—My small cat (出示课件)
    T:It’s a nice song Do you like it
    Ss:Yesit is very beautiful
    3 Leadin
    Look and say:Show some pictures Each picture presents two objects animals or people Let students use comparative forms of the adjectives to describe and compare them (出示课件)
    The teacher makes a model first:
    We can use bigger and smaller to describe the elephant and the mouse The elephant is bigger than the mouse The mouse is smaller than the elephant
    T:Can you use the comparative forms of other adjectives to describe them
    Ss:We can use heavier and thinner The elephant is heavier than
    the mouse The mouse is thinner than the elephant

    T:Excellent Let’s move onto to the next picture
    In this waythe teacher leads students to review and practice the comparative forms of the adjectives bigger smallerheavier thinnertaller shorterlongershorterolderyoungerstronger thinner and so on
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Let’s check②
    (1) Listen and tick
    ①Show the pictures of Let’s check(出示课件) Let students talk about them
    T:What are the pictures about What are the differences between the two pictures
    Students freely talk about the pictures for several seconds
    ②Play the recording(课件出示:Let’s check板块音频) Students listen and tick the right pictures
    ③Check the answers together(课件出示:Let’s check板块第部分答案)
    Ask some students to choose pictures and talk about the reason why they choose
    (2) Listen again and write the answers to the questions
    ①Play the recording again(出示课件)Let students pay attention to the questions in the recording Write down the answers in the book
    ②Check the answers together (课件出示:Let’s check板块第二部分答案)
    Ask students to check the spellings of the words
    ③Present the listening materials to help students train their listening skills (课件出示:Let’s check板块听力材料)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Let’s wrap it up③
    (1) Show the comparative forms of the adjectives on the left in this part Let students observe them carefully and try to say the rules of the changes in the three pairs of words
    The teacher concludes the rules

    (2) Divide students into three groups Each group gets a word card The first group is tall—taller group The second group is thin—thinner group The third group is heavy—heavier group
    Give each group a bag All the words on the right in Let’s wrap it up are in it Let the three groups PK and find the words belonging to their group as quickly as possible
    (3) Groups show their words one by one and try to explain the reasons All the students check whether the groups express correctly
    (4)After the PKask students to write down the comparative forms in the book Then check the answers together (课件出示:答案图片)
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension④
    Story time—A goalkeeper wanted
    1 The teacher talks about something about football and the goalkeeper with students freely
    Show a picture of a goalkeeper (出示课件)
    T:The goalkeeper is important in a football team Today we have a story about a football goalkeeper
    2 Show the six pictures in this part one by one Let students observe and guess the main idea of this story (出示课件)
    T:An animal football team wants a goalkeeper ZebraDeer Giraffe and Dog want to have a try
    Let’s go and see what’s happening
    3 The teacher asks some questions:
    (1) Who wants to be the goalkeeper
    (2) Deer and Giraffe can’t be the goalkeeper Why?
    (3) Who becomes the goalkeeper at last Why
    Play the cartoon of the story Then let students try to answer the questions
    4 Let students watch the cartoon again then practice reading the story in groups
    5 Roleplay
    6 T:How to be a good goalkeeper
    Students talk freely about it
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计
    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Read Story time to your parents
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 整教学设计侧重培养学生学力发散学生思维拓展学生课外知识
    2 通分层次教学先预测然提出问题解决问题层层递进样教学方式遵循学生学规律——浅入深学知识
    3 PK活动设计仅活跃课堂氛围增强学生组合作意识定程度帮助突破课重难点达深入浅出效果
    4 实施单元整体教学握单元教学目标整体性挖掘单元教学整体性设计单元整体性充分体现新课程教学理念

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s check
    l Examine students’ mastery of the contents of this unit by completing the listening exercises of Let’s check
    l Learn to guess the test points from the pictures Do a purposeful and targeted listening Complete the tasks after listening
    l Develop students’ good listening habits and continuously improve students’ listening level
    Let’s wrap it up
    l Be able to write the comparative forms of the adjectives in this part Summarize the changing rules of the comparative forms of the adjectives
    l Try to inspire students’ thinking Lead students to study independently Cultivate students’ English learning strategies
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Test students’ learning achievements
    l Master the comparative forms of the adjectives in this part and the changing rules And apply them flexibly
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Apply the vocabulary and sentence structures of this unit to real situations
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a song—My small cat
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy the song
    3 Look and say
    Create a relaxing learning atmosphere Review the words learned beforewhich also paves the way for the following learning Cultivate students’ divergent thinking
    1 Let’s check
    (1) Listen and tick
    ①Show the pictures of Let’s check
    ②Play the recording of this part
    ③Check the answers together
    (2) Listen again and write
    ①Play the recording again
    ②Check the answers together
    ③Present the listening materials
    (1) Listen and tick
    ①Talk about the pictures of Let’s check before listening
    ②Listen and tick the right pictures
    ③Check the answers together
    (2) Listen again and write
    ①Listen again and write the answers to the questions
    ②Check the answers together
    ③Train listening skills
    Develop the habit of predicting the listening content before listening Help students cultivate certain listening skills and learning strategies
    2 Let’s wrap it up
    (1) Show the comparative forms of the adjectives on the left in this part Conclude the rules
    (2) Divide students into three groups to PK
    (3) Show time
    (4) Ask students to write down the ten words’ comparative forms Then check the answers together
    (1) Observe the words carefully and try to say the rules of the changes in the three pairs of words
    (2) Complete the PK task
    (3) Groups show their words
    (4) Write down the ten words’ comparative forms in the book Then check the answers together
    Cultivate students’ ability of independent learning The PK activity enlivens the class and cultivates students’ teamwork ability In the competition deepen students’ understanding of the changing rules of the comparative forms of the adjectives
    Story time —A goalkeeper wanted
    1 Free talk
    2 Show the six pictures in this part one by one
    3 Ask some questions and play the cartoon of the story
    4 Play the cartoon again
    5 Lead students to act out the story
    6 Free talk
    1 Freely talk about something about football and the goalkeeper
    2 Observe the pictures and guess the main idea of this story
    3 Watch the cartoon of the story Then try to answer the questions
    4 Practice reading the story in groups
    5 Act out the story
    6 Free talk
    Help students review and reinforce the language points learned in this unit by reading the interesting story Add language input Expand students’ understanding of football
    1 Read Story time to your parents
    2 Do the exercises

    Unit 2 Last weekend

    单元学题周末活动安排教学容通般时描述进行活动教学重点掌握核心句型—How was your weekend —It was good —What did you do —I stayed at home with your grandma Was it interesting —Did you see a film —No I had a cold听说读写单词短语cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV read a book saw a film had a cold slept last yesterday before
    l 够听说读写句型—How was your weekend —It was good —What did you do —I stayed at home with your grandma Was it interesting —Did you see a film —No I had a cold
    l 够情景中恰运句型—How was your weekend —It was good What did you do last weekend Did you see a film Did you do anything else询问回答关周末活动安排
    l 够听说读写单词短语cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV read a book saw a film had a cold sleptlast yesterday before
    l 够正确述单词短语谈活动
    l 理解般时法动词词尾规变化
    第课时:Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第二课时:Part A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report
    第三课时:Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第四课时:Part B Let’s learn & Look and talk
    第五课时:Part B Read and write
    第六课时:Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    The first period(第课时)
    Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    l 通读懂Let’s try板块容听力部分重点信息进行预测初步感知般现时般时般时语环境
    l 通听录音够解答Let’s try板块问题选出正确答案
    Let’s talk
    l 够图片教师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    l 够正确语音语调意群朗读话组中进行角色表演
    l 够听说读写情景中恰运句型—How was your weekend —It was good —What did you do —I stayed at home with your grandma Did you do anything else谈周末活动
    l 够语境中理解新单词stayed drank watched cleaned washed意思正确发音
    l 够描述周末周末活动安排
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 够理解掌握课时重点单词句型
    2 够情景中运句型How was your weekend What did you do询问回答周末活动
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    T Good morning boys and girls How are you today
    Ss I’m fine thank you
    T Good I hope you can have a fine day every day this week
    2 Revision—days of the week
    Present the calendar of this month Lead students to review days of the week (课件出示:月日历图片)
    T Weekdays are…
    Ss Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday
    T A weekend is…
    Ss Saturday and Sunday
    3 Leadin
    Present the main scene(课件出示:Unit 2情景图)
    T These are Mike and John Here we can see their blogs Look What day was it
    Ss It was Saturday and Sunday
    T Great This was last weekend
    Present the title of this unit Unit 2 Last weekend
    Ask students to read the title several times after the teacher
    Present amis—was and ask students to state the differences in their usage
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2:Presentation
    1 Listen and circle②
    (1)T Sarah and Mike are talking about this weekend
    Show the questions of Let’s try (课件出示:Let’s try板块练)
    Lead students to predict and guess the key words
    (2) Play the recording of Let’s try (课件出示:Let’s try板块音频) Let students try to circle the right answers
    (3) Students read the dialogue and check the answers (课件出示:Let’s try板块听力材料参考答案)
    Then ask two students to tell their judging clues
    Q1:Sarah and Mike are talking on Sunday because Sarah said Tomorrow is Monday
    Q2 Mike is going to call his grandparents because Mike said I’m going to call my grandparents
    Highlight the key sentences of the dialogue Ask students to learn to read and lead them to understand the simple future tense
    (4)T Mike said his weekend was great What did he do last weekend
    Ss He cleaned his room and watched TV
    Present the activities Mike did last weekend Read the new words Lead students to distinguish the simple past tense from the simple present tense

    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Watch and answer③
    T Mike is talking with his grandpa on the phone Watch the video of Let’s talk and answer What are they talking about(出示课件)
    Ss They are talking about their weekends
    T How was Mike’s grandpa’s weekend
    Ss It was great
    T We can also say It was goodfineOKfantasticwonderfulnice…
    Teach the sentences —How was Mike’s grandpa’s weekend —It was…

    3 Read and answer
    (1) Students read the dialogue and answer what Mike’s grandpa Mike did last weekend
    (2) Observe and summarize
    T Observe the wordformation of the verbs What’s in common
    Students express the clues they find out
    Then the teacher makes a brief summary the usage and the wordformation of the simple past tense
    Highlight the unusual wordformation of the word drank

    (3) Teach the sentences —What did you do last weekend —I cleaned my room watched TV drank tea Let students pay attention to the past tense of verbs
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    4 Get more details④
    (1)T Mike’s grandpa drank tea in the afternoon Maybe he likes tea Did you drink tea last weekend What else did you drink
    Ss Yes I did I drank some water milk juice cola coffee… No I didn’t
    Present else and the key sentence structure What else did you… Lead students to read them correctly(出示课件)
    (2)T Mike and his grandpa both watched TV last weekend What TV program did Mike watch
    Ss He watched some children’s shows on TV
    T Do you like children’s shows What TV program did you watch last weekend
    Ss Yes I do I watched cartoonssports programsa film… No I don’t
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Practice the words and the sentences
    Lead students to practice the key words and sentences (出示课件)
    2 Read and act⑤
    (1)Let students listen and read after the recording(课件出示:Let’s talk板块音频)Remind them to pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in pairs
    (3)Act out
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    3 Can you say⑥
    T Can you complete the whole dialogue
    Lead students to fill in the blanks according to the context Firstly make a model Then let students work in pairs At last check the answers (出示课件)

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Exercises
    Lead students to finish the tasks (出示课件)
    2 Talk about your last weekend⑦
    T Now we know something about Mike’s and his grandpa’s weekend What about yours
    Present a model on the PPT Ask students to make dialogues like the model in pairs
    3 Plan for next weekend
    T I think many of you had a great time last weekend Do you have a plan for next weekend What are you going to do next weekend
    Present some extension words on the PPT and help students talk freely(出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue Read it correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Find out more information about the rules of the past tense
    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 整体教学流程清晰教学容浅入深层层递进较达成教学目标
    2 教学活动设计丰富细节清晰注重学生引导学生问题导引导学生关注图片文细节启发学生思维注重思维品质培养
    4 板书设计层次清晰颜色标注突出重点吸引学生注意力起课知识纳总结作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    l Predict the main content of the listening part by reading the questions and get to know how to use the different tenses in different situations
    l Understand the listening materials and circle the right answers
    Let’s talk
    l Understand the main idea of the dialogue with the help of the pictures and the teacher
    l Be able to answer the questions below the dialogue
    l Read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally and act out
    l Use the sentence structures properly
    l Understand and read the new wordsstayed drank watched cleaned washed
    l Be able to talk about the activities of last weekend and arrangements for next weekend
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Understand and master the key words and sentence structures
    l Use the sentence structures How was your weekend What did you do to ask and answer the questions about the activities of last weekend
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to use the key sentence structures to talk about the activities of last and next weekend
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Revision days of the week
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Review days of the week
    3 Observe the picture
    Help students understand the meaning of weekend and weekdays Lead in the topic of Last weekend
    1 Listen and circle
    (1) Show the questions
    (2) Play the recording
    (3) Check the answers
    (4) Ask a question
    (1) Predict and guess
    (2) Listen and circle the right answers
    (3) Read and check the answers
    (4) Answer the question
    Cultivate students’ ability of observation and logical thinking Make a good preparation for the following learning
    2 Watch and answer
    Play the video of Let’s talk and ask questions
    Watch the video of Let’s talk and answer the questions
    Use questions to lead students to get the main idea
    3 Read and answer
    (1) Ask students to read and answer the questions
    (2) Observe and summarize
    (3) Teach the sentences
    (1) Read the dialogue and answer
    (2) Observe and summarize
    (3) Learn the sentences
    Lead students to learn the new sentences and acquire the usage and the wordformation of the simple past tense
    4 Get more details
    Talk with the teacher
    Get more details about the dialogue
    Lead students to get deeper understanding of the context by asking questions with details
    1 Practice the words and the sentences
    Practice the words and sentences
    Help students practice the key phrases and sentences Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally Get prepared for the next part
    2 Read and act
    Play the recording
    Read and practice in pairs Act out
    3 Can you say
    Complete the whole dialogue
    1 Exercises
    Show the exercises on the PPT
    Complete the exercises
    Create a real situation to develop students’ comprehensive language skills Consolidate students’ ability of using the target language reasonably and properly
    2 Talk about your last weekend Show the model on the PPT
    Talk about last weekend
    Work in pairs
    3 Plan for next weekend
    Free talk
    1 Practice the dialogue Read it correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Find out more information about the rules of the past tense
    3 Do the exercises

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Do a survey and report

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    l 通图片课件拼读等方法结合教材中线物进行活动学会听说读写短语cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at homewatched TV
    l 够熟练运述短语描述物时间做事情
    l 够理解动词式规变化动词原形末尾加ed
    Do a survey and report
    l 运A部分学词汇句型描述学周末活动
    l 够根表格提示完成调查根调查结果作总结汇报
    ▶ 教学重点
    够听说读写短语cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at homewatched TV
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1:Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    T Hello boys and girls Welcome back to our English class In this class I hope you can be brave active and openminded
    2 Let’s sing the song—Last weekend(出示课件)
    3 Leadin—A guessing game
    T Now let’s play a game I do the actions and you say the phrases Guess what I did last weekend
    Review the key phraseswatched TV cleaned my room played the guitar listened to music learned before
    After guessing each phrase students read the phrases and do the actions together
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    歌曲热身帮助活跃课堂气氛通做动作猜短语活动复旧知接学做铺垫 带领学生迅速进入课题
    Step 2:Presentation
    1 Learn the phrase stayed at home②
    Present the picture of home
    T Last weekend I didn’t go outside I was at…
    Ss Home
    T Yes I stayed at home and had a good sleep
    Present stayed and extend the new phrase had a good sleep
    Use the pictures to help students understand the words Then lead students to read the words
    2 Learn the phrase cleaned my room
    Present the picture of clean the room

    T Look What did I do last weekend
    Ss Cleaned the room
    T Great job I cleaned my room last weekend
    Use the picture and body language to help students understand the phrase
    Lead students to read the phrase
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    3 Learn the phrase washed my clothes③
    Present the two pictures of Mike in let’s learn

    T Look This is Mike Did he go outside last weekend
    Ss No he didn’t He stayed at home
    T What did he do at home
    Ss He cleaned the room and washed the clothes
    Use the pictures and body language to help students understand the phrases
    Lead students to read the phrase washed the clothes Remind them to pay attention to the pronunciation of the word washed
    T What else did he wash
    Ss He washed the dishes
    Present the new word else and extend the phrase washed the dishes
    Lead students to read the words
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    教师助Mike周末活动然渡课容逐步深入新授单词短语呈现通学washed引出生词else拓展短语washed the dishes学生进步学动词式表达
    4 Learn the phrase watched TV④
    T Now we’ve known something about Mike’s weekend What about Chen Jie’s Watch the video of Let’s learn (课件出示:Let’s learn板块Chen Jie活动视频) Answer these two questions
    ①How was Chen Jie’s weekend
    ②What did she do last weekend
    Finish the task and then check the answers (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Practice the phrases⑤
    (1) Ask a student to be the little teacher Lead students to read the phrases of Let’s learn
    (2) Can you say them quickly and correctly
    (3) Game What’s missing

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    2 Practice the dialogue ⑥
    (1) Listen and read after the recording (课件出示:Let’s learn板块音频)
    (2) Read the dialogue in pairs in roles (课件出示:Let’s learn板块听力材料)
    (3) Act out the dialogue without books
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    3 Free talk⑦
    T How was your weekend
    Ss It was finegoodOKinterestingexcitingfantasticbadboring busy…
    The teacher can add more questions while talking with students For example why do you think it was boringbadinteresting…
    Firstly the teacher makes a model Students work in pairs and then act out

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Do a survey and report⑧
    (1) Divide students into several groups Let students work in groups One student plays an interviewer and asks How was your weekend What did you do other students answer the questions Let another student take brief notes on the table
    (2) Show time Students make their reports Report like this

    2 Summary
    Learn how to use the past tense (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue Read it correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Remember the key phrases and sentence structures
    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 导入环节歌曲TPR游戏活跃课堂气氛充分调动学生参课堂积极性时效帮助学生复记忆单词营造轻松愉快学氛围
    2 创设真实语言环境情境中逐步导入新授短语通种方式呈现助直观图片视频等资源帮助学生理解词义逐层词句引导学生输出表达
    3 课堂话交流中学生注重学生沟通创造条件学生开口表达心想法通适追加问题引导学生做进步语言拓展表达
    4 采头脑风暴形式集中全班智慧拓展相关形容词丰富课学容
    5 注重学生思维品质培养引导学生观察思考课助网络资源文资料培养学生学力

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    l Learn to listen speak read and write the phrases cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV through pictures body language and other methods
    l Use the above phrases skillfully to describe the things people did in the past time
    l Understand the basic wordformation rules of the past tense
    Do a survey and report
    l Use the vocabulary and the sentence structures learned in Part A to describe the activities you and your classmates did last weekend
    l Be able to complete the survey and make a report based on the survey results
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Learn to listen speak read and write the phrasescleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at home watched TV
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to use the words and the above phrases skillfully to describe the things people did in the past time
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing the song—
    Last weekend
    3 Leadin—A guessing game
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing the song
    3 Guess and say
    Help students review the key words and the phrases they’ve learned before Lead in the lesson and help students prepare for the following learning
    1 Teach the phrase
    stayed at home
    Talk with the teacher
    Observe the pictures and learn to describe them with the new words
    Create a real scene to lead in the new phrase and help students understand the new words
    2 Teach the phrase
    cleaned my room
    Observe the picture
    Listen to what the teacher said and answer the question Learn and read the new words
    Create a scene to help students learn the new phrase Help them learn the new words and sentence structures gradually
    3 Teach the phrase washed my clothes and the word else Extend the phrase washed the dishes
    Observe the pictures and answer the questions step by step
    Read the words after the teacher
    Help students learn more about the ways of expressing the activities people did in the past time
    4 Teach the phrase
    watched TV
    Ask questions
    Check the answers
    Watch the video
    Answer the questions
    Check the answers
    The video can help students understand the dialogue more vividly Questions can help students understand and think about the context in a deeper level
    1 Practice the phrases
    (1) Lead students to read the phrases
    (2) Lead students to say them quickly and correctly
    (3) Play the game What’s missing
    (1) Read the phrases
    (2) Say them quickly and correctly
    (3) Speak out the missing words
    The multilevel exercises can effectively mobilize students’ various senses They can not only enliven the class but also strengthen students’ memory of the new words and the sentence structures learned
    2 Practice the dialogue
    (1) Play the recording
    (2) Lead students to read in roles
    (3) Lead students to act it out
    (1) Listen and read
    (2) Read in roles
    (3) Act out
    Lead students to get the main idea of the dialogue Make sure every student can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    3 Free talk
    Ask questions and make a model
    Talk about last weekend freely
    Lead students to use the words they’ve
    learned to express themselves
    1 Do a survey and report
    (1) Divide students into groups
    (2) Lead students to work in groups
    (1) Work in groups
    (2) Do a survey and report in the class
    By leading students to conduct the survey and report the key points of this lesson are well consolidated and the difficult points are well broken through
    2 Summary
    Summarize the simple past tense
    Learn to understand and use the past tense
    Acquire the wordformation
    Lead students to learn to observe and summarize the wordformation Help students acquire the basic grammar knowledge of the simple past tense
    1 Practice the dialogue Read it correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Remember the key phrases and sentence structures
    3 Do the exercises

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    l 够听懂解答Let’s try板块问题选出正确答案
    l 够通听力练获Let’s talk板块物场景信息进入正式话学做准备
    Let’s talk
    l 够图片教师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    l 够正确语音语调意群朗读话组中进行角色表演
    l 够听说读写情景中恰运句型Was it interesting What did you do last weekend —Did you see a film —No I had a cold询问回答周末活动
    l 够语境中助图片等帮助理解新单词magazine better faster意思正确发音
    l 够解般时特殊疑问句般疑问句法
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1:Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing
    T Let’s watch the cartoon and sing the song—Last weekend (出示课件)
    3 Free talk
    T How was your weekend
    Ss It was…
    T What did you do last weekend
    Ss I…
    4 Leadin
    T I like your weekends They were great fun But my weekend was very busy Look What did I do last weekend (课件出示:家里喝茶散步书店电影电视睡觉图片)
    Ss You stayed at home drank tea went for a walk went to the bookstore saw a film watched TV and then slept
    T Yes Do you know which is my favourite
    Ss … (Guess)
    T Great job I like seeing films Last weekend I saw a new film I knew it from a film magazine Do you know what is a magazine
    Students choose one from the pictures on the PPT (课件出示:英语书份电影杂志份报纸)
    T Great job This is a magazine I like seeing films but I like magazines better Because I can get information faster from magazines
    Present the new words betterfaster Students read the words in syllables after the teacher Understand the comparative forms of the adjectives Compare goodwell fast with better faster with the help of body language
    Goodwell The teacher gets one thumb up
    Better The teacher gets two thumbs up
    Fast The teacher does the action of running
    Faster The teacher does the action of running faster

    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2:Presentation
    1 Listen and circle②
    (1) Present the photo of John (出示课件) Ask and answer
    Play the recording for the first time(课件出示:Let’s try板块音频)
    T How was John’s weekend What did he do
    Ss It was bad He had a cold and slept all day
    T Does he feel better now
    Ss Yes he’s fine now
    (2) Play the recording again(出示课件)
    Ask students to circle the right options in Let’s try (课件出示:Let’s try板块练)
    (3) Read the dialogue and check the answers (课件出示:Let’s try板块听力材料参考答案)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    利热身活动创设语言情境然渡课公John通Let’s try板块中JohnWu Binbin话呈现部分Let’s talk板块物场景信息步学话做准备
    2 Look and predict③
    (1) Show the main picture of Let’s talk(出示课件)
    T Here we can see John and Amy Where are they
    Ss They are at the bus stop on the street
    (2) Lead students to observe the picture and predict
    T What are they going to do
    Ss I think they are going to take a bus …
    T Good guess You are great readers Look The bus is coming
    (3) Watch the cartoon of Let’s talk Answer the questions (出示课件)
    T Where are they going
    S1 They are going to the bookstore
    T How are they going there
    S2 They are going by bus
    T Sometimes we go somewhere by bus because it’s faster than walking
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Read and find④
    (1) Read the dialogue of Let’s talk Find and circle the past tense verbs in the book
    (2) Read the dialogue again and fill in the blanks
    Lead students to catch the key words and phrases while reading
    Check the answers

    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    4 Learn more about the words⑤
    Highlight the new words and sentences in the dialogue Lead students to read and review the words learned just now
    Then lead students to learn more (课件出示:want buyby相关法)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    课核心生词已导入呈现环节学环节次结合话语境进行复巩固旧词汇a lot of want buyby整理表达方法学生词汇语功更系统化解
    Step 3 Practice⑥
    1 Read and act
    (1) Play the cartoon of Let’s talk again Let students read after it and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2) Students read the dialogue in roles Boys play the role of John and girls play the role of Amy
    (3) Students act it out
    2 Read and judge
    Students read the dialogue Ask students to judge true or false and provide their judging clues

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Do a survey⑦(出示课件)
    Make a group of four students The teacher makes a model Students talk about their last weekend and what they usually do on weekends (One student asks and the other three answer)
    T What did you do yesterdaylast night…
    S1 I…
    T What do you usually do on weekends
    S1 I…
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    2 Use the right form to fill in the blanks⑧(出示课件)
    3 Multiple choice(出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue Read it correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Learn more about the comparative forms of adjectives through different materials
    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学目标明确生词课前创境导入扫清单词障碍话学程中通层次教学活动设计效突破重难点教学环节渡然逐层深入
    2 助新媒体手段辅助教学激发学生课堂兴趣寓教乐效提高学生学积极性
    3 注重学生引导学生学会观察预测思考通学检验预测培养学生观察力逻辑推理力
    4 话学程整体部分引导学生话中提取关键词帮助学生逐步理解话容获取相关文信息培养学生学力

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    l Listen to the recording answer the questions and choose the correct answers
    l Be able to get information of the characters and scene in Let’s talk by listening practice
    Let’s talk
    l Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue with the help of the pictures and the teacher
    l Be able to read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally and play in roles
    l Be able to listen speak read write and use the key sentence structures in situations
    l Using pictures and body language to help students understand the meaning of new words magazine better faster and learn to pronounce them correctly
    l Be able to understand the common use of the simple past tense in the special questions and the general questions
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Be able to understand the common use of the simple past tense in the special questions and the general questions
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Be able to use the key sentence structures to talk about the activities of last weekend and arrangements for next weekend
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing
    3 Free talk
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing the song
    3 Talk about their last weekend freely
    4 Talk about the teacher’s last weekend
    Motivate students’ interest in learning English through the song Review the old knowledge through free talk and lead in the theme of today’s lesson
    1 Listen and circle
    (1) Ask questions
    (2) Play the recording
    (3) Check the answers
    (1) Listen and find out the answers
    (2) Circle the right options
    (3) Read the dialogue and check the answers
    Lead students to acquire the listening content through solving questions gradually and make a foundation for the following learning
    2 Look and predict
    (1) Show the picture
    (2) Lead students to
    observe the picture
    and predict
    (3) Ask questions
    (1)Get to know the picture ofLet’s talk
    (2) Observe the picture and predict
    (3) Answer the questions
    Lead students to predict the listening content before listening and learn to catch the key words and phrases while listening
    3 Read and find
    (1) Read the dialogue then find and circle the past tense verbs
    (2) Read the dialogue and fill in the blanks
    Lead students to read the text with questions and learn to catch the key words and express their own opinions
    4 Teach more about
    the words
    Read and review the words learned just now
    Learn more knowledge
    Help students review the key words and learn more in a more systematic way
    1 Read and act
    (1) Read after the cartoon
    (2) Read in roles
    (3) Act out
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Read and judge
    Read the dialogue Judge true or false and provide judging clues
    Lead students to read the dialogue again and again Help them get more details about the dialogue and make students understand it better
    1 Do a survey
    Talk about weekends in groups of four
    Cultivate students’ comprehensive ability of applying the target language into daily communication
    2 Fill in the blanks
    Use the right form to fill in the blanks
    Consolidate students’ grammar knowledge and enhance their awareness of grammar Learn to express in English correctly
    3 Multiple choice
    Choose the right options
    1 Practice the dialogue Read it correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Learn more about the comparative forms of the adjectives
    3 Do the exercises

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Look and talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    l 通图片动作课件等学会听说读写单词短语read a book saw a film had a cold slept last weekendnightMonday yesterday the day before yesterday
    l 熟练运述单词短语询问某时间方做什事情
    l 解掌握常规变化动词式般时搭配时间状语
    Look and talk
    l 够运句型What did sb do… Did sb…询问某时间做什事情
    ▶ 教学重点
    够听说读写read a book saw a film had a cold slept常般时搭配时间状语
    ▶ 教学难点
    够运句型What did sb do… Did sb…询问某时间做什事情
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频绘等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1:Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s chant

    3 Free talk
    T How was your weekend
    Ss It was interestinggreatboringbad…
    T What did you do last weekend
    Ss I…
    4 Leadin
    Can you guess what I did last weekend
    Ss Did you…
    T No I didn’t Yes I did I read a book last weekend It’s Alice in Wonderland I liked it very much It was great
    Give students several chances to guess the answer Then present a picture of read a book Lead students to learn the new word read and pay attention to its form and pronunciation In the simple present tense and the past tense it looks the same but pronounces in different ways

    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2:Presentation
    1 Learn the time②
    (1) Present the calendar (出示课件)
    Last weekend was the 18th and 19th day of this month (Circle and point the time)
    T What about the 25th and 26th day (Circle and point the time)
    Ss It’s this weekend
    T Today is Friday It’s the 24th day (Point to the date and circle it)
    T What about the 23rd day
    Ss It was yesterday
    T And the 22nd day was…
    Ss The day before yesterday
    T Excellent You all did a very good job Now look at the time we present here Can you find out some regulations When do we use this before and last
    Ss …
    (2) After students share their opinions the teacher makes a brief summary Then extend last week last Monday with the help of the calendar
    (3) Present the key words and phrases of the past time on the PPT (出示课件) Students read the words after the teacher and learn the ways of expressing the past time The teacher can extend tomorrow and the day after tomorrow after students have a good command of the past time
    (4) Pair work (出示课件)
    Students ask and answer the questions
    S1 What did heshe do…
    S2 HeShe…
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Learn the phrase saw a film ③
    T Do you know the book Alice in Wonderland It’s a very famous book And it’s also adapted into a film The film is fantastic
    Play a short part of the film (课件出示:电影爱丽丝漫游仙境片段)
    T Did you see the film before
    Ss Yes I did No I didn’t
    T When did you see the film
    Ss I saw it…
    Teach the words see—saw and the phrase saw a film Students read after the recording and pay attention to its irregular wordformation
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Learn the phrase had a cold and the word slept
    (1) Present the two pictures of Amy (课件出示:Let’s learn板块Amy两幅图)
    T What did Amy do last weekend
    Ss She read a book and saw a film
    T Did she like the book and the film
    Ss Yes she did
    T How do you know that
    Ss Because when she read the book and saw the film she looked happy
    (2) Present the two pictures of John④
    T How did John feel
    Ss He felt sadbadsicktired… (Present the words feel—felt)
    T Why did John feel so bad
    Ss Because he had a cold (Present the phrase had a cold)
    T No wonder he slept Maybe sleeping could help him feel better (Present the words sleep—slept)
    Teach the new words and the phrase Lead students to read after the recording and pay attention to their irregular wordformation
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    情境导入学had a coldslept通观察图片中物表情状态推测心理状态提高学生语言表达力时培养学生观察力通动词原形动词式引导学生关注解常见动词式规形式
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Game—Get down the stairs(出示课件)
    T Can you read the words and the phrases presented on the steps correctly
    2 Read in roles⑤
    (1) Play the video of Let’s learn (出示课件) Students read after the video and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    (2) Students read the dialogue in roles Boys play the role of John and girls play the role of Amy
    3 Guess and say ⑥(出示课件)
    Can you guess what Amy and John did yesterday
    (1) The teacher makes a model with a student Show students how to conduct the conversation
    (2) Highlight the sentence structure Teach students how to use it
    (3) Students look at the pictures Guess and say A student asks the question and the others answer it
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Yes or No⑦
    (1) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences
    The teacher makes a model first Highlight the key points and show students how to complete the sentence Then let students complete the rest sentences
    (2) Pair work
    Work in pairs Ask and answer the questions about what you did in the past time
    2 Let’s play a game
    Present the words

    We’ll play like this
    S1 Last Sunday I… (A)
    S2 Last Sunday I… (A & B)
    S3 Last Sunday I… (A & B & C)
    S4 …
    T Let’s see who has the best memory
    Choose the winner
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    通Yes or No记忆游戏环节锻炼培养学生记忆力加深学生课核心语言理解记忆
    3 Look and talk⑧
    (1) Divide students into several groups Let students work in groups and look at the table below for a few seconds then cover it Ask and answer (课件出示:Look and talk板块表格)
    (2) Show time
    Students show their dialogues They can conduct the dialogue like this
    A What did John do yesterday
    B He slept
    A Did he have a cold yesterday
    B Yes he did
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Remember the key words and phrases of this lesson and read the dialogues fluently
    2 Have a good command of the regulations of verbs in the simple past tense Find out more irregular forms
    3 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 充分利图片音频歌曲电影视频等媒体手段丰富学生感官体验加深促进学生单词短语理解记忆时活跃课堂气氛助营造轻松活跃课堂氛围激发学生学兴趣
    2 利日历直观数轴式呈现效帮助学生理解表示时间状语通时间层次推进学生先观察尝试总结时间状语方法提升学生学力思维力
    3 教学活动设计逐层深入引导学生观察图片动词形式提高学生语言表达力时培养学生观察力操练程注重新知旧知整合运
    4 通种方式创设语言情境学生词离句句离境鼓励学生学程中试错断尝试体验中语言表达规

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    l Learn to listen speak read and write the words and the phrasesread a book saw a film had a cold slept last weekendnightMonday yesterday the day before yesterday
    l Use the above words and phrases above to describe what activities people did in the past time
    l Understand and master the irregular verbs and some adverbial expressions of time commonly used in the simple past tense
    Look and talk
    l Use the sentence structures learned in Part B to ask what people did in the past time
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Learn to listen speak read and write the words and the phrasesread a book saw a film had a cold sleptand some adverbial expressions of time commonly used in the past tense
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Use the sentence structure learned in Part B to ask what people did in the past time
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s chant
    3 Free talk
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Chant
    3 Talk with the teacher
    4 Guess what the teacher did last weekend
    The warmup song can help arouse the atmosphere of learning in class Free talk and the guessing game can help review the words students learned last class
    1 Teach the time
    (1) Present the calendar
    (2) Summarize and
    (3) Teach the key words and phrases of the past time
    (4) Pair work
    (1) Learn the time on the calendar
    (2) Learn the time in the simple past tense
    (3) Read after the teacher
    (4) Work in pairs
    Enable students to understand and master the adverbial expressions of time commonly used in the simple past tense Let them observe and summarize on their own first Cultivate their ability of independent thinking
    2 Teach the phrase
    saw a film
    Watch the short video Learn the words see—saw and the phrase saw a film
    Use the book Alice in Wonderland to lead in the film and the new phrase saw a film Give students a chance to feel the culture of children’s classic literature
    3 Teach the phrase had a cold and the word slept
    Observe the pictures and answer the questions about Amy and John
    Lead in the new word and phrase by creating a scene Cultivate students’ ability of observation Lead students to learn to acquire the irregular forms of verbs by comparing their original forms with past forms
    1 Game—Get down the stairs
    Read the words and the phrases presented on the steps correctly

    2 Read in roles
    Read after the video
    Read in roles
    Make sure every student can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    3 Guess and say
    Guess what Amy and John did yesterday
    Lead students to observe and predict Promote students’ comprehensive ability of English
    1 Yes or No
    (1) Make a model
    (2) Pair work
    (1) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences
    (2) Work in pairs
    Lead students to complete the task Yes or No Then use a memory game to help students remember the key phrases Make sure students can use the target language correctly to describe things people did in the past time
    2 Let’s play a game
    Play the memory game
    3 Look and talk
    (1) Divide students into groups
    (2) Show time
    (1) Work in groups
    (2) Show time
    1 Remember the key words and phrases of this lesson and read the dialogues fluently
    2 Have a good command of the regulations of verbs in the simple past tense Find out more irregular forms
    3 Do the exercises

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Read and write

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Read and write
    l 够正确听说认读单词hotel fixed broken lamp loud enjoy stay
    l 够朗读理解课文容完成练部分阅读写作务
    l 通阅读活动逐步培养学生阅读技巧提高学力
    l 引导学生遇公合理遇时学会运正确方式进行诉求寻找合理解决方式
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Prereading
    1 Greetings
    Greet students Divide them into several groups The group can get more points if they act bravely actively and be openminded in class
    2 Free talk①
    (1) Present a teacher’s photo which was taken while travelling with family members (课件出示:张教师家旅游时片)
    T I went to Qinghai with my family last summer holiday It was very beautiful there but the hotels were not all good
    Present the word hotel (课件出示:张旅馆前台登记入住图片单词hotel) Let students read after the teacher
    (2)T Did you go travelling with your family last summer holiday
    Ss Yes I didNo I didn’t
    If students answer Yes the teacher can add more questions to develop deeper communication such as Where did you go Which hotel did you stay in Did you like the hotel How was your stay Present the key sentence
    T Give your comments about the hotel The more stars you give the more comfortable your stay was(课件出示:旅馆评价星级指数)
    If students answer No the teacher can encourage them to go outside and enrich their life experience such as Maybe you can go with your family some day It will bring you some new experience
    T Can you understand the word comments on the PPT It means 评价 in Chinese
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    通Free talk活动利教师家旅游片创建学生情境交流激发学生学兴趣引出课话题助图片语境引导学生理解生词hotelcomment鼓励学生旅行丰富生活历
    3 Holiday Hotel②
    T Look This is Mrs Broom She works in the Holiday Hotel She is a housekeeper
    Present the word housekeeper Let students read the word in syllables after the teacher

    Lead students to understand the meaning of the phrases on the PPT and choose the right answer Check the answer (出示课件)Let students read the phrases after the teacher
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 2 Whilereading
    1 Wu Binbin’s family’s stay at the hotel③

    T How was their stay at the hotel
    Ss It was bad
    Teach the new word stay and the sentence structure Thank you for…
    Ask students to pay attention to the word forms used after for

    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    2 Fast reading④
    T Read the passage as fast as you can and find out the answers
    (1) How did Wu Binbin feel How was everything in the room
    S1 He felt very bad angry…
    S2 Everything in the room was very old
    S3 The chair was broken

    (2) How did they solve the problem
    Ss Their friend Robin cleaned the room and fixed the broken chair
    Present and teach the new words broken fix Lead students to understand the meaning through pictures

    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    3 Careful reading⑤
    (1) Read the letter again quickly Find the sentences that describe Pictures 1~3(课件出示:教材P19三幅图)
    T Before reading let’s observe the pictures carefully How did they feel Did they enjoy their stay at the hotel
    Teach the new word enjoy
    Let students try to predict the key words Teach the new words lamp and loud

    Then check the answers
    T Sorry for their family They didn’t enjoy their stay at the hotel
    (2) Read and circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table
    Students write down the past forms and the present forms of these verbs Then check the answers(出示课件)
    Let students get a quick review of these verbs and understand each word’s meaning
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    (3) Read after the recording⑥
    T Can you read the passage angrily Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    Lead students to understand the passage and learn the key words and phrases (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 3 Postreading
    1 What will you do⑦
    T Do you like the Holiday Hotel Why
    Ss No I don’t Because everything is oldpeople can’t eat well or sleep well there…
    T What will you do if you come to a hotel like the Holiday Hotel
    S1 I will let it go
    S2 I will ask for changing another room
    S3 I will tell the manager about the problems
    Students state their opinions The teacher encourages them to cope with the problems in a proper way
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    2 Read and finish the letter⑧
    Mrs Broom decided to write to the manager to reflect the Wu family’s problems Can you help her finish the letter (出示课件)
    3 Read the letter
    Make sure students can read the letter correctly and fluently
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Remember the key words and phrases Read the context correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Do the exercises(见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计中创建丰富语言情境课话题生词导入然学生图片PPT语境帮助迅速理解词义较激活学生相关背景知识话题词汇接学阅读文段基础
    2 突出学生体位教学设计引导激发学生思考予学生充分时间机会独立思考学探究
    3 注重学生阅读策略培养通问题设置引导学生快速阅读帮助学生整体感知文章初步解事件物情感通仔细阅读引导学生获取更效信息深入理解文章容
    4 注重情感目标渗透引导学生遇公合理遇时学会运正确方式进行诉求寻找合理解决方式

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    l Be able to listen speak and read the words hotel fixed broken lamp loud enjoy staycorrectly
    l Be able to understand and read the text and complete the exercises
    l Through reading activities students will gradually develop their reading skills and improve their independent learning ability
    l Lead students to cope with the problems in a proper way when they meet with something unfair or unreasonable
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Be able to understand and read the text and complete the exercises
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Gradually develop students’ reading skills and improve their independent learning ability through reading activities
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Free talk
    3 Holiday Hotel
    1 Greet the teacher and build the awareness of being brave active and openminded
    2 Talk about the holiday and the stay in the hotel
    3 Get to know the Holiday Hotel and guess what Mrs Broom did yesterday
    Motivate students’ interest in learning and lead in the topic of this lesson Encourage students to go travelling and enrich their life experience
    1 Wu Binbin’s family’s stay at the hotel
    Get to know how Wu Binbin and his family’s stay was at the hotel Learn stay and Thank you for…
    Inspire students’ relevant background knowledge and the topicrelated vocabulary before reading Get to know Wu Binbin’s experience in the hotel Make a good preparation for the following reading
    2 Fast reading
    Read the passage fast and find out the answers
    (1)How did Wu Binbin feel
    How was everything in the room
    (2)How did they solve the problems
    Learn the words broken fix
    Help students perceive the whole passage and get to know what happened to Wu Binbin’s family and how they felt
    3 Careful reading
    (1)Find the sentences that describe Pictures 1~3 and learn the words enjoy lamp loud
    (2)Read and circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table
    (3)Read after the recording
    Help students understand the text deeper and get more information about the passage
    Make sure students can read the text correctly fluently and emotionally
    1 What will you do
    Students state their opinions
    Lead students to cope with the problems in a proper way when they meet with something unfair or unreasonable
    2 Read and finish the
    Fill in the blanks and complete the letter
    Lead students to catch the key information by reading the context to complete the letter Promote students’ ability of applying the key words and expressions into practice
    3 Read the letter
    Read the letter
    Make sure students can read the letter correctly and fluently
    1 Remember the key words and phrases Read the context correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Do the exercises

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s check
    l 通完成Let’s check板块听力练考查学生单元学容掌握情况
    l 根图片信息推测听力考查点理解听力材料话中抓取关键词
    l 培养学生良听力惯策略提高学生听力水
    Let’s wrap it up
    l 写出Let’s wrap it up板块中动词式总结动词式规变化
    l 培养学生思维力引导学生学加强学生英语学策略培养
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 检测学生学成果
    2 掌握动词式规变化
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1:Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s play a game—What’s missing
    Present the key words and phrases (课件出示:核心单词短语)
    Ask students to read them carefully then find out what’s missing
    After guessing all the pictures students read the words together after the teacher
    3 Let’s sing—Last weekend (出示课件)
    4 Leadin
    T How was your weekend What did you do
    Ss …
    Present the pictures in Let’s check (出示课件)
    T Who are they
    Ss They are Amy John Mike and Zhang Peng
    T How was their last weekend
    Ss …
    Lead students to observe the pictures and guess how they felt
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation & Practice
    1 Let’s check
    (1)Listen and number②
    ①Present the pictures in Let’s check(课件出示:Let’s check板块四幅图) Lead students to get detailed information from the pictures and predict the main ideas of the dialogues
    T What do you know from the pictures
    S1 In Picture 1 she cleaned the room and watched TV
    S2 In Picture 2 he had a cold
    S3 In Picture 3 he saw a film
    S4 In Picture 4 he went boating slept and read storybooks
    ②Listen and number the pictures Then check the answers (课件出示:Let’s check板块听力音频图片排序练答案)
    ③Let students read the phrases Make sure students can understand them well Ask students to listen again and number the phrases Then check the answers(课件出示:Let’s check板块听力音频短语排序练答案)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    (2)Read and fill in the blanks③
    ①Play the recording of this part again(出示课件)
    Listen and answer

    ②Present the listening materials (课件出示:Let’s check板块听力材料) Students try to fill in the blanks after listening
    ③Check the answers together Students try to present the answers in full sentences (课件出示:Let’s check板块四位公活动表格)
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    2 Let’s wrap it up④
    (1)Show the present forms and the past forms of verbs(出示课件) Let students observe them carefully and try to summarize the regulations Then the teacher concludes the rules
    (2)Read and complete the sentences
    Students finish the exercises in the book and give the judging clues Then check the answers (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up板块练答案)
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    3 Fill in the blanks and complete the passage⑤

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Story time
    1 Watch the cartoon of Story time Read and answer the question
    T How was Zoom’s weekend
    Ss It was busy
    2 Read the whole story and fill in the blanks
    Students read as fast as they can and circle the key information Then check the answers

    3 Read in groups
    Let students watch the cartoon again Then practice reading the story in groups
    4 Act out the story
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Remember the key words and phrases of this unit
    2 Have a good command of the regulations of changing the present forms into the past forms of verbs
    3 Do the exercise(练册应课时作业P19第题)

    ▶ 教学反思
    1 突出学生体性予学生独立思考机会通观察寻找动词式变化规律培养学生学探究学品质提高思维力
    2 通难度逐层深入练设计引导学生预测听力容抓取听力关键词完成图片短语排序进联系文选词完成句子完成篇章填空检测学生否熟练掌握单元重点词汇
    3 培养学生语法意识提高语言输出准确性
    4 注重培养学生篇章意识引导学生关注全文整体感知学会联系文根时间状语语境进行判断填空完成句子

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s check
    l Check students’ understanding of this unit by completing the listening exercises of Let’s check
    l Learn to predict the test points Try to catch the key words to complete the exercises
    l Cultivate students’ good listening habits and improve their listening ability strategically
    Let’s wrap it up
    l Be able to summarize the regulations of changing the present forms into the past forms of verbs
    l Cultivate students’ thinking ability Lead students to study independently and strengthen the cultivation of students’ English learning strategies
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    l Test students’ learning achievements
    l Master the regulations of changing the present forms into the past forms of verbs
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    l Apply the key words and sentence structures of this unit to real situations
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s play a game
    3 Let’s sing—Last weekend
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Play the game—What is missing
    3 Sing the song—Last weekend
    4 Talk with the teacher
    Lead students to have an overall revision of the key words and phrases of this unit Make a good preparation for the following learning
    1 Let’s check
    (1)Listen and number
    ①Observe the pictures and predict the main ideas
    ②Listen and number the pictures
    ③Listen again and number the phrases
    (2)Read and fill in the blanks
    Lead students to learn to predict the main ideas of the dialogues by observing the pictures
    Test students’ learning achievements of this unit Help students get deeper understanding of the listening context and review the key words and expressions
    2 Let’s wrap it up
    (1)Summarize the regulations
    (2)Read and complete the sentences
    Inspire students to observe and summarize by themselves Cultivate their awareness of grammar and let them learn to express English in a proper and correct way
    3 Fill in the blanks and complete the passage
    Fill in the blanks and complete the passage
    Lead students to pay attention to the whole context before filling in the blanks Learn to read between the lines
    Story time Play the cartoon Ask students to read the story and complete the task
    1 Watch the cartoon and answer the question
    2 Read the whole story and fill in the blanks Then check the answers
    3 Watch the cartoon again Practice reading the story in groups
    4 Act out the story
    Review and consolidate the language learned in this unit by reading this interesting story and extend some expressions about how to describe activities in the past time
    1 Remember the key words and phrases of this unit
    2 Have a good command of the regulations of changing the present forms into the past forms of verbs
    3 Do the exercise

    Unit 3 Where did you go

    单元学题谈描述物做事情教学容围绕张鹏John电话解John 没学原John家里探分享John刚刚五假期旅游片等情景展开教学重点听说读写核心句型Where did you go —Did you… —Yes we didNo we didn’t How did you go there听说读写短语rode a horse rode a bike went camping went fishing hurt my foot took pictures went swimming ate fresh food bought gifts
    Ÿ 够听说读写句型Where did you go —Did you… —Yes we didNo we didn’t How did you go there
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运句型Where did you go —Did you… —Yes we didNo we didn’t How did you go there询问回答时间里里坐什交通工具
    Ÿ 够图片文字帮助完成填写表格完成句子等活动
    Ÿ 够图片帮助正确理解朗读关描述发生事情语篇恰运单元学核心句型口头描述发生事情
    Ÿ 够听说读写短语rode a horse rode a bike went camping went fishing hurt my foot took pictures went swimming ate fresh food bought gifts够正确述短语谈描述物做事情
    Ÿ 解新疆风土情:天山新疆葡萄羊肉串骑马等
    Ÿ 建立事物两面观念事坏事没绝相互转换乐观心态面生活
    Ÿ 够通图捕捉关键信息根相关提示完成听前预测
    第课时: Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第二课时: Part A Let’s learn & Listen answer and write
    第三课时: Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第四课时: Part B Let’s learn & Look and say
    第五课时: Part B Read and write
    第六课时: Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
    The first period(第课时)
    Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    Ÿ 够读懂题目求学会听前预测听力重点容
    Ÿ 够运基听力技巧完成部分听力务
    Ÿ 够通听力活动获Let’s talk板块相关信息面话学做准备
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ 够图片教师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    Ÿ 够语境中理解生词短语fell off Labour Day mule Turpan could till意思正确发音
    Ÿ 够通话解新疆风土情
    Ÿ 够正确语音语调意群朗读话进行角色表演
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运wherewhat引导般时特殊疑问句

    ▶ 教学重点
    够情景中运句型—Where did you go over your holiday —I went to… —What did you do —I…谈方做事情
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song—Tell me about your holiday (出示课件)
    3 Review A quick respond game
    The teacher shows some verbs on the PPT Students try to say their past or original forms as soon as possible The fastest one can get a reward

    4 Leadin
    The teacher shows a calendar on the screen (出示课件)
    T What’s the date
    Ss It’s May 1st It’s the Labour Day holiday
    T Where did you go last Labour Day holiday
    Ss I went to…
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    歌曲激发学生学兴趣引入假期话题师生互动游戏方式简单复动词原形式转换回顾单元重点知识通引导学生观察讨图片然引出短语the Labour Day holiday通问答方式引出课讨话题
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Listen and tick or cross②
    (1)T What day is it today
    Ss It’s…
    T We should go to school and have classes on… But John didn’t go to school today Amy called him
    T John answered a phone call from Amy Please read Let’s try first and guess what happened
    (2)Students listen to the recording and try to finish the exercises below
    (3)Listen again and check the answers together (出示课件)
    Show the listening material to help students understand further
    (4)Show the key sentence What happened and the key phrases fell off my bike hurt my foot (出示课件)
    (5)Practice Let’s chant together (课件出示:John骑行车摔倒相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Watch and answer③
    (1)T After school Amy went to John’s home They talked about the Labour Day holiday Try to answer the two questions after you watch the cartoon (课件出示:Let’s talk板块视频)
    ①Where did John go over his holiday
    ②What did he do
    (2) Check the answers
    T Where did John go over his holiday
    Ss He went to Mt Tianshan and Turpan in Xinjiang
    T What did he do
    Ss He rode a horse and saw lots of grapes
    3 Learn the new words and sentences
    (1)Show some pictures to help students understand the word and the phrase (课件出示:Turpanrode a horse相关容)
    Lead students to read the word Turpan and the phrase rode a horse
    (2)Show some pictures to help students learn the words (课件出示:horse mule till could相关容)
    Lead students to read the words mule could till
    (3)Write down the key sentences on the blackboard Lead students to practice —Where did you go over your holiday —I went to… —What did you do —I…
    4 Read and act
    (1)Listen and imitate
    Let students read the text sentence by sentence after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    (2) Let students read freely for one minute After that two students work in a group and read the dialogue
    (3) Let students fill in the blanks on the screen then try to role play without books (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 3 Practice④
    1 Read and underline
    Ask students to read the dialogue and underline all the past forms of verbs
    2 A game What is missing
    Show the key words mule Turpan could till the phrases fell off Labour Day and the sentences —Are you all right —I’m OK now —Did you go to Turpan —Yes we did on the PPT Ask students to read them quickly then say the missing part (课件出示:游戏规相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑤
    1 The teacher shares hisher own PPT about the Labour Day holiday with students (出示课件)
    One student asks the key questions and the teacher answers
    S Where did you go over your holiday
    T I went to Sanya
    S What did you do
    T I went swimming in the sea I also ate lots of fresh fruit
    2 Ask and answer
    Two students work in a group and talk about their last Labour Day holiday
    Make a model
    A Where did you go over your holiday
    B I went to…
    A What did you do
    B I…
    3 Show time
    Students stand up and show their dialogues
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 创设真实情境组织意义务活动展开般时教学避免分强调语法
    2 单元容安排体现浅入深循序渐进原教学中注意创设情境帮助学生化达学致效果
    3 整教学设计流程清晰达成课程教学目标
    4 游戏活动激发学生学兴趣积极性学生问题导引导学生学

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    Ÿ Be able to learn to predict the main content before listening
    Ÿ Be able to finish the exercises by using basic listening skills
    Ÿ Be able to get information and prepare for the following study
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ Be able to understand the dialogue and answer the following questions
    Ÿ Be able to learn the new words and phrases fell off Labour Day mule Turpan could till
    Ÿ Be able to know the local customs about Xinjiang through the dialogue
    Ÿ Be able to role play Read the dialogue correctly
    Ÿ Be able to learn the key sentences Where did you go… What did you do and try to make a dialogue with them
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to use the key sentence structures to talk about places you’ve been to and things you’ve done
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Use the simple past tense correctly in conversation pay attention to the irregular changes in the past tense of verbs
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song—Tell me
    about your holiday
    3 Review
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing the song
    3 Review verbs through a game
    4 Answer the teacher’s questions
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning and cultivate their ability of observation Lead in the phrase the Labour Day holiday and the topic
    1 Listen and tick or cross
    Predict and guess
    Listen to the recording and finish the exercises
    Listen again and check the answers together
    Learn the key sentence and phrases
    Chant together
    Help students do listening exercises by using listening skills Learn the sentence and the phrases through the picture
    2 Watch and answer
    Watch the cartoon and answer the questions
    Check the answers
    Use the questions to lead students to learn the new words and sentences in the dialogue Make sure that students can read the dialogue correctly and fluently
    3 Teach the new words and sentences
    Learn and practice the new words and sentences
    4 Read and act
    Read the text in different ways
    Fill in the blanks and role play
    1 Read and underline
    Read the dialogue and underline all the past forms of verbs
    Lead students to practice the key word phrases and sentences and prepare for the next part
    2 A game What is
    Read the key words phrases and sentences on the screen quickly then speak out the missing part
    1 The teacher shares hisher own PPT about the Labour Day holiday with students
    One student asks the key questions and the teacher answers
    Create a natural and real situation Give students an example Cultivate students’ comprehensive language using ability
    2 Ask and answer
    Two students work in a group and talk about their last Labour Day holiday
    3 Show time
    Stand up and show their dialogues
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Listen answer and write

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ 够听说读写短语rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot went fishing
    Ÿ 够恰运部分核心句型—Where did you go last… —I went to… —What did you do there —I…谈周末假日活动
    Listen answer and write
    Ÿ 够听录音获取信息CarlMeimeiMr Guo三昨天活动进行问答完整句子进行书面描述
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 够听说读写动词短语rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot went fishing
    2 够运句型—Where did you go last… —I went to… —What did you do there —I…询问周末假期里做事情作出相应回答
    ▶ 教学难点
    1 注意规动词式变化形式
    2 够创编真实情景中练重点句型
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a game Whackamole
    Whack the mole by reading the word or the phrase in its hand as quickly as possible (出示课件)
    3 Play a chain game
    Look at the pictures of Unit 2 Make a model
    Show the picture watch TV (课件出示:Unit 2陈杰电视图片)
    T Watch
    S1 Watched
    S2 Watched TV
    S3 I watched TV
    S4 I watched TV last Saturday
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    4 Leadin②
    (1)Free talk
    T Hello boys and girls What day is it today
    Ss It’s…
    T How about yesterday
    Ss It was…
    T What did you do yesterday
    Ss I read a booksaw a filmslepthad a cold…
    T Was it interesting
    Ss Yes it wasNo it wasn’t
    T Did you play QQ last weekend
    The teacher shows the picture of QQ (课件出示:QQ登录界面)
    Ss Yes I didNo I didn’t
    T What did you do in your QQ (Tips Chat with your friends Write something Share pictures about the places you went) Do you know we can do the same things in blog
    The teacher shows the picture of blog (课件出示:微博登录界面)
    OK today we’re going to learn something about blog
    (2)The teacher’s blog
    T Do you want to know what I did last week Let’s see
    The teacher shares a blog about the activities last weekend

    T What did I do last SaturdaySundayweekend
    Ss You washed the clothes…
    T We can write and put some pictures in blog We can share everything in blog Today let’s look at John’s blogs
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 2 Presentation③
    1 Show John’s blog about the Labour Day holiday (课件出示:Let’s learn板块左边图片)
    T First let’s look at this blog Please pay attention to the date It was Tuesday May 1st So it was the Labour Day holiday On the Labour Day holiday we often go to some places such as Beijing Qingdao… OK I have a question On the Labour Day holiday where did John go Let’s look at some beautiful pictures and answer this question
    The teacher presents some beautiful pictures of Xinjiang (课件出示:新疆相关图片)
    T Please tell me John went to…
    Ss Xinjiang
    (1)T John went to Xinjiang What did he do there Let’s look at his blog
    Students listen to the recording then answer the question (课件出示:rode a horse相关容)
    T What did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss 骑马Rode a horse
    T Yes He rode a horse
    The teacher shows the word card and students read the phrase rode a horse after the teacher
    T Let’s read the phrases in the pictures
    The teacher presents more pictures (课件出示:rode构成短语图片)
    Ss Rode a horse rode a toy horse rode a cow…
    Practice reading ride rode
    T What did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss 骑马Rode a horse
    T Let’s read Rode rode I rode a horse
    (2)T John rode a horse and what else did he do Let’s go on watching his blog
    Students listen to the recording and then answer the question (课件出示:went camping相关容)
    T What else did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss 野营Went camping
    T You’re right He went camping
    The teacher shows the word card and students read the phrase went camping after the teacher
    Practice reading go went
    T Let’s read the phrases in the pictures
    The teacher presents more pictures (课件出示:went构成短语图片)
    Ss Went swimming went camping went hiking went running went shopping…
    T What did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss He went camping
    T Let’s read Went went I went camping
    (3)T John went camping and what else did he do Let’s go on watching his blog
    Students listen to the recording and then answer the question (课件出示:went fishing相关容)
    T What else did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss 钓鱼Went fishing
    T Yes He went fishing
    The teacher shows the word card and students read the phrase went fishing after the teacher
    T What did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss He went fishing
    T Let’s read Went went I went fishing
    (4)Show John’s blog about the Labour Day holiday again on the PPT (出示课件)
    T What did John do in Xinjiang
    Ss He rode a horse went camping and went fishing
    2 Show John’s blog about last Saturday (课件出示:Let’s learn板块右边图片)
    (1)T Look at his another blog Please look at the date It was Saturday May 12th So it was last Saturday Where did John go last Saturday Let’s look at his blog
    Students listen to the recording and then answer the question (课件出示:a forest park相关容)
    T John went to…
    Ss A forest park
    (2)T John went to a forest park last Saturday What did he do there Let’s go on watching his blog
    Students listen to the recording and then answer the question (课件出示:rode a bike相关容)
    T What did John do last Saturday
    Ss Rode a bike
    T Yes He rode a bike
    The teacher shows the word card and students read the phrase rode a bike after the teacher
    (3)T I rode a bike with my friends Did you ride a bike with your friends or your father Let’s say I rode a bike with my fathermy mother…
    (4)T We know when we ride a bike we must wear a helmet John wore a helmet But what happened Let’s look at his blog
    Students listen to the recording and then answer the question (课件出示:hurt my foot相关容)
    T What happened
    Ss He fell off the bike He hurt his foot
    The teacher shows the word card and students read the phrase hurt my foot after the teacher
    T Let’s read hurt my foot hurt my head…
    The teacher presents more pictures (课件出示:hurt构成短语图片)
    (5)Show John’s blog about last Saturday again on the PPT (出示课件)
    T Let’s look at his blog What did John do
    Ss He rode a bike He hurt his foot
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 3 Practice④
    1 Act and guess
    One student does the actions the others guess which phrase heshe is performing
    2 Read and conclude
    The teacher shows the phrases in this part Students read them and conclude the past forms of the verbs with the help of the teacher

    3 Listen and repeat
    Students read the passages after the teacher (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑤
    1 Listen answer and write
    T John has some friends Who are they
    Ss They are Carl Meimei and Mr Guo (课件出示:Listen answer and write板块图片)
    T Let’s listen What did they do yesterday
    (1)Listen to the recording twice and finish the exercises (课件出示:板块音频练)
    (2)Check the answers Show the listening materials to help students understand further (课件出示:板块听力材料答案)
    (3)Read the answers together
    2 Group work
    Four students work in a group Do a survey Ask your friends the questions in the chart
    Where did you go
    What did you do
    rode a bike

    Make a model Nini went to the park and she rode a bike…
    3 Show time
    Students try to report their surveys
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Share a blog QQ or WeChat
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 整教学环节紧凑流畅较完成教学目标
    2 趣味性活动设计激发学生学兴趣调动学生学热情营造积极学氛围吸引学生注意力
    3 遵循拼读规律教学单词注意学生学方法学策略培养效设计开放性练帮助培养学生发散性思维
    4 基单元整体设计创设教学情景注意话题延续性整体性
    5 联系实际教学学生身境感受知识身边更实际中运学知识

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the phrases rode a horse rode a bike went camping hurt my foot went fishing
    Ÿ Be able to talk about the activities in the past by using the key structures —Where did you go last… —I went to… —What did you do there —I…
    Listen answer and write
    Ÿ Be able to get the right information from listening and use complete sentences to ask and answer the activities in this part
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the verb phrases
    Ÿ Be able to use the key structures to ask people what they did during their weekends or holidays and answer accordingly
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Notice the past tense of irregular verbs
    Ÿ Be able to practice the key structures in real situations
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a game
    3 Play a chain game
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Read the words and the phrases
    3 Play the chain game
    4 Observe the teacher’s blog Talk with the teacher
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning
    Lead them to review the vocabulary and the sentences they have learned before Lead in the new lesson
    1 Show John’s blog about the Labour Day holiday
    Learn the new phrases rode a horse went camping went fishing by answering the question What did John do in Xinjiang
    Help students learn and understand vocabulary better by fully mobilizing their listening and vision
    2 Show John’s blog about last Saturday
    Learn the new phrases rode a bike hurt my foot by answering the question What happened
    1 Act and guess
    One student does the actions the others guess which phrase heshe is performing
    Enliven the class Let students use their ears eyes mouths brains and hands to make it fun to learn Integrating the phrases into a passage can help students have a whole impression of the learning content
    2 Read and conclude
    Read the phrases and conclude the past forms of the verbs
    3 Listen and repeat
    Read the passages after the teacher
    1 Listen answer and write
    Do the listening task in this part
    Listening task and group work can develop students’ ability to use the phrases and the sentences they’ve learned
    2 Group work
    Work in groups of four Do a survey Ask your friends the questions in the chart
    3 Show time
    Report the surveys
    1 Share a blog QQ or WeChat
    2 Do the exercises

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    Ÿ 够读懂题目求学会听前预测
    Ÿ 够运基听力技巧完成旨题细节题
    Ÿ 通听力练获Let’s talk板块物场景信息进入正式话学做准备
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ 够教师帮助助图片理解话意回答话面问题
    Ÿ 够语境中理解生词beach意思正确发音
    Ÿ 够通话解海南三亚海岛风光
    Ÿ 够正确语音语调意群朗读话进行角色表演
    Ÿ 够听说读写情景中恰运句型Where did you do… How did you go there What did you do谈假期活动
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运where whathow引导般时特殊疑问句
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 够听说读写句型—How did you go there —We went there by plane
    2 够情景中运句型Where did you go How did you go there What did you do谈假期活动
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Free talk
    T Hi Good afternoon boys and girls What’s the weather like today Let’s talk about our weekends Where did you go last weekend What did you do there
    Ss …
    2 Play a game
    Read the words and phrases as soon as possible when they are showed one by one (出示课件) If you see a bomb don’t read anything just say boom
    3 Leadin
    Competition What is missing
    T Let’s make a competition Try to remember what you see Then I’ll challenge your memory What is missing You’ll get a sticker if you do well Ready Go(出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    游戏激活学生脑储备中课时相关知识图片中消失物AmyWu Binbin正授新环节做效衔接开课处介绍节课评价方法做较学贴纸面务完成做铺垫
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Listen and circle②
    (1)T Look at the screen (出示课件) Who is missing Where are they
    Ss Amy and Wu Binbin are missing
    T Yes They meet Sarah Now they are talking Let’s listen and circle the right answers (课件出示:Let’s try板块音频练)
    The teacher gives a listening tip when necessary Students try to catch the key words while listening
    (2)Check the answers Show the listening material on the PPT to help students understand further (课件出示:Let’s try板块答案听力材料)
    (3)Show Sarah’s blog about her winter holiday (课件出示:Sarah杭州旅游博客)
    (4)Try to finish the mind map of Sarah’s winter holiday

    T Sarah wants to know Amy’s winter holiday Do you want to know Amy’s holiday What do you want to know about Amy’s holiday Maybe we can ask her
    This is Amy’s blog Let’s look at the pictures and try to guess (课件出示:Amy三亚旅游博客)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Let’s try Let’s talk两板块然巧妙进行衔接博客形式形象呈现出Sarah’s winter holidayAmy’s winter holiday引入Let’s talk话学呈现文前训练学生通观察图片信息猜测文意学策略 旨通加强学生学策略指导培养学生学力
    2 Watch and answer③
    (1)Ask students to watch the video(课件出示:Let’s talk板块视频) Let students answer the questions about Amy’s winter holiday (出示课件)
    (2) Check the answers
    ①Question 1 Where did Amy go
    Show the picture of Sanya (课件出示:三亚相关图片)
    Ss She went to Sanya
    T Did you go to Sanya before Let’s share a video about Sanya
    T Do you like it How was Sanya It was…
    Ss It was so warm…
    ②Question 2 Who did Amy go to Sanya with
    Ss She went there with her family
    ③Question 3 How did she go there
    Show the picture of a map of China (课件出示:中国图图片)
    Ss She went there by plane
    T Why Let’s see the map of China Amy lives in Beijing Sanya is in Hainan Look Hainan is far from Beijing
    ④Question 4 How was the beach
    Show the picture of the beach (课件出示:海滩图片)
    Ss It was beautiful
    ⑤Question 5 What did she do
    Show the picture of Amy’s activities (课件出示:Amy拍游泳图片)
    Ss She took lots of pictures and she also went swimming
    T Let’s read Took pictures—took lots of pictures—took lots of pictures of the beach And she also went swimming
    Ss Took pictures—took lots of pictures—took lots of pictures of the beach And she also went swimming
    (3)Try to finish the mind map of Amy’s winter holiday

    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 3 Practice④
    1 Look listen and imitate
    Let students read the text sentence by sentence after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    2 Read the dialogue
    Let students read freely for one minute Then the teacher asks two students to work in a group Students read the dialogue and they can use the mind map when necessary
    3 Talk about Amy’s holiday
    Show more pictures about Amy’s holiday (出示课件) Ask students to talk about Amy’s holiday
    T Sarah says Can I see your pictures sometime Today Amy shows her pictures on the blog Can you talk about the pictures Maybe we can ask and answer like this Where did she go How did she go there What did she do there
    Ss She went to Sanya She went there by… She…
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    先读听然尝试角色表演复述出课话部分帮助学生进步理解记忆文充分挖掘文资源利Can I see your pictures sometime巧妙引出Amy家呈现旅游片请学起谈Amy旅游片实现拓展环节操练文中核心句型第二称拓展第三称引导学生举反三语境中灵活运新知进行语言交际活动
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑤
    1 Share a video(课件出示:段假期外出旅行视频)
    T Amy’s holiday was great Do you love holidays Now let’s watch a video about a holiday
    2 Work in pairs
    Ask and answer with your partner Finish the chart (出示课件)
    3 The teacher gives a model
    T Let me tell you about my winter holiday I went to…with…over my winter holiday …is far from here So I went there by… The…was beautiful I… … and also… I had a good time over the winter holiday I liked it very much My friend…went to…with… He went there by… The…was beautiful He… … and also… He had a good time over the winter holiday
    4 Show time
    Students try to introduce their holidays to the class
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    通视频形式学生解更关holiday常识时学生梳理出关旅游关键词where how what when who…充分问答教师指导学生运关键语言组句成篇运策略帮助学生进行介绍终完成节课务
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Try to write your own passage about your last wintersummer holiday with the help of the model or the mind map
    2 Preview Wu Binbin’s holiday
    3 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 突出学生学性引导学生独立思考寻找规律变动动提高学生探究纳力
    2 教学环节紧凑逻辑性强课时容做效整合教学层次分明
    3 采种形式调动学生学积极性吸引学生积极投入学中
    4 注重学生学策略培养学生进行听力练前预留时间请学生听容进行预测推断学生进行效听力技巧指导

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    Ÿ Be able to understand the listening exercises Learn to predict before listening
    Ÿ Be able to use listening skills to do the exercises
    Ÿ Get information for Let’s talk by listening practice
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ Be able to understand the dialogue and answer the questions below with the help of the teacher and the pictures
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak and read the word beach
    Ÿ Be able to know the scenery in Hainan
    Ÿ Be able to read the dialogue correctly and role play
    Ÿ Be able to use the key sentence structures to talk about holiday activities
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the key sentences in this part
    Ÿ Be able to use the key sentences to talk about holiday activities in real situations
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to use the key sentence structures to talk about the holiday experience and be able to translate them into a simple text for introduction
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Free talk
    2 Play a game
    3 Leadin
    1 Talk about the weather and last weekend
    2 Play a bomb game
    3 Make a competition What is missing
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning Help students review the knowledge learned before Lead in the new lesson
    1 Listen and circle
    (1)Listen and circle the answers
    (2)Check the answers
    (3)Show Sarah’s and Amy’s blogs about their winter holiday
    (1)Listen and circle
    (2)Check the answers
    (3)Look at the pictures and guess
    the answers to the teacher’s questions
    Try to finish the mind map of Sarah’s winter holiday
    Link Let’s try and Let’s talk in a good way Naturally lead in the dialogue Try to guess the content of Let’s talk by observing the pictures Aim at cultivating students’ independent learning ability
    2 Watch and answer
    (1)Play the video and ask
    questions about Amy’s winter holiday
    (2)Check the answers
    (3)Ask students to finish the
    mind map of Amy’s winter holiday
    (1)Watch the video and answer the questions
    (2)Check the answers
    (3)Try to finish the mind map
    Help students analyze the text Mobilize students’ senses to understand the text Help students sort out the content of the text refine the key sentence structures and help them understand and memorize the text
    1 Look listen and imitate
    Read the text sentence by sentence after the recording
    Help students further understand and remember the text Lead them to apply new language points to communication
    2 Read the dialogue
    Read freely for one minute Then two students work in a group Read the dialogue
    3 Talk about Amy’s holiday
    Talk about Amy’s holiday
    1 Share a video about a holiday
    Enjoy the video
    Instruct students how to use the key words to form sentences And use this strategy to help students make introductions and finally complete the tasks of this class
    2 Work in pairs
    Ask and answer in pairs and then finish the chart
    3 Give a model
    Listen carefully
    4 Show time
    Try to introduce the holidays to the class
    1 Try to write your own passage about your last wintersummer holiday with the help of the model or the mind map
    2 Preview Wu Binbin’s holiday
    3 Do the exercises

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Look and say

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ 够听说读写ate fresh food went swimming took pictures bought gifts等描述假期活动动词短语
    Ÿ 够正确述短语描述假期生活
    Ÿ 够运句型How was your summer holiday询问假期情况
    Look and say
    Ÿ 够运B部分学词汇句型根提供图片相关语言支架描述Andy假期生活培养口语输出力达真实语境中交流目
    ▶ 教学重点
    够听说读写ate fresh food went swimming took pictures bought gifts等描述假期活动动词短语
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频实物教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a game
    T We all had special trips and we did different things during the trips Let’s play a game I say one activity I did during my trip Then a student stands up to repeat my activity and adds one more activity heshe did during hisher trip The next student does the same thing repeating the activities we’ve said then adding a new one Are you ready
    Ss Yes Let’s go
    T I went swimming
    S1 MissMr X went swimming I rode a horse
    S2 MissMr X went swimming S1 rode a horse I went camping

    The winner will get a gift box with the word cards of this lesson
    3 Leadin
    Show the pictures of Let’s learn (课件出示:Let’s learn板块图片)T There are many interesting things during Wu Binbin’s holiday Look at these pictures Try to guess what he did in these pictures
    Ss He went swimming…
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    通接龙游戏带领学生效复已学动词式锻炼学生口语表达力出Let’s learn板块图片学生观察图片猜测课重点容
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Learn the sentence structures②
    T The boy in the pictures is Wu Binbin Now Wu Binbin and Amy are talking about his summer holiday Amy asks Wu Binbin How was your summer holiday Now let’s watch the video and find the answer to this question
    (Write down the sentence How was your summer holiday? on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read it three times
    Play the video of Let’s learn (课件出示:Let’s learn板块视频) Let students listen and watch
    After watching the teacher asks What did Wu Binbin say to Amy How was his summer holiday
    Ss It was good
    T Good answer
    (Write down the sentence It was good on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read it three times

    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    通观视频回答问题整体感知Let’s learn板块容学课重点句型
    2 Learn the phrase ate fresh food③
    (1)Show the first picture in Let’s learn on the PPT (出示课件)
    T Do you know why Wu Binbin’s summer holiday was good
    Ss Because he did lots of interesting things
    T You’re so clever Look at this picture What did he do
    Ss He ate fresh food
    The teacher touches hisher stomach and says I ate lots of fresh food this morning But now I’m still hungry So I want to eat more fresh food
    (Write down the phrase ate fresh food on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read it three times
    Ask students to say the original form of ate And write it down on the blackboard Lead students to read eat—ate for several times
    Two students work in a group Practice the sentence structures
    —What did Wu Binbin do
    —He ate fresh food
    (课件出示:ate fresh food相关容)
    (2)T What fresh food did Wu Binbin eat
    Ss He ate…
    The teacher takes out some fruits They are all fresh food Lead students to think of more fresh food
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Learn the phrase went swimming④
    Show the second picture in Let’s learn on the PPT (出示课件)
    T Look at this picture What did he do
    Ss He went swimming
    T Super Can you show us the action of go swimming
    (Write down the phrase went swimming on the blackboard)
    Ss Yes (Do the action )
    Lead students to read it for three times and do the right action of go swimming together at the same time
    Ask students to say the original form of went And write it down on the blackboard Lead students to read go—went for several times
    Two students work in a group Practice the sentence structures
    —What did Wu Binbin do
    —He went swimming
    (课件出示:went swimming相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    4 Learn the phrase took pictures⑤
    (1)The teacher takes out a camera and does the action of take pictures
    T I like taking pictures I took some pictures of you just now I also took many pictures last week What about you Do you like taking pictures
    Ss Yes
    (2)Show the third picture in Let’s learn on the PPT (出示课件)
    T Look at this picture What did he do
    Ss He took pictures
    T Good answer And what did he take pictures of
    Ss He took pictures of beautiful flowers and a butterfly…
    T Wonderful
    (Write down the phrase took pictures on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read it for three times and do the right action of take pictures together at the same time
    Ask students to say the original form of took And write it down on the blackboard Lead students to read take—took for several times
    Two students work in a group Practice the sentence structures —What did Wu Binbin do
    —He took pictures
    (课件出示:took picture相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    5 Learn the phrase bought gifts⑥
    (1)Show a picture about gifts on the PPT (出示课件)
    T The boy is having a birthday party His mother bought a gift for him Do you like gifts (出示课件)
    Ss Yes
    The teacher takes out some beautiful gift boxes and says I bought some gifts last night I’ll give them to you if you do a good job in the class
    Lead students to read the word gift for three times
    (2)Show the fourth picture in Let’s learn on the PPT (出示课件)
    T Look at this picture What did he do
    Ss He bought gifts
    (Write down the phrase bought gifts on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read it for three times
    Ask students to say the original form of bought And write it down on the blackboard Lead students to read buy—bought for several times
    Two students work in a group Practice the sentence structures
    —What did Wu Binbin do
    —He bought gifts
    (课件出示:bought gifts相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 3 Practice⑦
    1 Watch the cartoon of Let’s learn
    Let students try to read after the cartoon
    2 Magic box
    Ask the first student who gets the gift box to stand up Each time heshe takes out one word card from the gift box and reads it the others do the right action
    3 Challenge time (出示课件)
    Use the PPT to show some pictures But these pictures are not so clear The teacher asks What did he do Ask students to answer
    T What did he do
    S1 He went swimming
    T No he didn’t
    S2 He bought gifts
    T No he didn’t
    At last show the clear picture Ask students to describe it again
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    Look and say
    1 Show the pictures of Look and say (出示课件)
    T Last summer holiday Andy did lots of interesting things too Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks
    2 Check the answers together

    3 Ask and answer
    T Why did Andy ask How much is it
    Ss …
    T He wanted to buy Robin But Robin is not for sale
    4 Group work⑧
    Two students work in a group and try to make a dialogue to describe Andy’s holiday
    Make a model
    A What did Andy do last summer holiday
    B He ate fresh food
    A What did he eat
    B He ate…
    A What did he…

    5 Show time
    The groups that do a good job can get a gift
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Write down the key words on the exercise book
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业P20第题作业应课时作业P28第四题)
    A go swimming B eat fresh food C take pictures D buy gifts

    四重点题Andy朋友讲述年暑假生活分享张片请根图片提示选择合适单词短语 正确形式补全短文
    take pictures happy hot fresh eat go swimming buy a gift
    Last summer holiday Andy 1 ______ many kinds of fruits They were 2 ______ and healthy He also 3 ______ of the fruits The weather was very4 ______ He 5 ______with his father It was cool His good friend Wu Binbin’s birthday is in the summer holiday He 6 ______ for Wu Binbin Wu Binbin liked it very much They were 7 ______in the summer holiday

    1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B
    四1 ate 2 fresh 3 took pictures 4 hot 5 went swimming 6 bought a gift 7 happy
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 节课采接龙游戏导入新课方法新颖达预热课堂目时营造生动活泼课堂气氛
    2 采创设真实场景实物展示肢体语言做动作等种方式教学词汇注意学生学方法学策略培养引导学生学
    3 趣味游戏设计激发学生学兴趣情感教育帮助学生树立正确饮食观
    4 精心设计环节选择科学适合学生教学方法优化课堂结构提高教学效率终收获良教学效果

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the phrases about holiday activities such as ate fresh food went swimming took pictures bought gifts
    Ÿ Be able to use the phrases above correctly to describe the holiday life
    Ÿ Be able to use the sentence How was your summer holiday to ask about someone’s holiday
    Look and say
    Ÿ Be able to use the phrases and the sentence structures learned in Part B to describe Andy’s holiday life according to the pictures and language supports provided Develop the oral output ability to communicate in real context
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the verb phrases about holiday activities
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to use the simple past tense to talk about the things done during the holidays and the feelings
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a game
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Try to say sentences in a chain
    3 Look at the pictures and guess what Wu Binbin did
    The chain game helps students review the past tense of the verbs learned before and trains their oral expression ability Let students try to guess the key points of the lesson before learning
    1 Teach the sentence structures
    Learn the sentence structures by watching the video of Let’s learn and answering the teacher’s questions
    Help students perceive the content of Let’s learn as a whole And teach the key sentence structures in this lesson
    2 Teach the phrase ate
    fresh food
    Observe the picture and answer the teacher’s questions
    Think of more fresh food
    Cultivate students’ ability of independent study Lead students to get emotional education Eat fresh and healthy food
    3 Teach the phrase went
    Observe the picture and answer the teacher’s questions Do the right action
    Train students’ ability to complete the task independently
    4 Teach the phrase took
    Observe the teacher’s action and the picture then answer the teacher’s questions
    Do the right action
    Using real objects and body languages to introduce the new phrase can reduce the difficulty of learning and arouse students’ interest in learning
    5 Teach the phrase bought gifts
    Observe the gift boxes and the picture then answer the teacher’s questions
    Use the situation to lead in the new phrase to make the knowledge more vivid and specific Provide a certain reward to mobilize the learning enthusiasm of students
    1 Play the cartoon ofLet’s learn
    Watch the cartoon and try to read after it
    A variety of games greatly stimulate students’ interest in learning Let students practice what they have learned in the entertainment of challenge
    2 Magic box
    A student reads the phrase in the gift box and the others do the right action
    3 Challenge time
    Guess what people did according to the pictures on the PPT Try to say the right sentences
    Look and say
    1 Show the pictures of
    Look and say
    2 Check the answers together
    3 Ask students a question
    4 Group work
    5 Show time
    1 Watch the pictures and fill in the blanks
    2 Check the answers together
    3 Try to answer the teacher’s question
    4 Try to make a dialogue to describe Andy’s holiday
    5 Show time
    Encourage students to think and use the knowledge learned in the class for oral output Cultivate their ability of cooperation with partners Meet students’ desire for performance
    1 Write down the key words in the exercise book
    2 Do the exercises

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Read and write

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Read and write
    Ÿ 够通图讨预测事开端进步发展激活相关背景知识储备词汇
    Ÿ 够通完成读活动训练语篇中捕捉类型信息思考力
    Ÿ 够正确听说认读单词basket part licked laughed
    Ÿ 够阅读中获取句型口头描述天活动终写出语段
    Ÿ 够明白事坏两面努力坏事转化事
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    1 培养阅读技巧阅读兴趣
    2 学会般时描述发生事情
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频实物等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Prereading①
    1 Greetings
    Say hello to students Divide them into two groups Let them PK by getting more lucky stars to make things become better and better
    2 Chant together
    Show a chant Let students chant with the teacher

    3 Let’s judge Good or bad
    Show some pictures and sentences
    T Say It was good if you think it is good Say It was bad if you think it is bad

    T A girl has some good news and bad news Let’s look at the girl’s weekend

    T Life is full of good news and bad news It was a good weekend but also a bad weekend for the girl Can you think of any good or bad things in your holiday
    Ss I went swimming in my holiday It was good But I hurt my leg It was bad

    T Wonderful Wu Binbin also has good news and bad news Let’s have a look
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    师生起说唱趣味活动中复已学容游戏环节引入good news and bad news话题面学基础
    4 Discuss and answer
    (1)Show pictures in Read and write (课件出示:Read and write板块图片)
    Let students try to answer two questions
    ①How did Wu Binbin meet Max
    ②What will happen next
    Let students discuss in groups and then communicate in class Make a model
    Wu Binbin lost his cap The dog found his cap They will become good friends They will play with each other…
    (2)Let students say the good news and bad news in the pictures
    Check the answers together

    Step 2 Whilereading
    1 Fast reading
    T Wu Binbin and his family had a bad but also good day on April 2 3 rd with the dog Max He wrote a diary about it Let’s read it together
    Ask students to read the diary by themselves Let them try to get more key information and number the pictures
    Check the answers (课件出示:该板块答案)
    2 Careful reading②
    (1)Let students read the first paragraph of the diary carefully This time answer the question What did Wu Binbin’s family do in the morning Underline the key phrases about activities in the book
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Ask one student to answer the question Then check the answer together
    Take out a real basket and put a toy dog in the basket
    T This is a basket We can put many things in it Now the dog is sitting in the basket
    (Write down the word basket on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read it several times Then ask students to pass the basket one by one and read the word at the same time
    (2)Let students read the second paragraph of the diary carefully and answer two questions
    ①What’s the matter with Wu Binbin’s mum
    ②What did they do
    Underline the key phrases about activities in the book
    T What’s the matter with Wu Binbin’s mum
    Ss She didn’t feel well
    T What did they do
    Ss They…
    Then check the answers together

    T What can you do if your mum doesn’t feel well
    Ss I can give hot water to herI can make some delicious food for her…
    T Good girlboy Your mum will be happy OK Let’s go on
    Teach the new words by asking students to do the matching task

    Help students understand the new words part licked laughed by body languages and simple explanations Make a model
    T Let’s play a funny play too S1 you will play the part of a dog I will play the part of Dad Let’s go
    (Write down the new words on the blackboard)
    Lead students to read them several times and do the corresponding actions at the same time
    (3)Task Finish the charts on Page 29
    T What happened to Wu Binbin’s family Please think of the good news and the bad news in Wu Binbin’s diary And write them down in your books
    Ask several students to stand up and read their answers The student who gets the right answer can get a lucky star
    Check the answers together (课件出示:表格答案)
    (4)T How was Wu Binbin’s day
    Ss It was goodIt was bad
    T You’re all right It was a bad day but also a good day
    3 Read again
    (1)Play the recording of Read and write (课件出示:Read and write板块音频) Let students read the diary by following the recording Then read it by themselves with correct sense groups and pausing
    (2)Retell the diary
    Ask students to retell the diary by filling in the blanks on the PPT

    The student who does a good job can get a lucky star
    Step 3 Postreading③
    1 Group work
    Ask students to think and discuss in groups Your bad but also good day
    Encourage students to write it down in their books
    Make a model on the PPT

    2 Show time
    Let some students stand up to read their bad but also good day
    Each one who stands up can get a lucky star
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension④
    1 Enjoy the traditional story 塞翁失马 (出示课件)
    Talk about the good and bad things in the story
    The teacher makes a model: The bad thing is that Saiweng lost his horse The good thing is that the horse came back with another fine horse several months later The bad thing is that his son fell off the horse and hurt his leg The good thing is that…
    2 Emotional education
    T Be happy and try your best in your life As the saying goes Bad luck often brings good luck I wish the lucky stars you’ve got today can help you laugh a lot in your later life
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Read the diary to your parents
    2 Do the exercise (练册应课时作业P29第题)

    licked → dressed → made → rode → sat → took → laughed
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 趣味学中潜移默化渗透阅读技巧提高学生阅读力
    2 课时容较设计教学时量化难简采种方式教学目标够逐步达成
    3 鼓励学生胆开口坚持学生融入课堂做课堂
    4 采分段式教学降低学生学难度培养学生逻辑思维力
    5 板书设计基课重点目然效帮助学生理解重点整文

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    Ÿ Be able to predict the beginning and further development of the diary by observing the pictures Activate relevant background knowledge or vocabulary
    Ÿ Be able to train the ability to think and capture different types of information in the text by completing the exercises after reading
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak and read the words basket part licked laughed
    Ÿ Be able to get useful sentence patterns to describe daily activities orally and finally write a short paragraph
    Ÿ Be able to understand that every coin has two sides and the bad things can be turned into good things through our efforts
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand the diary and complete the following exercises
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Develop reading skills and interest in reading
    Ÿ Learn to describe past events in the simple past tense
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Chant together
    3 Let’s judge Good or bad
    4 Discuss and answer
    (1)Show pictures in Read and write
    (2)Lead students to say
    1 Greetings
    2 Chant together
    3 Say It was good or It was bad
    4 (1) Answer two questions
    (2)Say the good news and the bad news in the pictures
    Lead students to review what they have learned The topic good news and bad news is introduced in the game segment which lays a good foundation for the following study
    1 Fast reading
    Ask students to number the pictures
    Read the diary and number the pictures
    Lead students to read the article independently by reading in sections underlining phrases answering questions matching etc Stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm and improve their participation in class
    2 Careful reading
    Ask questions and give tasks
    Teach the words basket part licked laughed
    Answer the questions and finish the tasks
    3 Read again
    Play the recording of Read and write
    Read the diary after the recording
    Retell the diary by filling in the blanks
    1 Group work
    Think and discuss in groups
    Write down the bad but also good day
    Train students to express themselves
    2 Show time
    Read their works
    1 Enjoy the traditional story
    2 Emotional education
    1 Talk about the good and bad things in the story
    2 Learn the old saying
    Set up a correct world view
    1 Read the diary to your parents
    2 Do the exercise

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s check
    Ÿ 通完成Let’s check第部分听力判断活动检测学生单元核心词汇句型理解
    Ÿ 通完成Let’s check第二部分听录音回答问题考查学生否单元核心词汇句型回答问题
    Ÿ 结合听力活动特点培养学生听前预测惯帮助学生逐渐提高听力水
    Let’s wrap it up
    Ÿ 通图选词填空帮助学生巩固纳规动词式变化形式
    Ÿ 启发学生思维引导学生观察进行纳总结
    ▶ 教学重点
    1 考查学生单元学容掌握情况
    2 掌握动词式变化规般时实际情景中应
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s chant

    3 Leadin
    Pair work Show some pictures and an uncompleted dialogue on the PPT Each time show a pair of matching work on the PPT Two students work in pairs and try to watch and complete the dialogue (出示课件)
    (1) Students stand up to show their dialogues
    A Where did you go last weekend
    B I went to the park
    A What did you do
    B I rode a bike

    T Excellent Let’s go on to the next one This time the questions are a little different (出示课件)
    (2) Students stand up to show their dialogue in pairs again
    In this way the teacher leads students to review and practice using the key sentence patterns
    ① —Where did you go last weekend —I went to…
    ② —What did you do —I…
    ③ —How was your weekend —It was goodnicehappy…
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Let’s check②
    (1)Listen and write T(true) or F(false)
    ①Show the pictures of Let’s check (课件出示:Let’s check板块第部分图片) Let students talk about them
    T What are the pictures about What did they do What happened to himher
    Students freely talk about the pictures one by one for several seconds They can talk like this
    Mike rode a bikeAmy hurt her finger…
    ②Play the recording of this part (课件出示:Let’s check板块音频) Let students listen and write T(true) or F(false)
    ③Check the answers together Ask students to try to correct the wrong answers (课件出示:该部分答案)
    (2)Listen again and answer the questions
    ①Let students pay attention to the questions Ask one student to read them
    Let students try to guess the answers to these questions such as the second and the fourth questions according to the right pictures
    ②Play the recording of this part again (出示课件) Ask students to try to answer these questions and write down the answers in the books
    ③Check the answers together Ask students to check the spelling of the words in pairs or groups (课件出示:Let’s check板块第二部分答案)
    ④Present the listening materials to help students train their listening skills (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Let’s wrap it up③
    (1)Show the original forms of the verbs in this part Let students observe them carefully and try to write their past tense
    Check the answers together
    Divide students into two groups the original group and the past tense group Lead them to read these verbs and their past tense
    (2)Ask students to observe the irregular changes in the past tense of verbs
    T Can you think of more verbs of irregular changes in the past tense
    Ss go—went do—did hurt—hurt fall—fell…
    T Great
    (3) Divide students into five groups Each group chooses one past tense of the verb in this part and try to make a sentence with it
    (4) Show pictures of the dinosaurs in this part (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up板块图片)
    Talk freely about the dinosaurs Make a model
    T Are there any dinosaurs still living in the world now
    Ss No
    T Where can we see them now
    Ss On TVIn the museum…
    T What did they eat
    Ss GrassMeat…
    (5)Ask students to finish the exercises in this part
    Check the answers together Ask students to check the spelling of the words in pairs or groups (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension
    Story time④
    1 The teacher presents a picture of Chang’e (课件出示:嫦娥图片)
    T We all know about Chang’e She lives on the moon Zoom would like to go to the moon Let’s learn something about his travel to the moon
    2 Show the six pictures in this part one by one (课件出示:Story time板块六幅图片)
    Let students observe and guess the main idea of this story
    3 Ask students to read the story by themselves
    (1)Give some questions
    ①How was Zoom’s trip
    ②Where did he go
    ③How did he go there
    ④What did he see
    (2)Let students answer the questions
    4 Ask students to read the story again
    (1) Give two more questions
    ①Did he take any pictures
    ②Why didn’t he take any pictures
    (2)Let students answer the questions
    5 Play the cartoon of this part (出示课件)
    Let students try to read and imitate after the video
    6 Act out the story
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Read Story time to your parents
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 整教学设计侧重培养学生学力学生创设英语环境力争限度学生创造展示发挥智空间
    2 保持学生课堂体位鼓励引导学生动观察动思考动合作动回答促进学生力全面提高
    3 教学程中引入典中华文化事拓展学生课外知识调动学生学兴趣
    4 实施单元整体教学握单元教学目标整体性面全体学生量学生掉队

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s check
    Ÿ Test students’ understanding of the key vocabulary and sentence structures in this unit by completing the exercises in the first section of Let’s check
    Ÿ Let students listen to the recording and answer the questions in the second section of Let’s check to check if they can answer the questions with the key vocabulary and sentence structures
    Ÿ Develop students’ habits of prelistening prediction and help students improve their listening level gradually
    Let’s wrap it up
    Ÿ Fill in the blanks by observing the pictures Help students consolidate and summarize the past tense of irregular verbs
    Ÿ Inspire students to think more Lead them to observe more and make their own generalization and summary
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Test students’ mastery of what they have learned in this unit
    Ÿ Master the changing rules of the past tense of verbs and the application of the simple past tense in real situations
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Apply the vocabulary and sentence patterns of this unit to specific context
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s chant
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Chant
    3 Make dialogues in pairs
    Fully arouse students’ interest in learning Pair work helps students review the content learned before effectively and make a good foreshadowing for the following task teaching
    1 Let’s check
    (1)Listen and write T (true) or F (false)
    ①Show the pictures
    ②Play the recording of this part
    ③Check the answers together
    (1) ①Talk about the pictures before listening
    ②Listen and write T(true) or F(false)
    ③Check the answers together
    Train students to predict the listening content before listening Help students develop certain reading skills Develop students’ learning strategies
    (2)Listen again and answer the questions
    ①Let students pay attention to the questions
    ②Play the recording of this part again
    ③Check the answers together
    ④Present the listening materials
    (2)①Read the questions and try to guess the answers
    ②Try to answer these
    questions and write down the answers
    ③Check the answers together
    ④Train listening skills

    2 Let’s wrap it up
    (1)Show the original forms of the verbs in this part
    (2)Ask students to observe the irregular changes in the past tense of verbs
    (3) Divide students into five groups
    (4)Show pictures of the dinosaurs in this part
    (5)Ask students to finish the exercises in this part
    (1)Observe the original forms of the verbs carefully And try to write their past tense
    (2)Try to say more verbs of irregular changes in the past tense
    (3)Make sentences with the past tense verbs in groups
    (4)Talk about the dinosaurs freely
    (5)Finish the exercises in this part
    Encourage students to observe the irregular changes of verbs and say more similar words which cultivates their independent learning ability Group activities develop students’ group cooperation ability
    Story time
    1 The teacher presents a picture ofChang’e
    2 Show the six pictures in this part one by one
    3 Ask students to read the story by themselves and give some questions
    4 Ask students to read the story again and give two more questions
    5 Play the cartoon of this part
    6 Act out the story
    1 Watch and listen
    2 Observe the pictures and guess the main idea of this story
    3 Read the story and answer the questions
    4 Read the story again and answer two more questions
    5 Try to read and imitate after the video
    6 Act out the story
    Review and reinforce the language learned in this unit by reading an interesting story and add language input
    1 Read Story time to your parents
    2 Do the exercises

    Unit 4 Then and now

    单元学题谈事物物昔变化教学容围绕吴斌斌爷爷爸爸参观学校校史展览馆情景展开教学重点听说读写核心句型There waswere (nonot)…years ago Now there isare… Before Ihesheit was… Now Ihesheit…听说读写单词短语dining hall grass gym ago cycling go cycling iceskate badminton
    Ÿ 够听说读写情景中恰运句型相关词汇There waswere (nonot)…years ago Now there isare…谈描述某方昔
    Ÿ 够听说读写情景中恰运句型相关词汇Before Ihesheit was… Now Ihesheit…谈描述家朋友现变化
    Ÿ 够语境中理解生词短语star easy look up Internet意思正确发音
    Ÿ 鼓励学生烦恼恐惧讲述父母释放心压力保持身心健康
    Ÿ 够语篇中捕捉类型信息提炼文章旨意进行简单推理
    Ÿ 学会网查阅资料学
    第课时 Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第二课时 Part A Let’s learn & Find the mistakes
    第三课时 Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk
    第四课时 Part B Let’s learn & Listen match and say
    第五课时 Part B Read and write
    第六课时 Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up
    The first period(第课时)
    Part A Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    Ÿ 通阅读Let’s try板块够理解题目求听容进行预测
    Ÿ 通听录音够完成Let’s try板块练
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ 通观察谈Let’s talk板块图片PPT教师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    Ÿ 通听录音够正确语音语调意群朗读话组中进行角色表演
    Ÿ 够听说读写情景中恰运There be句型描述某方现状态变化
    Ÿ 够语境中助图片理解新词汇star moon look up Internet意思正确发音
    Ÿ 解类首次登月信息
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    够情景中恰运There be句型描述某方现状态变化
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Revision
    Review the verbs of the past form we’ve learned before
    3 Leadin
    Present two pictures of our hometown one of the present and the other of the past (出示课件)
    T Let’s have a look What’s the difference
    (Write down the topic of this unit Unit 4 Then and now)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Let’s try
    (1) Present the picture of our school②(课件出示:张校现图片)
    T Our hometown changed a lot So did the school What’s our school like
    Ss It’s bigcleanbeautiful…
    T Do you know what the school was like many years ago Is it different now
    Lead students to guess and predict
    T Did the school change a little or a lot
    Ss I think it changed…
    T Did the school have computers then
    Ss No it didn’t
    T So students couldn’t use the Internet then And they couldn’t look things up on the Internet
    Present the new words Internet and look up Learn the new words Read them in syllables after the teacher (课件出示:Internetlook up相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    创设情境引导学生关注学校昔猜测学校样子引出学生词Internetlook up
    (2)T Did your parents go to the same school as you What about your grandparents
    Ss Yes my…went to the same schoolNo they didn’t
    T Wu Binbin’s grandpa went to the same school as Wu Binbin many years ago Now he is a guest visiting the school
    Present the exercise of Let’s try ③ (课件出示:Let’s try板块练) Play the recording(出示课件)Let students listen and tick or cross Listen again Check the answers Then answer the question
    T How did Wu Binbin’s grandfather learn in his old school
    Ss He listened to the teachers and read lots of books
    (3) Let students read the listening materials and learn the key sentences (课件出示:Let’s try板块听力材料)

    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    2 Read and predict④
    Present the picture of Let’s talk (出示课件)
    T Grandpa is visiting Wu Binbin’s school What can you see in Wu Binbin’s school
    Ss We can see a playgrounda librarya classroom…
    T Great job What was Grandpa’s school like Was there a playgroundlibrary in Grandpa’s old school
    Ss (Guess)…
    T Can you predict what they are talking about
    Ss They are talking about Grandpa’s old school
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    3 Watch and answer⑤
    (1)Play the video of Let’s talk (课件出示:Let’s talk板块视频) Let students get the main idea of the dialogue and answer the questions

    (2)Check the answers

    (3)Check the predictions of Grandpa’s school

    (4)Present the judging clues and teach the key sentences

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    4 Get more details⑥
    Students read again and find out the answers to these questions

    Check the answers

    Watch a short video (课件出示:美国首次登月相关视频) Learn something about American’s first landing on the moon
    Present and teach the words moon and star (课件出示:moonstar相关容)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Make sentences⑦
    T Who is going to visit the moon one day
    Ss Sarah
    T Do you want to go to the moon What are you going to do one day Try to make sentences using I’m going to… and then make a brief summary of the usage of this key sentence pattern (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    2 Read and act⑧
    (1)Let students read after the recording and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation (课件出示:Let’s talk板块音频)
    (2)Let students practice the dialogue in roles in groups
    (3)Act out
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    3 Fill in the blanks⑨
    Compare Grandpa’s school with Wu Binbin’s school What are the differences between now and then Let students pay attention to the forms of verbs then fill in the blanks and complete the chart
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑨
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑩
    1 Make a presentation
    T What was your school like five years ago What is it like now Draw your pictures Then discuss and make a presentation Show the pictures you draw and talk about them You can use the sentence patterns
    Five years ago there waswere (nonot)… Now there isare…
    2 Talk about the differences in your life
    T How was your life in the past How is your life now There are some clues on the PPT (出示课件) Work in groups and discuss You can use these sentence patterns
    There were no…many years ago But there are…now
    Ask several groups to make a report
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑩
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计清晰层次感达成课程教学目标实现教学重难点突破
    2 学生活动设计丰富详实层层递进浅入深注重学生思维激发引导培养学生学力
    3 利直观生动图片视频课件辅助教学激发学生学兴趣更帮助学生理解生词文
    4 通创设语言情境帮助学生情景中真实然学语言
    5 板书设计清晰明重点词汇句型突出起辅助作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    Ÿ Be able to predict the main content of the listening part by reading the sentences
    Ÿ Be able to understand the recording and complete the exercise tick or cross
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue and answer the questions below the dialogue
    Ÿ Be able to read the dialogue correctly and then act out
    Ÿ Be able to use There be sentence structure properly to describe the changes from the past to the present
    Ÿ Be able to understand and read the new words star moon look up Internet
    Ÿ Know something about man’s first landing on the moon
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence tructures
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Use There be sentence pattern properly to describe the changes from the past to the present
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Revision
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Review the verbs of the past form
    3 Describe the changes in their
    Review the key words and sentence structures quickly and get prepared for the following learning Lead in the topic of this class
    1 Let’s try
    (1) Present the picture
    (2) Present the exercise of Let’s try
    Ask a question (3) Teach the key sentences
    (1) Look at the picture Predict the changes of our school
    (2) Listen and tick or cross Listen again and check the answers 
    Answer the question
    (3) Read and learn
    Create a scene to lead students to predict the changes of our school and lead in the new words Get to know the background of the dialogue through listening activities
    2 Read and predict
    Read the picture and guess the differences between Wu Binbin’s school and Grandpa’s school Predict the main ideas of this dialogue
    Cultivate students’ ability of observation and logical thinking through prediction Get a good preparation for the following learning
    3 Watch and answer
    (1)Play the video and ask questions
    (2)Check the answers
    (3)Check the predictions
    (4)Teach the key sentences
    (1)Watch and answer
    (2)Check the answers
    (3)Check the prediction
    (4)Learn the key sentences
    Lead students to get deeper understanding of the content
    4 Get more details
    Answer the questions
    Learn about human’s first landing on the moon
    1 Make sentences
    Try to make sentences using I’m going to… and then make a brief summary of the usage of this sentence structure
    Practice the key sentences and get prepared for the next part
    2 Read and act
    Read and practice in groups Then act out and read in roles
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    3 Fill in the blanks
    Fill in the blanks
    Learn to catch key words while reading Get a better understanding of the content through the blank filling
    1 Make a presentation
    Draw pictures Then discuss and make a presentation
    Consolidate students’ ability of using the target language reasonably and properly
    2 Show some clues and ask students to talk about the differences in their life
    Talk about the differences of the life from the past to the present
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises

    The second period(第二课时)
    Part A Let’s learn & Find the mistakes

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ 通图片课件展示等方式够听说读写单词短语dining hall grass gym ago表示时间短语…years ago …months ago last year last month
    Ÿ 够熟练运述单词短语恰运There be句型时态描述某方现状态够学种时态中表示时间短语进行类
    Find the mistakes
    Ÿ 够完成Find the mistakes板块找错环节够课学核心词汇句型结合图片信息唐百姓生活条件状态进行描述
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    够情境中恰运There be句型时态描述某方现状态
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin
    1 Greetings
    T Hello boys and girls How are you today
    Ss I’m fine thank you
    T How is our school today
    Ss It’s cleanbeautifulquietnice…
    T Great job Do you like our school
    Ss …
    2 Guessing time① (出示课件)
    Play a guessing game Guess what place it is in the school
    ①You can read books in it What is it (library)
    ②There are teachers in it They often work there (teachers’ office)
    ③You often use computers in it (computer room)
    ④You often draw pictures in it (art room)
    ⑤You often sing songs in it (music room)
    3 Leadin②
    Present the picture of Wu Binbin’s school (出示课件)
    T Now Wu Binbin and his father are talking about their school What is Wu Binbin’s school like?Ss It’s… There isare…in the school
    Extend the words playground buildings
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 2 Presentation③
    1 Learn the word grass
    Point to the playground and the grass
    T Look at this green part We can see the…
    Ss Playground and the grass
    Present the word grass and let students read the word after the recording (出示课件)
    T Grass can make our school green and…
    Ss NiceBeautiful…
    2 Learn the word gym
    (1)Look at this building on the grass
    T What building is it
    Ss (Guess)
    T Great It’s a gym
    Present the word gym and let students read the word after the recording (出示课件)
    (2)Free talk
    The teacher makes a model first and students brainstorm the relevant words
    T What can we do in the gym
    Ss We can play basketballpingpongtennis…
    Conduct the free talk in pairs Talk about the things students can do on the playground in the gym computer room and teaching buildings Then let students act out (出示课件)
    T What can we do in the…
    Ss We can…
    3 Learn the phrase dining hall
    T Where can we have breakfast and lunch
    Ss In the dining hall
    T Well done
    Present the phrase dining hall and let students read the phrase after the recording (出示课件)
    Play the video of the words learned in Let’s learn (课件出示:Let’s learn板块视频) Listen read and point to the relevant buildings
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    4 Learn the word ago④
    (1)T Watch the video of Let’s learn (出示课件) Think about these two questions

    Ss No there wasn’t a gym in the school twenty years ago But there is a new one in the school now
    Present the word ago (出示课件)
    Let students read the word after the recording Then teach the usage of the word ago in details
    (2) Present the calendar of years in the past two decades Teach how to express …ago (出示课件)
    Present the calendar of the recent years Teach how to express last weekmonthyear (课件出示:年日历)
    (3) Work in groups⑤

    Answer We can divide them into three different time categories (出示课件)
    Observe these words and phrases Try to make a brief summary of how to use the adverbial expressions of time
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Listen and match⑥
    T Wu Binbin’s school changed a lot It was not the same as it was before How did it change Listen to the supplementary listening (出示课件) and match the buildings to the time (课件出示:建筑物时间连线练)
    2 Practice the dialogue
    (1) Ask student to listen and read after the recording (出示课件)
    (2) Let students read the dialogue in pairs
    (3) Let students read the dialogue in roles Boys play the role of Father Girls play the role of Son
    3 Practice the sentence structure⑦
    Students try to make a brief summary and then the teacher tells students how to use There be sentence structure Then present the usage of it Pay attention to its singular and plural forms At last show the tips (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    先学生根旧知课学新知尝试总结There be句型方法培养学生学力通创编口诀帮助学生记忆解There be句型方法
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Look and complete
    Look at some pictures and words Use There be and the adverbial expressions of time to complete the sentences (出示课件)
    2 Find the mistakes⑧
    T Look at the picture in the book It was in the Tang Dynasty a period of the old times but there were many strange things in the picture We can see these things in our present life but we couldn’t see them in ancient times Can you find the mistakes
    (1) Make a model
    T At that time there were no gyms People didn’t go by bus People couldn’t use the Internet Circle the relevant parts on the picture
    Show them on the PPT (出示课件)
    (2) Lead students to complete the sentences and circle the mistakes on the picture
    At that time there ________ no motels(汽车旅馆)
    At that time there ________ no ________
    At that time there ________ no ________
    Answers were were cinemas were post offices
    (3)Let students find out more mistakes
    At that time there ________ no ________
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    3 Work in groups⑨
    Present some pictures of the life in ancient times on the PPT (课件出示:张古代生活图片)
    T So there are many differences between the life in the present and the life in the past Do you know more about the ancient times
    Work in groups Talk and say (出示课件)
    Ss At that time people… There waswere…
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑨
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises (练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计层层递进学程潜移默化丰富教学活动推进程中逐步实现教学重难点突破终达设定课程教学目标
    2 词汇句型呈现注重情境创设引导学生具体语境中学语言充分利丰富图片媒体资源辅助教学帮助学生理解记忆
    3 教学活动中问题导引导学生新学容进行观察预测学知识进行纳总结培养学生观察力逻辑思维力重视思维品质培养
    4 通重知识点梳理纳帮助学生更系统掌握语言知识提高语言表达准确性

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the new words dining hall grass gym ago and master the adverbial expressions of time …years ago … months ago last year last month
    Ÿ Be able to skillfully use There be sentence structures to describe the differences of someplace from the past to the present
    Find the mistakes
    Ÿ Be able to complete the exercise of Find the mistakes Use the words and sentence patterns learned in Part A to describe people’s life in the Tang Dynasty
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence patterns
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to use There be sentence pattern properly to describe the differences of someplace from the past to the present
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Guessing time
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Guess what place it is in the school
    3 Describe Wu Binbin’s school
    Review the expressions learned before through a game and create a scene to lead students to observe the picture and activate their relevant vocabulary Get them prepared for the following learning
    1 Teach the word grass
    Talk with the teacher and learn the word grass
    The teacher creates a real scene to lead in the new words Lead students to combine the knowledge they’ve learned with the new knowledge Extend and enrich their expressions while learning
    Lead students to classify and
    conclude the adverbial expressions of time systematically
    2 Teach the word gym
    (1)Present the wordgym
    (2)Make a model
    (1)Learn the word gym
    (2)Free talk
    3 Teach the phrasedining hall
    Talk with the teacher Watch the video and learn the phrase dining hall
    4 Teach the word ago
    (1)Present the video and ask the questions
    (2)Present the calendars
    (3)Lead students to work in groups
    (1)Watch the video and answer the questions
    (2)Learn how to express …ago last…
    (3)Work in groups
    1 Listen and match
    Listen to the supplementary listening Match the buildings to the time
    Extend the dialogue with a supplementary listening material Help students understand the key words and phrases while listening
    2 Practice the dialogue
    (1)Listen and read
    (2)Read in pairs
    (3)Read in roles
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    3 Practice the sentence structure
    Make a brief summary of how to use There be sentence structure
    Lead students to conclude the usage of There be sentence structure Cultivate their ability of independent learning Use a chant to help them understand and memorize better
    1 Look and complete
    Use There be and the adverbial expressions of time to complete the sentences
    The activity of completing the sentences with the help of the pictures and the content can help students understand the simple present tense and the simple past tense better
    2 Find the mistakes
    (1) Make a model
    (2)Lead students to do exercises
    (3)Let students find out more mistakes
    (1)Watch the model on the PPT
    (2)Complete the sentences and circle the mistakes on the picture
    (3)Find out more mistakes
    The mistakefinding activity can effectively arouse students’ interest in learning and expressing It can also consolidate There be sentence structure and the adverbial expressions of time they’ve learned in Part A Get to know about the life of the Tang Dynasty
    3 Work in groups
    Work in groups Talk about the life in ancient times
    Extend students’ expressions and help them learn more about the life in ancient times Promote students’ comprehensive abilities of using English
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises

    The third period(第三课时)
    Part B Let’s try & Let’s talk

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s try
    Ÿ 通阅读Let’s try板块够听力容进行预测
    Ÿ 通听录音够听懂解答Let’s try板块问题选出正确答案
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ 通观察谈Let’s talk板块图片PPT教师帮助理解话意回答话面问题
    Ÿ 通模仿录音音频够正确语音语调意群朗读话组中进行角色表演
    Ÿ 够听说读写情景中恰运句型Before Iheshe was… Before Iheshe didn’t… Now Iheshe amis…等描述变化
    Ÿ 够语境中助图片情境等理解change different active go cycling等新词意思正确发音
    ▶ 教学重点
    够听懂Let’s talk板块话掌握节课重点句型实际情景中交流
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频学生备老片相册等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a video①
    Write down the topic Unit 4 Then and now on the blackboard and enjoy a video about the great changes that have taken place in our motherland in the recent 70 years (课件出示:中国70年变化视频)
    T Do you want to say something about the video
    Ss Our motherland changed a lot(七十年祖国变化巨)
    T Yes you’re right We can see great changes in our motherland for the recent 70 years in this video
    (Write down the word change on the blackboard)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    3 Leadin②
    The teacher shows an old photo (出示课件)
    T Guess Who is it
    Ss Your sister…T Haha… It’s me I changed a lot I’m different from what I was before
    The teacher shows a table on the blackboard

    T Look at the following photos (出示课件)OK If you were me please talk about the changes in the old photos
    S1 Before I was short Now I am tall
    S2 Before I was fat Now I am thin
    T Yes you are right And Before I was quiet Now I am active
    Show a picture of a bike (课件出示:幅行车图片)③
    T What’s this
    Ss It’s a bike
    T Right Can you ride your bike
    (Write down ride the bike in the table)
    S1 Yes I can
    S2 No I can’t
    (Write down couldn’t in front of ride the bike in the table)
    T Never mind Because you’re short now I was short before I couldn’t ride my bike then But I am tall now I go cycling every day (出示课件) Go cycling means ride my bike
    (Write down go cycling every day in the table)
    Look at the table on the blackboard
    couldn’t ride the bike
    go cycling every day
    T This is my change table I’m very different now How about Mike and his friends What are they talking about
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    学生交谈中引出短语couldn’t ride my bike 情境中学生理解couldn’tcan’t 式通图片复已学短语ride my bike学义短语go cycling
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Let’s try④
    (1)Show the questions of Let’s try on the PPT (出示课件) Let students predict and guess the answers
    (2)Play the recording of Let’s try (出示课件) Let students try to choose the right answers
    (3)Let students read the dialogue and check the answers together with the teacher
    T Good They are talking about Mike’s old photos Mike was in Grade 1
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    认真倾听录音话根Let’s try板块提问选项提示预测话谈容Mike年级
    2 Read and predict⑤
    (1)How did Mike change
    Present the pictures of Let’s talk (课件出示:Let’s talk板块图片)
    T Come and look at Mike’s photo (Point to the first picture) Is it old or new
    Ss Old
    T Good After five years Mike has changed a lot (Point to the second picture) Can you find the changes in Mike
    S1 Before he was short
    T Wonderful Before he was short But now he is tall Just look at his Tshirt in the first picture What colour is it
    Ss Pink
    T Yes Mike was wearing a pink Tshirt in this photo Did he like pink before
    Ss Yes he liked pink before
    (Write down liked pink in the table on the blackboard)⑥

    liked pink

    T Mike liked pink five years ago How about now Please listen and fill in the table
    Play the recording and ask students to answer Write down the phrase doesn’t like pink in the table
    T What else How did Mike change Listen and underline his changes in your books
    Ask students to answer the questions and fill in the table

    liked pink quiet
    doesn’t like pink active in class
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Let’s try板块创设情景引入Mike昔改变首先出示Mike老片学生观察前现学生确认前片教师引导学生观察Mike穿着引出句子He’s wearing a pink Tshirt引导学生观察T恤衫颜色
    (2)How did John change
    Present the picture of John (出示课件)
    T OK boys and girls you have changed a lot You are different now How about John Read and underline his changes in your books
    Ask students to answer the question and fill in the table

    liked pink quiet
    doesn’t like pink active in class
    couldn’t ride his bike
    goes cycling every day
    Lead students to retell Before John couldn’t ride his bike well Now he goes cycling every day⑦
    T Excellent Now John goes cycling every day That’s good exercise Do you like it OK Green travel start from me
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    通学go cycling 教师适时提出绿色出行做起倡议树立学生环保意识
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Listen and imitate
    T Now listen to the recording and imitate the dialogue While reading please pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    Let students listen to the recording and imitate (课件出示:Let’s talk板块音频)
    2 Read the dialogue by yourselves
    3 Think and complete the dialogue⑧
    Present the incomplete dialogue on the PPT (出示课件) Ask students to fill in it
    4 Read in roles and act out
    (1)T Now let’s read in roles One is Chen Jie one is John and another one is Mike Practice in groups of three
    Students practice in groups
    (2)Show time
    (3)Retell the dialogue
    T Now look at the blackboard and retell the dialogue like Before Mike liked pink Now he doesn’t like pink
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑨
    1 How did your classmates change
    T Look at your classmates’ old photos and talk about their changes You can use these sentence structures (出示课件)
    Ask several students to make sentences (课件出示:两三组学昔图语言支架)
    2 Create a dialogue⑩
    T Take out your old photos now How did you change How did your family members or friends change Talk about them with your partners Then create a dialogue
    Practice in groups and act it out in class (课件出示:段创编话)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑨
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑩
    学生My old photos题组交流创话课堂展示旨提升学生语言综合运力
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学流程清晰渡然流畅重点突出逐步引导学生完成课教学目标完成语言输出
    2 教师利图片视频等手段创设教学情境吸引学生注意力激发学生学兴趣更直观理解新词汇新句型等容
    3 通创设种语言情境学生情境中真实然运学语言进行交流达学致效果
    4 板书设计简练重点词汇句型目然学生够利板书容复述课文起辅助教学作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s try
    Ÿ Be able to predict the main content of the listening part by reading the questions
    Ÿ Be able to understand the recording and choose the right answers
    Let’s talk
    Ÿ Be able to understand the main idea of the dialogue by observing the pictures and answering the questions below the dialogue
    Ÿ Be able to read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally and then act out
    Ÿ Be able to understand and read the words change different active and the phrase go cycling
    Ÿ Be able to use the sentence structures Before Iheshe didn’t… properly to describe the changes in personality hobbies behavior of yourself and others
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand and master the key sentence patterns and communicate in real situations
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to use the sentence structures to complete activities describing changes in personality hobbies behavior of yourself and others
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Present the topic and play a video
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Watch a video and say something about the video
    3 Learn the words before active and the phrase go cycling
    Help students understand the meaning of the words change different before active and the phrase go cycling through the video pictures or situations
    1 Let’s try
    (1)Show the questions ofLet’s try on the PPT
    (2) Play the recording of Let’s try
    (3) Let students read and check
    (1) Look at the pictures Predict what the dialogue is about and Mike’s grade
    (2) Listen and choose the right answers
    (3) Read and check the answers
    Lead students to predict the main idea of the dialogue and some key information
    2 Read and predict
    (1) How did Mike change
    (2) How did John change
    (1) Look at Mike’s old photos
    (2) Describe the changes between John’s past and present
    Lead students to learn the key sentence structures Cultivate students’ ability of observation and logical thinking through prediction
    1 Listen and imitate
    Read the dialogue fluently correctly and emotionally
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally Practice the key sentence structures Get students prepared for the language output
    2 Let students read the dialogue
    3 Present the incomplete thedialogue
    Read the dialogue Think and complete the dialogue
    4 Read in roles and act out
    (1) Practice in groups of three
    (2) Show time read in roles
    (3) Retell the dialogue
    1 How did your classmates change
    Look at the photos and talk about their changes
    Consolidate students’ ability of using the target language properly and reasonably
    2 Create a dialogue
    Create a dialogue about changes of family members or friends and act it out
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Part B Let’s learn & Listen match and say

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ 通图片课件等方式学够听说读写单词短语go cycling iceskate play badminton
    Ÿ 够熟练运述单词短语情境中结合适句型Before Iheshe… couldn’tdidn’t like… Now Iheshe…介绍事物喜变化
    Ÿ 够教师引导梳理纳已学关运动单词短语
    Listen match and say
    Ÿ 够完成Listen match and say板块务根听信息进行匹配活动
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频单词卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing—Seasons Song
    T Let’s sing a very cheerful song—Seasons Song I’m sure you’ll like it(出示课件)
    3 Leadin
    Show the word cards of the four seasons
    T Which season do you like best?
    Ss I like…best
    T What can you do in…
    Ss I can…
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation②
    1 Learn the phrase go cycling
    T In different seasons the weather is different We can do lots of different activities Brainstorm the relative activities
    T It’s warm in spring What activities can you do(课件出示:春天景色图)
    Ss I can fly a kitehave a picnicplant treesgo hikinggo cycling…(Write down the relative phrases on the blackboard)
    Teach the word cycle and the phrase go cycling When cycle performs as a noun it means bike When it performs as a verb it means ride a bike And we can also say go cycling Let students read the phrase after the recording (课件出示:go cycling图片音频)
    2 Learn the phrase play badminton
    T How do you feel in autumn cool or cold (课件出示:秋天景色图)
    Ss I feel cool
    T Yes the cool weather is very good for many sports What sports can you do in autumn
    Ss I can play pingpongbasketballfootballbadminton…
    Teach the phrase play badminton Lead students to read and memorize the word badminton in syllables Let students read the phrase after the recording (课件出示:play badminton图片音频)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    3 Learn the sentence structures I didn’t…before I thought it was…③
    T Do you like swimming in autumn?Why
    Ss Yes I doNo I don’t Because…
    T Wow you are very brave I think you must be very strongI don’t like swimming in autumn either because the water in autumn is a little cold
    T When do you usually swim
    Ss We often swim in summer
    T Yes because it’s too hot in summer But swimming can make us feel very cool I didn’t like summer before I thought it was too hot But now I love summer because swimming is great fun (课件出示:夏日海边图)
    Teach the sentence patterns Ask students to pay attention to the verb forms in the simple past tense (出示课件)
    T Did you like summer before
    Ss Yes I did No I didn’t I thought it was…
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    通现喜变化导入课核心句型I didn’t…before I thought it… 引导学生关注时态变化动词形式注意语言表达准确性
    4 Learn the word iceskate
    T What’s the opposite season of summer
    Ss It’s winter (课件出示:冬天景色图)
    Present the picture of Wu Binbin (课件出示:Wu Binbin滑冰图)
    T Look What’s Wu Binbin doing in winter
    Ss He’s iceskating
    Teach the word iceskate Lead students to pay attention to the combination regulation of this word and know something about compound words Ask students to read the new words after the teacher Let them read individually in groups or in roles Make sure students can read go cycling iceskate play badminton correctly loudly and clearly
    5 Let’s learn④
    Play the video of Let’s learn (课件出示:Let’s learn板块视频) Let students watch it and think about these two questions Then check the answers

    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Practice the dialogue
    (1) Ask students to listen and read after the video (出示课件)
    (2) Let students read the dialogue in pairs
    (3) Let students read the dialogue in roles Boys play the role of Wu Binbin Girls play the role of Mike
    2 Look and say⑤
    Ask students to complete the sentences according to the pictures (出示课件)
    Lead students to observe the pictures to find clues Then let students fill in the blanks

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    3 Free Talk⑥
    T What season didn’t you like before Why didn’t you like it Do you like it now You can make free talks with your group partners Work in groups and then share your opinions

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension⑦
    1 Listen match and say
    (1) Lead students to look at the pictures and make a quick review of the relative key words and phrases (课件出示:Listen match and say板块图片) Then ask students to listen and match the pictures
    (2) Let students listen again and check the answers with the teacher
    (3) Let students read the listening materials after the recordings and pay attention to their changes while listening (出示课件)
    2 Let’s say
    Students complete the sentences according to the pictures Try to describe their changes between the past and the present

    ◆ Teaching purpose
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 欢快歌曲导入迅速激发学生注意力学兴趣直观生动图片媒体资源辅助教学效提升学生核心语言点理解记忆
    2 通创设情境呈现核心词汇句型层层递进词逐句学程潜移默化学生情境中理解情境中表达
    3 教学程中活动导引导学生教学活动中体验语言知识达成力目标重视学生引导学力培养更发挥学生体作
    4 板书结构清晰明核心词汇句型突出效帮助总结课重点注意时学生课堂生成性亮点表达进行板书力鼓励表扬

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s learn
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the word and phrasesgo cycling iceskate play badminton
    Ÿ Be able to skillfully use the sentence patterns Before Iheshe…couldn’tdidn’t like… Now Iheshe…to describe the changes in someone’s likes or dislikes in situations
    Ÿ Be able to arrange and summarize the sports relative words or phrases with the teacher’s help of the teacher
    Listen match and say
    Ÿ Be able to complete the exercise of Listen match and say and match the pictures according to the listening materials
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand and master the key words and sentence patterns
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to use the sentence patterns Before Iheshe… Now Iheshe… to describe the changes in someone’s likes or dislikes in situations
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing Seasons Song
    3 Talk about your favourite season
    Lead in the lesson through a cheerful song Activate students’ attention and participation in class Talk with students about their favourite seasons and lead in the topic of this class
    1 Teach the phrase go cycling
    Brainstorm the relative activities people can do in spring
    Creates a real scene to lead in the topic of seasons weather and activities Activate students’ vocabulary of relevant activities Lead in the new words naturally and lead students to learn the target language
    2 Teach the phraseplay badminton
    Talk freely about the activities we can do in autumn
    3 Teach the sentence structures
    Learn the sentence patterns I didn’t… before I thought it was…
    Lead in the key sentence patterns through the changes in likes and dislikes between the past and the present Lead students to pay attention to the tense and the forms of verbs
    4 Teach the word
    Learn the new word through brief talks with the teacher
    5 Let’s learn
    Watch the video of Let’s learn Answer the two questions
    Use the questions to lead students to pay attention to the details of the dialogue Deepen students’ understanding of the dialogue
    1 Practice the dialogue
    (1) Listen and read
    (2) Read in pairs
    (3) Read in roles
    Make sure students can read the dialogue correctly fluently and emotionally
    2 Look and say
    Complete the sentences according to the pictures
    Help students to practice the knowledge they’ve learned in this class
    3 Free talk
    Make free talks with partners
    Help students to use the words they’ve learned to describe their changes in likes and dislikes between the past and the present Promote students’ ability of applying the target languages to real communication
    1 Listen match and say
    Listen and match the pictures
    Consolidate the key words and sentence patterns of this class Pay attention to the cultivation of listening strategies Lead students to learn to predict the listening content before listening Use the postlistening exercise to reconsolidate the key points of this class Extend students’ personal expressions through a sentencemaking activity
    2 Let’s say
    Complete the sentences according to the pictures and then make new sentences
    1 Practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Read and write

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Read and write
    Ÿ 够正确听说认读单词race nothing thought felt cheetah trip woke dream
    Ÿ 够听懂理解朗读重点句子There were many animals in that race But suddenly he tripped and fell
    Ÿ 够图片教师引导文容进行预测
    Ÿ 够理解文根文信息图片排序话模式文中填合适容
    Ÿ 够结合实际模仿课文文写篇关梦境语篇
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Prereading
    1 Greetings
    Greet the students Divide them into several groups The group can get more points if they act bravely actively and are openminded in class
    2 A story—The Race Between Tortoise and Hare ①
    (1) Present the book cover of this story (课件出示:龟兔赛跑图片race相关容) We all know the story of The Race Between Tortoise and Hare Highlight the word race Read and learn the new word Guess its meaning according to the picture
    (2)T There were so many animals They were watching the race The hare ran… but the tortoise was…
    Ss fast slow
    Present the opposite words fast and slow Use two GIF pictures to highlight their opposite meanings (课件出示:动图fastslow)
    (3)T Who won the race in the end
    Ss The tortoise
    T Why We know the hare could run faster
    Ss Because the hare slept and had a dream during the race
    T Oh dear What a dream The dream made the hare failed the race
    Present the word dream Students read and learn the new word (课件出示:dream相关容)
    (4)T How did the hare feel when he lost the race?②
    Ss He felt sadunhappyangry…
    Present the words feel—felt (课件出示:felt相关容) Students learn the new word
    T How will you feel if you lose?
    Ss I feel sadfineOK…
    T I think it’s OK to lose a race We will get a second chance one day We can try harder next time
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    利学熟知事龟兔赛跑助图片语境引导学生理解学race fast slow dream felt面学语篇扫清部分阅读障碍
    ◆ Teaching purpose②

    3 Leadin③
    T What animals can run faster than a hare
    Ss …
    T What is the fastest land animal
    Ss The cheetah
    Present the new word cheetah Students read the word after the recording (课件出示:cheetah相关容)
    T If other animals have a race with a cheetah will they feel worried about the race
    Ss … (Students share their different opinions)
    T Do you have anything to worry about What makes you feel worried
    Ss …
    (课件出示:Read and write板块第部分练)
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 2 Whilereading
    1 Predict the dream④
    Present the pictures of Read and write Ask students to look at them and the predict (课件出示:Read and write板块相应图片)
    T Something worried Wu Binbin too He felt very worried But it was not in real life It was in his dream What did Wu Binbin dream about Predict what made him worried
    Ss He dreamed he had a race with his fatherHe dreamed he ran very slowly…
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    2 Fast reading⑤
    Students read the passage as quickly as they can Find out what made Wu Binbin worried Number the pictures and then check the answers with the teacher (课件出示:Read and write板块第二部分图片练答案)
    Ss He could run fast at school but he is very slow now
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    3 Careful reading⑥
    Students read the passage again Try to understand in detail this time
    T How many races did Wu Binbin have in his dream
    S1 He had two races in his dream
    (1) Students read the first paragraph
    T Who was in the first race
    S1 Wu Binbin his father Max and many people were in the first race
    T What happened
    S2 His father ran very fast but Wu Binbin couldn’t
    T How did Wu Binbin feel
    S3 He wasfelt so worried
    (2) Students read the second paragraph
    T Who helped Wu Binbin
    S1 Robin
    T What happened when Robin gave him some water
    S2 Suddenly he felt good He could run fast again
    Present the new word suddenly Students read the word after the recording and learn to read in syllables (课件出示:suddenly相关容)
    (3) Students read the third paragraph
    T Who was in the second race
    S1 Wu Binbin and some animals were in the race
    T How did Wu Binbin run this time
    S2 He ran like a cheetah He could win the race
    T But did he win the second race
    Ss No
    T Why
    S3 Because suddenly he tripped and fell
    Present the words trip—tripped and fall—fell Students learn the new words (课件出示:trippedfell相关容)
    T What happened after he tripped
    Ss He woke up
    Present the new word wake—woke (课件出示:woke相关容) Students learn the new word
    Present the main information of the passage (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    4 Make a mind map⑦
    (1) Read the story
    Students listen to the recording and read the story Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation Try to read correctly fluently and emotionally Learn the key sentences after reading and be able to understand them well (课件出示:Read and write板块原文容)
    (2) Complete the mind map
    Students complete the mind map according to the content on the blackboard Try to catch some key words instead of sentences (出示课件)
    (3)Retell the story
    T Work in groups Use the mind map above to retell the story without books Then act out Let’s see who can do the best
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    Step 3 Postreading
    1 Fill in the blanks⑧
    Students listen to the recording and fill in the blanks Then check the answers with the teacher (课件出示:Read and write板块第三部分图片练答案)
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑧
    2 Complete the passage⑨
    Choose the correct words to complete the passage Then check the answers with the teacher and read the passage

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑨
    3 Your interesting dream⑩
    T Did you have an interesting dream Tell your dream to your partner Then write a short passage about it
    Present the passage pattern on P39 (出示课件)
    Ask several students to share their writings
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑩
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Read the article and practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 利熟知龟兔赛跑事导入创设情境呈现引导学生先熟悉部分新词面阅读扫清部分障碍讲授遭遇挫折时引导学生积极乐观心态面注意情感目标渗透
    2 教学流程间渡然环环相扣逐层深入
    3 通层次阅读活动设计引导学生快速阅读仔细阅读初步感知文深入理解
    4 通思维导图引导学生根图中关键信息复述文章提高语言综合运力
    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak and read the words race nothing thought felt cheetah trip woke dream correctly
    Ÿ Be able to listen understand and read the key sentences There were many animals in that race But suddenly he tripped and fell
    Ÿ Be able to predict the content with the help of the pictures and the teacher
    Ÿ Be able to understand the context number the pictures and fill in the blanks in the dialogue
    Ÿ Be able to write a short passage about the dream according to life experience
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to read and understand the passage and then complete the relevant exercises after reading
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to develop the reading skills and master the key words and sentences
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    1 Greetings
    2 A story— The Race Between Tortoise and Hare
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 A story
    Learn the new words race fast slow dream felt
    3 Free talk
    Lead in the new words race fast slow dream felt with the help of the story—The Race Between Tortoise and Hare Pave the way for the following reading
    1 Predict the dream
    Predict what made Wu Binbin worried
    Let students observe the pictures and predict the main idea of the story Activate the relevant vocabulary and expressions of the background knowledge Cultivate students’ observation and logical thinking ability
    2 Fast reading
    Find out what made Wu Binbin worried Number the pictures
    Help students perceive the context preliminarily and check their prediction
    3 Careful reading
    Read and answer the questions
    (1) Read the first paragraph
    (2) Read the second paragraph
    (3) Read the third paragraph
    Lead students to learn the passage gradually by answering questions and get more details while reading
    4 Make a mind map
    (1) Read the story
    (2) Complete the mind map
    (3) Retell the story
    Make sure students can read correctly fluently and emotionally Lead them to retell the passage with the help of the mind map Promote their comprehensive ability of using English
    1 Fill in the blanks
    Fill in the blanks to complete the dialogue
    Lead students to complete the dialogue after reading Deepen their understanding of the context
    2 Complete the passage
    Choose the correct words to complete the passage
    Consolidate the key words and sentences they’ve learned in this class Learn to use them correctly
    3 Your interesting dream
    Tell their own dream to their partners Then write a short passage about it
    Lead students to write a short passage about their own dreams Cultivate their comprehensive ability of using English
    1 Read the article and practice the dialogue
    2 Do the exercises

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Part B Let’s check & Let’s wrap it up

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Let’s check
    Ÿ 课时教学容课时教学目标通该板块听力训练够巩固单元学重点容
    Ÿ 够根图片信息预测听力考查点理解听力材料语篇中抓取关键词完成图片排序划词
    Ÿ 培养良听力惯策略提高听力水
    Let’s wrap it up
    Ÿ 够复巩固单元学核心句型
    Ÿ 够教师引导运般时般现时两种时态针图片进行描述
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    1 够运般时般现时两种时态图片进行描述
    2 够理解Story time板块趣味事
    ▶ 教学准备
    1 预相关容
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision①
    1 Greetings
    Greet the students
    2 Let’s sing—Changes in me
    Play the song—Changes in me (出示课件)Sing together
    3 Quick review of the key words and phrases of this unit (课件出示:单元重点单词短语)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation & Practice
    1 Changes between then and now②
    Observe the changes of frogs (出示课件) The teacher makes a model at first
    T When it was a tadpole it had a tail Now it becomes a frog It has no tail
    Lead students to pay attention to the differences in time and verbs Students learn to use the simple past tense and the simple present tense to describe things properly and correctly T Can you describe the changes in this girl and this boy
    S1 She had long hair Now she has short hair
    S2 He played the guitar Now he plays basketball

    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Let’s check③
    (1) Present the pictures in Let’s check (课件出示:Let’s check板块图片) Lead students to get detailed information from the pictures and predict the main idea of the listening materials
    T What did he always do many years ago
    S1 In Picture 1 he always read a book under the tree
    S2 In Picture 2 he always rode a bike
    S3 In Picture 3 he always went iceskating in winter
    (2) Let students listen and number the pictures and then check the answers with the teacher (课件出示:Listen and number答案)
    (3) Let students read the words below the pictures Listen again and cross the words they didn’t hear Then check the answers with the teacher (课件出示:Let’s check板块第二部分练答案)
    (4) Present the listening materials (课件出示:Let’s check板块听力材料) Let students read the passage together and try to understand the context
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Let’s wrap it up
    Changes are all around us Talk about the changes below
    (1)The teacher makes a model at first Show students how to describe the changes (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up中Chen Jie身高图片)
    T Look at the picture of this girl Chen Jie was short before (Point to the low height when she was a little girl) Now she is 15 metres tall (Point to the height of 15 metres) It’s the difference between then and now You can say like this Chen Jie was short before Now she is 15 metres tall
    (2)Present Picture 1(课件出示:Let’s wrap it up板块中图片1 ) Lead students to say It was an egg Now it is a hen
    (3)Work in pairs Talk about the changes according to the pictures Then act out (课件出示:Let’s wrap it up板块中图片2345)
    S1 It was raining Now it is sunny
    S2 In summer the tree was green Now it is yellow
    S3 There was a building before Now there is grass
    S4 The cat was on the chair Now it is under the chair
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    (4)Make a brief summary
    T When we describe the changes between then and now we can express like this It was…There waswere (nonot)… It is…nowThere isare (nonot)…now You can also add some adverbial expressions of time of the present or the past
    4 Group work—Changes in my friend⑤
    Work in groups One partner talks about his or her changes Other partners take brief notes while listening Then make a report to present the partner’s changes
    The teacher makes a model at first Ask a student to talk about his or her changes The teacher takes notes on the blackboard while listening and then retells the student’s changes
    S1 Three years ago I was short and fat My hair was long I didn’t like art Now I am tall and thin My hair is short I like art very much
    T Three years ago he was short and fat His hair was long He didn’t like art Now he is tall and thin His hair is short He likes art very much
    Then let students conduct the activity like this in groups Ask several students to act out
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Story time
    1 Watch the video of Story time (课件出示:Story time板块视频)
    Read and answer the question

    ◆ Teaching purpose
    2 Pictures 1~3
    (1)Read Pictures 1~3 and answer
    T Did cavemen cook their food
    Ss No they didn’t
    T Who will cook clean and wash the dishes in 2050
    Ss House robots
    (2)Read this part after the recording and learn the sentences in Picture 1~3 especially the new words cavemen raw cook do the dishes Do the dishes means wash the dishes (课件出示:Picture 1相关容)
    3 Pictures 4~6⑦
    (1)Read Pictures 4~6 and complete the sentences (出示课件)
    (2)Answer the question What should we do
    Ss We should help the earth now
    T Excellent job Learn the word should
    (3)Read this part after the recording and learn the sentences in Picture 4~6 especially the words more and more should and the sentence How beautiful the world was
    4 Pictures 7~9
    (1)Read Pictures 7~9 Judge T or F and present the judging clues

    (2)Tell students that if humans want to have a bright future we must heal the earth and make it a better place Call on every student to protect the environment
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑦
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Read the story and write a passage about the changes in your friends
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 利快速复方式激活学生相关词汇单元学背景知识歌曲导入仅帮助学生效复单元核心词汇句型课前营造轻松愉快课堂氛围增强学生学兴趣
    2 教学流程间逐层递进断深入学生体注重学生引导启发培养学生思维力
    3 通层次语言活动设计引导学生逐渐拓宽表达半开放式开放式复巩固单元核心语法点学生够熟练表达事物昔变化提高语言综合运力
    4 通学事丰富语言输入拓展单元题相关表达解类然环境变化树立环保意识

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Let’s check
    Ÿ Be able to consolidate the key words and sentence patterns in this unit by completing the listening exercise
    Ÿ Be able to predict the test points through the questions and pictures and try to catch the key words to complete the exercises while listening
    Ÿ Develop good listening habits and improve listening ability
    Let’s wrap it up
    Ÿ Be able to review and consolidate the key sentence patterns of this unit
    Ÿ Be able to describe the pictures in contrast by using the simple past tense and the simple present tense properly and correctly
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to review and consolidate the key words and sentence structures of this unit
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to describe the pictures in contrast by using the simple past tense and the simple present tense properly and correctly
    Ÿ Be able to understand the content of Story time
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    1 Greetings
    Lead students to review the key words and sentences of this unit through quick review and singing the song— Changes in me Activate their background knowledge of this unit and get them prepared for the following learning Create an enjoyable atmosphere at the beginning of the class and arouse students’ interest in learning
    2 Let’s sing
    Sing the song— Changes in me
    3 Quick review
    Review the key words and phrases of this unit quickly
    1 Changes between then and now
    Describe the changes in the pictures between then and now
    Lead students to describe things in contract with the simple past tense and the simple present tense
    2 Let’s check
    (1)Present the pictures
    (2)Present the recording
    (3)Present the recording again
    (4)Present the listening materials
    (1)Predict the main idea of the passage
    (2)Listen and number the pictures
    (3)Cross the words they didn’t hear
    (4)Read the passage together
    Lead students to learn to predict the main ideas of the passage by reading the pictures
    3 Let’s wrap it up
    Work in pairs Talk about the changes according to the pictures Act out Make a brief summary
    Lead students to observe the differences between the two pictures Review and consolidate the key words and sentence patterns of this unit
    4 Group work—Changes in my friend
    Work in groups Talk about the changes of one’s own Other partners take brief notes while listening Then make a report to present the partner’s changes
    Lead students to learn to describe changes in the simple past tense and the simple present tense properly and correctly Promote students’ comprehensive ability of using English
    1 Present the video and the question
    Watch the video of Story time Read and answer the question
    Students watch the video of the story get to know the content preliminarily and catch the main idea Learn the story by different parts Get deeper understanding through various learning activities
    2 Pictures 1~3
    (1)Read Pictures 1~3 and answer
    (2)Read this part and learn the sentences in Pictures 1~3
    3 Pictures 4~6
    (1)Read Pictures 4~6 and complete the sentences
    (2)Answer the question
    (3)Read this part and learn the sentences in Pictures 4~6
    Enrich students’ language input and extend their description of changes between then and now Lead them to know the changes of humans and the environment and set up the awareness of the environment protection
    4 Pictures 7~9
    (1)Read Pictures 7~9 and judge T or F
    (2)Protect the environment
    1 Read the story and write a passage about the changes in your friends
    2 Do the exercises

    Recycle Mike’s happy days

    Ÿ 够情景中恰运学句型词汇描述外貌
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运学句型词汇描述农场生活
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运学句型词汇描述某天生活工作情况
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运学句型词汇描述学校生活
    Ÿ 够情景中恰运学句型词汇描述现变化
    Ÿ 够懂教材提供毕业晚会邀请函做出书面回应
    Ÿ 够介绍毕业典礼晚会
    Ÿ 够根单词特点已学词汇进行整理纳
    Ÿ 够情景中结合句型恰运已学词汇进行口头书面表达
    Ÿ 够梳理纳已学含cl pl br fr ch sh th ng nk ar or ee ea ai ow oo字母组合词汇正确发音
    Ÿ 梳理纳已学含ae ie结构词汇正确发音
    Ÿ 学会运思维导图梳理纳已学知识
    Ÿ 学会学友相处珍惜学情谊
    第课时: Day 1 A beautiful farm
    第二课时: Day 2 Farmers’ market
    第三课时: Day 3 Life on the farm
    第四课时: Day 4 Mike’s day on the farm
    第五课时: Day 5 Mike and his new friends Part 1
    第六课时: Day 6 Mike and his new friends Part 2
    第七课时: Day 7 Mike’s surprise
    第八课时: Day 8 A farewell party
    The first period(第课时)
    Day 1 A beautiful farm

    ▶ 教学容目标
    A beautiful farm
    Ÿ 够回顾关动物蔬菜衣物水果食物等方面知识点
    Ÿ 够听说读写关动物蔬菜衣物水果食物等方面词汇类记忆
    Ÿ 够独立完成相关练
    Ÿ 够培养综合运知识力
    Ÿ 够培养热爱然情感
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片击鼓传花道具等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Complete the task
    Ask students to read the whole Recycle unit quickly and complete the task on the PPT Then check the answers together
    T There are ten options Please choose the right option for each day There are two choices that are redundant

    3 Enjoy a chant
    Enjoy the chant in Part A of Unit 4 in Grade 4 (课件出示:四年级册教材P39 Let’s chant相关容)
    Let’s students chant together with the teacher
    4 Leadin
    Present a picture of a beautiful farm (课件出示:张漂亮农场图片)
    T Welcome to the beautiful farm I hope you can have a good time here Are you ready to go
    Ss Yes
    T Let’s go
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Watch and say
    (1)Show the picture of Day 1 on the PPT (课件出示:Day 1图片 文字)
    Let students observe it carefully and then answer Mike’s question What else can you see
    T Mike had an 8day holiday on a farm He welcomed us with a question Please look at the picture carefully and try to answer his question
    (2)Ask students to stand up in pairs Ask and answer with each other ②
    Make a model with one student first
    T What can you see on the farm
    S1 I can see some apples
    T What colour are they
    S1 They are red
    T What else can you see
    S1 I can see a pear
    Ask students to choose the right word card when heshe talks about the fruit Put it on the blackboard
    Keep asking and answering until they find out all the word cards in this part and put them on the blackboard
    Lead students to read all the words for several times
    (3)Game Quick response
    Present the picture of Day 1 (课件出示:Day 1图片填空练)
    Divide students into three groups Group One is a group Group Two is an group Group Three is some group Find the items that belong to their groups Then when the teacher points to an item the right group that belongs to the item should stand up as soon as possible And they read the word with aansome in the front for three times
    Make a model
    T If I point to the pear which group should stand up
    A group We should stand up
    T So you should say a pear Read a pear for three times
    A group A pear a pear a pear
    T Good job
    (4) After the game let students finish the first exercise on P42 by themselves
    Check the answers together The teacher can give some explanations if students have problems with a an and some Present the summary of the usages of a an and some (课件出示:Day 1第部分答案a ansome法结)
    2 Classify the words
    Present the chart of the second exercise on P42(出示课件)Ask students to observe the chart first Then students try to name the next four groups of words as the example of the first group
    T Look at the chart We can name apple and orange as Fruit and we can name egg and cake as Food So what about the other groups Can you name the groups of these words
    After that let students add more words into each group
    The teacher can give some examples
    T We can add some words into each group We can add pear into the group of Fruit We can add bread into the group of Food We can add shirt into the group of Clothes Now try by yourselves
    At last let students try to add one more word group
    T We can also add more groups For example we can add a group of Colour We can write the words about colours in this group They are red black white pink orange and so on Can you think of more word groups
    Show the answers together (出示课件) Encourage students to add more groups and words
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 3 Practice③
    1 Game Beat the drum to pass the flower
    The teacher beats the drum without looking at students Students pass the flower with the rhythm of the drum When the teacher stops drumming the student who holds the flower should read the word which the teacher points to
    The teacher checks the pronunciation and tries to correct immediately when students make mistakes
    2 Group work
    Divide students into six groups Each group has a certain name such as Fruit Food Clothes Animal and so on
    Students in the group should stand up one by one and say one word that belongs to their group when the teacher calls the group name
    The group which does a good job can get three apples
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension④
    1 Listen and fill in the blanks
    Present the supplementary listening exercises and materials Let students listen and fill in the blanks And check the answers together (课件出示:补充听力练答案)
    2 Oral English activities
    According to the supplementary listening materials students try to make a dialogue about Mike’s interview with the owner of the farm with the partner They can make the dialogue like this
    S1 Nice to meet you Mr White
    S2 Nice to meet you Mike
    S1 Can you tell me about your farm
    S2 Sure we came here ten years ago
    S1 What animals did you have at that time
    S2 We only had one horse and two pigs
    S1 …
    S2 …
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Read the words in Day 1 to your parents
    2 Make a chart to classify the words learned before
    3 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学环节设计侧重整体性引导学生整体中感知整复单元然分板块教学
    2 设计种务通完成类型务帮助学生复巩固语言形式培养学生综合运语言力学力
    3 组活动鼓励学生通合作学解决问题时帮助学生养成互帮互助良品质培养学生团队合作力

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    A beautiful farm
    Ÿ Be able to review knowledge about animals vegetables clothes fruit food and so on
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the words of animals vegetables clothes fruit food and so on And memorize them by category
    Ÿ Be able to complete relevant exercises independently
    Ÿ Be able to cultivate the ability of comprehensive use of knowledge
    Ÿ Be able to cultivate the love for nature
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Review and master the words about animals vegetables clothes fruit food and so on
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to apply what you have learned flexibly in real situations
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Present the task
    3 Enjoy a chant
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Complete the task
    3 Chant together
    4 Enjoy the picture
    Lead students to build the overall situation frame then enter the teaching of each part
    1 Watch and say
    (1)Show the picture of Day 1 without any words
    (2)Pair work
    (3)Game Quick response
    (4)Deal with the first exercise
    (1)Observe the picture and answer a question
    (2)Make a dialogue in pairs
    (3)Find the items belonging to the group Read the word with aan some in the front
    (4)Finish the first exercise on P42
    Design dialogues and games to enable students to study review and consolidate what they have learned in a relaxing and pleasant environment
    Increase students’ interest in English learning
    2 Classify the words
    Present the chart in the second exercise
    Ask students to complete the chart in different ways
    Classify the words and try to add more words and more groups

    1 Game Beat the drum to pass the flower
    2 Group work
    1 The student who holds the flower reads the word loudly which the teacher points to
    2 Students in the group stand up one by one and say one word that belongs to their group
    Use the game to help students practice key words further train students’ categorization ability and learn to memorize words through categorization
    1 Present the supplementary listening exercises and materials
    2 Oral English activities
    1 Listen and fill in the blanks
    2 Make a dialogue about Mike’s interview with the owner of the farm
    Strengthen the training of this lesson’s knowledge and do the appropriate expansion Cultivate students’ practical application ability of the knowledge they have learned and achieve the purpose of language output
    1 Read the words in Day 1 to your parents
    2 Make a chart to classify the words learned before
    3 Do the exercises

    The second period(第二课时)
    Day 2 Farmers’ market

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Farmers’ market
    Ÿ 够听说读写描述外貌特征词汇思维导图中列出相关词汇
    Ÿ 够教师指引运思维导图梳理纳已学语言知识
    Ÿ 够完成相关练
    Ÿ 够制作思维导图
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片实物等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Watch and say①
    (1)Play a video about going shopping (课件出示:段关购物视频)
    (2)After watching talk freely about shopping
    T Do you like shopping
    Ss Yes
    T There are many markets and stores in our city such as… (The teacher says several famous shopping places in the city The teacher can show the pictures of these shopping places on the PPT) Where do you usually go shopping
    Ss I usually go shopping in the supermarket …
    T That’s a good place for shopping When do you often go shopping
    Ss I usually go shopping on the weekend…
    T Good time Do you go shopping by yourself Who do you go with
    Ss I go shopping by myselfI go shopping with my parentsgrandma…
    T I like going shopping with my parents too We usually drive a car to get there because we live far from the shopping place How about you
    Ss I usually get there by buson foot…because…
    T Look at this picture It’s my shopping list for this weekend I want to buy many things And I count their prices first So I know how much I will spend Can you make a shopping list for your next shopping Please have a try

    (3)Let students make their own shopping lists
    Show the good work in class
    (4)Present some words Ask students to choose what we talked about just now (课件出示:相关单词短语句型)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    3 Leadin
    Present the picture of Mrs Booth and Bill And ask two questions
    ①Who are they?
    ②What do they want to do
    (课件出示:Mrs BoothBill图片提出两问题)
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Group work
    (1)Ask students to answer the two questions
    T Who are they
    Ss They are Mrs Booth and Bill
    T What do they want to do
    Ss They want to go shopping
    (2)Show the mind map in Day 2 on the PPT (课件出示:Day 2思维导图)
    T If you were Bill what would you think about
    Ss I would think about where I should gowhen I should go…
    T Great I heard you say when So tell me when you usually get up in the morning
    Ss At 630 am…
    T That’s early And when is Children’s Day
    Ss It’s on June 1st
    In such a way let students talk about all the questions in the mind map And help students do more divergent thinking about these words in the mind map
    Write down the mind map on the blackboard step by step according to students’ answers
    (3)Present a mind map completed by the teacher (出示课件)
    T This is my mind map as the role of Bill Look I want to go shopping on the farm I want to go shopping in the afternoon I want to go with Mike I want to go there by bus And I want to buy some bananas How about you boys and girls Try to ask and answer with the help of the mind map with your partners And finish the mind map in your books Everyone can have your own opinions about these questions
    (4)Students share the mind map with the class They can make a dialogue with their partners②
    Show the mind map again (出示课件) This time there are more answers to each question
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    (5)Pair work again
    Students work in pairs and try to make a new mind map such as sports hobby zoo farm season friend and so on
    After working several students show and explain their works
    The teacher can lead a student to make a model first

    S1 This is my new mind map about school I usually go to school with my friends We get there by bus It is far fromnear my home My study tools are rulers pens books and so on I have Chinese maths English…at school…
    2 New friends
    (1)T Bill and his mother Mrs Booth went to the farm They met Mike on the farmers’ market And they became friends Mike was so happy So he wants to write a passage to introduce his new friend to us But he can’t remember the right adjectives Can you help him
    Ss Yes
    T Look at the picture of the second part in Day 2 (出示课件) First say the opposite words of these adjectives I say the adjective and you say the opposite word Are you clear
    Ss Yeah
    T Short
    Ss TallLong
    T Heavy
    Ss Thin

    (2)Let students fill in the blanks in the books Check the answers together (出示课件)
    Ask students to make sentences with the words as the example in the books
    T We can say Bill is young He has short hair…
    Step 3 Practice③
    1 Talk about our old friends
    Present the pictures of Amy and Sarah (出示课件) Ask students to describe them with proper words They can describe like this
    Sarah has long hair Amy has short hair too Sarah is thin Amy is thin too…
    2 Make a dialogue
    Let students make a dialogue about Bill and his mother according to the mind map
    Make a model
    T I want to go shopping Can you come with me
    S1 Sure Where are we going
    T The farmers’ market
    S1 Sure How can we get there
    T We can walk there It is not far
    S1 Sure What do you want to buy
    T …
    S1 Sure How much is itare they
    T …
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension④
    1 Play a game
    The teacher takes out a box There are all the name cards of the students in the class in it Ask one student to choose one card The other students look at the name and describe himher with proper words
    The teacher makes an example He is tall and thin He has short hair He has big eyes and a small mouth He wears red shoes Who is he
    The student who says the right name can get a star
    2 Make a mind map about your trip
    T Mike invites you to visit the farm What should you prepare for Make a mind map and try to talk about it

    S1 I’ll have a trip on the farm Mike invited me to go there The farm is far So I will take a bus to get there I will go with my friend Lily We will go to the farm in the morning We are going to pick apples plant trees and eat fresh food on the farm I can’t wait to go
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Collect more adjectives
    2 Make a mind map and talk about it to your parents
    3 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 课谈购物相关方面作课前热身复导入面学基础
    2 环节紧密相关步步引导学生填充思维导图实际思维梳理程够帮助学生形成清晰思维脉络
    3 教学程中知识点进行适发散整知识体系进行致回顾
    4 教学容丰富话题切合学生生活实际学生保持浓厚学兴趣

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Farmers’ market
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the words about physical features and related words listed on mind maps
    Ÿ Be able to use mind maps to sort out and summarize the language knowledge they have learned
    Ÿ Be able to complete the relevant exercises independently
    Ÿ Be able to make mind maps
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Combine the content of the book to review about location transport price place time appearance of characters and other aspects of the knowledge
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to make mind maps
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Watch and say
    (1) Play a video about going shopping
    (2) Talk freely about shopping
    (3) Let students make their own shopping lists
    (4) Present some words
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Watch and say
    (1) Watch the video
    (2) Talk freely about shopping with the teacher
    (3) Make a shopping list
    (4) Choose words or sentences
    3 Think about two questions
    Attract students’ attention and introduce the topic of this class shopping Talking with students about all aspects of shopping can not only review what students have learned but also form a good framework for the following learning
    1 Group work
    (1) Ask students to answer the two questions
    (2)Show the mind map inDay 2
    (3) Present a mind map as an example
    (4)Show time
    (5)Pair work again
    1 Group work
    (1) Answer the two questions
    (2) Talk in the role of Bill
    (3)Watch listen and learn from the teacher
    (4)Share the mind map with the class
    (5)Try to make a new mind map
    By roleplaying and completing the mind map let students can consolidate the knowledge in real situations Achieve the effect of analogical reasoning by asking students to make a new mind map imitate sentences and so on Cultivate students’ logical thinking abilities
    2 New friends
    (1)Say the adjectives
    (2)Let students fill in the blanks in the books
    2 New friends
    (1)Say the opposite words of these adjectives
    (2)Fill in the blanks in the books
    1 Talk about our old friends
    2 Make a dialogue
    1 Describe our old friends by using the proper adjectives
    2 Make a dialogue about Bill and his mother according to the mind map
    Two activities help students consolidate the adjectives they have learned analyze the mind maps and train students’ oral English
    1 Play a game
    2 Make a mind map about a trip
    1 Describe the students and guess the right names
    2 Make a mind map about hisher trip
    Lead students to carry out diversified language output Improve students’ comprehensive language abilities
    1 Collect more adjectives
    2 Make a mind map and talk about it to your parents
    3 Do the exercises

    The third period(第三课时)
    Day 3 Life on the farm

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Life on the farm
    Ÿ 够听说读写已学动词短语
    Ÿ 够运般现时现进行时描述农场日常生活
    Ÿ 够go do play have四种动词结构类学动词短语
    Ÿ 够独立完成相应练
    Ÿ 够图说话图写句子
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a song—Old MacDonald (出示课件)
    3 Play a game Sharp eyes①
    Present some pictures about different activities Ask students to look at the pictures and read out the phrases as quickly as they can (课件快闪式出示:go fishing go swimming go boating do the cleaning do homework play music play pingpong play the pipa have a picnic图片)
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    4 Leadin
    Present a picture of a busy farm
    Lead students to answer the question with verb phrases they have learned before such as feed animals pick apples go swimming go fishing… (课件出示:繁忙农场图片相关动词短语)
    T This is a farm What do people usually do on the farm
    Step 2 Presentation②
    1 Read and circle
    Present the picture of the word puzzle in Day 3 (课件出示:Day 3字谜图片)
    T There are some things people often do on the farm Circle the words in the puzzle
    Students circle the words in the puzzle and then check the answers together
    The teacher can circle one word first as an example (课件出示:示例答案)
    Check the answers together
    Lead students to read these words one by one
    2 Look and say
    Present four groups of pictures Ask students to look at the activities and say the verb phrases Then try to find out the forming rules of verb phrases in each group
    (1)Present the first group of pictures (课件出示:钓鱼图游泳图划船图)
    T Can you say the verb phrase about the first picture
    S1 Go fishing
    T Right How about the second picture
    S2 Go swimming
    T Clever Who can say the last one
    S3 Go boating
    T Wonderful Boys and girls think carefully What can you find in this group of verb phrases
    Ss They all have a word goThey all have ing…
    T You’re so great The verb phrases in this group are all in the form of go+动词ing形式
    In such a way deal with the other three groups of verb phrases (出示课件)
    (2)The second group do the cleaning do homework do the dishes
    The forming rule do+名词动词ing形式
    (3)The third group play the guitar play the pipa play pingpong play basketball
    The forming rule play (the) +乐器运动类名词
    (4)The fourth group have some juice have some vegetables have an art class
    The forming rule have+名词(饮料食物课程三餐等)
    3 Look and write
    Present the pictures of the first part in Day 3 (出示课件)
    T There are many people on the farm What do they usually do on the farm Try to write down what heshethey doesdo every day according to the pictures
    Check the answers together (课件出示:该部分练答案)
    T Look at all the sentences Choose the sentences that can answer the question What does he do every day
    Ss He goes fishing He goes swimming He goes boating He plays music He plays pingpong He plays basketball
    T Good job Now choose the sentences that can answer the question What does she do every day
    Ss She does the cleaning She does her homework She does the dishes
    T Brilliant The next question What do they do every day Choose the right sentences
    Ss They have some juice They have some vegetables They have an art class
    T Can you find the differences in these sentences
    Ss We should use does goes plays to describe he or she We should use the original form of verbs to describe they
    T Excellent
    Present the change rules of the third person singular verb (出示课件)
    4 Think and answer
    (1)Present the picture of the second part in Day 3 (课件出示:Day 3第二部分情景图)
    T Now it is morning Mike Bill Mrs Booth and other people are on the farm They are having fun on the farm What are they doing Please talk about the picture
    T What is Bill doing now
    Ss He is playing pingpong
    T What is Mrs Booth doing
    Ss She is playing the pipa
    T What is Mike doing
    Ss He is…

    (2)Let students complete the writing task by themselves
    Check the answers together (课件出示:该练答案)
    (3)Ask students to say something about the present continuous tense
    T Can you find the rules in these sentences
    Ss They all have be动词+动词ing形式They are all in the form of be动词+动词ing形式…
    T You all did a good job
    Present the change rules of the present continuous tense (出示课件)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 3 Practice③
    1 Read the sentences
    Present the sentences about the farm life
    Let students read them together for three times

    2 Discuss and classify
    Let students discuss these sentences with their partners and classify them into two groups Students should briefly talk about the reason for their classification
    T We can put the sentences He goes fishing and He plays music in Group A They are the same tense We can put the sentence Bill is playing pingpong in Group B It is the other tense Now classify the other sentences
    Check the answers together

    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension④
    1 Sharp eyes
    Present some pictures about the children’s life on the farm Ask students to answer the questions What does heshe do What do they do(课件出示:孩子农场活动图片:钓鱼游泳煮饭野餐等)
    Make a model
    S1 He goes fishing
    S2 They go swimming

    The student who gets the right answer can get a star
    2 The dice game
    The teacher takes out a dice There are six different pictures on each side Students throw it and try to describe what heshethey isare doing in the pictures on the top side of the dice Make a model
    S1 He is drawing a picture
    S2 They are playing basketball

    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Collect more verbs and verb phrases
    2 Tell the life on the farm to your parents
    3 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 课重点语法容教师枯燥讲解学生应观察较中出结然教师作总结突出学生体位效培养学生学力
    2 设计游戏环节激发学生学热情学生掌握语言知识时学生动起活跃起
    3 课环节紧凑突破重难点时培养学生阅读写作力听说力较锻炼

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Life on the farm
    Ÿ Be able to listen speak read and write the verb phrases they have learned
    Ÿ Be able to describe daily life on the farm by using the simple present tense and the present continuous tense
    Ÿ Be able to classify the verb phrases they have learned according to the four verb structures
    Ÿ Be able to complete relevant exercises independently
    Ÿ Be able to speak and write sentences according to the pictures
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to grasp the structure of the simple present tense and the present continuous tense and relevant verb phrases
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to speak and write sentences according to the pictures
    Ÿ Be able to use the sentences and vocabulary they have learned to describe life on the farm in appropriate situations
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a song—Old
    3 Play a game Sharp eyes
    4 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a song— Old MacDonald
    3 Look at the pictures and read the phrases
    4 Answer the question
    Review a lot of the verb phrases they have learned in the process of playing which enlivens the class and arouses students’ interest in learning
    1 Read and circle
    2 Look and say
    3 Look and write
    4 Think and answer
    (1)Show the picture of the second part
    (2)Let students complete the writing task by themselves
    (3)Ask students to say something about the present continuous tense
    1 Circle the words in the puzzle
    2 Say the verb phrases in the pictures
    Find out the forming rules of verb phrases in each group
    3 Write down the sentences in the books Learn the rules of the third person singular verb
    4 (1) Talk about the picture
    (2)Complete the writing task
    (3)Say something about the present continuous tense
    The compact link design helps students review verb phrases the third person singular the simple present tense and the present continuous tense step by step
    1 Present the sentences
    2 Discuss and classify
    1 Read the sentences
    2 Classify the sentences into two groups
    Two activities help students further consolidate the sentences in the textbook and further understand the simple present tense and the present continuous tense
    1 Sharp eyes
    2 The dice game
    1 Answer the questions What does heshe do What do they do
    2 Describe what heshethey isare doing in the pictures on the top side of the dice
    Design two activities to lead students to look at the pictures and talk break through the key and difficult points of this lesson
    1 Collect more verbs and verb phrases
    2 Tell the life on the farm to your parents
    3 Do the exercises

    The fourth period(第四课时)
    Day 4 Mike’s day on the farm

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Mike’s day on the farm
    Ÿ 够图片帮助时填空描述Mike农场中天生活
    Ÿ 够朋友某天生活进行口头书面描述
    Ÿ 够读懂MikeBill游戏文描述根游戏规运较级玩卡片游戏
    Ÿ 够提升发现问题解决问题力
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频教学卡片等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy a song
    Enjoy a song of Unit 2 in the textbook—Last weekend (课件出示:教材Unit 2歌曲)
    3 Do and say
    The teacher does the actions Students try to say the words or phrases Make a model
    When the teacher is sweeping the floor students should say clean the room
    When the teacher is swimming in the water students should say go swimming
    When the teacher is sleeping students should say sleep or go to bed

    4 Rap together
    (1)T Do you like rap Let’s rap together
    Ss Yeah
    T Now please follow my rhythm I say clean the room and you say cleaned the room Let’s start
    T Clean the room
    Ss Cleaned the room
    T Eat breakfast
    Ss Ate breakfast
    T Go fishing
    Ss Went fishing

    (2)After rapping the phrases the teacher asks two questions Do you still remember the change rules of the past tense of verbs Who can say some examples
    The teacher makes a model first Add ed to the end of the word For example play played
    S1 Change y into i then add ed For example study studied
    S2 Write the last letter twice then add ed For example stop stopped
    S3 Add d to the end of the word For example live lived
    S4 No rules For example go went

    The teacher writes down all the examples students said
    T How smart you are Look at the PPT Let’s review the change rules of the past tense of verbs (出示课件)
    5 Leadin
    Present the pictures of the first part in Day 4 (课件出示:Day 4第部分图片)
    T Thursday is the fourth day for Mike on the farm He was very busy What did he do on that day Look at these pictures and discuss with your partners
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    Step 2 Presentation
    1 Ask and answer②
    Present Mike’s pictures one by one (课件次出示Mike农场活动图片)
    The teacher and students ask and answer like this
    T What did Mike do on the farm
    Ss He hadate breakfast
    T What did Mike do on the farm
    Ss He cleaned the room
    T What did Mike do on the farm
    Ss He went fishing
    T What did Mike do on the farm
    Ss He read a storybook
    T What did Mike do on the farm
    Ss He used a computerHe wrote an emailHe played computer games
    T What did Mike do on the farm
    Ss He went to bed at 1000 pmHe slept at 1000 pm
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Finish Mike’s diary
    Lead students to help Mike finish the diary and write down the answers in the textbook
    3 Check the answers
    Check the answers together Students check the spellings in pairs (课件出示:该部分答案)
    4 Retell Mike’s day on the farm
    T Can you retell Mike’s day Practice reading the diary by yourself for two minutes Then I’ll ask some of you to stand up and retell the diary Pay attention to the change of role We should change I into…
    Ss Change I into he
    T Right What else
    Ss And change me into him
    T You’re the best
    Students’ show time begins after two minutes
    Everyone who stands up to retell the diary can get a sticker
    5 Listen and circle
    T You did a good job It’s time to relax Mike and Bill are playing a game Let’s go and have a look
    Listen to Mike and Bill’s game (课件出示:课第二部分音频)
    Ask students to listen carefully and circle the adjectives in all forms in the textbook
    6 Look and describe
    Present the three animals in the second part one by one (课件次出示:游戏中三种动物图片)
    Lead students to try to describe them one by one Make a model
    T What’s this
    Ss It’s an elephant It’s big
    T What’s this
    Ss It’s a tiger
    T Is the tiger bigger than the elephant
    Ss No it isn’t It’s smaller
    T What’s this
    Ss It’s a whale
    T The whale is bigger than the elephant It’s the biggest The tiger is the smallest
    7 Learn to play the game
    Present the steps of Mike and Bill’s game Read the game together and learn to play the game (课件次出示:MikeBill游戏环节)
    8 Discuss in groups③
    Ask students to read the game by themselves And discuss in groups How to play this game
    What sentence patterns what kind of words or phrases do they need
    T Let’s go over the change rules of the comparative of adjectives first (出示课件)
    The teacher and one student imitate the game first Then the teacher asks students to act out the game according to their discussions in groups
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    Step 3 Practice
    1 Talk about your day to your partner
    Try to imitate the way that Mike wrote about his day on the farm Choose one day in the past And try to describe what happened on that day The teacher can make a model for students
    T Last Sunday was a busy day for me I got up early Then I did morning exercises After that I ate my breakfast Next I went to the zoo In the afternoon I read an English book in the library In the evening I cooked dinner and washed my clothes Finally I went to bed at 930 pm
    Students show their days
    2 Read the words
    Look at all the adjectives in the book that students circled before First try to write the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives Then try to read them aloud Make a model
    Students’ show time
    Step 4 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Do a survey and report④
    Students can leave hisher seat to ask hisher best friend the question What did you do yesterday Try to get information of hisher life yesterday within a certain time Then try to write a passage to describe hisher life yesterday Make a model
    S1 My friend is XXX He was busy yesterday He got up late Then he…
    The student who does a good job can get a sticker
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    2 Make a new game
    The teacher takes out some groups of pictures for the card game
    Two students work in a group Choose one group of pictures to do the card game They can also draw some new animals to make their own cards Do the game as Mike and Bill did The teacher can give some help if necessary
    Ask several groups to act out their new game

    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Draw a picture of your day and try to describe it to your parents
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 课样图完成句子方式复般时相关短语形容词较级高级等容
    2 热身环节复动词短语动词短语式动词式变化规降低面学难度时课开展营造轻松愉悦氛围
    3 设计活动量贴学生实际生活培养学生表达技巧力
    4 组活动结伴活动较培养学生团结协作力促进学生间互相解增进家感情

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Mike’s day on the farm
    Ÿ Be able to fill in the blanks with the help of the pictures and describe Mike’s day on the farm
    Ÿ Be able to give oral and written descriptions of past life
    Ÿ Be able to read Mike and Bill’s game and play card games by using the comparative degree according to the rules of the game
    Ÿ Be able to improve the ability to find and solve problems
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Consolidate the use of the past tense of verbs and review the comparative forms of adjectives
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Improve students’ communicative competence
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Play a song— Last weekend
    3 Do some actions
    4 Rap together
    (1)Rap together
    (2)Review the change rules of the past tense of verbs
    5 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Enjoy the song
    3 Say the words or phrases
    4 Rap together
    (1)Rap together
    (2)Review the change rules of the past tense of verbs
    5 Watch the pictures and answer the question
    Before class a series of activities activate students’ knowledge reserve and help students effectively review the past tense of verbs and verb phrases which lays a foundation for the following study
    1 Ask and answer
    2 Finish Mike’s diary
    3 Check the answers
    4 Retell Mike’s day on the farm
    5 Listen and circle
    6 Look and describe
    7 Present the steps of Mike and Bill’s game
    8 Ask students to read the game by themselves
    1 Answer the questions
    2 Write down the answers in the textbook
    3 Check the answers together and check the spellings in pairs
    4 Retell Mike’s day on the farm
    5 Listen carefully Circle the adjectives in all forms in the textbook
    6 Describe the pictures
    7 Learn to play the game
    8 Act out the game
    In teaching try to lead students to speak more observe more and think more and cultivate the ability of students to learn independently At the same time satisfy students’ desire for performance and train their oral output ability
    1 Talk about your day to your partner
    2 Read the words
    1 Introduce hisher day
    2 Write and read the adjectives in all the forms
    Help students to further consolidate the use of the past simple tense and review the three forms of adjectives
    1 Do a survey and report
    2 Make a new game
    1 Do a survey and introduce hisher best friend’s day
    2 Act out the card game with the pictures
    Cultivate students’ ability of listening and speaking Improve students’ expression ability and enhance the understanding between students
    1 Draw a picture of your day and try to describe it to your parents
    2 Do the exercises

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Day 5 Mike and his new friends Part 1

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Mike and his new friends Part 1
    Ÿ 够读懂关Mike学校生活语篇回答相关问题够正确般现时第三称单数描述Mike课情况
    Ÿ 复般现时科目名称
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song
    T Let’s sing the song—Days of the Week Song (出示课件)
    3 Leadin
    T What’s your favourite day at school
    Ss My favourite day at school is…
    T What subjects do you have on this day
    Ss We have…
    T What do you often do in…class
    Ss I often…
    T How do you like your school life
    Ss I like it very much It’s great funinteresting…
    ◆ Teaching purpose
    Step 2 Presentation & Practice②
    1 Fast reading
    (1)Present Mike’s PPT about his school life (出示课件)
    T Now Mike is telling about his school life What does he say Read the passage quickly and answer the questions
    (2)Check the answers Questions

    2 Careful reading
    Students read again and try to get more details
    Present the key sentence structure In…class he oftensometimes… on the PPT (课件出示:重点句型)
    Lead students to pay attention to the third person singular form of verbs
    T What does Mike do in different classes
    S1 In maths classes he often answers maths questions
    S2 In English classes he often reads many English stories and speaks English with his friends
    S3 In music classes he often plays the piano or sings songs
    S4 In PE classes he sometimes plays football or exercises in the gym
    3 Read after the recording (出示课件)
    Students read the passage after the recording Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation Read it correctly and fluently
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Find the mistakes③
    T Mike and Bill become very good friends Bill told his friends about Mike But he said something wrong Read and underline the mistakes
    S1 His favourite class is PE
    S2 Maths is his first class on Monday
    S3 In the maths class he often answers maths questions Sometimes they’re difficult
    S4 In the PE class Mike sometimes plays football He likes football best
    Then present the underlined parts and check the answers (课件出示:该部分答案)
    2 Describe and write about Mike’s school life
    T Now we’ve known about Mike’s school life well Can you tell your friends about Mike Try to describe Mike’s school life and write it down You can begin your passage like this

    Lead students to pay attention to the third person singular from of verbs
    3 Free talk
    T What does your friend often do in his favourite class
    The teacher makes a model at first My friend’s favourite class is Chinese In Chinese class he often learns Chinese words and reads stories It’s easy for him
    Present extension words on the PPT
    Let students talk freely Then ask two or three students to show in class
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Practice reading the passage
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计清晰层次感达成课程教学目标实现教学重难点突破
    2 学生活动设计丰富详实层层递进浅入深注重学生思维激发引导培养学生学力
    3 利直观生动视频课件辅助教学激发学生学兴趣更帮助学生理解生词文
    4 通创设语言情境帮助学生情景中真实然学语言
    5 板书设计清晰明重点单词句型突出起辅助作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Part 1
    Ÿ Be able to understand the passage answer the questions and use the simple present tense to describe Mike’s school life correctly
    Ÿ Review the simple present tense and the words for subjects
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand the passage about Mike’s school life and complete the exercises
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to have a good command of the simple present tense and words for subjects
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Let’s sing
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song— Days of the Week Song
    3 Free talk
    Review the words about days of the week through a song Talk freely with students to activate their relevant knowledge and prepare for the topic and the following learning
    1 Fast reading
    Read the passage quickly and answer the questions
    Get a preliminary understanding of the passage through fast reading Get more details through careful reading Lead students to learn to describe the activities conducted in different classes with the simple present tense Lead students to read the passage correctly and fluently
    2 Careful reading
    Read again and try to get more details
    3 Play the recording
    Read after the recording
    1 Find the mistakes
    Read and underline the mistakes
    Lead students to pay attention to the details of the content Deepen their understanding towards the passage Learn to retell the passage with the third person singular of the simple present tense Promote students’ comprehensive ability of using English
    2 Ask students to describe and write about Mike’s school life
    Describe Mike’s school life and write it down
    3 Free talk
    Discuss the activities friends often do in different classes
    1 Practice reading the passage
    2 Do the exercises

    The sixth period(第六课时)
    Day 6 Mike and his new friends Part 2

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Mike and his new
    friends Part 2
    Ÿ 够通图读懂Bill时候少年变化描述根描述完成判断题
    Ÿ 够运般时般现时般时三种时态表示时间短语描述变化预测未变化
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song①
    (1)Sing the song—Changes in me (出示课件) Then present the words
    (2)Present the columns of Before Now In the future
    Lead students to describe the changes in the boy in the song with these adverbial expressions of time according to the song Present the main structures of the sentences and the initial letters of the words Ask students to complete them
    Then lead students to read the sentences together

    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    3 Leadin②
    Present the poster of Bill (课件出示:Bill海报图片)
    T Bill made a poster to introduce himself to Mike We can see the changes in Bill from these three pictures Can you match the pictures of different ages to the columns of Before Now In the future
    Students match the pictures to the columns
    Before Age 5
    Now Age 12
    In the future Age…
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 2 Presentation & Practice③
    1 Describe Bill at the age of 5
    T We can see some faces under the pictures What do these happy or sad faces mean
    Ss The happy face means like The sad face means dislike
    T What did he like when he was five
    Ss He liked candies and playing basketball
    (Lead students to learn to express in full sentences)
    T What didn’t he like
    Ss He didn’t like skipping rope
    T How did he look like when he was five
    Ss He was very short and thin
    T So at the age of five he liked candies and playing basketball but he didn’t like skipping rope He was very short and thin
    2 Describe Bill at the age of 12
    T Now Bill is twelve years old
    Highlight the word now
    T When we describe Bill at the age of 12 do we use Bill liked… or Bill likes…
    Ss We use Bill likes… and He doesn’t like…
    T Excellent We use different tenses when we describe people or things in different time So at the age of 12 he…
    Ss He likes music and storybooks But he doesn’t like swimming
    Lead students to pay attention to Bill’s differences in height and figure with body language Present the sentence structures

    Ss Now Bill is taller and bigger than before He was much shorter smaller and thinner before He likes music and storybooks but he doesn’t like swimming
    3 Describe Bill’s future
    T Look at this picture of Bill in the book Is he becoming older or younger?
    Ss He is becoming older
    T Yes he is becoming older Guess how old he is
    Ss Maybe he is…years old
    T I agree with you I think he is about 20 to 36 years old What will he look like in the future
    Ss He will be tallerstronger…than he is now
    T What will he like
    Ss He will like driving a red car and wearing a yellow hat
    Present the sentence structures

    Ss In the future he will be much taller and stronger than he is now He will like driving a red car and wearing a yellow hat
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    before now in the future三时间阶段引导学生学会般时般现时般时物昔变化进行描述预测变化出框架帮助学生建构句子表达程中注意动词相应变化提高语言准确性
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension
    1 Read and tick or cross④
    (1)Students read the following sentences Judge true or false according to the poster Then check the answers with the teacher together (课件出示:Read and tick or cross答案)
    (2)Correct the wrong sentences The wrong sentences are corrected as followings
    Number 3 Bill will wear a yellow hat to work
    Number 6 Bill will be stronger than he is now
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    2 Work in groups⑤
    Students describe Bill’s changes in the poster in groups The teacher presents the main sentence structures on the PPT Then ask students to act out If they can make their descriptions more vivid and with more details that will be much better

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    3 Design your own poster
    T Use your photos to design your own poster Try to describe your changes in three periods before now and in the future Then make a report (出示课件)
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Write down a brief description of your changes
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计层层递进激活学生储备词汇旧知通核心句型提炼帮助学生建构表达逐步实现教学重难点突破效达成课程教学目标
    2 学生活动设计具体层次创设复活动学生旧知进行复巩固注重思维激发引导培养学生学力
    3 利直观生动图片辅助教学引导学生观察图片挖掘图片细节培养学生观察力逻辑推理力
    4 板书设计层次清晰核心词汇句型突出起纳总结作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Part 2
    Ÿ Be able to understand the descriptions of Bill’s changes from a little child to a grownup by pictures and complete the exercises
    Ÿ Be able to use the simple past tense the simple present tense and the simple future tense as well as relevant adverbial expressions of time to describe the changes in oneself or others and predict the future changes
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand the descriptions of Bill’s changes and complete the exercises
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to have a good command of the simple past tense the simple present tense and the simple future tense
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Sing a song
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 (1) Sing the song —Changes in me
    (2)Describe the changes
    3 Complete the matching game
    Review the comparative forms of adjectives the simple past tense and the simple present tense through a song Try to make a brief description of the boy’s changes Activate students’ relevant knowledge and make them get prepared for the topic and the following learning
    1 Describe Bill at the age of 5
    Talk with the teacher and describe Bill at the age of 5
    Lead students to describe Bill’s changes before now and in the future with the correct tense Pay attention to the forms of verbs and enhance the accuracy of expressions
    2 Describe Bill at the age of 12
    Talk with the teacher and describe Bill at the age of 12
    3 Describe Bill’s future
    Talk with the teacher and describe Bill’s future
    1 Read and tick or cross
    Judge true or false according to the poster
    Lead students to describe one’s own changes with the relevant adverbial expressions of time and the correct tense Promote students’ comprehensive ability of using English
    2 Work in groups
    Describe Bill’s changes in the poster in groups
    3 Design your own poster
    Design your own poster and describe your changes in three periods Then make a report
    1 Write down a brief description of your changes
    2 Do the exercises

    The seventh period(第七课时)
    Day 7 Mike’s surprise

    ▶ 教学容目标
    Mike’s surprise
    Ÿ 够懂邀请函回答相关问题
    Ÿ 够写简单邀请函收邀请函做出书面回应
    Ÿ 复般时法
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Prereading①
    1 Greetings
    2 Farewell parties
    Present some pictures of different farewell parties Present the new word farewell Teach the new word (课件出示:种告聚会图片单词farewell)
    T It is time to leave our school We are going to middle school soon so we will say goodbye to each other We are going to have a…party
    Ss A farewell party
    3 Leadin
    Present an invitation (课件出示:邀请函)
    T Can you guess the meaning of invitation through the picture Let’s learn the new word invitation Look Mike has got an invitation Who is the invitation from What is the invitation about Lead students to make predictions
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    式样送会图片创设情境引出课题词汇farewell partyinvitation通设置两问题帮助学生建立文阅读背景基础学生先预测关课invitation源题
    Step 2 Whilereading②
    1 Fast reading
    T Mike has got an invitation Read the passage quickly and answer the questions Check your predictions

    Check the answers
    Answers (1) A (2)B
    2 Careful reading
    (1) Students read after the recording and underline the key information of who when where and what in the invitation while reading Fill in the blanks according to the invitation Try to get some basic information about the invitation
    Lead students to catch key words instead of copying down the whole sentences
    (2) Questions
    ①Who will have a farewell party
    ②When will they have the party
    ③Where will they have the party
    ④What are they going to do at the party
    Mike’s school
    Friday 3 pm
    Mike’s music room
    Draw pictures sing songs give prizes have cake candy and juice listen to music play games and dance
    3 Listen and tick
    (1)T Listen to the dialogue between Mike and Zhang Peng Who is going to the party Listen and tick
    (2)Present the listening material Students read together and check the answers with the teacher (课件出示:Listen and tick练答案听力材料)
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    Step 3 Postreading③
    1 Elements in a reply
    Present the reply below the invitation (课件出示:Write a reply图片)
    Lead students to read and observe the reply carefully
    T What elements are there in a reply What information do we need to reply Discuss in groups and then share your answers Pay attention to the sentence structure of the simple future tense We can use …willbe going to… We also need the information about who what when and where
    2 Write a reply
    (1)Ask questions
    T If you are Mike are you going to the party What will you do at the party Brainstorm the activities you can do at the farewell party
    (2)Let students write a reply to the school Choose several welldone replies to share in class
    3 Design your own invitation
    T Work in groups Choose a topic and hold a party You can have a birthday party a New Year’s party a Children’s Day party or any other party you want to have Design your own invitation Then share your design
    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Make a poster of your design
    2 Do the exercise (练册应课时作业P51 第四题)

    ▶ 教学反思
    1 创设情境导入课题词汇通预测问题设置帮助学生建立文阅读背景基础
    2 培养学生阅读策略首先通快速阅读整体感知检测预测明确核心素通仔细阅读获更细节信息
    3 利直观表格形式引导学生提炼邀请函关键素明确事件发生物时间点活动
    4 引导学生阅读文总结般时方法培养学生观察力思维力

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Mike’s surprise
    Ÿ Be able to understand the invitation and answer the questions
    Ÿ Be able to write a simple invitation and write a reply to an invitation
    Ÿ Review the simple future tense
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to understand the invitation and answer the questions
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to have a good command of the simple future tense
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes

    1 Greetings
    2 Farewell parties
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Learn the new wordfarewell
    3 Talk with the teacher and make predictions about the questions
    Create scenes by various pictures of farewell parties Lead in the topic vocabulary farewell party invitation Help students get the relevant background knowledge of this class
    1 Fast reading
    Read the passage quickly and answer the questions Check the predictions
    Get a preliminary understanding of the passage through fast reading Identify the inviter and the topic of the invitation Get more details of who when where and what through careful reading
    2 Careful reading
    Read again and try to get more details to complete the blanks
    3 Listen and tick
    Listen and tick Read the listening material and check the answers together
    1 Elements in a reply
    Find out the elements they need to write in a reply
    Review the main sentence structure of the simple future tense Observe and analyze the writing elements and requirements of a reply Complete the reply based on the structures offered in the book Lead students to choose a party topic to design an invitation Promote students’ comprehensive ability of using English
    2 Write a reply
    Brainstorm the activities they can do at the farewell party Then write a reply to the school
    3 Design your own invitation
    Design an invitation Then share among the classmates
    1 Make a poster of your design
    2 Do the exercise

    The eighth period(第八课时)
    Day 8 A farewell party

    ▶ 教学容目标
    A farewell party
    Ÿ 够认读食物餐具学具等相关单词短语
    Ÿ 够梳理纳已学含字母组合cl pl br fr ch sh th ng nk ar or ee ea ai ow oo含ae ie结构词汇正确发音
    Ÿ 够通寻找信息理解Read the chant意义正确语音语调朗读歌谣
    Ÿ 够理解纳毕业晚会告语设计晚会购物清单
    Ÿ 通阅读趣味事复巩固单元学语言增加语言输入
    Ÿ 通阅读表演事引导学生学友相处珍惜学间情谊
    ▶ 教学重点
    ▶ 教学难点
    ▶ 教学准备
    2 PPT课件课文音频视频等
    ▶ 教学程
    Step 1 Warmup & Revision & Leadin①
    1 Greetings
    2 Quick review
    Brainstorm and review the words for food and drinks learned before
    3 Leadin
    Present a picture of a farewell party (课件出示:告聚会图片)
    T What kind of party is it
    Ss It’s a farewell party
    T Great What can you see in the farewell party
    Ss I can see…
    T Excellent job We need to prepare many things for a party
    ◆ Teaching purpose①
    通复题词汇激活课背景相关词汇面学做铺垫利图片创设情境激发兴趣引出课题A farewell party
    Step 2 Presentation & Practice
    1 Look and match②
    (1)Present the words and the picture (出示课件)
    Let students look and match Then check the answers (课件出示:Look and match答案)
    (2)Lead students to make a conclusion of these party things Draw a mind map
    T What kinds of things do we need to prepare for a party
    Ss We need to prepare food drinks fruit tableware decorations…
    Present the mind map on the blackboard
    ◆ Teaching purpose②
    2 Group the words③
    Firstly the teacher leads the reading Students get familiar with the pronunciation structures and try to write more Find the words with the following structures Brainstorm the answers The teacher and students make a conclusion together

    ◆ Teaching purpose③
    3 Arrange a farewell party④
    (1)Before the party
    Students talk freely about the things for a party
    (2)During the party
    T When you go to a party will you arrive early on time or late
    Ss I will arrive earlyon timelate
    T I think it’s OK to arrive early or on time but it’s not polite to be late
    T During the party we can join in many activities and have lots of fun
    Students work in groups and discuss what activities they can do Then each group asks a student to make a brief report
    (3)After the party
    ①Let’s chant
    T When the party comes to an end it’s time to say goodbye Don’t sing sad songs Let’s be happy and remember this happy moment Here we have a chant for a farewell party Let’s learn and chant
    Learn the chant after the video (课件出示:Read and chant视频)
    ②Ways to say goodbye
    T There are many ways to say goodbye We can say…
    S1 Good luck
    S2 Have a good trip
    S3 Write soon
    S4 Keep in touch
    S5 Take care
    S6 …
    (课件出示:Read and chant图片)
    ③Think and write
    T If today is the day to say goodbye what do you want to say to your friends and classmates Write it down on a piece of paper Then share it with us
    ◆ Teaching purpose④
    4 Make a party plan⑤
    T Now we’ve known how to arrange a party Work in groups and discuss Make a party plan Then share your plans Let’s see which group will get the best arrangement for the party
    Name of the party




    What to buy

    ◆ Teaching purpose⑤
    Step 3 Consolidation & Extension⑥
    Story time
    1 Watch and answer
    T Zip and Zoom are going to leave the school too Zip has some news for Zoom Watch the video of Story time (课件出示:Story time视频) Read and answer the following questions
    ①What is the good news
    ②What is the bad news
    ③What does Zoom ask Zip to promise to do
    ①Zip’s father has a new job in America
    ②Zip is going away for a long time He is going to America in a new middle school in Grade 7
    ③Zoom asks Zip to promise to write to him
    2 Teach the new words away promise
    Let students guess the meanings according to the context and read the words after the recording
    3 Act out
    Students read the story after the recording correctly fluently and emotionally then act out
    ◆ Teaching purpose⑥
    ▶ 板书设计

    ▶ 作业设计
    1 Make a poster of your party plan
    2 Do the exercises (见练册应课时作业)
    ▶ 教学反思
    1 教学设计层层递进激活学生储备词汇旧知通核心句型提炼帮助学生构建表达逐步实现教学重难点突破效达成课程教学目标
    2 学生活动设计具体层次创设复活动学生旧知进行复巩固注重思维激发引导培养学生学力
    3 利直观生动图片头脑风暴形式辅助教学引导学生观察图片挖掘图片细节培养学生观察力逻辑推理力
    4 板书设计层次清晰核心单词句型突出起纳总结作

    ▶ Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    A farewell party
    Ÿ Be able to have a good command of the words and the phrases for food tableware school things etc
    Ÿ Be able to summarize the words with combinations of cl pl br fr ch sh th ng nk ar or ee ea ai ow oo and with the structures of ae ie Read them correctly
    Ÿ Be able to understand and say the chant
    Ÿ Be able to understand and summarize the expressions for farewell and make a shopping list for the party
    Ÿ Be able to review and consolidate the target language of this unit by reading the story and enrich the language input
    Ÿ Be able to get along well with classmates and cherish the friendship through reading and acting out the story
    ▶ Teaching Priorities
    Ÿ Be able to have a good command of the words for food tableware school things etc
    ▶ Teaching Difficulties
    Ÿ Be able to understand and summarize the expression for farewell and make a shopping list for the party
    ▶ Teaching Procedures
    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Quick review
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Brainstorm and review the words for food and drinks
    3 Talk with the teacher
    Activate students’ background knowledge for this class through a word revision Help students prepare for the following study Lead in the topic of this class by a picture of a farewell party
    1 Look and match
    (1)Present the words and the picture
    (2)Lead students to make a conclusion Ask a question and draw a mind map
    (1)Look and match
    (2)Make a conclusion and answer the question
    Lead students to match the words to relevant pictures Use a mind map to summarize and categorize the words
    2 Group the words
    Find the words with the required structures
    Review and consolidate the common pronunciation combinations Strengthen the awareness and enhance the ability of spelling
    3 Arrange a farewell party
    (1)Before the party
    (2)During the party
    (3)After the party
    Talk with the teacher
    Lead students to organize and enrich their expressions from these aspects preparation before the party activities during the party and farewell after the party
    4 Make a party plan
    Make a party plan Then share the plan
    Lead students to discuss and make arrangements for a party Learn to make plans in these aspects name time place people and things to prepare Enrich students’ languages and enhance their comprehensive language ability
    Story time
    1 Play the video
    2 Teach the new wordsaway promise
    3 Let students act out
    1 Watch the video Read and answer the questions
    2 Learn the new words
    3 Read the story after therecording then act out
    Enrich students’ language input and extend their expressions of the topic of farewell Lead students to learn to get along well with classmates and cherish the friendship through reading and acting out the story
    1 Make a poster of your party plan
    2 Do the exercises

      1 动词

      读句子→读该单词→认识该单词→理解意思→be动词 (be going to 原形)
      ↘没表示时间状语 ↗第三称单数加ses
      aAmwas Is was Arewere 口诀:am are is复数全are
      b肯定否定句 I am (not) from London He is(not) a teacher She is(not) in the dining room My hair is(not) long Her eyes are(not) small
      c 般疑问句 Am I a Chinese Yes you are No you aren’t Are they American Yes they are No they aren’t Is the cat fat Yes it is No it isn’t
      判断步骤: ↗第三称单数was
      2 名词
      里强调两点:数名词默认单数总is者was根someanya lot of等词作判断免受误导
      a.般情况直接加s:bookbooks bagbags catcats bedbeds
      b.s x sh ch结尾加es:busbuses boxboxes brushbrushes watchwatches
      c.辅音字母+y结尾变yi 加es:familyfamilies strawberrystrawberries
      d.ffe结尾变ffev 加es:knifeknives
      e.规名词复数: manmen womanwomen policemanpolicemen policewomanpolicewomen mousemice childchildren footfeet toothteeth fishfish peoplepeople ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese
      3 形容词(包括副词)
      4 称代词物代词
      称代词 物代词
      单数 复数 单数 复数
      格 宾格 格 宾格 形容词性(短) 名词性(长) 形容词性(短) 名词性(长)
      第称 I me we us my mine our ours
    第二称 you your yours your yours
      第三称 he him they them his his their theirs
      she her her hers
      it it its its
      5 数量词
      三种:be动词(amisarewaswere)+not情态动词(canmustshould)+ not助动词(dodoesdid) + not
      1句中be动词直接be动词+ not
      2句中情态动词直接情态动词+ not
      3述二者没应助动词+ not分四步骤:
      :His birthday is on the 5th of May
      句When is his birthday
      The children are very happy on Christmas Da
      She often does some housework at the weekend
      般原形:am is are
      am 第称单数(I)is第三称单数(he she it名称谓:Ben his sister等)are第二称单数(you)复数(包括第称复数we第二称复数you第三称复数they复数 the children his parents等)
      第种情况:语第三称单数(he she it Helen her cousin 等)动词般加ses
      Be动词isam ←→ 名词原形(里包括数名词单数数名词)
      Be动词are ←→ 名词加ses
    动词加ses ←→ 语第三称单数
      动词原形 ←→ 语第三称单数

      The girls were on the grass just now
      They visited my parents last weekend
      般式:was were
      was 第称单数(I)第三称单数(he she it名称谓:Ben his sister等)were第二称单数(you)复数(包括第称复数we第二称复数you第三称复数they复数 the children his parents等)
      般种情况:+ ed
      just now a moment yesterday last week last night last weekend last year last month three days ago two weeks ago
      five years ago
      Be动词waswere 该句般时
      动词加ed 表示时间状语
      Be going to +动词原形
      句子中be动词goingto动词动词原形←→ 该句现进行时
    (4)句中tomorrowsoonnext week等词
      句子中be动词动词动词加ing ←→ 该句现进行时
      七HaveHasThere be结构
      1There be结构包括there is there are there was there were
      (1)There be 句型表示:某某物()
      (2)there be 句型中语单数be 动词is 语复数be 动词are 件物品be 动词根be 动词名词决定
      (3)there be 句型否定句be 动词加not 般疑问句be 动词调句首
      (4)there be句型have(has) 区:there be 表示某某物()have(has) 表示某拥某物
      (5)some any there be 句型中运:some 肯定句 any 否定句疑问句
      (6)and or there be句型中运:and 肯定句 or 否定句疑问句
      (7)针数量提问特殊疑问句基结构: How many + 名词复数 + are there + 介词短语? How much + 数名词 + is there + 介词短语?
      (8)针语提问特殊疑问句基结构: What’s + 介词短语?
      (9)There be结构般句子开头have等词某语面

    1般现时:常表示程度频度词连:often(常) usually(通常般) sometimes(时) always(总直) never()表示常性惯性动作表示现特征状态表示普遍真理动词原形表示第三称单数动词词尾加s(es变yi加es):I often get up at 700
    He often gets up at 730
    2现进行时:表示现现阶段正进行动作am is are 加 动词ing形式表示 What are you doing I am reading a book What is he doing He is singing
    3般时:常表示时间连:tomorrow next week next year 等表示发生动作情况 am is are 加 going to形式表示:What are you going to do tomorrow I’m going to ride a horse will 加动词原形表示:What will you do next Sunday I will go shopping am is are 加动词ing 形式表示:What are you doing tomorrow I’m going bowling
    4般时:常表示时间连 yesterday last night等 表示某时发生动作情况动词动词式:
    Who was first Ken was first
    Where were you yesterday I was at home
    What did you do yesterday I went to school
    1单音节词:较级加er 高级加est :talltaller the tallest
    He is taller than his brother Tom is the tallest in his class
    2音节词部分双音节词:较级加more 高级加 the most :
    interestingmore interestingthe most interesting
    Music is interesting subject PE is more interesting than music
    Science is the most interesting subject
    形容词变较级变化规:(1)般情况形容词词尾直接加er tall—taller short—shorter(2)字母e结尾形容词词尾直接加r:nice—nicer late—later (3)重读闭音节结尾结尾辅音字母词先双写辅音字母加er:big—bigger thin—thinner fat—fatter (4)辅音字母加y结尾双音节形容词先变yi 加er:easy—easier heavy—heavier funny—funnier(2)部分形容词较级规变化:good—better well—better bad—worse badly—worse many—more much—more little—less far—farther
    1)直接加ing : openopening cleancleaning meetmeeting singsinging studystudying ……
    2) 掉词尾发音e :taketaking closeclosing comecoming drivedriving havehaving useusing writewriting practicepracticing ……
    3) 重读闭音节双写字母加 ing : sitsitting putputting beginbeginning getgetting swimswimming runrunning cutcutting becomebecoming ……
    语第三称单数时般现时动词变化规律(名词变复数规律相): 1) 直接加s :cookcooks comecomes closecloses…
    2)o x s sh ch 结尾+ es teachteaches gogoes dodoes catchcatches washwashes brushbrushes missmisses ……
    3) 辅音字母加y结尾y改i + es :flyflies worryworries carrycarries ……
    4) ffe结尾ffe改v+ es
    5) 特殊:havehas ……
    words family grandfather(grandpagranddad) grandmother(grandmagrand mum) father mother brother sister uncle aunt cousin friend
    相关句型 1) Is heshe Tom’s cousin Yes heshe is No heshe isn’t
    2) Who’s heshe He’s She’s my friend
    3) How many people are there in your family Who are they
    There are four my father my mother my brother and me
    注意: 1)名词单复数:familyfamilies
    (1)1) 直接加s : boyboys termterms
    2)o x s sh ch 结尾+ es boxboxes classclasses glassglasses coachcoaches dressdresses faxfaxes inchinches matchmatches
    3) 辅音字母加y结尾y改i +es :babybabies ladyladies factoryfactories peachpeaches librarylibraries watchwatches
    4) ffe结尾ffe改v+es leafleaves knifeknives wifewives shelfshelves …
    5) 特殊 manmen policemanpolicemen womanwomen childchildren goosegeese toothteeth footfeet
    6) 变 hair milk tea coffee water bread rice paper juice meat people fish sheep …
    (2)名词格表明谁 : my cousin’s his parents’
    构成规: 单数名词+ ’s Mike’s mother
    复数名词词尾+ ’Teachers’ Da教师节
    两时者+ ’s
    Jim and Tom’s mother吉姆汤姆母亲
    两者两者+ ’s
    Jim’s and Tom’s mother吉姆母亲汤姆母亲
    名词生命格构成of a map of China幅中国图
    I般时态 定义:表示某时发生动作存状态
     He was here yesterday
     I got up at seven yesterday morning
     My mother was at work yesterday afternoon
     Did you have a good time last summer
     My mother often went to work by taxi last year
     When I was a student I often listened to music
    3 常般时态连时间:般式法:
      般式 表示动作状态通常般式带表示动作时间状语词词组句  yesterday the day before last last week two days ago 等文清楚时带时间状语
      I worked in that factory last year 年家工厂工作
      I met him yesterday 昨天碰见
      I went to the Tian Long Mountain yesterday 昨天天龙山
     般式构成:表示般式动词通常动词式形式表示动词式动词 原形基础变化动词式分规动词规动词
    4 般时标志词   last year last night
       yesterday (+morning afternoon evening)
       in +时间词 in 1998… 
    II 式规变化
    (a)动词词尾+ ed     walk →walked(走)need →needed (需)
    (b)动词词尾e时加d  live →lived (住)like →liked (喜欢)
    (c)动词词尾辅音字母+y时y加 ied 词尾元音字母+y加 ed
         study →studied (学)play→ played (游戏)
    (d)原形动词词尾重读闭音节时先双写该辅音字母+ ed stop →stopped
     III 式规变化
    () 变
    1cut   cut   2let  let    3put   put   4 read   read  5.must  must
    1 come     came   2become   became   3 begin    began  4 drink    drank
    5have      had   6run       ran      7 sit       sat     8ring     rang
    9 sing     sang  10swim    swam      11give     gave       
    1 think    thought   2fight fought    3bring    brought   4 buy  bought
    5 catch    caught    6 teach   taught
    1keep     kept    2sleep    slept     3sweep    swept    4feel    felt
    5spend    spent   6learn    learnt    7mean     meant  
    1blow    blew    2 know    knew    3grow    grew     4 draw     drew
    5throw   threw   6 fly     flew  
    1get got  2forget forgot   3write  wrote  4ride  rode  5drive    drove
    6sell  sold  7tell  told   8stand   stood     9understand  understood
    10speak    spoke    11hear heard  12take     took  
    1make    made    2hear    heard    3eat    ate       4mean     meant
    5say     said    6find    found    7meet met         8see saw
    9can  could      10shall   should   11will  would    12 may  might
    13go   went      14see      saw     15wear     wore 
     1 般现时:总常没(美眉^^)复星周
      总:always usually等
      :sometimes (记住have时)
      :every weekmonthyear 等
      复星周:on Mondays on Tuesdays等
      2 般时:昨天XX(读作叉叉)前in加年份when字连(原创)
      昨天:yesterday 面加morning afternoonevening等
      :last面加week monthyear等
      XX前:ago前面加three weeksmonthsyears ago
      in加年份:in 2009200819861220等2010前全般时年2012前时2012世界末日?电影
      when字连:when I was a child等 when字面时般时
      3 般时时间标志口诀:正般时应:明天XX
      明天:tomorrow面加morning afternoonevening
      :next面加week monthyear等
      XX:afterin面加three weeksmonthsyears
      里注意after加时间点表示after 3 o’clock 加时间段表示after 2 hours 表示in加时间段表in two years
      4 现进行时:现时刻听请安静
      现:now at present at the moment等
      时刻:It’s ten o’clock I’m beating Xiao Qiang
      听:Look Listen面般现进行时
      :What are you doing recentlythese days?
      :Where is Xiao Z? Xiao Z is beating Xiao Qiang
      请安静:Be quietDon’t make any noiseStop making noise Xiao Qiang is sleeping





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    Unit 1 How tall are you?Period 1 Section A Let’s learn Do a survey and report P5Learning ai...

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    第一单元教学计划一、单元教学内容分析 1、单元教学内容:本单元重点学习学校科室及功能室的名称、分布和不同的功能。要求学生能够听说认读这些课室的单词,说出每个科室的不同功用,并简单介绍学校校舍的...

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     Unit 1 Welcome back to school!第一课时教学目标:知识与技能:能听说单词Welcome,back,boy, and,girl, we, new, frie...

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    Unit 1 My dayPart A教学导航教学内容第一课时 Let’s learn Ask and write 第二课时 Let’s try Let’s talk第三课时 ...

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    人教版(PEP)四年级上册英语全册精编教案备课教师:Unit One My classrooml 单元整体分析本单元是义务教育灵通版(pep)小学英语教科书四年级上册第一单元。单元主题为My ...

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    PEP四年级下册英语Unit 1 My school导学案 课题:A Let’s learn Let’s do导学案(第一课时)一.学习目标1.能够简单介绍学校校舍分布情况,如:This i...

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    六年级英语下册全册教案 Unit1 How tall are you? Unit2 Last weekend Unit3 Where did you go? Unit4 Then and no...

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    课题 PA Let’s learn 单元 Unit 1 学科 英语 年级 六下学习目标 1. 能听说读写taller, shorter, younger, older, longer, sh...

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    Lesson 1 Ping-pong and Basketball教学目标: 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)学生能够听懂、会说、认读并书写本课单词sport, football, any, so...

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     Unit 1 My classroom第一课时一、教学内容 Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play二、教学目标 1. 能在情景中运用“Where is…? ” ...

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    Unit 1  What’s he like?第一课时一、教学内容: A Let’s try&Let’s talk二、教学目标1.能正确听,说,朗读:Who is …? He/She is…...

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     Part A Let’s talk & Let’s play 教学目标通过观察、谈论Let’s talk板块的图片,能够理解对话大意。能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能够在小组中进...

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    Unit 1 Hello!教学目标1.能听、说、认读单词ruler, pencil, crayon, eraser, bag, pen, pencil box, book。2.听懂、会说“H...

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    人教版小学四年级英语下册unit1 My school单元测试卷1带答案听力部分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,每小题听两遍。(10%)( )1.A.lightB.floorC.tableD...

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    人教版小学四年级英语下册unit1 My school单元测试卷1带答案听力部分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词,每小题听两遍。(10%)( )1.A.lightB.floorC.tableD...

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    pep小学英语五年级上册Unit1 What’s he like?导学案Unit1 What’s he like?第一课时学习目标:1、掌握old ,young, funny, kind,st...

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    1. 能够听、说、读、写短语:on foot,by bike,by bus,by train。 2. 能够听、说、认读短语:by plane,by ship,by subway。 3. ...

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    本单元以问路为主要话题展开教学,设计了关于问路的一系列情景对话和任务型活动,形式包括阅读理解、听力练习和游戏人物。学生在以前已经接触过该话题,已经会用“Where is/are…?”对物体位置进...

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