

    Unit One My classroom

    l 单元整体分析
    单元义务教育灵通版(pep)学英语教科书四年级册第单元单元题My classroom(教室)新学期孩子更换新教室单元情景图中展现孩子清理新教室场景呈现祈句:Let’s clean the Let me clean the询问位置语句:Where is the
    单元分ABC三部分A部分三页分三课时第课时情景话练部分通Zhang PengSarah谈新教室中物品摆设情景引出单元句式:What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see Where is it It’s near the window Let’s play(玩玩)部分提供课堂游戏活动图片展示教室物品物品旁标注着字母学生需先说出字母说出字母位置学生够正确利猜字母代表物品活动复字母单词中发音练询问物品位置问答句第二课时重点词汇重点句型呈现ZoomZip带领家透窗户观察教室物品:classroomwindow blackboard light picture door 询问教室里摆设问答句:What’s in the classroom One blackboard 通Let’s do部分指令活动进步巩固重点单词句型第三课时语音学学元音字母a开音节中发音eɪ
    B部分四页分两课时第课时然呈现情景话练通孩子起扫新教室活动引出提出行动建议祈句:Let’s Let me 通掷骰子说句游戏操练重点句式第二课时呈现更教室物品类词汇:teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor通涂涂说说活动学生进步熟悉新授词汇阅读练听音判断圈圈练歌曲巩固练课重点词汇句型C部分合课时
    l 单元教学目标
    µ 知识目标:
    1词汇:学生够听说认读单词:classroom window blackboard light picture door teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor
    2 句型结构:够听说认读句型:What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see Where is it It’s near the window Let’s clean the classroom Let me clean the teacher’s desk
    µ 力目标
    1 够正确重点词汇描述教室里物品设施
    2 够意义语境中抄写话题关词汇
    3 够情景中运句型Where is It’s inonundernear the 询问回答物品位置
    4 够情境中运句型Let’s Let me 提出行动建议
    5 够读出符合a+辅音字母+e结构发音规单词够根发音拼写出符合结构发音规单词
    µ 情感态度学策略文化意识目标
    1 学礼貌言行够请求道歉等行做出恰反应
    2 具讲卫生爱整洁意识
    3 够根a+辅音字母+e结构发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学重难点
    µ 教学重点
    1 学生够听说认读单词:classroom window blackboard light picture door teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor
    2够听说认读句型:What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see Where is it It’s near the window Let’s clean the classroom Let me clean the teacher’s desk
    µ 教学难点
    1 够正确重点词汇描述教室里物品设施
    2 够意义语境中抄写话题关词汇
    3 够情景中运句型Where is It’s inonundernear the 询问回答物品位置
    4 够情境中运句型Let’s Let me 提出行动建议
    5 够读出符合a+辅音字母+e结构发音规单词够根发音拼写出符合结构发音规单词
    l 教学方法
    l 教学时间
    第课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play
    第二课时:A Let’s learn Let’s do
    第三课时:A Let’s spell
    第四课时:B Let’s talk Let’s play
    第五课时:B Let’s learn Colour and say
    第六课时:C Story time B Start to read Let’s check Let’s sing
    l 知识视窗
    国外学低年级学生围着坐坐学高年级会开始单独坐教室墙会挂班级规老师会格言贴墙外老师会新学知识点做成海报挂墙方便学生时温知新老师会教室里天挂Question of the Day学生天问题思考探讨老师会请学生天分享高兴事高兴事般学生教室里储物袋(储物格子)天带带文具书放里面班里会游戏角放朋友种觉趣东西孩子起玩然阅读角缺少
    国外学班基包教班成天班级里教室里办公角孩子 开会讨

    l 课时容
    A Let’s talk Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分SarahZhang Peng谈新教室Sarah首先告诉Zhang Peng学期会新教室Zhang Peng奇教室里布置两起发现教室Sarah惊喜发现画摆放窗户旁边进行话程中呈现重点句式:We have a new classroom What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see Where is it It’s near the window 接触重点句式时学生会感受词汇:classroom window picture near
    Let’s play针重点句式进行游戏活动活动字母字形发音重点句式操练巧妙结合起教材呈现图片中三c两b两pe r分放玩具汽车(car)彩笔(crayon)图画(picture)尺子(ruler)书包(bag)文具盒(pencil box)橡皮(eraser)旁边学生首先说出字母运句式:I see a 组学询问里时两三种物品具样首字母出题者说出位置样组学利猜出出题者说物品什游戏程中学生会回忆字母字形字音回忆字母单词中发音时操练询问表达物品位置
    l 课时目标
    1 够语境中理解新词classroom really picture near window意思正确发音
    2 够听懂会说认读句型:We have a new classroom What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see Where is it It’s near the window
    3 够真实模拟情景中正确Where is it 询问物品位置
    4 够真实模拟情景中正确It’s near under on in描述物品听位置
    5 够情景中恰运句型:What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see
    6 够理解话意 够正确语音语调朗读话
    l 课时重难点
    够理解话意 够正确语音语调朗读话
    够语境中理解新词classroom really picture near window意思正确发音
    够听懂会说认读句型:We have a new classroom What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see Where is it It’s near the window
    2 难点
    够真实模拟情景中正确Where is it 询问物品位置
    够真实模拟情景中正确It’s near under on in描述物品听位置
    够情景中恰运句型:What’s in the classroom Let’s go and see
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 文具实物单词图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 游戏:What’s in the box 猜宝游戏教师准备袋子盒子请学生猜猜里边什复文具类词汇
    Teacher:Hello boys and girls I have a box Guess what’s in the box You please A ruler Let’s see Yes a ruler is in the box What else Who can try
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher:Look at these things Where is the ruler It’s near the pencil Where is the book It’s near the pencil box Where is my box It’s on the teacher’s desk This is a teacher’s desk Where is the teacher’s desk Where are we Yes we are in the classroom Read after me classroom The classroom is a room that a class studies in it Let’s write it together classroom What’s in our classroom
    设计意图:通环节中复文具物品然引入位置讨学生通观察实物位置然理解near含义讨已知位置情况引出新词汇teacher’s desk classroom学生语境中获取新词汇意义通英语讲解学生感受classroom合成词构成帮助记忆单词
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 导读引出话容引起学生阅读兴趣
    Teacher:This is our classroom Zhang Peng and Sarah have a new classroom What’s in their classroom Let’s go and see
    2 播放话容视频方式学生理解话容观时学生提出问题
    Teacher:Watch the video please Then answer my questions What can you see in the classroom
    Teacher:Now who can answer my question What can you see in the classroom
    3 次播放课文容学生根话容回答问题
    Teacher:Watch the video again After that try to more questions Is the classroom big Whose picture can you see Where is it
    Teacher Can you answer these questions Is the classroom big Whose picture can you see Where is it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    Teacher Listen to the tape Read after it please
    2 练读课文教师巡视学生提供帮助
    Teacher:Read the dialogue freely If you have any questions please raise your hand and ask me
    3 分角色朗读课文
    Teacher:Let’s read the dialogue in roles Boys will be Zhang Peng Girls will be Sarah Let’s read the dialogue Now girls will be Zhang Peng Boys are Sarah Read it again
    4 表演课文
    Teacher:Let’s act the dialogue out Who wants to try Let’s find the best pair
    5 利学生文具书等物品进行问答练新学句型
    Teacher:Where is my book Yes it’s on the teacher’s desk Where is your book Oh it’s on the desk And it’s near the pencil box In pairs ask and answer please
    6 完成Let’s play活动
    Teacher:Look at the picture There are some letters What are they Read them please What are the letters for This C is for the car This c is for the crayon The b is for bag and book Now let’s play a game I see a c Guess what it is You can ask me where the c is Then you can know it It’s on the desk What is it Yes it’s a car
    Teacher Let’s do a pair work Play the game in pairs
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher Look at the picture Let’s say a chant about it Listen to it first
    Book book where is the book Where is the book
    Desk desk it’s on the desk It’s on the desk
    Crayon crayon where is the crayon Where is the crayon
    Desk desk it’s in the desk It’s in the desk
    2 学生唱韵句然编制韵句表演
    Teacher:Say the chant after me please
    Teacher Please make a chant like this You can make it in groups
    Teacher Which group want to show your chant Let’s find the best pair
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 It’s _____ the desk
    A in B on C near

    ( ) 2 The picture is near the ________
    A clock B desk C chair

    ( ) 3 It’s _____ the chair
    A in B on C under

    ( ) 4 It’s ____ the book
    A in B on C under
    ( ) 1 The book is on the desk

    ( ) 2 The crayon is in the desk

    ( ) 3 The pencil is in the pencil box

    ( ) 4 The bag is in the desk

    1 in is what the classroom
    2 have a we classroom new
    3 is it the window near
    4 let’s and see go
    1 A 2 A 3 C 4 B
    二1× 2× 3√ 4 √
    三1 What is in the classroom 2 We have a new classroom 3 It is near the window
    4 Let’s go and see

    l 板书设计
    Unit One My Classroom
    We have a new classroom
    What’s in the classroom
    Let’s go and see
    Where is it
    It’s near the window

    l 课时容
    A Let’s learn Let’s chant
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn 部分ZoomZip站教室窗外外张想知道教室里什Zoom问站窗台Zip:What’s in the classroom Zip回答:One blackboard one TV many desks and chairs 教室物品呈现课四会词汇:classroom blackboard window light picture door单词标注相应图片旁边学生目然解意思重点学生建立起字义字形字音间联系整体记忆单词
    接Let’s do中学生会五指令Open the door Turn on the light Close the window Put up the picture Clean the blackboard 五指令操练部分中学重点词汇时指令教室里物品相关真实活动学生理解指令含义通操练指令学生熟悉重点词汇
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:classroom blackboard light picture door window
    2 够游戏真实情景中正确句式:What’s in the classroom回答
    3 够听懂指令:Open the Turn on the Close the Put up the Clean the做出正确反应
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词:classroom blackboard light picture door window
    够游戏真实情景中正确课单词句式:What’s in the classroom
    2 难点:
    够听懂指令:Open the Turn on the Close the Put up the Clean the做出正确反应
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 教室物品单词图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 学生互致问候请学生注意带教室里物品根位置呈现韵句
    Teacher What’s this Yes it’s my book Where is my book It’s on the desk Let’s say a chant about it Listen to it first
    Book book where is the book Where is the book
    Desk desk it’s on the desk It’s on the desk
    Crayon crayon where is the crayon Where is the crayon
    Desk desk it’s in the desk It’s in the desk
    2 学生齐唱韵句
    Teacher:Let’s say the chant together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 讨:What’s in our classroom?请学生根处教室讨教室里见物品
    Teacher My book is on the desk Where is the desk Yes it’s in our classroom What’s in our classroom Yes many desks many chairs a teacher and many students
    2 出示教材中图片引起学生阅读兴趣
    Teacher This is Zip and Zoom’s new classroom What’s in the classroom What can Zip and Zoom see in the classroom Let’s listen
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 播放课文容学生读
    Teacher Let’s listen to the tape and find what is in the classroom Read after it please
    2 分组读课文
    Teacher:Let’s read the text in groups I will find the best group
    3 图卡实物相结合教授新授单词
    Teacher:(指黑板)What’s this It’s a blackboard What colour is it Yes it’s black It’s a board It’s a black board We call it blackboard (板书单词提示学生注意单词两单词合成)Let’s write it together (学生书空)(走门边开门指着门询问)What’s this It’s a door (板书单词学生书空)Let’s write it together It’s a door How many doors are there in our classroom (指窗户)Is this a door No It’s a window (板书单词分成两音节教授学生) Read it together window How many windows are there in our classroom Next please guess They are high in our classroom They are bright I can see nine (根教室里灯数量说出数字)What are they Yes they are lights one light two lights (提示学生注意单复数读音)Can you see lights on the streets Yes they are traffic lights(呈现交通信号灯图片)What colour are they They are red yellow and green Read after me please light And on the wall we can see beautiful pictures (板书单词)Read after me picture (讲解字母组合true发音)
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 I say you point 说指教师说出物品名称学生指相应物品
    Teacher Now I say the word you point to it A blackboard a light a window
    2 I point you say 指说教师指黑板单词者指教室里实际物品请学生说出单词
    Teacher This time I point you say I will point to the word on the blackboard or the things in our classroom Please say the word
    3 猜单词教师先学单词词卡呈现学生学生逐读出单词接着词卡反转乱序请学生猜猜什单词
    Teacher What’s this (呈现单词卡请学生读出单词)
    Teacher:Guesswhat’s this Is this a blackboard Is it a light (反转单词卡请学生猜)
    4 出示遮盖物品图片请学生猜出单词
    Teacher:Lookwhat’s this Is this a picture Is this a window Guess please设计意图:通猜单词学生断重复新学单词样操练起机械操练作避免机械操练枯燥游戏程中引导学生注意倾听学答案保证重复说错误答案提高猜准确性利培养学生良听课惯
    5 教师动作示范讲授指令性句子学生理解指令含义
    Teacher:This is the door I open the door Say with me open the door Now I close the door Close the door (板书句子)Listen to me open your book Close your book (擦黑板)I clean the blackboard In the afternoon you will clean our classroom Do you clean the window Do you clean the desks (板书句子)
    Teacher:Look at the picture What is john doing He is turning on the light Can you turn on the light Thank you (板书句子)And in this picture John puts up the picture Do with me put up put up the picture (做出挂画动作)
    6 I say you do 教师说句子学生模拟动作
    Teacher Let’s play I say you do Turn on the light Open the window Close the door
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 游戏:Simon says教师说出指令性动作学生做出相应反应
    Teacher:Let’s play a game Simon says When I say Simon says sit down Please sit down If I say sit down Please don’t do that Simons says stand up Sit down Simon says open the window Simon says clean the window Close the door
    l 课堂作业

    _________ _______ ________ ________
    1 Open the door

    2 Close the book

    3 Put up the picture

    4 Turn on the light

    5 Clean the blackboard

    ( ) 1 What’s in the classroom
    A It’s so big B One blackboard one TV many desks
    ( ) 2 Where is the picture
    A Let’s go and see B It’s near the window
    ( ) 3 Where is it
    A It’s in a desk B It’s so big
    blackboard door window picture
    二1√ 2× 3× 4√ 5√
    三1 B 2 B 3 A
    l 板书设计
    Unit 1 My classroom
    A Let’s learn

    blackboard light door window picture

    What’s in the classroom
    One blackboard nine lights

    Open the door Close the door
    Turn on the light
    Put up the picture
    Clean the blackboard

    l 课时容
    A Let’s spell
    l 课时分析
    Read listen and chant活动中教材呈现四幅图片帮助学生理解语音例词cake face name make元音字母a发音字母e标红学生够目然感受开音节结构通韵句:My name is Jake My name is Jake I like my name and I can make a cake Hello Jake Hello Jake My name is Dave And I like to eat a cake 感受含ae结构单词拼读
    Readlisten and tick活动中教材呈现三组单词前闭音节ae开音节学生需根听单词选择正确答案勾Listen circle and write活动中图片方代表闭音节字母a代表开音节ae学生听单词先需判断闭音节开音节圈出正确项然听单词正确格式写横线
    l 课时目标
    1 够感知纳字母a开音节(ae结构)中发音规
    2 够读出符合ae发音规单词
    3 够根单词读音拼写出符合ae发音规单词
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 语音例词单词卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1播放韵句:What’s your name 学生先听遍韵句老师起说韵句
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s say a chant Listen to me first
    What is your name What is your name
    My name’s Tom My name’s Tom
    What is your name What is your name
    My name’s Sam My name’s Sam
    Teacher This boy is Tom And this boy is Sam Let’s say the chant about them together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1展示Read listen and chant中Jake图片谈相关问题引出语音例词
    Teacher:Who’s this boy Oh his name is Jake(板书单词name Jake) Read after me please Jake This is Jake’s face Read after me face (板书单词)What can Jake do Listen (播放前部分韵句) Jake can make a cake Look this is a cake Can you make a cake (板书单词make cake)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 展示Dave图片播放韵句半部分完整呈现韵句引导学生感受发现字母a开音节中发音
    Teacher:Is this Jake No his name is Dave What does he like Listen (播放韵句)What does he like He likes to eat a cake (板书单词Dave)
    Teacher Let’s listen to the chant again Please say with it
    Teacher Look at these words on the blackboard What can you find Talk in groups and then show your opinions
    Teacher We can find an a in these words Read them what is the sound of a Yes it’s eɪ Look at my mouth and say it eɪ
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生练韵句表演
    Teacher Practice the chant please
    Teacher Now let’s say the chant together
    2 呈现组成语音例词字母请学生正确序排列拼写出正确语音字母朗读
    Teacher:Look at these four letters Put them in order you can get a word What is it Spell it and read it please
    3 完成Read listen and tick活动
    Teacher:(呈现题目中单词请学生读读)Look what’s this Read it please Now listen to the tape Tick the word that your hear Are you ready
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    4 较闭音节中a发音开音节中a发音练发音规拼读单词
    Teacher:This is—cat What is the sound of a Yes it’s æ Look at my mouth æ How to read this word (次出示dad hat cap map have black)What is the sound of a in these words Yes æ Is it the same What is it It’s cake The sound of a is eɪ Read these words please (出示cake date hate face name make 等单词)What do you find from these words They all have an a They all have an e at the end of them We call it open syllable(开音节)In this syllable a sounds eɪ
    5 出示更单词请学生语音规分分类读读
    Teacher:Can you read these words Have a try please (次呈现date gate game lake late plate plane snake grape Kate等单词请学生尝试读读)
    Teacher What about these words Read them please (次呈现mad bat bag can Sam max fan等单词请学生尝试读读)
    6 完成Listen circle and write活动
    Teacher:Now please look at these pictures Below them there is a and ae Listen to the tape If the word is like cat please circle a if the word is like cake please circle ae And you should write the word Are you ready Listen carefully
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 播放韵句学生齐说韵句
    Teacher Let’s listen to the chant again
    Teacher Let’s say the chant together
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 c__p A u B o C a
    ( ) 2 c__ke A e B a C i
    ( ) 3 fa__e A a B u C c
    ( ) 4 na__e A m B n C t
    ( ) 1 cake make ( ) 2 cat date
    ( ) 3 dad hat ( ) 4 map cat
    ( ) 5 date hat ( )6 face cake
    My n______ is Jake I’m a boy I like to eat c_____ And I can m_____ a cake
    My n____ is Kate Look at my f____ I have big eyes This is my h___ on my head
    1C 2 B 3 C 4 A
    二1√ 2× 3√ 4√ 5× 6√
    三name cake make name face hat
    l 板书设计
    Unit One My classroom
    A Let’s spell
    a cake face name make
    a cat dad hat map
    l 课时容
    B Let’s talk Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    课时包括两活动Let’s talk中孩子商量着扫教室擦窗户整理教师讲桌孩子互相帮助起动手整理教室程中学Let’s Let me句式提出行动建议时呈现课时学词汇:classroom window课出现新授词汇teacher’s desk词组学生已较熟悉理解掌握成问题课需提供真实语境学生然发出建议正确掌握重点句式
    Let’s play针重点句式设计游戏活动学生制正方体面写扫位置clean the classroom clean the desks clean the blackboard等游戏里掷骰子方式掷出正方体活动句式Let’s Let me 进行表达非常趣换练学生游戏中快乐进行句式操练
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读句式:Let’s Let me
    2 够理解正确认读课文话发音准确语调然
    3 够真实语境中运句型Let’s Let me 提出行动建议做出正确反应
    4 够语境中理解新词语teacher’s desk clean help意思正确发音
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读句式:Let’s Let me
    2 难点:
    够真实语境中运句型Let’s Let me 提出行动建议做出正确反应
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 活动骰子
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 TPR活动起动动学生教师指令进行活动边作动作边重复指令
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s do some actions
    Let’s stand up Let’s stand up
    Let’s touch the eye Let’s touch the eye
    Let’s open the book Let’s open the book
    Let’s sit down Let’s sit down
    设计意图:调动学生全部感官参活动学生课伊始全部注意力放英语学中时课时重点句式:Let’s 作指令学生实际活动中初步感知句型意义法
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher:Where is it Yes it’s a classroom What are the children doing They are cleaning the classroom (板书短语)Read after me please clean the classroom What is the boy doing He is cleaning the teacher’s desk (板书词组teacher’s desk) Let’s read it teacher’s desk This is a – teacher’s desk(指桌子学生答出单词)This boy is cleaning the – window (引导学生说出单词)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 引起阅读兴趣呈现课文容
    Teacher:Wu Yifan and Mike have a new classroom What are they doing in the new classroom Let’s watch and find (播放课文视频)
    Teacher:What are they doing Yes they are cleaning the classroom
    2 次播放录音学生读
    Teacher Listen to the tape again This time please say with it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 练读话容学生喜欢方式练读课文
    Teacher Read the text freely You can read it in pairs or in groups
    2 分角色读课文先座位分角色请四学生分角色表演读
    Teacher Let’s read the dialogue in roles This team is Wu Yifan This team is John This team is mike This team is Zhang Peng
    Teacher Now who wants to be Mike Who wants to play John Who will be Wu Yifan Who will be Zhang Peng Let’s act it out And let me find the best group
    3 教师走某学生面前先招呼提议某项活动鼓励进行回应
    Teacher:Hello Let’s stand up
    Student:OK Sorry
    4 准备关教室陈设单词卡请学生抽出单词练短语:clean the
    Teacher:Look at these word cards What’s this (学生认读单词)
    Teacher Let’s play a game with these words Choose one and say I clean the please
    5 出示短语骰子学生掷骰子说句子
    Teacher:Look at this It has six phrases Throw it And so you can find what you should do Look at me (掷骰子)Oh clean the teacher’s desk OK let me clean the teacher’s desk
    Teacher:Play it in groups please
    Teacher Which group wants to show
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 呈现编韵句现课重容 学生认真听
    Teacher:Let’s chant Look at and listen to the chant first
    Classroom classroom let’s clean the classroom
    Windows windows let me clean the windows
    Door door let me clean the door
    2 次呈现韵句学生逐句学
    Teacher:Listen to the chant again This time say the chant after me
    3 齐说韵句结束课程
    Teacher:Let’s say the chant together
    Teacher Time’s up Let’s say goodbye
    l 课堂作业
    1 Let me clean the ________________

    2 Let me clean the ________________

    3 Let’s clean the _______________

    4 Let me clean the _____________________
    A window
    B blackboard
    C light
    D teacher’s desk
    E picture
    F desk

    1 let clean classroom the us
    2 help me you let
    3 clean the let me desk teacher’s
    1 desk 2 blackboard 3 classroom 4 window
    三1 Let us clean the classroom 2 Let me help you 3 Let me clean the teacher’s desk
    l 板书设计
    Unit One My classroom
    B Let’s talk
    Let’s clean the classroom
    Let me clean the
    Let me help you
    Thank you

    l 课时容
    B Let’s learn Colour and say
    l 课时分析
    课时学生学classroom window door等教室里陈设物品词汇继续着ZoomZip学教室相关名词:teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor单词学生日常生活中非常常见教授时实物学生直观理解含义时Zip教材图片中描述门颜色提示学生通课学描述教室中种物品颜色教学中复颜色类词汇二通种活动学生形成词汇字形字义字音统记忆
    Colour and say活动中呈现没涂颜色教室学生根喜教室里种物品涂颜色英语进行介绍介绍时需提示学生注意单复数表达区
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor
    2 够熟练描述教室中种物品颜色
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词teacher’s desk computer fan wall floor
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s do some actions
    Open the door Turn on the light Close the window Put up the picture Clean the blackboard Open your book Sit down please
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher Look at this picture What’s this Yes it’s a classroom Look here what’s this It’s a window And what’s this Yes it’s a door And this is a—desk What’s on the desk What’s in the desk And here what’s this Yes it’s the blackboard And this is the – teacher’s desk
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 导读引出课文容播放课文录音学生倾听
    Teacher There are more things in the classroom What are they Listen and find
    2 展示教材图片讨容学生深入解教材容
    Teacher This is Zoom And this is Zip What’s this This is a computer (板书单词)Read after me please computer And what’s this It’s a fan It makes you cool in summer (板书单词)Boys read it fan Girls read it please Where is the fan It’s on the wall (板书单词)Repeat it please wall And this is the floor (板书单词) Read it one by one please And this is the teacher’s desk (板书单词)Read it together please
    3 次播放录音学生读
    Teacher Listen to the tape again Follow it please
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 游戏操练单词
    Teacher Let’s play a game I point you say When I point to the word please read it as quickly as you can
    Teacher:What’s this (展示教室里物品单词卡片请学生读出单词然单词卡片乱序反转反面呈现学生)Now guess what it is (请学生猜测单词然呈现卡片检验学生答案)Lookit’s a
    (3)猜单词展示物品部分 请学生猜出单词名称
    Teacher:Now look what’s this We can see a part of them Please guess
    Teacher:Lookthese are some letters Put the letters in order we can see a word What is it Yes it’s a fan Please guess like this
    2 教师描述物品颜色图片中位置学生猜出物品
    Teacher:Let’s guess again It’s orange It’s near the fan What is it Yes it’s the door
    Teacher What can try to say Others please guess
    3 完成Colour and say活动
    Teacher:Lookthis is a new classroom It doesn’t have colours Please colour it and then say something about it
    Teacher(呈现涂颜色教室)Look this is my classroom The door is yellow The desks are blue The fan is blue too I like my classroom
    Teacher Colour your classroom and say
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 呈现教室图片请学生教师指示介绍复学词汇句式
    Teacher:Look at this picture Let’s introduce the classroom This is my This is the It’s It’s
    设计意图:次请学生This is 句型介绍教室里物品时介绍物品颜色位置学生重现课重点词汇

    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 fan A B

    ( ) 2 computer A B

    ( ) 3 door A B

    ( ) 4 teacher’s desk A B

    ( ) 1 A pen B pencil C fan
    ( ) 2 A computer B blackboard C fan
    ( ) 3 A desk B pen C chair
    ( ) 4 A computer B floor C wall
    ( ) 1This is my _______ A desk B classroom

    ( ) 2 The ______ is yellow A floor B door

    ( ) 3 Close the ______ A door B window

    ( ) 4 Let me clean the ______ A blackboard B floor
    1B 2 B 3 A 4 B
    二1C 2 B 3 B 4A
    三1B 2 B 3 A 4 B
    l 板书设计
    Unit One My classroom
    B Let’s learn


    teacher’s desk fan computer floor

    This is my new classroom
    The is
    l 课时容
    B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing C Story time
    l 课时分析
    Read and write部分包括两活动第活动Read and tick or cross中提供教室图片学生需认真观察出现物品位置根位置判断图片左侧四组问答句中描述物品位置否正确活动方面检验学生否理解单元中学重点词汇方面复位置表达Lookchoose and write活动中学生需根图片展示物品位置出六备选单词图片提示格线中写出正确单词形成句子学描述教室
    Let’s check部分包括两活动第活动Listen and tick or cross中学生会听三组话需针听容判断否教材提供三幅图片相符检验学生否听懂单元重点句式话第二活动Look and circle中提供幅图片两段句子学生需判断组句子中描述物品图片中呈现相符活动检验学生理解单词认读单词力
    Let’s sing部分提供歌曲We have a new classroom歌曲中呈现重点问句:What’s in your new classroom 回答词汇:wall floor picture window door等学生学唱歌曲时复单元相关知识
    Story timeZipZoom事课时蜜蜂飞进教室会飞灯会飞电扇会停墙停老师填空题结果学生利造句子事非常趣符合学生心理特点学事程中复关教室陈设词汇学生学事程中扩展词汇句式逐步适应文阅读
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单元重点单词
    2 够听懂事表演
    3 够会唱歌曲We have a new classroom
    4 够完成阅读听音判断圈圈等活动正确理解认读单元重点句式
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 事中两物头饰重点单词图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:We have a new classroom 学生先认真倾听熟悉歌词曲调
    Teacher Let’s listen to a song about our classroom Listen carefully
    Teacher Read the song with me
    Teacher What’s in the new classroom Yes Four walls and a floor pictures windows and a yellow door
    Teacher Let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 出示单词图卡复重点单词
    Teacher:Look at these cards What is it Say it please
    2 完成Let’s check 中Look and circle
    Teacher:Look at this picture This is a classroom What’s in the classroom Look and circle
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 导读引入事播放事视频学生认真观察
    Teacher Zip and Zoom are in a classroom What’s in their classroom Watch
    2 展示事图片学生讨事容
    Teacher Now do you know what is in the classroom Yes a bee is in the classroom (展示蝴蝶图片)Is this a bee No it isn’t (展示蜜蜂图片)It’s a bee (展示教材中图片)Where is the bee Is it on the fan Is it on the light Is it on the wall Is it on the blackboard (展示蜜蜂黑板图片)The bee is on the blackboard What does the teacher ask He points to the blackboard and asks what’s this And the students should say—It’s a blackboard But they say—It’s a bee Because there is a bee on the blackboard What does the teacher say He says Ah yes It really IS a bee Why does the word is use big letters Can you read the sentence
    3 次播放事学生读提醒学生注意语音语调
    Teacher Watch the story again Read with it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生读事
    Teacher Read the story freely
    2 组合作表演事
    Teacher Now let’s act the story out We’ll find the best group
    3 完成Read and write中Read and tick or cross
    Teacher:There is a bee in Zoom’s classroom What’s in this classroom(展示教材中图片学生讨容)Where is the green book Is it under the teacher’s desk Please tick or cross Read other sentences and tick or cross according to the picture
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    4 完成Let’s check中Listen and tick or cross
    Teacher (出示题目中教室图片)This is a classroom too Who are in the classroom What can you see in this classroom Where is the fan
    Teacher Now listen to the tape Then tick or cross
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    5 完成Read and write中Look choose and write活动
    Teacher:Look at this classroom What can you see Talk about it please
    Teacher Where is the bag It’s in the desk Please choose the correct word and write them in the blanks
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    6 描述教室写写
    Teacher Now say something about our classroom Where is the fan What colour is our door Where is your bag
    Teacher Please write the sentences
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放歌曲We have a new classroom学生齐唱
    Teacher Let’s sing the song We have a new classroom together
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A teacher’s desk B door C fan

    ( ) 2 A computer B wall C fan

    ( ) 3 A light B computer C door

    ( ) 4 A blackboard B wall C floor

    ( ) 1 A map B cap C date
    ( ) 2 A face B dad C cake
    ( ) 3 A cat B make C hate
    ( ) 4 A hat B map C face

    ( ) 1 The map is near the blackboard
    ( ) 2 The computer is on te floor
    ( ) 3 The ddor is near the window
    ( ) 4 The picture is near the door
    ( ) 5 The banana is on the teacher’s desk
    This is my new classroom It’s so big The door is blue The window is blue too The blackboard is big The fan is near the window It’s yellow The computer is on the teacher’s desk It’s picture A picture is on the wall

    1A 2C 3 B 4 A
    二1C 2 B 3 A 4 C
    三1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
    l 板书设计
    Unit One My classroom
    C Story time

    There’s a bee in our classroom
    Where is the bee
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    l 单元整体分析
    单元义务教育灵通版(pep)学英语教科书四年级册第二单元单元题My schoolbag(书包)情景图展示校园里希工程捐赠情景呈现 单元学题:描述书包颜色说出书包里课物品名称
    A部分三页分三课时第课时情景话练部分Let’s talk活动中Amy陈杰展示新书包介绍书包里装物品名称通交流引出单元重点句型:What’s in your schoolbag 回答:An English book a maths book three storybooks and Let’s play活动中学生会猜猜手里着什东西练重点句型第二课时重点词汇重点句型呈现Zoom询问Amy新书包里装着什引出教材名称类重点词汇:maths book English book Chinese book storybook schoolbag 询问回答书包里课重点句型:What’s in your schoolbag An English book a maths book three storybooks 通Let’s do指令活动进步巩固重点单词句型第三课时语音学通听听读读唱唱读听排序听听圈圈写写三活动学生学元音字母i开音节中发音 aɪ
    B部分四页分两课时第课时然呈现情景话练Zhang Peng失物招领处找丢失书包老师询问信息引出询问颜色重点句式:What colour is it 回答:It’s blue and white 接Let’s play中游戏活动练重点句式第二课时Zhang Peng书包里物品呈现重点单词:key candy notebook toy 认读询问书包里什句子What’s in my schoolbag 通活动Draw and say 进步熟悉新授词汇阅读练听排列序读读圈圈练歌曲巩固练课重点词汇句型C部分合课时
    l 单元教学目标
    µ 知识目标:
    1词汇:学生够听说认读单词:schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book storybook candy notebook toy key
    2 句型结构:够听懂会说认读句型What’s in your schoolbag An English book What colour is it It’s
    3 字母语音:够掌握字母i开音节里发音 aɪ
    µ 力目标
    1 够真实模拟情景中运句型What’s in your 询问回答某处什物品
    2 够认读情景中运句型What colour is it It’s 询问回答物品颜色
    3 够正确重点词汇描述书包里物品
    4 够意义语境中抄写述话题词汇
    5 够读出符合开音节发音规含字母i单词根发音拼写出符发音规单词
    µ 情感态度学策略文化意识目标
    1 学教科书名称时学生解教科书重性求爱护书
    2 解Hope School(希学校) Lost & Found(失物招领)意思
    3 够根i开音节里发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学重难点
    µ 教学重点
    1 够听说认读单词:schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book storybook candy notebook toy key
    2 够听懂会说句型What’s in your schoolbag An English book What colour is it It’s
    3 够正确重点词汇描述书包里物品
    4 够掌握字母i开音节里发音 aɪ
    µ 教学难点
    1 够真实模拟情景中运句型What’s in your 询问回答某处什物品
    2 够认读情景中运句型What colour is it It’s 询问回答物品颜色
    3 够意义语境中抄写话题词汇
    4 够根i开音节里发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学方法
    l 教学时间
    第课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play
    第二课时:A Let’s learn Let’s do
    第三课时:A Let’s spell
    第四课时:B Let’s talk Let’s play
    第五课时:B Let’s learn Draw and say
    第六课时:C Story time B Start to read Let’s check Let’s sing
    l 知识视窗
    l 课时容
    A Let’s talk Point and say
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分Amy高兴Chen Jie介绍新书包书包外形熊猫引起Chen Jie惊叹然Chen Jie奇问书包里装着什 发现书Chen Jie幽默说:It’s a fat panda (胖熊猫)话程中呈现描述颜色句子:It’s black and white 呈现询问某处什物品句子:What’s in 回答:An English book a maths book three story book 单元学教材名称类词汇首先学生理解学科名称区分种课
    Let’s play活动里Zhang PengSarah两猜物游戏例练询问某处某物回答活动中Zhang Peng猜Sarah手里东西课时重点句式:What’s in your schoolbag 结构相What’s in your hand 教学程中铅笔盒盒子袋子等物品学生进行猜物游戏样断变换位置学生更加灵活掌握重点句式结构够真实语境中正确
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句型:What’s in your schoolbag An English book
    2 够听懂会说词汇:schoolbag English book maths book storybook wow
    3 够听懂会读话分角色表演
    4 够真实模拟情景中正确句型Who’s that man He’s my…介绍朋友家
    5 够胆表达乐英语进行交流
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句型:What’s in your 正确回答
    2 难点
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 学科教材相关图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 游戏:I see something 教师学生拍手说出Look look I see something教师突然说出种颜色学生教室里寻找具种颜色物品手指出
    Teacher:Let’s play a game about colours Look look I see something Please say with me Look look I see something red Please point to something red Yes it’s red Look look I see something black
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher What colour is it It’s What is it Yes It’s a book Look this is a book too It’s a Chinese book And this is an English book (板书单词)Pay attention to the big letter Read after me please Chinese English What’s this book It’s a maths book (板书单词)And look at this is it a Chinese book Is it a maths book Is it an English book No It’s a storybook We can read many stories or one beautiful story (板书单词)Read it together please storybook
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 询问学生关书包问题引起阅读兴趣呈现话容
    Teacher:Where do you put these books In your schoolbag (板书单词)What colour is your schoolbag Do you like your schoolbag Amy has a new schoolbag It’s very cool What colour is it Let’s listen to the tape and find
    2 播放话录音学生找出答案听完录音请学生说出答案讨话容保证学生够理解话意思
    Teacher Now can you tell me what colour Amy’s new schoolbag is Yes it’s black and white It looks like a panda Do you like it Why does Chen Jie say it’s a fat panda Because there are too many books in the schoolbag What’s in the schoolbag An English book a maths book three storybooks and
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 次播放课文录音学生读课文
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s read the dialogue after the tape Please listen carefully read carefully
    2 学生分角色朗读课文
    Teacher Now who wants to be Chen Jie Who wants to be Amy Let’s read it in roles
    3 请学生戴头饰扮演话角色表演话
    Teacher Now we’ll find the best actor or actress Please come to the front and show the dialogue
    4 游戏:What’s in the pencil box 竞猜活动
    Teacher:Look what’s this It’s a pencil box What’s in the pencil box Guess please Is it a ruler Is it an eraser
    Teacher Now please put something in your pencil box and play the game with your partner please
    5 组活动完成Let’s play活动
    Teacher Who are they They are Zhang Peng and Sarah What are they doing They are playing a guessing game What’s in Sarah’s hand Is it a pencil No It’s an eraser
    Teacher Let’s do this in groups One of you put a thing in your hand Others guess what it is
    Teacher Show time Which group wants to try
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 呈现教材图片学生说出名称复课重点词汇
    Teacher:What book is this Say it please
    2 What’s in your schoolbag 问答结课重点句式
    Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag Tell me please
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 storybook A B

    ( ) 2 schoolbag A B

    ( ) 3 maths book A B

    ( ) 4 English book A B

    ( ) 1 I have a new schoolbag

    ( ) 2 It’s a panda

    ( ) 3 I have an English book

    ( ) 4 I have two storybooks
    1 It and is black white ()
    2 I a new have schoolbag ()
    3 What your in is schoolbag ()
    1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A
    二1T 2F 3 F 4 F
    三1 It is black and white 2 I have a new schoolbag 3 What is in your schoolbag

    l 板书设计
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    A Let’s talk

    English book maths book storybook schoolbag

    What’s in your schoolbag
    An English book

    l 课时容
    A Let’s learn Let’s do
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn部分ZoomAmy熊猫书包表示出极兴趣边翻着Amy书包边问Amy书包里装什书包里掏出书整齐摆桌子学重点词汇课重点词汇然教材名称类词汇课时求学生够做听懂会说认读简单拼写询问某处什物品句子:What’s in your schoolbag 回答课时求做认读
    Let’s do部分重点词汇容进行指令练包括Put your Chinese book in your desk Put your pencil box on your English book Put your maths book under your schoolbag Put your eraser near your pencil box 学生必须够正确理解重点词汇读音字义做正确反应活动中加强学生重点词汇理解记忆
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book storybook
    2 够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说认读句式:What’s in your schoolbag An English book
    3 够听懂指令:Put your 做出正确反应
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词:schoolbag maths book English book Chinese book storybook
    2 难点:
    够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说认读句式:What’s in your schoolbag An English book
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 学科课图片制课程表
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    Teacher:(拍手节奏)What is this What is this (展示钢笔引导学生韵句形式回答)It’s a pen It’s a pen What is this What is this It’s a pencil It’s a pencil What is this What is this It’s a ruler It’s a ruler
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示文具类图片展示部分请学生猜出物品
    Teacher:Look at this picture It’s a part of something What’s this Guess
    2 出示书讨名称
    Teacher:This is a book too And this is also a book What’ s this book Yes it’s an English book And this is a maths book
    Teacher 形式呈现课重点词汇学生理解book前边词汇学科相关课文容学基础
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 引起阅读兴趣播放课文录音
    Teacher:What book do you have What’s in your schoolbag Let’s see what is in Amy’s schoolbag Please listen and find
    Teacher Now show me you answer What’s in Amy’s schoolbag(板书句子)
    Teacher:An English book a Chinese book a maths book and three storybooks
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 播放课文容学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it
    2 (1)出示制课程表教师指课程表中学科学生说出学科名称
    Teacher Lookwhat subject is it Please say the word
    Teacher:Now I will say the name of the teachers Please say the correct subjects
    3 教师学科书放手里请学生猜猜学科书
    Teacher:What’s in my hand What book is it Please guess Is it an English book Is it a maths book Is it a Chinese book Is it a storybook
    4 I point you say 指黑板词汇学生快速读出
    Teacher Let’s play a game I point you say What’s this What’s this
    5 乱序展示组成新单词字母请学生猜出单词
    Teacher:Now I’ll show some letters They are in wrong order Please guess what it is Read it and spell it please
    6 学生进行话练课重点句式
    Teacher:This is my schoolbag What’s in my schoolbag Let’s see An English book
    Teacher What’s in your schoolbag
    Teacher Let’s do it in pairs Ask and answer What’s in your schoolbag
    Teacher Show your dialogue please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 TPR活动:Put your Chinese book in your desk 教师发出指令学生边重复指令边做出正确动作
    Teacher:Let’s do some actions Put your Chinese book in your desk Put your pencil box on your pencil box Put your maths book under your schoolbag Put your eraser near your pencil box
    l 课堂作业
    判断列单词否图片相符写√ 写×
    ( )1 Chinese

    ( )2 English

    ( )3 maths

    ( ) 4 schoolbag
    1 Put your ________ ________(语文书) in your desk
    2 Put your ________ _______(英语书)near your pencil box
    3 Put your __________ ________(数学书) under your schoolbag
    4 Put your _________(橡皮)on your pencil box
    ( ) 1 What’s in your schoolbag
    A An English book a Chinese book B It’s a panda
    ( ) 2 What is this
    A A Chinese book and a story book B It’s a book
    ( ) 3 Where is your schoolbag
    A Two storybooks and a Chinese book B It’s in the desk

    1 √ 2 × 3 × 4 √
    二1Chinese book 2 English book 3 maths book 4 eraser
    三1 A 2 B 3 B
    l 板书设计
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    A Let’s learn

    English book maths book storybook Chinese book schoolbag

    What’s in your schoolbag
    An English book

    l 课时容
    A Let’s spell
    l 课时分析
    部分分语音学单词书写两部分容通听听读读唱唱活动学生通听读拆音等练体会掌握字母i单词中发音课时学开音节里发短音aɪ活动间韵句:See the nice new kiteWith the big number nine Do you like the nice new kite Yes it is very fine 韵句中呈现含i开音节词汇:nice kite nine finelike时教材中呈现语音例词like kite five nine rice学生通语音例词韵句诵读感受掌握字母i开音节里发音听听读读排序活动学生单词读音字形结合起进步训练学生听音辨音力听听圈圈写写活动学生需判断字母i单词中发音属闭音节类开音节类圈出相应代表字母写出单词活动帮助学生进步掌握拼读规根拼读规拼写出单词
    l 课时目标
    1 够感知纳字母i开音节(ie结构)中发音规
    2 够读出符合ie发音规单词
    3 够根单词读音拼写出符合ie发音规单词
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 语音例词单词卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 TPR活动复节课中指令
    Teacher:Listen to me boys and girls Put your Chinese book in your desk Put your pencil box on your English book Put your maths book under your schoolbag Put your eraser near your pencil box Put your English book on your desk Put your pencil box near your English book
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示教材引出语音例词
    Teacher Look what’s this Yes it’s an English book Look at the picture how many English books are there Yes five (板书单词)Read it after me please five five five How many (出示数字9)Nine (板书单词) Repeat it please nine (展示印数字9风筝图片)What’s this Yes it’s a kite Do you like kites What’s on this kite Is it nice(板书单词five nice like)Let’s read them together
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 播放语音韵句学生先认真倾听然读
    Teacher:Now let’s listen to a chant about these words Listen carefully
    Teacher Listen to it again Now let’s say the chant after it
    2 学生说韵句方式节奏
    Teacher Now say the chant freely You can say it with your partner And you can clap your hands to say it
    3 表演韵句
    Teacher:Now let’s act the chant together
    4 引导学生发现字母发音规
    Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard What can you find Yes there is an i in the words What is the sound of the i Let’s read and find (学生起慢慢读语音例词)What is the sound Yes it’s aɪ Look at my mouth and say with me
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 口型猜单词教师说出语音例词中出声学生通观察老师口型猜出单词声读出
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s play a game I will say a word Look at my mouth carefully Guess what word it is And try to say it loudly
    2 快速抢读展示单词图卡学生快速反应拼读方式读出单词
    Teacher Now I’ll show the cards of the words You should say it quickly And please say it like this like like l aɪ k
    3 读读听听排序播放录音学生根听容教材中六单词排序
    Teacher Let’s read listen and number First read these words Now listen to the tape Number the words
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    4 听听圈圈写写根听容判断单词闭音节(i)开音节(ie)圈出相应规字母然写写听单词
    Teacher:Now please listen circle and write Write the word that you heard Five is it i or ie It’s ie So circle ie then write the word five
    5 编写语音韵句学生学唱
    Teacher It’s chant time Listen first then say it
    II I I I I I is in like aɪ aɪ aɪ
    I I I I I I I is in nice aɪ aɪ aɪ
    I I I I I I I is in nine aɪ aɪ aɪ
    I I I I I I I is in big ɪ ɪ ɪ
    I I I I I I I is in pig ɪ ɪ ɪ
    I I I I I I I is in six ɪ ɪ ɪ
    6 表演韵句学生练时间鼓励加入动作组合作选择组展示韵句节拍方式创意表演韵句
    Teacher:Nowlet’s work in groups Please act the chant out You can choose the way to show it
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher:I’ll show some words quickly Please say it loudly
    Teacher Well done Let’s chant together
    l 课堂作业
    1 v i e f 2 i k e l 3 n i e n 4 i c r e

    ( ) 1 big six ( ) 2 hi ice
    ( ) 3 five six ( ) 4 kite rice
    ( ) 5 it is ( ) 6 like big

    ( ) 1 This is a kite ( ) 2 I like rice

    ( ) 3 I have nine books ( ) 4 I have five books
    1 five 2 like 3 nine 4 rice
    二1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T 6 F
    三1T 2 F 3 F 4 T
    l 板书设计
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    A Let’s spell
    like kite five nine rice

    l 课时容
    B Let’s talk Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    部分A部分单词句型学基础继续学询问某处什东西句式:What’s in it 学句式:What colour is it 询问物品颜色It’s blue and white回答描述物品颜色 教材中Zhang Peng失物招领处(Lost & Found)寻找丢失书包招领处老师开始询问相关信息首先确定颜色接着确定中装着物品帮助Zhang Peng找回书包程中帮助学生理解话:What colour is it It’s blue and white What’s in it An English book two toys and a notebook
    Let’s play活动中桌子放着排种颜色书名学生认定目标书学生通询问颜色确定前名学生认定目标书目程中学生会断重点句式:What colour is it达相真实语境中操练重点句式目
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句式:What colour is it It’s
    2 够理解正确认读课文话发音准确语调然
    3 够真实语境中运课句型询问回答物品颜色
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句式:What colour is it It’s
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 颜色单词卡种颜色书笔
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1游戏:Look look I see something 教师学生拍手说look look I see something 教师说出颜色学生指教室里具相应颜色物品
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s play a game Say look look I see something with me And please clap your hands like this (老师拍手示范)When I say red please point to something red When I say yellow please point to something yellow Are you ready Let’s play Look look I see something blue Look look I see something white
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 学生谈书包学课文做准备
    Teacher:(展示手里书)What’s this It’s an English book What colour is it It’s (回答颜色学生明白What colour is it含义)I put the book in the schoolbag Do you have a schoolbag What colour is your schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag (学生进行交流讨学生充分理解新句式含义)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:Lookwhere is it Lost & Found If can’t find your schoolbag That means your schoolbag is lost You should go to the Lost & Found IF someone got it you can find again Read after me Lost & Found
    设计意图:引导学生理解教材话背景理解Lost & Found意思
    2 谈话情景图引起阅读兴趣学生带着问题倾听课文容听尝试回答
    Teacher Who is at the Lost and Found Yes Zhang Peng Why is he here What does he want to do Listen and find
    Teacher Nowcan answer the questions Why is Zhang Peng here Yes he lost his schoolbag
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 播放课文容学生读注意发音语调
    Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape Please read it carefully and loudly Pay attention to the pronunciation
    2 出示课文中图片根课文容学生进行交流
    Teacher There are so many schoolbags Which is Zhang Peng’s bag Is this one No Why What colour is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag Yes it’s blue and white So this one and this one are blue and white Which one is Zhang Peng’s schoolbag Now we should see what’ s in the schoolbag What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag Yes An English book two toys and a notebook Is this a notebook No It’s an English book Is this a notebook Yes it is What’s in this schoolbag Is it Zhang Peng’s schoolbag What’s in that schoolbag Is it Zhang Peng’s schoolbag
    3 读话容分角色表演课文
    Teacher:Read the dialogue freely Then I will ask you to act it out Let’s find the best pair
    4 游戏:猜猜谁学生根颜色猜出教材容完成Let’s play活动
    Teacher:Look what’s this Yes it’s a storybook What colour is it It’s green What’s this It’s a Chinese book What colour is it It’s red
    Teacher I have a new book Guess which is it You can ask me the colour of my new book So you can know it
    Teacher I have a new book
    Student What colour is it
    Teacher It’s yellow
    Student It’s a Chinese book
    Teacher Yes
    Teacher Now please do a pair work like this
    Teacher Show me your dialogue please I will find the best pair
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 教师意指教室物品询问颜色学生齐答
    Teacher:What colour is it What colour is that
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A English book B Chinese book

    ( ) 2 A notebook B storybook

    ( ) 3 A maths book B Chinese book

    ( ) 4 A English book B schoolbag

    ( ) 1 What colour is it
    A An English book B It’s black and yellow
    ( ) 2 What colour is your schoolbag
    A The book is white B My schoolbag is blue
    ( ) 3 What’s in your schoolbag
    A A notebook and a maths book B It’s white
    ( ) 4 Where is your English book
    A It’s in my schoolbag B What’s in it
    1 colour What is it ()
    2 blue and It’s white ()
    3lost I schoolbag my ()
    1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B
    二1 B 2 B 3 A 4 A
    三1 What colour is it 2 It’s blue and white 3 I lost my schoolbag
    l 板书设计
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    B Let’s talk
    What colour is it
    l 课时容
    B Let’s learn Draw and say
    l 课时分析
    Zhang Peng找回遗失书包迫开书包检查里边物品引出三会词汇:candy notebook toy key 词汇代表物品学生日常生活中常见物品实物直观展示单词学生非常容易理解意思教学程中注意candy复数形式时注意key读法
    Draw and say 活动作听力活动进行学生根听容画出书包里东西作会话活动时行先学生画出书包里容学进行会话交流交流中操练课重点词汇单元重点句式
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词toy key candy notebook
    2 够听懂会说认读句式:What’s in my schoolbag My keys
    3 够熟练正确描述书包里种物品名称
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词toy key candy notebook
    够听懂会说认读句式:What’s in my schoolbag My keys
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    Teacher I’ll divide you into four groups Each group has a schoolbag If you did well you will get a book in your group bag The group which gets most books is the winner
    2 韵句:What’s in your schoolbag 教师先唱出韵句学生认真倾听然学生唱
    Teacher Let’s say a chant about the schoolbag Listen carefully first
    What’s in your schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag
    An English book an English book
    What’s in your schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag
    A notebook a notebook
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 谈学生书包学课容做铺垫
    Teacher:What colour is your schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag Guess
    Teacher Now listen to the tape and find Check your answer please
    2 检验学生答案时板书课重点单词学生读拼写
    Teacher:What’s in Zhang Peng’s schoolbag His keys (展示钥匙图片)Look this is a key Read after me key (板书单词)Read it one by one please (纠正学生发音)What’s this It’s a candy (板书单词)These are some candies (板书复数形式)Do you like candies (学生进行交谈回答问题中重复单词)And these are toys (呈现玩具图片)This is one toy These are toys Repeat it please Do you like toys And this is a notebook We knew that (板书单词)
    3 播放课文录音学生读
    Teacher: Listen to the tape and read with it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 游戏:指说教师指黑板单词学生快速说出单词
    Teacher Now I point you say I point to the word on the blackboard You should say the correct word If you are the first and you are right you will get a book for your group
    2 游戏:(1)猜单词教师出示单词卡学生先认读反转单词卡学生猜单词
    Teacher:Look at the card what is it What’s this
    Teacher:Now guess what is it
    (2) 出示物品部分物品遮盖起留部分学生猜出单词
    Teacher Look it’s a part of something Guess what’s this A key Maybe Candy Yes
    3 教师出示图片学生利图片进行问答交流
    Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag Look at the card and answer Yes a key Now what’s in your schoolbag Yes some candies Let’s do it one by one Answer the questions according to my card Do it now
    4 Listen and draw 听老师说出容画出书包里物品
    Teacher:Now listen and draw What’s in your schoolbag A key What’s in your schoolbag A notebook What’s in your schoolbag A toy
    5 Draw and say 学生画出书包里物品桌聊聊
    Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag Draw it in this bag and talk about it with your partner Draw it please
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher:What’s in your schoolbag How many Which group is the best Congratulations
    l 课堂作业

    ( ) 1 A notebook B English book C maths book

    ( ) 2 A pen B toy C keys

    ( ) 3 A tiger B toys C candy

    ( ) 4 A candies B key C toy

    ( ) 1 A pen B maths C English
    ( ) 2 A notebook B wall C floor
    ( ) 3 A Chinese B maths C toy
    ( ) 4 A blue B notebook C black
    ( ) 5 A key B storybook C notebook

    ( ) ( ) ( )
    1 What’s in my schoolbag Two notebooks
    2 What colour is your schoolbag It’s yellow and black
    3 What’s in my schoolbag A book a notebook and a ruler
    A I lost my schoolbag
    B What colour is your schoolbag
    A It’s blue and black
    B What’s in your schoolbag
    A Err two English books a story book a maths book a Chinese book and some keys
    B Here it is
    A Thank you so much
    B It’s so heavy
    A Yes
    ( ) 1 My schoolbag is heavy
    ( ) 2 My schoolbag is blue and black
    ( ) 3 Some candy is in the schoolbag
    ( ) 4 Two English are in the schoolbag
    ( ) 5 Two Chinese books are in the schoolbag
    1 A 2 C 3 B 4 A
    二1A 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 A
    三2 1 3
    四1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F
    l 板书设计
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    B Let’s learn

    key notebook candy toy

    What’s in your schoolbag
    My keys

    l 课时容
    B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing C Story time
    l 课时分析
    Read and write部分包括两活动第活动Read and circle 读读圈圈学生先读读教材中句子根句子里列举出物品名称圈出相应图片Look choose and write活动中学生先观察图片桌子里物品然写出相应单词完成句子根书包里物品选择单词填空写出句子两活动词汇字义字形结合起检验学生否理解书写重点词汇时复重点句式结构
    Let’s check部分包括两活动Listen and number中学生会听四组话然根话序相应图片标明序活动检验学生否正确理解单元重点句式话Look and circle活动中呈现两句子幅图片学生观察图片中呈现物品容然选出正确句子检验学生否正确认读单元重点词汇
    Let’s sing歌词容书包呈现My bag is heavy What do you have I in your schoolbag 学生学会演唱歌曲学生学词汇句子回答问题
    Story time部分中Zoom事晚Zoom收拾书包时家里猫趁注意悄悄跑进书包第二天Zoom学时发现书包重老师求外书时猫突然窜出跳讲台家吃惊事趣符合学生兴趣事中单元中学词汇:English book Chinese book maths book schoolbag单元句式:My schoolbag is so heavy 外呈现句式:Good night Put away your books Is everyting in your schoolbag Sweet dreams I’m full Take out your books 等句子短易懂交际性强教学中创设情境学生够真实情景中理解语句
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单元重点单词
    2 够听懂事表演
    3 够会唱歌曲My schoolbag
    4 够完成阅读排序判断等活动正确理解认读单元重点句式
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单元重点词汇图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:My schoolbag 学生先倾听
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    2 次播放歌曲学生唱
    Teacher:Listen to the song again please sing with it
    3 齐唱歌曲
    Teacher Now let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher:What colour is your schoolbag What’s in your schoolbag
    2 出示图片学生认读单词复单元重点词汇
    Teacher What’s this Yes it’s an English book What’s this Yes it’s a maths book What about this It’s a key
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题激起学生阅读兴趣然播放事视频学生认真观察尝试回答问题
    Teacher I know what is in your schoolbag But what is in Zoom’s schoolbag Let’s watch the story and find
    Teacher:It’s story time Watch the story carefully And check your answers
    2 讨事容保证学生够理解事容
    Teacher:Look at Picture One It’s night What does Zoom say Yes he says good night to his mum Can he sleep now No He should put away his books Look at me I put away my books (整理书包学生明白put away意思)What does Zoom put in his schoolbag Yes he puts English book Chinese book maths book in his schoolbag What’s meaning of sweet dreams Do you have dreams at night Sweet dreams mean good dreams Do you want to have sweet dreams You can say sweet dreams to your mum and dad when you go to bed Look at this picture Zoom has breakfast He is full He can’t eat more (做动作学生理解full意思)Who is in his schoolbag Does he know What happens when he takes out his book
    3 次播放事学生读提醒学生注意语音语调
    Teacher Watch the story again This time please read with it Pay attention to the pronunciation
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生读事
    Teacher:Read the story freely please
    2 组合作表演事
    Teacher Now let’s act the story out We’ll find the best group
    3 出示Read and circle中片谈图片
    Teacher There is a cat and many books in Zoom’s schoolbag What about this schoolbag Look at this picture what can you see And what about this
    Teacher Now read the sentences which picture is right Circle it
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    3 完成Look and circle
    Teacher:Look at this schoolbag What’s in it
    Teacher Read A and B which is right Circle it
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    4 完成Look choose and write
    Teacher (展示活动中图片)What’s this Yes it’s a desk What’s in the desk An egg a pen a notebook and some keys Yes Now read and write the words in the blanks
    Teacher What’s in your desk Choose the words and fill in the blank
    Teacher Read your sentence please
    5 完成Listen and number活动
    Teacher:Look what’s this Yes it’s a pen What colour is it Yes it’s red Look at this picture What’s this It’s a schoolbag What colour is it Yes it’s green What colour is this schoolbag What’s in it Look at the pink schoolbag What’s in it
    Teacher Now listen to the tape Then number the pictures according what you hear
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放歌曲My schoolbag 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s sing the song my schoolbag together
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1sch____lbag A u B oo C ou
    ( ) 2ma____s A th B sh C ss
    ( ) 3 st__ybook A o B ro C or
    ( ) 4 c____dy A an B un C ae
    ( ) 5 k___ A ay B ee C ey
    ( ) 1 storybook A B

    ( ) 2 candy A B

    ( ) 3 toy A B

    ( ) 4 English book A B

    AExcuse me I lost my schoolbag
    B Thank you
    C Ok What’s in it
    D What colour is it
    E An English book two toys and a notebook
    F It’s blue and white
    GHere it is
    ( ) 1What colour is it It’s pink

    ( ) 2What colour is it It’s blue and white

    ( ) 3 What’s in your schoolbag A ruler and a pencil

    ( ) 4 What’s in your schoolbag Two notebooks

    1B 2A 3 C 4A 5 C
    二1A 2 A 3 B 4 B
    三A D F C E G B
    四1 T 2 F 3 T 4 F
    l 板书设计
    Unit Two My schoolbag
    C Story time
    Good night
    Sweet dreams
    Put away your books
    My schoolbag is so heavy
    Take out your books please

    Unit Three My friends

    l 单元整体分析
    单元义务教育灵通版(pep)学英语教科书四年级册第三单元单元题My friends(朋友)情景图展示学生展示朋友画描述朋友特征请学猜出朋友姓名程中呈现单元学题:介绍朋友友性格外貌特征进行描述
    A部分三页分三课时第课时情景话练部分Let’s talk部分John妈妈介绍新朋友通介绍呈现重点句式:What’s his name His name is Zhang Peng He’s tall and strong Let’s play游戏通描述朋友特征请学生猜出姓名第二课时词汇学课时Let’s learn中通JohnMike话引出描述性格外貌特征词汇:tall and strong short and thin friendly quite询问身份句子:Who’s he Let’s chant通韵句学生熟悉描述朋友性格特征句式第三课时语音学通听听读读唱唱读听排序听听圈圈写写三活动学生学元音字母o开音节中发音 əʊ
    B部分四页分两课时第课时然呈现情景话练Let’s talk中Mike告诉John结识新朋友John通询问特征猜出谁引出询问身份重点句式:Who is he 回答:He is 接Let’s play中游戏活动练重点句式第二课时MikeChen Jie游戏话引出重点词汇短语:brown shoes blue glasses long hair short hair a green bag 认读描述朋友外貌特征句式:My friend has blue glasses 通活动Say and draw进步熟悉新授词汇读写练听音排序阅读匹配练歌曲巩固练课重点词汇句型C部分合课时
    C部分取著名事拔萝卜动物帮助兔子拔萝卜Zoom帮助终成功事中呈现It’s so big It’s too big I’m strong 等描述物品特征句子学生通阅读事整合单元重点句式词汇
    l 单元教学目标
    µ 知识目标:
    1词汇:学生够听说认读单词:strong friendly quiet hair shoe glasses
    2句型结构:够听懂会说认读句型What’s his name His name is Zhang Peng He’s tall and strong Who’s he He has glasses and his shoes are blue
    3 字母语音:够掌握字母o开音节里发音əʊ
    µ 力目标
    1 够正确重点词汇描述物性格外貌特征
    2 够意义语境中抄写述话题词汇
    3 够真实模拟情景中运句型What’s hisher name His Her name is Who’s he she He She is 询问姓名身份回答
    4 够认读情景中运句型He’s She’s He She has 描述物性格外貌特征
    5 够读出符合开音节发音规含字母o单词根发音拼写出符发音规单词
    µ 情感态度学策略文化意识目标
    1 够解外貌描述中文化禁忌:学长胖戴眼镜等歧视语言
    2 够根o开音节里发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学重难点
    µ 教学重点
    1 够听说认读单词:strong friendly quiet hair shoe glasses
    2 够听懂会说句型What’s his name His name is Zhang Peng He’s tall and strong Who’s he He has glasses and his shoes are blue
    3 够正确重点词汇描述物性格外貌特征
    4 够掌握字母o开音节里发音 əʊ
    µ 教学难点
    1 够真实模拟情景中运句型What’s hisher name His Her name is Who’s he she He She is 询问姓名身份回答
    2 够认读情景中运句型He’s She’s He She has 描述物性格外貌特征
    3 够意义语境中抄写话题词汇
    4 够根o开音节里发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学方法
    l 教学时间
    第课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play
    第二课时:A Let’s learn Let’s chant
    第三课时:A Let’s spell
    第四课时:B Let’s talk Let’s play
    第五课时:B Let’s learn Say and draw
    第六课时:C Story time B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing
    l 知识视窗
    描述体型词语:fat(肥胖)thin(瘦)slim(苗条) overweight(超重)slight(瘦)tall(高)short(矮) of medium height(中等身材)等
    例句:He is thin and tall 瘦双高 She is short and slim 矮苗条
    1 头发长短发色:long(长)short(短) straight(直) curly(卷发)black(黑色) blond(淡黄色) brown(深棕色) fair(金色)white(白色)
    2 五官眼睛鼻子嘴巴等big() small()
    例句:She has long black hair Her eyes are big 着长长黑色头发眼睛He has brown short hair He has a small nose 长着头棕色短发鼻子
    l 课时容
    A Let’s talkLet’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分John放学回家告诉妈妈结交新朋友妈妈问中国朋友John回答告知妈妈友高壮名字张鹏程中呈现句子:What’s his name His name is Zhang Peng He is tall and strong 学生够句子What’s his name询问男性名字句式His name is 回答
    Let’s play活动里SarahChen Jie两猜朋友游戏例练询问女性姓名回答活动中Sarah先句子She’s tall and thin描述朋友外貌特征Chen Jie句子What’s her name 询问姓名SarahHer name is 回答
    课时中学询问姓名句式中需区分男性女性正确his herhe she外想正确描述朋友外貌特征学生需首先掌握描述特征形容词课时里重点学生理解正确重点句式关描述外貌特征部分先学生正确理解求完全掌握
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句型:What’s his her name His Her name is
    2 够听懂会说词汇:friendly tall strong thin
    3 够听懂会读话分角色表演
    4 够真实模拟情景中正确句型What’s his her name 询问姓名His Her name is 回答
    5 够胆表达乐英语进行交流
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句型:What’s his her name His Her name is
    够听懂词汇:friendly tall strong thin描述物特征
    2 难点
    够真实模拟情景中正确句型What’s his her name 询问姓名His Her name is 回答
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 物图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:Find a friend(找朋友)教师播放歌曲学生认真倾听教师配合完成歌曲
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s listen to a song Find a friend
    Try to findtry to find  找啊找找啊找
    Try to find a good friend  找朋友
    Say helloshake hands  问声握握手
    Now we are good friends   朋友
    Byebye 见
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher How are you Do you have a new friend Ihave a new friend What’s her name Look (展示朋友图片句子:My name is Lily)Her name is Lily
    2 请学生根刚介绍回答问题
    Teacher:What’s my friend’s name You should say Her name is Lily Good
    设计意图:教师介绍新朋友热身部分歌曲然连接通教师介绍学生区分My name is Her name is
    3 描述朋友外貌特征引出课重点形容词:tall short thin strong
    Teacher:Look at Lily is she tall (手做出高姿势学生理解tall含义)No she’s short (板书单词)Read after me please tall short Do with me tall short (加手势学生边重复单词边做动作)
    Teacher Is Lily strong (体态语学生感受strong含义呈现壮硕运动员图片学生进步理解strong含义)No she is not strong She is thin (呈现图片进行学生感受thinfat区)
    Teacher (学生新授词汇进行谈)Are you tall Are you short Are you strong Are you thin
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题引起学生阅读兴趣呈现话容
    Teacher:You know about my new friend John has a new friend too Is his new friend a girl or a boy What’s his or her name Let’s listen to the tape and find
    2 播放话录音学生找出答案听完录音请学生说出答案讨话容保证学生够理解话意思
    Teacher Can you tell me the answer Is John’s new friend a boy or a girl Yes he is a boy What’s his name Yes his name is Zhang Peng He is our old friend right Is Zhang Peng tall Yes he is tall and strong And he is a Chinese boy You are Chinese boys and girls You are Chinese students Zhang Peng is John’s Chinese friend
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 次播放课文录音学生读课文
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s read the dialogue after the tape Please listen carefully read carefully
    2 学生分角色朗读课文
    Teacher Now who wants to be John Who wants to be his mother Let’s read it in roles
    3 请学生戴头饰扮演话角色表演话
    Teacher Now we’ll find the best actor or actress Please come to the front and show the dialogue
    4 游戏:What’s his name 请五学生前边站成排分介绍名字第学生介绍名字第二学生介绍名字介绍第学生名字类推
    Teacher:I need five students to stand in the front Who wants to try Stand in a row please
    Teacher You please introduce yourself Please say my name is You introduce yourself first Then introduce him Please his name is Is it clear Let’s play
    设计意图:游戏区分his her 寻找参游戏学生时意识注意性素游戏中关注学生his her情况口语表达中建立起性意识
    5 组活动完成Let’s play活动
    Teacher Who are they They are Lucy Bob Lily and Tim Choose one and introduce him or her Others guess who he is (出示话结构学生话结构完成交流)
    I have a new friend He She is ( tall short thin strong)
    What’s his her name
    His Her name is
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher: Let’s chant about our new friends Listen carefully
    I have a new friend I have a new friend
    What’s her name What’s her name
    Her name’s Lily Her name’s Lily
    Is she tall Is she tall
    Yes she is Yes she is
    Teacher Chant with me please
    Teacher You say this chant or make a new chant Practice please
    Teacher Show your chant please
    l 课堂作业
    1 ( His Her ) name is Jack

    2 ( His Her ) name is Lucy

    3 ( He She ) is tall

    4 ( He She ) is thin
    ( ) 1 What’s your name
    A My name is Amy B Her name is Sarah
    ( ) 2 What’s his name
    A My name is Sarah B His name is John
    ( ) 3 What’s her name
    A Her name is Amy B His name is John
    1 tall He and is strong ()
    2 His is Zhang Peng name ()
    3 What her is name ()
    1 His 2 Her 3 She 4 He
    二1A 2 B 3 A
    三1He is tall and strong 2 His name is Zhang Peng 3 What is her name

    l 板书设计
    Unit Three My friends
    A Let’s talk

    What’s his name
    His name is
    He is tall and strong

    What’s her name
    Her name is
    She is tall and thin

    l 课时容
    A Let’s learn Let’s chant
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn部分John Mike介绍新朋友朋友片旁边呈现描述体格词汇:strong tall short thin性格词汇:friendly quiet通Mike问话引出询问物身份问句:Who is he 通部分学学生学会重点词汇描述物外貌性格特征正确Who is he she 询问物身份
    Let’s chant部分重点词汇容进行韵句学生吟唱韵句时会熟悉句式:He’s tall and thin He’s a good boy She’s quiet and friendly She’s a cute girl 学生学会韵句基础学生尝试朋友信息编制成韵句唱出
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:tall strong short thin friendly quiet
    2 够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说认读句式:Who is he she
    3 够听懂会说唱Tim is my friend 韵句形式介绍朋友
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词:tall strong short thin friendly quiet
    够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说认读句式:Who is he she
    2 难点:
    够听懂会说唱Tim is my friend 韵句形式介绍朋友
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词卡片物图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    Teacher:(拍手节奏)What’s his name What’s his name ( 指男学引导学生韵句形式回答)His name’s His name’s What is her name What is her name (指女学)Her name’s Her name’s
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher:Look at these pictures They are our classmates Guess who is he He is tall and strong Who is he(板书句子短语)Do with me tall and strong(肢体语言表示词语意思)He is tall and strong Who is he (引导学生找出符合两特征物说出名字)Who is she She is short and thin (肢体语言表示出shortthin意思)Say with me short and thin (板书单词)She is short and thin who is she (引导学生找出相应物说出名字)She is friendly Friendly means she is a good friend (板书单词)Read after me friendly She is friendly Who is she He is quiet That means he doesn’t say much He is quiet Who is he (板书单词)Read after me quiet
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 引起阅读兴趣播放课文录音
    Teacher:John has a new friend Who is he Listen and find
    Teacher Now show me you answer Who is his new friend Yes he is Zhang Peng
    2 次播放课文容学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 I point you say指说教师指黑板单词学生快速读出单词
    Teacher:I point you say I will point to the word on the blackboard Please read the word quickly What’s this What’s this What about this one
    2 I say you do 教师说出形容词学生表演相应状态
    Teacher This time I say you do When I say tall please do this(手臂抬表示高)When I say short please do like this (手臂压表示矮)When I say strong please do this (两臂举举着拳头表示强壮)And this is for thin (两手贴脸颊两侧表示瘦) Are you ready Let’s play
    3 I do you say 次教师做出动作学生说出相应单词
    Teacher Now I do you say (机做出活动中动作学生说出单词)
    4 展示物图片学生学词汇描述特征
    Teacher:Look at this boy Say something about him Is he tall Is he strong What about this girl Is she short Is she quiet
    5 游戏:Who is he she 出示物图片学生观察物特征教师描述中特征请学生猜出物
    Teacher:Look at these boys and girls She is He is (引导学生说出物特征
    Teacher:Now I will say sentences Please guess who he or she is Listen carefully He is thin and tall Who is he She is quiet and short What’s her name
    Teacher Please do a pair work Guess and say
    Teacher Show your dialogue please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 播放韵句:Tim is my friend 学生认真倾听
    Teacher:It’s time for chant Let’s listen to a chant about friend Listen carefully
    Teacher Read the chant after me
    Teacher Say the chant freely (教师巡视解决学生遇问题困难)
    Teacher Show the chant please
    Teacher Chant about your friends Make a new chant Talk in groups first
    Teacher Show your new chant please
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 t__l A al B ul C ol
    ( ) 2 sh__t A al B ol C or
    ( ) 3 qu__t A er B ie C ai
    ( ) 4 th__ A an B in C en
    ( ) 5 str___g A an B un C on
    二判断列句子图片否相符 写T否写F
    ( ) 1 He is tall

    ( ) 2 She is short and thin

    ( ) 3 He is tall and strong

    ( ) 4 She is tall

    ( ) ( ) ( )

    1 She is tall and strong
    2 He is short and thin
    3 She is quiet and friendly

    1 A 2C 3B 4B 5 C
    二1F 2 F 3 T 4 T
    三3 1 2
    l 板书设计
    Unit Three My friends
    A Let’s learn

    tall and strong short and thin quiet friendly
    Who is he
    His name is
    Who is she
    Her name is

    l 课时容
    A Let’s spell
    l 课时分析
    部分分语音学单词书写两部分容通听听读读唱唱活动学生通听读拆音等练体会掌握字母o单词中发音课时学开音节里发双元音 əʊ 活动间韵句:Old Mr Jones Put the Coke on the note Old Mr Jones Put the note on his nose Old Mr Jones Put the Coke on the note Can Old Mr Jones Put his nose on his toes 韵句中呈现含o开音节词汇:old Jones Coke note nose 含相发音词汇toe时教材中图片形式呈现语音例词nose note Coke Mr Jones学生通语音例词韵句诵读感受掌握字母o开音节里发音听听读读判断正误活动学生区分开音节闭音节单词读音字形结合起进步训练学生听音辨音力听听圈圈写写活动学生需判断字母o单词中发音属闭音节类开音节类圈出相应代表字母写出单词活动帮助学生进步掌握拼读规根拼读规拼写出单词
    l 课时目标
    1 够感知纳字母o开音节(oe结构)中发音规
    2 够读出符合oe发音规单词
    3 够根单词读音拼写出符合oe发音规单词
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 语音例词单词卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 教师指某学生韵句形式问姓名请学生韵句形式回答
    Teacher:(拍手节奏)What’s his name What’s his name ( 指男学引导学生韵句形式回答)His name’s His name’s What is her name What is her name (指女学)Her name’s Her name’s
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示图片物引出语音例词
    Teacher Who is he Yes he is Mr Jones Read after me Mr Jones (板书姓名) (指物鼻子)What’s this Yes this is Mr Jones’s nose (板书单词)Touch your nose please Repeat with me nose And what’s in Mr Jones’s hand It’s a note We write notes on our notebooks Read after me note (板书单词)And this is Coke Do you like Coke (板书单词)Boys read it please Now girls read it
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 播放语音韵句学生先认真倾听然读
    Teacher:Now let’s listen to a chant about these words Listen carefully
    Teacher Listen to it again Now let’s say the chant after it
    2 学生说韵句方式节奏
    Teacher Now say the chant freely You can say it with your partner And you can clap your hands to say it
    3 表演韵句
    Teacher:Now let’s act the chant together
    4 引导学生发现字母发音规
    Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard What can you find Yes there is an o in each words What is the sound of the o Let’s read and find (学生起慢慢读语音例词)What is the sound Yes it’s əʊ Look at my mouth and say with me
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 口型猜单词教师说出语音例词中出声学生通观察老师口型猜出单词声读出
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s play a game I will say a word Look at my mouth carefully Guess what word it is And try to say it loudly
    Teacher Look at these word cards What’s this What’s this What about this You are right Get the card please
    Teacher Who got the word card please come to the front I will say the word please put up the correct card
    3 读读听听选出正确单词播放录音学生根听容教材中六单词排序
    Teacher Let’s read listen and tick First read these words Now listen to the tape Tick the correct word that you hear
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    4 听听圈圈写写根听容判断单词闭音节(o)开音节(oe)圈出相应规字母然写写听单词
    Teacher:Now please listen circle and write Write the word that you heard Dog is it for o or oe It’s for o So circle o then write the word dog Now listen carefully and write the words
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    5 编写语音韵句学生学唱
    Teacher It’s chant time Listen first then say it
    oo o o o o o is in nose əʊ əʊ əʊ
    oo o o o o o is in note əʊ əʊ əʊ
    oo o o o o o is in dog ɒ ɒ ɒ
    oo o o o o o is in not ɒ ɒ ɒ
    6 表演韵句学生练时间鼓励加入动作组合作选择组展示韵句节拍方式创意表演韵句
    Teacher:Nowlet’s work in groups Please act the chant out You can choose the way to show it
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher:I’ll show some words quickly Please say it loudly
    Teacher Well done Let’s chant together

    l 课堂作业

    ________ _________ __________

    ( ) 1 not note ( ) 2 rose lost
    ( ) 3 box dog ( ) 4 Coke nose
    ( ) 5 hot home ( ) 6 nose hot
    1 ____________________________________

    2 ____________________________________

    3 ____________________________________
    1 nose 2 Coke 3 note
    二1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 F 6 F
    三1 A dog is on the desk 2 The Coke is on the note 3 Mr Jones likes Coke
    l 板书设计
    Unit Three My friends
    A Let’s spell
    nose note Coke Mr Jones

    l 课时容
    B Let’s talk Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    部分A部分单词句型学基础继续学询问物身份句式:Who is he Who is she 学句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue 描述物外貌特征教材中Mike告诉John结交新朋友John先确定朋友性:A boy or a girl 然John告诉Mike朋友体形特征:He’s tall and thin John猜Zhang PengMike接着出更加明显衣饰特征:He has glasses and his shoes are blue 提示John终成功猜出Mike朋友名字:Wu Yifan两交流程中复前两课学描述朋友外貌特征询问身份句式学描述朋友衣饰:He She has
    Let’s play活动列举出描述朋友外貌特征性格特征服饰特征句式结构:He She is He She has His Her shoes are HisHer bag is What is his her name 引导学生利信息猜测物名字
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue
    2 够理解正确认读课文话发音准确语调然
    3 够真实语境中运课句型描述眼镜鞋子颜色
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句式:He has glasses and his shoes are blue
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 物图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1韵句:Tim is my friend 播放韵句学生齐唱
    Teacher:Do you remember the chant about friend Let’s say the chant Tim is my friend together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示物图片请学生中猜出朋友
    Teacher:Look at these pictures I have a new friend Please guess who my friend is First please ask is that a boy or girl
    Student A boy or a girl
    Teacher She is a girl She is tall
    Student Is she
    Teacher No Look at the shoes (指鞋子学生理解shoes意思)Her shoes are (说出鞋子颜色)
    Student She is
    Teacher: Yes
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:You know about my new friend What about Mike’s new friend Who is he or she Listen carefully and find
    Teacher Who is Mike’s new friend Yes Wu Yifan
    2 讨课文容
    Teacher:Is Wu Yifan a boy or a girl Yes he is a boy Is he tall and thin Yes Who is tall and thin too Yes Zhang Peng What colour are Wu Yifan’s shoes His shoes are blue Does he have glasses (出示眼镜图片)Look these are glasses Does Wu Yifan have glasses Yes he has glasses Do you have glasses
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 播放课文容学生读注意发音语调
    Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape Please read it carefully and loudly Pay attention to the pronunciation
    Teacher:Read the dialogue freely Then I will ask you to act it out Let’s find the best pair
    3 展示物图片学生尝试描述特征
    Teacher:Look at this boy Can you say something about him Please have a try
    Teacher He is tall and thin He has glasses His shoes are black Well done Let’s look at next one
    设计意图:学生提供描述物机会 够正确学词汇句式描述物特征
    4 游戏:猜猜谁教师出示组物提供物特征学生根特征找出物
    Teacher:Look at these pictures Read the sentences and find who he or she is Look at the first one He is a boy He is tall and strong His shoes are blue His glasses are black Who is he Yes he is
    Teacher Look at this group Guess again
    5 游戏:Who is he 请位学生背家站讲台教师请位学生招呼台学需通提问确定谁招呼说出姓名
    Teacher Let’ play a game I need a student Who wants to try You please Stand here please Look at the blackboard You please say hello to him Who says hello to you Is that a boy or a girl You can ask some questions like this Is he or she tall What colour are his or her shoes Does he or she have glasses Then tell us his or her name Have a try please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 播放韵句Tim is my friend 学生齐说
    Teacher:Time for chant Let’s say the chant Tim is my friend together
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A glasses B shoes

    ( ) 2 A he B she

    ( ) 3 A boy B girl

    ( ) 4 A tall and thin B short and thin

    ( ) 1 Who is she
    A She is tall B Her name is Amy
    ( ) 2 Who is he
    A She is Ann B He is John
    ( ) 3 What’s his name
    A His name is Tom B She is Lily
    ( ) 4 What’s her name
    A She is quiet B Her name is Lucy
    1 he is who ()
    2 glasses he has ()
    3 shoes are his blue ()
    1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B
    二1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B
    三1 Who is he 2 He has glasses 3 His shoes are blue
    l 板书设计
    Unit Three My friends
    B Let’s talk
    Who is he
    His name is
    He is
    Who is she
    Her name is
    She is
    He has glasses and his shoes are
    l 课时容
    B Let’s learn Say and draw
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn中Mike接着Chen Jie介绍朋友告诉Chen Jie 朋友戴着蓝色眼镜样明显特征Chen Jie迅速猜出说朋友Wu Yifan手边着SarahWu YifanAmy等相册物旁边标注相应短语 brown shoes blue glasses long hair short hair a green bag引导学生鞋子眼镜书包颜色头发长短等角度描述物特征
    Say and draw中SarahWu Yifan介绍朋友特征Wu Yifan根描述朋友画画板活动听力练活动帮助学生听懂重点句式含义
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词hair shoes glasses
    2 够听懂会说认读句式:He has His glasses are
    3 够熟练正确描述物特征
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词hair shoes glasses
    够听懂会说认读句式:He has His glasses are
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词图卡物图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 韵句:Tim is my friend 教师播放韵句学生齐唱
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s chant together Tim is my friend Are you ready Let’s chant
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 指某学生请学生尝试描述特征
    Teacher:His Her name is He She is tall and strong He she has glasses His Her shoes are
    2 选出两身高相似女生头发长短学生描述特征讲授单词hair
    Teacher:Look at they She is a girl She is a girl too She is tall and thin She is tall and thin too Look at her hair (指头发)It’s long (手势学生明白long含义)The hair is long She has long hair But her hair is short (指女生)She has short hair (手势展示short含义)(板书long hair short hair) (请学生边做动作边读短语)Read after me long hair short hair
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:Mike and Chen Jie are talking about their friends Who is Mike’s friend Listen and find
    Teacher Who is Mike’s friend Yes it’s Wu Yifan What colour are Wu Yifan’s glasses Yes They are blue
    2 播放课文录音学生读
    Teacher: Listen to the tape and read with it
    3 讨教材图片容帮助学生理解熟悉新授容
    Teacher Look at the picture What colour are Amy’s shoes What colour is Wu Yifan’s bag Does Sarah have long hair
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 游戏:说做老师说出特征学生出示指相应物品物
    Teacher:Let’s play I say you do Long hair You can do actions to show it And you can point to a girl who has long hair Next short hair Yes Blue glasses Blue shoes Brown shoes Yellow bag
    2 介绍特征学生接站起介绍特征
    Teacher:Look at me I have long hair What about you You can talk about your hair glasses shoes bag and so on Let’s say a sentence one by one
    3 游戏:说猜老师描述教材中物特征学生猜出图中
    Teacher:Look at them I will say a sentence Please guess who he or she is She has long hair Sarah No Her shoes are brown Yes it’s Amy
    Teacher Please do a pair work You can play like this
    4 教师说出某学生特征请学生猜猜谁说出()名字
    Teacher:Guess again He is a boy He has short hair He has black glasses He has blue shoes Who is he What’s his name Guess
    Teacher:Now who can try to introduce your classmate like this Others please guess who he or she is
    5 Say and draw 组活动介绍朋友特征请学画画谁画
    Teacher Now let’s do a group work Say and draw
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 播放韵句Tim is my friend 学生齐说韵句
    Teacher:Time for a chant Let’s say the chant together
    2 学生编韵句表演
    Teacher Please make a new chant in your group Then show your chant
    l 课堂作业

    ( ) 1 A eye B hair C boy

    ( ) 2 A glasses B eye C hair

    ( ) 3 A pen B bag C toy

    ( ) 4 A candy B key C shoes
    ( ) 1 A long B short C green
    ( ) 2 A bag B brown C blue
    ( ) 3 A friend B he C she
    ( ) 4 A blue B hair C black

    ( ) ( ) ( )
    1He has blue shoes and glasses
    2 She is thin and she has long hair
    3 He has a hat and glasses
    1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C
    二1C 2 A 3 A 4 B
    三3 1 2
    l 板书设计
    Unit Three My friends
    B Let’s learn

    long hair short hair glasses

    He has blue glasses
    She has long hair
    l 课时容
    B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing C Story time
    l 课时分析
    Read and write部分包括两活动第活动Read and match学生先读读教材中句子根句子描述物特征匹配图片中相应物Look choose and write活动中学生先观察图片呈现出物特征选择正确单词写四线三格完成句子根某学特征选择单词填空写出句子两活动词汇字义字形结合起检验学生否理解书写重点词汇时复重点句式结构
    Let’s check部分包括两活动Listen and number中学生会听四组话然根话序相应图片标明序活动检验学生否正确理解单元重点句式话Look and match活动中呈现四物图片五短语两单词学生需读读词汇短语相应物相连检验学生否正确认读单元重点词汇
    Let’s sing歌词容朋友呈现句式:If your friend is tall and quiet clap your hands 学生学会演唱歌曲学生根歌曲容做出相应动作
    Story time部分拔萝卜事兔子发现萝卜法拔出朋友起帮忙强壮Zoom跑帮忙终萝卜拔出事简单易懂涉句子:It’s so big Please help me We’re coming I’m strong Let’s work together等学生通阅读事理解句子意思拓展词汇语言文阅读做准备
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单元重点单词
    2 够听懂事表演
    3 够会唱歌曲Friends
    4 够完成阅读排序匹配等活动正确理解认读单元重点句式
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单元重点词汇图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:Friends学生先倾听
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    2 次播放歌曲学生唱
    Teacher:Listen to the song again please sing with it
    3 齐唱歌曲 学生根歌曲容做动作
    Teacher Now let’s sing the song together Please do the actions
    设计意图:歌曲热身学生韵律中集中注意力激发学生学兴趣首歌单元重点容息息相关曲调取著名歌曲If you are happy clap your hands学生轻松欢快氛围中准备课容学
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 出示Zoom图片讨Zoom学形容词描述特征
    Teacher Look who is he Yes he is Zoom What colour is he What colour is his bag Is he tall Is he strong
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题激起学生阅读兴趣然播放事视频学生认真观察尝试回答问题
    Teacher Zoom is strong What does Zoom do Watch the video and find
    Teacher:He helps his friends to pull the radish up
    2 讨事容保证学生够理解事容
    Teacher:This is a radish What colour is it Yes it’s red Is it big or small Yes it’s big it’s so big Can the rabbit pull it up Look at me pull pull pull (肢体语言学生感受pull意思)Pull Pull it up (动作学生明白两者区)The rabbit can’t pull it up He asks his friends to help him He says Come on friends Please help me Who is coming Yes the monkey the dog the cat and Zip Can they pull it up No Who is coming then Yes Zoom is coming Zoom is strong They work together They pull it up
    3 次播放事学生读提醒学生注意语音语调
    Teacher Watch the story again This time please read with it Pay attention to the pronunciation
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生读事
    Teacher:Read the story freely please (教师巡视帮助学生解决读中问题)
    2 组合作表演事
    Teacher Now let’s act the story out We’ll find the best group
    3 出示Read and match中片谈图片
    Teacher Zoom is strong Look at these boys and girls Are they strong Read the sentences Who are they Read and match
    Teacher Show me your answer please He has short hair He has a big green bag What is his name Yes His name is James She has long hair She has orange shoes What is her name Yes Her name is Ann She is tall She is friendly She has a blue hat Who is she Yes She is Kate HE is short and thin He has glasses He is near the window Who is he Yes he is Ben
    3 完成Look and match 先出示图片请学生描述图片中物特征然相应短语进行匹配
    Teacher:Look at this girl What’s she like Can you talk about her Have a try please She has short black hair She is quiet Good What about this girl What do you think about her She is tall and thin She has long black hair She has red glasses She is friendly Yes I think so What about this boy He has short brown hair He has blue shoes
    Teacher Now please read the words below the pictures match them
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    4 完成Listen and number 先出示图片学生讨图片中物特征姓名等然进行听音排序活动
    Teacher (展示活动中图片)What’s she like Is her hair long or short Look at these boys and girls Can you say something about them Have a try please
    Teacher Now listen to the tape and number the pictures according what you hear
    Teacher Show me your answers please
    5 完成Look choose and write活动
    Teacher:Look at the two people He is _____ and ______ Yes he is tall and thin And who is this old man He is Santa What does he have He has a red bag And this girl has –long hair Good Please choose the correct words and write them in the blanks
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    Teacher Please write about one of your classmates Fill in the blanks first
    Teacher Who can read your sentences Who is he she Guess
    设计意图:先引导学生认真观察图片获取相关信息 然选择正确单词填空完成句子基础介绍学请学猜猜活动帮助学生字音字义字形结合起保证够理解重点词汇句式意思够正确运
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放歌曲My friends 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s sing the song my friends together
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1s___ong A dr B tr C th
    ( ) 2fri___dly A an B un C en
    ( ) 3 qu__t A ie B ai C ei
    ( ) 4 h___r A ei B ai C an
    ( ) 5 sh___ A oe B ee C ey
    ( ) 1 His name is Li Ming A B

    ( ) 2 She is tall and thin A B

    ( ) 3 He has glasses A B

    ( ) 4 She has long hair A B

    ( ) 1 What is his name
    ( ) 2 What is her name
    ( ) 3 Who is he
    ( ) 4 Who is she
    A Her name is Lily
    B He is my friend Sam
    C She is Amy
    D His name is Dick
    Hello I’m a girl My name is Lily I’m short My hair is short and black I’m quiet I have three good friends Tim is a boy He is tall He has short black hair and blue glasses Rose is a girl She is tall Her hair is long and brown She is friendly Susan is a girl too She is thin and tall She has glasses She is friendly too We are good friends
    ( ) 1 Lily is girl
    ( ) 2 Susan is quiet
    ( ) 3 Tim is tall and thin
    ( ) 4 Rose is tall and friendly
    ( ) 5 Lily has short black hair

    1B 2C 3 A 4B 5 A
    二1A 2 B 3 B 4 A
    三1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C
    四1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 T
    l 板书设计
    Unit Three My Friends
    C Story time
    It’s so big I can’t pull it up
    Come on Please help me
    We’re coming
    I’m strong Let’s work together

    Unit Four My home

    l 单元整体分析
    单元义务教育灵通版(pep)学英语教科书四年级册第四单元单元题My home(家)情景图展示学生ZoomZip家居生活揭示单元题:描述家里居室物品设施
    A部分三页分三课时第课时情景话练部分Let’s talk部分AmySarah介绍猫然两家里房间找找终找介绍询问物品物位置句子:Is she in the 表示房间名称词汇:living room study kitchenLet’s play猜东西位置游戏练重点句式第二课时词汇学课时Let’s learn中介绍房间名称词汇:bedroom study living room kitchen bathroom询问物品物位置句子:Where is Is she in the Let’s do通指令活动练房间名称房间里做活动第三课时语音字母学课时通读读听听唱唱听听圈圈听听圈圈写写三活动学生学元音字母u开音节中发音 ju
    B部分四页分两课时第课时然呈现情景话练Let’s talk中John妈妈处找门钥匙发现门引出询问物品物位置句子Where are Are they 词汇:table phone Ask answer and write活动练重点句式单词第二课时JohnMike话学新词汇:sofa phone table fridge通活动Let’s play练句子进步熟悉新授词汇读写练听音判断判断练歌曲巩固练课重点词汇句型C部分合课时
    l 单元教学目标
    µ 知识目标:
    1词汇:学生够听说认读单词:bedroom living room study kitchen bathroom bed sofa phone table fridge
    2句型结构:够听懂会说认读句型Where is she She’s in the kitchen Open the door please Look They are in the door
    3 字母语音:够掌握字母u开音节里发音 ju
    µ 力目标
    1 够正确重点词汇描述家里居室物品设施
    2 够意义语境中抄写述话题词汇
    3 够真实模拟情景中运句型Is she in the Yes she is No she isn’t Where are the Are they in Yes they are No they aren’t 询问物品物位置做出相应判断
    4 够情景中运句型Open the door please 提出行动建议
    5 够读出符合开音节发音规含字母u单词根发音拼写出符发音规单词
    µ 情感态度学策略文化意识目标
    1 生活中够动询问询问够热情应答
    2 够感受家温馨激发学生爱家爱家情感
    3 够动收拾物品摆放整齐养成良生活惯
    4 够逐步做见符合ue发音规单词够根发音拼写符合ue发音规单词
    l 教学重难点
    µ 教学重点
    1 够听说认读单词:bedroom living room study kitchen bathroom bed sofa phone table fridge
    2 够听懂会说句型Where is she She’s in the kitchen Open the door please Look They are in the door
    3 够正确重点词汇描述家里居室物品设施
    4 够掌握字母u开音节里发音 ju
    µ 教学难点
    1 够真实模拟情景中运句型What’s hisher name His Her name is Who’s he she He She is 询问姓名身份回答
    2 够认读情景中运句型Is she in the Yes she is No she isn’t Where are the Are they in Yes they are No they aren’t 询问物品物位置做出相应判断
    3 够意义语境中抄写话题词汇
    4 够根u开音节里发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学方法
    l 教学时间
    第课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play
    第二课时:A Let’s learn Let’s do
    第三课时:A Let’s spell
    第四课时:B Let’s talk Ask answer and write
    第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s play
    第六课时:C Story time B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing
    l 知识视窗
    音译词读音相字翻译外族语言形成词说原族语中没形容种物品词语原族文字音相字组成词语沙发英语发音:sofa吉普英语发音:jeep芒果英语:mango芭蕾英语ballet 保龄bowling 迪斯科disco 皮卡车pickup 坦克tank基gene读读非常相呢?实英语中汉语里音译词tofu豆腐kung fu功夫mahjong麻

    l 课时容
    A Let’s talkLet’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分AmySarah介绍宠物猫告诉Sarah猫非常爱Sarah想然两客厅书房等方没找发现厨房冰箱顶程中学生解三居室名称:living room study kitchen时解询问物物品位置句子:Where is she Is she in the living room 回答:She’s in the kitchen No she isn’t 注意提醒学生西方宠物视家庭成员课文中没it称代词she代指猫
    Let’s play猜物品位置游戏学文具藏起外学找找找程中句式:Where is my Is it in Is it on 等学生相真实语境中理解重点句式感受重点句式含义法时游戏中做表达
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句型:Where is she Is she in the living room Is she in the study Yes she is No she isn’t She is in the kitchen
    2 够听懂会说词汇:living room study kitchen
    3 够听懂会读话分角色表演
    4 够真实模拟情景中正确句型Is she in the Yes she is No she isn’t 询问物品物位置
    5 够胆表达乐英语进行交流
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句型:Where is she Is she in the living room Is she in the study Yes she is No she isn’t She is in the kitchen
    够听懂词汇:living room study kitchen
    2 难点
    够真实模拟情景中正确句型Where is she Is she in the living room Is she in the study Yes she is No she isn’t 询问物物品位置
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:Finger family 学生先倾听学唱
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s listen to a song finger family
    Father finger father finger where are you
    Here I am here I am how do you do
    Mother finger mother finger where are you
    Here I am here I am how do you do
    Brother finger brother finger where are you
    Here I am here I am How do you do
    Sister finger sister finger where are you
    Here I am here I am how do you do
    Baby finger baby finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Teacher Now sing with it And show me your hand Let’s sing and do
    设计意图:首歌五手指作家歌声中复巩固家庭成员类称呼熟悉询问位置句式:Where are you课时学奠定基础外首歌演唱时利手指进行动作演示充满乐趣够极激发学生学兴趣英语学营造良氛围
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 询问物品位置请学生回答
    Teacher:Where is my book Is it in the desk Is it in your schoolbag Is it under the desk Is it on the desk 引导学生回答:No it isn’t Yes it is
    设计意图:通询问教材位置引导学生理解课时重点句式学Yes it is No it isn’t回答
    2 展示猫部分图片请学生猜猜什讲授单词cute
    Teacher Look at this picture Guess what is it Is it a book Is it a key Is it a candy Try to guess please
    Teacher Yes it’s a cat Is it cute Yes it is very cute And look at this cute dog This tiger is cute too Do you like the cute cat
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题引起学生阅读兴趣呈现话容
    Teacher:Do you like cats Do you have a cat Amy has a cat Is it cute Where is it Let’s listen and find
    2 播放话录音学生找出答案听完录音请学生说出答案
    Teacher Answer the question please Yes Amy’s cat is cute The cat is in the kitchen
    3 出示教材中图片学生理解新词含义拼写方法
    Teacher:Look at this picture Where is it Is it the kitchen No it’s the living room (板书单词)Read it together please living room Look at this one is it a living room No it’s the study (板书单词)Read it one by one please And where is it Yes it’s the kitchen (板书单词)Girls read it please Boys read it please
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 次播放课文录音学生读课文
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s read the dialogue after the tape Please listen carefully read carefully
    2 学生分角色朗读课文
    Teacher Now who wants to be Amy Who wants to be Sarah Let’s read it in roles
    3 请学生戴头饰扮演话角色表演话
    Teacher Now we’ll find the best actor or actress Please come to the front and show the dialogue
    4 出示房间图片学生快速说出单词
    Teacher:Look at the pictures of the rooms What is it Say the word quickly
    5 做动作学生猜猜房间
    Teacher:Look at me what am I doing I am watching TV So what room am I in Yes I am in the living room
    Teacher Can you do some actions Where is he Where is she Guess
    6 完成Let’s play 活动
    Teacher Now let’s play Let’s play hide and seek You please(请学生闭眼睛)Where is my book Ask me please You can say is it in the desk My book is in his desk
    Teacher Who wants to play this game
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1次播放歌曲Finger family学生齐唱歌曲表演
    Teacher Let’s sing the song finger family together Please sing and do the actions
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 living room A B

    ( ) 2 study A B

    ( ) 3 kitchen A B

    ( ) 1Where is the book
    A He is in the living room B It is in the desk
    ( ) 2Is Amy in the study
    A Yes it is B Yes she is
    ( ) 3 Is the pen in the pencil box
    A No it isn’t B He is in the study
    1 Is in your desk it ()
    2 Where my is pen ()
    3 in She the is kitchen ()
    1 B 2 B 3 A
    二1B 2 B 3 A
    三1Is it in your desk 2 Where is my pen 3 She is in the kitchen

    l 板书设计
    Unit Four My home
    A Let’s talk

    living room study kitchen

    Where is
    Is she in the
    Yes she is No she isn’t

    l 课时容
    A Let’s learn Let’s do
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn部分呈现Amy家截面图二楼卧室书房楼客厅厨房浴室Amy爸爸问Amy里Amy妈妈告诉Amy书房里背景呈现居室名称类词汇:bedroom study living room kitchen bathroom询问物品物里句型:Where is Is she in the
    Let’s do 居室活动相关指令性活动包括:Go to the living room Watch TV GO to the kitchen Have a snack等等容学生首先熟悉居室名称解动词短语意思读音两者正确匹配起教学中设计活动学生熟悉操练容
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:bedroom study living room kitchen bathroom
    2 够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说认读句式:Where is Is she he in the Yes she he is No she he isn’t
    3 够听懂会说Let’s do中指令做出正确反应
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    够听懂会说Let’s do 中语句够正确匹配居室活动
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 居室单词卡片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1呈现韵句:Where is it 学生先倾听唱齐唱
    Teacher Let’s chant Listen to me first
    Where is it Where is it
    Is it on the desk
    Is it in the bag
    Is it under the chair
    Where is it Where is it
    It’s in the book
    It’s in my book
    Teacher Now please chant with me Let’ s chant together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 播放图片介绍家学生通真实场景理解新授单词意思
    Teacher:Boys and girls where is it It’s my home Welcome to my home I will show the rooms in my house This is my living room I watch TV in the living room This is my kitchen I have a snack I cook delicious food in it This is my bathroom I take a shower wash my face in it This is my study I read books in it This is my bedroom I have a nap and sleep in it Do you like my home(介绍时板书居室名称单词)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 引起阅读兴趣播放课文录音
    Teacher:You know my home well Do you want to see Amy’s home Let’s listen and watch And try to answer where is Amy
    Teacher Now show me you answer Where is Amy Yes she is in the study
    2 次播放课文容学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 I point you say指说教师指黑板单词学生快速读出单词
    Teacher:NowI point you say I will point to the word on the blackboard Please read the word quickly What’s this What’s this What about this one
    Teacher:Look at this picture what room is this Yes Read it one by one please And what about this one What room is it Boys repeat it please And what about this one Girls read it please
    3 出示单词卡片学生先快速读出单词出示卡片背面学生猜单词
    Teacher:Look at the cards of the new words Please read it as quickly as you can
    Teacher: I show the back of the cards Guess what word is it You can say is it a Please have a try
    4 针房间进行活动问答
    Teacher:What do you do in the living room You read a book You watch TV You make a call(板书短语watch TV)Read it and do the action with me watch TV
    Teacher What do you do in the bedroom You do your homework You sleep You listen to music You have a nap A nap means you sleep for a short time (板书短语have a nap)Read it and do the actions with me
    Teacher What do you do in the kitchen You have breakfast lunch and dinner You cook Good Oh you wash the dishes Good girl (板书短语have a snack)Read it after me and do the action please
    Teacher What do you do in the bathroom You can take a shower You can take a bath (出示图片帮助学生区两种活动)And you wash your face and hands (板书短语take a shower)Repeat it with me and do the action please
    Teacher What do you do in the study You read books and do your homework (板书短语 read a book)Repeat it with me and do the action please
    设计意图:房间够做活动房间结合起学生加深房间词汇理解认识帮助更加记忆单词时引出Let’s do中短语步活动做知识准备
    5 房间活动匹配教师说出居室名称学生说出相应活动教师做出动作学生说出活动说出相应居室名称
    Teacher Now let’s match I say the name of the rooms you say what you do in it
    Teacher: Now I do the action Say what I do and where am I
    Teacher Who wants to do the actions Show us please Where is he she Are you in the
    设计意图:通样活动学生活动居室名称匹配起形成新授词汇立体记忆 Let’s do 指令正确反应奠定基础
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 完成Let’s do 活动
    Teacher Listen and show me the actions Go to the living room Watch TV Go to the study Read a book Go to the kitchen Have a snack Go to the bedroom Have a nap Go to the bathroom Take a shower
    Teacher Now I say Go to the You say the action Ready Go to the bathroom Yes take a shower Go to the living room Yes watch TV
    Teacher Now I say the activities you say the rooms Have a snack Yes you should say Go to the kitchen Read a book Good go to the study
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A bedroom B living room

    ( ) 2 A living room B bathroom

    ( ) 3 A kitchen B study

    ( ) 4 A bedroom B kitchen
    ( ) 1 –Is she in the kitchen
    Yes she is

    ( ) 2—Where is she
    She is in the study

    ( ) 3—Is he in the living room
    Yes he is

    ( ) 4 –Where is she
    She is in the classroom
    Watch TV living room
    Take a shower kitchen
    Read a book bathroom
    Have a snack study
    Have a nap bedroom
    1 A 2B 3B 4B
    二1T 2 F 3 F 4 T
    l 板书设计
    Unit Four My home
    A Let’s learn

    bathroom study kitchen bedroom living room
    Where is she She is in the
    Is she in the Yes she is No she isn’t
    l 课时容
    A Let’s spell
    l 课时分析
    部分分语音学单词书写两部分容通听听读读唱唱活动学生通听读拆音等练体会掌握字母u单词中发音课时学开音节里发双元音 ju 活动中呈现韵句:One cute cat uses two two balls Two cute cats use three three balls Three cute cats use four four balls Four cute cats use five five balls Five cute cats use six six balls One two three four five six Five cute cats playing tricks 韵句中呈现含u开音节词汇:cute use时教材中图片形式呈现语音例词use cute excuse学生通语音例词韵句诵读感受掌握字母u开音节里发音听听圈圈说说活动学生区分开音节闭音节单词读音字形结合起进步训练学生听音辨音力听听圈圈写写活动学生需判断字母u单词中发音属闭音节类开音节类圈出相应代表字母写出单词活动帮助学生进步掌握拼读规根拼读规拼写出单词
    l 课时目标
    1 够感知纳字母u开音节(ue结构)中发音规
    2 够读出符合ue发音规单词
    3 够根单词读音拼写出符合ue发音规单词
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 语音例词单词卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 呈现韵句:Where is my book 教师先示范学生倾听读起表演说
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s chant First please listen to me
    Where is it Where is it Where is my book
    Is it on the desk Is it on the desk
    No it isn’t It isn’t on the desk
    Is it in the desk Is it in the desk
    No it isn’t It isn’t in the desk
    Is it under the desk Is it under the desk
    No it isn’t It isn’t under the desk
    Where is it Where is it Where is my book
    It’s in my schoolbag It’s in my schoolbag
    Teacher:Now please chant with me
    Teacher Say the chant together please
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 学生交流引出语音例词
    Teacher Thank you I find my book Where is it Yes it’s in the schoolbag Oh I don’t have my pen Excuse me can I use your pen Thank you Excuse me can I use your pencil Excuse me can I use your ruler
    2 请东西学生句式回东西
    Teacher:Whose ruler is this Please come here and say the sentence Excuse me can I use the ruler And the pen the pencil Come here please (板书单词:excuse use)Please read the words after me first
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 播放语音韵句学生先认真倾听然读
    Teacher:Now let’s listen to a chant about these words Listen carefully
    Teacher We have many cute cats in the chant isn’t it (板书cute)Read it please
    Teacher Listen to the chant again Now let’s say the chant after it
    2 学生说韵句方式节奏
    Teacher Now say the chant freely You can say it with your partner And you can clap your hands to say it
    3 表演韵句
    Teacher:Now let’s act the chant together
    4 引导学生发现字母发音规
    Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard What can you find Yes there is an u in each words What is the sound of the u Let’s read and find (学生起慢慢读语音例词)What is the sound Yes it’s ju Look at my mouth and say with me
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 口型猜单词教师说出语音例词中出声学生通观察老师口型猜出单词声读出
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s play a game I will say a word Look at my mouth carefully Guess what word it is And try to say it loudly
    Teacher Look at these word cards What’s this What’s this What about this You are right Get the card please
    Teacher The students who got the word card please come to the front I will say the word Please put up the correct card
    3 读读听听圈出正确单词播放录音学生根听容字母串中圈出相应单词
    Teacher Look at these letters There are many words in it Listen and find the word Circle it Listen please Cute cut use fun tube excuse bus mum mule
    Teacher:Show me your answer please
    Teacher:Now let’s read these words together
    4 听听圈圈写写根听容判断单词闭音节(u)开音节(ue)圈出相应规字母然写写听单词
    Teacher:Now please listen circle and write Write the word that you heard Duck is it for u or ue It’s for u So circle the letter u then write the word duck Now listen carefully and write the words Duck cute up use
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    Teacher Read these words together please
    5 编写语音韵句学生学唱
    Teacher It’s chant time Listen first then say it
    U u u u u u u is in use ju ju ju
    U u u u u u u is in cute ju ju ju
    U u u u u u u is in excuse ju ju ju
    6 表演韵句学生练时间鼓励加入动作组合作选择组展示韵句节拍方式创意表演韵句
    Teacher:Nowlet’s work in groups Please act the chant out You can choose the way to show it
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher:I’ll show some words quickly Please say it loudly
    Teacher Well done Let’s chant together

    l 课堂作业
    1 cute cut 2 use us
    3 tube up 4 mum mule
    5 excuse use 6 bus us
    ( ) 1 up us ( ) 2 fun tube
    ( ) 3 cut cute ( ) 4cute excuse
    ( ) 5 us bus ( ) 6 use tube
    1 ___________ me may I have your pen
    2 Can I _______ your pen
    3 Look at that cat It’s very _______
    1 cut 2use 3 up 4 mum 5 use 6 us
    二1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5T 6 T
    三1 Excuse me may I have your pen 2 Can I use your pen 3 Look at that cat It’s very cute
    l 板书设计
    Unit Four My home
    A Let’s spell
    excuse cute use
    bus cut us
    l 课时容
    B Let’s talk Ask answer and write
    l 课时分析
    部分A部分单词句型学基础继续学询问物物品位置句式:Are they 教材中John 妈妈回家发现钥匙找先桌电话旁找没发现John发现钥匙门插着呢事场景学生生活中遇趣易理解话程中学生够感受学询问复数物品物位置回答:Are they in on near Yes they are No they aren’t 句式结构前课时学重点句式样单复数形式学生学中关注数量变化选择正确句式
    Ask answer and write部分两活动学生想法钥匙日记钢笔眼镜等代表字母写位置然两组进行猜位置活动通课时般疑问句询问学物品写位置练课时中重点句式
    课中table phone课时学重点词汇课时中求学生听懂会说
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句式:Where are they Are they Yes they are No they aren’t
    2 够理解正确认读课文话发音准确语调然
    3 够真实语境中运课句型询问物品物位置
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句式:Where are they Are they Yes they are No they aren’t
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词卡片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 呈现韵句:Where is my book 教师先示范学生倾听读起表演说
    Teacher:Boys and girls let’s chant First please listen to me
    Where is it Where is it Where is my book
    Is it on the desk Is it on the desk
    No it isn’t It isn’t on the desk
    Is it in the desk Is it in the desk
    No it isn’t It isn’t in the desk
    Is it under the desk Is it under the desk
    No it isn’t It isn’t under the desk
    Where is it Where is it Where is my book
    It’s in my schoolbag It’s in my schoolbag
    Teacher:Now please chant with me
    Teacher Say the chant together please
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 学生进行猜宝游戏请学生猜猜书文具放里
    Teacher What’ s this Yes it’s my book Now close your eyes please (书放位置)Open your eyes please Guess where is my book now You should say like this Is it in the desk Is it in the bag Guess please
    Teacher What are these They are my pens Close your eyes please Now open your eyes please Where are my pens No you should say Are they in the desk Read after me are they in the desk (板书句子)
    设计意图:通数量物品询问学生感受单复数间区 课文话学做准备
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:You are good at finding Let’s help John and his mother find their keys Now listen and find Where are their keys
    2 讨课文容帮助学生理解重点词汇句式意思进理解话容
    Teacher Are their keys on the table (展示桌子图片)Look this is a table (指学生书桌)Is this a table No it’s a desk Are their keys on the table No they aren’t (板书句式)Read after me please NO they aren’t Are they near the phone (出示电话图片)This is the phone Read it one by one please Are the keys near the phone No they aren’t Where are the keys Yes they are in the door
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 播放课文容学生读注意发音语调
    Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape Please read it carefully and loudly Pay attention to the pronunciation
    Teacher:Read the dialogue freely Then I will ask you to act it out Let’s find the best pair
    3 展示图片学生观察位置接龙问答
    Teacher:Look at this picture Where are the notebooks Are they on the desk Yes they are Please ask and answer one by one You can ask Where are they And you can ask Are they in on under near Please do it now
    Teacher Look at this picture Ask and answer one by one again
    4 游戏:猜猜什教师展示幅图片然描述某件某物品位置学生猜出教师说物品什
    Teacher:Look at this picture What can you see
    Teacher Now I will say a thing Please guess what it is or what they are Listen carefully They are near the phone What are they Yes they are book
    Teacher:Let’s do a pair work like this Ask and answer in pairs
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue
    5 完成活动:Askanswer and write
    Teacher:Look at the picture You can write k b p g in the circles Then guess where your partner writes them Guess it like Sarah and Wu Yifan Now please write
    Teacher Please read what Sarah and Wu Yifan say
    Teacher Now play it in pairs
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 呈现韵句:Where is my book 学生齐说然请学生利课重点句式改写韵句表演
    Teacher:Let’s say the chant where is my book together
    Teacher Now try to make a chant with the sentences on the blackboard
    Teacher Show your chant please
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A table B desk

    ( ) 2 A phone B computer

    ( ) 3 A keys B door

    ( ) 4 A glasses B pens

    ( ) 1 Where is the pen
    A It’s on the table B They are on the desk
    ( ) 2 Where are my notebooks
    A It’s in the desk B They are in the schoolbag
    ( ) 3 Is it on the table
    A Yes it is B Yes they are
    ( ) 4 Are they near the phone
    A No it isn’t B No they aren’t
    1 keys are Where the ()
    2 near Are the they phone ()
    3 door the Open please ( ) ()
    1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B
    二1 A 2 B 3 A 4 B
    三1 Where are they keys 2 Are they near the phone 3 Open the door please
    l 板书设计
    Unit Four My home
    B Let’s talk
    Where are the keys
    Are they on the table
    No they aren’t
    Are they in the door
    Yes they are
    l 课时容
    B Let’s learn Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn中呈现客厅图片John询问Mike钥匙里John告诉冰箱呈现家具陈设类词汇:sofa bed phone table fridge 单元询问物品位置句式:Where are they keys 回答They’ re on the fridge 课时中物品学生日常生活中常常见非常熟悉东西理解起应该难教学中帮助学生认读拼写重点词汇
    Let’s play部分考验记忆力表达力游戏学生需逐次增加句子进行游戏考验学生句式储备量记忆反应力两组进行赛全班范围进行挑战赛找出棒位
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词sofa bed phone table fridge
    2 够听懂会说认读句式:Where are the They are
    3 够熟练正确询问回答物品位置
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词sofa bed phone table fridge
    够听懂会说认读句式:Where are the They are
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 通媒体课件出示学教室里陈设图片请学生抢读单词
    Teacher Look at these pictures Please say the word as quickly as you can Let’s see who is the first
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示幅教室图片请学生描述教室里种陈设位置
    Teacher:Look at this classroom I can see a picture Where is it Yes it’s near the window I can see some flowers Where are they Yes they are on the window What can you see Where is it or where are they Please say it
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:Do you see keys in the classroom Where are they
    Teacher John are looking for some keys Where are they Listen and find
    Teacher Answer the question please Where are they keys Yes they are on the fridge (展示冰箱图片讲授单词发音)Read after me please fridge (板书单词次提醒学生单词发音)Repeat it please
    2 讨教材图片容帮助学生理解熟悉新授词汇
    Teacher Look at the picture What’s this Yes it’s a sofa (板书单词)Boys read it please Girls read it please Is this a sofa No it isn’t It’s a phone (板书单词)Read it together please And this is the table (板书单词)Please read it together What’s this It’s a bed ( 板书单词) Read it one by one please
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 游戏:指说老师指黑板单词请学生快速读出单词
    Teacher:Let’s play a game I point you say I will point to the words on the blackboard please say it as quickly as you can Let’s find who is the fastest
    2 出示单词图卡请学生快速说出单词
    Teacher Look at my cards What is it What is this What are these
    3 乱序呈现组成单词字母请学生猜出单词拼写
    Teacher:Look at these letters Please put them in order What word is it Yes it’s the word sofa Let’s try next one What’s this
    4 呈现纷乱客厅图片指定某物品请学生找出位置然请学生两组针图片进行话
    Teacher Look at this picture Is it a bedroom No it isn’t It’s a living room What can you see in the living room Where is the TV Yes it’s on the table Where is the phone Yes it’s near the fridge
    Teacher Please do a pair work
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue
    5 完成Let’s play 活动
    Teacher:Now let’s play a game I say Look at that room You please Say my sentence Yes Look at that room Then say another sentence please No you should say something about the room Yes Next one please Say my sentence and his sentence then your sentence please Let’s see who can say more
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 教师客厅图片快速进行位置问答
    Teacher: Look where is the bed Where is the phone Where is the sofa
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 s___fa A o B a C u

    ( ) 2 b__d A a B o C e

    ( ) 3 fr__dge A e B i C u

    ( ) 4 ph__ne A o B u C a

    ( ) 5 t__ble A e B o C a

    ( ) 1 A sofa B table C key
    ( ) 2 A bag B bedroom C living room
    ( ) 3 A kitchen B fridge C study
    ( ) 4 A fridge B desk C table

    ( ) ( ) ( )
    1 Look at that room It has a yellow sofa
    2 The bed is near the window
    3 The phone is on the table
    1 A 2 C3 B 4 A 5 C
    二1C 2 A 3 B 4 A
    三3 2 1
    l 板书设计
    Unit Four My home
    B Let’s learn

    sofa bed fridge table phone
    Where is the
    Where are the
    They are
    l 课时容
    B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing C Story time
    l 课时分析
    Read and write部分包括两活动第活动Read and match 学生先读读教材中句子根句子描述物品位置出物品匹配真正确位置Look choose and write活动中学生先观察图片呈现出物品位置关系选择正确单词写四线三格完成句子根房间物品位置选择单词填空写出句子两活动词汇字义字形结合起检验学生否理解书写重点词汇时复重点句式结构
    Let’s check部分包括两活动Listen and tick or cross中学生会听四组话然根话容判断图片容否相符活动检验学生否正确理解单元重点句式话Look and tick活动中呈现两出租单边列出出租房里物品学生需根图片提供容判断张出租单信息相符检验学生否正确认读单元重点词汇
    Let’s sing歌词容My home家呈现句式:Where has the TV gone Where can it be It’s in the bedroom with me 学生学唱歌曲程中会复单元重点词汇
    Story time部分熊爷爷熊伯伯事两眼睛问题需戴眼镜两找眼镜方寻找找发现眼镜戴错事中学生会复glasses fridge table bed等重点词汇时会复Are they on the fridge Where are my glasses My glasses are on the table等单元中询问描述物品位置句式时呈现句子:Do you see my glasses Let’s change our glasses 学生通阅读事理解句子意思拓展词汇语言文阅读做准备
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单元重点单词
    2 够听懂事表演
    3 够会唱歌曲My home
    4 够完成阅读判断匹配等活动正确理解认读单元重点句式
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单元重点词汇图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:My home学生先倾听
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    2 次播放歌曲学生唱
    Teacher:Listen to the song again please sing with it
    3 齐唱歌曲
    Teacher Now let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 出示熊爷爷图片请学生描述
    Teacher:Look at the picture boys and girl Is he Zoom No He is Grandpa What’s he like What colour is he Does he have glasses Yes he has glasses Where is he He is in the living room
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题激起学生阅读兴趣然播放事视频学生认真观察尝试回答问题
    Teacher Look at this picture Can you see Grandpa Yes here he is What’s the difference He doesn’t have his glasses Where are his glasses Let’s watch the story and see
    Teacher:Where are his glasses Are they on the fridge No Those aren’t his glasses Where are Grandpa’s glasses They are on the table
    2 次播放事学生认真观察教师起讨事容
    Teacher:Does Uncle Bear see Grandpa’s glasses No he doesn’t Where does Grandpa find his glasses Yes He finds them on the bed Whose glasses are on the table Yes Uncle’s glasses are on the table Why do they change their glasses Because they made a mistake They take the wrong glasses
    3 次播放事学生读提醒学生注意语音语调
    Teacher Watch the story again This time please read with it Pay attention to the pronunciation
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生读事
    Teacher:Read the story freely please (教师巡视帮助学生解决读中问题)
    2 组合作表演事
    Teacher Now let’s act the story out We’ll find the best group
    3 出示Read and match中片谈图片
    Teacher We help Grandpa find his glasses Can you help Wu Yifan find his things Look at this picture What can you see Let’s read and match Read the text please
    Teacher Now please put these things in the right places
    Teacher Show your answer please
    4 完成Look choose and write 先出示图片学生讨图片中物品位置然选择正确单词进行填空活动
    Teacher (展示活动中图片)Where is the sofa Where is the picture Look at this picture Where is the bed Where are the chairs
    Teacher Now please choose the correct words according to the pictures and write
    Teacher Show me your answers please
    Teacher Please read the sentences
    Teacher:Choose the correct words to write about your room
    Teacher Show us your answer and say it please
    设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中容 然根观察图片中位置选择正确单词进行填空检验学生否正确理解句子认读单词学生选择正确单词填写句子介绍房间学生中巩固学知识
    5 完成Listen and tick or cross 先学生观察图片位置听音判断正误
    Teacher:(展示图片)Can you see the glasses Where are they Can you see the keys Where are they Where are the books Where is Mike
    Teacher Now please listen and tick or cross
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    6 完成 Look and tick 活动先出示图片学生观察图片容描述然判断张出租房子单正确
    Teacher:Look at this house It’s for rent (帮助学生理解rent意思)What’s in it Please talk
    Teacher Now look and tick Which is right
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放歌曲My home 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s sing the song my home together
    l 课堂作业

    ____________ _________ ________ _________ ___________
    ( ) 1 This is a bedroom A B

    ( ) 2 This is my study A B

    ( ) 3 She is in the kitchen A B

    ( ) 4 I have a blue bed A B

    ( ) 1 I read a book in the __________
    A bathroom B kitchen C study
    ( ) 2 I ________ in the kitchen
    A take a shower B read a book C have a snack
    ( ) 3 I watch TV in the ____________
    A living room B bathroom C kitchen
    ( ) 4 I sleep in the _________
    A kitchen B bedroom C study
    Hello I’m Lucy Welcome to my house This is my living room It’s big It has a big TV I like to watch TV in the sofa This is my kitchen It’s not big But it’s nice My mother cooks good food here This is my bathroom It’s clean I take a shower wash my hands and face here This is my study I do my homework and read a book in it This is my bedroom It’s not big But it’s nice There is a desk near the bed My books are on the desk Near the window there is a picture on the wall It’s beautiful I like my bedroom I like my house
    ( ) 1 My living room is big
    ( ) 2 There is a small TV in the living room
    ( ) 3 I take a shower in my bathroom
    ( ) 4 My bedroom is big and nice
    ( ) 5 The window is near the desk

    sofa bed fridge table phone
    二1A 2 A 3 B 4 A
    三1 C 2 C 3A 4 B
    四1 T 2 F 3T 4 F 5 F
    l 板书设计
    Unit Four My home
    C Story time
    Do you see my glasses
    Are they on the fridge
    Where are my glasses
    Let’s change our glasses

    Unit Five Dinner’s ready

    l 单元整体分析
    单元义务教育灵通版(pep)学英语教科书四年级册第五单元单元题Dinner’s ready(晚餐准备)情景图通学生动物餐馆餐情景展示单元题:表达餐意愿题相关核心词汇句式
    A部分三页分三课时第课时情景话练部分Let’s talk部分Mike妈妈进行关餐交流引出句式 What’s for dinner What would you like I’d like some Dinner’s ready等话中熟悉单词dinner ready soup复食物名称Let’s survey调查活动调查学餐意愿操练重点句式复相关食物类单词第二课时词汇学课时Let’s learn中菜单形式介绍食物名称词汇:beef chicken noodles soup vegetables rice fish juice milk bread 询问餐意愿句子:What would you like 回答Let’s play活动学生利食物单词卡片进行模拟点餐活动第三课时语音字母学课时通读读听听唱唱听听圈圈听听圈圈写写三活动学生学元音字母e开音节中发音i
    B部分四页分两课时第课时然呈现情景话练Let’s talk中MikeJohn家做客引出发出餐建议句式:Would you like some 回答:NO thanks Yes please Let’s play活动推荐特价菜方式练重点句式第二课时John妈妈话学新词汇:chopsticks fork knife bowl spoon 通活动Let’s do进步熟悉新授词汇读写练听音判断匹配练歌曲巩固练课重点词汇句型C部分合课时
    l 单元教学目标
    µ 知识目标:
    1词汇:学生够听说认读单词:beef chicken noodles soup vegetable chopsticks bowl fork knife spoon
    2句型结构:够听懂会说认读句型What’s for dinner What would you like (for) I’d like some please Would you like No thanks I can use
    3 字母语音:够掌握字母i开音节里发音 ju
    µ 力目标
    1 够正确重点词汇表达餐意愿餐具情况
    2 够意义语境中抄写述话题词汇
    3 够真实模拟情景中运句型What would you like ( for ) I’d like 征求表达餐意愿
    4 Help yourself Would you like some Yes please No thanks I can use 提出餐餐具建议做出恰回应
    5 够读出符合开音节发音规含字母i单词根发音拼写出符发音规单词
    µ 情感态度学策略文化意识目标
    1 解餐礼仪够餐建议作出恰反应
    2 初步解中西方餐饮文化差异
    3 够根e发音规拼读单词够根ee发音规拼写单词
    l 教学重难点
    µ 教学重点
    1 够听说认读单词:beef chicken noodles soup vegetable chopsticks bowl fork knife spoon
    2 够听懂会说句型What’s for dinner What would you like (for) I’d like some please Would you like No thanks I can use
    3 够正确重点词汇表达餐意愿餐具情况
    4 够掌握字母i开音节里发音i
    µ 教学难点
    1 够真实模拟情景中运句型What would you like ( for ) I’d like 征求表达餐意愿
    2 够认读情景中运句型Help yourself Would you like some Yes please No thanks I can use 提出餐餐具建议做出恰回应
    3 够意义语境中抄写话题词汇
    4 够根i开音节里发音规拼读单词够根发音规拼写单词
    l 教学方法
    l 教学时间
    第课时:A Let’s talk Let’s survey
    第二课时:A Let’s learn Let’s play
    第三课时:A Let’s spell
    第四课时:B Let’s talk Let’s play
    第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s do
    第六课时:C Story time B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing
    l 知识视窗
    l 课时容
    A Let’s talkLet’s survey
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分Mike告诉妈妈饿问妈妈正餐吃什妈妈问算吃什告诉妈妈想吃汤面包爸爸告诉妈妈想吃鱼蔬菜妈妈需求准备晚餐两非常开心表示感谢话程中展示询问餐意愿句式 What would you like What would you like for dinner 回应:I’d like some soup and bread please 句式:What’s for dinner Dinner’s ready 事情境中句子较理解学生创设相应情境够真实虚拟语境中理解语言掌握学知识提高口语表达力
    Let’s survey学间进行调查活动学生需调查组班学餐意愿记录调查程中学生断目标语言达操练语言语言目
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句型:What would you like ( for ) I’d like some please
    2 够听懂会说词汇:dinner soup vegetables ready
    3 够听懂会读话分角色表演
    4 够真实模拟情景中正确句型What would you like I’d like征求表达餐意愿
    5 解中西方饮食文化差异
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句型:What would you like ( for ) I’d like some please
    够听懂词汇:dinner soup vegetables ready
    2 难点
    够真实模拟情景中正确句型What would you like I’d like征求表达餐意愿
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 食物单词图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1播放歌曲:It’s time for lunch 学生认真倾听
    Teacher Boys and girls are you ready for our English class First let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    It’s time for lunch I want to eat Noodles and rice a special treat It’s time for lunch I want to eat noodles and rice a special treat
    Teacher Can you try to sing with it
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher What’s this Yes it’s bread What’s this It’s juice What about this one It’s soup (板书单词)Read after me please Do you like soup And look what’s this This is a cucumber This is a tomato This is a potato They are vegetables Read after me vegetables (板书单词)Do you like vegetables What’s this it’s rice What’s this It’s fish They are food
    设计意图:衔接歌曲出示食物图片 通图片学生明白新授食物名称
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题引起学生阅读兴趣呈现话容
    Teacher:Look at the food Are you hungry Do you want to eat Mike is hungry What would he like Let’s listen and find
    2 播放话录音学生找出答案听完录音请学生说出答案
    Teacher Answer the question please What would Mike like That means what Mike wants to eat He would like Yes He would like some soup and bread
    Teacher:What would Mike’s dad like for dinner He would like Yes some fish and vegetables What does Mike’s mother do She is ready for the dinner She makes dinner for Mike and Mike’s father When do we have dinner Sometimes it’s in the afternoon Sometimes it’s in the evening Most of us have dinner in the evening That means the supper Dinner is the biggest meal in a day Read after me dinner
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 次播放课文录音学生读课文
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s read the dialogue after the tape Please listen carefully read carefully
    2 学生读课文教师巡视帮助学生解决读音问题
    Teacher:Now please read the text freely If you have any questions please show me your hand and ask me
    3 学生分角色朗读课文
    Teacher Now who wants to be Mike Who wants to be Mike’s Mum Who wants to be Mike’s dad Let’s read it in roles
    4 请学生戴头饰扮演话角色表演话
    Teacher Now we’ll find the best actor or actress Please come to the front and show the dialogue
    5 出示食物图片请学生针图片进行交流
    Teacher What are these Say it quickly
    Teacher What would you like
    Teacher Do a pair work Ask and answer please What would you like I would like or I’d like(板书答句)
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue
    设计意图:展示食物图片学生话提供语料支撑然通老师示范师生示范 生生练逐步引导学生熟悉重点句式
    6 组活动:调查组学餐意愿形成表格
    Teacher: Let’s survey Look at this chart Ask your members of the group and fill in the blanks
    Teacher Which group wants to show your chart Can you talk about it
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 请学生谈谈眼中中西餐
    Teacher:What would you like for dinner What does Mike like for dinner Are they the same What do you know about these differences Can you say something about it
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A soup B milk

    ( ) 2 A vegetables B fruit

    ( ) 3 A rice B fish

    ( ) 1What’s for dinner
    A Fish and vegetables B Dinner’s ready
    ( ) 2 What would you like
    A I’d like some rice B I’m hungry
    ( ) 3 Is she in the kitchen
    A No it isn’t B Yes she is
    1 would What like for you dinner ()
    2 for What is dinner ()
    3 some soup I’d and like bread please ( ) ()
    1A 2 A 3 B
    二1A 2 A 3 B
    三1What would you like for dinner 2 What is for dinner 3 I’d like some soup and bread please

    l 板书设计
    Unit Five Dinner’s ready
    A Let’s talk

    soup vegetables

    What’s for dinner
    What would you like for dinner
    I’d like some
    l 课时容
    A Let’s learn Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn部分ZoomZip玩点餐游戏教材中展示菜单(Menu)Zip问Zoom想什Zoom想蔬菜Zip根菜单中标出食物价格收费菜单标出食物名称:beef chicken noodles soup vegetables rice fish juice milk bread 中前五单元求掌握单词边五学生已掌握单词学课时设定餐馆点餐场景学生虚拟情景中学操练重点单词句式
    Let’s play模拟点餐活动学生利种食物图片进行模拟点餐活动点餐程中练句式:What would you like I’d like some
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:beef chicken noodles soup vegetable
    2 够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说认读句式:What would you like I’d like some please
    3 够利学知识进行简单点餐活动
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词:beef chicken noodles soup vegetable
    够真实虚拟情景中听懂会说句式What would you like I’d like some please征求餐意愿进行恰回应
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 食物单词卡片制菜单
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1呈现韵句:What’s for dinner 学生先倾听唱齐唱
    Teacher Let’s chant Listen to me first
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like rice I’d like some juice please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like eggs I’d like bread I’d like some milk please
    Teacher Now please chant with me Let’ s chant together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 播放餐厅图片学生创设餐厅情境情境中引出课学容
    Teacher:Look at the picture It’s a restaurant Let’s go to the restaurant Let’s eat
    2 展示餐厅菜单呈现餐馆里食物价格
    Teacher: Let’s look at the menu of the restaurant What does the restaurant have (学生观察菜单图片说出相应食物类单词)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 引起阅读兴趣播放课文录音视频
    Teacher:Oh look Zoom and Zip are in this restaurant What would they like Let’s watch and find
    Teacher Now show me you answer What would Zoom like Yes Zoom would like some vegetables How much are the vegetables Yes five yuan
    2 次播放课文容学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the text again and read with it
    3 根菜单容讨讲授新单词
    Teacher:Look at the menu What’s this Yes it’s beef (板书单词) It’s from an ox Do you like beef How much is it
    Teacher Is this beef No it isn’t It’s chicken (板书单词)Do you like chicken You can eat chicken in the KFC
    Teacher What’s this It’s soup (板书单词)Do you like soup
    Teacher:Look at this Can I say what’s this No I should say what are these What are these Yes they are noodles (板书单词)Do you like noodles How much are they
    Teacher What are these You know them right They are vegetables (板书单词) How much are they Five yuan Yes
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 出示食物图片请学生根图片展示食物完成话
    Teacher:What would you like Please answer with the food on the picture What’s this Yes it’s rice So you should say I’d like some rice Look at next one What would you like Yes you’d like some vegetables What would you like
    2 猜出老师想点餐
    Teacher:What would I like Please guess It’s five yuan What is it It’s ten yuan What is it
    3 出示食物图片部分请学生猜出食物名称进行问答
    Teacher:Ohthis menu is dirty What’s the food Can you guess and say What would you like (指中学生尝试回答)Good
    4 组合作完成点餐活动
    Teacher:You know the restaurant well and you know how much they are Now let’s play Please make a dialogue in groups One of you can be the waiter or waitress in the restaurant Others go to the restaurant and order
    Teacher You can talk in group to practice your dialogue (教师巡视帮助学生解决编制话时困难问题)
    Teacher:Show me your story please Let’s find the best group
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 次呈现韵句:What’s for dinner 学生齐唱
    Teacher Let’s chant together
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like rice I’d like some juice please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like eggs I’d like bread I’d like some milk please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like beef I’d like chicken I’d like some soup please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like vegetables I’d like some noodles please

    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 beef A B

    ( ) 2 soup A B

    ( ) 3 chicken A B

    ( ) 4 vegetables A B

    ( ) 1—What would you like
    —I’d like some noodles

    ( ) 2—What would you like
    —I’d like some fish

    ( ) 3—What would you like
    —I’d like some vegetables

    ( ) 4 —What would you like
    —I’d like some bread

    Tom I’m hungry
    Jim I’m hungry too What’s for dinner
    Mum What would you like
    Tom I’d like some beef and milk please
    Jim I’d like some fish and vegetables
    Mum I have beef and vegetables But I don’t have fish
    Jim Oh I’d like some beef and vegetables please
    Mum Ok I’d like some vegetables and milk
    Mum Dinner’s ready
    Jim and Tom Thank you mum
    ( ) 1 Tom and Jim are hungry
    ( ) 2 Jim has some fish and vegetables for dinner
    ( ) 3 Jim would like some beef and milk for dinner
    ( ) 4 Tom would like some beef and milk for dinner
    ( ) 5 Mum would like some beef and milk
    1 A 2A 3A 4B
    二1T 2 F 3 T 4 T
    三1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F
    l 板书设计
    Unit Five Dinner’s ready
    A Let’s learn

    soup vegetables beef chicken noodles

    What would like
    I’d like some please
    l 课时容
    A Let’s spell
    l 课时分析
    部分分语音学单词书写两部分容通听听读读唱唱活动学生通听读拆音等练体会掌握字母i单词中发音课时学开音节里发双元音i活动中呈现韵句:He and she She and he Let’s play together He she and me He and she She and he We all play together 韵句中呈现含i开音节词汇:he she we me时教材中图片形式呈现四语音例词学生通语音例词韵句诵读感受掌握字母e开音节里发音读读听听判断活动学生区分e开音节闭音节中发音单词读音字形结合起进步训练学生听音辨音力听听圈圈写写活动学生需判断字母e单词中发音规圈出相应代表字母写出单词活动帮助学生进步掌握拼读规根拼读规拼写出单词
    l 课时目标
    1 够感知纳字母e开音节(e结构)闭音节(e)中发音规
    2 够读出符合ee发音规单词
    3 够根单词读音拼写出符合发音规单词
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 语音例词单词卡学生准备家朋友片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放第三单元B中chant Tim is my friend 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s chant together
    Tim is my friend
    He’s a good good boy
    He’s tall and thin
    He’s a good good boy
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 出示教材中物图片询问身份引出语音例词
    Teacher Look at this pictured Who is he Yes he is Mike Who is she Yes she is Amy (板书单词he she)Say with me please
    2 展示家图片学生介绍家
    Teacher Look he is my father She is my mother They love me I love them We are a happy family
    Teacher They are my friends He is my friend Jason She is my friend Lily They often play with me We are good friends (板书单词me we)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 播放语音韵句学生先认真倾听然读
    Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard Can you read them Now let’s listen to a chant about these words Listen carefully
    Teacher Listen to the chant again Now let’s say the chant after it
    2 学生说韵句方式节奏
    Teacher Now say the chant freely You can say it with your partner And you can clap your hands to say it
    3 表演韵句
    Teacher:Now let’s act the chant together
    4 引导学生发现字母发音规
    Teacher:Look at these words on the blackboard What can you find Yes there is an e in each word What is the sound of the e Let’s read and find (学生起慢慢读语音例词)What is the sound Yes it’s i Look at my mouth and say with me
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 口型猜单词教师说出语音例词中出声学生通观察老师口型猜出单词声读出
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s play a game I will say a word Look at my mouth carefully Guess what word it is And try to say it loudly
    Teacher Look at these word cards What’s this What’s this What about this You are right Get the card please
    Teacher The students who got the word card please come to the front I will say the word Please put up the correct card
    3 读读听听听单词勾播放录音学生根听容选出听单词
    Teacher Look at these letters There are many words in it Listen and find the word Tick it Listen please Be red me she let
    Teacher:Show me your answer please
    Teacher:Now let’s read these words together
    4 听听圈圈写写根听容判断单词属种发音规圈出相应代表字母然写写听单词
    Teacher:Now please listen circle and write Write the word that you heard Listen rice Is it for –e or ie It’s for ie So circle ie then write the word rice Now listen carefully and write the words Rice he red we
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    Teacher Read these words together please
    5 语音例词介绍家朋友
    Teacher:Today you know about my family and my friends Now it’s your turn to introduce your family or friends Show me your picture and introduce
    Teacher Who is he Who is she Please introduce
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 编写语音韵句学生学唱
    Teacher It’s chant time Listen first then say it
    E e e e e e e is in he i i i
    E e e e e e e is in she i i i
    E e e e e e e is in we i i i
    E e e e e e e is in me i i i
    2 表演韵句学生练时间鼓励加入动作组合作选择组展示韵句节拍方式创意表演韵句
    Teacher:Nowlet’s work in groups Please act the chant out You can choose the way to show it

    l 课堂作业
    1 bed red 2 he she
    3 be bed 4 he get
    5 we wet 6let get
    ( ) 1 rice nice ( ) 2 we he
    ( ) 3 me pen ( ) 4 red he
    ( ) 5 bed red ( ) 6 she we
    1 ______ is my friend Tom ______ is a good boy
    2 _______ is my sister Lynn ______ is tall
    3 _______ are a happy family They all love ________
    1 bed 2 she 3 be 4 get 5 we 6 let
    二1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5T 6 T
    三1 He is my friend Tom He is a good boy 2 She is my sister Lynn She is tall
    3 We are a happy family They all love me
    l 板书设计
    Unit Five Dinner’s ready
    A Let’s spell

    me he she we
    bed red pen get

    l 课时容
    B Let’s talk Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分中MikeWu Yifan家里做客妈妈顾Wu Yifan问Mike餐刀餐叉结果Mike选择筷子接着妈妈问点汤两接受表示感谢话程中呈现提出餐建议句式:Would you like some soup 提出种餐具建议句子:Would you like a knife 正确回应方式:Yes please No thanks
    Let’s play活动中呈现某餐厅日特惠AmySarah提出餐建议Sarah表示意针图片容学生进行话操练巩固学重点句式
    课中knife fork chopsticks课时学重点词汇课时中求学生听懂会说
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句式:Would you like some Yes please No thanks Help yourself
    2 够理解正确认读课文话发音准确语调然
    3 够真实语境中运课句型发出餐餐具建议
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句式:Would you like some Yes please No thanks Help yourself
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词卡片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 呈现韵句:What’s for dinner 学生齐唱
    Teacher Let’s chant together
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like rice I’d like some juice please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like eggs I’d like bread I’d like some milk please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like beef I’d like chicken I’d like some soup please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like vegetables I’d like some noodles please
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher:What’s this Say it as quickly as you can
    Teacher What would you like
    2 讨吃饭时餐具引出话中新单词
    Teacher:What do you use when have dinner(呈现餐刀餐叉餐勺筷子) A knife A fork A spoon Or chopsticks? (板书单词)Read after me please This line please read knife one by one This line please read this word fork And this line please read spoon one by one The last line read chopsticks please
    Teacher What do you use You use chopsticks right
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:You use chopsticks to have dinner What about Mike What would he like Let’s listen and find
    Teacher Answer the question please Mike would like chopsticks
    2 根课文容分析东西方餐具
    Teacher Mike can use chopsticks That’s so good People in western countries usually use knives forks and spoons (呈现关西方餐具规视频文字图片材料)We usually use chopsticks Sometimes we use spoons
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 播放课文容学生读注意发音语调
    Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape Please read it carefully and loudly Pay attention to the pronunciation
    Teacher:Read the dialogue freely Then I will ask you to act it out Let’s find the best pair
    3 展示食物餐具图片学生快速读出单词
    Teacher What’s this Say it quickly
    4 利抽图片进行话先抽食物抽餐具
    Teacher:Would you like some(抽选张食物图片补全句子)noodles
    Student Yes please No thanks
    Teacher (抽取张餐具类图片) Would you like a knife
    Student Yes please No thanks I can use
    Teacher Who wants to play like this
    5 完成Let’s play活动
    Teacher Look at this picture It’s Today’s specials That means these foods are cheap today What would you like Would you like some noodles How much is it
    Teacher Do a pair work Ask and answer please
    Teacher Which pair wants to show your dialogue Let’s find the best pair
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 利图片学生编韵句总结课容
    Teacher Let’s chant
    What would you like What would you like
    I’d like a (出示图片学生说出单词编成韵句) I’d like a
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A fork B knife

    ( ) 2 A knife B chopsticks

    ( ) 3 A noodles B chicken

    ( ) 4 A fish B beef

    ( ) 1What would you like for dinner
    A It’s on the table B I’d like some vegetables
    ( ) 2 What would you like
    A Some fish please B I’m hungry
    ( ) 3 Would you like a fork and knife
    A No thanks B Help yourself
    ( ) 4 Would you like some soup
    A I can use chopsticks B Yes please
    1like you Would some soup ()
    2 you Would a knife and fork like ()
    3 use I can chopsticks ()
    1 A 2 B 3 A 4 A
    二1 B 2 A 3 A 4 B
    三1 Would you like some soup 2 Would you like a knife and fork 3 I can use chopsticks
    l 板书设计
    Unit Five Dinner’s ready
    B Let’s talk

    fork knife chopsticks

    Would you like some
    Would you like a
    Yes please
    No thanks
    l 课时容
    B Let’s learn Let’s do
    l 课时分析
    课时惯例词汇学课学生通学课中呈现词汇更利单元句式 发起餐具建议做出正确回应
    Let’s learn中John正Wu Yifan家起进餐Wu Yifan妈妈问点牛肉表示感谢求递餐刀餐叉餐桌面摆放着食物外摆着着餐具课时重点词汇:chopsticks bowl fork knife spoon 教学中引导学生观察描述图片容获取餐具信息更理解词汇时学生明白东西方餐具
    Let’s do做沙拉程例教学生课时中学餐具名称编制成TPR活动学生边做动作边重复句子练课中重点词汇
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词chopsticks fork knife bowl spoon
    2 够听懂会说认读句式:Would you like some Yes please No thanks
    3 够熟练正确发起餐餐具建议做出正确回应
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单 chopsticks fork knife bowl spoon
    够听懂会说认读句式:Would you like some Yes please No thanks
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单词图卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 呈现韵句:What’s for dinner 学生齐唱
    Teacher Let’s chant together
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like rice I’d like some juice please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like eggs I’d like bread I’d like some milk please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like beef I’d like chicken I’d like some soup please
    It’s time for dinner What would you like
    I’d like fish I’d like vegetables I’d like some noodles please
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示食物餐具图片学生快速读出单词
    Teacher Look at these pictures Please say it as quickly as you can
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:Look at this table What can you see on the table You can see rice bread vegetables beef soup dishes chopsticks fork knife What’s this(指碗)Please listen and find
    Teacher What’s this Yes it’s a bowl Read after me bowl (板书单词)Read it one by one please What’s this Yes it’s a spoon (板书单词) And what’s this (板书fork knife chopsticks)
    2 次播放课文录音学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the tape again Read after it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 游戏:指说老师指黑板单词请学生快速读出单词
    Teacher:Let’s play a game I point you say I will point to the words on the blackboard please say it as quickly as you can Let’s find who is the fastest
    2 出示单词图卡请学生快速说出单词
    Teacher Look at my cards What is it What is this What are these
    3 乱序呈现组成单词字母请学生猜出单词拼写
    Teacher:Look at these letters Please put them in order What word is it Yes it’s the word fork Let’s try next one What’s this
    4 意抽取食物类单词学生进行话活动
    Teacher:What would you like Choose one card and try to answer
    学生抽出食物类卡片回答问题:I’d like
    Teacher:(抽出食物类单词)Would you like some
    Student Yes please No thanks
    Teacher Please do it in pairs
    Teacher Show me your dialogues please
    5 完成Let’s do 活动
    Teacher Do you like vegetables Do you like salad Let’s make salad What should we do Look at the pictures and find
    Teacher (乱序出示做沙拉步骤)Please put them in order
    Teacher:No 1 Pass me the bowl No 2 Pass me the knife No 3 Cut the vegetables No 4 Use the spoon No 5 Use the fork No 6 Let’s try it Good You did a very good job
    Teacher Read it in groups please
    Teacher Read it together please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher:Look at my cards What’s this Read them as quickly as you can
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 f___rk A o B a C u

    ( ) 2 b__wl A a B o C e

    ( ) 3 chopst__cks A e B i C u

    ( ) 4 sp__on A o B u C a

    ( ) 5 kn___fe A e B o C i

    ( ) 1 A fork B knife C soup
    ( ) 2 A vegetables B bowl C spoon
    ( ) 3 A beef B chopsticks C chicken
    ( ) 4 A salad B noodles C table

    ( ) ( ) ( )
    1 What would you like
    I’d like some vegetables
    2 Pass me the bowl
    3 I can use chopsticks
    1 A 2 B 3 B 4 A 5 C
    二1C 2 A 3 B 4 C
    三2 3 1
    l 板书设计
    Unit Five Dinner’s ready
    B Let’s learn

    spoon bowl chopsticks knife fork

    Would you like some
    Yes please No thanks
    Pass me the please
    l 课时容
    B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing C Story time
    l 课时分析
    Read and write部分包括两活动第活动Read and tick学生先读读John妈妈话然选出话中谈词语Look choose and write活动中学生先观察图片中包含食物然选择正确单词写四线三格完成句子根餐意愿选择单词填空写出句子两活动词汇字义字形结合起检验学生否理解书写重点词汇时复重点句式结构
    Let’s check部分包括两活动Listen and tick中学生会听四组话然根话容判断幅图片正确活动检验学生否正确理解单元重点句式话Look and match活动中呈现餐桌十组单词学生单词写相应物品旁边检验学生否正确认读理解单元重点词汇
    Let’s sing歌词容What would you like?呈现句式:What would you like I’d like some Put it on my dish 学生学唱歌曲程中会复单元重点词汇重点句式
    Story time部分Zip餐馆吃饭先点米饭鱼面条牛肉汤蔬菜结帐时帐单鸟叼走复相关食物词汇句式:What would you like I’d like some please Anything else Here’s your bill 学生通阅读事理解句子意思拓展词汇语言文阅读做准备
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单元重点单词
    2 够听懂事表演
    3 够会唱歌曲What would you like
    4 够完成阅读判断匹配等活动正确理解认读单元重点句式
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单元重点词汇图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:What would you like学生先倾听
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    2 次播放歌曲学生唱
    Teacher:Listen to the song again please sing with it
    3 齐唱歌曲
    Teacher Now let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 学生讨喜欢食物名称
    Teacher:What do you like Would you like some noodles Would you like some chicken Would you like some vegetables
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题激起学生阅读兴趣然播放事视频学生认真观察尝试回答问题
    Teacher Look at this picture Who can you see Oh you can see Zip and a cat Where is Zip She is in a restaurant What would Zip like Watch the story and find
    Teacher:What would Zip like She would like some rice and fish And then what would she like Read the story please
    2 次播放事学生认真观察教师起讨事容
    Teacher:What’s this It’s the bill You should pay according the bill Where is Zip’s bill The bird gets it and fly away Zip can’t pay Does Zip like that What do you think
    3 次播放事学生读提醒学生注意语音语调
    Teacher Watch the story again This time please read with it Pay attention to the pronunciation
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生读事
    Teacher:Read the story freely please (教师巡视帮助学生解决读中问题)
    2 组合作表演事
    Teacher Now let’s act the story out We’ll find the best group
    3 出示Read and match中话尝试分角色朗读
    Teacher Look at the dialogue between John and his mother Please read it freely
    Teacher Now please read it in roles
    Teacher Please tick the pictures you read about in the talk
    Teacher Show your answer please
    设计意图: 先学生读话然表演话程中复相关食物单词重点句式完成练服务然请学生完成练题目检验学生否读时捕捉重点信息
    4 完成Look choose and write 先出示图片学生讨图片汤里容然选择正确单词进行填空活动
    Teacher (展示活动中图片)What’s this Yes it’s soup What’s in the soup
    Teacher Now please choose the correct words according to the pictures and write
    Teacher Show me your answers please
    Teacher Please read the sentences
    Teacher:Choose the correct words to write what you would like for dinner
    Teacher Show us your answer and say it please
    设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中容 然根观察图片容选择正确单词进行填空检验学生否正确理解句子认读单词学生选择正确单词填写句子表达餐意愿学生中巩固学知识
    5 完成Listen and tick or 先学生观察图片容听音判断正误
    Teacher:(展示图片)What can you see in this picture Soup and vegetables What about this one Fish and vegetables What’s this A spoon What are these Chopsticks These are –noodles This is –beef This is –fruit This is an ice cream
    Teacher Now please listen and tick Choose the correct picture
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    6 完成 Look and match 活动先出示图片学生观察图片容描述然进行匹配活动
    Teacher:Look at the table What’s on the table Talk about it
    Teacher Now look and match
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放歌曲What would you like 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s sing the song What would you like together
    设计意图:歌曲结束课程学生通歌曲回忆单元重点句式 达总结目
    l 课堂作业

    ____________ _________ _________ ___________
    ( ) 1 fork A B

    ( ) 2 chicken A B

    ( ) 3 chopsticks A B

    ( ) 4 knife A B
    ( ) 1 What would you ____
    A like B do C to like
    ( ) 2 Would you like ____ noodles
    A a B an C some
    ( ) 3 Pass ____ the bowl please
    Ame B I C he
    ( ) 4Help _________ please
    A myself B yourself C I

    vegetables noodles soup beef
    二1B 2 A 3 B 4 B
    三1 A 2 C 3A 4 B
    l 板书设计
    Unit Five Dinner’s ready
    C Story time
    What would you like
    I’d like some
    Anything else
    Here’s your bill
    Unit Six Meet my family

    l 单元整体分析
    单元义务教育灵通版(pep)学英语教科书四年级册第六单元单元题Meet my family(认识家)情景图中孩子观Sarah家演出绿野仙踪断谈Sarah家身份职业情况揭示出单元题:解介绍家庭情况
    A部分三页分三课时第课时情景话练部分Let’s talk部分AmyChen Jie谈家庭情况引出询问家庭成员数量句式:How many people are there in your family回答:Three My parents and me My family has six people 话中出现parents people little puppy等需掌握解词汇Let’s count部分呈现幅图练句式:How many 第二课时词汇学课时Let’s learn中介绍家庭成员类词汇:parents uncle aunt cousin baby brotherLet’s play手指画形式介绍家外貌特征第三课时语音字母学课时通读读听听圈圈听听唱唱唱唱写写三活动学生复区分字母a e i o u开音节闭音节里发音
    B部分四页分两课时第课时呈现情景话练Let’s talk中Zhang Peng着家庭相册问Sarah家情况呈现询问亲属关系句式:Is this your 询问职业句式:What’s your aunt’s job 回答Draw and say活动画画介绍家方式练重点句式第二课时中Chen Jie询问Sarah家职业引出职业类词汇:doctor cook driver farmer nurse 通Let’s play演演猜职业游戏进步熟悉新授词汇读写练听音判断匹配练歌曲巩固练课重点词汇句型C部分合课时
    l 单元教学目标
    µ 知识目标:
    1词汇:学生够听说认读单词:parents cousin uncle aunt baby brother doctor cook driver farmer nurse
    2句型结构:够听懂会说认读句型How many people are there in your family Three Is this your Yes it is He is a What’s your ’s job He She is a
    3 字母语音:够掌握字母a e i o u单词中长短发音
    µ 力目标
    1 够正确重点词汇简单介绍家庭成员职业
    2 够意义语境中抄写述话题词汇
    3 够真实模拟情景中运句型How many people are there in your family 询问回答家中位家庭成员够情景中恰运句型:My family has six people That’s only five
    4 够情景中运句型Is this your Yes it is What your ’s job He’s She’s a询问回答某说话方亲属关系职业情况
    5 够根发音规正确读出生词够示范例词提示歌谣中找出符合a e i o u长短音发音规单词
    µ 情感态度学策略文化意识目标
    1 够体会表达家庭生活热爱情
    2 够解英语国家中家庭成员间称呼俗
    3 够逐步做见符合ae ie oe ue e发音规单词够拼读听符合发音规单词够拼写
    l 教学重难点
    µ 教学重点
    1 够听说认读单词:parents cousin uncle aunt baby brother doctor cook driver farmer nurse
    2 够听懂会说句型How many people are there in your family Three Is this your Yes it is He is a What’s your ’s job He She is a
    3 够正确重点词汇简单介绍家庭成员职业
    4 够掌握字母a e i o u单词中长短发音
    µ 教学难点
    1 够真实模拟情景中运句型What would you like ( for ) I’d like 征求表达餐意愿
    2 够认读情景中运句型How many people are there in your family 询问回答家中位家庭成员够情景中恰运句型:My family has six people That’s only five
    3 够意义语境中抄写话题词汇
    4 够根发音规正确读出生词够示范例词提示歌谣中找出符合a e i o u长短音发音规单词
    l 教学方法
    l 教学时间
    第课时:A Let’s talk Let’s count
    第二课时:A Let’s learn Let’s play
    第三课时:A Let’s spell
    第四课时:B Let’s talk Draw and say
    第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s play
    第六课时:C Story time B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing
    l 知识视窗
    2中国亲属称呼特会父亲母亲直系旁系等进行划分父亲父亲称爷爷母亲父亲称姥爷父亲哥哥称伯父母亲哥哥称舅舅英语里没细致父母代男统称uncle女统称aunt代亲生兄弟姐妹分男女统称cousin然会面样称谓称呼亲戚名字偶尔会称呼加名字:Aunt Betty贝蒂姑姑称呼边加名
    3汉语中般会职务职业称呼李警察王医生张老师等英语中少英语称呼老师时:Teacher Wang样称呼量Mr Wang 者Ms Wang

    l 课时容
    A Let’s talkLet’s count
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk部分Amy 边翻家庭相册边Chen Jie讨家庭情况问Chen Jie家里口:How many people are there in your family Chen Jie简洁回答:Three My parents and me Amy告诉Chen Jie 家六口My family has six people 结果Chen Jie数数五Amy告诉包括狗程中学生理解够询问表达家庭成员数时帮助学生理解西方国家宠物位重数视家庭成员
    Let’s count中提供幅图片Zoom问家树少苹果教学中利幅图练How many句型提问少蚂蚁少花朵等提醒学生注意how many接数名词复数形式
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句型:How many people are there in your family My family has six people That’s only five
    2 够听懂会说词汇:people but little puppy
    3 够听懂会读话分角色表演
    4 够真实模拟情景中正确句型How many people are there in your family询问回答 家中少家庭成员
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句型:What would you like ( for ) I’d like some please
    够听懂词汇:dinner soup vegetables ready
    2 难点
    够真实模拟情景中正确句型What would you like I’d like征求表达餐意愿
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 家庭成员片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1播放歌曲:Finger family 学生先倾听唱
    Teacher:Let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    Daddy finger daddy finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Mummy finger Mummy finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Brother finger brother finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Sister finger sister finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Baby finger baby finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Teacher Now please sing with me And do the actions with me please
    Teacher Let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher Look at my fingers How many fingers are there on my hands Let’s count One two three four five ten I have ten fingers How many people in the Finger family Ten?No five They are daddy finger mummy finger brother finger sister finger and baby finger
    设计意图:热身歌曲中手指表现家庭成员How many fingers?衔接歌曲容然引出How many问句学生理解问句意思根歌曲容询问手指家庭成员数量学生基理解问句意思话学做准备
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题引起学生阅读兴趣呈现话容
    Teacher:There are five people in the Finger family How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family Let’s listen and find
    2 播放话录音学生找出答案听完录音请学生说出答案
    Teacher Answer the question please How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family Yes three Who are they Let’s read and find
    Teacher:There are three people in Chen Jie’s family They her parents and her Her parents mean her mother and father (板书单词)Read after me please parents Read it one by one How many people are there in Amy’s family She says six Let’s count Her dad her mum her sister her baby her brother Amy But that’s only five Why does she say six Yes and her little puppy What is a puppy A puppy means a little dog (板书单词)Read it together puppy (展示狗图片)This is a little puppy Is it cute Do you like it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 次播放课文录音学生读课文
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s read the talk after the tape Please listen carefully read carefully
    2 学生读课文教师巡视帮助学生解决读音问题
    Teacher:Now please read the talk freely If you have any questions please show me your hand and ask me
    3 学生分角色朗读课文
    Teacher Now who wants to be Amy Who wants to be Chen Jie Let’s read it in roles
    4 请学生戴头饰扮演话角色表演话
    Teacher Now we’ll find the best actor or actress Please come to the front and show the dialogue
    5 出示图片请学生数数
    Teacher:Let’s count What can you see in this picture You can see a family You can see flowers You can see ants You can see a big tree You can see Zoom Can you see the apples How many apples are there on the tree Can you see the birds How many birds are there
    Teacher Do a pair work Ask and answer
    Teacher Show your dialogue please
    6 组活动:调查组学家数量形成表格
    Teacher Let’s survey Ask your partners how many people in their family
    Teacher Show your survey Talk about it
    µ Step 5 Summary
    Teacher This is my family How many people are there in my family Five My parents my sister my little brother and me How about your family Show me your family please
    l 课堂作业
    1 dad 2 mum 3 sister 4 brother

    ( ) 1 My family has three people

    ( ) 2 My family has six people

    ( ) 3 My family has five people

    1 How people are many in your there family ()
    2 has six my people family ()
    3 five is only But that ()

    二1T 2 F 3 T
    三1How many people are there in your family 2 My family has six people 3 But that is only five

    l 板书设计
    Unit Six Meet my family
    A Let’s talk

    How many people are there in your family
    My family has six people
    But that’s only five
    l 课时容
    A Let’s learn Let’s play
    l 课时分析
    Let’s learn部分Amy展示家庭相片家认识家学生认识家时掌握家庭称呼类单词:parents uncle aunt cousin baby brother中parents课时学生已接触uncle aunt尤cousin称呼汉语区aunt uncle相较理解接受起汉语称呼更显简单cousin相难理解学生般cousin哥哥弟弟姐姐妹妹brother sister弄混学程中断进行区分学生理解掌握
    Let’s play中Zhang Peng纸画出手掌手指画然家介绍家样介绍够挑起学生参兴趣综合介绍家描述物外貌特征知识学生参活动程中增强口语表达力
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:parents uncle aunt cousin baby brother
    2 够利学知识介绍描述家
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单词:parents uncle aunt cousin baby brother
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 家庭称呼类单词卡片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1呈现歌曲:I love you 学生先认真倾听唱练唱
    Teacher Boys and girls listen to a song please
    I love you You love me We are a happy family
    With a tall father short mother little boy too
    Three in our family one and two
    Teacher:Sing with me please
    Teacher Let’s sing the song together Let’s do some actions
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 展示家图片介绍描述家引出节课相关容
    Teacher:Boys and girls I have a happy family Look this is my family There are four people in my family This is my father He is tall and strong This is my mother She is short and nice This is my baby sister She is little and cute I love my family
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 引起阅读兴趣播放课文录音视频
    Teacher:I have a happy family What about Amy How many people are there in her family Let’s listen and find
    Teacher Now show me you answer How many people are there in Amy’s family Yes six How many people are there in her aunt’s family Yes three
    Teacher Look at this picture Who is he Yes he is Amy’s uncle(板书单词) Boys read it please Who is this girl She is Amy’s cousin(板书单词) Do you have cousins Is your cousin a boy or a girl Is he she tall or short Let’s read the words together Who’s this Yes this is her aunt(板书单词)Read it together please Do you have an aunt Who is she What is an aunt Your mother’s sisters are your aunts Your father’s sisters are your aunts too The child of your uncle or aunt is your cousin But the child of your father and mother is your brother or sister Maybe it’s you Do you have brothers or sisters This is Amy’s brother He is a baby So he is Amy’s baby brother
    2 次播放课文容学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the tape again and read with it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 出示Amy家图片学生说出单词
    Teacher:I show you say Who’s this Say the word quickly Who’s this
    2 指黑板单词学生快速读出单词
    Teacher I point you say What’s this What about this one And this
    3 出示家称呼类单词卡片背面请学生猜单词
    Teacher:Look at my word cards Read them please
    Teacher Guess what’s this Is this uncle Is it aunt Please guess
    4 乱序出示字母请学生排列成单词读读
    Teacher Look at these letters It’s a word Put them in order What is it Yes it’s aunt Look at these letters What’s it Guess please
    5 选词填空请学生读读句子选择正确家庭称呼类单词填空
    Teacher Let’s do some exercise Choose the correct word to fill in the blanks
    My mum’s mum is my __________
    My dad’s dad is my ____________
    My dad’s brother is my ___________
    My dad’s sister is my _____________
    My mum’s sister is my ___________
    My mum’s brother is my __________
    The child of my uncle is my _________
    The child of my aunt is my _________
    6 完成Let’s play活动
    Teacher Let’s play Look at Zhang Peng He draws his family and talk about his family Please draw and say like this You can do it in groups
    Teacher Now please show your family
    设计意图:种形式学生综合学语言介绍家提高 口语表达力
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 呈现family讲解含义提醒学生热爱家热爱家
    Teacher:Look at this word family F is from father A is from and M is from mother I is me L is from love Y is from you It’s a sentence Read it please Father and mother I love you Say it to your parents Do more for your parents And I think your parents will love you more
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 p___rent A e B a C o
    ( ) 2 cous__n A o B a C i
    ( ) 3 __ncle A u B a C o
    ( ) 4 br__ther A a B u C o
    ( ) 5 __unt A a B o C u
    1 How many ________ are there in your family
    2 My mum’s sister is my ________
    3 The baby of my aunt is my __________
    4 My dad’s brother is my _________


    ( ) ( ) ( )
    1 I have a happy family There are three people in my family my parents and me
    2 My family has six people They are my grandpa my grandma my mum my dad my brother and me
    3 There are five people in my uncle’s family They are my aunt my uncle my cousins

    1 B 2 C 3A 4C 5 A
    二1 people 2 aunt 3 cousin 4 uncle
    三2 1 3
    l 板书设计
    Unit Six Meet my family
    A Let’s learn

    Meet my family

    parents ( mum dad ) uncle aunt
    brother sister cousin

    l 课时容
    A Let’s spell
    l 课时分析
    部分分语音学单词书写两部分容通读读听听圈圈活动学生区分元音字母a e i o u开音节闭音节里发音接学生会学首韵句韵句涉语音例词:we like cute cat he cake got cup milk rose on red cut give me it等综合呈现学期学五元音字母开音节发音闭音节发音教材提供图片帮助学生理解韵句容首韵句涉单词较节奏感相难握帮助学生通听读进行体会学生断诵读中回忆感受区分元音字母音节里发音
    韵句分组写单词活动需学生例子找单词表格中列出十单词分代表a e i o u五字母开音节闭音节中发音学生需韵句中找发音规致单词抄写相应表格活动帮助学生发音规拼读拼写单词元音字母发音更清晰认识
    l 课时目标
    1 够感知纳字母a e i o u开音节闭音节中发音规
    2 够读出符合a e i o u发音规单词
    3 够根单词读音拼写出符合发音规单词
    l 课时重难点
    够感知纳字母a e i o u开音节闭音节中发音规
    够读出符合a e i o u发音规单词
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 语音例词单词卡
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 头脑风暴出题出示首字母请学生说出学单词
    Teacher:Let’s have a brain storm The topic is animal I will show you the first letter of the word Are you ready D Yes a dog is right A duck is right too T a tiger is right C Yes a cat is right A cow is right too
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 出示韵句中猫请学生讨容
    Teacher:What’s this It’s a cat Is it cute What’s in his hand Yes cake and milk Do you like cake Would you like a cup of tea Do you like the cat
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 播放语音韵句学生先认真倾听然读
    Teacher:Now let’s listen to a chant about this cat Listen carefully
    Teacher Read after me please We like the cat It’s cute It’s cute Read it please He’s got a cake and a cup of milk Your turn please A rose on the cake It’s red It’s red Girls read it please Boys read it Cut the cake Give me the cake Do the actions and read it He likes cake We like it too Let’s read it together
    2 学生说韵句方式节奏
    Teacher Now say the chant freely You can say it with your partner And you can clap your hands to say it
    3 表演韵句
    Teacher:Now let’s act the chant together
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 Chant again Group and write 分类写语音例词
    Teacher Chant in groups Then read the words in the chart Look at the first one What is it Yes it’s face Read it together What is the sound of a Can you find a word in the chant like this Yes cake Write it please Look at next one It’s rice What’s the sound of i Which word in the chant like it Yes like write it down please Look at other blanks Please find the correct words and write them in the blanks
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    Teacher Read the words in groups
    2 读读听听圈出听单词播放录音学生根听容圈出听单词
    Teacher Look at these words What is it It’s me The other is—he And this pair is men and fan The last pair in Group 1 is rice and face Now listen to the tape and circle the correct word
    Teacher:Show me your answer please
    Teacher:Now let’s read these words together
    Teacher Listen carefully and circle the words Read the words together
    3 读读分分出示单词学生区分属开音节发音规闭音节
    Teacher:Let’s put the words in groups When I say a word like hat please say one When I say a word like name please say two Are you ready
    Cat Yes you should say one Bag hate apple Kate cake
    He she red me let
    No hot nose ox

    4 匹配字母发音教师说出发音学生说出字母
    Teacher Let’s match I say the sound you say the letter please i eɪ əʊ ju aɪ ɒ
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放语音chant 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s chant together again
    l 课堂作业
    1 bed red 2 he she
    3 name cake 4 nose note
    5 use cute 6 like bike
    ( ) 1 Kate A bad B cat C cake
    ( ) 2 Tim A hi B pig C rice
    ( ) 3 Jones A no B hot C box
    ( ) 4 use A bus B cut C cute
    1 me we h____ sh____
    2 had bad c__t h___t
    3 Mike like r___ce f__ve
    4 nose Jones n___te C__ke
    1 bed 2 she 3name 4 note 5 cute 6 like
    二1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5T 6 T
    三1 He is my friend Tom He is a good boy 2 She is my sister Lynn She is tall
    3 We are a happy family They all love me
    l 板书设计
    Unit Six Meet my family
    A Let’s spell

    face rice nose use me bag six dog mum leg

    l 课时容
    B Let’s talk Draw and say
    l 课时分析
    Let’s talk中Zhang Peng着家庭相册问Sarah叔叔Sarah出肯定回答告诉叔叔足球运动员接Zhang Peng询问阿姨工作接着发现婴Sarah弟弟结果居然Sarah话程中学般疑问句确定亲属身份句式:Is this your uncle 询问亲属工作句式:What’ your aunt’s job回答话程中会感受接触单词:job football player nurse
    Draw and say活动中学生需画出职业画然学聊聊般疑问句猜猜画谁做什职业通活动练课时重点句式
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说句式:Is this your uncle Yes it is What’s your aunt’s job She’s a nurse
    2 够理解正确认读课文话发音准确语调然
    3 够真实语境中运句型Is this your 确定某话者亲属关系
    4 够真实语境中运句型What’s your ’s job 询问职业够正确回答
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说句式:Is this your uncle Yes it is What’s your aunt’s job She’s a nurse
    2 难点:
    够真实语境中运句型Is this your 确定某话者亲属关系
    够真实语境中运句型What’s your ’s job 询问职业够正确回答
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 职业类单词卡片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:I love you 学生先唱齐唱
    Teacher Boys and girls listen to a song please
    I love you You love me We are a happy family
    With a tall father short mother little boy too
    Three in our family one and two
    Teacher:Sing with me please
    Teacher Let’s sing the song together Let’s do some actions
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    Teacher:Look at this picture It’s my family I have a very big family There are so many people in my family This is my father This is my mother Guess who is this Is this my aunt Is this my grandmother Is this my cousin Guess please
    2 介绍老师家职业渗透职业类词汇
    Teacher:I’m a Yes I’m a teacher What about you Yes you are a student Look at my family My little cousin is a student What’s my father’s job He is a worker (展示工图片学生理解意思)Do you want to know the jobs of my family You can ask me (板书句子:What’s your ’s job)Read the sentence after me please Now you can ask me (通回答家职业引出职业类词汇:doctor football player nurse farmer cook driver 板书单词展示图片学生理解职业意思)
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:You know my family and the job of my family What’s Sarah’s uncle’s job Is her uncle a teacher Is her uncle a doctor Is her uncle a nurse Let’s listen and find
    Teacher Answer the question please What is Sarah’s uncle’s job Yes he is a football player Do you know some football players Can you say their names
    2 提出问题读课文分析课文容帮助学生理解话意思
    Teacher What’s Sarah’s aunt’s job Is she a football player too Let’s read the talk and find
    Teacher What’ s Sarah’s aunt’s job Yes she is a nurse Who is the baby Is this Sarah’s baby brother No it’s Sarah
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 播放课文容学生读注意发音语调
    Teacher:Now read the dialogue with the tape Please read it carefully and loudly Pay attention to the pronunciation
    Teacher:Read the talk freely Then I will ask you to act it out Let’s find the best pair
    3 展示职业类单词图片请学生说出职业名称
    Teacher:Look at these cards What is it Say it quickly Let’s find who is fast
    4 利抽家职业类图片进行话先抽出家卡片询问否家强制做肯定回答抽出职业类卡片询问职业
    Teacher:Let’s play a game Choose the card and make a dialogue
    Teacher Who wants to play with me? Youplease
    Teacher:(选择张家类图片)Is this your cousin
    Student Yes it is
    Teacher What’s your cousin’s job
    Student (抽取张职业类卡片)He is a doctor
    Teacher:Who wants to play Show me your dialogue please
    5 完成Draw and say活动
    Teacher Now please draw your family member then do a pair work Ask and answer with the sentences
    Is this your
    Yes it is No it isn’t
    What’s your ’s job
    He is She is a
    Teacher Show me your dialogue please Let’s find the best pair
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 指说教师指黑板单词句型学生快速读出
    Teacher:Now I point you say Please say it quickly What’ s this Read it please
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 A doctor B teacher

    ( ) 2 A father B mother

    ( ) 3 A nurse B football player

    ( ) 4 A teacher B nurse

    ( ) 1 How many people are there in your family
    A Six B That’s my uncle
    ( ) 2 Is this your uncle
    A He is a football player B Yes it is
    ( ) 3 What’s your aunt’s job
    A He is a teacher B She is a nurse
    ( ) 4 What’s your uncle’s job
    A He is a doctor B She is a nurse
    1 this your Is brother ()
    2 is your What uncle’s job ()
    3 a is football He player ()
    1B 2 A 3 B 4B
    二1 A2 B 3B 4 A
    三1 Is this your brother 2 What is your uncle’s job 3 He is a football player
    l 板书设计
    Unit Six Meet my family
    B Let’s talk

    nurse football player

    Is this your uncle
    Yes it is No it isn’t
    What’s your aunt’s job
    She is a nurse
    l 课时容
    B Let’s learn Let’s do
    l 课时分析
    课时惯例词汇学课学生通学课中呈现词汇更利单元句式 询问表达家职业
    Let’s learn中Chen Jie问Sarah家职业两背呈现出五种职业图片:doctor cook driver farmer nurse 五种职业学生日常较常见理解起较容易词汇课时已接触课时帮助学生深入理解种职业意思帮助学生认读拼写单词
    Let’s play活动中提供角色扮演游戏学生肢体语言展示某种职业学句式:What’s his her job He’s a 进行话猜出扮演职业
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单词:doctor cook driver farmer nurse
    2 够听懂会说认读句式:What’s your ’s job My is a
    3 够正确询问回答家职业
    l 课时重难点
    够听懂会说认读单 doctor cook driver farmer nurse
    够听懂会说认读句式:hat’s your ’s job My is a
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 职业单词图卡学生准备家片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:Finger family 学生先倾听唱
    Teacher:Let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    Daddy finger daddy finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Mummy finger Mummy finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Brother finger brother finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Sister finger sister finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Baby finger baby finger where are you
    Here I am Here I am How do you do
    Teacher Now please sing with me And do the actions with me please
    Teacher Let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 请学生出示家片讨关家容
    Teacher:Is this your father What’s your father’s job
    Teacher Is this your mother Is this your aunt What’s your aunt’s job

    µ Step 3 Presentation
    Teacher:Look at these pictures What do they do What are their jobs What is this A nurse Is this a nurse No this is a doctor What’s this Let’s listen and find
    2 播放课文录音学生认真倾听尝试找出新单词读音讨单词帮助学生理解
    Teacher What is his job Yes a driver(板书单词) A driver can drive a car A driver is a person who drivers a car Let’s read it together please What about him He is a cook (板书单词) He can cook yummy food Do you want to be a cook Let’s read it together What’s this He is a farmer(板书单词) A farmer works on a farm He plant vegetables and corn Read it together please And this is a – Yes doctor (板书单词)This is a nurse (板书单词)They can do many things for you They are helpful Read after me they are helpful
    2 次播放课文录音学生读
    Teacher:Listen to the tape again Read after it
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 游戏:指说老师指黑板单词请学生快速读出单词
    Teacher:Let’s play a game I point you say I will point to the words on the blackboard please say it as quickly as you can Let’s find who is the fastest
    2 出示单词图卡请学生快速说出单词
    Teacher Look at my cards What is it What is this
    3 乱序呈现组成单词字母请学生猜出单词拼写
    Teacher:Look at these letters Please put them in order What word is it Yes it’s the word nurse Let’s try next one What’s this
    4 呈现职业物图片请学生快速说出职业
    Teacher:What’s his job Yes he is a doctor What’s her job Yes she is a nurse
    Teacher Let’s do a pair work I show you the picture You ask and answer the job please
    Teacher:Show me your talk please
    5完成Let’s play活动请学生表演某种职业学生猜出职业名称
    Teacher Let’s play Act and guess Who wants to play Come here please Look at my card and then act
    Teacher What’s his job What’s her job Guess please
    6 组活动调查组学家职业
    Teacher:Let’s survey Work in groups Ask the member of your group What’ s your father’s job What’s your mother’s job What’s your uncle’s job Make a chart Talk about it
    Teacher:Show me your survey please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    1 时展示家职业类单词请学生组成话
    Teacher:I will show you the words of family and the words of jobs Please make a talk with them If I show mother and nurse you please say What’s your mother’s job She is a nurse Let’s play and show
    l 课堂作业
    ( ) 1 doct___ A or B ar C ur

    ( ) 2 c___k A ao B oo C eo

    ( ) 3 driv__ A ea B ir C er

    ( ) 4 f___mer A or B ur C ar

    ( ) 5 n___se A er B ur C ir

    ( ) 1 A father B famer C driver
    ( ) 2 A dad B cook C mum
    ( ) 3 A doctor B nurse C uncle
    ( ) 4 A aunt B cook C driver
    ( ) 1 –What’s your mother’s job
    She is a ___________
    A doctor B cook C teacher
    ( ) 2 –What’s your father’s job
    He is a _________
    A farmer B nurse C cook
    ( ) 3 –What’s your brother’s job
    He is a _______
    A football player B farmer C doctor

    1 A 2 B 3 C 4C 5 B
    二1A 2 B 3 C 4 A
    三1 C 2 C 3 A
    l 板书设计
    Unit Six Meet my family
    B Let’s learn

    driver nurse farmer cook doctor

    What’s his job
    He is a _______
    What’s her job
    She is a _______
    l 课时容
    B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing C Story time
    l 课时分析
    Read and write部分包括两活动第活动Read and tick or cross 学生先读读John介绍家短文然根短文容判断面四种职业家否相符第二活动Look and write学生图写单词完成句子接介绍家职业写出相应单词完成句子
    Let’s check部分包括两活动Listen and tick中学生会听四组话然根话容判断幅图片正确活动检验学生否正确理解单元重点句式话Look and match活动中呈现六幅职业图片中间出六介绍家职业句子检验学生否正确认读理解单元重点词汇
    Let’s sing歌词容My family呈现句式:What’s his job He’s a driver He is not a cook 学生学唱歌曲程中会复单元重点词汇重点句式
    Story time部分Zip邀请动物朋友家里朋友发现墙片纷纷询问家家职业程中复展示询问家职业句子复展示职业类单词学生通阅读事整合单元重知识
    l 课时目标
    1 够听懂会说认读单元重点单词
    2 够听懂事表演
    3 够会唱歌曲My family
    4 够完成阅读判断匹配等活动正确理解认读单元重点句式
    l 课时重难点
    2 难点:
    l 教学准备
    1 媒体课件录音机磁带
    2 单元重点词汇图片
    l 教学程
    µ Step 1 Warm up
    1 播放歌曲:My family学生先倾听
    Teacher Boys and girls let’s listen to a song Listen carefully please
    2 次播放歌曲学生唱
    Teacher:Listen to the song again please sing with it
    3 齐唱歌曲
    Teacher Now let’s sing the song together
    µ Step 2 Lead in
    1 呈现家庭称呼类单词卡片学生认读单词
    Teacher Look at the cards What’s this Read it quickly please
    2 呈现职业类单词卡片学生认读单词
    Teacher:Look at these cards Can you read the words Please say it as quickly as you can
    3 讨学生家职业
    Teacher:What’s your father’s job What’s your mother’s job What’s your aunt’s job What’s your uncle’s job
    µ Step 3 Presentation
    1 提出问题激起学生阅读兴趣然播放事视频学生认真观察尝试回答问题
    Teacher I know the jobs of your family Do you know the jobs of Zip’s family What is Zip’s father’s job Let’s watch and find
    Teacher What’s his job Yes he is a cook Let’s watch again and find more
    2 次播放事学生认真观察教师起讨事容
    Teacher:Who comes to Zip’s home Yes the animals They are Zip’s friends What do they see on the wall Yes many photos What can you see in the photos Yes we can see Zip’s family Is Zip’s father a cook Is his uncle a taxi driver Is he strong Is his grandpa a baseball player Is Zip a baseball player What is baseball I can show you (展示棒球图片)This is baseball Can you play baseball Do you like to play baseball
    3 次播放事学生读提醒学生注意语音语调
    Teacher Watch the story again This time please read with it Pay attention to the pronunciation
    µ Step 4 Practice
    1 学生读事
    Teacher:Read the story freely please (教师巡视帮助学生解决读中问题)
    2 组合作表演事
    Teacher Now let’s act the story out We’ll find the best group
    3 出示Read and match中短文先指名读齐读
    Teacher Please read it Who wants to try
    Teacher Let’s read it together
    Teacher What’s the job of John’s mother What’s his father’s job What’s his uncle’s job What’s his aunt’s job
    Teacher:Look at the pictures Are they right Please read and tick or cross
    Teacher Show your answer please
    4 完成Look and write 先出示图片学生讨图片汤里容然选择正确单词进行填空活动
    Teacher (展示活动中图片)He is a driver What about her Please write the words to fill in the blanks
    Teacher Show me your answer Read the sentences please
    Teacher Now write about your family
    Teacher Show me your answer please Please read it
    设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中容 然根观察图片容选择正确单词进行填空检验学生否正确理解句子认读单词学生选择正确单词填写句子描述家职业学生中巩固学知识
    5 完成Listen and tick 先学生观察图片容听音判断正误
    Teacher:(展示图片)How many people are there in this family How many in this family What’s his job What about him What’s her job What about her What’s his job What about the strong man
    Teacher Now please listen and tick Choose the correct picture
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    6 完成 Look and match 活动先请学生认读朗读短文容观察图片进行匹配
    Teacher:Let’s look at this family How many people are there in this family What are their jobs Read and find
    Teacher Now look and match
    Teacher Show me your answer please
    µ Step 5 Summary
    播放歌曲My family 学生齐唱
    Teacher:Let’s sing the song My family together
    设计意图:歌曲结束课程学生通歌曲回忆单元词汇重点句式 达总结目
    l 课堂作业

    ________ _______ _________ ___________ ___________
    ( ) 1 There are three people in my family my _______ and me
    A father B mother C parents

    ( ) 2 The baby of my aunt is my _________
    A cousin B sister C brother

    ( ) 3 My ________ is a teacher
    A father B aunt C brother

    ( ) 4 Is this your ________
    Yes it is
    A aunt B mother C brother

    ( ) 1 How many people are there in your family
    A There are three people in my family B She is my aunt
    ( ) 2 Is this your borther
    A No it isn’t B No he is a cook
    ( ) 3 What’s your aunt’s job
    A He’s a football player B She is a nurse

    driver nurse farmer cook doctor
    二1C 2 A 3 B 4 C
    三1 A 2 A 3B
    l 板书设计
    Unit Six Meet my family
    C Story time
    Welcome to my home
    Look at these photos
    What’s your father’s job
    He’s a cook
    Who’s that
    It’s me






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    PEP四年级下册英语Unit 1 My school导学案 课题:A Let’s learn Let’s do导学案(第一课时)一.学习目标1.能够简单介绍学校校舍分布情况,如:This i...

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    课题:Unit 1 My classroom (第1课时)   授课时间: 一、学生学习什么——学习目标   1. 能听懂、会说:What's ...

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     Unit 1 Welcome back to school!第一课时教学目标:知识与技能:能听说单词Welcome,back,boy, and,girl, we, new, frie...

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    Unit 1 My dayPart A教学导航教学内容第一课时 Let’s learn Ask and write 第二课时 Let’s try Let’s talk第三课时 ...

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    Unit 1 How tall are you?教材分析本单元学习的主题是比较人的身高体重。教学内容主要是围绕孩子们在恐龙博物馆里参观的情景来展开的。教学重点是能听、说、读、写核心句型“—...

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    Unit 1 How tall are you?Period 1 Section A Let’s learn Do a survey and report P5Learning ai...

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    pep小学英语五年级上册Unit1 What’s he like?导学案Unit1 What’s he like?第一课时学习目标:1、掌握old ,young, funny, kind,st...

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    1. 能听懂、会说:What's in the classroom? Aboard, two lights, many desks and chairs.并能在实际情景中运用。2. 能听、说、认...

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    本单元重点学习有关祈使句的用法,其中难点在于B部分Let's talk的祈使句中一系列动词词组的口头表达。教材A部分Let's do活动中做了铺垫,教师在教学过程中要注意反复利用这一活动,让学生...

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    人教版四年级英语上册教案课题: Unit One My classroom第一课时导学稿 教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说:What's in the classroom? A board, tw...

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    Unit 1  What’s he like?第一课时一、教学内容: A Let’s try&Let’s talk二、教学目标1.能正确听,说,朗读:Who is …? He/She is…...

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    Unit 1 Hello!教学目标1.能听、说、认读单词ruler, pencil, crayon, eraser, bag, pen, pencil box, book。2.听懂、会说“H...

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    Unit 1 My classroom教材分析本单元学习的主题是新学期开始打扫新更换的教室。教学内容主要是通过学生们谈论、打扫教室的情景来呈现的。教学重点是能够听、说、认读核心句型“What’...

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    最新冀教版四年级上册英语全册教案Lesson 1:Skirt and Pants教学目标 :知识 :1) 掌握本课的新词汇 : skirt blouse pants shirts weater...

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