
    Section Ⅱ Using language

    1If you take away the clausesdo the sentences still make sense果句掉句子讲通(教材P5)
    make sense意义道理讲通
    ①In a sense he was a true friend
    ②The older boy is in no sense wiser than the younger one
    ③There is no sense in forcing yourself to get what you don't want强迫获想东西没意义
    ④(2018课标全国Ⅱ)Dunn believes that people who reach out to strangers feel a significantly greater sense of belonging
    (1)in a sense某种意义说
    in no sense(置句首时句子部分倒装)
    There is no sense in doing sth做某事没道理意义
    (2)a sense of sighthearingtastetouchsmell视听味触嗅觉
    a sense of directionbeautyfailuresuccesshumorbelonging方感美感失败感成功感幽默感属感
    make sense
    make sense of
    ①It doesn't make sense to memorize lots of words if you can't use them in daily life
    ②I can't make sense of either Chinese or Koreanand that's why I can't tell them apart
    ①He writes stories all the time so in a sense he is an author
    ②You need to have a good sense of direction to find a way out of this forest
    ③There is no sense in getting (get) upset about it now
    ④Only after I read the poem a second time did I make sense of it
    2Close your eyes and picture the future You've made your dreams come true闭眼睛想象未已实现梦想(教材P5)
    Paraphrase Close your eyes and imagine the future where you've realised your dreams
    come true 实现(希梦想等)变成现实
    ①Should you come across waste paper thrown out of a passing car pick it up果遇辆汽车里扔出废纸捡起
    ②Before you came over I had never realised what a beautiful place I lived in前没意识住漂亮方
    ③The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon
    ④We've been asked to come up with some new ideas
    come about产生发生(动语态)
    come across偶然碰理解弄懂
    come over便访
    come out出现出版开花结果
    come up with想出提出

    come true
    意实现时物动词动语态sth comes truesth be realised表示某事实现
    Jeremy Lin's dream of becoming a great basketball player has come truehas been realised
    ①The manager hopes you can come up with a better plan than this one
    ②He spoke for a long time but his meaning didn't really come across
    ③Some flowers have begun to come out in early spring
    ④That came about when we went to New York last year
    ⑤I sincerely hope your dream will come true 
    ⑥I sincerely hope your dream will be realised 
    3Not quite sure what he means Watson thinks Holmes is joking which he finds annoying at this time of night华生太确定福尔摩斯什意思认福尔摩斯开玩笑晚时候感恼怒(教材P5)
    annoying adj恼怒生气烦恼
    ①It annoyed me that I didn't have time to do more ironing
    ②He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness开始粗心意感恼火
    ③Much to our annoyance they decided not to come after all

    (1)annoy v恼怒生气
    (2)annoyed adj恼怒生气烦恼
    beget annoyed with sb某感生气
    beget annoyed aboutat sth某物感恼火
    (3)annoyance n[U]恼怒生气烦恼 [C]烦恼事令生气事物
    ①It really annoys me when people expect me to tip as well as pay a service charge in a restaurant
    ②I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily
    ③Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open
    ④One of the greatest annoyances was being bitten by mosquitoes every night
    4Watson is pleased with his answer which he thinks will impress Holmes华生回答满意认会福尔摩斯留深刻印象(教材P5)
    Paraphrase Watson is pleased with his answer and he thinks this will impress Holmes
    impress v留深刻印象钦佩
    ①This change has not yet impressed itself on the minds of the public种变化没公众铭记心
    ②Why does it matter that people are more impressed by the most recent changes
    ③Overcoat Brother Zhu Zhiwen's stories made quite a good impression on the audience
    ④That was an impressive performance from such a young tennis player年轻网球运动员表现令印象深刻
    (1)impress sth on sb某铭记某事
    impress sb with sth某事某留深刻印象
    be impressed withby……印象深刻
    (2)impression n印象
    leavemake a(n)impression on sb某留……印象
    (3)impressive adj令敬佩印象深刻
    be impressed withby
    be impressed on
    When I turned on the cell phone I was impressed a lot bywith the wallpaperWhen I turned on the cell phone the wallpaper was impressed a lot on me
    Their Chinese peers in the typical Chinese dress would be highly impressive 
    On arriving at the tea house the foreign students were impressed bywith the unique tea pots and tea cups 
    5We all deserve a second chance I guess想应该第二次机会(教材P6)
    deserve v值应应受
    ①The story once again tells us that one good turn deserves another
    ②You've been working all the morningand you deserve a rest now
    ③Since her father's music deserved to be preserved in the family Melissa wanted to save it 父亲音乐值家里保存梅利莎想保存
    ④Your suggestion deserves consideringto be considered建议值考虑
    deserve a restbreak应该休息
    deserve blamepunishment 该受责备惩罚
    deserve to do 值做应该做
    deserve doingto be done 值做
    deserve接动名词时动名词动形式(doing)表示动意义相接动词定式动形式(to be done)类似法词needwantrequire等
    ①They deserved rewardingThey deserved to be rewarded应该受奖赏
    ②The TV needs mendingThe TV needs to be mended台电视机需修理
    ①If praise is sincere you can give it as often as your child does something that deserves (deserve) a verbal reward
    ②He finally received the recognition that he so richly deserved (deserve)
    ③He did a good deed for everybody and deserved praise  
    ④He did a good deed for everybody and deserved praising  
    ⑤He did a good deed for everybody and deserved to be praised  

    1Light is absolutely essential(必少) for the healthy development of plants
    2She impressed(留深刻印象) us with both the depth and range of her knowledge
    3Ruth grinned (露齿笑) at him as she waved goodbye
    4I work hard and I think I deserve(应受) to be well paid
    5Another performance like that and this team will be the laughing(笑) stock of the league
    6It is impossible to separate(分离) belief from emotion
    7(2019课标全国Ⅱ)Bacteria are an annoying(令烦恼) problem for astronauts
    8He nailed(钉牢) my chair to the floor as a practical joke(玩笑)
    9 Traditionally(传统) the company's main markets have been Britain and the US
    10I turned around quickly and stepped(踩) on his toes
    refer to takeaway make sense come true put up wake up play tricks on
    1If Jason plays tricks on others his father won't let him go out to play  
    2It makes sense to buy the most uptodate version  
    3I didn't mean to refer to you by that remark at the meeting 
    4We put up our tent and then began to have dinner  
    5Watching a family of monkeys wake up in the early morning is our first activity of the day  
    6His dream of becoming a university teacher has come true  
    7If you take four away from ten that leaves six
    I have a good friend 1who is really thin Yet he wants to become a great athlete Every week he goes to the gym 2where he exercises and lifts weights But it has not worked 3which makes him unhappy Now he is considering taking some pills 4which he thinks will help him become stronger I think going to the gym is a good way to keep healthy and strong There are some pills making us look strong However they have side effects 5which will damage our health If my friend took this kind of pills for some time his hair might fall out or he might have health problems some of 6which might even affect his livers or heart Some athletes 7whose achievements were great died very young because they took this kind of pills I will tell my friend not to take the pills because he may have health problems in the future 8when it will be too late

    1He deserves givingto be given(give)such a great honor for his excellent work 
    2I did not get the impression(impress)that they were unhappy about the situation
    3There is no simple answer as is often the case in science
    4China Today attracts a worldwide readership which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China
    5Have you got a free evening next weekIf so let's go dancing
    6After working on the maths problem for hours he found what he thought was the key to it
    7When giving the lecturehe referred to his note from time to time
    8They're putting new street signs up before dark
    9We are spending next winter in Australia where the climate is pleasant
    10It's acceptable to play tricks (trick) on your friends on April 1
    1学生说掌握第二语言极重(It is essential for sb to do sth)
    It is essential for students to master a second language 
    2孩子圣诞节早晨醒早(wake up)
    The children wake up very early on Christmas morning 
    As we had expected their team won 
    4讲番话简直知云(make sense)
    What he said just doesn't make sense 
    5直梦想拥房子现梦想实现(dream of come true)
    I'd always dreamed of owning my own house and now my dream has come true 

    Tired and unhappy you still have to squeeze(挤出)a smile to your friends or teachers That's just life you may think But new research suggests that putting on a fake(假) smile can worsen people's mood and even lower work efficiency
    Leading researcher Brent Scott with other researchers had studied a group of bus drivers for two weeks They tried to find out what happened when the drivers were involved in surface acting or fake smiling and the opposite deep acting which means people put on real smiles by recalling pleasant memories or thinking about their current situation more positively
    The results showed that on days when drivers were forced to smile they felt depressed and didn't want to work On days when they smiled due to positive thoughts their mood improved a lot as well as their work efficiency
    The research goes against the popular belief among companies that employees should be cheerful to customers at all times They include employees of shops banks call center workers and others who have facetoface contact with members of the public Smiling for the sake of() smiling can lead to emotional tiredness and coldness and that's bad for the organization Scott told the Daily Mail
    The study also showed that women were harmed more by fake smiling than men Their mood and work performance both worsened more But they were helped more by deep acting— their mood became better and they worked more efficiently
    However while deep acting seemed to improve mood in the short term Scott said it's not a longterm solution to unhappiness
    There have been some suggestions that if you do this over a long period you start to feel unreal Scott said You may be trying to develop positive emotions but at the end of the day you may not feel like yourself anymore
    1The experiments on bus drivers suggest that     
    Adepression among bus drivers is common
    Bthinking in a positive way helps with work efficiency
    Cbus drivers with pleasant memories tend to be less efficient
    Dthe bus drivers' work efficiency is determined by their mood
    2According to the article which of the following statements about fake smiling is TRUE
    AIt causes more harm to women than men
    BIt is a widely accepted cultural practice in the US
    CIt is good for the business but bad for the employees
    DIt doesn't work on people who are emotionally expressive
    3We can conclude from the article that the researchers think that     
    Adeep acting can improve the mood in the long run
    Bit is unnecessary to have positive emotions
    Cpeople should be true to their feelings
    Dsmiling helps to put people in a good mood and become more efficient
    4The article is mainly about     
    Ahow to cheer up when you are exhausted
    Bthe importance of smiling during facetoface contact
    Csuggestions on improving work efficiency
    Da new study on fake smiling and its influence on people
    [语篇解读] 文篇说明文项新调查研究表明发心微笑会情绪变差甚会降低工作效率相反发心微笑情绪高涨提高工作效率真实感觉
    1B 推理判断题根题干定位第三段容积极想法微笑时情绪会变样工作效率会提高积极思考方式益工作效率选B
    2A 细节理解题根倒数第三段中The study also showed that women were harmed more by fake smiling than men知研究表明假装微笑女受危害男选A
    3C 推理判断题根段容知果长时间假装微笑会感觉真实会感觉推断出研究员认真实感觉选C
    4D 旨意题根第段中But new research suggests that putting on a fake smile can worsen people's mood and even lower work efficiency文述知文介绍篇关虚假微笑影响研究报告选D
    The world is a colorful landscape of different languages skin colors and different cultures
     1  A way to develop this appreciation is to try to learn about other cultures around the world 
    There are several ways to become knowledgeable about different cultures 2  Reading works written by the authors who have a close relationship with a particular culture allows people to gain an accurate glimpse into the food music language religion and the way of life of a particular group of people For example  3  she will often read them stories based on a culture's folk tales 
    Another way to learn about different cultures is to try to learn a foreign language A person can choose a language he has always wanted to learn  4  Making contact with people who are native speakers of the language allows him to gain firsthand knowledge of a particular culture as he struggles to learn the language 
     5  Whether a person wants to learn more about regions in Japan the Middle East Africa or any other world culture becoming familiar with its food is a giant step in the right direction Food is an important part of different cultures And it allows people to gain an insight into a particular cultural group's way of life 
    Awhen a student wants to learn more about a different culture
    Bwhen a teacher wishes to expose(接触体验) her students to a different culture
    COne way is to read books written by authors from a particular culture
    DLearn about different cultures by tasting food from a specific cultural group
    EGaining an understanding of other cultures benefits both you and other people
    FHe can attend a foreign language class in order to learn in a more formal setting
    GIt's important to develop an appreciation of different cultures to become a wellrounded person
    1    2    3    4    5    
    [语篇解读] 文说明文文章介绍解世界文化方法
    1G 渡句文提世界文化文说培养种欣赏力种方法尝试解世界文化选择G项培养种文化欣赏力成全面发展重文衔接起
    2C 细节句句说方法解文化C项种方法阅读某种特定文化作者写书面提Reading works相呼应
    3B 细节句文提阅读解文化方方面面然举例说明B项老师教学生解文化方法作例子符合语境
    4F 细节句文讲解文化方法尝试学门外语然列举具体学方法途径F选项意更正式场合学外语学班
    5D 题句该段讲述熟悉食物解该文化正确方选择D项作该段题句
      Everyone has stories about facing adversity(逆境) in his or her life The difference is what we did to overcome it
    We used to have a glass studio near our home Several years ago we  1  a terrible winter we had much snow and ice The roof of our studio collapsed(倒塌) under the  2  of the ice and snow taking one of the sources of our income Before it collapsed we got on the roof and tried to
     3  the snow and ice but when the thickness of the ice was 5 feet and the temperature was minus 20 ℃ it was pretty  4  to do that 
    We had a friend helping us try and  5  the roof by supporting Finally there was nothing that could be done The roof came down We had moved a lot of our goods and tools from the studio but we  6  a lot also glass stoves workbenches to name only a few of the items It was a(n)  7  experience 
    Here we were in the middle of winter with our studio  8  We couldn't work as we had
     9  all the materials we were not using in a building We could have done one of two things First we could simply no longer  10  our glass business And this was certainly a thought that crossed our  11  Second we could find a way to get our studio back up and running 
    We picked Option(选择) Two We had a large  12  that we were not using  13  we renovated(翻新) the barn redesigned our working area and today we have a nicer studio than we have  14  had If the adversity we faced had not happened we probably would still be working in the old studio—a studio that was  15  
    1Aremembered    Bexperienced  Covercame    Dforecast
    2Aquality     Bmixture Clength    Dweight
    3Amelt    Bprevent Cremove    Dcarry
    4Adifficult    Bupset  Cnecessary    Dimportant
    5Amove    Bsave Cchange    Drepair
    6Amissed    Blost Cfound    Ddamaged
    7Asurprising    Buninteresting  Cupsetting    Dboring
    8Arebuilt    Bredesigned   Csold    Dcollapsed
    9Agiven away    Bput away  Cgiven up    Dput up
    10Aconduct    Breduce    Cavoid    Denlarge
    11Aheart    Bfeeling    Cmind    Dsense
    12Abarn    Bworkshop   Carea    Dstudio
    13AFor    BOr    CBut    DSo
    14Ayet    Balready    Cnever    Dever
    15Ahigher    Bworse     Cbetter    Dwider
    [语篇解读] 文篇夹叙夹议文属生感悟类阅读文章讲述会面困境处理方式样正确处理困境会生活变更美
    1B 处指历糟糕冬天remember记住experience历overcome克服forecast预测选B
    2D 根面the thickness of the ice知房顶冰雪重处指冰雪重量句意工作室屋顶冰雪重压坍塌带走收入源quality质量mixture混合物length长度weight重量选D
    3C 处指雪房顶压塌前房顶冰雪melt融化prevent阻止remove移carry携带运送选C
    4A 冰厚温度低工作艰难difficult困难upset难沮丧necessary必important重选A
    5B 朋友帮拯救房顶雪压塌move移动save节省救change改变repair修理选B
    6B 根连词but知然早搬出物品损失少东西miss想念错lose失丢失迷失find发现damage破坏选B
    7C 根作者描述知次令快历surprising令惊讶uninteresting趣聊upsetting令快boring聊选C
    8D 根文工作知工作室倒塌rebuild重建redesign重新设计sell卖collapse倒塌选D
    9B 处指暂时物品收起give away泄露分发赠送put away收拾(东西)give up放弃put up搭建张贴选B
    10A 物品毁坏法进行工作conduct进行reduce减少avoid避免enlarge扩选A
    11C 根文We picked Option Two知停止工作意头脑中掠没实施heart心feeling感觉mind头脑sense意识感觉选C
    12A 根面we renovated the barn知作者启时闲置谷仓作新工作室barn谷仓畜棚车库workshop车间工场作坊area区域studio工作室演播室选A
    13D 句意闲置谷仓翻新谷仓重新设计工作区域现前更工作室foror者否butso选D
    14D 处指新工作室雪压垮工作室yet然already已neverever选D
    15B 句意果没发生场灾难然情况更加糟糕旧工作室里工作呢higher更高worse更坏更差better更wider更宽选B
    Across the world people prepare and drink tea in many  1 (difference) ways The handmade purple clay teapot is one of the most popular  2 (item) among tea lovers in Asia 
    Chinese people  3 (drink) tea for thousands of years And  4 (recent) these handmade teapots have become popular As an old saying goes A thing is valued if it is rare 
    Tea sets have been a key part of Chinese culture Gao Dezhi 99 has been making purple clay teapots since he  5 (be) 13 years old This kind of skill  6 (pass) down from generation to generation or taught to those  7  are crazy about the craft Gao said that his son and daughter are not  8 (interest) in learning such a skill They have already earned a lot of money by  9 (work) in other jobs People cannot make such things if they have no interest in learning the skill he said  
    In order to protect the skill  10  disappearing local people have built a special museum where masters can show their craft 
    1    2    3    4    5    
    6    7    8    9    10    
    [语篇解读] 世界方式沏茶喝茶文介绍手工紫砂茶壶制作传承问题
    1different 考查形容词根空名词 ways知应形容词修饰名词填different
    2items 考查名词复数根空前形容词高级the most popular知应名词形式结合空前one of知应复数形式填items
    3have drunkhave been drinking 考查时态根时间状语for thousands of years知动作发生直持续现应现完成时现完成进行时填have drunkhave been drinking
    4recently 考查副词分析句子结构知处修饰面句子应副词作状语填recently
    5was 考查时态根since知句般时语he第三称单数填was
    6is passed 考查时态语态根句意知叙述客观情况应般现时passskill动关系般现时动语态填is passed
    7who 考查定语句分析句子结构知处引导定语句句中缺语指结合先行词those知应关系代词who
    8interested 考查形容词根空前系动词 are知设空处应形容词be interested in意……感兴趣填interested
    9working 考查动名词根空前介词by知设空处填动名词作介词宾语填working
    10fromagainst 考查固定短语protectfromagainst保护……免受免遭……伤害固定短语填fromagainst





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     在生活中,在工作上,不管你是多么成功,成功都不会赋予你免受生活带来的苦难的能力。不管是在工作上还是感情上,当我们感觉我们生活的目的不明确,想要放弃的时候会怎样呢?  Go Back To “W...

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    Ⅰ.单词分层默写1.单词拼写①quote n.引文,引语②Dutch adj.荷兰的③float v.浮,漂④folk adj.民间的,民俗的⑤tale n.故事

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    主题听说专练Ⅰ.词汇翻译1.not lift a finger袖手旁观2.a wet blanket扫兴的人3.an eager beaver做事非常卖力气的人4.drag one's feet...

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    1.Gregor Mendel chose to study pea plants because their characteristics were easy to control.格雷戈尔...

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    1.With life being made up of ups and downs, it is not always easy to maintain a good and enthusia...

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    1.Etenesh Diro had almost completed two thirds of the 3000m steeplechase, when disaster struck.当不...

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