上海市 高二上学期期末英语词汇复习题(含答案)

    1 Dad ___________(答应) take me on a holiday if I got ___________(全优)
    2 At last we reached the ___________(旅游胜) and quickly scrambled out of the bus
    3 A private tutor ___________(指导)the prince and princess when they were learning swimming
    4 We rented our ___________(滑雪服) boots and skis and went outside onto the snow
    5 Our instructor took us onto a ___________(缓坡) and showed us some basic skills
    6 Mrs Smith ___________ (出租) the house out to a very nice family since a week ago
    7 That was___________ (肯定)the best play I’ve seen all year
    8 From our house on the hillside we can___________ (俯瞰)the whole of the port and harbour
    9 We sent them a telegram ___________ (祝贺)them on their success
    10 Bob and his family are ___________ (度假)and they’ve gone to Hawaii
    11 You’ve got to ___________ (承诺) me that you won’t do that again
    12 I spare no ___________ (花费) to make the party a success I don’t care how much money I spend
    13 ___________ (正……竞赛) a former champion for the medal
    14 The most famous ___________ (混合项目) is the decathlon
    15 Both can and could may ___________ (指) a future possibility
    16 The Chinese athletes ___________ (表现) very well in the Olympic Games
    17 Sailing the Atlantic ___________ (需) courage and endurance
    18 Everyone is welcome ___________ (参加) this game
    19 Don’t ___________ (卷进) solving your problems
    20 ___________ (……感满意) what they had they had little desire to get rich
    21 We should receive a good ___________ (全面) education
    22 There will be ___________ (田径运动会) in our school next week which attract all sports fans on campus
    23 The new discovery will ___________ (全类做出贡献)
    24 He resembles his father___________ (方面)
    25 He saw___________ (系列)white arrows painted on the road
    26 I'm afraid I can't afford the doctor’s____________(费)
    27 In the tutorial center the teachers often gives the students' __________(补充)exercises
    28 He was honest and_____________(真诚) He is a man trustworthy
    29 The policemen______________(强迫)the criminals to give up their arms
    30 To do the job wellyou must ______________ (愿意)work long hours
    31 I bought the book on the teacher's_______________(推荐)
    32 If the pay is _____________(合理)1 would like to take the job
    33 My English teacher in the center is not _____________(资格)for he is just a university student
    34 He lacks___________(信心) himself and he never believes he will win
    35 What’s in fashion now will___________(流行)sooner or later
    36 Most young people___________(…着迷)pop songs instead of folk songs
    37 Before the technological revolution many factories ___________(停业) forcing people out of work
    38 It’s a waste of time to___________(寻找)your wallet which has been missing for a week
    39 The company adopted new technology in manufacturing ___________()daily output has doubled
    40 Come to the party and___________(带)some friends
    41 Our barbecue was___________(毁) by the heavy rain
    42 Efforts have been made to prevent the ___________(灭绝) of the giant panda
    43 It is a good idea ___________(促销) our new product on television
    44 A healthy person offers more ___________(抵抗力) to disease than a weak person
    45 ___________(举例说明) my talk I have brought along five ___________(物品)
    46 Long skirts ___________(流行起) again last year
    47 The MP4 is ___________(时尚) in style and is very popular with young people
    48 The new teacher ___________(留印象) the students
    49 The meter (计时器) ___________(显示) 15 hours
    50 It is a common sense that water ___________(膨胀) when it freezes
    51 He is thinking of ___________(扩) his business
    52 They are thinking of ___________(发起) a promotion campaign
    53 The bank has ___________(分行) all over the country
    54 Wou1d you p1ease exp1ain the theme ___________(详细)
    55 She ___________(建立) her fame as an actress
    56 ___________(亏) my friends' recommendations I found a very good tutorial centre
    57 The cat saw its own ___________(样子) in the mirror and got terrified
    58 You should have kept the medicine ___________(孩子够方)
    59 Can you ___________(孩子够方) the two different musical instruments playing now
    60 Parents should ___________(观察) a child's behavior closely
    61 It is required that everybody should ___________(遵守) traffic rules
    62 The managing director's only ___________(关心) was how to improve the quality of their products
    63 Please inform me of anything ___________(相关) this case
    64 We must learn___________(勇面) difficulties and try to overcome them
    65 With many buildings__________(建造) near that square the town looks more modern
    66 The boy's__________ (杀) shocked all his classmates and teachers
    67 Success and wealth __________ (彻底改变) his character
    68 There are no __________ (迹象) of life about the house
    69 Some birds __________ (迁徙) to find warmer weather
    70 That building __________ (已转) into a school

    1 Dad ___________(答应) take me on a holiday if I got ___________(全优) promised tostraight_A’s
    2 At last we reached the ___________(旅游胜) and quickly scrambled out of the bus resort
    3 A private tutor ___________(指导)the prince and princess when they were learning swimming Instructed
    4 We rented our ___________(滑雪服) boots and skis and went outside onto the snow ski suits
    5 Our instructor took us onto a ___________(缓坡) and showed us some basic skills gentle slope
    6 Mrs Smith ___________ (出租) the house out to a very nice family since a week ago has rented
    7 That was___________ (肯定)the best play I’ve seen all year definitely
    8 From our house on the hillside we can___________ (俯瞰)the whole of the port and harbour overlook
    9 We sent them a telegram ___________ (祝贺)them on their success congratulating
    10 Bob and his family are ___________ (度假)and they’ve gone to Hawaii on vacation
    11 You’ve got to ___________ (承诺) me that you won’t do that again Promise
    12 I spare no ___________ (花费) to make the party a success I don’t care how much money I spend expense
    13 ___________ (正……竞赛) a former champion for the medal am competing with
    14 The most famous ___________ (混合项目) is the decathlon combined event
    15 Both can and could may ___________ (指) a future possibility refer to
    16 The Chinese athletes ___________ (表现) very well in the Olympic Games performed
    17 Sailing the Atlantic ___________ (需) courage and endurance requires
    18 Everyone is welcome ___________ (参加) this game to participate in
    19 Don’t ___________ (卷进) solving your problems involve me in
    20 ___________ (……感满意) what they had they had little desire to get rich Satisfied with
    21 We should receive a good ___________ (全面) education allround
    22 There will be ___________ (田径运动会) in our school next week which attract all sports fans on campus an athletics meeting
    23 The new discovery will ___________ (全类做出贡献) contribute to all humanity
    24 He resembles his father___________ (方面) in many ways
    25 He saw___________ (系列)white arrows painted on the road a series of
    26 I'm afraid I can't afford the doctor’s____________(费)fee
    27 In the tutorial center the teachers often gives the students' __________(补充)exercises supplementary
    28 He was honest and_____________(真诚) He is a man trustworthy sincere
    29 The policemen______________(强迫)the criminals to give up their arms forced
    30 To do the job wellyou must ______________ (愿意)work long hours be willing to
    31 I bought the book on the teacher's_______________(推荐) recommendation
    32 If the pay is _____________(合理)1 would like to take the job reasonable
    33 My English teacher in the center is not _____________(资格)for he is just a university student qualified
    34 He lacks___________(信心) himself and he never believes he will win confidence in
    35 What’s in fashion now will___________(流行)sooner or later go out of style
    36 Most young people___________(…着迷)pop songs instead of folk songs are keen on
    37 Before the technological revolution many factories ___________(停业) forcing people out of work had closed down
    38 It’s a waste of time to___________(寻找)your wallet which has been missing for a week search for
    39 The company adopted new technology in manufacturing ___________()daily output has doubled As a result
    40 Come to the party and___________(带)some friends bring along
    41 Our barbecue was___________(毁) by the heavy rain ruined
    42 Efforts have been made to prevent the ___________(灭绝) of the giant panda extinction
    43 It is a good idea ___________(促销) our new product on television to promote
    44 A healthy person offers more ___________(抵抗力) to disease than a weak person resistance
    45 ___________(举例说明) my talk I have brought along five ___________(物品)To illustrateobjects
    46 Long skirts ___________(流行起) again last year came into fashion
    47 The MP4 is ___________(时尚) in style and is very popular with young people Fashionable
    48 The new teacher ___________(留印象) the students made a good impression on
    49 The meter (计时器) ___________(显示) 15 hours reads
    50 It is a common sense that water ___________(膨胀) when it freezes expands
    51 He is thinking of ___________(扩) his business expanding
    52 They are thinking of ___________(发起) a promotion campaign launching
    53 The bank has ___________(分行) all over the country branches
    54 Wou1d you p1ease exp1ain the theme ___________(详细) in detail
    55 She ___________(建立) her fame as an actress established
    56 ___________(亏) my friends' recommendations I found a very good tutorial centre Thanks to
    57 The cat saw its own ___________(样子) in the mirror and got terrified image
    58 You should have kept the medicine ___________(孩子够方)out of the kid's reach
    59 Can you ___________(孩子够方)distinguish the two different musical instruments playing now
    60 Parents should ___________(观察) a child's behavior closely Observe
    61 It is required that everybody should ___________(遵守) traffic rules Observe
    62 The managing director's only ___________(关心) was how to improve the quality of their products concern
    63 Please inform me of anything ___________(相关) this case Concerning
    64 We must learn___________(勇面) difficulties and try to overcome them to face (up to)
    65 With many buildings__________(建造) near that square the town looks more modern Constructed
    66 The boy's__________ (杀) shocked all his classmates and teachers committing suicide
    67 Success and wealth __________ (彻底改变) his character Transformed
    68 There are no __________ (迹象) of life about the house Signs
    69 Some birds __________ (迁徙) to find warmer weather Migrate
    70 That building __________ (已转) into a school has been converted
    71 文档香网(httpswwwxiangdangnet)户传




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