吉林省延边州 八年级上学期期末考试英语试题(Word版,无答案)


    I情景反应根听句子 选择恰应答语(5 分)
    1 A Yes I will
    B Thank you
    C All right
    2 A Tom has
    B Tom does
    C Tom is
    3 A Yes I think so
    B Yes they will
    C No they won't
    4 A Thank you
    B That's a good idea
    C Good luck to you
    5 A Yes she is
    B No she doesn't
    C No she's not available
    II话问答根 听话问题选择正确答案(5 分)
    6 A A scientist
    B A pilot
    C A pianist
    7 A To New York
    B To London
    C To Toronto
    8 A On Friday
    B On Saturday
    C On Sunday
    9 A At 930
    B At 1000
    C At 1030
    10A By bike
    B By car
    C On foot
    图听描述选择听描述容相符合选项(列图中幅图描述容关) (5 分)

    11 12 13 14 15
    IV短文理解根听短文容判断列句正(D) 误(F) (5分)
    16 Jack is thinking about what he is going to do this summer
    17 If Jack has enough money he will buy some shoes
    18 Jack plans to have tennis lessons
    19 Jack's grandparents live near a forest
    20 Jack's grandmother is good at swimming
    V句意填词根句子意思填入适单词句意完整(5 分)
    21 Meng Wanzhou came back to China We are to hear the good news
    22 I don't like summer because I can't hot weather
    23 Sunny can't get good grades her teachers' help
    24 You need to see a because of your bad teeth
    25 The boy will never pass the exam he studies harder
    VI单项选择题三选项中选出正确答案(10 分)
    26 This pair of shoes is too small for me Please show me pair
    A a
    B the
    C another
    27 Look fast the boy is running
    A What
    B How
    C What a
    28 salt do you need for the soup
    A How many
    B How much
    C How often
    29 It's raining don't go out now
    A hardly
    B deeply
    C heavily
    30 I think Zhang Guimei is teacher in China
    A great
    B greater
    C the greatest
    31 It's time for my favorite talk show please the TV
    A turn off
    B turn down
    C turn on
    32 I can hear Can you speak louder please
    A anything
    B something
    C nothing
    33 I look forward my friends again
    A see
    B to seeing
    C to see
    34 If it tomorrow I will stay at home
    A rains
    B will rain
    C rainy
    35 What do you think of the new book
    I can learn a lot from it
    A I love it
    B I think so
    C I'd love to
    VI完成话方框中选择正确选项(方框中选项话容关) (5 分)
    A How often do you play basketball
    B Can you come to my birthday party
    C Where did you go
    D What was it about
    E Would you like to go with me
    F All right
    Linda Hello Alice I called you last night but no one answered36
    Alice Oh Linda I went to play basketball
    Linda You like basketball 37
    Alice Twice a week Do you have anything important
    Linda Nothing important There will be a new film on show tomorrow_ 38
    Alice Sorry I can't Why not ask Linda to go together
    Alice By the way next Saturday is my birthday40
    Linda Sure I'd love to
    VII补全话根话填写适容完整正确(空词数限) (10 分)
    Reporter Hello I am a reporter Can I ask you some questions
    John Sure
    Reporter 41 _
    John I think the best restaurant in the town is New Century
    Reporter 42
    John Because it has the best and freshest food
    Reporter Is it very expensive
    John 43 I think it's the cheapest
    Reporter_ 44 International Restaurant Some people think it has the best service
    John Yes but it is the most expensive
    Reporter Thank you
    John 45
    IX短文填空方框中选择正确选项完成短文(方框中两选项余) (10 分)
    A than B like C found D mistakes E really F nobody
    G carefully H friend I remember J find K sad L myself
    When I was in the middle school I felt I always let people down Once I brought my 46 _ Daisy to my home I found that all my family seemed to 47 Daisy more than me
    I felt very 48 _ I even thought they didn't love me I wondered whether(否) they would miss me if I went away from them So I told my mum Daisy is more patient 49 me You must want her to be your daughter
    My mum said that Daisy was a lovely girl but_ 50 could replace(代)me in the family She said I was the only person who could fill my role She made me realize(认识)that even if()I made_ 51 my family would still love me
    From then on I tried to_ 52 out who I was and what made me special I look at 53 in a new way Then I started to think much more good things in my life and I was 54 happy to know who I was I came to feel much better as I knew that no one could replace me
    Each of us holds a special place in the world You are special no matter()what others say or what they may think So_ 55 that no one could replace you You can't be
    X阅读理解(40 分)
    Here is a list of the television programs on CCTV International

    Asia Today
    Monday Sunday
    (400 am800 pm)
    Travel in Chinese
    Monday Saturday
    News Hour
    Monday Sunday
    (1200 am)
    Chinese Civilization
    Monday Friday
    (355 am955am355 pm)
    in Chinese
    Monday Saturday
    Sports Scene
    Monday Sunday
    (1015 am1100pm)

    56 You'll know something about at 12 00 am every day
    A Asia
    B culture
    C travel
    D news
    57 If you want to watch a soccer match the best program for you is
    A Asia Today
    B Sports Scene
    C Travel in Chinese
    D News Hour
    58 Lily is learning about Chinese history she can watch Chinese Civilization

    A every day
    B six days a week
    C five days a week
    D on weekends
    59 My dad always watches Asia Today
    A at 400 pm on Sunday
    B at 800 pm on Sunday
    C at 800 am on Saturday
    D at 1200 am on Saturday
    60 Communicate in Chinese is a program that
    A teaches you Chinese
    B tells you something about Chinese arts
    C lets you know Chinese news
    D listens to Chinese music
    Frog jumping was famous for the short story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County Mark Twain wrote the short story in 1865 It was his first great success as a writer Later the Frog Jumping Competition began in 1928
    In the Frog Jumping Competition frogs jump some distance Each frog can jump three times The frog that jumps the longest distance becomes the winner What is the present for the winning frog Well the winning frog and its owner can write their names on a brass plaque(铜胸章)
    The competition begins on the third weekend of every May in Calaveras In 2017 it started on May 19 and ended on May 22 There were thousands of frogs from all over the world competing in the competition About 50 frogs entered the final At last Morgan Kitchell's frog became the big winner Morgan Kitchell comes from a village Her family does well in the Frog Jumping Competition for many years Her frog Ribbit This jumped 20 feet(英尺)two and 34 inches(英寸) However the jump is still under the recordbrcaking(破记录) jumping of 21 feet five and 34 inches by Lee Giudici's frog Rosie the Ribiter in 1986
    61_ makes Mark Twain a famous writer
    A A frog named Ribbit This
    B The Frog Jumping Competition
    C The story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
    D A frog named Rosie the Ribiter
    62 The underlined word distance means_ in the text
    63 The competition begins on_ every year
    A May 19th
    B the 3rd weekend of May
    C May 22nd
    D the 2nd weekend of May
    64 The frog_ got the recordbreaking jumping in 1986
    A Ribbit This
    B Lee Giudici
    C Morgan Kitchell
    D Rosie the Ribiter
    65 What is the best title for this passage
    A Frogs Jump Long
    B Practice Makes Perfect
    C Frog Jumping Compettion
    D The Great Writer Mark Twain
    Food sopping is more convenient(方便)in cities today If people do not have time to cook lunch they can order a meal on Meituan App and buy fast food at a shop near their home If they want to cook a delicious dinner or buy enough food for a week they can go to a supermarket in town These big supermarkets sell food and other things for daily(日常) use
    Sometimes people find it difficult to choose which to buy because there are too many choices(选择)For example there are different kinds of instant速食) noodles with eggs or the kind with chicken Many people do not enjoy food shopping or deciding what to buy They like to eat at a fastfood restaurant There they can have large hamburgers sandwiches different kinds of drinks and so on It will save them a lot of time At the same time they can enjoy lots of delicious food The only problem is that they may eat too much it may be bad for their health It is nice to have many choices but it is also a problem to have too many choices
    66 Food sopping is more convenient today than years ago
    67 Big supermarkets only sell food
    68 It is easy to choose which to buy because there are many things
    69 Many people like to0 eat at home when they do no enjoy food shopping
    70 Having many choices is a good thing but it is also a problem
    Can one paper bag change the world Sarah Murphy tries to do something about it
    Sarah is from America She colors lunch bags for the homeless_ 71 A charity (慈善)helps Sarah give the colored bags with a lunch to homeless people in the town of Beverly
    Sarah went to a local library and set up(创立) a coloring station in the library72 Children at the library can help color the bags Children can take a bag draw and write a message of hope and leave it on the front desk They can also take it home and give it back after coloring_ 73 She was really glad to buy more lunch bags
    74 She began to have great interest in charity She gave money to charities and made gift bags for students at her school She wanted to build a better world through her hard work75
    根短文容方框中选择正确句子原空白处短文容完整通(选项次) (5 分)
    A Sarah first heard about the charity program from her friends two years ago
    B She wants to bring hope to those people
    C The charity program of lunch bags is a good start to make her dream come true
    D She bought 100 lunch bags and put them in the library
    E Children at the library finished coloring work quickly
    Everyone has their own way of life here are five teenagers' opinions about life
    76 I am friendly to everyone and I like to try new things 1 have a group of good friends I'm always happy and I'm one of those people who are always smiling I am good at sports Doing sports is good for my health and helps me make new friends
    77 I think study is important for students In order to() study well I make a study plan The most important is that I follow the plan and finish the tasks every day When I get home I always finish my homework first then I can exercise and play games to relax
    78 I think the best way to keep friendship is thinking for others I will not do bad things to others I like to do something pretty nice for them though it's a very small thing I always smile at everyone A smile can light up a single heart or a whole room
    79 _ Listening to people's ideas and feelings is a good way to help them I try to think about things in their ways I won't stop their talking before they finish It is polite to look at them when they are talking When I'm looking at them they know that I care about what they are saying
    I think people's advice is important I work well in groups I need their help when I meet big problems I can get better ideas when working with others When I communicate with others I can also learn how to get on well with others
    (a)根短文容方框中选出匹配旨意 (5分)
    A Be a good listener
    B Communicate with others
    C Be outgoing
    D Think for others
    E Study first and then play
    (b)根短文容完成面表格空超三词(5 分)
    He likes to try new things and he has 81 good friends
    He does well in class and he is good at sports
    She makes a study plan and follows the plan
    She always_ 82 first then she does other things
    He likes_ 83 for others and docs something pretty nice for them
    He always smiles at everyone around him
    She likes to listen to_ 84 ideas and feelings
    She won't stop them and she look at them when they are talking
    He does well in 85 He can get better ideas when working with others
    He can also learn how to get on well with others in group work

    There was once an old woman who lived in the forest All the children always came to ask her questions She always gave the right answers
    There was a little boy among the children On a cold morning he got a small bird and held it in his hands Then he said to his friends Let's trick( 捉弄) the old woman I'll ask her what I'm holding in my hands Of course she'll answer that I have a bird Then I will ask her if the bird is living or dead If she says the bird is dead I'll open my hands and let the bird fly away
    If she says the bird is alive( 活着)I’ll quickly make it dead and show her the dead bird Either way she'll be wrong The children agreed that this was a good plan and they went to the old woman's home Granny we have a question for you they all shouted What’s in my hands asked the little boy Well it must be a bird replied the old woman But is it living or dead asked the boys
    The old woman thought for a moment and then replied It is as you will my child the bird's life is in your hands
    根短文容回答列问题(10 分)
    86 Where did the old woman live
    87 When did the boy get a small bird
    88 Was the bird dead
    89 How many questions did the boy ask the old woman
    90 What do you think of the woman

    Sandwiches are simple and popular food Today I will teach you I think you should
    91 your hands carefully before you start and then prepare the ingredients(食材) you like Now let's start
    First put salad sauce(酱) on a piece of bread
    92 _ put a piece of chicken a fried egg and vegetables one by one on the bread
    After putting the other piece of bread on the top 93 the sandwich into triangle shape (三角形)
    Finally place the sandwich on the 94
    A 95 chicken sandwich is done now
    (B)中国梦代表中国梦想作中学生梦想什请围绕My Dream话题根提示信息写篇英语短文 (15 分)
    容包括 1 梦想什
    写作求 1 文中出现真实学校名称姓名
    My Dream
    Chinese dreams are dreams of Chinese people As a middle school student

    If everyone does so I believe Chinese dreams must come true and China will get better and better





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