(11)Unit 2 Be sporty be healthy 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (11)Unit 2 Be sporty be healthy
    第部分 阅读理解(两节满分50分)
    第节 (15题题25分满分375分)
        Central Sports Centre City Road
        All Stars vs Rockets Saturday 830 pm 12
        Northerners vs Tigers Sunday noon 14
        Meet at Wanda Station Saturday 900 am sharp for a 3hour walk to Canary Mountains 7 call 3415432
        Meet at Westley Station Sunday 900 am sharp for a full day walk to Wombak Valley 5 call 3418643 Bring your own lunch
        St Martins Sports Centre
        St Martins vs Doonsberg Saturday 200 pm 8
        Eastside Central vs Light Hill Sunday 200 pm 8
        Neill Park Recreation Centre
        Neill Park vs Robinson Saturday 200 pm 11
        Essen vs Springwood Sunday 200 pm 11
        LAWN BOWLS
        Tans Town BC
        Tans Town vs White Vale Saturday 900 pm 10
        Wake Hill BC
        Wake Hill vs Colls Saturday 200 pm 9
    1_____ sports events are to be held at Saturday 200 pm according to the passage
    ATwo BThree CFour DFive
    2You may find the passage most probably in a _____
    Ahandbook about tour Bnotice about sports
    Cmagazine about ball matches Dblog about match reviews
    3If you have 18 you can go to both _____
    AAll Stars vs Rockets and the bush walking at Westley Station
    BWake Hill vs Colls and Essen vs Springwood
    CNeill Park vs Robinson and Eastside Central vs Light Hill
    DSt Martins vs Doonsberg and Northerners vs Tigers
        When Rise of the Planet of the Apes was first shown to the public last month a group of excited animal activists gathered on Hollywood Boulevard But they weren't there to throw red paint on furcoatwearing film stars Instead one activist dressed in a fullbody monkey suit had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers Thanks for not using real(猿)
        The creative team behind Apes used motioncapture(动作捕捉)technology to create digitalized animals spending tens of millions of dollars on technology that records an actor's performance and later processes it with computer graphics to create a final image(图) In this case one of a realisticlooking ape
        Yet Apes is more exception than the rule In fact Hollywood has been hot on live animals lately One nonprofit organization which monitors the treatment of animals in filmed entertainment is keeping tabs on more than 2000 productions this year Already a number of films including Water for Elephants The Hangover Part Ⅱ and Zookeeper have drawn the anger of activists who say the creatures acting in them haven't been treated properly
        In some cases it's not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried it's the offset training and living conditions that are raising concerns And there are questions about the films made outside the States which sometimes are not monitored as closely as productions filmed in the States
    1Why did the animal activists gather on Hollywood Boulevard
    ATo see famous film stars BTo oppose wearing fur coats
    CTo raise money for animal protection DTo express thanks to some filmmakers
    2What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about
    AThe cost of making Apes BThe creation of digitalized apes
    CThe publicity about Apes DThe performance of real apes
    3What does the underlined phrase keeping tabs on in Paragraph 3 probably mean
    AListing completely BDirecting professionally
    CPromoting successfully DWatching carefully
    4What can we infer from the last paragraph about animal actors
    AThey may be badly treated BThey should take further training
    CThey could be traded illegally DThey would lose popularity
        Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running research shows while most likely contributing to fewer injuries It does however have its own problem
        Race walkers are conditioned athletes The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50kilometer race walk which is about five miles longer than the marathon But the sport's rules require that a race walker's knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact (接触) with the ground at all times It's this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity however says Jaclyn Norberg an assistant professor of exercise science at Salem State University in Salem Mass
        Like running race walking is physically demanding she says According to most calculations race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would bum about 800 calories (卡路里) per hour which is approximately twice as many as they would bum walking although fewer than running which would probably bum about 1000 or more calories per hour
        However race walking does not pound the body as much as running does Dr Norberg says According to her research runners hit the ground with as much as four times their body weight per step while race walkers who do not leave the ground create only about 14 times their body weight with each step
        As a result she says some of the injuries associated with running such as runner's knee are uncommon among race walkers But the sport's strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting the sport In fact anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique she says It takes some practice
    1Why are race walkers conditioned athletes
    AThey must run long distances BThey are qualified for the marathon
    CThey have to follow special rules DThey are good at swinging their legs
    2What advantage does race walking have over running
    AIt's more popular at the Olympics BIt's less challenging physically
    CIt's more effective in body building DIt's less likely to cause knee injuries
    3What is Dr Norberg's suggestion for someone trying race walking
    AGetting experts' opinions BHaving a medical checkup
    CHiring an experienced coach DDoing regular exercises
    4Which word best describes the authors attitude to race walking
    ASkeptical BObjective CTolerant DConservative
        For those who can stomach it working out before breakfast may be more beneficial for health than eating first according to a study of meal timing and physical activity
        Athletes and scientists have long known that meal timing affects performance However far less has been known about how meal timing and exercise might affect general health
        To find out British scientists conducted a study They first found 10 overweight and inactive but otherwise healthy young men whose lifestyles are for better and worse representative of those of most of us They tested the men's fitness and resting(新陈代谢) rates and took samples(样品) their blood and fat tissue
        Then on two separate morning visits to the scientists' lab each man walked for an hour at an average speed that in theory should allow his body to rely mainly on fat for fuel Before one of these workouts the men skipped breakfast meaning that they exercised on a completely empty stomach after a long overnight fast(禁食期) On the other occasion they ate a rich morning meal about two hours before they started walking
        Just before and an hour after each workout the scientists took additional samples of the men's blood and fat tissue
        Then they compared the samples There were considerable differences Most obviously the men displayed lower blood sugar levels at the start of their workouts when they had skipped breakfast than when they had eaten As a result they burned more fat during walks on an empty stomach than when they had eaten first On the other hand they burned slightly more calories(卡路里) on average during the workout after breakfast than after fasting
        But it was the effects deep within the fat cells that may have been the most significant the researchers found Multiple genes behaved differently depending on whether someone had eaten or not before walking Many of these genes produce proteins (蛋白质) that can improve blood sugar regulation and insulin(胰岛素) levels throughout the body and so are associated with improved metabolic health These genes were much more active when the men had fasted before exercise than when they had breakfasted
        The implication of these results is that to gain the greatest health benefits from exercise it may be wise to skip eating first
    第二节 (5题题25分满分125分)
    A Few Tips for SelfAcceptance
        We all want itto accept and love ourselves But at times it seems too difficult and too far out of reach ①_________ Here's a handful of ways that will set you in the right direction
        • ②_________ Do not follow the people who make you feel notgoodenough Why do you follow them Are you hoping that eventually you will feel empowered because your life is better than theirs Know that your life is your own you are the only you in this world
        • Forgive yourself for mistakes that you have made We are often ashamed of our shortcomings our mistakes and our failures ③_________ You will make mistakes time and time again Rather than getting caught up in how you could have done better why not offer yourself a compassionate(情心) response That didn't go as planned But I tried my best
        • Recognize all of your strengths Write them down in a journal Begin to train your brain to look at strength before weakness List all of your accomplishments and achievements You have a job earned your degree and you got out of bed today ④_________
        • Now that you've listed your strengths list your imperfections Turn the page in your journal Put into words why you feel unworthy why you don't feel good enough Now read these words back to yourself ⑤_________ Turn to a page in your journal to your list of strengths and achievements See how awesome you are
    A Feeling upset again
    B Where do you start
    C Nothing is too small to celebrate
    D Remember you are only human
    E Set an intention for selfacceptance
    F Stop comparing yourself with others
    G When does the comparison game start
    第二部分 语言知识运(两节满分30分)
    第节 (15题题1分满分15分)
        Where do you go when you want to learn something School A friend A tutor These are all    1    places of learning But it may well be that the learning you really want    2    somewhere else instead I had the chance of seeing this first hand on a    3    
        My daughter plays on a recreational(娱乐) soccer team They did very well this season and so    4    a tournament which normally was only for more skilled club teams This led to some    5    experiences on Saturday as they played against teams    6    trained Through the first two games her team did not get one serious shot on goal As a parent I    7    seeing my daughter playing her best     8    still defeated
        It seemed that something clicked with the girls between Saturday and Sunday When they    9    for their Sunday game they were    10    different They had begun to apply the kinds of play and teamwork they had seen the day before to their    11     They played much better and
       12    scored a goal
        It    13    me that playing against the other team was a great    14    moment for all the girls on the team I think it is a general principle     15    is the best teacher The lessons they learned may not be different from what they would have gotten in school but are certainly more personal and meaningful because they had to work them out on their own
    1Apublic     Btraditional     Cofficial     Dspecial
    2Apasses     Bworks     Clies     Dends
    3Atrip     Bholiday     Cweekend     Dsquare
    4Awon     Bentered     Corganized     Dwatched
    5Apainful     Bstrange     Ccommon     Dpractical
    6Aless     Bpoorly     Cnewly     Dbetter
    7Aimagined     Bhated     Cavoided     Dmissed
    8Aif     Bor     Cbut     Das
    9Adressed up     Bshowed up     Cmade up     Dgave up
    10Aslightly     Bhardly     Cbasically     Dcompletely
    11Astyles     Btraining     Cgame     Drules
    12Aeven     Bstill     Cseldom     Dagain
    13Aconfused     Bstruck     Creminded     Dwarned
    14Atouching     Bthinking     Cencouraging     Dlearning
    15AExperience     BIndependence     CCuriosity     DInterest
    第二节 (10题题15分满分15分)
    Starting a wildlife conservation center is a necessary ①_________ important job but it hardly brings money to its founder and so it is for Jane Thomas She spent several years ②_________(build) the Motley Zoo and devoted herself to wildlife ③_________(protect) in Redmond Washington but all money she made was spent straight back on the zoo She was determined ④_________(continue) to do her work even though there was little money to reward her
        But things changed this year As crazy as it sounded because of my efforts I received a secret donation 9000 Thomas said She decided to use the money ⑤_________ was donated by a stranger this year to rescue more animals She advertised the animal rescue on the street and received much support from ⑥_________ public
        Thomas said Ever since I advertised the animal rescue on the street I ⑦_________(attract) many people Now when I walk on the street many ⑧_________(passerby) wave and even shout to me 'I adopted (收养) my dog from you' I feel ⑨_________(shock) that people treat me ⑩_________(nicely) than ever
    第三部分 写作(两节满分40分)
    第节 (满分15分)   
    假定李华 英国笔友David信诉说体重超重带烦恼请写封回信 提出建议
        2适增加细节 行文连贯
    Dear David
    Yours sincerely
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
        Yesterday a heat wave hit the town It's too hot Let's go for a swim after we finish our chores(家庭杂务) at home Joseph complained to his little brother Loren As the boys walked toward the Little Colorado River they saw Sam and Frank who ran to join them Swimming is just what we need to cool off Sam said kicking a rock
        Sure it is Frank agreed Then he looked at the field they were passing There were many round watermelons in farmer Davis's patch(块土) Hey Joseph Frank said do you have the courage to climb over that fence and get us a ripe(成熟) watermelon
        I don't know Joseph said
        Loren looked uncomfortable I don't think that's a good idea
        Come on Frank said pushing Joseph toward the fence No one will ever know
        Then Frank started to climb the wooden fence Joseph felt bad but climbed the fence and jumped with Frank into the watermelon patch
        Joseph took the closest melon and raced back to the fence The other boys laughed and took turns carrying the heavy melon as they ran to the river Finally they broke open the watermelon The sticky sweet juice was delicious But Joseph regretted what they had done and wished he hadn't taken the melon
        On the walk home they finished off the last piece of the melon just as they passed the watermelon patch again Joseph lowered his head quickly when he saw fanner Davis in the field He waved at the boys who quickly threw the melon rinds(厚皮) to the side of the road Davis looked upset as the boys hurried by Joseph felt terrible It was wrong to take the watermelon He knew he had to tell farmer Davis what they had done and ask for forgiveness(宽恕)
        That evening farmer Davis visited Joseph and Loren at their house One of my biggest watermelons went missing he said I was wondering if you boys happened to see anyone in my field as you passed by today
    Paragraph 1
        Joseph looked at his shoes and said in a low voice
    Paragraph 2
        Farmer Davis thought for a minute

    第部分 阅读理解
    A答案:13 BBA
    解析:1细节理解题根SOCCER部分中St Martins vs Doonsberg Saturday 200 pm 8Neill Park vs Robinson Saturday 200 pm 11 LAWN BOWLS部分中Wake Hill vs Colls Saturday 200 pm 9知 周六午2点举行体育赛事3场选B项
    2推理判断题阅读全文知 文介绍举办赛时间票价 推断 信息关体育通知选B项
    3细节理解题根文章容知 All Stars vs Rockets票价12美元 the bush walking at Westley Station票价5美元 总票价17美元 Wake Hill vs Colls票价9美元 Essen vs Springwood票价11美元 总票价20美元 Neill Park vs Robinson票价11美元 Eastside Central vs Light Hill票价8美元 总票价19美元 St Martins vs Doonsberg票价8美元 Northerners vs Tigers票价14美元 总票价22美元果18美元 All Stars vs Rocketsthe bush walking at Westley Station选A项
    解析:1细节理解题根第段中Instead one activist dressed in a fullbody monkey suit had arrived with a sign praising the filmmakers 'Thanks for not using real apes'知动物保护者Hollywood Boulevard集会电影制片表示感谢D项正确
    2段落旨题根第二段中The creative team behind 'Apes' used motioncapture technology to create digitalized animals records an actor's performance and later processes it with computer graphics to create a final image判断段介绍数字化猿猴创作选B
    3词义猜测题根第三段中One nonprofit organization which monitors the treatment of animals in filmed entertainment知该非营利性组织旨监督电影娱乐业动物方式画线短语monitor(监督)意义接D项密切关注正确
    4推理判断题根段中In some cases it's not so much the treatment of the animals on set in the studio that has activists worried it's the offset training and living conditions that are raising concerns推断动物演员受公正A项正确
    解析:1细节理解题题干中关键词conditioned athletes解题信息定位第二段根该段中But the sport's rules require that a race walker's knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact with the ground at all times知竞走运动规求竞走者膝关节腿摆动时部分时间里伸直时脚保持面接触知竞走者必须遵循特殊运动规C项正确
    2推理判断题根第五段中some of the injuries associated with running such as runner's knee are uncommon among race walkers知跑步关损伤跑步者膝盖(受伤)竞走者中常见知竞走太导致膝盖受伤D项正确
    3细节理解题根第五段中anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique知Norberg博士建议希尝试竞走许应该首先咨询教练验竞走者学正确技巧A项正确
    解析:1词义猜测题题题干意第段中画线短语stomach it意思______第段第句忍受吃早饭言早饭前锻炼吃早饭锻炼健康更处知B项没吃早饭正确A更容易消化食物C明智决定吃什D什吃什
    2细节理解题题题干意什十选做实验根第三段whose lifestyles are representative of those of most of us知坏十生活方式代表着数生活方式A项生活方式普通中典型正确B缺乏锻炼导致超重C均速度走路D新陈代谢速率低
    3细节理解题题题干意锻炼前吃早饭会发生什根第六段中On the other hand they burned slightly more calories知吃早饭锻炼燃烧稍微点卡路里答案B项消耗更点卡路里A成功减重C均燃烧更脂肪D显露出更高胰岛素水
    4旨意题题题干意项研究中获知什文中段中to gain the greatest health benefits it may be wise to skip eating first知锻炼中获健康处进食锻炼明智选D项早饭前(进行)体育锻炼身体健康会更A早饭锻炼提升基表现B锻炼会减缓新陈代谢速率C生活方式晨练重
    ①渡句设空处前句(时似太困难 太遥)句(面找正确方方法)知B项Where do you start(里开始呢)问题渡文解决问题办法符合逻辑选B项
    ②旨句段中your life is better than theirs(生活)Know that your life is your own you are the only you in this world(知道生活世界唯尔)知选F项Stop comparing yourself with others(停止较)
    ③细节句段第句知段讲原谅犯错设空处前面提We are often ashamed of our shortcomings our mistakes and our failures(常缺点错误失败感羞愧)句You will make mistakes time and time again(会反复犯错误)知D项(记住)正确
    ④细节句段第四句话中accomplishments and achievements应C项中celebrate设空处前句中got out of bed today应C项中smallC项(事值庆祝)佳选项
    ⑤渡句段第句中list your imperfections(列出缺点)设空处前句Now read these words back to yourself(现话读)应A项中upset(沮丧)A项(感沮丧)佳选项
    第二部分 语言知识运
    答案:15 BCCBA 610 DBCBD 1115 CABDA
    解析:1考查形容词词义辨析public公 traditional传统 official官方 special特文School A friend A tutor知提学途径传统意义学途径选B项
    2考查动词词义辨析pass通 传递 work奏效 lie躺 位 end结束空somewhere else语境知 真正想学方处选C项
    3考查名词词义辨析trip旅行 holiday假期 weekend周末 square广场第三段第句中Saturday and Sunday知 赛周末举行 作者周末见样事情选C项
    4考查动词词义辨析win赢 enter进入 organize组织 watch 观句中They did very well this season知 赛季表现 进入锦标赛选B项
    5考查形容词词义辨析painful痛苦 strange奇怪 common普通 practical实根第二段句As a parent I    7    seeing my daughter playing her best     8    still defeated知 女球队艰难鏖战 终失败 痛苦历选A项
    6考查副词词义辨析less更少 poorly糟糕 newly better更句中more skilled club teams知 手受更训练选D项
    7考查动词词义辨析imagine想象 hate讨厌 avoid避免 miss想念 错根常识知 作父母 谁愿意竭全力踢球孩子遭受失败击hate符合语境选B项
    8考查连词词义辨析if果 or者 but as空前playing her best空still defeated知 然女竭全力 失败 转折关系选C项
    9考查动词短语辨析dress up装扮 show up出现 make up编造 give up放弃根句中their Sunday game文They had begun to apply the kinds of play and teamwork知 女球队出现周日赛场选B项
    10考查副词词义辨析slightly轻微 hardly basically基 completely完全文They had begun to apply the kinds of play and teamworkThey played much better知 女孩表现非常 前赛中截然选D项
    11考查名词词义辨析style风格 training训练 game赛 rule规根文When they    9    for their Sunday game they were    10    different知 女球队昨天相已完全 推断出女球队已开始前天学种法团队协作技巧运赛中选C项
    12考查副词词义辨析even甚 still然 seldom少 again 根They played much better知 处表示递进关系 努力拼搏 甚进球选A项
    13考查动词词义辨析confuse困惑 strike撞 击 remind提醒 warn警告作者接阐发感想知作者场赛中突然想固定句型It strikesstruck sb that意某突然想选B项
    14考查形容词词义辨析touching动 thinking思考力 encouraging鼓舞心 learning学文章第句Where do you go when you want to learn something文The lessons they learned知 文谈学 作者认球队孩子说 球队赛学机会选D项
    15考查名词词义辨析experience验 历 independence独立 curiosity奇 interest兴趣结合整篇事知 训练素手赛孩子学前没接触东西 获验 验老师选A项
    答案: and building protection to continue whichthat the have attracted passersby shocked more nicely
    解析:文篇记叙文文章叙述Jane Thomas拯救动物事
    ①句中形容词necessaryimportant列关系 列连词and填and
    ②处sb spent+时间钱+(in)doing sth意某花时间钱做某事动词ing形式填building
    ④处be determined to do sth意决心做某事固定法填to continue
    ⑤处限制性定语句先行词the money指物定语句中做语应关系代词whichthat引导填whichthat
    ⑦根Ever since知句现完成时语I填have attracted
    ⑩空than ever知处现前两种情况较副词较级填more nicely
    第三部分 写作
    Dear David
        I am sorry to hear that you are worried about your weight problem Here are some of my ideas about it which I hope will be of some help
        It is important to make exercise a regular part of every day which will help you lose weight and offer some other benefits As important as exercising is a balanced diet because the right balance between fruit and vegetables proteins and fats keeps you healthy and strong Above all a good mental health is necessary leading you to have an active life all along
        I hope everything will be fine with you
    Yours sincerely
    Li Hua
    Paragraph 1
        Joseph looked at his shoes and said in a low voice We were with some other boys and I took a watermelon from your field We took it to the river and all of us ate it together Farmer Davis said sadly Taking a melon that you didn't grow is stealing I'm really sorry Joseph said I don't have any money but I could do some chores to repay you I ate some too Loren said I'll give you a hand
    Paragraph 2
        Farmer Davis thought for a minute Come by my field tomorrow morning I think I can find some work for you That night Joseph regretted having taken something that didn't belong to him He decided next time someone asked him to do such things he'd have the courage to say no Thinking of this he felt a little comfortable because he could do something to make up for his mistake The next morning he would go to Davis's field and do whatever chores Davis asked him to do And he wouldn't complain about the extra work—or the heat





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    (16)Unit 4 Exploring literature 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (16)Unit 4 Exploring literature第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、...

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    (14)Unit 3 Festivals and customs 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (14)Unit 3 Festivals and customs第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B...

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    (8)Unit 4 Looking good feeling good 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (8)Unit 4 Looking good, feeling good第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给...

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    (15)Unit 4 Exploring literature 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (15)Unit 4 Exploring literature第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、...

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    (9)Unit 1 Lights camera action 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (9)Unit 1 Lights, camera, action第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B...

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    (6)Unit 3 Getting along with others 高一英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (6)Unit 3 Getting along with others第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的...

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    (12)Unit 2 Sports culture 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (12)Unit 2 Sports culture一、阅读理解1.    Although Kobe Bryant is no longer with us, his strong will ...

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    (4)Unit 2 The Universal Language 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (4)Unit 2 The Universal Language第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B...

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    (3)Unit 2 The Universal Language 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (3)Unit 2 The Universal Language第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B...

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    (2)Unit 1 Food matters 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (2)Unit 1 Food matters——2021-2022学年高二英语译林版(2020)寒假作业第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37...

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    (6)Unit 3 The art of painting 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (6)Unit 3 The art of painting第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和...

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    (16)Unit 4 Living with technology 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (16)Unit 4 Living with technology一、阅读理解1.    Self-driving vehicles (车辆) will rely on cameras, se...

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    (10)Unit 1 The mass media 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (10)Unit 1 The mass media一、阅读理解1.     Rome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose...

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    (15)Unit 4 Living with technology 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (15)Unit 4 Living with technology一、阅读理解1.    The connection between people and plants has long b...

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    (9)Unit 1 The mass media 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (9)Unit 1 The mass media一、阅读理解1.    Have you ever noticed a character on a TV show or in a movie...

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    (14)Unit 3 Fit for life 高二英语牛津译林版 寒假作业(含答案)

    (14)Unit 3 Fit for life一、阅读理解1.    We are the products of evolution, and not just evolution that...

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    一、单词拼写1. The Bank of China is about half a _________ (英里) down the street.2. My new __________ (邻...

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