
     Words and Expressions in Each Unit(Book 9)
    Unit 1 How can we become good learners
    textbook tekstbuk n
    conversation kɔnvəseɪʃn n
    aloud əlaud adv
    pronunciation prənʌnsieIʃn n
    sentence sentəns n
    patient peiʃnt adj n
    expression ikspreʃn n
    discover dIskʌvə (r) v
    secret sikrət n adj
    fall in love with
    grammar græmə (r) n
    repeat ripit v
    note nəut n v
    pal pæl n
    pattern pætn pætən n
    physics fiziks n
    chemistry kemistri n
    partner pa(r)tnə (r) n
    pronounce prənauns v
    increase Inkris v
    speed spid n
    ability əbiləti n
    brain brein n
    active æktiv adj
    attention ətenʃn n
    pay attention to
    connect kənekt v
    connect … with
    overnight əuvə (r)naitadv
    review rivju v & n
    knowledge nɔlidʒn
    wisely waizli adv
    Annie æni
    Alexander Graham Bell 格雷厄姆 • 贝尔 p6

    Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious
    lantern læntə (r)n n
    stranger streindʒə (r) n
    relative relətiv n
    put on
    pound paund n
    folk fəulk adj
    goddess gɔdes gAd@s n
    steal stil v (stole stəul stolen stəulən)
    lay lei v (laid leid laid)

    lay out
    dessert di’zə(r)t n
    garden ga(r)dn n
    admire ədmaiə (r) v
    tie tai n
    haunted hɔntid a
    ghost gəust n
    trick trik n
    treat trit n
    spider spaidər) n
    Christmas krisməsn
    fool ful n v adj
    lie laI v (lay leI lain leIn)
    novel nɔvl navl n
    eve iv n
    bookstore bukstɔ(r) n
    dead ded adj
    business biznəs n
    punish pʌnis v
    warn wɔ(r)n v
    present preznt n adj
    nobody nəubədi nəubadi pron
    warmth wɔ(r)mθ n
    spread spred v n
    Macao məkau
    Chiang Mai tʃiænmaI dʒanmaI
    Halloween hæləuin
    St seint Valentine’s væləntainz Day
    Clara klarə klerə 克拉拉(女名)p10
    Santa sæntə Claus klɔz 圣诞老 p14
    Charles tʃa(r)lz Dickens dikənz
    查尔斯 • 狄更斯(英)p14
    Scrooge skrudʒ 斯克鲁奇n(非正式)吝啬鬼
    Jacob dʒeikəb Marley ma(r)li雅布 • 马利

    Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are
    restroom restrum n
    stamp stæmp n
    postcard pəustka(r)d n
    pardon pa(r)dn interj
    washroom wɔʃrum n
    bathroom baθrum n
    quick kwikadj
    rush rʌʃ v & n
    suggest sədʒest v
    staff staf n
    grape greip n
    central sentrəl adj
    mail meil v n
    east ist adj
    fascinating fæsineitiŋ a
    convenient kənviniənt a
    mall mɔl n
    clerk klak kl3rk n
    corner kɔ(r)nə(r) n
    polite pəlait adj
    politely pəlaitli adv
    speaker spikə(r) n
    request rikwest n
    choice tʃɔis n
    direction direkʃn dairekʃn n
    correct kərekt adj
    direct direkt dairekt adj
    whom hum pron
    address ədres ædres n
    faithfully feiθfəli adv
    Italian Itæli ən a
    Kevin kevin 凯文(男名)
    Tim tim 蒂姆(男名)

    Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark
    humorou hjumərəs a
    silent sailənt adj
    helpful helpfladj
    from time to time
    score skɔ( r) n & v
    background bækgraund n
    interview Intə (r)vju v
    Asian eiʃn a
    deal with
    dare deə der v
    private praivət adj
    guard ga(r)d n
    require rikwaiə(r) v
    British britiʃ adj
    speechspitʃ n
    ant ænt n
    insect insekt n
    influence influəns v & n
    seldom seldəm adv
    proud praud adj
    be proud of
    absent æbsənt adj
    fail feil v
    examination igzæmineiʃn n
    boarding bɔ(r)diŋ school
    in person
    exactly igzæktli adv
    pride praid n
    take pride in
    grandson grænsʌn n
    general dʒenrəl a n
    introduction intrədʌkʃn n
    Paula pɔlə
    Alfred ælfrid
    Billy bili
    Candy kændi 坎迪(女名) p27
    Jerry dʒeri 杰里(男名)杰丽(女名)p28
    Emily emili 埃米莉(女名) p28

    Unit 5 What are the shirts makde of
    material mətiəriəl n
    chopsticks tʃɔpstiks n
    coin kɔin
    fork fɔk n
    blouse blauz n
    sliver silvə n
    glass glas n
    cotton kɔtn n
    steel stil n
    grass gras n
    leaf lif n(pl leaves livz)n
    produce prədjusv
    widely waidli adv
    process prəuses v
    France frans fr{ns
    no matter
    local ləukl adj
    even though
    brand brænd n
    avoid əvɔid v
    product prɔdʌkt n
    handbag hændbæg n
    mobile məubail məubl a
    Germany dʒə(r)məni n
    surface sə(r)fis n
    postman pəustmən n
    cap kæp n
    glove glʌv n
    international intə(r)næʃnəl adj
    competitor kəmpetitə(r) n
    paint peint v
    its its adj
    form fɔ(r)m n
    clay klei n
    balloon bəlun n
    scissors sizə(r)z n (pl)
    lively laivli a
    fairy feəri feri tale teil n
    heat hit n
    polish pɔliʃ v
    complete kəmplit v
    Korea kəriə
    Switzerland switsə(r)lənd
    San Francisco sæn frənsiskəu

    Pam pæm (女名)

    Unit 6 When was it invented
    heel hil n
    electricity ilektrisəti n
    scoop skup n
    stylestail n
    project prədʒekt n
    pleasure pleʒə(r) n
    zipper zipə(r) n ( zip)
    daily deili adj
    website websait n
    pioneer paiəniə n
    list list v n
    mention menʃn v
    by accident
    nearly niəli nirli adv
    boil bɔil v
    smell smel n v
    saintseint n
    take place
    doubt daut n
    without doubt
    fridge fridʒ n
    translate trænsleit v
    lock lɔk lak v
    earthquake ə(r)θkweikn
    sudden sʌdən adj
    all of a sudden
    biscuit biskit n
    cookiekuki n
    instrumentinstruməntn crispy krispi adj
    sour sauə(r) adj
    by mistake
    customer kʌstəmə (r) n
    Canadian kəneidiən a n
    divide divaid v
    divide into
    purpose pə(r)pəs n
    basket baskit n
    the Olympics əulimpiks
    look up to
    hero hiərəu n
    Berlin bəlin
    NBA (National Basketball Association)
    国家篮球协会 (美国职业篮球联赛) p46
    CBA (China Basketball Association)
    中国篮球协会(中国职业篮球联赛) p46
    Chelseatʃelsi Lanmon lænmən
    切尔西 • 兰曼 p42
    Jayce dʒeis Coziar kəuzia杰斯 • 克里亚 p42
    Jamie dʒeimi Ellsworth elzwə(r)θ
    杰米 • 埃尔斯沃恩 p42
    Julie dʒuli Thompson tɔmpsən朱莉 • 汤普森Whitcomb witkəm Judson dʒʌdsən
    惠特科姆 • 贾德森 p42
    Thomas tɔməs Watson wɔtsən托马斯 • 沃森George dʒɔ(r)dʒ Crum krʌm乔治 • 克拉姆James dʒeimz Naismith naismiθ
    詹姆斯 • 奈史密斯

    Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes
    smoke sməuk v n
    pierce piəs pirs v
    license laIsnsn ( licence)
    safety seifti n
    earring iəriŋ n
    cry krai v & n
    field fild n
    hug hʌg n & v
    lift lIft v
    talk back
    awful ɔfl adj
    teen tin n
    regret rigret v
    poem pəuim n
    bedroom bedrum n
    community kəmjunəti n
    keep away from
    chance tʃans n
    make one’s own decision
    manage mænidʒ v
    society səsaiəti n
    unit junit n
    educate edʒukeit v
    get in the way of
    professional prəfeʃənl a
    enter entə(r) v
    support səpɔ(r)t v & n
    Picasso pikæsəu 毕加索(西班牙画家)
    Unit 8 It must belong to Carla
    truck trʌk n
    rabbit ræbIt n
    whose huz adj & pron
    attend ətend v
    valuable væljuəbl a
    pink pink adj
    picnic piknik n
    somebody sʌmbədi pron
    anybody enibədi pron
    noise nɔiz n
    policeman pəlismən n
    wolf wulf n
    laboratory ləbɔrətri n
    coat kəut n
    sleepy slipi adj
    pocket pɔkit n 0
    alien eiliən n
    suit sjut sut n
    express ikspres v
    not only … but also
    Britain britn n ( Great Britain)
    receive risiv v
    leader lidə (r) n
    midsummer mIidsmə(r) n
    medical medikl adj
    prevent privent v
    energy enə(r)dʒi n
    burial beriəl n
    honor ɔnəv ( honour) n
    ancestor ænsestə(r) n
    victory viktəri n
    enemy enəmi n
    period piəriəd n
    mystery mistri n
    Stonehenge stəunhendʒ
    Carla ka(r)lə
    J K Rowling rəuliŋ J K
    Victor viktə(r)
    Jean dZʒin
    Paul Stoker stəukə(r)

    Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to prefer prifə(r) v
    Lyrics liriks n (pl)
    Australian ɔstreiliən a
    electronic ilektrɔnik a
    suppose səpəuz v
    smooth smuð adj
    spare speə adj
    case keIs n
    in that case
    war wɔ(r) n
    director direktə n
    dialogue daiəlɔg n (dialog)
    documentary dɔkjumentrin
    drama dramə n
    plenty plenti pron
    plenty of
    shut ʃʌt v (shut shut)
    superhero supə(r)hiərəu n
    horror hɔrə n
    thriller θril@(r) n
    intelligent intelIdʒənt a
    sense sens v n
    pain pein n
    reflect riflekt v
    perform pə (r)fɔ(r)m v
    amazing əmeiziŋ a
    pity piti n
    total təutl n a
    in total
    master mastə n v
    praise preiz v & n
    national næʃnl adj
    recall rikɔl v
    wound wund n
    World War II
    Titanic taitænik
    Carmen ka(r)men
    Dan dæn Dervish də(r)viʃ

    Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands
    custom kʌstəm n
    bow bau v
    kiss kis v & n
    greet grit v
    value vælju v n
    everyday evridei adj
    drop by
    capital kæpitl n
    noon nun n
    mad mæd adj
    get mad
    make an effort
    traffic træfik n
    somewhere sʌmweə adv
    passport paspɔt n
    chalk tʃɔk n
    blackboard blækbɔ(r)d n
    northern nɔ(r)ð (r)n adj
    coast kəust n
    season sizn n
    knock nɔk v
    eastern istə (r)n adj
    worth wə(r)θ adj
    manner mænə(r) n
    empty empti adj
    basic beisik adj
    exchange ikstʃeindʒ n & v
    go out of one’s way
    make feel at home
    granddaughter grændɔtə(r) n
    behave biheiv v
    except iksept prep conj
    elbow elbəu n
    gradually grædʒuəli adv
    suggestion sədʒestʃən n
    Brazil brəzil
    Mexico meksikəu
    Cali kali
    Colombia kəlʌmbiə )
    Lausanne ləuzæn )
    Norway nɔ(r)wei
    Maria məri ə
    Katie keiti
    Sato satɔ
    Marie məri
    Teresa tərizəLopez ləupez
    Marc ma(r)k LeBlanc ləblaŋ

    Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry
    the more … the more…
    leave out
    friendship frendʃip n
    king kiŋ n
    prime praim adj
    minister ministə(r) n
    prime minister
    fame feim n
    pale peil adj
    queen kwin n
    examine igzæmin v
    nor nɔ(r) conj & adv
    neither nor
    palace pæləs n
    power pauə(r) n
    wealth welθ n
    grey grei a
    lemon lemən n
    cancel kænsl v
    weight weit n
    shoulder ʃəuldə(r) n
    goal gəul n
    coach kəutʃ n
    kick kik v
    teammate timeit n
    courage kʌridʒ n
    rather ra ð ə adv
    rather than
    pull pul v
    pull together
    relief rilif n
    nod nɔd v
    agreement əgrimənt n
    fault fɔlt n
    disappoint disəpɔint v
    Bert bə(r)t
    Holly hɔli

    Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected
    backpack bækpæk n
    oversleep v(overslept overslept)
    give a lift
    miss mis v
    unexpected ʌnikspektid a
    block blɔk n
    worker wə(r)kə(r) n
    stare steə v
    disbelief disbilif n
    above əbʌv adv
    burn bə(r)n v (burnt bə(r)nt burned burnt burned)
    alive əlaIvadj
    take off
    till til conj & prep
    west west adv adj n
    cream krim n
    bossbɔs n
    pie pai n
    course kɔ(r)s n
    bean bin n
    market ma(r)kit n
    costume kɔstjum n
    embarrassed imbærəst adj
    announce ənauns v
    hoax həuks n
    discovery diskʌvəri n
    lady leidi n
    officer ɔfisə n
    believable bilivəbl adj
    embarrassing imbærəsiŋ a
    New Zealand njuzilənd
    Italy Itəli
    Mars ma(r)z
    Carl ka(r)l
    Orson ɔ(r)sən Welles welz

    Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth
    litter litə(r) v
    bottom bɔtəmn
    fisherman fiʃə(r)mən n
    coal kəul n
    public p ʌblik adj n
    ugly ʌgli adj
    advantage ədvantidʒ n
    cost kɔst kɔst v n
    wooden wudn adj
    plastic plæstik adj n
    make a difference
    shark ʃa(r)k n
    fin fin n
    cut off
    method meθəd n
    cruel kruəl adj
    harmful ha(r)mfl adj
    chain tʃein n
    ecosystem ikəusistəm n
    low ləu a
    industry indəstri n
    law lɔ n
    reusable rijuzəbl adj

    afford əfɔ(r)d v
    transportationtænspɔ(r)teiʃn n
    recycle risaikl v
    napkin næpkin n
    upside down
    gate geIt n
    bottle bɔtl n
    president prezidənt n
    inspiration inspəreiʃn n
    metal metl n
    creativity krieitivəti n
    WildAid waildeid
    WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature)
    Mark ma(r)k
    Jason dʒeisən
    Ken ken
    Hayes heiz
    Jessica dʒesikə

    Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7
    survey sə(r)vei n
    standard stændə(r)d n
    row rəu n
    in a row
    keyboard kibɔ(r)d n
    instruction instrʌkʃn n
    double dʌbl v adj
    shall ʃæl modal v
    overcome əuvə(r)kʌm v(overcame overcome)

    make a mess
    graduate grædʒueit v
    keep one’s cool
    ours auə(r)z pron
    senior siniə(r) a
    senior high (school)
    text tekst n
    level levl n
    degree digri n
    manager mænidʒə(r) n
    believe in
    gentleman dʒentlmən n
    graduation grædʒueiʃn n
    ceremony serəməni n
    congratulate kəngrætʃuleit v
    thirsty θ3(r)sti a
    none nʌn pron
    task task n
    ahead əhed adv
    responsible rispɔnsəbl adj
    be responsible for
    separatesepəreitadj v
    wing wiŋ n
    Brian braiən
    Luke luk
    Griffin grifin
    Trent trent





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