人教版 高中英语必修第二册Unit 5 Music Video Time课后检测练(有答案)

    Unit 5 Music——Video Time

    1 Many patients in that country are not getting the medical __________ (treat) they need
    2 He is in love with music which enables him ________ (contact) many famous musicians  
    3 I get so __________(absorb) in doing something that I ’m unaware of things happening round me
    4 They finally cured the old man _______his illness who had suffered a lot from it for years
    5 __________(original)founded in 1919 by Sylvia Beach it is a combination of a bookstore and a reading library
    In 1957 Max Vernon Mathews wrote the first computer program called Music which enabled a computer to create sound and play it back He was then working as an engineer at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey It enabled a large IBM computer to play a seventeensecond piece of music he had written
      The computer was so slow that it took an hour to play the seventeensecond piece of music So Mathews moved the work to a tape player to play the music at a normal speed He later said that the sound quality of the musical notes was not great but the technical importance of the music was huge
      The science fiction writer Arthur C Clarke visited Bell Laboratories in the 1960s He heard a computer sing the song Daisy Bell on devices (设备) and learned about the programs developed by Mathews and other engineers Clarke noted this technology in his book 2001 A Space Odyssey which was later made into a movie
      Mathews continued creating other versions of the music program He became interested in how computers could help musicians outside recording studios The Groove program he developed was the first computer program made for live performances
      He also developed an electronic device he called the Radio Baton which looks like two drum sticks It enables the user to control the speed and sound levels of orchestral music (弦乐) played on a computer by moving the two sticks on a special electronic surface
      Mathews said he believed modern musicians were not making full use of the power of computer music He said a violin always sounds like a violin But with his music the way a violin sounds is unlimited He did not want computer sounds to replace live music but he hoped computers would one day be considered serious instruments
    1 Why did Clarke visit Bell Laboratories
    A To make his book into a movie
    B To help Mathews develop music
    C To satisfy his own curiosity about music
    D To gather materials for his literary creation
    2 What electronic music tools did Mathews create
    A Something used to record live music
    B Something used to create special sound
    C Something used to improve computer music
    D Something used to create computer music
    3 What does Mathews think of his music
    A It is more pleasant to the ear
    B It can help make more sounds
    C It will finally replace the violin
    D It is more popular than live music
    4 What can we learn about Mathews
    A He is the father of computer music
    B His creation succeeded on the first try
    C He wrote music to replace instruments
    D He changed the functions of computers
      Do you want to learn to dance the highly expressive Spanish dance form—flamenco  1  Learning flamenco dancing takes time patience and determination  
      The first step is to find a good teacher  2  Talk with people who have already taken lessons from the teacher to find out if they were satisfied customers  
      Once you have chosen your teacher or class you then need to buy dancing shoes Female dancers also need a practice skirt
       3  The dance style includes special hand and arm movements the zapateado (stepping movements that create sounds) and practice body movements It takes a lot of practice to learn flamenco dance steps and to perform them rapidly with the music the dance requires  
      As the movements become more familiar you must learn the most important part of flamenco—dancing with heart  4  
      Once you are ready to perform you will need a costume In addition to dancing shoes female dancers usually wear long dress Male dancers often wear trousers and shirts If you are in doubt about your costume decision check with your teacher to find out what he or she suggests  5  You must have the courage to let your passion for the dance shine  
    A Research lesson prices and the teacher
    B It is very important to choose a dance skirt right
    C This is not a dance you can learn in a day or a week
    D Flamenco dancing can have many different purposes
    E To win over people you will need more than a costume
    F In your class you will learn how to move your whole body the flamenco way
    G Flamenco dancers must have a deep understanding of music and dance with all their hearts

    2to contact
    1D推理判断题根第三段知 Clarke书里提 Mathews电子音乐技术推知 Clarke文学创作获取素材贝尔实验室选D
    2C推理判断题根第五段知 制作计算机音乐时 Mathews 开发Radio Baton控制弦乐速度声级等 改进音乐选C
    3B推理判断题根第六段知 般提琴发出声音种 Mathews音乐电脑程序声音数种 电脑程序帮助发出更声音选B
    4A推理判断题根全文知 Mathews首先创造计算机音乐 进发展出系列音乐相关电子产品 音乐界掀起场革命 电子计算机音乐父选A
    1 C根文提示学弗拉门戈舞需时间耐心决心承接文 C项This is not a dance you can learn in a day or a week (种天周学会舞蹈)切题选C
    2 A根文提示第步找老师根文提示已听老师讲课交谈 否满意顾客承接文 A项Research lesson prices and the teacher (调查课程价格老师)切题选A
    3 F根文提示舞蹈风格包括特殊手手臂动作 zapateado(产生声音脚步动作) 练身体动作承接文 F项 In your class you will learn how to move your whole body the flamenco way (课堂 学弗拉门戈方式移动整身体)切题选F
    4 G根文提示着动作越越熟悉 必须学弗拉门戈舞中重部分——心跳舞 承接文 G项Flamenco dancers must have a deep understanding of music and dance with all their hearts (弗拉门戈舞者必须音乐深刻理解 全心全意跳舞)切题选G
    5 E根文提示果服装选择疑问 老师咨询 什建议根文提示必须勇气舞蹈热情闪耀承接文 E项To win over people you will need more than a costume (





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