
    At 884443 metres high Mount Qomolangma is the tallest mountain on Earth While it is famous for its beautiful views parts of the mountain are facing a problem rubbish Every year thousands of visitors throw away tons of rubbish such as bottles and plastic bags
    According to the UN over 140 tons of rubbish has been left on the mountain To reduce rubbish China is limiting the number of people who are the side of the Only 300 people will be allowed to climb it and only during spring Local people cleaned the mountain last year removing rubbish at a height of 5 200 metres 4 metric tons of rubbish
    This year the local government plans to spend 4 million yuan on a new cleanup activity The local government is also setting up stations to sort recycl and break down rubbish collected from the mountain A group of artists will also try to turn the rubbish into art works They will show these works of art to remind people not to leave rubbish when climbing the mountain
    1 What problem are parts of Mount Qomolangma facing
    A Air pollution B Rubbish C Noise D Water pollution
    2 The artists will show their art works in order to _____
    A teach people o make works of art
    B help people to know about Qomolangma
    Cencourage people to clean up Qomolangma
    Dremind people not to throw rubbish on Qomolangma
    3 What kind of writing is this
    A A notice B News C A story D An advertisement
    The l8yearold deliveryman(快递员) Mao Zhaomu first hit the headlines(头条) in March after sending a text message in English to one of his customers a student in Sichuan International Studies University
    Hello your phone was power off when I called you Your meal have been put by me on the vending machine(动售货机) Please carry it home after you see the message Thank you Have a pleasant meal Surprised to receive a message in English from a deliveryman the student posted a screenshot(屏幕截图) of it on Weibo The post soon was viral and more and more people got to know him
    Mao later explained he just wanted to practise his language skills at that time and was sure that all SISU Students would understand
    One year ago after dropping out of school Mao worked as a deliveryman for a restaurant near the SISU He also got a job at a nearby restaurant totalk with foreigners In order to keep his dream of learning English alive Mao chatted in Englishlanguage groups online every day after finishing work
    He was inspired to continue his language education by his former English teacher My English teacher was also a selftaught exam student Mao said I believed I can do that too
    Early last month Mao stopped delivering food and concentrated(专心) on preparations for the examination and college application(申请)
    Finally his efforts paid off He received his admission (录取) letter from SISU on August 10 Now when I walk in SISU I am not a deliveryman but a student Mao said
    4 The underlined wordviralin Paragraph 2 can be replaced by _____
    A surprising B common C popular D amazing
    5 Why did Mao Zhaomu send a short message to his customer in English
    A To show off his English
    B To finish his work
    C To practise his English
    D To make his customer satisfied
    6 How can Mao Zhaomu keep his dream of learning English alive
    A By working near SISU
    B By delivering meals
    C By chatting in Englishlanguage groups online
    D By sending messages to his customers in English
    7Which of the following can be the best title of this passage
    A Mao Zhaomu and His Dream of Learning English
    B The Ways to Learn English
    C The Importance of Learning English
    D A Popular Deliveryman
    二 完形填空
    It's hard to believe that a beautiful silk dress comes from thousands of very litle worms( 虫子) called silk worms It takes about5 500 silkworms to make 2 2 pounds of silk The process(工序) was 16 by the Chinese about 5000 years ago
    17 is silk made The process starts with silkworm eggs The eggs are collected and kept warm After a few days silk worms come out of the eggsThey are 18 leaves from mulberry tress every 30 minutes all night and all day The room 19 be kept warmwithout loud noises or bad smells After a month they start to make cocoons(茧) After four days the cocoons are 20
    The cocoons are heated(加热) and the silkworms are killed inside them Then the cocoons are put into water to make the silk loose(松散)
    The silk 21 three or four cocoons is put together and made into a thread(线) One cocoon can make a thread 1 kilometres long 22 the silk thread are made into cloth and the cloth is used for things like dresses scarves and neckties
    Today silk is produced in many 23 including India and Thailand but more than 80 percent of the world's silk comes from China Every year enough silk thread is 24 to go from the earth to the sun 300 times People love silk clothes because they are beautiful and 25 silk feels cool in warm weather and warm in cold weather Now you know why silk is so expensive
    1A borrowed B discussed C mentioned D discovered
    2 A How B Why C When DWhere
    3Abought B fed Ctaken Dmade
    4Acan B must Ccan’t Dmustn’t
    5 A late B right C ready Dover
    6A for B about C with Dfrom
    7A Immediately B Finally C Suddenly DRecently
    8A villages B towns C cities Dcountries
    9A wasted B checked C produced Dseparated
    10A soft B bright C expensive D comfortable
    Tom and his father didn’t talk for 10 years 10 years ago Tom’s mother died He thought it was his father who caused his mother’s 1 (ill) He hated his father Now they 2 (sit) in a nice coffee shop Suddenly his father asked the waiter 3 (put)some salt in his coffee Tom was very 4 (surprise) His father smiled and said Before you were born your mother and I often had fun playing in the seaWe could taste the sea just like the taste of the salty coffee Every time I have salt coffee I always think of your mother I 5 (miss) her so muchTom deeply __6__(move) He never knew his father had such deep love for his mother One month later he moved __7___(live) with his father Every time he made coffee for him he put some salt in the coffeeAfter 10 years his father died Tom got a letter which said Dear Tom please forgive my life’s lie — the salty coffee Actually at that time I wanted some sugar but I said salt It was hard for me 8 (change) so I just went ahead Now let me tell you the 9 (true) I don’t like salty coffee but I drink salty coffee for 10 years 10 (have) you with me is the biggest happiness of my whole life
    Alice is a college student and in her internship(实期) now Last month she bought a scarf really liked It cost her more than 50 dollars It’s not cheap but it made her happy because she had dreamed of having one for a long time
    Every morning when she puts on her new scarf she feels so happy that it seems the whole day is full of hope Alice has been used to rewarding(奖励) herself through shopping This hobby also drives her to work hard and makes her life keep getting better
    But her mother Mrs Miller thinks quite____ When Mrs Miller knew the price of Alice's new scarf they started to argue with each other and the argument( 争执) lasted for almost a whole day Her mother thought that she shouldn't spend so much money on it while Alice thought her mother didn't understand her at all
    But Alice didn't know that her mother's life was very hard When Mrs Miller was very young she could not find enough clothes to wear in winter She needed to learn how to spend every penny(便士货币单位) as if it were two so that she could survive(生存)
    It's just natural that two people can't understand each other because they have different experiences Then how can we change the situation Try to be patient with the people around you Try to get to know them And try to stand in their shoes If Alice follows the advice I think she will get on well with her mother
    1 Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese(请文中画线句子翻译成汉语)
    2 Fill in the blank with one proper word to complete the sentence(请文段空白处填入恰词句意完整)
    3When did Mrs Miller start to argue with Alice(请根短文容回答问题)

    4 What is the text mainly about( no more than 15 words)(请根短文容回答问题15词)
    5 Find out two suggestions for Alice(找出 Alice两建议)
    (1) _______________________
    (2) _________________________

    1 阅读理解13 BDB 47 CCCA
    2完形填空15 DABBD 610DBDCD
    3 1illness 2were sitting 3 to put 4 Surprised 5 miss 6was moved
    7to live 8to change 9truth 10Having
    4 1爱努力工作生活变越越
    2 differently
    3 When Mrs Millerher mother knew what the price of the new scarf was
    4 The arguments between Alice and her mother
    5(1)To be patient with her mother
    (2)Try to get to know her mother





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