2017-2018学年高中英语必修三课时提升作业: 十一 Module 4 Period 3 Grammar 语法专题课

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    课时提升作业 十
     Module 4 Grammar
    Ⅰ 单词适形式填空
    1 He does nothing but __________ (talk)
    2 The man could do nothing but __________ (wait)
    3 We have no choice but __________ (leave)
    4 —How did you spend your weekend Joe
    —I didn’t find anything interesting for me but __________ (do)some
    washing instead of my mother
    5 She wished that he was as easy __________ (please)as her mother
    who was always delighted with perfume
    6 The work needs __________________________ (complete)by the end
    of the week
    7 Tom pretended __________ (write)something when his mother came
    8 The news reporters hurried to the airport only __________ (tell)the
    film stars had left
    9 It’s my honour __________ (invite)to spend time with you
    10 The doctor urged me __________ (have)an Xray test and then he 2
    could make a conclusion
    答案:1 talk 2 wait 3 to leave 4 to do
    5 to please 6 to be completedcompleting
    7 to be writing 8 to be told
    9 to be invited 10 to have
    Ⅱ 完成句子
    1 椅子坐起舒服
    The chair is comfortable __________
    2 病太重 完成项目
    He was too ill __________ that program
    3 知道开会
    I don’t know ____________________________ or not
    4 迫钱
    I _____________ me the money back
    5 赶火车 赶紧出租车车站
    ________________ we’d better hurry to the station by taxi
    6 告诉真相
    I __________ tell her the truth
    7 什想做 想哭场
    She wanted nothing __________
    8 搬起石头砸脚
    He lifted a rock __________ it on his own feet 3
    9 Fred 没钱 决定找份工作
    Fred didn’t have any money so he decided ________________
    10 请允许介绍 Mr White
    Please allow me ___________________ to you
    答案:1 to sit on
    2 to carry out
    3 whether to go to the meeting
    4 made them give
    5 To catch the train
    6 can’t but
    7 but to cry
    8 only to drop
    9 to look for a job
    10 to introduce Mr White
    Ⅲ 完形填空
    Do you find yourself pulling away from others especially if you’ve
    experienced deep sadness Maybe the most 1 thing most of us can
    do is to be with people when we don’t feel like being around anybody
    A man whose wife died of cancer found himself wanting to be 2 
    In time he dropped out of his community and 3 all its activities After
    work he returned straight home to a(n) 4 house His free time was 4
    spent watching TV or working in the basement
    His friends became 5  One came and invited him over for 6 
    the next evening The two old friends sat by a warm fireplace The visitor
    mentioned the invitation and   7   him to come You may need to
    allow others to share your 8 
    The man responded that he figured he was better off 9 being
    around other people He said It’s too difficult to 10 any more
    They sat in 11 watching the wood burn in the fireplace Then
    the visitor did an unusual thing He took the tongs by the fireplace
    reached into the fire  12 a flaming ember(炭块)and laid it down by
    itself on the ground That’s you he said
    The men sat 13 the redhot ember quietly It slowly 14 its
    light Neither man looked away as the oncehot coal 15 became cold
    Then the man said I know what you want to tell me I’ll 16 and dine
    with you tomorrow evening
    We cannot 17 in any healthy way by ourselves The leaf needs
    the branch The branch needs the trunk The trunk needs the roots And
    the roots need the rest of the 18  This means we are 19  And in
    that connection life and vitality(活力)are found So next time when you
    are sad don’t 20 to open your heart to others
    文章意烧红炭块离开火炉会渐渐熄灭 脱离群
    法拔 封闭起 外界接触朋友劝说
    1 A brilliant B necessary
    C difficult D surprising
    解析选 C逻辑推理题根文事中男公历——
    丧妻痛愿意接触——知 处表达意思
    想起时候 起件难(difficult)
    事情文 It’s too difficult to 提示
    2 A protective B alone 
    C aware  D brave
    解析选 B逻辑推理题根文中 he dropped out of his
    community returned straight home 知男想独处(alone)
    3 A arranged  B criticized 
    C ruined D refused
    解 析 选 D 逻 辑 推 理 题 根 文 His free time was spent
    watching TV or working in the basement 知拒绝(refused)参加
    4 A empty  B imaginary
    C regular D untidy
    解析选 A逻辑推理题根语境男妻子死
    家做事判断 回空荡荡(empty)家里 形单影
    5 A bored   B worried 




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