牛津上海版(试用本)英语一年级上册 M3 Unit 3 In the restaurant 课时练习(含答案,无听力音频)

    Unit 3 In the restaurant
    I Vocabulary
    1 Basic words and expressions
    hamburger pizza cake pie
    2 Extending words and expressions
    restaurant bread
    II Sentence patterns
    1 Basic sentences
    May I have a pie Here you are
    1)a hamburger 2) a pizza 3)a cake 4) an orange
    2 Extending sentences
    This is a hamburger I love to eat hamburgers
    1)a pie pies 2) a pizza pizzas 3) a cake cakes 4) an orange oranges
    III Dialogues
    1 Can I help you
    May I have a pie please
    Here you are
    Thank you
    2 Can I help you
    Give me three apples please
    Here you are
    Thank you
    IV Functions
    Period 1
    I Look and say(图 说单词)
    II Look and read(正确朗读单词)
    1 pizza 2 banana 3 cake 4 pie 5 peach 6 hamburger
    III Look and say(图说出词组)
    IV Quick responses(快速反应)
    1 Can I help you
    2 How many cakes (four)
    3 What can you do
    4 Give me a hamburger please
    5 Thank you
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片)

    VI Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号)

    VII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    ( ) l A May I have a pizza B I love to eat pizzas
    ( ) 2 A Give me a pie please B Give me a pen please
    ( ) 3 A Can I help you B What can you do
    ( ) 4 A How many cakes B How many hamburgers
    ( ) 5 A This is Danny B This is Kitty
    VII Listen and match(听录音 物图片正确连线)
    l Ben

    2 Alice

    3 Peter

    4 Ann

    IX Look and choose(图选择正确单词)
    ( ) 1 A cake B bread

    ( ) 2 A hamburger B pizza

    ( ) 3 A pizza B pie

    ( ) 4 A cake B pizza

    X Look and draw(根单词 画出相应食物)
    l cake 2 pie 3 hamburger

    XI Read and circle( 圈出例词相词)
    1 pizza k m p i z z a o h g
    2 cake b r e a c a k e r y
    Period 2
    I Look and say(图 说单词)

    II Look and read(正确朗读词组)
    1 five pizzas 2 two hamburgers 3 an apple 4 six pears 5 a fat boy
    III Look and read(正确朗读句子)
    1 May I have a pizza please
    2 Can I help you
    3 Here you are
    4 How many cakes
    5 Three little rabbits
    IV Look and answer(图 回答问题)
    1 Can I help you 2 What can you do

    3 How many pies 4 Who is he

    5 Who is she

    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片)
    VI Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    l A pizza B pie 2 A pencil B pizza
    3 A bread B bag 4 A chips B peach
    5 A cake B apple 6 A four B your
    VII Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)

    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    ( ) 1 A Give me a bag please B Give me a pie please
    ( ) 2 A This is an apple B This is an orange
    ( ) 3 A How many pizzas B How many pens
    ( ) 4 A She is my classmate B He is my friend
    ( ) 5 A He's seven B She's eight
    IX Look and choose(单词 选择正确图片)

    X Look and match (容正确连线)
    1 five

    2 six

    3 three

    4 four

    XI Look and choose(根情景选择正确句子)
    ( ) 1 商店里 营业员会招呼
    A What can you do B Can I help you
    ( ) 2 想吃蛋糕 妈妈说
    A May I have a pie B May I have a cake
    ( ) 3 妈妈蛋糕递时说
    A Here you are B How are you
    Period 3
    I Look and say(图 说单词)

    II Look and read(正确朗读单词)
    1 pie 2 six 3 hamburger 4 bread 5 restaurant
    III Look and read(正确朗读句子)
    1 This is an apple I love to eat apples
    2 One two three Three pencils
    3 Here you are
    4 May I have a pie please
    5 Thank you Danny
    IV Look and say(图 表演话)
    Can I help you

    Give me please
    Here you are
    Thank you
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 A bag B bread 2 A rabbit B banana
    3 A hamburger B hair 4 A pizza B pencil
    5 A apple B pear 6 A cake B soup
    VI Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)

    VII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    ( ) l A How are you B Who are you
    ( ) 2 A Give me an apple please B I can see an apple
    ( ) 3 A My friend is fat B My classmate is fat
    ( ) 4 A This is a restaurant B This is a fruit shop
    ( ) 5 A One two three B Four five six
    VIII Listen and draw(听录音 画画)

    IX Read and judge(根单词 判断图片否正确 √×表示)
    l pizza 2 bread 3 chips 4 pie

    X Read and choose(选出类词)
    ( ) 1 A three B tree C four D six
    ( ) 2 A pizza B friend C pie D cake
    ( ) 3 A grandfather B fat C short D tall
    ( ) 4 A hair B ear C head D you
    XI Read and circle( 圈出例词相词)
    1 bread p o b r e a d z q k
    2 fruit f r u i t m n s o w
    Revision for Module 3 Unit 3
    I Look and say(图 说单词) 10
    II Look and read(正确朗读单词) 10
    l peach 2 orange 3 Kitty 4 friend 5 restaurant
    III Look and answer(图 回答问题):10
    1 What can you do 2 Who is he
    3 Can I help you 4 How many apples

    5 What can he do

    IV Look and say(图 句子说话) 10
    Look This is my I love to eat…

    V Introduce your good friend(介绍朋友 少五句话) 5
    VI Sing a song(唱首英语歌曲) 5
    1 Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号) 5

    ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
    II Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词) 10
    1 A boy B big 2 A friend B fruit
    3 A short B small 4 A pizza B pie
    5 A bread B head 6 A chips B pear
    7 A book B bag 8 A Danny B Eddie
    9 A mother B father 10 A uncle B aunt
    III Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示) 10

    V Listen and match (听录音 物图片正确连线) 10
    V Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子) 5
    ( ) 1 A I see a tall boy B I see a tall girl
    ( ) 2 A What can you see B What can you do
    ( ) 3 A May I have a pizza B May I have a cake
    ( ) 4 A This is my grandmother B This is my uncle
    ( ) 5 A She's fat B She's small
    I Read and choose(图 选择正确图片) 5

    ( ) 1 This is A cake B pie

    ( ) 2 I see a A bread B book

    ( ) 3 Give me a A pizza B peach

    ( ) 4 May I have a A cake B banana

    ( ) 5 She is A Kitty B Eddie

    II Read and choose(根情景选择正确句子) 5
    ( ) 1 远处走位男士 认识 问桌
    A Who is he B What is that
    ( ) 2 想知道桌梨 问
    A How many pears B What can you see
    ( ) 3 请妈妈块橡皮 妈妈说
    A Can I help you B Give me a rubber Mum
    ( ) 4 手里东西递爸爸 说
    A Here you are B Thank you Dad
    ( ) 5 爱吃香蕉 说
    A I love to eat oranges B I love to eat bananas

    Unit 3 In the restaurant
    Period 1
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片)
    1 cake (B) 2 pizza (B) 3 pie (B) 4 bread (B) 5 pear (A) 6 hamburger (A)
    VI Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号)
    pie bread pizza cake hamburger (4 3 1 52)
    VII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    1 May I have a pizza (A) 2 Give me a pie please (A) 3 Can I help you (A)
    4 How many hamburgers (B) 5 This is Kitty (B)
    VIII Listen and match(听录音 物图片正确连线)
    l Give Ben a cake please (B) 2 Give Alice a hamburger please (C) 3 Give Peter a
    pie please (D) 4 Give Ann a pizza please (A)
    1X 1B 2A 3B 4B
    X 略
    XI 略
    Period 2
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出正确图片)
    1 chips (A) 2 pizza (A) 3 orange (B) 4 melon (B) 5 pie (A) 6 hamburger (A)
    VI Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 pie (B) 2 pizza (B) 3 bread (A) 4 chips (A) b cake (A) 6 four (A)
    VII Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)
    1 I'm Tom I love to eat pizzas(√)2 I'm Peter I love to eat pies(×)
    3 I'm John I love to eat hamburgers(√)4 I'm Kitty I love to eat bread(×)
    VIII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    1 Give me a bag please (A) 2 This is an orange (B) 3 How many pizzas (A)
    4 She is my classmate (A) 5 She's eight (B)
    IX 1B 2B 3A 4B
    X 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C
    XI 1 B 2 B 3 A
    Period 3
    V Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 bread (B) 2 rabbit (A) 3 hamburger (A) 4 pencil (B) 5 apple (A) 6 soup (B)
    VI Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)
    1 Soup please(√)2 I love to eat cakes (√)3 May I have a pizza please (×)
    4 Give me a pear please(×)51 love to eat hamburgers(√)
    VII Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    1 Who are you (B) 2 I can see an apple (B) 3 My friend is fat (A)
    4 This is a restaurant (A) 5 Four five six (B)
    VIII Listen and draw(听录音 画画)
    1 1 can draw a hamburger 2 1 can draw a pear 3 I can draw a cake
    4 I can draw a pie
    IX 1 × 2 √ 3 √ 4×
    X 1B 2B 3A 4D
    XI 略
    Revision for Module 3 Unit 3
    I Listen and number(听录音 图片正确编号)
    pear chips orange lemon hamburger (2 5 1 3 4)
    II Listen and circle(听录音 圈出听单词)
    1 big (B) 2 friend (A) 3 small (B) 4 pizza (A) 5 bread (A) 6 chips (A)
    7 book (A) 8 Danny (A) 9 mother (A) 10 aunt (B)
    III Listen and judge(听录音 判断听容否图片致 √×表示)
    1 May I have a pie(×)2 Give me a 'peach please (×) 3 1 love to ear cakes(√)
    4 She is fat(√)5 I love to drink soup(√)
    IV Listen and match(听录音 物图片正确连线)
    l Father loves do eat pie (C) 2 Mother loves to eat melons (D) 3 Uncle loves to
    eat apples (E) 4 Grandmother loves to eat bread (A) 5 Aunt loves to eat oranges (B)
    V Listen and choose(听录音 选择听句子)
    1 I see a tall girl (B) 2 What can you see (A) 3 May I have a pizza (A)
    4 This is my grandmother (A) 5 She's small (B)
    I 1B 2B 3B 4A 5A
    II 1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B





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