
    2022高考英语3500词汇表达+阅读训练(DAY 23)

    Section A
    Section B
    Section C
    Section A 高频词汇讲解短语表达
    1 earn one's living 挣钱维持生计
    2 barbecue n 烤肉吃烤肉野宴
    vt 烧烤烤肉
    3 bacon n 咸肉腌肉熏猪肉
    bring home the bacon 成功达目养家糊口
    save one's bacon 解救……危难(困境)
    4 fried adj 油炸油煎喝醉
    v 油炸(fry分词)
    5 breast n 胸部胸怀心情
    vt 胸着…搏斗
    breast cancer 乳腺癌
    breast feeding 母乳喂养喂哺母乳
    at the breast 吃奶
    6 mutton n 羊肉
    7 roast vt& vi烤烘焙
    n烤肉 户外烧烤野餐

    8 pepper n胡椒(粉) 辣椒
    vt……撒胡椒粉 布满
    9 garlic n 蒜蒜头
    10 discount n 折扣贴现率
    vi 贴现折扣出售商品
    vt 折扣……贴现贬损低估忽视
    at a discount 折扣受欢迎没销路
    11 customer n 顾客家伙
    passenger 指坐交通工具游旅客
    client customer义指进入商店店员接购物
    guest 指事先受激请受欢迎招宾客指付钱居住者
    customer 指交易方买顾
    visitor 普通词指出差访问旅游参观旅馆投宿
    12 in debt 负债欠情
    in the red 负债亏损赤字
    in the hole 负债亏空遇济困难
    13 slim adj 苗条修长微差
    vt ……体重减轻……苗条
    vi 减轻体重变细
    14 pea n 豌豆
    15 carrot n胡萝卜〈喻〉处回报 兑现报酬
    16 eggplant n 茄子 adj 深紫色
    17 raw adj 生未加工阴冷刺痛擦掉皮验成熟
    n 擦伤处
    vt 擦伤
    raw material 原料
    in the raw 处然状态未开化裸体
    18 cucumber n 黄瓜胡瓜
    cool as a cucumber 十分冷静
    19 vinegar n 醋
    20 hostess n 女女老板女服务员舞女女房东
    21 fibre n 纤维纤维制品
    22 benefit n 利益处救济金
    vt 益……益
    vi 受益益
    benefit from 益利……处
    mutual benefit 互惠互利
    for the benefit of ……利益
    benefit by 益
    in benefit 资格救济金(补助费抚恤金保险金)
    of benefit to ……处
    give sb the benefit of the doubt 暂相信姑信
    23 digestion n 消化领悟
    Section B 阅读理解强化训练
    Passage 1
    Children from four Buckinghamshire primary schools visited Epilepsy Society to plant a hedge (树篱) as part of a PlantforthePlanet projectThe children from these schools were planting a hedge in the garden of the Queen Elizabeth House at the charity in Chalfont St PeterPlantforthePlanet gives children across the globe the opportunity to learn about the threats of global warming to the environmentand then put their new knowledge into practice as they plant new trees
    The day was organised by Bob Sherren who showed the children how to plant the planetfriendly line of trees in protective chambers (防护室) to shield them from hungry wildlife as they settle in their rootsBob saidThe day really was Thinking GloballyActing Locally’ put into actionThe children learned about the importance of planting trees as a way of helping to bring about climate justice for many living in poorer nations and of course enjoyed planting the trees too The eventual hedgewhich will grow to full size over ten years behind the Queen Elizabeth Houseis made up of trees such as oakssilver birches and so on
    Bob addedThe children were also able to help people living at Epilepsy Society because they will gain some wellneeded privacy from the hedge in timeThe natural wildlife benefits too from the fruits and nuts that a hedge made from native species can provide as well as the possibility for any number of nesting sites
    Emma DarlingtonEpilepsy Society’s volunteer officersaidI think it’s so important to encourage the younger generation that the future is in their hands and that they can make a differencewhether it is through taking part in projects like this or spreading awarenessWe hope they learn a little bit about the work we do at Epilepsy Society too — the trees they planted will be enjoyed by everyone here for years to come
    1What is the purpose of the PlantforthePlanet project                
    ATo help children learn more about society
    BTo offer children colourful afterschool activities
    CTo raise children’s awareness of global warming
    DTo teach children how to protect natural wildlife
    2What does the underlined word shield in Paragraph 2 probably mean
    ASeparate BTake
    CGet DProtect
    3What can we learn from Emma Darlington’s words in the last paragraph
    AShe hopes to popularise volunteering work
    BShe tries to drive the children to study hard
    CShe expects the children to take positive action
    DShe believes the younger generation is promising
    Passage 2
    Being a superhero to others
    Ewan Drum has always liked superheroesHe likes how they help peopleAt age sevenhe told his parentsI want to dress up like a superhero and help the homeless 1  Wearing his red superhero cape (斗篷)Ewan helped pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people in a park in DetroitMichiganThat’s how Super Ewan was born 
     2  People donated money and suppliesand Ewan took them to those in needWhen someone donated jugs of waterEwan and his family drove their car to get even moreThey took the water to FlintMichigana city that had unsafe drinking waterAnother timea businessman donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving 3  In the end he sayswe gave 64 turkey dinners to families all around Detroit 
    Ewan has a mottoEveryone can be a superhero to someoneAt an event called the Hero Round TableEwan told the audienceIt’s not hard to help peopleYou can keep some socks and food in your car to help people in needYou can help a neighbor with doing the garden 4  
    It’s been several years since Super Ewan started his taskEvery monthhe still visits the same park to hand out clothesfoodand supplies to people who are hungry or homeless — his Super Friends 5  No matter what Ewan saysI will always keep helping people 
    AWord spread about Ewan’s act of kindness
    BThis superhero says he’ll never take off his cape
    CEwan says he wants more adults to act like superheroes
    DEvery little thing helps and can make someone feel happy
    EA few months laterEwan’s family planned a day of giving
    FSeveral days laterhis parents drove to Flint and helped him raise a lot of money
    GWith his parents’ helpEwan asked for more turkeys through the Internetplus side dishes
    Section C 完型填空综合练
    Passage 3
    I loved to read when I was youngerBut later the lack of choice  1  led me to read less and lessWhen I was in secondary schoolthe  2  books I read were ones we were assigned in English classand I was never very  3  about my teacher’s choicesI thought too much discussion of symbolism (象征意义) and themes  4  the bookMaybe the sky being blue didn’t  5  anythingmaybe it was just a description Rather than make me more  6  in literatureit made me  7  want to pick up a book again 
    I reluctantly (情愿) chose a French literature course in my first year at universityI started out unhappydetermined not to  8  any of the works we were studying over the course of the yearHoweverI soon  9  that at a university levelthe discussion was more  10  and the books more interesting Being able to discuss my thoughts  11  other people meant that I could better understand the subtle aspects of the books — even the symbolism and themes 
    I began reading again for 12 Nowduring my year abroadI spend a lot of my spare time in bookshops and  13  in cafésand even attend a monthly book club with some other language assistants 
    Reading is a great way to widen your horizons 14  your vocabulary and use your imaginationI’m so happy that I  15  my love of books 
    1Ahardly Busually Cfinally Dstrangely
    2Anext Bonly Csame Dlast
    3Acertain Bconcerned Cdoubtful Denthusiastic
    4Areviewed Bexplained Cruined Drenewed
    5Arepresent Banswer Cadvertise Daffect
    6Asuccessful Binterested Cconfident Ddisappointed
    7Anearly Bnever Ceven Dalready
    8Ashare Blearn Ctouch Denjoy
    9Arealized Bexpected Cthought Dsupposed
    10Asimilar Bformal Cfruitful Dfamiliar
    11Awith Bfor Cagainst Dto
    12Acomfort Bpleasure Chope Dprize
    13Achatting Bplaying Csitting Dreading
    14Aknow Bmeasure Cexpand Dshow
    15Aexpressed Brediscovered Creturned Dexperienced

    Passage 1
    1C 根第段中PlantforthePlanet gives children across the globe the opportunity to learn about the threats of global warming to the environment知该项目目提升孩子全球变暖认识
    2D 根第二段中plant the planetfriendly line of trees in protective chambers知树种保护室目保护树免遭饥饿动物破坏
    3C 根段中I think it’s so important tospreading awareness知期孩子作积极参应全球变暖行动中
    Passage 2
    1E 根文中I want to dress up like a superhero and help the homeless文中Wearing his red superhero capeEwan helped pass out 70 bag lunches to hungry people in a park in DetroitMichigan知设空处起承启作Ewan想扮成超样子帮助家父母筹划帮助日子天饥饿送出70包午餐
    2A 根文中People donated money and suppliesand Ewan took them to those in need知关Ewan做事事流传开会钱物品捐Ewan送需帮助A项符合处语境
    3G 联系文中Another timea businessman donated six turkeys for Thanksgiving文中In the end’ he sayswe gave 64 turkey dinners to families all around Detroit’知次名商感恩节捐六火鸡Ewan父母帮助通网络筹集更火鸡G项里起承启衔接作
    4D 根文中It’s not hard to help peopledoing the garden知做事难件生活中事感快乐D项文总结
    5B 根文中No matter what’Ewan saysI will always keep helping people’知Ewan继续帮助永远会脱斗篷处斗篷代表着超种乐助精神B项文语义重复选B项
    Passage 3
    1C 选择限制终(finally)导致作者读书越越少
    2B 高中时候作者唯(only)阅读书籍英语课老师指定书籍作者老师选择缺乏热情(enthusiastic)
    3D 见题解析
    4C 根段中too much discussionmaybe it was just a description知象征意义题度讨毁掉(ruined)书籍身湛蓝天空许代表(represent)事物许仅仅描写
    5A 见题解析
    6B 根段中作者读书越越少描述知作者文学兴趣(interested)未加深(never)爱读书
    7B 见题解析
    8D 根段中I reluctantly chose a French literature courseI started out unhappy知作者认会享受(enjoy)学年课学作品
    9A 根段中Howeverthe books more interesting知作者快意识(realized)学里学生老师书讨变更成效(fruitful)书更趣
    10C 见题解析
    11A (with)交流想法作者更理解书中隐晦意思
    12B 根段中again第段中作者爱读书描述知作者开始享受读书快乐(pleasure)
    13D 根空前I spend a lot of my spare time in bookshops知作者书店里度闲暇时光咖啡店里读书(reading)
    14C 根空前widen your horizons知读书种扩(expand)词汇量方法
    15B 根第段中作者爱读书描述知作者高兴重新找回(rediscovered)书籍热爱




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