
    2022高考英语3500词汇表达+阅读训练(DAY 21)

    Section A
    Section B
    Section C
    Section A 高频词汇讲解短语表达
    1 agriculture n 农业农耕农业生产农艺农学
    2 feast vt vi 享受款宴请
    n 筵席宴会节日
    ghost at the feast 扫兴者扫帚星
    feast one's eyes on 津津味情欣赏
    feast on 情欣赏情享受吃喝
    feast or famine 太太少
    wedding feast 喜筵
    3 take place 发生举行
    happen 普通词泛指切客观事物情况发生强调动作偶然性
    occur 较正式词指意外发生指意料中发生
    chance 侧重事前安排准备发生事特指巧合
    take place 指通安排发生
    4 independence n 独立性立性
    5 worldwide adj 全世界 adv 世界
    6 celebration n 庆典庆祝会庆祝颂扬
    in celebration of 庆祝…

    7 Christian n 基督徒信徒 adj 基督教信基督教
    8 Mexico n 墨西哥
    9 look forward to 盼期
    10 arrival n 达达者
    new arrival 新生
    on arrival 达抵达时
    11 religious adj 宗教虔诚严谨n 修道士
    12 origin n 起源原点出身开端
    13 ancestor n 始祖祖先继承
    14 fool vi 欺骗开玩笑戏弄
    vt 欺骗愚弄
    n 傻瓜愚受骗者
    adj 傻
    fool around 闲荡游手闲干事
    make a fool of 愚弄欺骗
    fool with 戏弄
    15 play tricks on 捉弄
    16 keep one's word 守信遵守诺言
    17 turn up 出现发生开发现卷起
    Investigations have never turned up any evidence
    调查未发现证 找 发现
    Can you turn up the TV
    电视机声音调点?调高 (音量热度)
    18 drown vt 淹没……淹死
    vi 淹死溺死
    drown one's sorrows 酒浇愁
    like a drowned rat 落汤鸡样
    drown out 淹没压
    19 starve vi 饿死挨饿渴
    vt 饿死挨饿
    starve to death 饿死
    starve for 渴急需
    20 day and night 日继夜
    21 weep vt vi 哭泣流泪哀悼滴落渗出液体
    n 哭泣眼泪滴
    weep for …哭泣
    weep over …哭泣…流泪
    weeping willow 垂柳
    weep out 边哭边说出
    weep 哭泣书面语常指声声哭泣时cry通
    :She wept at the sad news(听幸消息哭)
    cry 哭普通语常指出声哭
    :The little girl cried herself to sleep(女孩哭着睡着)
    sob 抽泣呜咽:
    She sobbed herself to sleep(啜泣着入睡)
    22 gain vt vi 获增加赚
    n 增加利润收获
    weight gain 增重体重增加
    gain in 增长改进获…方面进展
    gain and loss 损益失
    23 forgiveness n 宽恕宽仁心
    24 poet n 诗
    25 set off v 出发引起动身爆炸抵销分开
    Section B 阅读理解强化训练
    Passage 1
    A baby may fall back asleep at 2 am to a gentle songbut new music designed to help adults relax sounds rather different from Rockabye Baby
    Bostonbased startup Sync Project uses biometrics (生物统计学) to play music that fits your moodIts Unwind app measures your heart beat via your smartphone and uses these readings to play different songs by UK band Marconi UnionAfter listeningyou take a brief survey on how relaxed you feel
    Music can be used for everyday wellness as well as for clinical applications says Sync Project cofounder Ketki KaranamThe state of sleep and relaxation was an obvious place to startWe decided to start by focusing on relaxation as we felt that was one area where people were using music to calm themselves down or relax she says
    As well as the Unwind appthe company plans to collect biometric data from attendees at an overnight performance of composer Max Richter’s 8hour album Sleepdesigned to help people nod offin London next monthConcertgoers will be invited to wear activitytracking OURA ringswhich also measure heart rate and body temperatureIn additionthe volunteers will wear the rings while going to sleep at homewith and without the help of Richter’s music
    By analyzing these readingsthe Sync Project team finally aims to develop its own artificial intelligencebased tools that will use music to improve general wellbeing and even treat clinical conditions
    Music has certain obvious ways it can excite or relax usbut there are limits and it certainly can’t replace real treatments says David Eagleman at Stanford University in Californiawho was an adviser to Richter on the Sleep album
    Music can help with insomnia (失眠症) or pain reliefsays Kevin Morgandirector of the Clinical Sleep Research Unit at Loughborough UniversityUKThat saidif the presenting insomnia is so mild’ it can be effectively managed with Spotify (which gives you access to millions of songs)it’s unlikely to have been a major clinical problem in the first place he says
    1What can users benefit from the Unwind app
    AHave a health check
    BPrevent heart attack
    CFall asleep quickly
    DBecome calm
    2What does the Sync Project team want to find by analyzing the biometric data
    AHow babies fall back to sleep quickly
    BHow music might affect sleep and relaxation
    CHow body temperature changes during the night
    DHow music tools help people appreciate music
    3Which of the following does Kevin Morgan probably agree with
    AMusic only works on mild insomnia
    BInsomnia isn’t a clinical condition at all
    CMusic can’t be used for clinical applications
    DMild insomnia cured by music doesn’t require medical help
    Passage 2
    Biorobotics is a field within robotic science that is based on the movements of living thingsThe most famous biorobots look and move a lot like humansHoweverthere are several robots that have been made to mimic (模仿) animalsWhile many companies develop such robots as toyssome are used for practical purposes
    One example of a biorobot is a flying robot that is based on the movements of beesThe robotnamed Carltonwas developed by the German Research Center for Artificial IntelligenceBuilt to be both light and powerfulit can hover like a bee in tight spaces and also change direction without losing speedThis robot’s abilities make it very useful for military and police search and rescue missionsFor exampleCarlton can hide behind a tall wallrise up to quickly look at what is on the other sideand then hide againIt can also send video images of what it sees to soldiers in a safe location far away
    Modsnake is a robot that was modeled on snakesThis robot was developed by the Carnegie Mellon University Biorobotics LabIt is made to move like a snakeso it can pass through narrow spacesmove over all sorts of obstaclesclimb polesand even swimThe way Modsnake moves makes it useful for a variety of tasks such as checking for survivors in fallen buildingsfinding damaged areas inside of pipes and cleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers
    A third robotbased on cockroachesalso has several usesSprawl was designed by a research team at Stanford University to take videos and recover small objectsLike many sixlegged robotsSprawl was made to move like an insectHoweverSprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its sizejust like a real cockroachThese characteristics make it particularly useful for military situations in which an enemy might try to disable itIt is very difficult to shoot because it moves quickly and is relatively smallEven if an enemy shoots Sprawlit can usually keep functioning
    1What is the text mainly about               
    ABiorobots’ military uses
    BBiorobots based on animals
    CBiorobots’ flying abilities
    DBiorobots that work like humans
    2What’s the characteristic of Carlton
    AUnbreakable BChangeable CWeighty DSwift
    3What does the author suggest about Modsnake
    AIt has six legs
    BIt can be dangerous
    CIt is multifunctional
    DIt moves like an insect
    4Which of the following is true about Sprawl
    AIt is small but very tough
    BIt is smaller than a cockroach
    CIt was developed by a German research team
    DIt was originally built to destroy small objects
    Section C 完型填空综合练
    Passage 3
    This is a real story about an old man in ChinaSixtythreeyearold Zhuang Guorong is a  1  rural primary school art teacherwho has had a life of  2  for more than 40 years 
    Every yearthe strongyoungerthanhisactualage pensioner goes to the farmers’ home of Chenyang Community to paint or 3  other villagers how to  4  
    The farmers’ homea public building 5  the venue (聚集点) for a branch of the Sheyang Farmers Painting Institute 
    The institute is a government  6  cultural organization in Sheyang Countyin the north of Jiangsu Provinceeast China 
    Zhuang works at the institate part timeand each year he  7  up to ten paintingswhich are then  8  by the local government 
    He 9  around 5000 yuan — that’s about 740 US dollars — a year by doing this  10  
    As well as earning himself some moneyZhuang says the job gives him an opportunity to 11  his views of life to his fellow countrymen 12  the elderly 
    This painting is about a nursing homeWe now live in a(n) 13  societyWe can no longer  14  the traditional way of taking care of our elderly just with our children doing it 15 professional nursing homes are important for elderly people’s welfareAnd all of my paintings are based on our real lives 
    1Asmart Bfamous Cstrict Dretired
    2Apainting Bwriting Cfarming Ddesigning
    3Aask Bteach Cexamine Danswer
    4Aexercise Bcommunicate Clearn Ddraw
    5Abelongs to Blooks like Cserves as Dstands for
    6Adecorated Bsupported Ccontrolled Dreported
    7Acreates Bcollects Ccopies Dexhibits
    8Apublished Bput up Cbought Dhanded in
    9Acharges Bmakes Cspends Ddonates
    10Atest Btalking Cwork Dresearch
    11Agive Boffer Csend Dexpress
    12Aespecially Bsimilarly Cequally Dgenerally
    13Afree Bopen Cageing Dtechnological
    14Aask for Brely on Cthink of Dturn down
    15AHowever BInstead CBesides DTherefore

    Passage 1
    1D 第二段uses these readings to play different songsAfter listeningyou take a brief survey on how relaxed you feel第三段people were using music to calm themselves down or relax知Unwind款利生物统计学根户心情播放音乐应程序户听舒缓音乐放松
    2B 第三段The state of sleep and relaxation was an obvious place to startwhere people were using music to calm themselves down or relax第五段aims to develop its own artificial intelligencebased tools that will use music to improve general wellbeing and even treat clinical conditions知该公司通分析数解音乐睡眠放松状况影响研发出利音乐改善体健康医学治疗工智工具
    3D 段if the presenting insomnia is so mild’ it can be effectively managed with Spotifyit’s unlikely to have been a major clinical problem in the first place知Kevin Morgan认通音乐改善失眠需通医疗手段干预
    Passage 2
    1B 第段中there are several robots that have been made to mimic animals文中CarltonModsnakeSprawl描述知文介绍三款模仿动物研发机器
    2D 第二段中Built to be both light and powerfulchange direction without losing speedCarlton can hide behind a tall wallrise up to quickly look at what is on the other sideand then hide again知Carlton轻便蜜蜂样狭空间盘旋动作敏捷
    3C 第三段中it can pass through narrow spacesmove over all sorts of obstaclesclimb polesand even swimuseful for a variety of taskscleaning up oil spills in lakes and rivers知Modsnake通狭窄空间翻越种障碍物攀爬电线杆甚游泳行动方式参务推断Modsnake途广泛
    4A段中Sprawl is uncommonly fast and strong for its sizeit moves quickly and is relatively small知Sprawl然非常坚固
    Passage 3
    1D 文中Sixtythreeyearold文中pensioner知庄国荣位退休(retired)学美术老师
    2A 文中art teacher文描述知庄国荣绘画(painting)生涯超40年
    3B 文中描述知庄国荣陈洋社区农民家作画教(teach)村民画画(draw)
    4D 见题解析
    5C 文描述知农民家充(serves as)射阳农民绘画机构分支点
    6B 该机构政府支持(supported)文化组织
    7A 该空ten paintings知年创作(creates)画作达十幅
    8C 文中5000 yuan知画作政府购买(bought)
    9B 文中5000 yuanabout 740 US dollars文中earning himself some money知做份工作(work)年挣(makes)概五千元
    10C 见题解析
    11D 文中his views of life to his fellow countrymen知仅挣钱份工作庄国荣次机会老乡表达(express)生活法尤(especially)告诉老该生活
    12A 见题解析
    13C 文中taking care of our elderly知生活老龄化(ageing)社会
    14B (rely on)传统方法顾老孩子赡养老
    15D 文间表示果关系(Therefore)




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