大学英语复习 (2) (1)

    Part I Writing (15 ) 
    Part II Listening Comprehension (35 ) 
    Part III Reading Comprehension (30 ) 
    Part IV Vocabulary (10 ) 
    Part V Translation(10 )
    复范围Dialogues 123459单元
    1 分三段
    2 160180词
    3 57关联词(例:Firstly…Secondly…)
    4 57句
    单元重点:part1 part2 and part8
    1 英语母语交谈非常益体验中学许东西
    We can reap a lot from the rewarding experience of communicating with native speakers of English
    2 市长帮助终获准接触起交通事受害者
    With the mayor’s help we were at last allowed access to those people who suffered from the traffic accident
    3 鲍勃弗兰克直令尴尬部门工作
    Bob and Frank didn’t get along well with each other It was embarrassing that they were to work in the same department
    4 时候总告诉妹妹说狼吓直哭
    As a boy I used to intimidate my sister into crying by telling her that a wolf was coming
    5 做科学研究容易仅需时间精力费需具制力奉献精神
    It is not easy to do scientific research it requires time energy and money as well as discipline and commitment

    1 芬奇先生进房间着喊道:难道音乐关点?
    Mr Finch burst into her room and shouted at her Can’t you turn down the music a little bit
    2 喜欢摇滚音乐通常节奏强寓意深
    I like rock music because it usually has a strong rhythm and a powerful message
    3 常样父母喜欢穿着时便开始唠叨
    As usual when his parents don’t like what he wears they start to bug him
    4 代沟美国中国
    Generation gaps exist in the United States as well as in China
    5 桑迪母亲前更烦母亲争较常更
    As her mother bugged Sandy much more than before she argued with her mother a lot more than usual too
    三单元重点:part1 part2 part12 part13
    1 然计划移居加必须努力适应寒冷气候
    Now that you are planning to move to Canada you must try to adjust to a cold weather
    2 承诺帮助买栋房子点勉强
    He promised to help us to buy the house but with a little reluctance
    3 次重会议请务必迟
    This is an important meeting Please see to it that you are not late for it
    4 验商做国际贸易已年
    He is an experienced businessman he has engaged in foreign trade for quite a few years
    5 力劝接受新职位然职位报酬优厚
    She urged me to accept the new post although the job is not very well paid
    四单元重点:part1 part2 part15
    1 意识意识眼神面部表情形体动作态度表露真情产生包括舒适害怕连串反应
    Consciously or unconsciously people show their true feelings with their eyes faces bodies and attitudes causing a chain of reactions ranging from comfort to fear
    2 想想陌生偶遇注意力集中初七秒钟时感想解读呢?
    Think of your encounter with a stranger Focus on the first seven seconds What did you feel and think How did you read this person
    3 全身心投入正谈事情中专注完全没感觉害羞
    You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment that you lost all selfconsciousness
    4 演说家常常传递着混合清信息听众总相信亲眼见胜耳闻
    Public speakers often send mixed messages but the audience believes what they see over what they hear 
    5 果想留印象诀窍始终保持佳
    If you want to make a good impression the skilled way is to be consistently you at your best
    五单元重点:part1 part2 part14
    1 花少钱努力延长位感染艾滋病毒姑娘生命
    We will do our best to help the girl infected with the AIDS virus to live longer regardless of the cost
    2 请电视机关掉噪音会分心致法专心做家庭作业
    Please turn off the TV because the noise will distract her from homework
    3 忧郁缺乏资金必设备家公司长时间实施提高产品质量计划
    It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment
    4 课时鲍勃常常准备图画说明课文中讲述容
    When giving a lecture Bob often prepared some pictures to illustrate how the situation mentioned in a textbook place
    5 力成功商善利种资源赚钱
    An able and successful businessman is good at making use of all the resources to make money
    1 21世纪家里通特网购物求送货家
    In the 21st century people will order their goods at home through the Internet and have them delivered
    2 高层理员说扩充理方面信息知识尤重
    The increase in information and knowledge about management will be more important to top managers
    3 许方禁止做吸烟广告吸烟变受欢迎
    As smoking advertising is banned in many areas smoking cigarette will be under siege
    4 做家庭作业时10学生中8回利诸博物馆科学设施类资源
    Eight out of every ten students will use sources such as museums and facilities in doing their homework assignments
    5 决定着未
    It is what we do and what we do not that determines our future

    附 选择题精选

    1The manager has assured me that my broken GPS will have been fixed by the end of next week
    2The bridge was being repaired at the timeso we had to take another way
    3He told us last year that he would be transferred to work in Paris later
    4Shortly afterward I noticed to my satisfaction that their work was improving 
    5Besides being jailed be had to pay back all the money he had recevited from bribes
    6In the past five years many natural and manmade di sasterhave taken place all over China
    7If the work to be complete by the end of the month is delayed the company will be fined
    8The violence in Urumqi is reported reported to have been organized by an antigovernment extremist abroad
    9Can I go home now Noyou must stay here and wait for the teacher
    10The children are sleeping We mustn’t talk so loud
    11Suerly nothing could be going on there so late at night when it was so cold
    12I thought she might like something to eat so I have bought two pieces of bread
    13The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyonewas able to get out
    14It’s nearly eight o’clock He should be here at any moment
    15Neither of us knows the way to their house We shouldmusttake a map with us or we’ll probably get lost
    16 ―What are you going to do this weekend
    ―I don’t know I may might visit a friend
    17Let’s get started without Franz He may be sleeping at home I’m afraid
    18I wonder why they haven’t arrived yet I told them how to get there but perhaps I ought to have given them a map
    19With all this work on hand he shouldn’t have gone to the cinema last night
    20The question being discussed at the meeting now will interest many people in the city
    21Having been robbed one night the lady would never go out alone in the evening
    22The fallen leaves were removed by the garbage collector
    23When Susan finished singing she found herself greeted by a sea of smiling abd excited faces
    24The people objecting to building the new airport were told that since work had already started was no point protesting
    25When the little girl awoke she found herself being looked after by an old woman
    26Movies used to be shown in an open space in our town with the audience seated on benches chairs or boxes
    27The plan to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow is about building a new school in the neighborhood
    28West Lake in Hangzhou is one of the most visited scenic spots
    29With a new technique worked out the yields as a whole increased by 27﹪
    30If asked for an explanation of the population explosion in the word I would definitely find it difficult
    31Three robbers rushed into the bank with their faces coveredby black stockings
    32Rice and cotton grow in abundance in China
    33Bread and butter is the main food for most Westerners
    34The rest of her money has been invested in the stock market since then
    35The number of students in Class A is limited to twenty five
    36Everyone has his own favorite
    37Are any of the women teachers interested in going there
    38I’m sure that the crew are still annoyed at the captain’s decision
    39There is a bed and two sofas in the house
    40Nobody but a few waitresses has claimed that they heard the cry for help next door at midnight
    41Ben’s car stopped on the motorway It might have run out of gas
    42Those who have applied for the position are beinginterviewed in the conference room at this moment
    43I must have been in the bathroom when you called
    44Her hair wants cutting She’d better have it done tomorrow
    45Every man and woman was invited to the party held at her home
    46I told her how to get there on foot Perhaps I ought to have given her a map
    47Lost in thought he nearly crashed into a big tree on the side of the street
    4895 of the airport workers have been on strike since last Wendnesday
    49More than 70 of the surface of the earth is covered by water
    50Be sure to avoid using words or expressions known only to specialists
    51As it turned out to only be a small house party we needn’t have dressed up so formally
    52Founded in 1626Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States
    53 I’d like to buy a Sony camera please
    Well we have several models to choose from 
    54The doctor and scientist is in charge of the cancer research
    55Seen from the moon the earth looks like a blue ball
    56There being no electricity we had to put off the experiment till the next day

    附二 义词精选
    1hit strike
    2unlucky unfortunately
    3gerat wonderful
    4wonder miracle
    5ready willing
    6bottom top
    7alive dead
    8safe dangerout
    9get lose
    10push pull
    11investment putting money in
    12announce speaksay
    13assistant helper
    14increase rise
    15purchase buy
    16meanwhile in the meantime
    17urgent pressing
    18impatiently anxiously
    19all of a sudden suddenlyunexpectedly
    20prime of the best quality
    21preferred favorite
    22inn hotel
    23holiday vacation
    24toilet bathroom
    25promise agree
    附三 英汉互译精选
    dormitory 集体宿舍(楼)
    wardrobe 衣柜衣橱
    furniture 家具
    lamp 灯
    bookshelf 书架
    frequently 常频繁
    homesick 思乡想家
    club 会俱乐部夜总会
    pray 祈祷祈求
    miracle 奇迹
    water machine 饮水机
    furniture set 成套家具
    table lamp 台灯
    whitewater 激流
    skydiving 跳伞运动
    orienteering 定运动
    skateboarding 滑板运动
    skiing 滑雪
    hiking 徒步旅行远足
    bruise 瘀伤
    metal 金属
    bungee jumping 蹦极
    go in for 爱(某种业余活动)
    finance 财务理金融
    loan 贷款出
    affect 影响…起作
    fund 资金基金
    broke 没钱破产
    owe 欠应该…功
    credit 信贷款赊购
    make ends meet 达收支衡
    be short of 缺少
    credit card 信卡
    underline …面划线
    lure 引诱诱惑
    cheat 欺骗行骗子
    relax ()放松松弛
    teenager 少年
    blind 盲目瞎
    recover 康复恢复
    impression 印象
    make out 理解明白
    for sure 然确定肯定
    at times 时间
    end well 结局错
    client 客户
    destination 目终点
    departure 启程出发
    agent 代理代理商
    fare 票价车费
    insurance 保险保险费
    policy 保险单
    premium 保险费
    holiday season 旅游旺季
    final say 决定权
    drop buy 便走访





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