

    Part I Vocabulary Grammar

    Read and choose(找出画线部分发音单词)10%

    ( )1 A nose B monkey C coat D over

    ( )2 A rabbit B chicken C picture D behind

    ( )3 A soldier B bottle C crossing D strong

    ( )4 A number B fun C music D trunk

    ( )5 A start B salt C swan D island

    二.Fill in the blanks according to the phonetic transcriptions(音标写单词)10%

    1 Do you have a___________ ˈpɜːrpl dress at home

    2 I'd like to buy a__________ˈhæmbɜrɡər for lunch

    3 Look there is a yellow_________bəˈluːn in the sky

    4 Let's visit the___________kapital of the country

    5Which is your favourite__________animal

    6 Peter can__________drɔː a horse but I can't

    7 The_________ dʒəˈræfis tall and lovely

    8My_________'peərənts are watching a film at home now

    9We will have a picnic in the park this_____________ tju zdi

    10I want to be a__________ pəˈlismən when I grow up

    三.Choose the best answer(选择答案)10%

    ( )1 We have read books for about half_____hour
    A a B an C D the
    ( )2My mother often plays table tennis___my father doesn’t like sports
    A and Bor Cso Dbut
    ( )3Jane is too youngShe can’t read______write
    Aand Bor Cso Dbut
    ( )4A_______city do you like best in ChinaBI like Shanghai best
    AWhen BHow CWhich DWhen
    ( )5There____a desk and some cupboards in the bedroom
    Ais Bare Chas Dhave
    ( )6They_______a new bridge over the river nest month
    Abuilt Bare building Cwill build Dhave built
    ( )7You____drive on when the traffic light is red
    Amustn’t Bcan Cneedn’t Dshould
    ( )8Lily _____to the beach with ProfGreen last summerThey had a good time there
    Ais going Bgoes Chas gone Dwent
    ( )9This house is smaller than yoursbut it’s_____
    Acheap Bcheaper Ccheapest Dthe cheapest
    ( )10Can I help you____
    AI want to buy some picture books BI’m sorry I can’t
    CNot at all DLet me help you

    四.Fill in the blanks With proper prepositions(适介词填空)10%

    1 Judy put the lamp_____he middle of the table

    2 The bus stop is far_____the new hospital

    3 The train is leaving the railway station_____6 o'clock

    4______Saturday moring Mr Black likes going to the park for a walk

    5 Jenny wants to get a toy bear_______her parents

    6 Traffic on this road is always busy______weekends

    7I can’ t see the dog It’s______ the door

    8 Lucy sits________ me She is my desk mate

    9 It's dark in the room Please turn________ the light

    10 Joe you are late________school again

    五 Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(单词适形式填空)10%

    1 There are some small offices on the________floor (three)
    2 Linda's daughter always goes to the restaurant with________(she)
    3 Let's________about the problem at the next meeting (talk)
    4 Alan enjoys________happily when he is doing the housework (sing)
    5 Please help me to move the two________into the room (shelf)
    6 My mother cooks some________for dinner today(potato)
    7 A cat is good at catching________(mouse)
    8 Playing with fire is________for children(danger)
    9 It’s________todayYou’d better put on a coat(wait)
    10These ladies are_________in a restaurant(wait)

    六.Rewrite the sentences as required(求改写句子)10%

    1 Linda does morning exercises before the first class(改否定句)

    Linda_________ _________morning exercises before the first class

    2 My father went to the shop because he wanted to buy some food(画线部分提问)

    _________ _________your father go to the shop

    3 Stand in front of the tall building when you get there(改否定句)

    _________ _________in front of the tall building when you get there

    4 Susan will meet her cousin at the airport this Saturday(画线部分提问)

    _________ _________Susan meet at the airport this Saturday

    5the singerour Lindais schoolbestin(连词成句)


    Part 2 Reading Writing

    七Complete the following dialogue with proper sentences in the box(完成话)

    A How old is he

    B The boy beside her

    C It's a secret

    D Who's the lady singing there

    E But I don't know her name

    F It's my pleasure

    W Welcome to my party I’m very glad that you can come

    M ____1_____Oh there are so many people here Who’s the girl in a white skirt

    W That's Jane She came here with her brother John


    W Yes He is 12

    M His blue shirt looks very nice

    W Yes it does Do you know that girl in green

    M Yes she is a teacher and she comes from Japan____3_____

    W That's Hisako She is 25

    M____4_____ Her voice is beautiful and her red dress looks great

    W You don’t know her She is the famous singer Maria She is from Australia

    M How old is she

    W No one knows ____5_____

    M I' m really glad to meet all these interesting people

    八. True or false(判断正误)10%

    Tomorrow Emily will start working at a bank It's her first job so she is worried nowEmily knows a lot about banks because she studied them at school But studying something is one thing and doing it is another Luckily Emily's brother also works at a bank He has a lot of experience(验) Emily knows she can ask him for advice Tonight Emily will go to bed earlyTomorrow morning she will have a good breakfast and take the bus to work She is ready to do a great job
    ( )1 Emily will work at a bank the day after tomorrow
    ( )2 Emily is learning something about banks at school now
    ( )3 Emily's brother has a lot of experience in banks
    ( )4 Emily will ask his brother for help tomorrow
    ( )5 Tonight Emily needs a good sleep

    九.Answer the questions(根短文容回答问题)10%
    I love London It's a wonderful city And you can find everything cinemas churches museums famous buildings and fantastic shopping malls Of course London is a very expensive city tooespecially for a student like me
    Living in London is exciting but my life is boring sometimes Every day I get up at 8 30 have breakfast and go to work At work I just type answer the telephone Also I don't have many friends So I usually have lunch alone at a coffee shop In the afternoon I go home and study or readThat's my day
    I have my English class in the eveningThat’s interestingI really like itI have a good teacher and the students are very niceespecially a guy from BrazilHis name is Tony and he plays tennisI finally have someone to play tennis with
    1 What does the writer think of London
    2 Is the writer’s life in London always interesting
    3 Where does the writer have lunch
    4 When does the writer have his English lesson
    5 What does the writer usually do with Tony

    Write at least 6sentences about the topic My Bedroom(卧室题写篇少6句话短文求三种句式)





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