
    成长脚印     英文评价〔通14篇〕
    成长脚印     英文评价 篇2成长脚印     英文评价 篇3成长脚印     英文评价 篇4成长脚印     英文评价 篇6成长脚印     英文评价 篇7成长脚印     英文评价 篇8成长脚印     英文评价 篇13
    The following is my work identification
    First abide by the rules and regulations perform job responsibilities
    In the cashier work be able to adhere to the daily business at the end of serious rolling cash income pay the amount of the registration book the amount of money to pay the cash register double the counter double tube library requirements self And check with the cash inventory to ensure that the cash inventory and the actual inventory of cash general ledger balance consistent with the accounts do accounts match To seriously deal with the size of the RMB currency the exchange of damage currency business the whole point to be accurate pier Qi pick the net tied tightly seal clear timely check on the water accounts and cash receipts and registers In strict accordance with the vault storage system do a good job in the Treasury of the custody of the Treasury in charge with the same into the same
    Second forge ahead in unity and work together to create a good working environment
    Solidarity with others and people are good has always been my criteria for others In the work to unite colleagues live in harmony learn from each other promote each other in life help each other mutual concern and work together to create a harmonious atmosphere At the same time continue to selfpositioning update their ideas improve service awareness enhance service levels
    Third enhance awareness of prevention the implementation of the three antione
    Security aspects Work more and more I can continue to enhance the sense of security precautions the duty period to keep strictly in accordance with the three antione requirements conscientiously implement the preventive measures memorize antitheft antiriot plan master Kinds of prevention equipment do a good job three antilock check Often check the circuit the phone is normal to prevent the performance of the device is in good condition when the abnormal situation can be handled on the spot on the spot processing can not deal with the initiative to the upper reporting etc can always keep a clear head enhance security awareness And to ensure that the 24hour dutybound to keep out of control to protect the credit of the property security
    Fourth strengthen theoretical study improve their overall quality
    Over the past year I have been able to take the initiative to study the countrys financial policies and regulations and the spirit of the document issued by the association strengthen ideological and moral construction improve professional training establish a correct outlook on life and values to strengthen their sense of love and dedication To cultivate to further enhance the sense of responsibility dedication to the spirit of ownership of their own work so that dry line love line special line firmly establish the social Xing Xing I To fully establish the customer first service concept the quality of civilization as a measure of the work of the standards to strict demands on themselves and consciously accept the supervision of our customers regularly carry out criticism and selfcriticism and strive to be a To participate in credit cooperatives to actively participate in various learning and training activities conscientiously do study notes and in practical work to be used in their spare time selfstudy undergraduate courses to participate in distance education examinations for betterTo adapt to the needs of each job to lay a good foundation
    In short the understanding of their work to have a higher awareness and constantly strengthen themselves improve work efficiency and accuracy although in this regard there are still many deficiencies such as financial accounting knowledge is not enough the unit reform to beFurther understanding etc but I believe that the leadership of the care and support at the next level with the enthusiastic help of colleagues I will certainly do a better job stable and better for the new year will have better results
    成长脚印     英文评价 篇14
    I am a commercial procurement staff to work from six months ago has time From the student into a buyer of this experience to work with enthusiasm tireless enthusiasm for learning Strong adaptability and good communication skills with leadership and assistance work colleagues I have learned how to better understand the intent of the leadership the better abide by our obligation to work proactive work to identify existing problems solve problems and develop a good at summary purposeful plan of good habits The following is a selfidentified since the work
    At work down to earth diligent humbly accept criticism superiors guidance active exchange learning experiences with colleagues Because I know that in such a good extended family often look back at the road traveled summing up the past manage the present Firmly we believe that through their own efforts can do better in the only good team
    Concern ideological accomplishment others keep its promises resolute honest friendly easygoing willing to sacrifice Looking back along the way bit by bit only to find that not only love my job my department and I was so loving colleagues around me People in the business of learning has been asking himself accelerate the pace of progress the only way the business is not lost on anyone Although no purchase work experience but I have been xiu basic skills will learn professional knowledge into energy superiors to learn the essentials of business consult the work skills to the right attitude careful rigorous analysis of the problems encountered in the work actively participate in the training organized by the company a broad understanding of business knowledge and broaden the work of thinking people firewood flame high I was to fire the general enthusiasm infected colleagues around Hualian with love and write a brilliant tomorrow On discipline strictly comply with the rules and regulations already indepth bone marrow respect for leadership solidarity and coworkers have become potential consciousness Strict demands on themselves never late or left early Depending on the company as their home take good care of the companys various public facilities set an example proactive maintenance cleaning office actively regional health love and protect our excellent office environment improve their overall quality Because I know that in future work corporate culture the environment is the need of each of us to love
    On learning the business he has been asking himself accelerate the pace of progress the only way the business is not lost on anyone Although there is no aspect of procurement experience but I have been xiu basic skills you will learn professional knowledge into energy Superiors to learn the essentials of business consult work skills problems with the right attitude careful rigorous analysis work encountered Actively participate in the training organized by the company a broad understanding of business knowledge and broaden the work of thinking
    Honed six months I have matured a lot pay a lot But these were not enough waiting for me to do there are many places to improve Strengthen collaboration with other departments and communication skills for the future work of the interdepartmental better cooperation has laid solid foundation to learn from a better way to deal with the problem to other colleagues empathy angle of approach I think I must be able to be able to express themselves even more handy at work





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