
    英 语 试 卷

    I 单项选择(15题题2分满分30分)
    1 When did ______ accident happen
    It was on ______ cold evening in December
    A the the B an 填 C an the D the a
    2 The man was hit _____ the head ______ a stone while travelling in the mountain
    A on by B on with C in by D in with
    3 How about bringing my sister to your birthday party
    _______ The more the happier
    A Why not B No way C So what D Have a good time
    4 Work hard _____ you will fall behind others
    A and B but C or D so
    5 Bob has gone to California I hear
    Oh do you know when he
    A has left B was leaving C left D leaves
    6 Peter is a careful driver but he drives ________ of my friends
    A more carefully B the most carefully C less carefully D the least carefully
    7 Why _______ it rain on Sunday
    It’s a great pity We can’t go camping
    A can B must C may D need
    8 I’d like some more water
    Sorry there’s _____ left
    A some B none C a little D few
    9 Anna always helps her mother although going to school ______ most of her day
    A turns up   B makes up  C takes up   D puts up
    10 It costs me too much to repair my car
    Why don’t you sell it _____ it is still running
    A before B until C while D once
    11 When and where the new factory _____ going to be built _____ decided yet
    A are hasn’t been B is hasn’t been C is haven’t D are haven’t
    12 Do you remember ______ the professor came
    Yes I do He came by car
    A when B how C that D if
    13 You can _____ expect a pay rise when you’ve only worked in the company for two weeks
    A hardly B certainly C hopefully D anyway
    14 Can you lend me the novel _____ yesterday
    A that you talked B you talked about it
    C which you talked with D that you talked about
    15 Before she went to Canada she spent as much time as she could ________ English
    A practise to speak B to practise to speak
    C practising speaking D to practise speaking
    II 完形填空(20题题2分满分40分)
    My mom told me that we could raise a couple of cats I was very 16 to hear that That was what I had always wished So we went to the Humane Society where there were a lot of animals waiting to be taken away
    I found there was not a lot of 17 for the animals and not enough supplies (补品) to 18 for them Even though they didn’t have much the staff (工作员) there did their best for them 19 it seemed they hadn’t enough medicine to keep the animals 20
    When we started looking around I saw a lot of animals and 21 with each of them But my mother and I 22 picked two cats we named Sox and Sierra We went up to the front desk to 23 the papers for them when I found a 24 on the counter (柜台) The Humane Society was hoping to 25 enough money to buy more supplies for the animals and also 26 a new house to help even more 27 animals
    We finished up and took our cats home where they were sure to get a lot of 28 Later that day my mom and I went 29 and as we were walking through the parking lot (停车场) at the store I 30 a green piece of paper not far away from our car It was wet I walked over and 31 it up It was a twentydollar bill
    When I got home I 32 it off and thought about what to do with it Right then Sox climbed up on my lap and I knew the 33 I asked my mom to take me back to the Humane Society so that I could put the 34 in the donation (捐赠) box The lady at the counter smiled and thanked me and I felt really 35 about what I did
    16 A proud B unconcerned C disappointed D excited
    17 A food B room C water D sunshine
    18 A care B search C pay D look
    19 A Or B Therefore C However D But
    20 A healthy B alive C happy D attractive
    21 A got along B put up C came up D fell in love
    22 A timely B slowly C finally D quickly
    23 A draw B sign C prepare D send
    24 A notebook B cat C computer D box
    25 A borrow B collect C earn D save
    26 A paint B leave C build D donate
    27 A sick B homeless C valuable D old
    28 A love B friends C pains D treatment
    29 A cycling B swimming C shopping D fishing
    30 A noticed B lost C felt D realized
    31 A turned B used C locked D picked
    32 A showed B dried C cut D broke
    33 A answer B result C truth D secret
    34 A letter B paper C coin D money
    35 A nervous B worried C good D silly
    Just at the Eve of my sixth Christmas I was shocked by my elder brother’s words and rushed to Grandma She was angry No Santa Claus That’s joking Santa Claus is alive and we are all his assistants
    Then she led me into Kerby’s General Store and gave me ten dollars asking me to buy something for someone who needed it For a few moments I just held that tendollar bill considering what to buy and who to buy it for Then I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decker He sat behind me in my class He didn’t have a coat I knew that because he never went out to play during the class break this winter His mother always said that he had a cough but we knew that Bobbie didn’t have a cough but he didn’t have a coat I would buy him a coat I chose a red one with a hat
    Is this a Christmas present for someone Mrs Kerby behind the counter asked me kindly when I laid my ten dollars down When I told her shyly it was for Bobbie the nice lady put the coat in a bag and smiled at me When Grandma learned how much I paid for the coat she said something I didn’t understand Santa Claus has already had an assistant
    Today I still remember Bobbie’s excitement and his mother’s tears on receiving the coat That night Grandma made me realize that Santa was alive and we were all on his team
    36 What did the author’s(作者) elder brother tell her just at the Eve of her sixth Christmas
    A That she would not get any presents that Christmas
    B That Santa Claus would not come that Christmas
    C That there was no Santa Claus in the world
    D That Grandma was not an assistant of Santa Claus
    37 How did the author know Bobbie Decker didn’t have a coat
    A From the fact that Bobbie never went out to play during the class break
    B From what Bobbie’s mother said
    C From the way that Bobbie coughed
    D From what her classmates talked about Bobbie
    38 When speaking of the assistant of Santa Claus in the third paragraph Grandma referred to (指)_____
    A Lucy B Mrs Kerby C Grandma herself D Bobbie Decker
    39 How did Bobbie’s mother feel when her son was given the coat
    A Happy B Surprised C Angry D Curious
    40 What does the author want to tell us
    A Christmas is a special time for receiving presents
    B Everyone can be an assistant of Santa Claus
    C Poor people need love and care from others
    D Santa Claus is ready to help others

    Have you ever stayed up(熬夜)late If so you know that not getting enough sleep can leave you tired and grumpy Not sleeping enough can also make it harder to think clearly the next day
    While you sleep your brain is busy doing its homework It sorts out information from your day Getting enough sleep each night can boost(提高)your brainpower That will help you do your best in school Experts say that in return can lead to better grades
    But in China more and more middle school students are getting shorter sleeping time than before Most students sleep less than eight hours every night because they have much homework to do Some homework is given by their teachers and some by their parents Also some students don’t know how to save time They are not careful enough while they do their homework so it takes them a lot of time Some students spend too much time watching TV or playing computer games They stay up very late Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or by bike It can be a long way from home to school It will probably make them sleepy during school hours
    Schools and parents should cut down some of the homework so that our children can enjoy more than eight hours of sleep every night for their health For children they should make the best use of their time When they have enough time for sleeping they will find it much better for both their study and health
    41 The word grumpy in paragraph 1 means ________
    A can’t think clearly B easy to become angry
    C very comfortable D sleepy
    42 Why is sleep important
    A It can improve problemsolving skills and creative thinking
    B It will help you do your best in school
    C It helps your brain sort out information from your day
    D All of the above
    43 What makes most students sleep less than eight hours every night
    A Watching TV B Playing computer games
    C Doing homework D Doing housework
    44 What will probably happen to a student who often goes to bed late and gets up early
    A He would fall asleep in class B He would do well in study
    C He would finish his homework fast D He would have good health
    45 What is the best title for the passage
    A Too Much Sleep B It’s Homework Time
    C Sleep to Succeed D Homework Problems

    IV 书面表达(满分10分)
    姓 名 王 莉
    性 女
    年 龄 16岁
    学 校 芜湖第中学

    2夏令营:the summer camp
    Dear Sir or Madam
    I’m writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to join the Peace and Friendship Summer Camp ……I’m looking forward to your reply

    Yours sincerely
    Wang Li 芜湖中2011年高招生考试
    I 单项选择
    15 DAACC 610 DBBCC 1115 BBADC
    II 完形填空
    1620 DBACA 2125 DCBDB 2630 CBACA 3135 DBADC
    III 阅读理解
    3640 CABAB 4145 BDCAC
    IV 书面表达
    Dear Sir or Madam
    I’m writing in the hope that I can obtain a chance to join the Peace and Friendship Summer Camp
    I’m a girl of sixteen in No1 High School in Wuhu I like music and I am interested in photography because it allows me to record the beautiful moments in my life I like meeting new people and enjoy talking with them I appreciate friends’ help and I am willing to help anyone in need I love life I love nature and I love peace
    I would like to take part in the activity for it will be a great opportunity to make friends with young people from different countries and learn about their cultures
    I’m looking forward to your reply
    Yours sincerely
    Wang Li





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