
    班级______ 姓名______ 成绩______
    (    )1 I'm afraid there _________ much time left Let's hurry
           A isn't        B aren't        C is
    (    )2 The little girl is standing in front of _______ old tree
           A a        B the        C an
    (    )3 Don't leave Mary by________ She is only one year old
           A her         B she       C herself
    (    )4 Every year_________ of trees are planted on the hills to protect
          the environment
           A a thousand      B thousands          C thousand
    (    )5 Most of his knowledge about space is from the books he _________from
          the Library
           A lent         B borrowed       C returned
    (    )6.________ can we go to the Tower of  London         
           A.Where         B.Which     C.How
    (    )7.I met my old friend ___________ yesterday
           A.on my way to home     B.on my way home   C.on my way school      
    (    )8._________ the bridge you can see the hospital on your right
           A.Go cross       B.Go across     C.Across   
    (    )9.A restaurant is a place you can get _________________            
           A.something to eat   B.to eat something  C.anything to eat
    (    )10.The church is _______________ the museum and the palace
              A.in the middle of  B.between   C.among
    (    )11.Turn left and __________ up the river you can see the Church       
           A.walking   B.to walk C.walk      
    (    )12.You can walk __________ the bridge __________ the river
               A.cross on        B.acrossover        C.acrossabove     
    (    )13.How can I ________ the nearest bookstore
               A.arrive    B.get to     C.reach at 
    (    ) 14 My parents were _______ the plane when I arrived the airport
           A get off  B getting off  C got off
    (    )15 Do you think football is as _________ as basketball in America
           A the most popular    B more popular    C popular
    (    )16 Our holiday seemed too short Time passed_________
           A quick          B quickly          C slowly
    (    )17 —When did you study in France   _______________     
           A Two years ago   B For two years C In two years
    (    )18 Ladies don't like others to ask them_________
           A how old are they            B what are their ages         C how old they are
    (    )19 Tell those children _________ there It's dangerous
           A not swim          B not to swim      C don't swim
    (    )20 You have been to Tibet _________
           A have you          B haven't you      C don't you
    二完形填空  通读面短文掌握意然题ABC三选项中选出佳选项(10分)
            There is good news for the children in the countryside We may still remember the girl  1 big eyes Her big eyes are   2  us her dream I wish to   3   In China there are still  4  girls and boys like her They want to go to school but their  5  are too poor If the family has two or three children it is harder to   6   the money for all the children So the parents often ask  7   to stay at home and boys to go to school
      Now they needn’t   8   the money From 2006 on children can go to school for free in some poor places They don’t have to pay for books and other things Some of them can even get money from the government(政府)to make their life  9   Soon all the children in the countryside can go to school for free All families are very happy with the news It is  10  great
    (    ) 1 A with              B on        C to                     
    (    ) 2 A saying           B telling       C speaking      
    (    ) 3 A go to work           B go home     C go to school     
    (    ) 4 A a lot          B 1ot of      C a lot of          
    (    ) 5 A schools         B families    C houses               
    (    ) 6 A pay               B take             C buy             
    (    ) 7 A teachers        B girls        C boys           
    (    ) 8 A look up         B turn on      C worry about  
    (    ) 9 A better           B shorter      C worse
    (    ) 10 A not                    B never       C really                 
    三.阅读理解 (20分)
            New York city isn’t the biggest city in the world but it is the biggest city in the USA Most American live in much smaller cities and towns but almost 8 million people live in New York Why did so many people come to live in one place
       A look at the city shows us that New York City has a very good port(商埠)The Dutch (荷兰)settlers(new comes) wanted to use it for business In 126 the Dutch paid (付钱)the Indians twenty –four dollars for the island of Manhattan Its Dutch name was New Amsterdam Then the British took the land in 1664 and changed its name to New York  
           The United States became an independent (独立) country in 1783 and New York was its capital for a short time The city became so crowded that some people moved out to other areas(places)But more people from everywhere went on coming into the city every day
    (    )1 Which of them is the biggest city in the United States
           A New York     B Washington  C New Amsterdam   D Chicago 
    (    )2 More and more people from different countries in  the world come into New York because_______
            A New York has the largest population in the United States
            B New York is as beautiful as a picture
            C New York is a developing city
            D they think it is a good place for business
    (    )3 The underlined word took’ means________  
            A花费    B耕耘    C占领      D测量
    (    )4 The United States became an independent country in__________
            A sixteenth century         B the seventeenth
               C the eighteenth century     D the nineteenth century
    (    )5 From the passage we can know_________
               A much about Dutch    B how the Dutch took New Amsterdam
               C some of the history of New York
               D how the people from different countries come to the USA
    People live in many parts of the world They live in many different climates( 气候  ) Some people live in a climate that is hot and dry Other People live in a hot rainy climate Many people live in a climate that is cold in some months and warm in other months What s the climate like in your homeland
    People make their living in different ways Some people grow food Some people raise animals Some people work in offices and factories Some people sell things in stores How do people in your homeland make their living
    People live in many kinds of houses Some houses are made of stone Some are made of wood or mud ( 泥 ) Some houses are high and some are low There are houses all around my house I think my house is the nicest
    (    )6How many kinds of climates do the writer tell you in the text
         A Two   B Three   C Four    D One
    (    )7Many people live in a climate that is _________
         A very hot   B hot and dry   C half warm and half cold D hot and rainy
    (    )8Some people living in the city make their living ___________
         A by growing food       B by raising animals 
         C by working in offices   D by growing vegetables
    (    )9 People can’t make houses with __________
         A stone   B wood   C mud  D paper
    (    )10The writer’s house is ____________
         A very high  B low  C the best  D among many houses
    四.单词拼写 (10分)
    1 Uncle Wang has worked in ___________( 银行 ) of China for 10 years
    2 There are lots of ________ ( 油画 ) on show in the gallery
    3 He will have a  __________ ( 旅行 ) round the USA for holidays
    4 We can stand in the Tian'anmen __________ ( 广场 ) to watch the
      national flag rising
    5 Can you see  _______ (清晰)
    6 The ____________(游客)want to go to the post office
    7 You can get lots of things you need in ____________ ( 超市 )
    8 The station is  __________ ( 面 ) the National Gallery
    9 Walk __________ ( 着 ) this road you can find Buckingham Palace
    10 This is the nearest way to the  __________ ( 塔 ) Bridge
    五完成句子 (20分)
    1 着皇街直走然左转入乔治街
       _____________Queen Street then ______________ George Street
    2 直走书店市场面
       _____________________ the bookstore _________________ the market
    3 请问药店走?
      _______________ how _______________ the chemist
    4 河行伦敦眼右边
    As you _____________ the river London Eye is ________________  
    5 坐5路公汽车八公园车
       ______________a No 5 Bus and ________________ at Bayi Park
    6 面两家中餐馆
       _____________________ two Chinese restaurants
    7 右转国王街然教堂
       _________________ King’s Street and ______________ the church
    8 告诉样历史博物馆?
    Can you tell me _____________________ the History Museum
    9 教堂书店面
       The church __________________ the bookshop
    10 笔直前走格林街转弯处口入
       _______________ there is an entrance ______________ Green Street
    六书面表达 (20分)
    3询问温泉饭店(the Hot Spring Hotel)路  
      提示词语:go out for a walk on the road the way to walk along on the left thank for be happy that(分析)
    初英语新外研版 Module 6测试题参考答案

    1A  2C  3C  4B  5B  6C  7B  8B  9A  10B  11C  12B  13B  14B  15C  16B   17A  18C  19B  20B
    二 1 A   2B  3C  4C  5B  6 A  7B  8C  9A  10C
    三1.A  2D  3C   4C  5C  6B  7C  8C  9D  10D
    四1Bank  2paintings  3tour  4Square  5clearly  6tourists  7supermarkets  
        8opposite  9along  10Tower
    五 1 Go Walk along turn left into  2 Go Walk straight ahead is opposite  3 Excuse me can do I get to  4 go along on your right   5 Take get off     6 Opposite are    7 Turn right into go past  8 which is the way to   9 is opposite   10 Go straight ahead on the corner of   
    写作指导:根提示解篇记叙文考生应马想时间(In the evening)点(on the road)物(I my mother and a foreigner)事件(how to show the way)次观察信息点确定篇文章应般现时表达然确定事件应第称叙述信息点合理组织文章忘提示词语
     In the evening I go out for a walk with my mother On the road we meet a foreigner
    He asks me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel I tell him to walk along the road and take the third turning on the left then he can see the hotel He thanks me very much for my help I am happy that I can help him





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