PEP人教版六年级上英语Unit 2 Part B Read and write 第五课时优质课教案

    The fifth period(第五课时)
    Part B Read and write

    Read and write

    够听懂读懂Read and write板块短文够根短文容完成相应练
    Teaching purpose①
    Step 1 Prereading①
    1 Greetings
    2 Review
    Hold a model of traffic lights Talk with students
    T:What do the traffic lights mean
    Ss:Red means… Green means… Yellow means…
    T:You are so clever Do you know different countries have different traffic rules For example in China we walk on the right of the road But in England people should walk on the left Do you know any other countries’ ways of transportation Now let’s see what we will learn today
    3 Leadin
    Show some pictures (出示课件) Help students know the names of these places
    Students read after the teacher

    Step 2 Whilereading
    Teaching purpose②
    1 Brainstorm
    T:How many ways can you think of to go to school Please talk with your partner
    Students do the Brainstorm Gather all the ways they know to go to school(课件出示:单元学学方式by carbusbikesubwaytaxiplaneshiptrainon foot相关容)
    2 Look and predict②
    Show the picture of Read and write on the PPT (课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块爷爷Robin交谈插图)
    Let students observe the picturesread the dialogue and discuss the questions
    ① Who are they (Robin and Wu Yifan’s grandpa And Grandpa is ill)
    Teaching purpose③
    ② What does Robin want to do (He wants to read a magazine to Grandpa)
    ③What’s the magazine about (Different ways to go to school in different countries)
    3 Listen and say③
    (1)Show the four pictures one by one (课件出示:次出示教材P18 Read and write板块四幅图片) Let students observe the pictures and discuss the questions
    ①Who are they (They are studentskidschildren)
    ②Where are they (In Munich Germany In Alaska USA In Jiangxi China In Papa Westray Scotland)
    ③How do they go to school
    Let students read the text quickly and find the ways of the children to go to school
    Teaching purpose④
    (2)Play the recording (课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块音频)Let students listen to it and answer the questions below the passage in the book
    (3)Check the answers
    4 Learn the new words and sentences④
    (1)Play the recording again (课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块音频) Lead students to learn the new words and sentences
    ①Show the picture of the sled and do the action to help students understand the phrase by sled(课件出示:雪橇图片)
    Do the action fast first then do the same action slowly Let students understand the word fast
    Ask students to do and say the sentences Some kids go to school by sled It’s fast Don’t let the dogs run too fast You must drive slowly
    ②Show the pictures of a boat a ferry and a ship on the PPT

    Help students understand the differences among ship boat and ferry
    Do the action and teach the phrase by ferry Wear a life jacket to help students understand the sentence We must wear a life jacket by ferry And don’t run on the ferry
    Write down the sentence structure Some kids go to school by… on the blackboard Do the actions and let students use the sentence structure to make sentences
    ③Lead students to look at Picture 4 Ask them to read the sentences and try to answer the questions
    T:How do the children in Papa Westray go to school
    Ss:By ferry
    Teaching purpose⑤

    T:How did they go to school in 2009
    Ss:By plane
    Ss:Because the ferry didn’t work
    Teaching purpose⑥

    (2)Play the recording⑤(课件出示:教材P18 Read and write板块音频) Let students read after the recording Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation
    5 Read and choose⑥
    (1)Let students practice the passage
    (2)Let students act out
    (3)Let students retell the ways of the kids to go to school in groups by looking at the pictures
    (4)Let students give some suggestions for the kids
    Divide students into six groups Let them read the suggestions on page 19 one by one Then ask them to choose the suitable suggestions for the kids and write them down on page 18
    6 Practice the words and the sentences
    (1)Play the game of Drive the train
    Make up a chant of the words and the phrases

    Teaching purpose⑦

    Ask students to chant it one by one in lines Give a sticker to the student who does a good job
    (2)Play the game of Roll the snowball⑦
    Lead students to practice the key sentences Some kids go to school on footBy sled you must drive slowlyOn foot don’t go at a red light
    Make students stand in a line Let the first student say the first word some of the sentence Then the second student says some kids The third student says some kids go …Students say till the last student speaks out the whole sentence Some kids go to school on foot Once one of the students says it wrong the team loses the game Oppositely the team can get a sticker if all the students say it correctly
    Step 3 Postreading
    1 Play the recording of Tips for pronunciation (课件出示:教材P19 Tips for pronunciation音频)
    Teaching purpose⑧

    Let students listen and compare then find out the rule of pronunciation Tell students the law of linking sounds Ask students to listen again and repeat Then let students find and say more words like these from the text on page 18
    2 Do a survey⑧
    (1)Make a model:
    A How do you go to school
    B I go to school byon…
    Teaching purpose⑨
    (2)Let students ask and answer in groups Finish the chart (课件出示:调查表) Then let the group leader make a report with the sentence structure … goes to school byon…
    3 Make a poster⑨
    (1)Let students list the ways of the group members to go to school
    (2)Let students write down at least two suggestions for each way Make a model
    By ferry you must wear a life jacket Don’t run on the ferry
    (3)Let students make a poster in groups
    (4)Show time


    1 Read after the recording
    2 Do the exercises
    1 堂课中学生体训练线开展类型组活动学生学中中学学结合激发学生元智学力
    2 节课句型教学配简单词组运学句型采chant滚雪球等种形式逐步引导学生操练词汇句型效帮助学生巩固重点词汇句型
    3 呈现活动设计丰富易操作具备层次感效提升学生核心素养学生解决问题导引导学生学
    4 突出语功联系学生班级实际情况设置环节环环相扣层层深入帮助学生真实情景中然学语言

    ▶Teaching Contents & Teaching Aims
    Read and write
    ·Gather all kinds of ways to go to school they know through the brainstorm and activate the background knowledge and the vocabulary they have learned
    ·Be able to find the key words in the text and reason about details through solving the problems below the text
    ·Be able to complete the design of a safety poster according to the demonstration poster
    ·Be able to find more similar sentences in the passage according to the example sentence prompt and read the sentences correctly
    ▶Teaching Priorities
    ·Be able to listen and read the passage and complete the corresponding exercises according to the passage
    ▶Teaching Difficulties
    ·Be able to learn about the cultural differences and the ways of travelling in different countries
    ▶Teaching Procedures

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Greetings
    2 Review
    3 Leadin
    1 Greetings
    2 Look and talk with the teacher
    3 Look and learn the names of the places Read after the teacher
    Review the words and the sentences
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning and lead in the topic Prepare for the next part
    1 Brainstorming activity
    Ask students to do theBrainstorm Gather all the ways to go to school
    Do the brainstorming activity
    Lead students to predict the content before listening to the recording
    Cultivate students’ observation ability and logical reasoning ability Prepare for the next study
    2 Look and predict
    Look at the picture and discuss the questions Predict the main idea
    3 Listen and say
    (1)Show the four pictures one by one Let students observe and discuss the questions
    (2)Play the recording
    (3)Check the answers
    (1)Observe the pictures and discuss the questions
    (2)Listen and answer the questions
    (3)Check the answers
    4 Learn the new words and sentences
    (1)Play the recording again and show the pictures Lead students to learn the new words and the sentences
    (2)Let students read after the recording
    (1)Learn the new words and the sentences and answer the questions
    (2)Read after the recording
    Stimulate students’ interest in learning Train students’ ability of responding quickly Practice the key words and sentences Reduce the difficulty of learning
    5 Read and choose
    Practice the passage and act out Retell the passage and choose the suitable suggestions
    6 Practice the words and the sentences
    (1)Play the game of Drive the train
    (2)Play the game of Roll the snowball
    Practice the words and the sentences by playing the two games

    Teaching Stages
    Teacher’ s Activities
    Students’ Activities
    Teaching Purposes
    1 Play the recording of Tips for pronunciation
    2 Do a survey
    (1)Make a model
    (2)Let students ask and answer in groups And let the group leader make a report with the sentence structure …goes to school byon…
    3 Make a poster
    1 Listen and compare then find out the rule of pronunciation
    Listen again and repeat
    Then find and say more words like these from the text on page 18
    2 Do a survey
    3 List the ways of the group members to go to school and write down the suggestions Make a poster and show it to the class
    Create opportunities for students to speak English
    Consolidate the new words and sentences of this unit Make sure students can use the key vocabulary and sentence structures in real situations

    1 Read after the recording
    2 Do the exercises





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