• 1. Unit 3 Look at me!Part ALetters and sounds人 教 PEP 版 英 语 三 年 级 上 册
    • 2. Watch and singWarm up
    • 3. Let's chantAa, Aa, Aa, /æ/ /æ/ /æ/, apple. Aa, Aa, Aa, /æ/ /æ/ /æ/, ant. Bb, Bb, Bb, /b/ /b/ /b/, book. Bb, Bb, Bb, /b/ /b/ /b/, bag. Cc, Cc, Cc, /k/ /k/ /k/, crayon. Cc, Cc, Cc, /k/ /k/ /k/, cat. Dd, Dd, Dd, /d/ /d/ /d/, duck. Dd, Dd, Dd, /d/ /d/ /d/, dog.Lead in
    • 4. Hello, I’m a clown.Look at me. This is my …eyenosemouthaceootandiSay “hi” to the clown.earffhh
    • 5. I can perform magic.lephantggiftreence creamceeeggii
    • 6. Presentationthe big Ethe small e
    • 7. Ee, Ee, Ee, /e/ /e/ /e/, egg. Ee, Ee, Ee, /e/ /e/ /e/, elephant.elephantegg
    • 8. the big Fthe small f
    • 9. Ff, Ff, Ff, /f/ /f/ /f/, face. Ff, Ff, Ff, /f/ /f/ /f/, foot. facefoot
    • 10. the big Gthe small g
    • 11. giftgreenGg, Gg, Gg, /g/ /g/ /g/, green. Gg, Gg, Gg, /g/ /g/ /g/, gift.
    • 12. the big Hthe small h
    • 13. handhiHh, Hh, Hh, /h/ /h/ /h/, hand. Hh, Hh, Hh, /h/ /h/ /h/, hi.
    • 14. the big Ithe small i
    • 15. ice creamiceIi, Ii, Ii, /ai/ /ai/ /ai/, ice. Ii, Ii, Ii, /ai/ /ai/ /ai/, ice cream.
    • 16. Read, repeat and chantWatch the video.
    • 17. Sing and do.
    • 18. g d c h r f a e i aListen and circleListen and circle1./g/ green 2./h/ hand 3./f/ foot 4./e/egg 5./ai/ ice cream
    • 19. Write and sayWatch and learn.点击画面 播放视频
    • 20. 1. 每个字母都应稍向右倾斜,斜度要一致。 2. E、F、G、H、h、I都占上、中两格,上线抵线。 3. e 占中格,上线抵线;f 占上、中、下三格;g 占 中、下格,下端抵第四线。 4. 每个字母都要按笔划顺序书写。Writing tips:
    • 21. 大家来找茬!
    • 22. Say it as quickly as you can.大写大声,小写小声Practice
    • 23. Find and say.
    • 24. I point you say.
    • 25. 一、连一连。 F I G H E h i g e f Exercises
    • 26. ___and ___ce cream ___oot ___gg二、看图写一写,补全单词。hife
    • 27. Summary七彩课堂 伴你成长字母 发音 书写 词语efg/e//f//g/egg elephantfoot facegift green
    • 28. 七彩课堂 伴你成长字母 发音 书写 词语hi/h//ai/hi handice ice cream
    • 29. 七彩课堂 伴你成长Homework听录音,跟读,并说唱歌谣。找一找生活中的字母,并说一说。 onetwo
