
      Donald Let' s eat out shall we
      Debra 1__________ I' ve gone through my paycheck for the week already
      Donald Don' t worry about it 2__________
      Debra You' re sure You' re so generous
      Donald And nice too
      Debra So 3__________
      Donald Some place you' ve never been before Donald' s Kitchen
      1选择佳答案( )
      A I' m broke
      B Where are you taking me
      C It' s my treat
      D You treated me last time
      2选择佳答案( )
      A I' m broke
      B Where are you taking me
      C It' s my treat
      D You treated me last time
      3选择佳答案( )
      A I' m broke
      B Where are you taking me
      C It' s my treat
      D You treated me last time
      Doctor What has been bothering you
      Patient I have a stuffy nose and a sore throat Plus I' ve been coughing a lot 4__________
      Doctor Any stomach pains
      Patient Actually yes My stomach' s been upset for a few days
      Doctor 5__________ It's been going around lately
      Patient Anything I can do for it
      Doctor I' ll prescribe some medicines for you to take 6__________
      Patient Does that mean I shouldn' t go to work
      Doctor Only when you feel up to it You should stay home for at least a day or two
      4选择佳答案( )
      A It sounds like a flu
      B I also advise resting for a couple of days
      C Boy when it rains it pours
      D How long have you been like this
      5选择佳答案( )
      A It sounds like a flu
      B I also advise resting for a couple of days
      C Boy when it rains it pours
      D How long have you been like this
      6选择佳答案( )
      A It sounds like a flu
      B I also advise resting for a couple of days
      C Boy when it rains it pours
      D How long have you been like this
      Liz Geez Your room is like an icebox
      Terri 7 __________It' s just comfortable
      Liz Yeah if you' re a penguin Just look at me 8__________
      Terri But you don't have to stay here I think you're exaggerating
      Liz No I' m not Where' s the temperature control
      Terri 9__________
      Liz No wonder I'm cold This thing is set at 17℃
      Terri Like I saidperfect
      Liz If you live in Alaska By the way where' s the shovel
      Terri 10__________
      Liz So I can dig us out when it starts snowing in here
      7选择佳答案( )
      A Why do you need a shovel
      B By the door on the wall
      C I'm shaking all over
      D No it's not
      8选择佳答案( )
      A Why do you need a shovel
      B By the door on the wall
      C I'm shaking all over
      D No it's not
      9选择佳答案( )
      A Why do you need a shovel
      B By the door on the wall
      C I'm shaking all over
      D No it's not
      10选择佳答案( )
      A Why do you need a shovel
      B By the door on the wall
      C I'm shaking all over
      D No it's not
      Washington Irving was America' s first man of letters to be known internationally His works were received enthusiastically both in England and in the United States He was in fact one of the most successful writers of his time in the country and at the same time winning the admiration of fellow writers like Scott in Britain and Poe and Hawthorne in the United States The respect in which he was held partly owing to the man himself with his warm friendliness his good sensehis urbanity his gay spirits his artistic integrity his love of both the Old World and the New
      Thackeray described Irving as a gentleman who though himself born in no very high spherewas most finished polished witty socially the equal of the most refined Europeans In England he was granted an honorary degree from Oxfordan unusual honor for a citizen of a young uncultured nationand he received the medal of the Royal Society of Literature America made him ambassador to Spain
      Irving' s background provides little to explain his literary achievements A gifted but delicate child he had little schooling He studied law but without zeal and never did practice seriously
      He was immune to his strict Presbyterian home environment frequenting both social gatherings and the theater
      11 The main point of the first paragraph is that Washington Irving was__________
      A America' s first man of letters
      B a writer who had great success both in and outside his own country
      C a man who was able to move from literature to politics
      D a man whose personal charm enabled him to get by with basically inferior work
      12 What is implied by the mention of Scott Poe and Hawthorne
      A Irving enjoyed great popular admiration
      B Scott Poe and Hawthorne were primarily responsible for Irving' s success
      C Irving' s work was not only popular but also of high literary quality
      D More Americans than Britons admired Irving
      13 Which of the following best describes the effect of Irving' s Presbyterian background on his life
      A It fostered his love for the theater
      B It developed his skill in business
      C It prompted his interest in law
      D It had almost no effect on his life
      14 Which of the following best describes the effect of Irving' s personal qualities on his literary success
      A His personal qualities were entirely responsible for his literary success
      B His personal qualities were primarily responsible for his literary success
      C His personal qualities had some effects on his literary success
      D His personal qualities had no effects on his literary success
      15 Why might Irving' S literary ability have been surprising to the English
      A They feared competition from American writers
      B They did not expect the United States to produce good writers
      C They disapproved of the language American writers used
      D They thought of the United States as a purely commercial power
      Traditionally universities have carried out two main activities research and teaching Many experts would argue that both these activities play a critical role in serving the community The fundamental question however is how does the community want or need to be served
      In recent years universities have been coming under increasing pressure from both the governments and the public to ensure that they do not remain ivory towers(象牙塔) of study separated from the realities of everyday life University teachers have been encouraged and in some cases constrained (强迫) to provide more courses which produce graduates with the technical skills required for the commercial use If Aristotle wanted to work in a university in the UK today he would have a good chance of teaching computer science but would not be so readily employable as a philosopher
      A postindusttial society requires large numbers of computer programmers engineers managers and technicians to maintain and develop its economic growth but man as the Bible saysdoes not live by bread alone Apart from requiring medical and social services which do not directly contribute to economic growth the society should also value and enjoy literature music and the arts Because they can also promote economic growth A successful musical play for instancecan contribute as much to the Gross National Product through tourist dollars as any other things
      16 The main idea of the first paragraph is that__________
      A traditional universities do a good job serving the society
      B universities must meet the needs of the society
      C research and teaching are of great importance in universities
      D universities play an important role in our society
      17 We can infer from the second paragraph that__________
      A the society is not satisfied with the present college education
      B the governments interfere too much with college education
      C teacher are forced to do what they don' t like to do
      D teachers dislike teaching commercially useful courses
      18 The Aristotle example is used to make the point that__________
      A universities in the UK have produced too much good for graduates
      B such abstract subjects as philosophy is no longer useful
      C education should serve the social needs
      D it is advisable for today' s philosophers to know computer science
      19 According to the passage literature music and the arts__________
      A do not contribute to economic growth at all
      B are less useful to the society because they do not make direct contribution to economic growth
      C are similar to medical and social services in their way of promoting economic growth
      D should develop only when they are good for economic growth
      20 The author believes that__________
      A art is useful only when it is made into a money earner
      B the promotion of economic growth is the only goal of today' s society
      C universities should not provide literature or art courses
      D the society needs both technical skills and arts
      All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun The sun heats and feeds creatures and mankind Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood coal oil natural gas and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun Some was collected by this season' s plants as carbon compounds Some was stored by plants and trees ages ago Even waterpower derives from the sun Water turned into vapor by the sun fails as rain It courses down the mountains and is converted to electric power Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun' s outer layer and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth In fact the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun' s entire output of radiant energy
      21 The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT__________
      A gasoline
      B natural gas
      C atomic power
      D animal fat
      22 Radiant energy is stored as carbon compounds by__________
      A plants
      B water
      C rock
      D creatures
      23 The sun' s energy provides us with all EXCEPT__________
      A rain
      B teal
      C water
      D light
      24 The largest part of the light energy directed towards the earth is__________
      A stored up by the plants
      B absorbed by the earth' s atmosphere
      C stored up by the animals in the form of body fat
      D used for electric power
      25 Of the sun' s total output of radiant energy the earth receives__________
      A one tenth
      B one millionth
      C all that comes from the surface of the sun
      D a very small portion
      The balance of nature is not an empty phrase Nature provides a population to occupy a suitable environment and cuts down surplus population to fit the available food supply One means of reducing surplus population is predators(食肉动物) others are parasites(寄生虫)and diseases Also population density produces nervous disorders and even drives animals to mass migrations like the lemmings(旅鼠)of Norway who plunge into(跳入)the sea
      That predators populations increase to control other animals has long been known Many years ago the Hudson's Bay Company records revealed that the fox population went up and down about a year after the rabbit population had gone up and down
      Sometimes a situation occurs in which the predators population is reduced to a level below that which nature can readily replace On Valcour Island in Lake Champlain(New York) a costly campaign resulted in the elimination of predatory animals only to have birds and small animals—including grouse(松鸡)and hares popular game(猎物)—increase for four years afterward Then lacking predator control nature resorted to cut down these populations
      Jamaica had an example of nature's persistence in providing animals for existing habits Sugar planters about 75 years ago imported mongooses to control rats The mongooses killed off the rats and with plentiful food multiplied Rats became scarce and the mongooses ate lambs kids puppies(狗) and wildlife Eventually food became scarce and the mongoose's population declined
      26 According to the article the phrase balance of nature means ______
      A the relation of wildlife to man
      B the adequacy of the food supply to support its animal population
      C the ratio of small game to predators
      D the destruction of predators
      27 The effect of predator control over other animal populations ______
      A has just been learned
      B is not recent knowledge
      C is not important now
      D was learned in Norway
      28 When predators control is not available nature brings animal population into balance by resorting to ______
      A hunters
      B diseases
      C storms and flood
      D forest fires
      29 When the mongooses in Jamaica killed off the rats they ______
      A quickly died for lack of food
      B attacked humans
      C became problems themselves
      D ate the sugar crop
      30 Implied but not stated ______
      A Sugar planters imported mongooses to control rats
      B Man should never tamper(损害)with nature
      C To upset the balance of nature can be troublesome
      D Man has complete control over nature
      31 You can' t hear what I' m saying __________ you stop talking
      A only if
      B unless
      C lest
      D except that
      32 He __________ working till he was seventy years old
      A kept up
      B kept on
      C kept to
      D kept out
      33 The novel ended happily and the young couple was married__________
      A in the final
      B in the end
      C to the last
      D in conclusion
      34 One warning was __________ to stop her doing it
      A suffered
      B sufficed
      C suggested
      D provided
      35 It is estimated that the disease __________ by polluted water will kill 1 out of every 100 children
      A causing
      B caused
      C to cause
      D will cause
      36 He didn' t know I was in his office He was too busy to __________ me
      A pay attention to
      B notice
      C know
      D realize
      37 Will you show me the girl __________ name is Jane
      A her
      B who' s
      C whose
      D which
      38 The old gentleman never fails to help __________ is in need of his help
      A who
      B whoever
      C one
      D whomever
      39 Mr Holmes called at many schools __________ he lived to ask them to accept his son but he was refused everywhere for being a black
      A that
      B around where
      C near which
      D which
      40 My wallet is nowhere to be found I __________ when I was on the bus
      A must drop it
      B should have dropped it
      C must have dropped it
      D had dropped it
      41 I could have done it better if I __________ more time
      A have had
      B had
      C had had
      D will have had
      42 __________ we should be glad
      A They arrive tomorrow
      B Were they arriving tomorrow
      B They were to arrive tomorrow
      D Were they to arrive tomorrow
      43 I knew I could not finish my homework__________
      A by he had come
      B until he came
      C when he comes
      D before he comes
      44 It is not __________ that this situation will last very long
      A alike
      B the like
      C like
      D likely
      45 I __________ on seeing the manager The service in this hotel is terrible
      A insist
      B persist
      C affirm
      D protest
      46 Experienced teachers make __________ mistakes than beginners
      A lesser
      B fewer
      C not many
      D very few
      47 I prefer this book __________ that one
      A more than
      B to
      C than
      D rather than
      48 Do you know who __________ fire to that Department Store
      A made
      B set
      C started
      D caught
      49 All life on the earth __________ on the sun
      A depends
      B carries
      C keeps
      D goes
      50 I can' t keep __________ the teacher who speaks so fast
      A up
      B up with
      C with
      D on with
      51No tree gets out of this world alive and few people come through life without at least one serious illness If we are given a serious diagnosis it is useful to try to remain free of panic and depression Panic can constrict the blood vessels and impose an additional burden on the heart Depression as medical researchers all the way back to Galen have observed can set the stage for other illnesses or intensify existing ones It is no surprise that so many patients who learn that they have cancer or heart diseaseor any other catastrophic disease become worse at the timeof diagnosis The moment they have a label to attach to their symptoms the illness deepens
      52Directions For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic My Ideal Job You should write in no less than 100 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below
      答案:My Ideal Job
      People with different personalities backgrounds and interests will have different opinions on what an ideal job is To choose an ideal job and prepare for it is a long way for everybody
      For me my ideal job position would be in arts management I' m quite interested in music but I' d like to broaden my perspective a bit I would like to work in a company concerning arts and having wide room for my development I envision working in the city but probably in a city that has lots of green and open spaces I need to be able to reach the mountains in a couple of hours so think that the suburbs of Beijing are suitable I would like to be professional at work I believe my colleagues will be dedicated to their jobs and love the musical and artistic world
      Now I am a sophomore majoring in music I' ve received professional training of music so I feel confident that after graduation I could manage and work with all of the different instrumentalists and vocalists





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