
    题5题题听组话请题ABC三幅图片中 选出听信息相关联项答题卡该项涂黑

    二 话理解(题1分5分)
    题5题题躋听组话问题请题ABC三 牛选疏曲选出佳选项走答题卡检项涂黑
    6 A A doctor B An engineer C A cook
    7 A On Friday B On Saturday C On Sunday
    8 A By subway B By car C By bus
    9 A In the shop B In the school C In the bank
    10 A He will spend time with family
    B He will go camping with friends
    C He will so to work this weekend
    三题听篇短文请根短文容提出5问题题ABC 三选项中选出佳选项答题卡该项涂黑
    11Who is Sam
    A Mike9 s friend
    B Mike's
    C Mike's cousin
    12What did Mike think of Sam
    A He was very smart
    BHe worked really
    C He always wanted to win
    13How did Mike feel after the competition
    A Tired
    B Afraid
    14Why did Mom have a talk with Mike
    A To help him out
    B To ask him to have a rest
    C To teach him learning skills
    15What does the story mainly tell us
    A It’s important to have a dream
    B Studying music brings happiness
    C We should try to be the best ourselves
    How to Spend the Time in Senior High School
    How to Spend the Time in Senior High School
    Speaker Li Hua a senior high school student from Grade 16
    Four pieces of advice
    Work hard
    Senior high school also has teachers 17 homework and exams
    Manage your time wisely
    Try to finish your homework 18 and get enough sleep
    Don't compare yourself to others
    Pay attention to your own work and don't 19 too much
    Stay active
    You need to have your own plans Don't be 20



    六 完形填空(题1分8分) 请阅读面短文理解意然题AB C三选项中选出填 入空白处佳选项质答题卡该项涂黑

    Recently I had a hard time working on a group project My teacher put me with three classmatesbut they didn't care about whether the work could be done I had no 26 about what to do at all
    As we set the table for dinner my mom noticed I was 27What's going on she asked
    The others in my group aren't doing any work It seemed that they didn't 28 to work on the projects I replied Do I have to do all the work for everyone if I don't want a 29 grade
    Well my mom said with a smile I doubt you're responsible (负责) for everyone else's part Why don't you 30 it with your partners
    And at our next group meeting I tried to share my worries in a friendly way Since we are working as a 31 we're depending on each other to do the best we can I said to them If anyone is having troublesmaybe we can talk about the 32 of solving them together Let's work together and finish the task
    33 all my group members ended up doing their part They didn't do things the way I would have But I guess that's the deal with group projects
    26Aneed B idea Crule
    27Aworried Bbored Cexcited
    28Aforget Bwant Cwait
    29Anice Btrue Cbad
    30 A talk about Blearn from Clook for
    31Aclass Bfamily Cteam
    32Aways Bhabits Clists
    33ASuddenly BSurprisingly CUnluckily
    七 七阅读理解(部分五篇短文AD篇篇短文五题E篇六题题2分52分)

    34 You can take the summer photography course
    A at the art school
    B at the art center
    C at the art museum

    35 During the photography course you will be able to
    A get a surprising gift
    Btry different cameras
    C learn to take great photos

    36 The bike training course gives you a chance to
    A enjoy speed
    B meet sports stars
    Crelax with parents
    37Both of the summer camps
    A last for three weeks
    B hold special shows
    Chave skillful teachers
    38 The writer thinks students should on summer holiday
    A make more friends
    B use the Internet properly
    C find new interests and hobbies


    Since tea spread from China worldwide it has become one of the most popular drinks in the world Different countries have their own tea cultures like afternoon tea in England
    The tradition of afternoon tea is a very special part of English culture The custom of drinking tea became popular in England during the 1660s It was not until the mid19th century that the idea of afternoon teafirst appeared
    Afternoon tea is served in the midafternoon between lunch and a late dinner The idea came from Annathe seventh Duchess(公爵夫) of Bedfordin 1840. At the time many families would eat a late dinner at about 8 pm which was one of only two main meals each day and the other was a midmorning meal
    With a long time between breakfast and dinner Anna would become hungry around 4 o'clock in the afternoon So she asked some tea bread butter and cakes to be brought to her room during the late afternoon This became a habit of hers and she began inviting friends to join her
    Later Anna continued it sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for tea and a walking in the fields
    Others soon picked up on the idea By the 1880s afternoon tea became an event for many ladies They would be dressed beautifully to be served in the sitting room between four and five o'clock talking about the latest newstheir daily life and fashion
    Today's afternoon tea is simpler than traditional afternoon tea It is just a biscuit or small cake and a cup of tea However there is one thing that has never changedthe meaning of afternoon tea
    39 When did the idea of afternoon tea first appear in England
    AIn the 1660s
    B In the 1880s
    C In the mid19th century
    40.In the third paragraph what does the two main meals probably refer to(指)?
    A A lunch and a late dinner
    B A breakfast and a midafternoon meal
    CA midmorning meal and a late dinner
    41 Why did Anna ask for tea and cakes in the afternoon at first
    A Because she felt hungry
    B Because she loved drinking tea
    C Because she needed to treat friends
    42. What can we infer(推断)from the passage?
    A Afternoon tea has spread all over the world
    BPeople used to drink tea more often than now
    C Afternoon tea gives people a chance to communicate
    43 What is the best title of the passage
    A Advantages of Drinking Tea
    B Development of Afternoon Tea
    C Different Tea Cultures in the World

    Courage is often thought to be one of the important spirits everyone needs Then what is courage 44 One isn't necessarily born with courage but one is born with potential(潜力)Kids build courage as they are growing up
    Many people talk about connections between courage and fear 45 If there is no fearthere is no need for courage That is to say courage is the ability to do what makes you feel afraid Courage doesn't only mean great actions such as saving one's life or taking a big risk 46 For examplewe show courage when we raise our hand to answer a hard question during class or try a new sport
    Courage is in everyday choices we make Can you be kind to the new kid in class 47 _Or can you stand up for someone in need Often these things don't come with praise but they need courage
    48 When we become brave enough to face failure we'll be more willing to try new things and try again after we fail Courage doesn't always shout Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow
    A You should learn to speak in public
    B It is the ability to do something difficult
    CCourage always stands side by side with fear
    D Can you listen to the new person in your group
    E Learning to fail is another important part of courage
    F Courage also means the smaller actions of our everyday lives

    China impresses the world in the year 2022 In the past monthswe have seen several important events that showed the world a strong China Here we take a look back at them
    The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games closed on February 20 Themed Together for a Shared Future the Games drew attention of the world successfully Athletes(运动员)competed bravely on the ice and snowachieving their dreams They encouraged people around the world with their spirits Behind stageChinese food and culture impressed international athletes Many shared photos and videos of their life on social media telling Chinese stories to the world Beijing 2022 gave the world a window on China
    While Beijing 2022 reflects rich Chinese culture the great progress in science and technology shows the ability to innovate(创新).On April 16China welcomed three heroic astronauts home.After flying around Earth for six months they came back home safely During the stay in spacethey gave lively science lessons from the Tiangong space station That made millions of children fall in love with space science What's more on June 5 the Shenzhou XIV spacecraft rose into space and another three astronauts were sent into the space station They will make a further step in the exploration(探索)of space
    All these great achievements show the power of China We're proud of our country We strongly believe that China will surely move forward to an even brighter future

    Footprint means the influence that a person's or organization's activities have on the environment Simply understanding it is very useful to us (Let' s take the example of Mr Brown's footprints)

    How to reduce your water footprint and carbon footprint to be greener
    Tip 1Save water and electricity
    When you are at home don't leave the water or lights on when you don't need it
    Tip 2
    Meatless Monday is popular with people who want to eat less meat The production of meat uses lots of energy and produces lots of CO2
    Tip 3Buy less
    The more we buythe more we throw away later Before you buy something think about whether you really need it
    Everyone plays a role in making a greener Earth If you know about your footprints well you can think up more ways to protect the environment
    54 What do we use water indirectly for
    55How many litres of water are used for Mr Brown's breakfast
    56 Why do we use carbon footprint
    57 What can Mr Brown do to reduce his carbon footprint Why do you think so
    58.What is the best subtitle(标题)of Tip 2?
    59 What's your understanding of footprint How can you become greener

    It was Friday afternoon After getting off the school busLaura ran into the house 70
    How was schoolLauraasked 71mom
    It was greatMom.Labor Day(劳动节) is coming. I am excited that I 72 no school next Monday
    Laura was woken up early on Labor Day morning by her dad He said that in honor of ( 纪念) Labor Day the family planned 73 some cleaning Laura couldn't believe it She began to wonder if this was just a bad dream
    Laura your breakfast is ready We have many_74 to do today Let's get a move on said Laura's mom Laura asked her parents Are you serious about working today Isn't Labor Day a holiday
    Yes Laura it is replied her dad But your mom and I thought working hard today would make you realize why Labor Day 75_in the beginning
    Laura disliked the plan but she had no choice First she was asked to wash the breakfast dishes After thather dad 76 her to give their dog a bath It was a hard taskwhich needed a lot of careful work She began the work unhappily
    But things began to change as she was doing the chores She found it was so 77 with so many soap bubbles( 泡泡) when she brushed the dog Then it was yard work and she helped to pick up sticks When she finished her chores Laura felt happy to see the yard looked much 78 than before
    Holidays are not necessarily for fun or rest Doing something 79 can also get special pleasure Maybe this is the spirit of Labor Day






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