
    第四单元 分级训练3
    1I was about to leave when someone t   me on the shoulder 
    2The plane c    into the mountainbut the pilot managed to survive 
    3After finishing my homeworkI put away my booksmade my bedwashed the socks and s    the floor 
    4In the citythe water     (道)in some buildings cracked and burst yesterday 
    5Foreign    (援助)from many countries poured into the earthquakestricken area 
    6The disappearing snow of Mount Kilimanjaro is a worrying sign(标志) that nowhere is safe from the bad    (影响)of human activities 
    7Spencer’s parents were very proud of their son for his good work in the face of an    (突发事件) 
    8During the tripwe were amazed at the awesome(令敬畏)    (力量)of nature 
    9Howeverthe most important thing about my job is that I help protect ordinary people from one of the most powerful forces on earth—the     (火山) 
    10The bomb explodedthrowing    (砖块)into the airsome falling into his yard 
    1A plane crashed yesterdayfortunately all the passengers    One    told the media that their    was a miracle(survive) 
    2No sooner had they loaded themselves with foodmedical    and oxygen equipment than they took off(supply) 
    3She fell heavily    her head against the side of the boatIt took a long time to send her into hospital because the deck workers were on     (strike) 
    4After the    of his greatgrandmathe little boy was    to know whether the     people would return to our world(die) 
    5The plane    into the side of the mountain and burst into flames(crash) 
    6The hotel pool is 15 meters    length 
    7The government has made    big effort to solve the problem of poverty 
    8To be chosen for this prize is a great honourand I’m still a little    shock 
    9Carol’s brother came    the rescue and sent her 1000 dollars to pay for the operation 
    10After the floodingpeople were suffering in that area    urgently needed clean watermedicine and shelters 
    volcanic eruption slide bury calm down tap in shock first aid kit on hand affect deliver
    1A disaster can easily disrupt the food supply at any timeso plan to have at least a 3day supply of food     
    2I suggest he buy a    It can be of great help to him when he gets hurt in accident 
    3The international airport in Guatemala City was also forced to close because of the      
    4There was a strange silence all around as we watched    hardly comprehending what was happening 
    5First degree burnswhich    only the top layer of the skinare not serious and should feel better within one or two days 
    6Just    stop cryingand tell me what has happened 
    7As the meeting was onthe man who was late    into the meeting room without being noticed 
    8He turned as someone    him on the shoulder 
    9Charlie Chaplin lived in England and the USA but spent his last years in Switzerlandwhere he    in 1977 
    10The king    a speech to the nation on November 5 
    She      she has just stepped out a fashion magazine(as) 
    So sweeping the dust before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses       bad luck in the past year(sweep) 
    As we      in our modern societymany schools believe it is their duty to educate students about advertising(flood) 
    Workers built shelters for survivors      (destroy) 
    She told us some of the rescue workers and doctors      under the ruins(trap) 
    1tapped 2crashed 3swept 4pipes 5aid
    6effects 7emergency 8power 9volcano 10bricks
    1survivedsurvivorsurvival 2supplies 3strikingstrike 4deathdyingdead 5crashed 6in 7a
    8in 9to 10who
    1on hand 2first aid kit 3volcanic eruption
    4in shock 5affect 6calm down 7slid
    8tapped 9was buried 10delivered
    1looks as if 2to sweep away 3are flooded with advertisements 4whose homes had been destroyed
    5were trapped

    题组B 高考提升
    On February 31931the peace of New Zealand’s Hawke’s Bay region was destroyed when the area was hit by the worst earthquake in New Zealand’s historyAt 1046 am on that summer’s daythe quake hit with a magnitude of 79 on the Richter scale(里氏震级)The centre of the quake lied some 15 to 20 kilometers north of the two main centersNapier and HastingsThe quake lasted for two and a half minutesMany people died in the earthquake
    A fire broke out immediately after the quakeThe fire started in a chemist’s shop and spread quicklyThen the Fire Department in Napier came to helpbut they were at a loss to control the fire as a result of losing their water supplyHoweverthe water supply in Hastingswas still usableallowing them to fight back against the fire
    The force of the earthquake destroyed many of the city’s famous landmarks(标)Chunks of the coastline were thrown into the seaNapier’s Bluff Hilla popular tourist spotwas completely destroyed and thrown into the waters below
      Most of the major buildings in the city were completely destroyedRoads and communications across the whole area were cutPeople were afraid to enter their homes for days and found shelters at the local Motor Camp or on the beachThere were about 150 aftershocks(余震) in the 24 hours after the main shockOver the next 2 weeksthere would be 525 such aftershocks
    1The worst earthquake took place in New Zealand     
    Aat night        Bin the morning
    Cat noon Din the afternoon
    2The firefighters in Napier failed to put out the fire probably because     
    Athere was no usable water
    Bthey couldn’t get close to it
    Cthe flames spread too quickly
    DThe wind was very strong
    3The last two paragraphs mainly tell us that     
    Athere were many places of interest in New Zealand
    Bthe earthquake damaged the city seriously
    Cmany famous landmarks were thrown into the sea
    Dpeople were afraid to enter their homes for sleep
    4What’s the best title for this passage
    AThe 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake
    BNew Zealand’s two cities
    CThe great fire after the great earthquake
    DThe city’s famous landmarks
    Only four years ago Kameelah was told that she would never walk againBut nowwith the support of her father Jamesshe can runjump and even get her green belt in Tae Kwondo(跆拳道) 
    When Kameelah was 11she was diagnosed as scoliosis(脊椎侧凸)Her family was told that only 10 percent of all children were troubled by scoliosisbut they just couldn’t believe Kameelah was a part of that 10 percent
    Her first surgery was arranged immediatelyThe doctor had the difficult task of rebuilding Kameelah’s entire spine(脊椎)and then resituating her organs around itI had never been in the hospital for anything serious beforeand I’d never had surgeryeitherI was so scaredKameelah recalled
    She was given something to fall asleep for the surgeryso that she would not feel anythingBecause this surgery dealt with the spine and nerve connections to the brainthe doctor had to make sure that Kameelah could still move her body parts rightThereforeshe was woken up in the middle of the surgeryThey asked me to move my fingersthen my toesI could hardly understand what was going onIt was brightand things weren’t very clearTo look backI can’t believe that I was awake while my back was openand the doctors had their hands in there 
    The first surgery was successfulbut Kameelah would have to return two more times for the doctor to completely fix the problemIt was at the end of the third surgery when things went wrong…really wrongThe doctor put in a metal stickwhich happened to be too smallinto Kameelah’s backAs a resultit affected some of the nerves in her spineShe was practically paralyzed(瘫痪)from the waist down 
    Paragraph 1
    I’m really very sorrysaid the doctorbut I don’t think Kameelah 
    Paragraph 2
    I just remember telling DadI have to walkI have to walk’Kameelah saidAnd he 
    1B 解析细节理解题根第段第二句At 1046 am on that summer’s daythe quake hit with a magnitude of 79 on the Richter scale知B项正确
    2A 解析细节理解题根第二段第三句中but they were at a loss to control the fire as a result of losing their water supply知答案
    3B 解析段落意题根文章两段容知震摧毁城市里许著名标座城市部分建筑完全摧毁震城市破坏严重
    4A 解析旨意题整篇文章介绍1931年霍克斯湾震震该区带损害
    Paragraph 1
    I’m really very sorrysaid the doctorbut I don’t think Kameelah will ever be able to walk againBut her fatheras well as Kameelah herselfcouldn’t accept that resultThey insisted that the doctor perform another surgery or try some other ways of treatmenthoping that Kameelah would recover one day with the help of the doctorBut the doctor refused their requestas he knew her situation very well 
    Paragraph 2
    I just remember telling DadI have to walkI have to walk’Kameelah saidAnd he promised me that he would help meKameelah was brought home in a wheelchair and worked with her fatherdoing exercises that would be quite easy for any other personbut were extremely painful and difficult for herAfter about a year of hard workKameelah was able to walk with a stickEventuallyshe walked confidently and could even runLatershe took up learning Tae KwondoOnce getting over the problemshe lives a quite good life now 





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