
    take vt carry sthsb or accompany sb from one place to another 取带领
    sit down or be seated(坐职等)eat or drink sth吃喝服(药等)use a means of transport搭(车船等)test or measure something量(体温)等hold or adopt opinion采取understand理解suppose
    get or lay hold of sth取
    词组 take a bus 公汽车
    Take a No 43 bus take Bus No 43 43 路公汽车
    take a photo 某拍
    take a photo with sb 某起拍
    take great troublepains to do 辞辛劳做某事
    take notes 记笔记
    take medicine 吃药
    take sb’s temperature 量某体温
    take away 走
    take in 吸收接纳骗改
    take off 起飞脱
    take on 呈现承担雇佣
    take over 接收接
    take up 占开始事…继续
    take sth into consideration (account) 考虑某事
    take place 发生
    take sth for granted 想然
    take to doing 喜欢做
    take actionstepsmeasures 采取行动
    take pride in (be proud of ) …豪
    take turns 换轮流
    be taken ill 病
    例句 The box has taken up too much room 箱子占太空间
    What business are you going to take up after graduation 毕业想事什职业?
    The teacher took up where we left off yesterday 老师昨天中断方接讲
    Don’t be taken in by his charming manner 讨喜欢外表迷惑
    This dress needs to be taken in at the waist 件连衣裙腰身需改正
    Fish take in oxygen through their gills 鱼通鳃摄取氧气
    than conj Introduce a second part of a comparison
    词组 hardly … than … no sooner … than …
    little less than …差 little more than 仅仅…出点
    more than 超…仅做 no less than … (as … as)
    no less than 少 (only) no more than 仅仅
    none other than 正… nothing else than 仅仅完完全全
    other than … rather than more … than 说…说
    例句 I’d rather you came tomorrow than today 宁愿明天天
    They were given nothing other than bread and water for their supper
    Hardly had I finished telling the story than she began to cry 刚事讲完哭
    I was more surprised than angry at the news 听消息非生气惊讶
    Jack is no more diligent than Mike(Jack is not so diligent as Mike) 杰克迈克功
    Jack is no less diligent than Mike(Jack is as diligent as Mike) 杰克迈克功少点
    It is nothing less than stealing to take a thing away without the permission of its owner
    time n occasion instance次回all the year of the past present and future时间
    词组 ahead of time 提前 all the time 直始终
    at one time 度 at a time 次时
    at the same time 时 at any time 时
    at all times 总始终 at odd times 偶尔空间时候
    at times (from time to time) 时时时 behind the times 落时代
    behind time 误点迟 by the time …时候
    every time 次 have a good time 玩愉快
    high time 应立做某事时候 It is high time that we did something
    in no time 立
    in time 时 for the first time 第次
    for the time being 目前暂时 go with the times 流落时代
    in … days’ time 天 keep good bad time (钟表)走准确准
    lost time (钟表)走慢浪费时间
    kill time pass the time 消磨时间
    Lost time is never found again 岁月复返
    tour n journey for pleasure during which various places of interest are visited旅行观察
    词组 a business tour 商务旅行
    a roundtheworld tour 环球旅行
    make a tour of 巡回演出
    辨析 journey trip tour voyage
    journey 应范围广指预定点陆水空中单程长短途旅行般说着重指长距离陆旅行
    He decided to take a train journey to Xinjiang 决定坐火车新疆旅行
    trip 常指短途旅行远足
    We took a threeday trip to Linan after the final exam 期终考试安作三天旅行
    tour 指考察观光等环球旅行
    They are on a wedding tour 新婚旅游
    voyage 指船作水旅行包括空中旅行
    She got a seasick during the voyage 航行中晕船
    展开 tourist n 旅行者观光客 tourism n[u] 旅行业观光
    treat vt act or behave in a certain way towards sb give medical care to sb医治
    n thing that gives great pleasure 乐事
    词组 treat … as …作 作
    treat somebody with … 治疗
    treat somebody to something 请客某吃某物
    treat … as if …作(虚拟句子)
    例句 They shall not be treated only as amusement 仅视作娱乐
    He treated his students as if they were his own children 学生视出
    It’s a great treat for her to go to the cinema 电影乐事
    辨析 treat cure
    treat 治疗 cure 治愈
    The doctors treated the patient with herbal medicine A few month later he was
    cured of the disease 医生草药治疗位病月病治愈
    展开 treatment n治疗
    in the treatment of …治疗程中
    turn n one after another in rotation轮流 交
    vt cause sth to move round a point 转动 转 变
    vi change position or direction 转动 转 转身 变成
    词组 by turns take turns in turn 轮流 交
    turn down 拒绝 音量调低 turn up 露面 音量调高
    turn in 交 拐弯进入 turn against 采取敌态度
    turn into 变成 翻译 turn on turn off 开 关
    turn out 生产 制造 关掉 原
    turn over 移交 仔细考虑 翻阅 turn to 转 求助
    turn to someone for help
    例句 Mary turned in the wallet she picked up in the street at once 玛丽马交街捡钱包
    Nothing could make me turn against my country 没什背判祖国
    Whenever you come across troubles turn to us 时遇困难求助
    Open your books and turn to page 11 开书翻11页
    When a person is waiting for a bus he must take his turn 等车时 必须次排队
    Bob turned engineer later 鲍勃成工程师
    It turned out to be true that what he said ws right 结果证明说正确
    use vt employ sth for a purpose bring sth into service
    using or being used
    词组 in use 着 make use of 利 use up come into use
    展开 useful a that can be used for some practical purpose
    useless a not serving a useful purpose
    used a having been worn used etc before a used car 二手车
    vi having learned to accept sth accustomed to sth惯常 ( 仅时 接to do 表事实状态
    辨析 used to do 常常做 be used to doing 惯做 be used to do 做…
    The wood is used to make paper 木头造纸
    I used to get up late in the morning but now I am used to getting up early
    warn vt give sb notice of sth esp possible danger or unpleasant consequences警告告诫
    词组 warn sb of sth 提醒某注意
    warn sb to do 提醒某做某事
    warn sb against doing(warn sb not to do) 提醒某做某事
    warn that 提醒道…
    展开 warning n statement event that warns 警告
    way n place for walking traveling along 路逆路
    method style or manner of doing sth方法手段
    词组 all the way 路 any way 样
    by the way 便说 by way of 取道
    feel one’s way 摸索前进 in the way 挡道妨碍
    in this way 种方法 this way 边走
    no way 没门 give way to 步屈服…代
    make one’s way 艰难走 lose one’s way 迷路
    on one’s way to …途中 on one’ way to becoming a teacher
    辨析 way road street
    way 指抽象路指达某目必须方
    Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office
    road 路公路指通车辆宽广坦路
    All roads lead to Rome 条条路通罗马
    street 街道般指城镇村社中边两边行道两边房屋街道
    The No43 bus is on the other side of the street
    wear vt have something on one’s body esp as clothing穿穿着戴穿破磨损
    vi become damaged useless or reduced by being used穿破磨损耐耐穿
    词组 wear out 穿破久 wear well 久耐
    辨析 put on dress wear have on
    put on 穿表示动作表示状态面须宾语反义词take off
    What dress shall I put on for the party 穿什衣服参加聚会呢?
    dress 指动作宾语衣服表状态时
    dress sb 某穿衣服 be dressed in sth 穿着…
    be well poorly dressed 穿着体体
    wear 穿戴指状态穿戴衣服鞋帽外戴首饰眼镜发型等
    Most students are required to wear school uniforms
    have on wear义表状态作进行状态
    Today she has on a nice dress 天穿着条裙子
    while conj during the time that when …时候
    n a period of time 会
    词组 after a while 会久 for a while 片刻
    in the meanwhile 期间 once in a while 偶尔时
    展开 while表正…时+进行时态(持续动词)状态动词
    While I was in France I picked up a little French
    He is a teacher while I am a doctor
    While he is only a child he knows a lot
    wide adj measuring much from side to side not narrow 阔亮
    ad to the full extent fully 完全充分
    词组 far and wide 广泛普遍处 be wide awake 完全醒着 (wideadv)
    be wide open 敞开(眼睛)睁
    辨析 wide broad
    broad 指整表面宽广
    The river is ten metres wide 条河十米宽
    The young man has broad shoulders 年轻着宽宽肩膀
    展开 width n measurement from side to side 宽度
    widely adv to a large extent or degree 广泛
    English is widely spoken all over the world英语全世界广泛
    wish vt n demand or want say that one hopes somebody will have something 祝愿希
    vi express a desire for something 希
    词组 wish to do 想做… wish sb to do 想某做…希…
    wish you good luck 祝运 give one’s best wishes to sb某致意
    with best wishes (信末结束语)祝
    例句 I wish I could have a new car
    辨析 want hope expect
    want 词组want to do want sb to dowant sb to do
    hope 词组 hope to do hope that sb will do sth hope sb to do
    expect 词组expect to do expect sb to do expect that sb will do
    work n what a person does as an occupation esp in order to earn money工作职业
    piece of literary musical or artistic composition[常works时a work]著作
    作品thing or things produced as a result of work产品工艺品[works](作单
    复)工厂( a steel works two steel works )
    vi do work engage in physical or mental activity工作劳动
    vt cause someone or something work工作劳动
    词组 work at 事研究钻研 at work 工作运转起作
    work on it 善做开始做 work it out 算出解答出
    in work 工作 out of work 失业
    a work on biology 部生物学著作
    the works of Karl Marx 卡尔马克思著作
    a work of art 件艺术品
    works of art 艺术品
    worth prep having a certain value值…钱值…
    value or usefulness 价值值(相)…数量
    辨析 worth worthy
    worth 1价值…接价值数量词
    The book is worth £20 书20英镑
    2 值接名词代词动名词
    The book is worth it 书值价
    It is worth our work 事值付出劳动
    The book is well worth reading 书值读
    展开 worthy 值
    1 接动名词时动动
    The book is worthy of being read
    The book is worthy to be read
    The article is worthy of study 篇文章值细读(动)
    He is worthy to get the prize
    He is worthy of getting the prize 应该份奖(动)
    2 敬相
    Mary is my worthy friend 玛丽敬朋友





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