

    Part A
    Nowadays more and more Chinese teenagers find life more difficult without their parents They don't know how to do 1 Because their parents do almost everything for them at home This is a big problem
    Joy is 14 years old One day her parents went away 2 business so she had to stay at home alone At first she thought she would be happy 3 her parents were not in She could do everything 4 she liked But it was six o'clock in the afternoon she felt 5 Oh it's time to have supper Where can I get my food she said to herself Later she found some food in the fridge but she 6 know how to cook At that moment she missed her 7 very much At last she could only go to the supermarket and 8 some food to eat
    Many of teenagers are 9 as Joy So I think they should learn some basic life skills like cooking tidying up their rooms or dressing themselves 10 They shouldn’t depend too much on their parents
    1 A their homework B some shopping C business D housework (065运)
    2 A in B at C on D with
    3 A so B because C but D until
    4 A that B who C where D when
    5 A hungry B full C excited D bored
    6 A couldn't B didn't C might not D wouldn't
    7 A cousin B aunt C brother D parents
    8 A made B bought C gave D saw
    9 A the same B difficult C different D warmhearted
    10 A actually B carelessly C properly D Slowly


    (1)A their homework作业 B some shopping购买东西 C business 商业 D housework 家务 根句意知道做家务选D
    (2)根句意:天乔伊爸爸妈妈出差on business出差 选C
    (3)A so B because C but D until直 根句意:起初爸爸妈妈家会开心选B
    (5)A hungry饥饿 B full 满 C excited激动 D bored聊 根句意午六点时候感饿选A
    (6)A couldn’t B didn’t C might not D wouldn’t 根句意:冰箱找食物知道做选B
    (7)A cousin表兄妹 B aunt 阿姨 C brother兄弟 D parents父母 根句意:时刻非常想念父母选D
    (8)A made做 B bought 买 C gave D saw见 根句意:超市买吃选B
    (9)A the same 样 B difficult困难 C different D warmhearted 热心 根句意:许青少年乔伊样选A
    (10)A actually实际 B carelessly 粗心 C properly恰 D slowly 慢慢 根句意:作者认应该学生活技做饭整理房间恰扮选C

    Part B
    It’s so beautiful outside that spending the day in the office would be very boring So why not take the vacations(假期)off A new survey(调查)found that 31﹪of US workers don’t always take all of their vacation days Americans have 12 vacation days on average(均)each year but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year
    So why don’t they use up their vacation days Some say they would rather get money back for their unused days some busy workers say they just can’t leave their work Americans have fewer vacation days than workers in any other country surveyed
    The French take their vacations seriously French workers get an average of 39 vacation days and 40﹪ plan to take at least one theretofourweek vacation
    Workers in Sweden receive an average of 25 vacation days a yearbut they can’t find time to use them all More workers there return vacation days than any other country surveyed
    British workers have the longest working week in Europe(欧洲)with 23 vacation days the shortest vacation So they feel overworked75﹪ say their weekends or vacations are too short and 40﹪ would sacrifice a day’s pay(工资)for one more vacation day
    1 How many vacation days do Americans have on average each year in fact
    A9 B12 C15 D23
    2 Which country has the most workers working during the vacation days
    A America B France C Sweden D Great Britain
    3 What does the wordsacrificemean in the last sentence
    A Use up B Put up C Take up D Give up
    4 Which of the following is true
    A Some American workers are too busy to leave their work
    B French workers can take one Threetofour week days
    C Swedish workers can enjoy all of their vacation days
    D British workers have the shortest vacation days of all the countries surveyed


    1A 2C 3D 4A

    Though many countries have laws against the illegal ivory trade (反非法象牙贸易) tens of thousands of African elephants are killed every year
    In January 2014 hundreds of elephant tusks (象牙) as well as ivory sculptures were put into two large crushing machines (粉碎机) in Guangdong China In all more than six tons of ivory were destroyed People called the event an ivory crush In November 2013 the similar event happened in Colorado America There wildlife officials also destroyed more than six tons of ivory
    Though it may sound strange wildlife officials are crushing ivory to help save African elephants Stephanie Wang who works for the Wildlife Protection Society in New York City says We try to let the world know that we don’t think ivory is valuable when it’s not on an elephant Each year poachers kill elephants cut off their long tusks and take the tusks out of Africa secretly Then they sell the tusks and get thousands of dollars The buyers use the ivory to make sculptures jewellery and traditional medicines
    The purpose of recent ivory crushes is to send a message to the poachers and those who buy illegal ivory Stephanie Wang says China’s ivory crush is an important step’ However it is only a small amount (数量) of the illegal ivory If we don’t stop the illegal ivory trade African elephants could disappear from the wild within 10 years
    1 The writer mentions ______ ivory crush(es) in the passage
    A one B two C six D twelve
    2 What can we infer from the passage
    A There are too many elephants in China
    B Chinese people can’t afford ivory sculptures
    C American people never buy ivory sculptures
    D Wildlife officials are against the ivory trade
    3 What does the underlined word poachers mean in Chinese
    A 偷捕动物 B 热爱动物
    C 虐动物 D 训练动物
    4 According to Stephanie Wang ______
    A it’s not a good idea to crush ivory
    B all of the ivory trade is in China
    C we should do a lot to protect African elephants
    D African elephants will disappear within 10 years


    1B 2D 3A 4C

    According to a recent study there are about 70000 blind children in Indonesia Among them 60 percent were not born blind Iyehezkiel Parudani is one of them who lost his eyesight by accident at age six He now teaches English to blind students at the Pajajaran Special SchooL Iyehezkiel Parudani says learning English can help blind people feel better about themselves By learning English they can be an English teacher a translator and a tour guide Students read using Braille (盲文) To write they use special tools too
    Iyehezkiel Parudani says blind people should not let their physical disability influence their dreams In 2008 he got a chance to study at the University of Texas Two years later he got a master's degree in course development there
    In the US if I go to the university to study everything is available like ebooks Braille books Here in Indonesia you know it’s difficult to find a reference book in ebook or in Braille We have to make it ourselves In the US I can move wherever I want because everything designed is really accessible for people with blindness
    Eha Lestari one of his star students says learning English has changed her life She has already traveled to the US with the help of an IndonesiaU S program I study English because I love English very much I want to be a translator because I want to go to the other countries and then I want to meet some people from around the world
    Like her classmates Eha loves to sing Here music is part of daily life Even the students who do not study English can sing some American pop songs such as Stand By Me Stand by me Please stand stand by me Stand by me
    Iyehezkiel Parudani says the song has special meaning to the students In our life we need other persons You have to stand by me Without you standing by me I'm meaningless
    1 According to what Iyehezkiel says learning English can help blind students to ______
    A have more chances to get jobs B visit Englishspeaking countries
    C get a master's degree easily D read Braille books quickly
    2 The underlined word accessible in the third paragraph might mean ______
    A fun to use B easy to reach
    C hard to break D safe to choose
    3 From the last two paragraphs we can infer (推断) that the students ______
    A sang songs side by side B achieved their dreams
    C had a meaningless life D needed help from others
    4 The best title for the passage may be ______
    A A Blind Girl Learning English B Blind Children Singing Songs
    C A Blind Man Teaching English D Blind Teachers Living by Me


    1A 2B 3D 4C





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