• 2. *LEADERS AND MANAGERS 领导和管理人员的区别  LEADERS do the right things 领导人做正确的(该做的)事情 MANAGERS do things right 经理人把事情做到准确无误LEADERS get others to want to do 领导人可以令其他人很乐意的去做MANAGERS get others to do 经理人要求其他人去做LEADERS have followers 领导人有追随者支持MANAGERS have sub-ordinates 经理人有部属LEADERS create a vision of a desired future 领导人会设计出未来的美好蓝图. MANAGERS make the most of what exists经理人将现有的做到最好LEADERS help people to be all that they can 领导人会帮助你挖掘潜力MANAGERS analyse and seek improvement 经理人员分析并寻求提高
    • 3. *1.COMMUNICATE our vision of a customer-focused workplace传达我们的服务理念---顾客至上.   2. DETERMINE and respond to internal customer needs. 确定并回应内部顾客的需求 3.ESTABLISH a climate for open communication创造一个开放式的沟通环境 4.BUILD positive relationships建立良好的关系 THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF SERVICE LEADERSHIP: 领导技能的基本原则
    • 4. *Customer focus 以客人为中心 Involvement & empowerment of every member of staff让所有员工参与,并授权他们 Communication 沟通 Innovation 改革创新 Continuous quality improvement 不断地提高质量 Cost effectiveness / profitability 有效的成本/营利CUSTOMERS COME FIRST VALUES 顾客至上理念
    • 5. *DETERMINE AND RESPOND TO INTERNAL CUSTOMER NEEDS 内部顾客的需求是什么?T R S M R D R E U O E I A C P T S R I O P I P E N G O V E C I N R A C T N I T T T I G T   I   O   I   O   N   O   N       N         培训、认可、支持、激励、尊重、指导
    • 7. *  GOLDEN RULES For Team Briefing 班组会的黄金法则   Face to Face 面对面  In Small Teams 小组模式 By the Team Leader 团队领导主持  On A Regular Basis 建立在常规的基础上  About Relevant Subjects 涉及相关的主题  Asking & Answering Questions 采用提问/回答的方式
    • 8. *KEY CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADER 领导人的主要品质 Honesty 诚实 Competence 有能力 Forward-Looking 有远见 Inspiration 鼓舞人心 Credibility 值得信赖
    • 9. *DIRECTING LEADERSHIP 指导型领导Demonstrates 演示 Explains how 解释原因 Sets goals 设定目标 Organizes the work in advance 提前组织好工作 Structures 思路清晰, 有序安排工作 Controls 控制 Supervises closely 及时监督 Evaluates 评估
    • 10. *COACHING LEADERSHIP The Leader 教导型领导DIRECTS 指导 • Demonstrates 演示 • Explains how 解释原因 • Sets goals 设定目标 • Organises the work in advance 预先组织工作 • Structures 工作规划 • Controls 控制 • Supervises closely及时监督 • Evaluates 评估AND SUPPORTS 支持 •Praises 赞扬 •Explains why 解释原因 •Asks for opinions 征求意见 •Listens 耐心倾听 •Encourages 给予鼓励 •Reassures 使员工获得信心
    • 11. *SUPPORTING LEADERSHIP 支持型领导 • Praises 赞扬 • Reassures 使员工得到信心 • Encourages 鼓励 • Asks for ideas and opinions 征求意见和建议 • Listens 耐心倾听 • Involves follower in goal setting 鼓励员工 参 与目标的设定 • Involves follower in evaluation 要求员工参与 评估 • Involves follower in problem-solving 鼓励员工 参与问题的解决 • Shared decision making 共同决策
    • 12. * DELEGATING LEADERSHIP 授权型领导• Shares responsibility for goal setting 每个人都有责任参与目标的设定 • Allows the follower to evaluate his/her performance 允许员工评估他/她自己的表现 • Is available but does not interfere当员工需要帮助时,你就在身边,但绝不干扰员工 • Provides information and resources 提供信息和资源 • Provides appropriate rewards 提供适当的奖励
    • 13. * SITUATIONAL LEADERSHIP MODEL Behaviours of Leaders 情景领导的行为模式高high S U 支持P P O RD3/S3 SUPPORTING 支持 low directing 低指导 high supporting 高支持D2/S2 COACHING 教导 high directing 高指导 high supporting 高支持T I N G 低lowD4/S4 DELEGATING 授权 low directing 低指导 low supporting 低支持D1/S1 DIRECTING 指导 high directing 高指导 low supporting 低支持Low低 D I R E C T I N G 指导 high高
    • 14. *弹性运用领导型态指导型 我决定授权型 你决定教导型 一起谈 我决定支持型 一起谈 一起决定高 关 系 低 鼓励 倾听 询问 解释 工作 高 结构、组织、教导、督导
    • 15. *选择领导方式要考虑下属的成熟程度 他们的经验是否足够? 他们是否掌握所需技巧? 他们办事是否积极? 他们是否渴望独立行事? 他们是否愿意承担责任?环境因素 时间紧迫的程度 工作复杂的程度 工作成败带来后果的严重性 组织是否鼓励工作自由发挥
    • 16. *Strength优势: 你个人具有的优势是什么?Weakness劣势: 你自己最不擅长的东西是什么?Opportunity机会: 你最有可能的机会是什么?Threat威胁: 你所面临的威胁是什么?危 机机 会内部——个人因素外部——环境因素你的管理目标:SWOT
    • 17. *S U P E R V I S O R主管Supervise 监督 观察,指挥,培训 Understanding 理解 听,帮助 Patient 耐心 不发火 Example 标兵 遵纪,准时,外表精干 Respect 尊敬 相互尊重Versatile 多面手 解决难题 Initiative 主动性 自发做 Strict 严格 纪律约束 Objective 客观 不搀杂私人感情 Recognize 认可 表扬,批评
    • 18. *讲话人编码接受反馈传递听话人给予反馈解码有效沟通:发出信息=接收信息传送者与接受者的角色不断相互转换。听,说,问
    • 19. *EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION ACTION STEPS 有效的沟通的步骤 1. OUTCOME 效果  Identify the outcome you desire 确定你想要达到的效果   2. ACUITY 敏锐  Analyse your audience 分析你的听众  Tailor your message to your audience 根据你听众的情况对内容进行筛选  Present the main point of your message 陈述重点   3. FLEXIBILITY 灵活  Continually check your audience‘s reaction 持续检查听众的反应  Seek feedback 收集反馈意见
    • 20. *  Professionals and managers spend up to 40% of their day listening  专业人士和管理人员每天在 “倾听”上要占用40%的工作时间 •Average listening effectiveness is only 25% 平均的倾听有效率只有:25% •The average speaker talks at a rate of 125 -150words a minute, while most people can listen at a rate of 500 words per minute. That leaves us with a lot of free time! 说话的频率在每分钟125-150个字,但听话的频率却是每分钟500个字   •People misinterpret 40 - 60% of what they hear 在表达过程中40%-60%的信息被听话人曲解  •Managers must send their message three times to be understood 管理人员必须重复三次才能使所要表达的意思被正确理解  •To become a better listener, practice!  要成为好的倾听者,只有不断的练习!
    • 21. *38% 声音55% 视觉ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICAITON沟通的要素7%语言 7% 你 在 说 什 么 38% 你 是 怎 么 说 的 55% 你 的 身 体 语 言
    • 23. *THE META MODEL       Language may be watered down by the process of  语言会因为以下原因降低说服力:   ·             Deletion 在表达过程中的删减   ·             Generalizations 笼统的概括   ·             Distortion 曲解说话者的意思  
    • 24. *HANDLING EMOTIONALCOMMUNICATION  如何进行情感上的沟通Remain Calm 保持冷静 Acknowledge 认同 Restate thoughts 重述员工想法 Reflect employee's feelings 考虑员工的感受 Show understanding 表示理解 Suspend judgement 不要马上做出判断 Probe to gain a full understanding of the problem 仔细调查,充分了解问题情况 Reach agreement on the definition of the problem 对问题的定义达成共识 Encourage employee to suggest solutions 鼓励员工想出其他的解决方案
    • 25. *THE FOUR BASIC POSTURAL POSITIONS   四种常见的姿势   1. APPROACH 靠近 forward-looking 身体前倾 Eager 渴望 Attentive 关注   2. EXPANSION 扩张 Straight 直接的 Erect挺直的   3. WITHDRAWAL 防御 turned away 拒绝 holds back阻挡 Defensive 防卫   4. CONTRACTION 退缩 drawn into self head bowed 低头
    • 26. *Brainstorming头脑风暴法Everyone must be involved每个人都必须参与 Call out ideas to scribe快速记录每一个点子 Build on ideas在提出的点子的基础上进一步发挥 No idea is too trivial or silly没有微不足道或愚蠢的点子 There is no criticism nor judgment on any idea对于提出的点子不做批评或判断 Get as many ideas as possible in the time尽可能在规定的时间内获得更多的点子 Objective: solve problems and enjoy doing it!目标:解决问题,并且享受整个过程
    • 27. *ACTION STEPS TO RECOGNISING CUSTOMER FOCUSED PERFORMANCE   认知关注客人的行为表现之行动步骤Praise people immediately 及时表扬 Tell them exactly what they did right - be specific 告诉员工哪里做的正确-具体 Tell them how you feel about it 告诉员工你的感受 Pause暂停  Encourage more of the same 鼓励更多好的行为 If appropriate shake hands or touch in a way that communicates support 可以通过握手及接触等方式来传达你对员工的支持
    • 28. *COACHING TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCE   Action Steps提高表现的教导步骤COACHING IS AN  ON-GOING PROCESS OF WORKING WITH EMPLOYEES TO HELP THEM IMPROVE THEIR PERFORMANCE 教导是帮助员工提高他们工作表现的一个持续不断的过程ORGANISE your observations and plan for the meeting  组织归纳你的观察并计划教导培训 STATE the development or performance topic clearly when you begin the discussion 在讨论时清楚的表达员工发展或员工表现的议题。 ASK for the employee‘s ideas. Listen actively 征求员工意见认真倾听,主动倾听 EXPLORE the development or performance issue jointly 共同商讨发展或表现的问题 REACH agreement and have employee confirm an action plan 与员工达成共识,确定行动计划 SET a follow-up meeting and encourage the employee 安排一次跟进会议来激励员工
    • 29. *CORRECTIVE DISCIPLINE Action Steps 纠正性纪律 步骤Determine the facts 了解实情 Clearly state your case. Be specific 清楚具体的阐述你的理由。 3Ask employee to state their version 让员工阐明情况 4.Explore together why the situations cannot be allowed to continue 一起探讨违纪行为不允许继续的原因 5. Ask the employee to come up with the solution and agree on guidelines for the solutions 向员工征求解决方案并达成共识 6.If appropriate issue a warning including agreed action and review date 如果合适,给出警告单,包括已达成共识的行动方案及回顾日期  7.Express confidence that they will correct their performance 表现出对员工的信心,相信他们能够做的更好
    • 30. *DELEGATION 任务下放Delegation involves giving a person more than a job to do, it means giving that person the responsibility for doing that job and the authority to do it. 任务下放不仅仅是给员工分配一项工作,同时敢将责任及权力下放给员工 (You, as Supervisors, retain the accountability or ultimate responsibility - and therefore must retain the right of control) 你作为主管,仍要承担最后的责任,因此必须保持着控制权。
    • 32. *DELEGATION ACTION STEPS 任务下放的行动步骤Decide what to delegate and to whom 确定将任务委托给谁? Discuss task and results required, seek agreement 探讨任务内容和所要求的结果,达成共识。 Define authority and responsibility 限定任务下放的权力范围和应履行的责任 Provide resources and training 提供资源及培训 Agree on target date 确定任务完成的具体日期 Establish controls 制定控制措施 Monitor progress, coach, support and praise全程监督,教导,给予支持并适时表扬
    • 33. *EMPOWERING ACTION STEPS 授权的行动步骤Communicate a vision of service  传达我们的服务理念 Ask for the employee‘s reaction or ideas 了解员工的反应及想法 Listen and be responsive to employee input  认真听取员工所提供有价值的建议和意见 Provide information, tools and training required to prepare the employee to accept empowerment  为授权员工提供信息,工具和培训等帮助 Delegate, let go of control  任务下放,但必须能控制 Demonstrate confidence in the employee's competence对员工的能力表现出信心  Recognise customer focused performance 对顾客至上的表现表示认同
    • 34. *Standard标准Brand Standard品牌标准 Hotel Standard酒店标准 Operation Standard运作标准 Service Standard服务标准 Product Standard产品标准
    • 35. *CHARACTERISTICS OF WELL-WRITTEN STANDARDS 好标准的特点 Easily understood 容易理解 Describe detailed interpersonal behaviours 详细描述人际行为 Indicate completeness 描述完整 Can be achieved consistently随着时间推进,仍然能保持不变。 Address timeliness as it relates to customer expectations 根据顾客要求制定限期 Meet or exceed customers expectations 达到或超出客人期望 Include action verbs (hear, see, feel, taste etc.) 包括行为动词(听,看,感觉,尝等) Answer the question, "How do I know when I've done it correctly?“ 回答此问题,“当我做完的时候如何知道我做的是否正确?”
    • 36. *ACTION STEPS FOR WRITING SERVICE STANDARDS 写服务标准的步骤Step One: Identify the desired end result 第一 步: 确认想要达到的效果 Step Two: Brainstorm a list of what needs to be done to achieve the desired end result 第二步: 运用头脑风暴法罗列出能实现这个目标所要做的事情 Step Three: Review the list to cross out duplications and eliminate unwanted or inappropriate items and abstractions 第三步: 删除列表中意思重复,不需要不合适的事项及抽象的部分 Step Four: For each step, identify the standards, i.e. how you will know when the step has been done correctly 第四步: 为每一步骤都找到标准,例如:你如何知道这一步做的是否正确? Step Five: Test statements for accuracy and completeness 第五步 :检查一下陈述的是否准确完整 Step Six: Check each standard to see that it contains the characteristics of good standards 第六部 :检查每项标准,看其是否符合好标准的特点。
    • 37. *NONE OF US ARE AS GOOD AS ALL OF US 一个人的能力不可能超过集体的能力TEAMWORK团队建设By involving all of us with our customers we will realise our potential and vision - we believe: T ogether E veryone A chieves M ore