
    浙江省 嘉兴区 20182019学年 5月高三英语模拟测试
    How much is the shirt
    A 1915                B 918                C 915
    1 What does the woman suggest the man do
    A Get more sleep     B See a doctor    C Play computer games
    2 What time will the train leave
    A 730             B 715             C 700
    3 What is the relationship between the speakers
    A Neighbors        B Close friends     C Strangers
    4 What does the woman mean
    A The man should go to more lessons
    B The man has a good memory

    C The man is too forgetful
    5 What are the speakers talking about
    A Buying an old car B Buying a new car     C What kind of car to buy
    6 How did the man get interested in baseball
    A From his college friends
    B From his high school teachers
    C From the grownups around him
    7 When did the man play baseball much
    A After his retirement
    B During his school years
    C When being a professional player
    8 Why is the man so sad
    A His walk was ruined
    B His dog had an accident
    C He can’t compete in the show
    9 What do the speakers probably enjoy doing

    A Showing dogs
    B Running after cars
    C Playing baseball with his friends
    10 Why does the man want tea
    A He feels cold       B He is quite thirsty         C He wants to calm himself down 
    11 Where is the man from
    A A city             B A town                 C A village
    12 What does the man think of his last Christmas
    A Busy and special    B Usual and boring         C Exciting and funny
    13 What do we know about the man
    A He isn’t the only child
    B He lives with his parents
    C He knows the woman well
    14 What is the relationship between the speakers
    A Schoolmates
    B Teacher and student
    C Father and daughter
    15 Why did the woman forget to bring her school sweater
    A She thought it was Wednesday
    B Her science teacher didn’t tell her that

    C Her mind was occupied with something else
    16 What does the man forget
    A His birthday
    B The science class
    C The day of the week
    17 For whom is the speaker leaving a message
    A Her boss           B Her friend             C Her client
    18 What is the most important thing
    A A birthday party
    B A business lunch
    C A staff meeting on Friday
    19 What does Mr King expect
    A A reply            B A vocation             CA room reservation
    20 What will Mr Bank do tomorrow morning
    A Play golf           B See a doctor           C Attend a party

    第节 (10题题25分满分25分)

    Dear daughters 
    Most parents tell their children You can be anything you want when you grow up I feel the same and I say this often But I also want you to understand that realizing your dreams comesfrom hard work some good luck and good timing
    Here are some words of wisdom for you as you make your way in the world from an entrepreneur (企业家) and from your mama
    1 Be openminded to changing your path along the way
    In high school I wanted to be a politician I left my hometown and went off to college inWashington
    DC There I discovered that I loved to support women It taught me that I’m creative a strong leader and great at marketing As a result I moved on to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit Becoming a mother while in that job opened my mind to launching a breast pump bag (储奶袋) business Now I run a highly successful company that I started up on my own I'm not a politician
    2 Failure is critical to your success
    Failure can be heartbreaking But I will tell you that every failure I’ve had along the way has absolutely made me better
    Failing the big math exam in high school and going to summer school was embarrassing I eventually passed and I’ve never failed an exam again I learned from that experience to ask for help Now I ask for help in business all the time
    I’m proud to be a role model to you as a mom and an entrepreneur I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be anything you want It will be my pleasure to watch your lives unfold before my eyes

    Your mom
    21 In the writer’s opinion what does it take to realize one’s dream
    A Failure hard work and good timing
    BAn open mind failure and hard work
    C Hard work good luck and good timing
    D A good dream an open mind and hard work
    22 What did the writer learn from her failure
    A Failure can make us embarrassed
    B We shouldn’t get angry when we fail
    C Don’t care too much about your failure
    D It’s important to turn to others for help
    23 Which of the following words best describe the writer
    A Political and proud
    B Caring and cautious
    C Modest and unlucky
    D Flexible and successful

    Full of oldstyle houses Wuzhen in Zhejiang province has long been a tourist attraction But a few days ago this ancient town was unusually full of people It hosted the third annual World Internet Conference held between Nov 16 and 18

    Tech firm bosses academics and government officials went there to share their understanding of the event’s theme – Innovationdriven (创新驱动) Internet Development for the Benefit of All – Building a Community of Common Future in Cyberspace (网络空间)
    When it comes to innovation many tech firms in China are looking at artificial intelligence
    Baidu’s latest development is based on AI technology It’s called Baidu Brain an artificial intelligence project that aims to greatly improve computing by copying the way the human brain operates It can be used to tell which diseases patients have According to a test at Peking University International Hospital 80 percent of its technology’s diagnosis (诊断) results agree with the opinions of doctors
    Another tech giant Alibaba is also trying to make use of AI
    During the conference Alibaba’s Ant Financial company showed off its Smile to Pay technology Registered (注册) users can complete transactions (交易) by simply having their face scanned by a computer screen at the cashier’s (收银员) desk without having to put in a PIN number or open an app according to China Radio International
    The Chinese market for AI technology is huge But Zhang Yaqin president of Baidu told Xinhua AI cannot do everything but it will certainly free people from repetitive jobs Our ultimate (终) goal is to let people do more creative and interesting things

    24 Wuzhen is mentioned at the beginning of the passage because ______
    A it is full of people
    B it has many oldstyle houses
    C it has long been a tourist attraction
    D it hosted the World Internet Conference
    25 What do we know about Baidu Brain
    A It aims to replace the human brain
    B It can be used to diagnose diseases
    C It can cure 80 patients of their diseases
    D It is developed by PekingUniversityInternationalHospital
    26 Who are most likely to use Smile to Pay technology
    A The cashiers at the desk
    B China Radio International
    C Alibaba’sRegistered cuntomers
    D Alibaba’s Ant Financial company
    27 The main purpose of developing AI technology is to ______
    A help people do repetitive jobs 
    B free people from creative work 
    C let people share their understanding of AI
    D inspire people to be more innovationdriven

    A cellphone is one of the few things that we hold close to our faces all the time and yet it could possibly explode – this is what made the recent Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smart phone accidents so shocking
    According to technology news website The Verge flawed (瑕疵) phone batteries might be to blame
    Even if you are not a science student you probably know that it is common sense that the negative end and the positive endof the battery should never touch If they do the battery will shortcircuit (短路) causing a powerful electrical reaction that can destroy the battery and cause a fire
    This is why all lithiumion (锂离子) batteries – the kind that can be found in many of our devices (电子设备) like tablets and cameras – have a separator layer inside to stop the two ends from touching one another
    But somehow the separators in some of the Samsung phones broke causing explosions
    Overcharging is another problem that can make batteries heat up quickly Fortunately most batteries are designed to be able to automatically stop charging once they are fully charged But again this somehow failed to happen in some of the Samsung phones
    According to Lynden Archer a materials scientist at Cornell University US we have already achieved 90 percent of the battery life possible from a lithiumion battery Customers’ demands that their devices get thinner and their battery have a longer life have given producers little choice but to try to put more power into thinner batteries However the more energy you put into a box the more dangerous it
    ’s going to be  
    28 A separator layer is put in lithiumion batteries in order to ______
    A ensure a longer battery life
    B reduce a certain electrical reaction
    C connect the anode and the cathode
    D prevent a battery from short circuiting
    29 What are the possible reasons for the Samsung phone explosions
    A Pushing the limits of batteries
    B Short circuiting and overheating
    C Overcharging and thinner batteries
    D Automatic charging and broken separators
    30 What is the writer’s main purpose of writing the article
    A To describe problems facing cellphone producers
    B To warn us about the dangers of lithiumion batteries
    C To teach us common sense when it comes to batteries
    D To explain the reasons for the Samsung phone explosions
    What I learned watching dentist at work
    I would like to be a dentist in the future   31   The patient tender dentist comforted me a 7yearold girl at the time and persuaded me to stop crying and to accept my treatment

      32   Recently our teacher gave us the homework of experiencing a kind of job on the weekend I chose without hesitation to live a day as a dentist at my friend’s older brother’s workplace
    I got to Dr Tan’s clinic at 745 am 15 minutes before office hours began on Saturday Dr Tan who has been a dentist for five years sat in his consulting room with a mask on his face and waited for his patients I didn’t really understand his diagnoses or treatments but I could see that Dr Tan was a responsible doctor He explained conditions and therapies (治疗方案) to patients at length to remove their doubts He paused operations to let patients rest if the treatment was taking too much time  33 Dr Tan worked for almost the whole morning without a break He only made a phone call to his wife to remind her to have an antenatal (产前) examination Yes he will be a father in five months but he still cannot keep his wife company at the weekend   34  They try to ease others’ pain anytime and anywhere despite the cost to their own time and life
    As the last patient said goodbye to Dr Tan in the afternoon my visit came to an end I now feel that I understand more about doctors   35  
    A My dream has finally come true
    B They are the heroes I admire most
    C Doctors are ordinary people yet they are also angels
    D It helps me to reduce stress find friends and learn new skills

    E I thought it was a dream that was almost impossible to fulfill 
    F That’s all because of a dentist I came across during my childhood
    G He also gave a doctor’s advice to his patients carefully before they went out the door

    第三部分 英语知识运(两节满分45分)
    第节 完形填空(20题题15分满分30分)
    Last weekend ourschool organized some volunteers to help  36  the traffic at the main crossroads 37 I was one of them
    Early in the  38 forty of us volunteers got together at the school gate Before we left our teacher told us some  39  do’s and don’ts for traffic police Then we were  40  hats fluorescent vests (荧光马甲) and red flags It was really  41  to be fully equipped for the sacred (神圣) mission
    Eventually our group  42  the appointed (指定) crossroads and one of the  43  policewomen welcomed us warmly She  44  us into four groups each of us standing at one corner of the crossroads At first I felt a bit  45  when the pedestrians (行) looked at us curiously Then I took a deep  46  and tried to get over my shyness Step by step I got the  47  of being a traffic policeman When some passersby wanted to run the  48  light we stepped forward to  49  them warning them of the  50  of their careless behavior When older people were about to
      51  the road we kindly offered to help them With our assistance far  52  people ignored the traffic regulations  53  have now become a beautiful part of the scenery in our city
    At 11 o’clock in the morning our voluntary work 54 Although we were tired and hungry we felt happy and fulfilled Helping others really does bring you  55
    36 A declare            B direct            C develop            D deliver
    37 A Hopefully        B Luckily        C Unfortunately        D Naturally
    38 A morning        B afternoon        C evening            D weekend
    39 A additional        B interesting        C basic                D complex
    40 A worn            B held            C handed            D given
    41 A exciting         B astonishing        C frightening            D challenging
    42 A slid to            B arrived at        C pulled in            D moved on
    43 A lonely            B elderly            C friendly            D silly
    44 A separated        B threw            C divided            D drove
    45 A embarrassed        B angry            C boring                D guilty
    46 A sigh            B thought        C look                D breath
    47 A hang            B rule            C trick                D method
    48 A green            B red            C yellow                D orange
    49 A help            B save            C stop                D catch
    50 A mistakes        B dangers        C troubles            D pains
    51 A take            B hit            C cross                D pass
    52 A fewer            B more            C many                D less

    53 A Schools            B Crossroads        C Passersby            D Volunteers
    54 A gave up            B settled down    C came to life            D came to an end
    55 A kindness        B happiness        C tiredness            D forgiveness

    第三部分 英语知识运(两节满分45分)
    What does a beautiful person look like Well it depends on whom you ask and   56   they are from
    Much like the way people with straight hair want   57  (curl) hair or those with pale skin lie in the sun trying to get a suntan (晒黑) people often find themselves more attractive when 58  (visit) another country
    Recently a post went popular on the US question website Quora It asked Have you ever been considered more attractive in a country   59 than your own
    Many replies made  60  clear just how much more attractive they were considered in other country and why
    Lolyta from Indonesia wrote In my home country I am not considered beautiful   61  when I went to Europe I got a lot of attentionPoojaGautam from Nepal shared a similar experience Women with lighter skin always got more attention than she 62   in her country But in Poland she has gotten   63  (usual) high levels of attention from locals Tanning salons (晒黑沙龙) are a big thing in Polish cities
    she wrote Some Polish people find it hard to believe   64   I tell them that many Nepalese people carry   65  (umbrella) on hot sunny days to stop their skin from turning darker   
    1    欣赏风光
    2    享受野餐
    3    做游戏
    注意: 1词数80左右题目已写
    A Pleasant Outing

    A wealthy man and his son liked to collect rare works of art They had everything in their collection from Picasso to Raphael They would often sit together and admire these great works of art
    When the Vietnam conflict broke out the son went to war Unfortunately he died in battle while rescuing another soldier The father was in deep sorrow for his only son
    About a month later just before Christmas there was a knock at the door A young man stood at the door with a large package in his hands He said Sir you don't know me I am the soldier for whom your son gave his life He saved many lives that day and he was carrying me to safety when a bullet struck him in the heart and killed him instantly He often talked about you and your love of art The young man held out this package I know this isn't much I'm not a great artist but I think your son would have wanted you to have this 
    The father opened the package It was a picture of his son painted by the young man He stared in surprise at the way the soldier captured the personality of his son in the painting The father was so drawn to the eyes that his own eyes welled with tears He thanked the young man and offered to pay for the painting Oh no sir I could never repay what your son did for meIt's a gift 
    The father hung the picture on the hall Every time visitors came to his home he took them to see the portrait of his son before he showed them any of the other great works he had collected 
    The man died a few months later There was to be a great auction(拍卖) of his art collection Many influential people gathered excited over seeing the great paintings and having the opportunity to purchase one for their collection

    注意:    1 续写短文词数应150左右
    2 应5短文中标划线关键词
      3 续写部分分两段段开头语已写
     4 续写完成请划线标出关键词语
    Paragraph 1:
    On the platform sat the painting of the son _______________________________________________

    Paragraph 2:
    Finally a voice came from the back of the room___________________________________________




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