


      ( )1 A forget B her C work D nurse

      ( )2 A these B father C think D mouths

      ( )3 A any B catch C black D stamp

      ( )4 A book B good C food D classroom

    ( )5 A pens B teachers C apples D cats


      6 How many ____________ (猴子) does the zoo have

      7 He listens to the teacher as ___________(仔细) as his cousin

      8 The old man lived in a __________(not quiet) street so he couldn’t sleep well every day

      9 W___________ (the fourth day in a week) is my busiest day

      10 My ideal school starts at 900 am and f_________ at 300 pm


      11Look One of the children __________(swim)in the lake

      12Lily is much __________(health) than her sister

      13They _________(fly) to the UK didn’t they

      14Is _________(eat) too much good or bad for your body

      15Mr Lee _______________ (give) us a talk on the history of China tomorrow isn’t he


      ( )16 Could you help me please


      A Yes please B Yes I could C Yes I can D You’re welcome

      ( )17There is _____________sheep on the hill

      A little B a few C a little D few

      ( )18There is ______ h ______ o_______u and ______ r

      in the word hour

      A an an a an B a an a a C a an an a D an an an an

      ( )19I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s


      A Oh that’s very nice of you B Congratulations

      C It’s a pleasure D Oh I’m glad to hear that

      ( )20Can I get you a cup of tea


      A That's very nice of you B With pleasure

      C You can please D Thank you for the tea

      ( )21Does she work here

      No but these days she _____ here

      A helps B help C is helping D helping

      ( )22 __________ today Yes Shall we have a picnic in the open air

      A What fine weather is B How fine weather it is

      C What a fine weather it is D How fine the weather is

      ( )23 I _____tired yesterday so I ________ go shopping with her

      A am don’t B was am not C was didn’t D am am not

      ( )24 Could you get to the park before 3 o’clock

      __________ I’ll still be at the meeting then

      A I think so B Yes I could C I’m afraid not D I’m afraid so

      ( ) 25 Miss Gao is ________teacher She teaches _____ English

      A our my B us me C us our D our us



      You’re an excellent person I am sure your new job will be a great success

      Best wishes from

      Mrs Bell


      Wish you every success in your exams We’ll be thinking of you

      All our love

      Granny & Grandpa


      People like you make the world brighter with the special things you do

      Love from



      Hoping that good health will soon be yours

      With very best wishes from

      everyone at Better Books

      To dear ____E______

      Life is boring without you Hurry back



      26_____________________ Simon is working in another city for four weeks

      27 __________________ Mary is in hospital

      28 __________________John has just started a new job

      29 __________________Karen will start her final exams next week

      30 __________________Ann cleaned her friend's house when her friend was on holiday

      六完型填空 (1×10分)

      Where is the university This is a question that many visitors to Cambridge(剑桥)ask But no one can give them a __(31)__answer for there is no wall to be found _(32)___ the university The university is the city You can find classroom buildings __(33)__ museums and offices of the university all over the city And most of its members are the students and_(34)__ of the thirty—one colleges(学院)

      Cambridge was already a_(35)_ town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 years ago It grew up by the river Granta and the river was once __(36)__ the Cam A__(37)__ was built over the river as early as 875so the town got its name Cambridge

      In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries more and more land was used for college buildings The town grew much __(38)__ in the nineteenth century after the opening of the railway in 1845Cambridge became a__(39)__ in 1951 and now it has a population of over 100000 Many young students in other countries_(40)_ to study at Cambridge

      ( )31 A true B clear C right D wrong

      ( )32 A around B in C near D about

      ( )33 A cinemas B libraries C zoos D parks

      ( )34 A parents B farmers C teachers D doctors

      ( )35 A interesting B old C new D usual

      ( )36 A said B called C spoken D talked

      ( )37 A bridge B building C station D house

      ( )38 A smaller B slower C slowly D faster

      ( )39 A city B college C country D village

      ( )40 A stop B hate C hope D dislike



      No1 Business Hours

      MontoWed 930am—600pm Thurs 930am—800pm

      FritoSat 930am—600pm

      Sun closed No3 Opening Hours


      1000am—500 pm


      230 pm—600 pm

      No2 Bill’s Supermarket

      O P E N


      800am to 800pm No4 Opening to the Public

      900 am—500 pm

      Monday to Friday

      ( ) 41 If you work at No1 you have to work longer hours on_____

      A Tuesday B Thursday C Saturday D Sunday

      ( ) 42 Which two are open every day

      ANo1 and No2 BNo1 and No4

      CNo3 and No4 DNo2 and No3

      ( ) 43 If four people work for the four different places how many of them needn’t go to work

      on Sunday morning

      A One B Two C Three D Four

      ( ) 44 No4 can probably be______

      A a government(政府) office B a hospital

      C a restaurant D a hotel

      ( ) 45 Bill’s Supermarket is open ______ a day

      A8 hours B12 hours C14 hours D16 hours

      八阅读面文章根求回答问题 (1×5分)

      The Arts Cinema is open 7 days a week showing lots of American and foreign films Next week it will show an Australian film calledMidnight Meeting It is set in Sydney in the 1960s You can see that film from Monday to Thursday It will be on twice a day at 630 and 910 in the evenings The film lasts two hours and fifteen minutes Tickets are 4 but there is a special student ticket at 260 for all the films Please bring your student card if you want the cheaper ticket

      The nearest car park to the cinema is in Hamlet Street It’s just five minutes’walk from the cinema If you need further information phone 8813962 during office hours9 am to 430 pm Monday to Friday

      Answer each of the following questions in no more than SIX words(题答案超6词)

     46 In which country is the film Midnight Meeting made

    47 When can people see that film

    48 How many minutes does the film last

    49 What’s the price of a student ticket

     50 How far is it from the nearest park to the cinema


      Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientists who ever lived But he couldn’t find his way home when he went for a w 51 He often forgot things He had other things to think about Science was m 52 important to him than any other thing in life Albert Einstein was born in 1879 in Germany When he was a child he learned things very s 53 Albert didn’t speak

      u 54 he was three years old His parents were w 55 about him When he was 12 Albert began r 56 math and science books He was excited about the t 57 he learned in those books He became more and more interested in math and physics He wanted to find the

      a 58 to the questions about the universe When he told people about his ideas other scientists l 59 at him at first But his ideas changed the world scientists looked at the universe in a n 60 way Because of him we have such things as computers televisions and space travel today

      51_________52___________53____________54___________55 ______________

      56_________57__________ 58____________59 ____________60 ______________


      1~5 A C A C D

      二6 monkeys 7 carefully 8 noisy 9 Wednesday 10 finishes

      三11 is swimming 12 healthier 13 flew 14 eating 15 is going to give

      四16~20 C C A D A 21~25 C D C C D

      五26~30 E D A B C

      六31~35 B A B C D 36~40 B A D A C

      七41~45 B D C A B

      八46 Australia 47 From Monday to Thursday 48 Two hours and fifteen minutes

      49 260 50 Five minutes' walk

      九1 walk 2 more 3 slowly 4 until 5 worried

      6 reading 7 things 8 answers 9 laughed 10 new




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