
    april 132014
    room 212 building 343
    tsinghua universitybeijing 100084
    ms yang
    i was referred to you by mr zhang a partner with your beijing office who informed me that the shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your auditor program
    i have more than two years of accounting experience including interning as an auditor last year with the beijing office of cccc i will be receiving my mba this may from tsinghua university i am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company i understand the level of professionalism and communication required for longterm success in the field my background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive auditor upon completion of your development program
    i will be in the shanghai area the week of april 16 please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs i look forward to meeting you then
    cheng dan
    高级销售理英文求职信 毕业生求职英文求职信 新学生英文求职信模板
    april 132014
    room 212 building 343
    tsinghua universitybeijing 100084
    ms yang
    i was referred to you by mr zhang a partner with your beijing office who informed me that the shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your auditor program
    i have more than two years of accounting experience including interning as an auditor last year with the beijing office of cccc i will be receiving my mba this may from tsinghua university i am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company i understand the level of professionalism and communication required for longterm success in the field my background and professional approach to business will provide your office with a highly productive auditor upon completion of your development program
    i will be in the shanghai area the week of april 16 please call me at 136001216901 to arrange a convenient time when we may meet to further discuss my background in relation to your needs i look forward to meeting you then
    cheng dan
    应聘外企教制作高水准英文简历 发布时间 20141126 0209作者 webmaster源 站原创
    字体中| 篇 篇 | 印
    说明信(cover letter)
    封介绍性信笺介绍应征目机会中概述技公司做出贡献数公司履历外求附封说明信(anintroductory letter which introduces yourself states your intent and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell what you can offer to a company most companies require a cover letter in addition to a
    正规鉴定描绘出专业目标工作历教育背景 某专业相关活动参加专业组织等等种成老板推销技专业技巧手段(a formal document which identifies a person outlines professional goals describes work history and educational background andidentifies other activities member ships in professional associationsetc which are relevant to a career it is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer)
    份描述专业抱负职业目标陈述报告(a statement which expresses your professional ambitions andor career objectives)包括:目标(objective)工作目标(job objective)职业目标(careerobjective)谋求职位(positionsought)希职位(position wanted)申请职位(position applied for)等
    1executive and managerial 理部分:
    executive marketing director 市场行政总监 vicepresident 副总裁
    assistant vicepresident 副总裁助理 controller(general) 理员
    vicepresident of administration 行政副总裁 manager 理
    production manager 生产理 operations manager 操作理
    chief executive officer(ceo) 首席执行官 president 总统
    chief operations officer(coo) 首席运营官 branch manager 部门理
    controller(international) 国际监 director of operations 运营总监
    claims examiner 考官 general manager 总理
    property manager 房产理 field assurance coordinator 土担保协调员 district manager 市区理 regional manager 区域理
    hospital administrator 医院理 hmo administrator 医疗保险理
    importexport manager 进出口理 insurance claims controller 保险认领理员 program manager 程序理理 insurance coordinator 保险协调员
    project manager 项目理 product manager 产品理
    inventory control manager 库存理理 warehouse manager 仓库理
    manager(nonprofit and charities) 非盈利性慈善机构理
    manufacturing manager 制造业理 vending manager 售买理
    telecommunications manager 电信业理 transportation manager 运输理
    service manager 服务理 food service manager 食品服务理
    retail store manager 零售店理 assistant store manager 商店理助理
    2administration 行政部分:
    office manager 办公室理 administrative director 行政
    file clerk 档案理员 receptionist 接员 secretary 秘书
    executive assistant 行政助理 executive secretary 行政秘书
    general office clerk 办公室文员 typist 字员
    inventory control analyst 存货控制分析 staff assistant 助理
    mail room supervisor 信件中心理员 stenographer 速记员
    order entry clerk 订单输入文员 telephone operator 电话操作员
    shippingreceiving expediter 收发督导员 ticket agent 票务代理
    3education and library science 教育部分:
    daycare worker 保育员 nanny 保姆 teacher 教师
    developmental educator 发展教育家 head teacher 高级教师
    foreign language teacher 外语教师 physical education teacher 物理教师
    guidance counselor 指导顾问 music teacher 教师
    library technician 图书理员 librarian 图书理员
    principal 校长 college professor 学教授 esl teacher 第二外语教师
    school psychologist 心理咨询教师 vocational counselor 职业顾问
    special needs educator 特种教育家 teacher aide 助理教师
    art instructor 艺术教师 computer teacher 计算机教师
    coach 教练员 assistant dean of students 助理训导长
    tutor 家教辅导教师 archivist 案卷保员
    (二)资料(personal data):
    介绍(introduce yourself)包括然状况:姓名(name)年龄(age)出生日期(date of birth) 住宅电话(home phone)办公电话(office phone)民族国籍(nationality)籍贯(native place)家庭状况(family status)婚姻状况(marital status)等
    种程度教育背景工作背景适合事某工作(the degree andor depth to which a person's work and educational background is a good fit for aparticular job):
    1教育背景(educational background):
    正规学校教育培训(a history of a person's formal schooling andor training)包括:学历(educational history )教育程度(educational background)知识背景(knowledge background )学课程(courses taken)
    专业课程(specialized courses)进修课程(refresher course)脱产培训(offjob training)计算机科学(computer science)等掌握情况
    2工作背景(work background):
    专职兼职工作历(a history of a person's professional andor nonprofessional employment )包括:工作历(work experience)职业历(professional history)具体历(specific experience)兼职(part—time)实(intern)实际业绩 (performance)工作成(achievements)力(people)市场开发(marketing develop)关键问题解决(breakthrough)成功素(element of success)胜力(competence)认命职位(appointed position )等
    擅长工作拥积极性特点想未老板推销技实力包括较强思想交流力分析力技术力理力创造力团结力取品质(tasks which you feel you excel at positive personality traits that you feel that you possess and skills that you sell to apotential employer strengths can include superior communication skills
    high analytical ability technical skills managerial prowesscreativity people skills and desirable personality traits)例:
    良沟通力(good communication skill)
    敏锐商业头脑(sharp business mind)
    机立断(i’m willing to make decisions)
    容易事(i work well with others)
    效进行时间理(i can organize my time efficiently)
    (areas that you perceive that you need improvement in whether it be work habits business
    knowledge communication etc any potential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength)例:
    时求严格(i tend to drive myself too hard)
    力期高(i expect others to perform beyond their capacities)
    喜欢速战速决(i like to see a job done quickly)
    爱代表性格涵养品德爱广泛较开朗合群思维宽阔例:弹吉(play the guitar)阅读(reading)话剧(play)慢跑(jogging)长跑(long distance running)集邮(collecting stamps)桥牌(playbridge)网球(playtennis)棋(playchess)旅游(traveling)缝纫(sewing)听交响乐(listening to symphony)搞泥塑(do some clay scultures)
    更专门工作(for more specialized work)
    晋升前途(for prospects of promotion)
    更高层次工作责(for higher responsibility)
    扩工作验(for wider experience)
    公司倒闭(due to closedown of company)
    雇期满(due to expiry of employment)
    应聘前应该做相关行业相关职业薪酬致解时先确定底线金钱外 应聘者应该该单位员工福利假期发展空间行业前景等素考虑进样作决定时目光短浅符合事业发展整体规划:基薪(base salary)全面薪酬(total
    compensation)年度奖金(annual bonus)业绩奖金(performance units)红利(benefits)津贴
    (perquisites)特殊津贴(perquisites)业绩股份(performance shares)等
    专家友情提示: 英语作交流沟通工具已成社会种流行元素应聘外企名企英文简历作敲门砖已成时尚制作份精致英文简历更容易吸引hr眼球坐英文简历快艇送500强企业彼岸插理想腾飞翅膀进入外企名企天空翱翔
    面试英语:问应聘原应适夸公司 watson what made you choose this company
    tom your company has a very good reputation not only because your products are of high quality but also your due to your wellconstructed management system i want to contribute to such an outstanding company which cares not only about the customer' needs but also about the welfare of employeeswatson what do you know about this company
    tom i know this is one of the biggest trading companies in the world it was established in london in 1940 with a total of 40 million us dollars it employs more than 17000 staff throughout the worldwatson why do you consider yourself qualified for the job
    tom i have the educational background and relevant experience required for the position besides i am a very good team player and have the desire to succeed
    watson what interests you most about this job
    tom i like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems
    1 what made you choose this company 什会选择家公司make someone do something
    2 tom 样回答呢?说公司业声誉仅产品质量理优秀earn a good reputation赢名声tom里家公司夸通必没会应聘喜欢公司公司解说套话果认家公司存问题面试时候提出机会留说
    3 说完公司应该说说原考官陈述职业目标机会tom说想顾顾客利益兼顾员工福利公司工作实角度夸奖家公司考官接着问what do you know about this company 家公司解少?时候面试前收集整理信息告诉考官里样挑说面试前草稿
    4 why do you consider yourself qualified for the job 什认适合份工作?时候力优点量展示出里 tom 说the educational background and relevant experience相关教育背景工作验i am a very good team player and have the desire to succeed 强团队合作精神成功般说点非常重参加面试时候
    5 what interests you most about this job 份工作方面感兴趣?实问什会选择家公司tom回答说喜欢团队合作解决问题根情况制定答案
    dialogue 2
    watson what's your career objective
    peter i hope to lead an energetic and productive sales team
    watson what do you consider important when looking for a job
    peter i think the most important thing is the nature of the job one should never do anything one is not interested in to me pleasant working conditions with cooperative staff are also importantwatson why are you interested in working in this company
    tom my past experience is closely related to this job i am confident i can do the job well
    watson what do you think you would bring to the job
    tom my business experience in china mainly i know a lot about how the chinese market works and how business is done there
    1what's your career objective 职业目标什?职业规划公司发展重考官般会问问题回答时候根应聘职位求实际情况确定职业目标高骛远妄菲薄
    2 what do you consider important when looking for a job 认找工作什重?问工作求包括工作环境事关系等等时候注意挑三拣四毛病相处坏印象
    3 why are you interested in working in this company 什会家公司工作感兴趣?问什会应聘公司职位换问法
    4 what do you think you would bring to the job 认会工作带什?问力验等等适适合职位
    面试英语:问力 说太浮夸词
    dialogue 1
    watson what is your greatest strength
    ben i think i am very good at planning i manage my time perfectly so that i can always get things done on time
    watson what are your weak points
    ben when i think something is right i will stick to that sometimes it sounds a little stubborn but i am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise
    watson what are your greatest accomplishments
    ben although i feel my greatest accomplishments are still ahead of me i am proud of my involvement with the international business conference '93 project i made my contribution as part of that team and learned a lot in the process
    watson can you work under pressure
    ben yes i find it stimulating however i believe in planning and proper management of my time to reduce panic deadlines
    1 what is your greatest strength 优点什?记住里问优点罗列出全部优点
    2 挑条认吸引考官优点说what are your weak points 弱点什ben回答说果认某事正确会坚持见现正想办法改变种固执脾气里仅告诉考官缺点告诉考官正改正缺点留知错改印象
    3 考官继续问what are your greatest accomplishments 成什?ben谦虚说认成未出现i feel my greatest accomplishments are still ahead of me 接着描述九三国际商务会议活动中表现收获
    4 can you work under pressure 压力工作?工作压力避免考官想知道工作压力方面想法ben回答说压力转化动力正确利时间压力克服句话家直接
    dialogue 2
    snow what are your strong points
    tom i have very strong powers of observation i can generate interesting ideas from minor things and once the idea is formed i have strong urge to put it into action
    snow what is your weakness
    tom i always give each job my best so when others are not pulling their weight i become frustratedsnow are you more of a follower or a leader
    tom i don't try to go ahead of people and lead them i'd rather cooperate with everybody else and get the job done by working together
    snow how do you deal with those who you think are difficult to deal with
    tom i stick to my principles and keep to the rules sometimes they just lack enthusiasm and i get them involved with something constructive some of them later change their attitudes
    1 what are your strong points 询问优点什?
    2 what is your weakness what are your weak points样
    dear sirmadam
    are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership
    i specialize in creating and implementing highperformance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies in addition to my knowledge of business processes i also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cuttingedge technologies
    i am relocating to shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm currently i serve as manager for bit companys information industry division briefly some of my accomplishments include
    developed a tool to track and forecast pricequantityand revenue which enables client to monitor business performance implemented a customized endtoend testing process and sql database
    my business acumen technical expertise and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview
    gu bin
    dear sirmadam
    are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership
    i specialize in creating and implementing highperformance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies in addition to my knowledge of business processes i also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cuttingedge technologies
    i am relocating to shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm currently i serve as manager for bit companys information industry division briefly some of my accomplishments include
    developed a tool to track and forecast pricequantityand revenue which enables client to monitor business performance implemented a customized endtoend testing process and sql database
    my business acumen technical expertise and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects the enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail i would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview
    gu bin





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