2018年TED英语演讲稿:无所畏惧 学无止境

    TED英语演讲稿:畏惧 学止境
      简介 尝试做新鲜事会紧张害怕效率师tim ferriss带振奋心方法问问坏什 畏惧学止境
      this is tim ferriss circa 1979 ad age two you can tell by the power squat i was a very confident boy and not without reason i had a very charming routine at the time which was to wait until late in the evening when my parents were decompressing from a hard day's work doing their crossword puzzles watching television i would run into the living room jump up on the couch rip the cushions off throw them on the floor scream at the top of my lungs and run out because i was the incredible hulk (laughter) obviously you see the resemblance and this routine went on for some time
      when i was seven i went to summer camp my parents found it necessary for peace of mind and at noon each day the campers would go to a pond where they had floating docks you could jump off the end into the deep end i was born premature i was always very small my left lung had collapsed when i was born and i've always had buoyancy problems so water was something that scared me to begin with but i would go in on occasion and on one particular day the campers were jumping through inner tubes they were diving through inner tubes and i thought this would be great fun so i dove through the inner tube and the bully of the camp grabbed my ankles and i tried to come up for air and my lower back hit the bottom of the inner tube and i went wild eyed and thought i was going to die a camp counselor fortunately came over and separated us from that point onward i was terrified of swimming that is something that i did not get over my inability to swim has been one of my greatest humiliations and embarrassments that is when i realized that i was not the incredible hulk
      but there is a happy ending to this story at age 31 that's my age now in august i took two weeks to reexamine swimming and question all the of the obvious aspects of swimming and went from swimming one lap so 20 yards like a drowning monkey at about 200 beats per minute heart rate i measured it to going to montauk on long island close to where i grew up and jumping into the ocean and swimming one kilometer in open water getting out and feeling better than when i went in and i came out in my speedos european style feeling like the incredible hulk
      and that's what i want everyone in here to feel like the incredible hulk at the end of this presentation more specifically i want you to feel like you're capable of becoming an excellent longdistance swimmer a worldclass language learner and a tango champion and i would like to share my art if i have an art it's deconstructing things that really scare the living hell out of me so moving onward
      swimming first principles first principles this is very important i find that the best results in life are often held back by false constructs and untested assumptions and the turnaround in swimming came when a friend of mine said i will go a year without any stimulants this is a sixdoubleespressoperday type of guy if you can complete a one kilometer open water race so the clock started ticking i started seeking out triathletes because i found that lifelong swimmers often couldn't teach what they did i tried kickboards my feet would slice through the water like razors i wouldn't even move i would leave demoralized staring at my feet hand paddles everything even did lessons with olympians nothing helped and then chris sacca who is now a dear friend mine had completed an iron man with 103 degree temperature said i have the answer to your prayers and he introduced me to the work of a man named terry laughlin who is the founder of total immersion swimming that set me on the road to examining biomechanics
      so here are the new rules of swimming if any of you are afraid of swimming or not good at it the first is forget about kicking very counterintuitive so it turns out that propulsion isn't really the problem kicking harder doesn't solve the problem because the average swimmer only transfers about three percent of their energy expenditure into forward motion the problem is hydrodynamics so what you want to focus on instead is allowing your lower body to draft behind your upper body much like a small car behind a big car on the highway and you do that by maintaining a horizontal body position the only way you can do that is to not swim on top of the water the body is denser than water 95 percent of it would be at least submerged naturally
      so you end up number three not swimming in the case of freestyle on your stomach as many people think reaching on top of the water but actually rotating from streamlined right to streamlined left maintaining that fuselage position as long as possible so let's look at some examples this is terry and you can see that he's extending his right arm below his head and far in front and so his entire body really is underwater the arm is extended below the head the head is held in line with the spine so that you use strategic water pressure to raise your legs up very important especially for people with lower body fat here is an example of the stroke so you don't kick but you do use a small flick you can see this is the left extension then you see his left leg small flick and the only purpose of that is to rotate his hips so he can get to the opposite side and the entry point for his right hand notice this he's not reaching in front and catching the water rather he is entering the water at a 45degree angle with his forearm and then propelling himself by streamlining very important incorrect above which is what almost every swimming coach will teach you not their fault honestly and i'll get to implicit versus explicit in a moment below is what most swimmers will find enables them to do what i did which is going from 21 strokes per 20yard length to 11 strokes in two workouts with no coach no video monitoring and now i love swimming i can't wait to go swimming i'll be doing a swimming lesson later for myself if anyone wants to join me
      last thing breathing a problem a lot of us have certainly when you're swimming in freestyle easiest way to remedy this is to turn with body roll and just to look at your recovery hand as it enters the water and that will get you very far that's it that's really all you need to know
      languages material versus method i like many people came to the conclusion that i was terrible at languages i suffered through spanish for junior high first year of high school and the sum total of my knowledge was pretty much donde esta el bano and i wouldn't even catch the response a sad state of affairs then i transferred to a different school sophomore year and i had a choice of other languages most of my friends were taking japanese so i thought why not punish myself i'll do japanese six months later i had the chance to go to japan my teachers assured me they said don't worry you'll have japanese language classes every day to help you cope it will be an amazing experience my first overseas experience in fact so my parents encouraged me to do it i left
      i arrived in tokyo amazing i couldn't believe i was on the other side of the world i met my host family things went quite well i think all things considered my first evening before my first day of school i said to my mother very politely please wake me up at eight am so (japanese) but i didn't say (japanese) i said (japanese) pretty close but i said please rape me at eight am (laughter) you've never seen a more confused japanese woman (laughter)
      i walked in to school and a teacher came up to me and handed me a piece of paper i couldn't read any of it hieroglyphics it could have been because it was kanji chinese characters adapted into the japanese language asked him what this said and he goes ahh okay okay eehto world history ehh calculus traditional japanese and so on and so it came to me in waves there had been something lost in translation the japanese classes were not japanese instruction classes per se they were the normal high school curriculum for japanese students the other 4999 students in the school who were japanese besides the american and that's pretty much my response (laughter)
      and that set me on this panic driven search for the perfect language method i tried everything i went to kinokuniya i tried every possible book every possible cd nothing worked until i found this this is the joyo kanji this is a tablet rather or a poster of the 1945 commonuse characters as determined by the ministry of education in 1981 many of the publications in japan limit themselves to these characters to facilitate literacy some are required to and this became my holy grail my rosetta stone
      as soon as i focused on this material i took off i ended up being able to read asahi shinbu asahi newspaper about six months later so a total of 11 months later and went from japanese i to japanese vi ended up doing translation work at age 16 when i returned to the us and have continued to apply this material over method approach to close to a dozen languages now someone who was terrible at languages and at any given time speak read and write five or six this brings us to the point which is it's oftentimes what you do not how you do it that is the determining factor this is the difference between being effective doing the right things and being efficient doing things well whether or not they're important
      you can also do this with grammar i came up with these six sentences after much experimentation having a native speaker allow you to deconstruct their grammar by translating these sentences into past present future will show you subject object verb placement of indirect direct objects gender and so forth from that point you can then if you want to acquire multiple languages alternate them so there is no interference we can talk about that if anyone in interested and now i love languages
      so ballroom dancing implicit versus explicit very important you might look at me and say that guy must be a ballroom dancer but no you'd be wrong because my body is very poorly designed for most things pretty well designed for lifting heavy rocks perhaps i used to be much bigger much more muscular and so i ended up walking like this i looked a lot like an orangutan our close cousins or the incredible hulk not very good for ballroom dancing
      i found myself in argentina in XX decided to watch a tango class had no intention of participating went in paid my ten pesos walked up 10 women two guys usually a good ratio the instructor says you are participating immediately death sweat (laughter) fightorflight fear sweat because i tried ballroom dancing in college stepped on the girl's foot with my heel she screamed i was so concerned with her perception of what i was doing that it exploded in my face never to return to the ballroom dancing club she comes up and this was her approach the teacher okay come on grab me gorgeous assistant instructor she was very pissed off that i had pulled her from her advanced practice so i did my best i didn't know where to put my hands and she pulled back threw down her arms put them on her hips turned around and yelled across the room this guy is built like a goddamned mountain of muscle and he's grabbing me like a fucking frenchman (laughter) which i found encouraging (laughter) everyone burst into laughter i was humiliated she came back she goes come on i don't have all day as someone who wrestled since age eight i proceeded to crush her of mice and men style and she looked up and said now that's better so i bought a month's worth of classes (laughter)
      and proceeded to look at i wanted to set competition so i'd have a deadline parkinson's law the perceived complexity of a task will expand to fill the time you allot it so i had a very short deadline for a competition i got a female instructor first to teach me the female role the follow because i wanted to understand the sensitivities and abilities that the follow needed to develop so i wouldn't have a repeat of college and then i took an inventory of the characteristics along with her of the of the capabilities and elements of different dancers who'd won championships i interviewed these people because they all taught in buenos aires i compared the two lists and what you find is that there is explicitly expertise they recommended certain training methods then there were implicit commonalities that none of them seemed to be practicing now the protectionism of argentine dance teachers aside i found this very interesting so i decided to focus on three of those commonalities long steps so a lot of milongueros the tango dancers will use very short steps i found that longer steps were much more elegant so you can have and you can do it in a very small space in fact secondly different types of pivots thirdly variation in tempo these seemed to be the three areas that i could exploit to compete if i wanted to comptete against people who'd been practicing for 20 to 30 years
      that photo is of the semifinals of the buenos aires championships four months later then one month later went to the world championships made it to the semifinal and then set a world record following that two weeks later i want you to see part of what i practiced i'm going to jump forward here this is the instructor that alicia and i chose for the male lead his name is gabriel misse one of the most elegant dancers of his generation known for his long steps and his tempo changes and his pivots alicia in her own right very famous so i think you'll agree they look quite good together now what i like about this video is it's actually a video of the first time they ever danced together because of his lead he had a strong lead he didn't lead with his chest which requires you lean forward i couldn't develop the attributes in my toes the strength in my feet to do that so he uses a lead that focuses on his shoulder girdle and his arm so he can lift the woman to break her for example that's just one benefit of that so then we broke it down this would be an example of one pivot this is a back step pivot there are many different types i have hundreds of hours of footage all categorized much like george carlin categorized his comedy so using my archnemesis spanish no less to learn tango
      so fear is your friend fear is an indicator sometimes it shows you what you shouldn't do more often than not it shows you exactly what you should do and the best results that i've had in life the most enjoyable times have all been from asking a simple question what's the worst that can happen especially with fears you gained when you were a child take the analytical frameworks the capabilities you have apply them to old fears apply them to very big dreams
      and when i think of what i fear now it's very simple when i imagine my life what my life would have been like without the educational opportunities that i had it makes me wonder i've spent the last two years trying to deconstruct the american public school system to either fix it or replace it and have done experiments with about 50000 students thus far built i'd say about a half dozen schools my readers at this point and if any of you are interested in that i would love to speak with you i know nothing i'm a beginner but i ask a lot of questions and i would love your advice thank you very much (applause)
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