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    ➢ 词汇练
    1 It has been revealed that nearly one in five degree courses has been _____ since the tripling of
    tuition fees to £9000 a year[北京学 2013 年真题]
    A scratched B scraped C scrabbled D scrapped
    2 The_____ conditions and places are likely to cause disease [医学考博 2009 年真题]
    A unsanitary B insidious C insane D inefficacious
    1 答案D
    2 答案A
    ➢ 难句练
    The American version of the ideal individual prefers an atmosphere of freedom where neither
    the government nor any other external force or agency dictates what the individual does
    ➢ 单词速记
    scrap [skræp] v废弃摈弃 n碎片废弃物
    scrape [skreɪp] v刮擦n刮掉擦痕困境刮擦声
    scratch [skrætʃ] v抓搔刮擦
    scrabble ['skræbl] v乱写 乱涂摸索 挣扎
    scramble ['skræmbl] v攀登争夺搞乱
    unsanitary [ʌnˈsænɪtərɪ] a卫生害健康
    insane [ɪnˈseɪn] a精神失常
    sane [seɪn] a神志清醒健全
    sanitary [ˈsænɪtərɪ] a 卫生 n公厕
    sanatorium [ˌsænəˈtɔːrɪəm] n疗养院
    insidious [ɪnˈsɪdɪəs] a 隐伏阴险
    preside [prɪˈzaɪd] v持理
    reside [rɪˈzaɪd] v居住属
    inefficacious [ɪnefɪ'keɪʃəs] a 效果


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Artificial intelligence deals partly with ____ between the computer and the human brain [清华
    学 2008 年真题]
    A profile B mighty C analogy D leakage
    2 In describing the Indians of the various sections of the United States at different stages in their
    history some of the factors which account for their similarity and difference can be readily
    accounted for other are difficult to _____ [中国社会科学院 2015 年真题]
    A refine B discern C embed D cluster
    1 答案C
    2 答案B
    ➢ 难句练
    The fallacy applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and
    internal criticism of sources and to social science historians who equate their activity with
    specific techniques
    ➢ 单词速记
    analogy [ə'nælədʒɪ] n类
    profile [ˈprəʊfaɪl] n轮廓侧面剖面简况姿态
    mighty ['maɪtɪ] n势力a强
    leakage ['liːkɪdʒ] n泄露
    discern [dɪˈsɜːn] v觉察出辨
    refine [rɪ'faɪn] v 提炼改善
    define [dɪ'faɪn] v 确定…界限定义 阐明
    confine [kən'faɪn] v监禁局限限制
    embed [ɪmˈbɛd] v …嵌入深留脑中
    cluster ['klʌstə] n 串群v()群集


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 To maintain physical wellbeing a person should eat ____ food and get sufficient exercise [医
    学考博 2016 年真题]
    A integral B gross C wholesome D intact
    2 Hurricanes are killer winds and their ____ power lies in the physical damage they can do [北
    京航空航天学 2016 年真题]
    A cumulative B destructive C turbulent D prevalent
    1 答案C
    2 答案B
    ➢ 难句练
    We have a certain conception of the American citizen a character who is incomplete if he cannot
    competently assess how his livelihood and happiness are affected by things outside of himself
    ➢ 单词速记
    wholesome [ˈhəʊlsəm] a益健康
    integral [ˈɪntɪɡrəl] a构成整体必须基完整n积分
    gross [grəʊs] a 总毛严重粗俗臃肿
    v 获…总收入(毛利)
    intact [ɪnˈtækt] a完整缺未受损伤
    destructive [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] a 破坏性
    construct [kən'strʌkt] v 建造创立
    instruct [ɪn'strʌkt] v 教命令指示
    obstruct [əb'strʌkt] v 阻塞
    cumulative ['kjuːmjʊlətɪv] a积累
    accumulate [ə'kjuːmjʊleɪt] v积攒积累
    turbulent [ˈtɜːbjʊlənt] a 动荡混乱汹涌
    perturb [pə'tɜːb] v扰乱
    disturb [dɪˈstɜːb] v扰
    prevalent [ˈprɛvələnt] a普遍流行


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The organ transplant community has ____ humans and monkeys for ethical reasons [中国科
    学院 2010 年真题]
    A knocked out B bailed out C pointed out D ruled out
    2 The ambassador was accused of having ____ on domestic affairs [南京学 2015 年真题]
    A trespassed B encroached C entrenched D invaded
    1 答案D
    2 答案B
    ➢ 难句练
    What we now will describe is how the magnetic nature of iron oxide can uniquely be exploited as
    a separation process utilizing a magnetic filtration system
    参考译文 现介绍独特利氧化铁磁性提出种磁力
    ➢ 单词速记
    rule out 排
    knock out 击倒昏
    knock about 处游荡粗暴
    knock down 撞倒杀价
    knock off 班迅速费力做成…减
    bail out 保释跳伞逃生 帮助…脱离困境
    point out 指出
    encroach [ɪnˈkrəʊtʃ] v侵占侵害
    trespass ['trespəs] v(非法)侵入
    entrench [ɪnˈtrɛntʃ] v 侵入侵略
    invade [ɪn'veɪd] v 侵入侵略


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Financial statement is a financial report or record ____ usually on a quarterly and annual basis
    which provides an individual’s an organization’s or a business’s financial states [中国民学
    2010 年真题]
    A competed B compiled C collated D contested
    2 The local residents were unhappy about the curfew in this region and decided to ____ it [清华
    学 2007 年真题]
    A disgrace B disguise C defy D distress
    1 答案B
    2 答案C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    含义成种精神象征世界发展提供价值典范[中国科学院 2015
    参考译文The silk road as the traffic artery connecting the Midlands with the West has
    borne the weight of dialogue and communication between China and the world and it has also
    demonstrated an open cultural character of ancient China and immortal civilization for over two
    thousand years Nowadays the term of the Silk Road has already exceeded its historical
    meaning and become a spiritual symbol providing an exemplary value for the peace and
    development of the present world
    ➢ 单词速记
    compile [kəm'paɪl] v编辑编译
    compete [kəm'piːt] v竞争赛
    petition [pɪˈtɪʃən] n 请愿书
    appetite ['æpɪtaɪt] n 食欲嗜
    collate [kə'leɪt] v核校
    contest ['kɒntest] v赛争辩n竞赛争
    protest [prəˈtestˈprəʊtest] v抗议
    testify ['testɪfaɪ] v证明作证
    defy [dɪ'faɪ] v 服公然反抗


    disgrace [dɪs'greɪs] v丢脸 n耻辱
    grace [greɪs] n优雅慈悲
    gracious ['greɪʃəs] a亲切
    graceful [ˈɡreɪsfʊl] a优美
    disguise [dɪs'gaɪz] v 伪装掩饰 n伪装假装
    guise [gaɪz] n装束外观
    distress [dɪ'stres] v悲痛 n幸悲痛
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Bad traveling conditions had seriously _____ their progress to their destination in that region
    [清华学 2013 年真题]
    A tugged B demolished C hampered D destroyed
    2 People are much better informed since the _____ of the Internet [医学考博 2009 年真题]
    A convenient B advent C interface D aftermath
    1 答案C
    2 答案B
    ➢ 难句练
    Of course some regulation is inevitable and undoubtedly necessary but a free and democratic
    society functions best when it leaves the resolution of its ethical quandaries to the reasoned
    judgment of its citizens rather than the regulatory authority of the government
    ➢ 单词速记
    hamper ['hæmpə] n (盖) 篮子v妨碍束缚
    demolish [dɪ'mɒlɪʃ] vt拆毁 推翻
    destroy [dɪˈstrɔɪ] vt 破坏毁坏
    tug [tʌg] v力拖(拉) n拖拉拖船
    advent [ˈædvɛnt] n 出现
    event [ɪ'vent] n事件事情
    convention [kənˈvɛnʃən] n会公约惯例
    convenient [kən'viːnɪənt] a 方便
    interface ['ɪntəfeɪs] n 界面接口 v()连接
    aftermath ['ɑːftəmæθ] n余波果


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 A survey has found that three quarters of men quite enjoy their food shopping experience and
    are happy to _____ their way around the aisles searching out products [北京学 2012 年真题]
    A drive B steer C navigate D voyage
    2 With its own parliament and currency and a common _____ for peace the European Union
    declared itself—in 11 official languages—open for business [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A inspiration B assimilation C intuition D aspiration
    1 答案C
    2 答案D
    ➢ 难句练
    This seems a justification for neglect of those in need and a rationalization of exploitation of the
    superiority of those at the top and the inferiority of those at the bottom
    ➢ 单词速记
    navigate ['nævɪgeɪt] v ①导航驾驶(船舶飞行器)
    voyage ['vɒɪɪdʒ] v n 航行航海航天(水路空中长距离)
    drive [draɪv] v ①驾驶(马车汽车等)②发动(机器等)
    steer [stɪə] v 驾驶(车船) 引导
    aspiration [æspə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n渴抱负
    inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn] n鼓舞灵感
    assimilation [əsɪmɪ'leɪʃən] n化吸收
    intuition [ɪntjʊ'ɪʃ(ə)n] n知觉


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 I bought an alarm clock with a (an) ____ dial which can be seen clearly in the dark [南京学
    2013 年真题]
    A supersonic B luminous C audible D amplified
    2 To give you a general idea of our products we enclose the catalogues showing various
    products handled by us with detailed ____ and means of packing [山东学 2013 年真题]
    A specimens B inspections C samples D specifications
    1 答案B
    2 答案D
    ➢ 难句练
    While there are almost as many definitions of history as there are historians modern practice
    most closely conforms to one that sees history as the attempt to recreate and explain the
    significant events of the past
    ➢ 单词速记
    luminous [ˈluːmɪnəs] a 发光明亮
    illuminate [ɪˈluːmɪneɪt] v亮阐明
    supersonic [ˌsuːpəˈsɒnɪk] a超音速超声波 n超声波
    audible [ˈɔːdɪbəl] a听见
    amplify ['æmplɪfaɪ] v放(声音) 详述进步阐述
    magnify ['mægnɪfaɪ] v放夸
    specification [spesɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n说明书规格明确说明
    specimen ['spesɪmɪn] n样标
    sample [ˈsɑːmpəl] n样品货样v…抽样
    inspection [ɪn'spekʃn] n检查视察


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 International sport should create goodwill between the nations but in the present
    organization of the Olympics somehow encourages ____ patriotism [中国民学 2009 年真
    A obsolete B aggressive C harmonious D amiable
    2 Each workday the workers followed the same schedules and rarely _____ from this routine
    [南京学 2015 年真题]
    A deviated B disconnected C detached D distorted
    1 答案B
    2 答案A
    ➢ 难句练
    Additional social stresses may also occur because of the population explosion or problems arising
    from mass migration movementsthemselves made relatively easy nowadays by modern means
    of transport
    ➢ 单词速记
    aggressive [ə'gresɪv] a斗侵略性进心
    pushing ['pʊʃɪŋ] a事业心气爱表现
    obsolete [ˈɒbsəˌliːt] a废弃时
    harmonious [hɑː'məʊnɪəs] a谐
    harmony [ˈhɑːmənɪ] n协调 in harmony with 协调致…睦相处
    amiable [ˈeɪmɪəbəl] a蔼亲 亲切友
    amicable [ˈæmɪkəbəl] a友睦
    deviate [ˈdiːvɪˌeɪt] v偏离 背离
    disconnect [dɪskə'nekt] v连接切断
    detach [dɪ'tætʃ] vt 拆卸分离
    distort [dɪ'stɔːt] v曲解变形


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The Federal Government _____ farmers by buying their surplus crops at prices above the
    market value [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A pirates B mediates C supplements D subsidizes
    2 He has ____ two cars this year because of traffic accidents [医学考博 2009 年真题]
    A pulled of B worn out C passed out D written off
    1 答案D
    2 答案D
    ➢ 汉译英练
    业学 2011 年真题节选]
    参考译文With a good momentum at present oil and gas cooperation between China and
    Russia may encounter a variety of difficulties and sometimes more challenges than opportunities
    in the future Both China and Russia are now aware that the SinoRussian oil and gas cooperation
    is the trend of the times which obtains great strategic significance for both parties to plan their
    economic development in the postcrisis era
    ➢ 单词速记
    subsidize [ˈsʌbsɪdaɪz] v…补助金资助
    subsidy ['sʌbsɪdɪ] n津贴补助金
    allowance [ə'laʊəns] n 津贴零钱
    pension ['penʃ(ə)n] n养老金
    pirate [ˈpaɪərət] v 盗非法翻印 n海盗非法盗印者
    mediate ['miːdɪeɪt] v 调停 调解
    supplement [ˈsʌplɪmənt] v 增补 n增刊补充物
    complement ['kɒmplɪm(ə)nt] v 补足补充
    write off 勾销报废
    pull off 脱(成功)完成
    pulloff 路边停车处
    wear out 坏 穿破耗
    pass out 昏倒失知觉


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 It was _____ to watch her condition deteriorate day by day [清华学 2013 年真题]
    A sympathetic B pathetic C empathic D pathic
    2 I found it difficult to _____ my career ambitions with the need to bring up my children [北京
    航天航空学 2016]
    A intensify B amend C reconcile D consolidate
    1 答案B
    2 答案C
    ➢ 难句练
    But science does provide us with the best available guide to the future and it is critical that our
    nation and the world base important policies on the best judgments that science can provide
    concerning the future consequences of present actions

    ➢ 单词速记
    pathetic [pə'θetɪk] a令情差劲
    sympathetic [sɪmpə'θetɪk] a情心赞谐
    symmetry ['sɪmɪtrɪ] n称匀称
    symphony ['sɪmf(ə)nɪ] n交响乐协调
    symposium [sɪm'pəʊzɪəm] n讨会专题文集
    empathic [em'pæθɪk] adj 移情作神入
    pathic ['pæθɪk] adj 消极病态
    reconcile ['rek(ə)nsaɪl] v协调解
    intensify [ɪn'tensɪfaɪ] v加剧
    amend [ə'mend] v修改改良
    amendment [əˈmendmənt] n修正案
    consolidate [kən'sɒlɪdeɪt] v巩固加强联合


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Even the president is not really the CEO No one is Power in a corporation is concentrated and
    vertically structure Power in Washington is _____ and horizontally spread out [中国社会科学院
    2015 年真题]
    A prudent B reversible C diffuse D mandatory
    2 The military operations _____ yesterday were targeted at the military installations [清华学
    2008 年真题]
    A propelled B commenced C plagued D modulated
    1 答案C
    2 答案B
    ➢ 难句练
    The policy follows similar efforts from other journals after widespread concern that basic
    mistakes in data analysis are contributing to the irreproducibility of many published research
    ➢ 单词速记
    diffuse [dɪ'fjuːz] v扩散(光线声音气味) 传播(知识学问)
    effuse [ɪ'fjuːz] vt 流出涌出泻出(液体+感情)
    infuse [ɪn'fjuːz] vt 灌输充满浸渍vi (茶叶草药等)泡
    profuse [prə'fjuːs] a量丰富
    suffuse [sə'fjuːz] vt 充满弥漫
    transfuse [trænsˈfjuːz] vt 输血灌输
    prudent [ˈpruːdənt] a审慎判断力强
    reversible [rɪˈvɜːsəbəl] a翻转逆撤销
    mandatory [ˈmændətərɪ] adj 强制托命令 n受托者
    commence [kə'mens] v开始着手
    propel [prə'pel] v推动激励
    impel [ɪm'pel] v推动驱
    compel [kəm'pel] v强迫迫


    repel [rɪ'pel] v抵制厌恶
    expel [ɪkˈspɛl] v驱逐开
    dispel [dɪ'spel] v驱散消散(法烦恼误解)
    plague [pleɪg] v烦扰…造成麻烦困难n瘟疫祸患
    modulate ['mɒdjʊleɪt] v调节调整
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Although most dreams apparently happen _____ dream activity may be provoked by external
    influences [浙江学 2014 年真题]
    A instantaneously B simultaneously C spontaneously D unanimously
    2 For the last 20 years or so the subject of global warming has ____ heated debate among the
    world’s brightest minds [中国民学 2010 年真题]
    A spawned B injected C modeled D moved
    1 答案C 2答案A
    ➢ 难句练
    There will be television chat shows hosted by robots and cars with pollution monitors that will
    disable them when they offend
    ➢ 单词速记
    spontaneously [spɒn'teɪnɪəslɪ] adv发意识天真率直
    instantaneously [ɪnstən'tenɪəsli] adv瞬间刻
    simultaneously [sɪml'teɪnɪəslɪ] adv时发生
    contemporary [kən'temp(ə)r(ər)ɪ] a时代 n 时代时期东西
    unanimously [juː'nænɪməslɪ] adv全体致
    spawn [spɔːn] v产卵批涌现量产生 n卵产物
    inject [ɪn'dʒekt] v注入注射
    model ['mɒdl] v模拟模仿 n模范模型型号
    move [muːv] v 移动搬家迁移离开n 移动步骤迁居策略
    get a move on 赶快加紧
    move on 继续前进更换工作(话题)


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Love was in the air in a Tokyo park as normally staid Japanese husbands gathered to scream
    out their feelings for their wives promising ____ and extra tight hugs [北京学 2013 年真题]
    A attitude B multitude C gratitude D latitude
    2 The newcomers found it impossible to _____ themselves to the climate sufficiently to make
    permanent homes in the new country [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A suit B adapt C regulate D coordinate
    1 答案C
    2 答案B
    ➢ 难句练
    Pearson has pieced together the work of hundreds of researchers around the world to produce a
    unique millennium technology calendar that gives the latest dates when we can expect hundreds
    of key breakthroughs and discoveries to take place
    ➢ 单词速记
    gratitude ['grætɪtjuːd] n感谢感激
    attitude ['ætɪtjuːd] n态度法姿势
    multitude ['mʌltɪtjuːd] n量群众
    latitude ['lætɪtjuːd] n维度回旋余
    longitude [ˈlɒndʒɪˌtjuːd] n度线
    altitude [ˈæltɪˌtjuːd] n高度高处
    adapt [ə'dæpt] v适应适合改编
    accommodate [ə'kɒmədeɪt] v适应容纳…提供住处
    adjust [ə'dʒʌst] v改变适应校准调整
    suit [sjut sut] v合适n套衣服诉讼
    regulate ['regjʊleɪt] v理控制调节调整
    coordinate [kəʊˈɔːdɪˌneɪt] v 协调 调 a等 n坐标


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Dr Hamiltonian was only going to make some introductory remarks but _____ giving the
    speech himself when the speaker came down with the flu [海交 2012 年真题]
    A set up B turned up C ended up D come up
    2 I could then realize that he was a fever specialist of world _____ [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    A renown B domain C prominence D authority
    1 答案C
    2 答案A
    ➢ 汉译英练
    交流难进行性发展培养交际力[中国民学 2010 年真题节选]
    参考译文First additional learning is detrimental to children’s physical development
    Educational experts point out that after spending the whole day in a boring classroom it’s
    important for children to take some sports activities instead of extra studies Children are
    undergoing fast physical development and the lack of physical exercise might severely affect
    their future life Second from the psychological aspect the majority of children do not seem to
    like extra study When other kids are playing it is hard to imagine a student focusing on
    textbooks Moreover due to extra learning children do not have much time to play and
    communicate with their peers and thus it is difficult to develop their characters and
    interpersonal skills
    ➢ 单词速记
    end up 结束告终
    set up v创立建造开业
    turn up 调出现
    come up 出现发生
    renown [rɪˈnaʊn] n名声誉
    domain [də(ʊ)'meɪn] n领域范围(活动思想) 领势力范围
    prominence ['prɒmɪnəns] n突出显著


    authority [ɔː'θɒrɪtɪ] n权力局行政理机构权威专家
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 A condition is an essential term of the contract If a contract is not performed it may
    constitute a substantial breach of contract and allow the other party to _____ the contract that
    is treat the contract as discharged or terminated [中国社会科学院 2015 年真题]
    A repudiate B spurn C decline D halt
    2 If each of us does our part little by little we can ____ the lifespan of our planet and ourselves
    [民学 2010]
    A enlarge B expand C increase D grow
    答案1A 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    Furthermore it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the
    efficiency of its agriculture and industry and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists
    and technologists of all kinds
    ➢ 单词速记
    repudiate [rɪ'pjuːdɪeɪt] v 拒绝 (接受…效力权力) 抛弃(声明…断绝关系)
    renounce [rɪ'naʊns] v声明放弃 (权利头衔惯条约协定关系)
    disclaim [dɪsˈkleɪm] v放弃否认
    rebuff [rɪ'bʌf] v断然拒绝
    spurn [spɜːn] v(傲慢轻蔑)拒绝唾弃
    decline [dɪˈklaɪn] v谢绝婉拒降
    incline [ɪn'klaɪn] v 倾斜倾 n斜坡
    climax ['klaɪmæks] n顶点高潮
    halt [hɔːlt] v n停住
    cease [siːs] v停止终止
    enlarge [ɪnˈlɑːdʒ] v扩 (面积范围)
    expand [ɪk'spænd] v扩张扩
    grow [ɡrəʊ] v生产渐渐变
    extend [ɪkˈstɛnd] v(时间长度)延长延伸( 范围)扩
    amplify ['æmplifai] v扩(声音)
    magnify ['mæɡnifai] v扩(显微镜)


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 While his efforts were tremendous the results appeared to be very____ [北京学 2011 年真
    A trigger B meager C vigor D linger
    2 By adopting this cunning policy the clinic risks_____ many of its patients [医学考博 2009 年真
    A acquitting B allocating C alleviating D alienating
    答案1 B 2D
    ➢ 难句练
    A leader should show that he or she values the input of subordinates—for example by involving
    them in decisions about matters in which they have a direct stake
    ➢ 单词速记
    meager ['miɡə] adj 贫乏足瘦
    trigger ['triɡə] n扳机 v扣扳机触发引起
    vigor ['viɡə] n活力精力
    vigorous ['viɡərəs] a精力充沛力
    dynamic [dai'næmik] a活力动态动力n动力动力学
    linger ['liŋɡə] v留恋徘徊继续存留
    alienate ['eiljəneit] v疏远转
    alien ['eiljən] a 外国陌生相容n外国外星
    acquit [ə'kwit] v 宣告…罪 履行
    allocate ['æləkeɪt] v分配
    alleviate [ə'liːvɪeɪt] v减轻缓
    aggravate ['ægrəveɪt] v加重
    deteriorate [dɪ'tɪərɪəreɪt] v恶化
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 There have been demonstrations on the streets ______ the recent terrorist attack [复旦学
    2012 年真题]
    A in the wake of B in the course of C in the context of D in the light of


    2 America has now adopted more _____ Europeanstyle inspection systems and the incidence
    of food poisoning is falling [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A discrete B solemn C rigorous D autonomous
    答案1 A 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    You have all heard it repeated that men of science work by means of induction and deduction
    that by the help of these operations they in a sort of sense manage to extract from Nature
    certain natural laws and that out of these by some special skill of their own they build up their
    ➢ 单词速记
    in the wake of 紧紧作…结果
    in the course of …期间…程中
    in the context of …情况…背景
    in the light of 根
    light up 亮点燃
    come to light 暴露显露
    throwcast light onupon 解阐明
    rigorous [ˈrɪɡərəs] a严密严格
    discrete [dɪsˈkriːt] a离散连续
    concrete ['kɒŋkriːt] a具体混凝土v凝结n混凝土
    solemn [ˈsɒləm] a严肃庄严
    sole [səʊl] a惟独
    solitary [ˈsɒlɪtərɪ] a独单孤独
    autonomous [ɔːˈtɒnəməs] a治
    autonomy [ɔːˈtɒnəmɪ] n治治权
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 In court he repeated his _____ that he was not guilty in front of the jury [清华学 2008 年真
    A impressions B alliterations C clauses D assertions


    2 He recognized with a familiar confusion of selfdisgust and hopelessness that he was telling
    more than he ought in his usual attempt to _____ her to get her on his side [浙江学 2014 年
    A buttress B propagate C deride D propitiate
    答案1 D 2D
    ➢ 难句练
    The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades
    indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens whatever their special conditions
    deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities
    参考译文 30 年中公教育中显示残疾童巨关注表明社会

    ➢ 单词速记
    assertion [ə'sɜːʃ(ə)n] n断言坚持
    insert [ɪn'sɜːt] v插入嵌入
    desert [dɪ'zɜːt] v遗弃放弃
    impression [im'preʃən] n印象压痕
    impressive [im'presiv] a 令敬佩 印象深刻
    alliteration [əˌlɪtəˈreɪʃən] n头韵
    literate [ˈlɪtərɪt] a读会写受教育n学者
    illiterate [ɪˈlɪtərɪt] adj识字没受教育 n文盲
    transliterate [trænz'lɪtəreɪt] v直译字译
    obliterate [ə'blɪtəreɪt] v涂毁迹
    clause [klɔːzklɔz] n条款句
    propitiate [prə'pɪʃieɪt] v讨求原谅 抚慰
    propagate ['prɒpəɡeɪt] v 扩繁殖散布传播
    deride [dɪ'raɪd] v 嘲笑嘲弄
    mock [mɒkmɑk] v嘲弄模仿
    ridiculous[rɪ'dɪkjʊləs] a笑荒谬


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Parents often faced the _____ between doing what they felt good for the development of the
    child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness [复旦学
    2012 年真题]
    A paradox B junction C premise D dilemma
    2 The death of his father gave him a whole new _____on life now he spends more time with his
    family [南京学 2015 年真题]
    A perspective B euphemism C conformation D providence
    答案1 D 2A
    ➢ 汉译英练
    汉学 2015 年真题节选]
    参考译文Before I felt ill I had been the bully under our roofs owing to my doting
    parentsbecause I was indulged by my parents Once I was isolated and confined in a chamber on
    the hillside of the garden I suddenly felt I was neglected and became very depressed On a spring
    evening my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full
    bloom In no time a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there I
    without being noticed lifted the curtain in my small room only to spy the bustle of a
    kaleidoscopic (spectacular) world in the garden All of a sudden I was overwhelmed by the
    feeling of being forgotten and abandoned With grief and indignation I could not help crying my
    heart out
    ➢ 单词速记
    dilemma [dɪ'lemə daɪ] n窘境困境
    paradox ['pærədɒks] n似矛盾()正确说法相矛盾(事物)
    perplex [pəˈplɛks] v困惑
    bewilder [bɪˈwɪldə] v迷惑
    junction [ˈdʒʌŋkʃən] n 连接点
    premise [ˈprɛmɪs] n前提营厂址
    foundation [faʊnˈdeɪʃən] n基础基创立基金会
    perspective [pəˈspɛktɪv] n观点远景 透视画 a透视


    euphemism ['juːfəmɪz(ə)m] n委婉语
    conformation [ˌkɒnfɔːˈmeɪʃən] n 构造结构
    conformity [kənˈfɔːmɪtɪ] n符合相致
    conformist [kənˈfɔːmɪst] n墨守成规
    providence [ˈprɒvɪdəns] n天道卓见
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Genderbased violence both reflects and reinforces inequities between men and women and
    ____ the health dignity security and autonomy of its victims [中国社会科学院 2014 年真题]
    A concedes B compromises C proliferates D augments
    2 Thousands of Medicare patients with chronic medical conditions have been wrongly
    _____access to necessary care [复旦学 2012 年真题]
    A grudged B denied C negated D invalidated
    答案1B 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    The American economic system is organized around a basically privateenterprise
    marketoriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by
    spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most
    ➢ 单词速记
    compromise ['kɒmprəmaɪz] vin妥协vt危放弃(原理想等)
    comprise [kəm'praɪz] vt包含…组成
    comprehension [kɒmprɪ'henʃ(ə)n] n理解包含
    apprise [ə'praɪz] v通知报告
    concede [kən'siːd] v步认输承认
    concession [kən'seʃ(ə)n] n步妥协
    recede [rɪ'siːd] v退减弱
    precede [prɪ'siːd] v领先
    proliferate [prə'lɪfəreɪt] v激增扩散
    augment [ɔːg'ment] v增加扩(数量尺寸)
    deny [dɪ'naɪ] v否认拒绝予


    grudge [grʌdʒ] v 怨恨(某事) 勉强(做某事某物)
    negate [nɪ'geɪt] v否定取消
    invalidate [ɪn'vælɪdeɪt] v 效价值
    validate ['vælɪdeɪt] v批准法律效应证实
    valid ['vælɪd] a效理
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 When the relationship of parents and children is at this low _____ mutual love and respect
    need careful maintenance and rebuilding [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    A rate B rank C scale D ebb
    2 People innately_____ for superiority over their peers although it sometimes takes the form of
    an exaggerated lust for power [中国民学 2009 年真题]
    A strive B ascertain C justify D adhere
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 难句练
    To the many who were unable to judge the biological evidence the effect of the evolution theory
    seemed incredible as well as devastating to run counter to common sense and to overwhelm all
    philosophic and religious landmarks
    ➢ 单词速记
    ebb [eb] nv退潮衰落
    rate [reɪt] n 速度 n率n价格费v评估v…定级 v值
    rank [ræŋk] n军衔职衔n位社会阶层n普通成员n排行列 v…分等列入
    scale [skeɪl] n规模程度 n等级级 n天 n例 n刻度麟 v攀登
    strive [straɪv] vi努力奋斗
    ascertain [æsə'teɪn] v查明
    certify ['sɜːtɪfaɪ] v证明发证书
    certificate [səˈtɪfɪkɪt] n证书执
    justify ['dʒʌstɪfaɪ] v证明…正…辩护
    justice ['dʒʌstɪs] n正义公正司法
    adhere [əd'hɪə] v黏附坚持遵循


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 One room schools with all subjects being taught to all grades at the same time simply ______
    when better transportation permits specialized spaces and specialized teaching [北京学 2011
    A resolved B absolved C dissolved D solved
    2 Amid growing concerns over the debt crisis in Greece France and Germany will on Thursday
    try to _____ support from other European countries for debtladen Greece [中央校 2010 年真
    A ground B underlie C grapple D rally
    答案1C 2D
    ➢ 难句练
    The workers who gets a promotion the student whose grades improve the foreigner who learns
    a new language—all these are examples of people who have measurable results to show for their
    ➢ 单词速记
    dissolve [dɪ'zɒlv] v 消失结束解散溶解
    resolve [rɪ'zɒlv] v解决决心分解
    absolve[əb'zɒlv] v开脱(某罪责) 免(某受责难履行诺言负
    solve [sɒlv] v解决解答
    soluble ['sɒljʊb(ə)l] a溶解决
    solution [sə'luːʃ(ə)n] n 解决方法溶液
    rally ['rælɪ] v集合团结恢复(健康) 重新振作 n集会公路汽车赛
    ground [graʊnd] n面根
    grind [graɪnd] v磨碎折磨
    underlie [ʌndə'laɪ] v构成…基础(起)
    underline [ʌndə'laɪn] v…面划线强调
    grapple ['græp(ə)l] v格斗扭努力克服(困难)


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 As a defense against airpollution damage many plants and animals _____ a substance to
    absorb harmful chemicals [浙江学 2014 年真题]
    A relieve B release C dismiss D discard
    2 The police investigating the traffic accident have not ruled out _____ [医学考博 2008 年真题]
    A salvage B safeguard C sabotage D sacrifice
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    This entails reducing our dependence on the North American market whose programs relate to
    experiences and cultural traditions which are different from our own

    ➢ 单词速记
    release [rɪ'liːs] vn释放解解雇松开发布公布
    relieve [rɪ'liːv] v轻松缓解调剂接
    dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] v解散解雇予考虑驳回
    discard [dɪ'skɑːd] v丢弃抛弃
    discharge [dɪs'tʃɑːdʒ] vn 解雇卸放出排放免
    sabotage ['sæbətɑːʒ] nv(阴谋)破坏
    herbage [ˈhɜːbɪdʒ] n草
    cottage [ˈkɒtɪdʒ] n村舍
    postage ['pəʊstɪdʒ] n邮资
    breakage ['breɪkɪdʒ] n破坏
    salvage [ˈsælvɪdʒ] nv抢救
    salvation [sælˈveɪʃən] n 拯救解救措施
    safeguard [ˈseɪfˌɡɑːd] v保护维护n预防措施保证条款
    guard [ɡɑːd] v守保卫
    defend [dɪ'fend] v保卫保护…辩护
    shield [ʃiːld] v保护庇护
    sacrifice ['sækrɪfaɪs] vn牺牲献祭
    forgo [fɔːˈɡəʊ] v放弃


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Historians such as Le Roy Laduric have used the documents to extract case histories which
    have _____ the attitudes of different social groups and have revealed how the authorities
    administered justice [南京学 2015 年真题]
    A laminated B ruminated C illuminated D eliminated
    2 Science suggests that the greater part of an optimistic outlook can be _____with the right
    instruction [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    A acquired B imposed C traced D fabricated
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 汉译英练
    生活例行事务中重部分 [中国矿业学 2010 年真题节选]
    参考译文Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages It’s hard to imagine a
    time when people aren’t concerned with taking care of their appearance and their bodies
    Perhaps these practices started when Adam first took a bath and combed his hair before going on
    a date with Eve Or maybe they began when Eve put on some herbal makeup to make herself
    more beautiful No matter where they started grooming and personal hygiene become an
    important part of everyone’s daily routine
    ➢ 单词速记
    illuminate [ɪ'l(j)uːmɪneɪt] v明亮阐明
    enlighten[ɪn'laɪt(ə)n en] v启发
    lighten [ˈlaɪtən] v亮减轻
    illustrate [ˈɪləˌstreɪt] v…加插图阐明
    laminate ['læmɪneɪt] vn切成薄板
    ruminate ['ruːmɪneɪt] v反刍沉思
    eliminate [ɪ'lɪmɪneɪt] v消排
    exclude [ɪkˈskluːd] v…排外
    acquire [ə'kwaɪə] v获学
    acquisition [ækwɪ'zɪʃ(ə)n] n获获物


    acquisitive [ə'kwɪzɪtɪv] a贪婪
    impose [ɪmˈpəʊz] v强加征税
    depose[dɪˈpəʊz] v免职废黜
    expose [ɪkˈspəʊz] v揭露曝光
    oppose [əˈpəʊz] v反
    dispose [dɪˈspəʊz] v处理排列
    propose [prəˈpəʊz] v建议提名求婚
    trace [treɪs] n痕迹少许v查出追溯描摹
    vestige ['vestɪdʒ] n遗迹
    trail [treɪl] n痕迹
    fabricate ['fæbrɪkeɪt] v编造伪造捏造建造
    forge [fɔːdʒ] v伪造锻造
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Shopping malls have some advantage in suffering from shorter periods of ____ business [清华
    学 2008 年真题]
    A stale B slack C ferrous D abundant
    2 Autobiographical advertising can _____consumers’ past memories about the product or brand
    [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A exaggerate B excavate C extract D evoke
    答案1B 2D
    ➢ 难句练
    Apart from the fact that twentyseven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising no
    regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his
    参考译文 27 条国会法案理广告条目外常规广告商
    ➢ 单词速记
    slack [slæk] a 懈怠萧条松弛 n松弛部分宽松裤
    stale [steɪl] a新鲜陈腐时疲沓
    ferrous ['ferəs] a含铁铁
    ferrum ['ferəm] n铁


    abundant [əˈbʌndənt] a丰富充裕
    ample ['æmp(ə)l] a丰富足够(抽象东西空间)
    copious ['kəʊpɪəs] a丰富(量定丰富)
    plenteous ['plentɪəs] plentiful ['plentiful] a丰富富饶
    evoke [ɪ'vəʊk] v引起唤起
    revoke [rɪ'vəʊk] v撤回取消
    provoke [prəu'vəuk] v激怒惹起
    exaggerate [iɡ'zædʒəreit] v夸张夸
    excavate ['ekskəveit] v挖掘开凿
    extract [ˈekstrækt] v抽出拔出提取获摘录 n摘录提出物
    attract [ə'trækt] v吸引
    contract ['kɒntrækt] vn收缩感染订约
    subtract [səb'trækt] v减扣掉
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The market for dust masks and air purifies is _____ in Beijing because the capital has been
    shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze [北京学 2013 年真题]
    A booming B looming C dooming D zooming
    2 According to the latest report consumer confidence _____ a breathtaking 15 points last
    Month to its lowest level in 9 years [中国民学 2009 年真题]
    A soared B mutated C plummeted D fluctuated
    答案1A 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    In the soap war between Proctor and Gamble and Unilever tremendous use is made of statistics
    to measure the dynamic difference in market resulting from the proportional allocation to
    advertising which constitutes such a large part of their production costs before selling so that
    they regard their production costs as production plus advertising costs
    ➢ 单词速记
    boom [buːm] vin 发出隆隆声繁荣激增
    loom [luːm] n织布机隐约出现景象 v 隐约出现


    looming ['luːmɪŋ] a隐隐约约正逼
    doom [duːm] n 厄运世界末日 vt 注定…失败成必然
    zoom [zuːm] v(飞机汽车等)急速移动( 价格费等)急升猛涨
    bloom [bluːm] nvi 开花
    gloom [ɡlum] n昏暗忧郁
    plummet ['plʌmit] n铅垂线坠子v坡度快速落
    soar [sɔ] v急速升高高耸矗立滑翔翱翔
    mutate [mjuː'teɪt] v改变突变变异
    fluctuate ['flʌktjueit] v 波动起伏
    swing [swɪŋ] v摇摆转身转
    sway [swei] v摇摆动摇
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Cultural continuities with Africa were not dependent on importation and ______ of specific
    folktales in their pristine form [中国社会科学院 2014 年真题]
    A perpetuation B perceptibility C perpetration D perplexity
    2 At present it is not possible to confirm or to refute the suggestion that there is a causal
    relationship between the amount of fat we eat and the _____ of heart attacks [北京航空航天
    学 2016 年真题]
    A incidence B impetus C rupture D emergence
    答案1A 2A
    ➢ 难句练
    Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which in its strongest form states that
    language imprisons the mind and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce
    farreaching consequences for the culture of a society
    ➢ 单词速记
    perpetuation [pɚpɛtʃʊ'eʃən] n朽永存
    perceptibility [pɚsɛptə'bɪləti] n 感觉力理解力
    perpetration [pɝpə'treʃən] n犯罪做坏事


    perpetrate ['pəpitreit] v犯(罪失) 做(错事)
    perplexity [pə'pleksɪtɪ] n困惑混乱
    perplex [pə'pleks] v困惑复杂化
    incidence ['insidəns] n发生率
    impetus ['impitəs] n推动促进推动力
    rupture ['rʌptʃə] nv破裂裂开
    corrupt [kə'rʌpt] adj 腐败贪污堕落vt 腐烂堕落
    disrupt [dis'rʌpt] v中断扰乱
    erupt [i'rʌpt] v(火山喷泉)喷发( 战争问题)爆发
    bankrupt ['bæŋkrʌpt] adj 破产彻底缺乏vt 破产
    emergence [i'mədʒəns] n出现发生
    emerge [ɪ'mɜːdʒ] v出现显露
    emergency [i'mədʒənsi] n紧急情况非常时刻
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Maisie had always thought of herself as being shy and ____ and was surprised that anyone
    should ask her opinion [南京学 2014 年真题]
    A stuttering B scattering C inarticulate D inexpressive
    2 As is known to all _____commodities will definitely do harm to our life sooner or later [复旦
    学 2012 年真题]
    A counterfeit B fake C imitative D fraudulent
    答案1C 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the
    Underground Railroad a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate
    slaves from the American South
    ➢ 单词速记
    inarticulate [inɑ'tikjulət] a 口齿清善表达
    articulate [ɑ'tɪkjʊleɪt] a 善表达发音清晰v 明确力表达清晰吐字
    stuttering ['stʌtəriŋ] a 结巴


    stutter ['stʌtə] v 结结巴巴说话
    scattering ['skætəriŋ] a分散
    scatter ['skætə] v散播驱散
    inexpressive [inik'spresiv] a表情意义
    expressive [ik'spresiv] a富表情表现感情思想
    fake [feik] n假货赝品骗子充者 a 伪造充 v伪造伪装
    counterfeit ['kauntəfit] v仿造伪造(钱币) 模仿(笔迹)n 膺品伪造品
    adj 假伪造
    imitative ['imitətiv] a模仿仿效
    imitate ['imiteit] v模仿仿效仿造
    mimic ['mimik] v模仿模拟
    fraudulent ['frɔdjulənt] a欺骗诚实
    fraud [frɔd] n骗子欺诈
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 As a good photographer you must develop an awareness of the world around you and the
    people who _____ it [浙江学 2013 年真题]
    A innovate B inhabit C integrate D inherit
    2 Mainstream promarket economists all agree that competition is an _____ spur to efficiency
    and innovation [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A extravagant B exquisite C intermittent D indispensable
    答案1B 2D
    ➢ 汉英译练
    退休生活成生中幸福阶段[北京理工学 2008 年真题节选]
    参考译文The transition from fulltime job to total leisure may be one of the biggest
    transitions in our lives Many successful retirees mention that they can make a greater sense of
    selfworth from a variety of activities after retired They don’t need endure severe or hazardous
    working conditions and put their energy into the promotion posts and acquiring wealth Retired
    life may be one of the happiest stages in your lives if keeping perseverance and sense of humor
    ➢ 单词速记


    inhabit [in'hæbit] v居住
    dwell [dwel] v居住存
    reside [ri'zaid] v居住属
    lodge [lɔdʒ] v 寄宿时住宿n 旅馆门房集会处山林屋
    innovate ['inəuveit] v改革创新
    novel ['nɔvəl] a新颖n说
    renovate ['renəuveit] v更新修复
    integrate ['ɪntɪgreɪt] v成体合
    integral ['intiɡrəl] a完整缺少
    integrity [in'teɡrəti] n完整正直诚实
    disintegrate [dis'intiɡreit] v瓦解
    inherit [in'herit] v继承遗传(性格特征)
    heritage ['heritidʒ] n遗产传统
    heir [eə] n继承
    indispensable [indis'pensəbl] a缺少
    dispensable [dis'pensəbl] a必重
    extravagant [ik'strævəɡənt] a奢侈度
    thrifty ['θrifti] a节俭
    luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri] n奢侈奢侈品
    exquisite ['ekskwɪzɪt ɪk'skwɪzɪt] a精美敏锐剧烈
    intermittent [intə'mitənt] a间歇断断续续
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The mountain peak is _____ on the horizon [山东学 2014 年真题]
    A straddling B overlooking C towering D dominant
    2 Most of the local people involved in the affair have been ____ and dismissed [清华学 2008
    A smuggled B prosecuted C saluted D preached
    答案1C 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    The process is not the road itself but rather the attitudes and feelings people have their caution
    or courage as they encounter new experiences and unexpected obstacles


    ➢ 单词速记
    towering [ˈtaʊərɪŋ] a 极高高( 指发怒等)强烈极度杰出
    tower [ˈtaʊə] n塔高楼
    straddle [ˈstrædəl] v跨坐跨立(某物)夹叉射击轰炸(某目标)
    overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk] v俯瞰宽恕忽视
    overhear [əʊvə'hɪə] v意中听偷听
    overproduction [ˌəʊvəprəˈdʌkʃən] n量生产
    overturn [ˌəʊvəˈtɜːn] v翻转颠覆推翻
    dominant ['dɒmɪnənt] a占优势居高
    dominate [ˈdɒmɪˌneɪt] v支配耸立
    predominant [prɪˈdɒmɪnənt] a占导位显著
    prosecute [ˈprɒsɪˌkjuːt] v告发起诉继续事
    persecute [ˈpɜːsɪˌkjuːt] v纠缠迫害
    consecutive [kən'sekjʊtɪv] a连续连贯
    smuggle [ˈsmʌɡəl] v 走私偷运
    salute [sə'l(j)uːt] v 敬礼赞扬
    preach [priːtʃ] v宣讲(教义) 布道竭力鼓吹
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The American Revolution had no medieval legal institution to _____ or to root out apart from
    monarchy [北京学 2011 年真题]
    A discard B discreet C discord D disgorge
    2 The witness was _____ by the judge for failing to answer the question [医学考博真题 2009 年
    A abstained B acquitted C admonished D adduced
    答案1C 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanishedas the people
    who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages Other linguists
    in the earlier part of this centuryhoweverwho were less eager to deal with bizarre data from
    exoticlanguagewere not always so grateful


    ➢ 单词速记
    discard [dɪsˈkɑːd] v 抛弃放弃丢弃
    discreet [dɪˈskriːt] a谨慎
    discrete [dɪsˈkriːt] a分离截然分开n分离原件独立部件
    discord [ˈdɪskɔːd] n 纷争
    concord [ˈkɒnkɔːd] n谐致
    cordial [ˈkɔːdɪəl] adj 热忱
    disgorge [dɪsˈɡɔːdʒ] v 吐出流出涌出迫交出
    gorge [ɡɔːdʒ] n峡谷咽喉障碍物 v填饱拼命吃
    admonish [əd'mɒnɪʃ] v 告诫劝告
    premonition [premə'nɪʃ(ə)n priː] n预感
    summon [ˈsʌmən] v召唤振作
    abstain [əbˈsteɪn] v戒弃权
    acquit [əˈkwɪt] v宣告罪 (某种方式)活动表现
    adduce [əˈdjuːs] v举出引证
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 A friendship may be _____ casual situational or deep and lasting [浙江学 2014 年真题]
    A identical B superficial C critical D original
    2 She walked round to the _____ of the car and stood silently while he undid the boot and
    picked up her bag [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    A ream B ranch C rear D realm
    答案1A 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    If experiments are planned and carried out according to plan as faithfully as the reports in the
    science journals indicate then it is perfectly logical for management to expect research to
    produce results measurable in dollars and cents


    ➢ 单词速记
    superficial [ˌsuːpəˈfɪʃəl] a表面肤浅外表
    identical [aɪ'dentɪk(ə)l] a相相等
    identify [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] v …等认出鉴定
    identity [aɪ'dentɪtɪ] n身份特性致性
    identification [aɪdentɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n身份证明鉴定认
    critical ['kritikəl] a批评关键性
    criticize ['kritisaiz] v批评评
    critic ['kritik] n批评家评家
    criticism ['krɪtɪsɪz(ə)m] n批评评评文章
    critique [kri'tik] n批评评评文章
    original [ə'ridʒənəl] a起初独创原版 n原件
    origin ['ɒrɪdʒɪn] n起源出身
    originate [ə'ridʒəneit] v起源创造
    rear [riə] na部方 v抚养
    ream [rim] n 令(纸张计数单位)许(文字)
    ranch [rɑntʃ ræntʃ] n农场牧场v营牧场牧场工作
    realm [relm] n 王国领域范围(活动兴趣)
    scope [skəup] n(处理研究事物)范围
    range [reindʒ] n(种类变化)范围

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 In the 1930’s when millions of comic books were _____ the young with fighting and killing
    nobody seemed to notice that the violence of cars in the streets was more hysterical [北京学
    2011 年真题]
    A inundating B imitating C immolating D insulting
    2 We will also see a _____ increase in the number of televisions per household as small TV
    displays are added to clocks coffee makers and smoke detectors [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A startling B surpassing C suppressing D stacking
    答案1A 2A


    ➢ 难句练
    While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly there is an undue reliance amongst many
    journalists on interpretations supplied to them by lawyers While comment and reaction from
    lawyers may enhance stories it is preferable for journalists to rely on their own notions of
    significance and make their own judgments

    ➢ 单词速记
    inundate ['ɪnʌndeɪt] v 淹没泛滥( 洪水般)扑
    imitate ['ɪmɪteɪt] v模仿仿效
    immolate ['ɪməleɪt] v 杀(某)做祭品
    insult [ɪn'sʌlt] vn 侮辱辱骂
    offend [ə'fend] v犯违反
    humiliate [hjʊ'mɪlɪeɪt] v羞辱丧失尊严尊
    startling [ˈstɑːtlɪŋ] a令吃惊
    startle ['stɑːt(ə)l] v 吓跳惊奇
    surpassing [sə'pɑːsɪŋ] adj 胜卓越优秀
    surpass [sə'pɑːs] v超越胜优
    suppressing [sə'presɪŋ] a制止
    suppress [sə'pres] v抑制镇压
    stacking ['stækiŋ] a堆积
    stack [stæk] v堆积堆叠
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Twelve hours a week seemed a generous _____ of your time to the nursing home [医学考博
    2008 年真题]
    A affliction B alternative C allocation D alliance
    2 Franc will lower its tax rate on food and drinks at restaurants in hopes of _____ tourists and
    locals to struggling cafes which means a saving of 705 on a 50 meal [中国科学院 2013 年真
    A ushering B initiating C luring D trapping


    答案1C 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    中国产领导开辟出条道路[中国政法学 2015 年真题节选]
    参考译文The basic economic system in which public ownership is dominant and diverse
    forms of ownership develop side by side is a fundamental policy inaugurated by the CPC The
    policy is a pivotal part of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics as well as an essential
    requirement for improving the socialist market economy China’s private sector has flourished
    since the adoption of reform and opening up in keeping with the CPC’s guidelines and policies a
    trail blazed under the Party’s leadership
    ➢ 单词速记
    allocation [ælə'keɪʃ(ə)n] n分配配( 钱方等)配量
    allocate ['æləkeɪt] v分配拨出
    affliction [ə'flɪkʃ(ə)n] n苦难折磨
    afflict [ə'flɪkt] v(某某物)苦恼疼痛悲痛
    inflict [in'flikt] v(某)遭受(惩罚击等)
    alternative [ɔl'tənətiv] a两者择类n 抉择
    alternate [ɔl'tənət 'ɔltə 'ɔltəneit] v交轮流a 交间隔
    alliance [ə'laiəns] n结盟联盟
    ally ['ælai ə'lai] v结盟结合n盟者盟国
    coalition [kəuə'liʃən] n结合体联合
    lure [ljuə] v引诱诱惑n诱惑物诱饵
    usher ['ʌʃə] v 引领引导开创预示
    initiate [ɪ'nɪʃɪeɪt] v入门启蒙首创
    initial [i'niʃəl] a开始n首字母
    initiative [ɪ'nɪʃɪətɪv ʃə] n动性倡议动权
    trap [træp] v设陷阱捕捉中圈套n陷阱圈套


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The development of staff cohesion and a sense of team effort in the workplace can be
    effectively _____ by the use of humor [复旦学 2012 年真题]
    A acquainted B installed C regulated D facilitated
    2 They have ____ her unreasonable request for her annual salary [清华学 2008 年真题]
    A destined B chorded C repelled D commenced
    答案1D 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    It has meant that in the first place the amount of benefits must be small lest people’s willingness
    to work and support themselves suffers Even today with flat rate and earningsrelated benefits
    the total amount of the benefit must always be smaller than the person’s wages for fear of
    ➢ 单词速记
    facilitate [fə'siliteit] v促进容易
    facile ['fæsaɪl sɪl] a易做花力气
    facility [fə'sɪləti] n便利设施设备
    acquaint [ə'kweɪnt[ v解熟悉
    acquaintance [ə'kweɪnt(ə)ns] n熟解
    install [in'stɔl] v安装职
    installation [ɪnstə'leɪʃ(ə)n] n设备设施安装职
    installment [ɪn'stɔlmənt] n分期付款( 分期连载)部分
    regulate ['reɡjuleit] v理控制调节
    regulation [reɡju'leiʃən] n规规章
    regularity [reɡju'lærəti] n常定期
    region ['riːdʒ(ə)n] n带行政区区
    regime [reɪ'ʒiːm] n政体政权
    repel [ri'pel] v击退厌恶
    impel [im'pel] v迫驱
    compel [kəm'pel] v强迫迫


    propel [prə'pel] v推进推动
    dispel [dɪ'spel] v消驱散
    expel [ɪk'spel ek] v驱逐开排出
    destine ['destɪn] v注定指定
    destiny ['destini] n命运定数
    destination [desti'neiʃən] n目目标
    fate ['feit] n命运
    doom [duːm] n厄运 v注定
    chord [kɔːd] n弦音
    commence [kə'mens] v着手开始
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Gangnam Style the _____ popular song from South Korean recording artist PSY has just
    become the most watched video on YouTube ever [北京学 2013 年真题]
    A sanely B insanely C rationally D insatiably
    2 The _____ majority of citizens tend to believe that the death penalty will help decrease the
    crime rate [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A overflowing B overwhelming C prevalent D premium
    答案1B 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    Most of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in the history books are great
    conquerors generals and soldiers whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are
    often never mentioned at all People think a great deal of them so much so that on all the
    highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general
    or a soldier
    ➢ 单词速记
    insanely [in'seinli] adv 疯狂精神失常
    sanely ['seinli] adv 心智健全神智正常清醒明智


    sanitate ['sæniteit] v合卫生添置卫生设备
    sanatorium [sænə'tɔrɪəm] n疗休院修养
    rationally ['ræʃənli] adv 理智合理
    ration ['ræʃ(ə)n] n定额定量 v配定量供应
    ratify ['rætɪfaɪ] v 批准认
    irrational [ɪ'ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] a合理荒谬
    rationalization [ræʃənəlaɪ'zeɪʃən] n合理化
    insatiably [ɪn'seʃɪəbli] adv知足贪厌
    satisfy ['sætisfai] v满足确信弄清楚符合达(求标准等)
    satiate ['seiʃieit] v满足喂饱a满足饱足
    overwhelming [əuvə'hwelmiŋ] a势挡压倒巨
    overwhelm [əuvə'hwelm] v受知措征服
    overflowing [əuvə'fləuiŋ] a溢出充满
    overflow [əʊvə'fləʊ] v满外溢充满洋溢
    prevalent ['prev(ə)l(ə)nt] a普遍流行
    prevailing [prɪ'veɪlɪŋ] a普遍盛行流行
    valid ['vælɪd] a效正确
    evaluate [i'væljueit] v…估价…做评价
    premium ['primiəm] n保险金额外费额外津贴a 高级售价高
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Historian Jackson Turner claimed that the frontier produced the individualism that is the _____
    of American culture and that this individualism in turn promoted democratic institutions and
    economic equality [中国社会科学院 2014 年真题]
    A hallmark B drawback C continuity D ambiguity
    2 Why should anyone want to read _____ of books by great authors when the real pleasure
    comes from reading the original [北京航空航天学 2016 年真题]
    A digests B insights C themes D leaflets
    答案1A 2A
    ➢ 难句练
    And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can by no means be
    compared with scientists’ processes and they have to be acquired by a sort of special training To
    hear all these large wordsyou would think that the mind of a man of science must be
    constituted differently from that of his fellow men


    ➢ 单词速记
    hallmark ['hɔlmɑk] n纯度印记特点特征
    drawback ['drɔbæk] n缺点利条件
    continuity [kɔnti'njuiti] n连续连续性衔接
    continual [kən'tinjuəl] a间断停次重复频频
    continuous [kən'tinjuəs] a连续断断延伸
    constant ['kɒnst(ə)nt] a变恒定常n常数恒量
    ambiguity [æmbɪ'gjuːɪtɪ] n模棱两歧义
    ambivalence [æmˈbɪvələns] n矛盾心理
    digest [daɪ'dʒest dɪ] v 消化理解摘录n摘
    ingest [ɪn'dʒest] v咽吸收
    congest [kən'dʒest] v堵塞拥挤
    insight ['ɪnsaɪt] n洞察力
    discernment [dɪˈsɜːnmənt] n识力
    penetration [penɪ'treɪʃ(ə)n] n洞察力
    theme [θiːm] n题
    thematic [θɪ'mætɪk] a题旋律
    leaflet ['liflit] n传单散页印刷品
    brochure ['brəʊʃə brɒ'ʃʊə] n册子
    booklet ['buklit] n册子
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The chairman made a(n) _____ statement before beginning the main business of the meeting
    [浙江学 2012 年真题]
    A intensive B intermediate C preliminary D operational
    2 A taxicab and a laundry truck missed each other by inches on Sixth Avenue stopping in such a
    position that each _____ the other’s progress [浙江学 2012 年真题]
    A implored B implemented C impeded D imparted
    答案1C 2C
    ➢ 难句练


    New sources of energy must be found and this will take time but it is not likely to result in any
    situation that will ever restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we have had in the times
    past For an indefinite period from here on mankind is going to advance cautiously and consider
    itself lucky that it can advance at all
    ➢ 单词速记
    preliminary [pri'liminəri] a初步n预备步骤
    primary ['praiməri] a首初
    primitive ['prɪmɪtɪv] a原始早期简单粗糙
    intensive [ɪn'tensɪv] a加强集中精工细作
    intermediate[ɪntə'miːdɪət] a中间中级
    operational [ɔpə'reiʃənəl] a运转() 操作
    operable ['ɔpərəbl] a实行动手术
    operative ['ɒp(ə)rətɪv] a运转中起作
    impede [ɪm'piːd] v阻碍阻止
    pedal ['pedl] n踏板踏脚v踩踏板脚蹬
    pedestrian [pi'destriən] n行步行者
    pedicure ['pedɪkjʊə] nv 足疗修脚
    implore [im'plɔ ] v恳求乞求
    explore [ik'splɔ ] v探索
    deplore [dɪ'plɔː] v悲叹痛惜
    implement ['ɪmplɪm(ə)nt] v生效实施n器具
    impart [ɪm'pɑːt] v告知透露赋予予
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Donor fatigue and _____ of the country’s poverty are now causing those hopes to wither [南
    京学 2014 年真题]
    A expenditure B extremity C wreckage D supremacy
    2 _____ commutation via the telegraph began in the 1840s just before the Civil War and via the
    telephone just afterward (1870s) [北京学 2009 年真题]
    A Instantaneous B Spontaneous C Simultaneous D Instinctive


    答案1B 2A
    ➢ 汉英译练
    道发展崇高事业做出贡献[中山学 2010 年真题节选]
    参考译文Peace and development are now the two main subjects in the world Maintaining
    the peace of the world strengthening the friendship and cooperation among countries and
    promoting the communal development are the common desire of people in all countries
    Although the national condition of China and western nations is different we have the
    widespread consistent benefit in a series of vital international problems Basing on the equality
    and mutual benefit foundation Chinese government and people hope together with any other
    countries’ governments and their people including the western ones to do contribution for the
    loyal enterprise of peace and the development of the world
    ➢ 单词速记
    extremity [ik'stremiti] n极端极限头
    expenditure [iks'penditʃə] n费花费
    expend [ik'spend] v花费消费
    expense [ik'spens] n花费开支
    wreckage ['rekidʒ] n残骸
    wreck [rek] v破坏造成…失事n严重损坏(车飞机船) 精神身体已跨
    supremacy [s(j)uː'preməsɪ] n高(权力权威位)
    supreme [suː'priːm] a高高重
    instantaneous [instən'teinjəs] a刻瞬间
    spontaneous [spɔn'teiniəs] a发动然
    simultaneous [siməl'teiniəs] a时发生
    instinctive [in'stiŋktiv] a天生直觉
    distinct [dis'tiŋkt] a截然清楚明显
    extinct [ik'stiŋkt] a灭绝灭种


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Because of the sheer _____ of the system many badly needed reforms were never introduced
    [中央校 2010 年真题]
    A inevitability B equity C inertia D empathy
    2 All instruments that come into contact with the patient must be ____ before being used by
    others [医学考博 2009 年真题]
    A sterilized B labeled C quarantined D retained
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 难句练
    There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the intelligence than there is on
    how to interpret or classify them But it is generally agreed that a person of high intelligence is
    one who can grasp ideas readilymake distinctionsreason logicallyand make use of verbal and
    mathematical symbols in solving problems
    ➢ 单词速记
    inertia [ɪ'nɜːʃə] n活力迟钝惰性惯性
    inert [ɪ'nɜːt] a 迟钝呆滞行动活动力
    inertial [ɪ'nɜːʃ(ə)l] a惯性
    inevitability [ɪnevɪtə'bɪlətɪ] n必然性
    inevitable [ɪn'evɪtəb(ə)l] a必然避免
    evitable ['evɪtəbl] a避免
    equity ['ekwɪtɪ] n公
    equate [ɪ'kweɪt] v相等
    equivalent [ɪ'kwɪv(ə)l(ə)nt] a相等等价 n相等物等价物
    equality [i'kwɔləti] n相等等
    equable ['ekwəbl] a稳稳定
    empathy ['empəθɪ] n感情移入感神入
    apathy ['æpəθɪ] n感情冷漠
    antipathy [æn'tɪpəθɪ] n相容反感厌恶
    sterilize ['sterəlaiz] v消毒杀菌绝育


    label ['leibl] n标签称号v贴标签…称
    quarantine ['kwɔrəntin] vn进行检验隔离
    retain [ri'tein] v保留保持
    detain [di'tein] v阻留拘留
    sustain [sə'stein] v支撑供养
    abstain [əb'stein] v避开节制
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 No one expected him to _____ against his former employer [浙江学 2014 年真题]
    A deaden B testify C certify D allege
    2 The reception was attended by various _____ members of the local community and
    representatives of regional industries [西南财学 2014 年真题]
    A protuberant B conspicuous C prominent D projecting
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    It is this deep diversity in the use of English by speakers with different mother tongues that
    invalidates the claim that English is an imperialist adversary an eliminating killer language
    ➢ 单词速记
    testify ['testifai] v作证证明
    testimony ['testiməni] n证词
    protest [prəu'test 'prəu] v抗议
    attest [ə'test] v证明
    intestate [in'testeit] a没留遗嘱
    deaden ['dedən] v减低(某物)力量强度( 某某事)感觉迟钝
    strengthen ['streŋθ(ə)n ŋkθ(ə)n] v加强
    sharpen ['ʃɑpən] v削尖磨快
    wooden ['wudən] a木制僵硬
    certify ['sətifai] v证实证明
    ascertain [ˌæsəˈteɪn] v确定查明
    certificate [æsə'tein] n证明书v发证明


    allege [ə'ledʒ] v宣称断言辩解
    prominent ['prɔminənt] a显著杰出
    eminent ['eminənt] a出众突出
    supereminent [sjupə'eminənt] a卓越出类拔萃
    protuberant [prə'tjuːb(ə)r(ə)nt] a突出凸起隆起
    conspicuous [kən'spikjuəs] a明显
    projecting [prəu'dʒektiŋ] a突出伸出
    inject [ɪn'dʒekt] v注射
    deject [di'dʒekt] v沮丧
    eject [ɪ'dʒekt] v喷射逐出
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Very few people could understand the lecture the professor delivered because its subject was
    very _____ [济学 2014 年真题]
    A obscure B indefinite C dubious D intriguing
    2 The muscular _____ can affect the way we feel mentally [医学考博 2015 年真题]
    A potency B fiber C lethargy D synthesis
    答案1A 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    Computer crime a phrase denoting illegal and surreptitious attempts to invade data banks in
    order to steal or modify records or to release over computer networks software called a virus
    that destroys data and programs has grown at an alarming rate since the development of
    computer communications
    ➢ 单词速记
    obscure [əb'skjʊə] a模糊著名 v分明遮掩
    indefinite [ɪn'defɪnɪt] a确定限期
    definite ['defɪnɪt] a明确肯定
    definition [difi'niʃən] n定义清晰度
    define [di'fain] v…定义限定
    finite ['fainait] a限


    confine [kən'faɪn] v限制
    dubious ['djuːbɪəs] a怀疑握问题住
    intriguing [in'triɡiŋ] a饶兴味迷
    intrigue [ɪn'triːg] v激起…奇心迷住耍阴谋施诡计
    lethargy ['leθədʒɪ] n死气沉沉力气
    lethal ['liθəl] a致命破坏性
    fiber ['faibə] n(动植物神肌肉)纤维质结构品格性情
    potency ['pəutənsi] n效
    potent ['pəutənt] a效力威力说服力强
    potential [pəˈtenʃl] a潜n潜力潜
    synthesis ['sinθisis] n综合合成
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Neither is it almost seen that very beautiful persons are otherwise of great virtue as if nature
    were rather busy not to _____ than in labor to produce excellency [中国社会科学院 2014 年真
    A err B omit C escalate D slip
    2 The town was flooded when the river burst its banks To make it worse the storm
    _____outside [四川学 2014 年真题]
    A raided B ragged C raged D reaped
    答案1A 2C
    ➢ 难句练
    Along with this disparagement of a compliment is the American tendency to laugh at one’s own
    mistakes and admit one’s weaknesses
    ➢ 单词速记
    err [ə] v 犯错误
    omit [əu'mit] v省略删遗漏
    abolish [ə'bɒlɪʃ] v废(法律制度风俗)
    cancel ['kænsəl] v撤销(合契约计划约会)
    emit [ɪ'mɪt] v散发发射(声光热)
    submit [səb'mit] v提交服屈服
    transmit [trænzˈmɪt] v传送传达


    escalate ['eskəleit] v(某事物)逐步增长发展
    slip [slɪp] v滑(倒) 溜走降跌落 n疏漏差错
    glide [glaɪd] v滑行
    slide [slaid] v滑动
    rage [reidʒ] v(风)狂吹( 浪)汹涌( 战争等)激烈进行
    v 发怒发火n狂怒
    rag [ræg] v戏弄某n恶作剧碎布破布抹布
    ragged ['ræɡid] a(衣服)破旧( 外形)规刺耳
    raid [reid] v(警察等)突然查抄突入搜捕劫掠劫夺]n
    reap [rip] v收割获
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The problem is inherent and _____ in any democracy but it has been more severe in ours
    during the past quartercentury because of the near universal denigration of government politics
    and politicians [复旦学 2012 年真题]
    A perishable B periodical C perverse D perennial
    2 When a _____ has been accepted for publication it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny
    [吉林学 2013 年真题]
    A mortgage B monopoly C manuscript D maneuver
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 汉英译练
    国家气象局数显示年中国均雾霾天数已创出 52 年然政府部门采
    放总量利气象条件[浙江学 2014 年真题节选]
    参考译文According to the data from the National Weather Bureau so far this year’s average
    number of days with haze has already exceeded the past highest record in the previous 52years
    In order to cope with the issue haze caused government had taken actions such as closing down
    industries and decreasing enterprises yield but with little effect Haze exerts more and more
    negative effects on people’s lives class suspension expressway closure and car restrictions What
    made the authorities more embarrassed is that the sources producing the air polluant of the


    haze is still a mystery It has been several years since the BeijingTianjinHebei regions were hit by
    fog haze But no conclusion for the specific causes of its formation has been reached Most of the
    experts believe that two main reasons attribute to the heavy pollution weather excessive
    discharge of pollutants and adverse weather conditions
    ➢ 单词速记
    periodical [piəri'ɔdikəl] a周期定期n期刊
    periodic [pɪərɪ'ɒdɪk] a周期定期
    perishable ['periʃəbl] a易腐坏会枯萎
    perish ['perɪʃ] v毁灭死亡( 某物)腐烂( 橡胶)失弹性老化
    publish ['pʌblɪʃ] v出版
    vanish ['vænɪʃ] v消失
    expire [ɪk'spaɪə ek] v 死亡期满
    perverse [pə'vɜːs] a(指)固执错误( 指行)性( 指感情)情理
    universe ['junivəs] n宇宙世界领域
    converse [kən'vəs] v交谈a相反
    reverse [ri'vəs] v倒退颠倒
    perennial [pə'reniəl] a持久反复出现( 指植物)年生
    centennial [sen'tenɪəl] n百年纪念a百年
    manuscript ['mænjʊskrɪpt] n手稿原稿
    manual [ˈmænjʊəl] n手册指南a手工
    manufacture [mænjʊ'fæktʃə] v加工制造
    maneuver [məˈnuːvə] vn 操机动演
    mortgage [ˈmɔːɡɪdʒ] vn抵押
    immortal [ɪ'mɔːt(ə)l] a永生朽
    mortality [mɔːˈtælɪtɪ] n死亡率致命性
    monopoly [məˈnɒpəlɪ] n垄断专卖权
    monorail [ˈmɒnəʊˌreɪl] n单轨火车
    monarch [ˈmɒnək] n君高统治者
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 One of the main reasons is that the university’s_____ attracts students and faculty staff all over
    the world [清华学 2008 年真题]
    A fraud B respondent C misconduct D prestige


    2 In the late 19th century Jules Verne the master of science fiction foresaw many of the
    technological wonders that are_____ today [厦门学 2014 年真题]
    A transient B commonplace C implicit D elementary
    答案1D 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    If we mean by capitalism a method of organizing the economy which rests on the profit motive
    and the free play of market forces then we can be quite sure that it will be around for the 21st
    century The motivation to compete to own and acquire wealth is a fundamental fact of human
    existence just like the need to eat or sleep It’s not going to be eradicated [中国矿业学 2015
    组织方法确信 21 世纪继续存需吃饭睡觉竞争拥
    ➢ 单词速记
    prestige [pre'stiː(d)ʒ] n威信威
    prestigious [pre'stɪdʒəs] a名享声誉
    fraud [frɔːd] n欺骗诈骗骗子
    respondent [rɪˈspɒndənt] n告
    respond [rɪˈspɒnd] v回答做出反应
    response [rɪˈspɒns] n响应反应回答
    responsibility [rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪlɪtɪ] n责义务
    responsible [rɪˈspɒnsəbəl] a承担责责感责重
    misconduct [mɪsˈkɒndʌkt] v端行疏忽职守
    misdeem [mɪs'diːm] v错认
    mistrust [ˌmɪsˈtrʌst] v信
    commonplace ['kɒmənpleɪs] a常 n陈词滥调( 普通)事情题
    transient [ˈtrænzɪənt] a短暂时
    transition [trænˈzɪʃən] n渡转变
    transit [ˈtrænsɪt] vn运送通
    implicit [ɪmˈplɪsɪt] a含蓄暗示疑问绝
    explicit [ɪkˈsplɪsɪt] a明确直言
    complicate ['kɒmplɪkeɪt] v复杂化卷入
    elementary [elɪ'ment(ə)rɪ] a基简单初级基础


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The country’s deficit that year _____ to a record 1698 billion dollars [北京学 2011 年真题]
    A soared B soured C sored D sourced
    2 Stores and supermarkets have been _____ with each other to attract customers [山东学
    2014 年真题]
    A striving B vying C conquering D sprouting
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 难句练
    Once you accept that competition via markets and prices is the main driving force of economic
    life the second lesson is that while this is necessary it is not a sufficient mechanism for ordering
    society Pure free capitalism had a brief if powerful heyday from the late 1970S to the early
    1990s but it is now clear that phase is over If the denial of capitalism has utterly failed so has
    the belief that markets alone are sufficient control though it has not failed quite so
    spectacularly [中国矿业学 2015 年真题节选]
    种竞争避免种机制足帮助建立序社会 20 世纪 70
    年代末 90 年代初完全资义短暂强鼎盛时期现已
    ➢ 单词速记
    soar [sɔː] v猛增v高飞腾飞v(情绪期等)高涨v高耸屹立
    sour [ˈsaʊə] v()变酸( )变馊( )变乖戾(暴躁)[a
    sore [sɔː] a疼痛恼火极度n痛处疮口
    source [sɔːs] n源出处发源
    vie [vaɪ] v某(某事物)激烈竞争某争夺某事物
    strive [straɪv] v(获实现某事物)努力奋斗斗争
    conquer [ˈkɒŋkə] v 征服(某事物) 赢(爱慕赞誉等) 击败(敌手等)
    conqueror [ˈkɒŋkərə] n征服者
    overcome [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] v克服战胜
    sprout [spraʊt] v发芽生出产生 n新芽


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The _____prevents the people in the two neighboring nations from living in peace [吉林学
    2013 年真题]
    A brevity B amenity C enmity D fidelity
    2 We would like to _____ our customers of the best possible service [四川学 2014 年真题]
    A assure B ensure C insure D ensue
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 难句练
    Economists focus on the way in which individuals groups business enterprises and governments
    seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select Other fields of study also
    contribute to this knowledge Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed
    history records changes in human objectives and sociology interprets human behavior in social

    ➢ 单词速记
    enmity ['enmɪtɪ] n敌意
    brevity ['brevɪtɪ] n简洁短暂
    brief [briːf] a简洁短暂 n概摘
    abbreviate [ə'briːvɪeɪt] v缩写缩短省略
    amenity [əˈmiːnɪtɪ] n便利设施愉快适宜
    amity [ˈæmɪtɪ] n友睦
    fidelity [fɪ'delɪtɪ] n忠诚逼真精确
    confident [ˈkɒnfɪdənt] a信心
    diffident [ˈdɪfɪdənt] a胆怯缺乏信
    confide [kənˈfaɪd] v信赖信托吐露(秘密)
    assure [əˈʃʊə] v某确信某保证(消某思想怀疑担心)
    ensure [in'ʃuə] v保证安全(确信某行力量产生果)
    insure [in'ʃuə] v…保险确保
    ensue [in'sju] v接着发生接踵
    pursue [pə'sjuː] v追赶追求继续


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Hearing the news she could feel anger _____ inside her [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A stumbling B staggering C twisting D surging
    2 In that country the coins are so _____ that one has to carry great quantities to make a single
    purchase [航空航天学 2016 年真题]
    A diminished B debased C degraded D defaced
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Jobs came of age in a moment of farreaching economic social and technological change that we
    now call the Information Revolution He has had a sense—analytic and intuitive—that in a time of
    great transformation a lot is up for grabs [中国科学院 2011 年真题]
    ➢ 单词速记
    surge [sədʒ] vn(感情等)洋溢奔放( 群)蜂拥出( 波涛)汹涌奔腾
    stagger ['stæɡə] v摇晃蹒跚吃惊错开
    stumble ['stʌmbl] v绊倒跌跌撞撞走( 说话等时)结结巴巴
    twist [twist] vn缠绕转动歪曲扭伤捻搓
    diminish [di'miniʃ] v减少降低缩(热情体力物资) 减低(重性) 贬低
    debase [di'beis] v降低质量位价值
    degrade ['di'ɡreid] v贬低降低(某)身分( 某物)降解分解退化
    deface [di'feis] v损坏(某物)外观清晰度
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 It would be _____ to think that this could solve all the area’s problems straight away [复旦
    学 2012 年真题]
    A subtle B feeble C nasty D naive
    2 Mary once_____ with another musician to compose a piece of pop music [电子科技学
    2014 年真题]
    A merged B collaborated C coincided D constituted


    答案1D 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    参考译文A person without spirit cannot stand tall a country without spirit cannot be strong
    The spirit of a people is the essence upon which they depend for their longterm survival Only
    with such a spirit can a people stand firm and move boldly forward through the turbulence of
    history The spirit of the Long March has been infused deep into the veins and souls of the
    Chinese nation It has become a powerful inner drive spurring the Chinese people to constantly
    surmount difficulties and advance from victory to victory
    ➢ 单词速记
    naive [naɪ'iːv nɑː'iːv] a天真轻信
    subtle ['sʌtl] a细微巧妙狡诈敏锐
    feeble ['fibl] a衰弱微弱力
    nasty ['nɑːstɪ] a令厌恶恶意危险严重
    collaborate [kə'læbəreɪt] v合作协作(尤指创作生产某事物) 通敌勾结
    elaborate [ɪ'læb(ə)rət] v详述a精心制作详
    belabor [bɪ'lebə] v痛抨击度说明
    merge [mədʒ] v结合合
    blend [blend] v混合混杂 n混合交融混合物
    mix [mɪks] v混合配制混淆 n混合混合物
    mingle ['miŋɡl] v混合相交
    coincide [kəuin'said] vi 时发生相致重叠
    constitute ['kɔnstitjut] v组成构成设立命
    constitution [kɔnsti'tjuʃən] n宪法章程体制组成
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The investigation _____ evidence of a largescale illegal trade in wild birds [海交通学
    2012 年真题]
    A uncovered B outweighed C overwhelmed D evolved


    2 The destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City _____ shock and anger throughout the
    world [中国政法学 2015 年真题]
    A tempted B provoked C summoned D enveloped
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    The impact of decentralization trends of course extends well beyond cities Sprawling
    development patterns are destabilizing many of the suburbs that surround America’s cities Older
    suburbs are experiencing the same challenges as cities failing schools persistent crime and the
    loss of jobs and businesses to other further out suburbs Even suburban areas that are
    developing rapidly are finding that explosive growth has its drawbacks especially in the form of
    overcrowded schools but also in long commutes and the inability of local governments to pay for
    new roads sewers and other infrastructure [北京师范学 2015 年真题]
    ➢ 单词速记
    uncover [ʌn'kʌvə] v揭开…盖子揭露
    outweigh [aut'wei] v重量价值重性超(某事物)
    overwhelm [əuvə'hwelm] v淹没陷入(悲痛绝等) 压倒制服(尤指数量胜)
    overwhelming [əuvə'hwelmiŋ] a势挡压倒巨
    evolve [i'vɔlv] v演变进化
    provoke [prəu'vəuk] v激怒引起
    tempt [tempt] v引起…兴趣诱惑
    summon ['sʌmən] v召唤召集鼓起(勇气) 振作(精神)
    admonish [əd'mɔniʃ] v告诫劝告
    envelop [ɪn'veləp en] v覆盖包住包围


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 To the ____ values of liberty equality and a benevolent Christian morality were now added
    the middleclass virtuesespecially of new Englandof hard work honesty and integrity the
    rewards of individual effort and obedience to parents and legitimate authority [中国社会科学
    院 2014 年真题]
    A disproportionate B incipient C resplendent D participatory
    2 One can understand others much better by noting the immediate and fleeting reactions of
    their eyes and ____ to express thoughts [民学 2009 年真题]
    A dilemmas B countenances C concessions D junctions
    答案1C 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    The only advice indeed that one person can give another about reading is to take no advice to
    follow your own instincts to use your own reason to come to your own conclusions If this is
    agreed between us then I feel at liberty to put forward a few ideas and suggestions because you
    will not allow them to fetter that independence which is the most important quality that a reader
    can possess [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    参考译文事实 阅读方面惟建议采纳建议
    ➢ 单词速记
    resplendent [rɪ'splend(ə)nt] a光辉华丽
    disproportionate [disprə'pɔʃənət] a成例
    portion ['pɔːʃ(ə)n] n部分份v分配
    proportion [prəu'pɔʃən] n例均衡
    proportionate [prəu'pɔʃənit] a成例相称
    incipient [in'sipiənt] a初始早期
    participatory [pɑtɪsɪ'peɪtərɪ] a供分享参
    participate [pɑ'tisipeit] v参分享
    countenance ['kauntənəns] n面容表情支持 v支持
    dilemma [dɪ'lemə daɪ] n窘境进退两难


    concession [kən'seʃən] n步特许认
    junction ['dʒʌŋkʃən] n交叉点连接会合
    juncture ['dʒʌŋktʃə] n关头交界处
    adjunct ['ædʒʌŋkt] a附属 n附属物
    injunction [in'dʒʌŋkʃən] n命令禁令
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Teenage children began to assert their independence and this can lead to a good deal of _____
    in the family [南京学 2015 年真题]
    A controversy B friction C restriction D contradiction
    2 Humor can also be a powerful _____ against stress and misfortune [医学考博 2013 年真题]
    A bravery B blossom C buffer D buffet
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 英译汉练
    One of the fastest growing areas in Internet applications is the adoption of Internet technologies
    for the development of corporate networks Many public sectors and commercial organizations
    throughout the world are accelerating their paces in building corporate networks based on
    Internet technologies allowing them to roll out their private Intranets [武汉学 2014 年真题
    ➢ 单词速记
    friction ['frikʃən] n摩擦( 派间观点)矛盾突
    controversy ['kɔntrəvəsi] n(公开)辩战
    restriction [rɪ'strɪkʃ(ə)n] n限制约束
    limit ['lɪmɪt] v限制限定
    confine [kən'faɪn] v限制禁闭
    contradiction [kɒntrə'dɪkʃ(ə)n] n反驳( 两种说法事实间致)矛盾
    buffer ['bʌfə] n缓区缓器 v缓
    bravery ['breɪv(ə)rɪ] n勇敢勇气
    blossom ['blɔsəm] n花 v开花发展长成
    buffet ['bʌfit] v(某某物)推推n击饮食柜台助餐


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 His arm was _____ from the shark’s mouth and reattached but the boy who nearly died
    remained in a delicate condition [厦门学院 2014 年真题]
    A retrieved B retained C repelled D restored
    2 The country’s failure to abide by the Kyoto Protocol was _____in all newspapers [四川学
    2014 年真题]
    A announced B denounced C renounced D trounced
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    文艺切创新直接间接源民 世事洞明皆学问情练达文章艺
    参考译文The people are the source of all innovations in literature and art directly or
    indirectly A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge understanding of worldly wisdom is
    true learning Arts can fly on the wings of imagination high in the sky but artists must keep their
    feet firmly on the ground There are hundreds or thousands of ways of creating art but the most
    important and reliable is the one that is peoplecentered and realitybased There is no sustained
    inspiration or passion for art to be found in an ivory tower
    ➢ 单词速记
    retrieve [ri'triv] v取回检索挽回恢复
    retain [ri'tein] v保持保留
    repel [ri'pel] v击退驱排斥厌恶
    restore [ri'stɔ] v恢复修复
    denounce [di'nauns] v谴责告发
    announce [ə'nauns] v宣布预告
    renounce [ri'nauns] v宣布放弃(权惯)拒绝承认断绝关系
    trounce [trauns] v败痛严惩


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 They both watched as the crime scene technicians took samples of various fibers and bagged
    them dusted for fingerprints took pictures and tried to___ what could have happened [复旦
    学 2012 年真题]
    A rehearse B reiterate C reinforce D reenact
    2 The speaker was very much _____ by rude words and behavior of the audience in the hall [清
    华学 2007 年真题]
    A jerked B incensed C laced D limped
    答案1D 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    继续研究样研究中确实浓厚趣味[复旦学 2012 年真题]
    From elementary school to middle school what has been learned is nothing but some
    general rudiment of knowledge Even what you are imparted during fouryear university is also
    something superficial Universities are usually referred to the highest educational institution
    which tends to breed the illusion that there is no more to learn after university
    The research institutes of universities are just the places where knowledge is primarily
    studied But even there you get only the first taste of learning where emphasis is on research
    methodology and practice There is no satiety in study and one’s whole life is still not enough for
    learning That’s why ancient people continued with study even when their hair had turned hoary
    However indeed there was strong interest in this process
    ➢ 单词速记
    reenact [ˈriːɪˌnækt] v重新制定扮演展现
    enact [ɪ'nækt e] v演出展现制定通(法令)
    rehearse [rɪ'hɜːs] v排练排演述背诵
    reiterate [riː'ɪtəreɪt] v重申反复做
    iterate ['ɪtəreɪt] v反复说某事提出


    reinforce [riːɪn'fɔːs] v加固加强
    incense ['ɪnsens] v怒激怒
    jerk [dʒək] v猛拉猛然动颤动
    lace [leɪs] v系带系牢攻击抨击 n 花边鞋带饰带少量烈酒 limp [lɪmp] v跛行
    limb [lim] n肢翼分支
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 I never trusted him because I always thought of him as such a _____ character [山东学 2013
    A gracious B suspicious C unique D particular
    2 Most drugstores and big supermarkets have pharmacy department where the pharmacist will
    fill your _____ [济学 2013 年真题]
    A presentation B preposition C preservation D prescription
    答案1B 2D
    ➢ 英译汉练
    The most profound optimism underlying higher education today is the simultaneous recognition
    that on the one hand differences of view background and perspective are real and important
    and on the other hand people who hold those differences can come together for four years on a
    beautiful hilltop listen to one another with tolerance and respect [中国政法学 2014 年真题
    ➢ 单词速记
    suspicious [sə'spɪʃəs] a疑心疑
    gracious ['greɪʃəs] a亲切蔼优美雍容华贵
    graceful ['ɡreisful] a优美体
    unique [juː'niːk] a独二极寻常
    particular [pəˈtɪkjʊlə(r)] a特定特殊讲究详细
    prescription [pris'kripʃən] n处方药方


    prescribe [prɪ'skraɪb] v开药规定指定
    presentation [prez(ə)n'teɪʃ(ə)n] n展示描述陈述介绍赠送
    present ['prezənt pri'zent] n礼物目前a现出席
    v 赠送呈现介绍提出呈交
    preposition [prepə'ziʃən] n介词
    preservation [prezə'veiʃən] n保存保留
    preserve [pri'zəv] v保持维持保存保藏腌制
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 In some California housing estates a key alone is insufficient to get someone in the door his or
    her voiceprint must also be_____ [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A duplicated B perceived C acquired D verified
    2 The United Nations Conferences on the law of the sea would soon produce an oceanmining
    treaty following its ____ declaration in 1970 that oceans were the heritage of mankind [吉林
    学 2012 年真题]
    A unanimous B abstract C autonomous D almighty
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    The Internet unavoidably will alter our sense of community and remove some of the constraints
    previously associated with geographical boundaries The Internet and Intranet are presenting
    opportunities and challenges to individuals and enterprises They will reward those with the
    ability and vision to harness their power realizing their constraints and capable of developing
    solutions in overcoming these limitations [武汉学 2014 年真题]
    ➢ 单词速记
    verify ['verɪfaɪ] v核实查证明证实
    duplicate [ˈdjuːplɪkeɪt] a复制副n复制品副
    perceive [pə'siːv] v感觉察觉理解认


    acquire [ə'kwaɪə] v取获学
    unanimous [juː'nænɪməs] a全体致致意
    animate ['ænɪmeɪt] a生命v生气鼓舞
    equanimous [i'kwæniməs] a沉着镇定
    longanimous [lɒŋ'ɡænɪməs] a坚韧忍耐
    abstract ['æbstrækt] n摘v提取a抽象
    protract [prə'trækt] v延长伸展
    detract [dɪ'trækt] v减损贬低
    autonomous [ɔː'tɒnəməs] a治
    almighty [ɔl'maiti] a全限权力极
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 His _____ directions confused us we did not know which of the two roads to take [南京学
    2015 年真题]
    A ambiguous B complicated C arbitrary D intricate
    2 After his recovery from illness he is determined to _____ what he had been doing to attain the
    goal [民学 2008 年真题]
    A assume B consume C presume D resume
    答案1A 2D
    ➢ 英译汉练
    So college professors routinely encounter students who have never written anything more than
    short answers on exams who do not read much at all who lack foundational skills in math and
    science yet are completely convinced of their abilities and resist any criticism of their work to
    the point of anger and tears [中国科学院 2016 年真题节选]
    参考译文 学教授遇学生样:会试卷写简单答案
    ➢ 单词速记
    ambiguous [æm'biɡjuəs] a模棱两含糊清
    complicated ['kɔmplikeitid] a复杂难懂


    explicate ['eksplikeit] v说明解释
    supplicate ['sʌplikeit] v哀求恳请
    arbitrary ['ɑbitrəri] a意武断专制
    intricate ['intrikət] a错综复杂
    resume [ri'zjum 'zum] v重新开始继续进行恢复
    assume [ə'sjuːm] v假设承担采取
    consume [kən'sjuːm] v花费消耗充满毁灭
    presume [prɪ'zjuːm] v假定昧(做)
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Our manager is so _____in his thinking that he never listens to new ideas [厦门学 2013 年
    A stiff B rigid C tense D tight
    2 Make sure you pour the juice into the glass without _____it [四川学 2014 年真题]
    A splitting B spilling C spinning D spitting
    答案1B 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    As is true of any human endeavor the pursuit of science cannot be entirely objective — ideology
    and economics inevitably play roles Recognizing this is the first step toward accepting science for
    what it truly is the flawed but noble scientific quest to sort truth through fiction in the physical
    ➢ 单词速记
    rigid ['rɪdʒɪd] a严格死板刚硬
    stiff [stɪf] a僵直生硬费劲
    tense [tens] a紧张拉紧
    tight [tait] a紧身紧(牢固)(时间费)紧密封
    spill [spɪl] vn溢出洒落
    split [splɪt] vn分裂劈开分担
    spin [spin] vn旋转纺纱织网甩干眩晕
    spit [spit] v吐出n唾液


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 In her bright yellow coat she was easily_____ in the crowd [复旦学 2011 年真题]
    A accessible B identifiable C negligible D incredible
    2 The____ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers alike [北
    京航天航空学 2016 年真题]
    A incompatible B exceeding C instantaneous D eternal
    答案1B 2D
    ➢ 汉译英练
    24 岁周金融专业毕业生目光转部队求发展年轻
    江学 2013 年真题]
    If a Chinese college student intended to enlist as a soldier in the army it took a lot of
    courage five years ago But today more and more college students choose to become an army
    soldier due to the needs of the armies for senior talents as well as the new policies encouraging
    students to join the army
    24yearold Xiao Zhou a finance major graduate is also turning his attention to the force in
    order to seek his own development Earlier this month he just passed the physical examination
    of the call to army I hope a stocky body and a strong mind can be gained by the thorough
    training of the force I’m not bothered about my career development after joining the army on
    the contrary I think it benefits my career development
    ➢ 单词速记
    identifiable [ai'dentifaiəbl] a辨认认明
    identify [aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] v认出鉴定…等
    accessible [ək'sesəbl] a易接进入
    access ['ækses] n通道接 v存取
    negligible ['neglɪdʒɪb(ə)l] a忽略计微足道


    incredible [ɪn'kredɪb(ə)l] a难置信惊
    credible ['kredɪb(ə)l] a信值信
    credulous ['kredjʊləs] a易信轻信
    eternal [i'tənəl] a永久休止永恒
    incompatible [ɪnkəm'pætɪb(ə)l] a相容协调致合
    compatible [kəm'pætɪb(ə)l] a兼容存
    exceed [ik'sid] v超超出
    instantaneous [instən'teinjəs] a瞬间时
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The storm was _____ and changed course constantly at sea at that time [吉林学 2013 年真
    A chaste B candid C chaotic D cardinal
    2 Many buildings here do not allow smoking some will permit smoking only in _____ areas [
    海交通学 2012 年真题]
    A designated B designed C dedicated D descended
    答案1C 2C
    ➢ 英译汉练
    One might ask why speculation is permitted when there is so real a danger of loss The basic
    reason is that speculation can perform useful functions in the economy Buying a commodity or
    the stock in the belief that prices will rise speeds market equilibrium and encourages faster entry
    of more suppliers If the price change lagged until after all actual commodity shortage had
    occurred the fluctuation would probably be sharper and more sudden [北京理工学 2008 年
    ➢ 单词速记
    chaotic [kei'ɔtik] a处混乱状态完全秩序
    chaos ['keiɔs] n混乱紊乱
    chaste [tʃeist] a纯真道德简单


    candid ['kændid] a率直坦白诚实
    cardinal ['kɑdinəl] a重基深红色 n红衣教
    dedicated ['dedikeitid] a专注献身专
    dedicate ['dedɪkeɪt] v奉献题献
    designated ['deziɡneitid] a指定
    designate ['dezɪgneɪt] v指定标出指派
    design [di'zain] v设计预定指定
    descend [di'send] v降源袭击沦
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The American students came to our school in November and we then made a _____ visit to
    theirs[南京学 2014 年真题]
    A reciprocal B bilateral C considerate D rewarding
    2 The educators should try hard to develop the _____ abilities of children [医学考博 2008 年真
    A cohesive B cognitive C collective D comic
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    [中国科学院 2013 年真题节选]
    1 Summer employment was a social equalizer allowing both rich and financially strapped
    teenagers to gain a foothold on adulthood learning the virtues of hard work respect and
    teamwork in a relatively lowstakes atmosphere
    2 Teenagers and twentysomethings are the least skilled members of the work force so it’s not
    surprising that they would be edged out in a recession by more reliable fulltime workers
    ➢ 单词速记
    reciprocal [ri'siprəkəl] a相互互惠
    bilateral [bai'lætərəl] a双边


    lateral ['lætərəl] a 侧面横
    considerate [kənˈsɪdərɪt] a体贴体谅
    considerable [kənˈsɪdərəbəl] a相
    rewarding [rɪ'wɔːdɪŋ] a值做令满意
    cognitive [ˈkɒɡnɪtɪv] a认知认知力
    intuitive [ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv] a直觉
    cohesive [kəʊˈhiːsɪv] a粘合性结合力
    cohere [kəʊˈhɪə] v粘合凝聚连贯
    coherent [kə(ʊ)'hɪər(ə)nt] a条理清楚连贯致协调
    collective [kə'lektiv] a集体 n团体集体
    comic ['kɔmik] a喜剧滑稽 n连环漫画喜剧演员
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 I’m going to have to take these clothes off for I’ m____ to the skin [四川学 2014]
    A dipped B soaked C immersed D submerged
    2 She chewed each delicious mouthful as slowly as she could _____the pleasure
    [复旦学 2011 年真题]
    A delaying B prolonging C insisting D indulging
    答案1B 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Advice on how to save for retirement or your kids’ college is plentiful Less plentiful is guidance
    on what kind of rainyday fund you should have A rainyday fund which your savings plan can
    feed should cover about six months of income It’s a form of personal insurance valuable in
    these rapidly changing times [华中科技学 2011 年真题]
    [参考译文] 关退休孩子学攒钱建议应该拥种应急
    ➢ 单词速记
    soak [səʊk] v浸泡湿透
    dip [dɪp] v浸蘸落n浸蘸
    dip into 浏览…中取出
    immerse[i'məs] v浸没沉浸专心


    submerge [səb'mədʒ] v潜入水中浸没淹没
    prolong [prə'lɒŋ] v延长
    delay [di'lei] v n耽搁推迟
    postpone [pəʊs(t)'pəʊn pə'spəʊn] v延缓延迟
    defer [di'fə ] v延期推迟遵
    insist [in'sist] v坚持(意见张认)
    indulge [ɪn'dʌldʒ] v沉溺容迁
    humor ['hjumə] v迎合迁 n幽默
    gratify ['ɡrætifai] v 满足喜悦
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 If people feel hopeless they don’t bother to____ the skills they need to succeed [厦门学院
    2013 年真题]
    A adopt B acquire C accumulate D assemble
    2 By the early eighth century the Byzantine empire had lost roughly twothirds of the territory it
    had possessed in the year 600 and its remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians
    who at times threatened to take Constantinople and _____ the empire altogether [中国社会科
    学院 2014 年真题]
    A regain B diminish C extinguish D withstand
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    [中南学 2013 年真题]
    [参考译文] Modern science like many other things suffers its own corruption For instance men
    who are engaged in science often do not respect the principle of science Science is involved with
    committing violence or crimes To acquire knowledge people do not hesitate to thieve plunder
    and even kill others However none of them can be reasons to oppose science
    Science has its humanistic side as well as inhuman side Regarding benefitting the human
    beings science needs guidance Even though medicine is scientific measure it serves an
    everlasting ideal that is to save people and to keep them healthy


    ➢ 单词速记
    acquire [ə'kwaiə] v 获
    inquire [in'kwaiə] v听询问
    exquisite['ekskwizit ek'skwizit] a精致优雅微妙
    adopt [ə'dɔpt] v采纳批准收养
    accumulate[ə'kjumjuleit] v积累聚积
    assemble [ə'sembl] v集合召集装配安装
    resemble [ri'zembl] v类似
    dissemble [dɪ'semb(ə)l] v掩饰假装
    extinguish [ik'stiŋɡwiʃ] v熄灭扑灭消亡破灭
    extinct [ik'stiŋkt] a灭绝破灭
    regain [rɪ'geɪn] v重新获恢复
    diminish [di'miniʃ] v变少缩降低贬低
    withstand [wɪð'stænd] v受抵住
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The criminal was told he would be _____ from punishment if he said what he knew about the
    murder [山东学 2014 年真题]
    A immune B immigrant C imminent D infallible
    2 The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously _____ relations between the two
    countries [北京航天航空学 2015 年真题]
    A tumble B jeopardize C manipulate D intimidate
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    伟动力[武汉学 2011 年真题]
    参考译文The world is colorful and diversified People of different countries have traversed
    different roads of historical development Each nation with its own cultural background social


    system and value will continue to lead a life in its own way This diversity is the very reason why
    the world is full of competition vigor and innovation Countries should enhance exchanges and
    understandings and move ahead together on the basis of mutual respect and equality They
    should not allow the diversity to be a barrier to their forward march still less should they
    deliberately provoke confrontation and conflict To respect and develop the diversity of world
    civilization and from there identify common interests are a great driving force propelling human
    society forward
    ➢ 单词速记
    immune [i'mjun] a免疫力免豁免
    immigrant ['imiɡrənt] n移民侨民 a移民迁入
    migrant ['maiɡrənt] n移居者候鸟 a 移居迁移
    emigrant ['emiɡrənt] n移民侨民 a移民移居
    imminent ['iminənt] a发生逼
    eminent ['eminənt] a杰出明显
    prominent ['prɔminənt] a突出显著
    infallible[in'fæləbl] a会犯错极精确绝永远效万失
    jeopardize ['dʒepədaiz] v受伤害损失破坏限危险
    jeopardy ['dʒepədi] n危险境
    tumble ['tʌmb(ə)l] v跌倒摔翻滚卷入暴跌 n跌倒摔倒
    tumble to 明白领悟
    manipulate[mə'nipjuleit] v操控制操作
    intimidate[in'timideit] v恐吓威胁

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 To survive in the intense trade competition between countries companies must _____ the
    qualities and varieties of their products to the worldmarket demand [吉林学 2012 年真题]
    A forfeit B enhance C guaranteeD gear
    2 He_____ outrage by calling the TV programmes talking wallpaper [复旦学 2011 年真题]
    A provoked B evoked C revoked D invoked
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练


    Nevertheless it is a claim that can be sustained and if compassion animates those who urge the
    abolition of the death penalty it is not a sentimental compassion for the mental agony inflicted
    upon a condemned man but a dread of destroying the miracle of life
    ➢ 单词速记
    gear [ɡiə] v适应适合 n齿轮具装备
    forfeit ['fɔfit] v失放弃n丧失东西罚金
    guarantee [ɡærən'ti ] v保证担保 n保证保证书
    enhance [in'hɑns hæns] v增强提高
    provoke [prə'vəʊk] v激怒产生
    evoke[i'vəuk] v唤起想起
    revoke [ri'vəuk] v撤销废
    invoke [in'vəuk] v祈求祷告援(某事物)行动理
    convoke [kən'vəuk] v召集召开

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Often such arguments have the effect of _____ rather than clarifying the issues involved [南京
    学 2013 年真题]
    A obscuring B prejudicing C tackling D blocking
    2 These natural resources will be _____ sooner or later if the present rate of exploitation goes on
    [清华学 2008 年真题]
    A depleted B deployed C inclined D mingled
    答案1A 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    [中国科学院 2010 年试题节选]
    Juicy Campuscom is a rapidly growing gossip site that solicits content with the promise of
    anonymity But what began as fun and games—and now has sub companies on seven college
    campuses including Duke University where it began —has turned ugly and in many cases to be
    flatly smearing others


    参考译文 Juicy campusCom 欢迎户发表攻击言保证透露户姓名
    网站发展势头正猛该网站目前 7 学设分部包括起家 DUKE 学
    ➢ 单词速记
    obscure [əb'skjʊə] v变模糊遮掩a费解模糊清著名
    prejudice ['predʒudis] v n偏见 …利损害
    tackle ['tækl] v付处理…交涉阻截 n阻截具滑轮
    block [blɔk] v堵塞阻塞n障碍物排房屋块街区
    deplete [di'plit] v量消减(某物)数量力价值消耗
    deploy [dɪ'plɒɪ] v调度部署(军队) 效
    incline [in'klain] v倾斜倾n斜坡坡面
    mingle ['miŋɡl] v混合相
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The politicians were discussing the best way to ____democracy and prosperity in their country
    [四川学 2014]
    A hinder B foster C linger D quote
    2 The small building was marked with a modest brass _____ stating the name and the business
    of the occupiers [复旦学 2011 年真题]
    A plaque B plateauC plague D plaster
    答案1B 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    An individual member of the group could say It’s in my selfinterest to do good rather than bad
    because I stand to benefit if I do and also because I could be ostracized or punished if I don’t
    Therefore even though it is not airtight the argument from enlightened selfinterest is
    somewhat compelling one [厦门学 2015 年试题]
    ➢ 单词速记
    foster ['fɔstə] v培养鼓励促进抚养收养


    hinder ['hɪndə] v阻碍妨碍
    linger ['liŋɡə] v逗留徘徊拖沓缓慢消失
    quote[kwəʊt] v引援引 n引语报价引号
    plaque [plɑk plæk] n饰板匾
    plateau ['plætəʊ] n 高原稳定状态 vi 达稳阶段
    plague[pleiɡ] n瘟疫灾难 v痛苦…造成困难
    plaster ['plɑːstə] n灰浆石膏膏药 v…抹灰泥厚厚涂抹
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Her shrewd campaign managers were responsible for the fact that her political slogans were
    actually forgotten clichés revived and _____with new meaning [厦门学院 2012 年真题]
    A fathomed B instilled C foreclosed D instigated
    2 Ross Douthat offers the provocative thesis that many of this nation’s biggest blunders and
    troubles are due in large part to meritocracy in which intelligent and talent people rise to
    positions of influence for that such people are prone to a form of_____ in which they
    overestimate their ability to understand and manipulate the world [中国社会科学院 2014 年真
    A hubris B charisma C ego D gregariousness
    答案1B 2A
    ➢ 汉译英练
    参考译文The history of humanity tells us that problems are not to be feared What should
    concern us is refusing to face up to problems and not knowing what to do about them In the
    face of both the opportunities and challenges of economic globalization the right thing to do is
    to seize every opportunity jointly meet challenges and chart the right course for economic
    globalization It is demanded to make the process of economic globalization more vigorous more
    inclusive and more sustainable We should be proactive and manage economic globalization
    appropriately so as to release its positive impact and keep the process in balance
    ➢ 单词速记


    fathom [ˈfæðəm] v深度测量彻底解 n英寻
    foreclose [fɔːˈkləʊz] v阻止排取消抵押品赎回权
    instigate ['ɪnstɪgeɪt] v开始发生鼓动怂恿
    hubris [ˈhjuːbrɪs] n傲慢狂妄
    charisma [kəˈrɪzmə] n号召力
    ego ['iːgəʊ 'e] n尊
    gregariousness [grɪ'gɛrɪəsnɪs] n群集度合群性
    gregarious [grɪ'geərɪəs] a爱交际群居
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Woody arrived at a most _____ moment I was just getting into the bath [西南财学 2011
    A inopportune B importunate C incongruous D unfitting
    2 The mayor was asked to____ his speech in order to allow his audience to raise questions [北
    京航天航空学 2015 年真题]
    A constrain B conduct C condense D converge
    答案1A 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    慧积极务实推进中俄油气合作[中国矿业学 2011 年真题节选]
    参考译文Especially for China in the context of economic globalization fierce competition for
    energy resources in the international market and increasing energy demand at home China will
    be in the position of the buyer in a long time therefore more attention to the SinoRussian oil
    and gas cooperation should be paid Our oil and gas cooperation with Russia should not be taken
    as an expedient measure On one hand we must see the negative factors with a sober mind on
    the other hand we have to find favorable conditions potential and prospect to promote the
    cooperation in a positive and pragmatic manner by means of great wisdom with an eye to
    longterm development strategy
    ➢ 单词速记


    inopportune [ɪnˈɒpəˌtjuːn] a合适方便
    importunate [ɪmˈpɔːtjʊnɪt] a坚持强求
    incongruous [ɪnˈkɒŋɡrʊəs] a协调致
    unfitting [ʌn'fɪtɪŋ] a合适胜力太健康
    unfit [ʌn'fɪt] adj 适宜合格健康 v 合格相宜胜
    condense [kən'dens] v冷凝凝结浓缩减缩
    constrain [kən'streɪn] v限制约束克制抑制
    conduct ['kɒndʌkt] v理指挥输送传导行表现 n进行行实施
    converge [kən'vɜːdʒ] v聚集相似相
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 When confronted with these math problems her mind tended to go_____ and could hardly
    work anymore [中国矿业学 2011 年真题]
    A blank B faint C dim D vain
    2 Whoever formulated the theory of the origin of the universe it is just _____ and needs proving
    [吉林学 2012 年真题]
    A spontaneous B hypothetical C intuitive D empirical
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Aristotle and Plato in ancient Greece wrote about problems of wealth property and trade both
    of whom were prejudiced against commerce feeling that to live by trade was undesirable During
    the Middle Ages the economic ideas of the Roman Catholic church were expressed in the law of
    the church which condemned the taking of interest for money loaned and regarded commerce
    as inferior to agriculture
    ➢ 单词速记
    blank [blæŋk] a空白空茫然表情全部n空白空白表格
    faint [feɪnt] a模糊隐约力微弱眩晕 n v 昏倒
    dim [dɪm] a昏暗隐约模糊清v变暗淡变模糊
    vain [veɪn] a徒劳效负爱虚荣


    hypothetical [haɪpə'θetɪk(ə)l] a假设未必事实
    hypothesis [haɪ'pɒθɪsɪs] n假说假设
    spontaneous [spɒnˈteɪnɪəs] a发动然
    intuitive [ɪn'tjuːɪtɪv] a直觉
    cognitive ['kɒɡnɪtɪv] a认知
    empirical [em'pɪrɪk(ə)l ɪm] a观察实验验义

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 She said that the treatment she had received in the hospital has completely_____ her of her
    dignity [复旦学 2011 年真题]
    A thrived B suspended C deprived D contrived
    2 He felt a great sense of _____ after his success [南京学 2014 年真题]
    A fulfillment B fortification C innovation D illumination
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Similarly the preferential treatment given to occupational disability by the social security service
    has been increasingly questioned with the demands for the upgrading of benefits for the other
    types of disability It is felt that in contemporary industrial societies the distinction between
    occupational and nonoccupational disability is artificial for many nonoccupational forms of
    disability have an industrial origin even if they do not occur directly in the workplace
    ➢ 单词速记
    deprive [dɪˈpraɪv] v丧失剥夺
    thrive [θraɪv] v繁荣茁壮成长
    suspend [sə'spend] v悬挂吊暂停中止
    suspension [sə'spenʃ(ə)n] n 悬浮暂停停职
    suspense [sə'spens] n紧张感担心挂虑
    contrive [kənˈtraɪv] v谋划设计
    fulfillment [fʊl'fɪlmənt] n履行实现满足


    fulfill [ful'fil] v履行实现满足结束
    fortification [fɔːtɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n防御工事加强防卫
    fortify ['fɔːtɪfaɪ] v防卫增加营养价值
    innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn] n改革创新引进新事物
    innovate ['ɪnəveɪt] v 创新改革革新
    illumination [ɪˌluːmɪˈneɪʃən] n明阐明启发
    illuminate [ɪˈluːmɪneɪt] v 阐明说明亮灿烂灯装饰
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Some scientists have suggested that Earth is a kind of ZOO or wildlife_____ for intelligent space
    beings like the wilderness areas we have set up on the earth to allow animals to develop
    naturally while we observe them [民学 2009]
    A conservation B maintenance C storage D reserve
    2 Only one member of the committee______ from the final report [四川学 2014]
    A dissented B crawled C whispered D redeemed
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Online newspapers are a look into the future and just pondering it raises the question of whether
    it isn’t nicer getting your daily news curled up in your favorite chair with your ballpoint pen handy
    to circle items of interest or scissors ready to snip out articles you want to save The Gazette
    Company is betting its subscribers want both electronic and paper options and so far it seems to
    be right [济学真题节选]
    [参考译文] 网络报纸未种展思考会提出问题:否天蜷缩
    ➢ 单词速记
    reserve [rɪˈzɜːv] n然保护区补队员保留储备(物) 拘谨矜持
    v 保留预定
    conservation [ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃən] n保存保护
    conserve [kən'sɜːv] v保存(避免浪费然资源)…做成蜜饯守恒
    n 果酱蜜饯


    maintenance [ˈmeɪntənəns] n维修保持抚养费
    maintain [meɪn'teɪn mən'teɪn] v维修保持赡养张
    storage['stɔːrɪdʒ] n贮藏存储
    dissent [dɪ'sent] v持异议反n异议
    consent [kən'sent] v意赞成n意致赞成
    resent [rɪ'zent] v厌恶怨恨
    crawl [krɔːl] v爬行匍匐行进缓慢(费力)行进
    whisper['wɪspə] v低语发沙沙声
    redeem [rɪ'diːm] v赎回结清某获补救履行
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 As the ship is loaded it will sink deeper and deeper into the water but only sink deep enough
    to______ an amount of water equal to the weight of the ship and its cargo [厦门学院 2012 年
    A dismiss B offset C displace D squeeze
    2 The committee puts every effort into enabling women to speak out against sexual harassment
    and to get help when they are victims of it Because the harassment is____ by silence [中国社会
    科学院 2014 年真题]
    A persisted B impeded C divulged D sustained
    答案1C 2D
    ➢ 汉译英练
    文章英语写成[湖北省联考 2011 年真题]
    [参考译文] Owing to the marketoriented managerial mode effectively used around the world
    the scholars bear more and more pressure day by day in order to demonstrate their value in a
    measurable way A common measurable way is the research result which is usually measured by
    the number and the quality of published articles The quality depends on whether an article is
    indexed in citation index Therefore the scholars who want to succeed in their specialties need to
    write a series of articles that would be indexed and cited Of course it is very likely that they
    write these articles in English


    ➢ 单词速记
    displace [dɪs'pleɪs] v离开原位取代
    displacement [dɪs'pleɪsm(ə)nt] n移位取代排水量
    dismiss [dɪs'mɪs] v解散解雇接受驳回
    offset ['ɒfset] v补偿抵消
    squeeze [skwiːz] v挤挤出压榨榨取捏握 n 压榨紧握拥挤佣金
    sustain [sə'steɪn] v保持持续供养支撑忍受
    persist [pəˈsɪst] v坚持畏困难继续做某事持续存留
    impede [ɪmˈpiːd] v阻碍阻止
    divulge [daɪˈvʌldʒ] v泄露
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The author skillfully fuses these fragments into a ______whole [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A congestive B corporate C collaborative D cohesive
    2 Although the model looks good on the surface it will not bear close_____ [北京航天航空
    学 2015 年真题]
    A temperament B contamination C scrutiny D symmetry
    答案1D 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    基帅选运新技术行办法医生治疗种 DNA 缺陷前检测
    某情况信息延缓疾病发作减轻病症[中国民学 2008 年真
    参考译文For all the fevered work being done however science is still far away from the
    Brave New World vision of engineering a perfect human or even a perfect tomato Much more
    research is needed before gene therapy becomes commonplace and many diseases will take
    decades to conquer if they can be conquered at all In the short run the most practical way to
    use the new technology will be in genetic screening Doctors will be able to detect all sorts of
    flaws in DNA long before they can be fixed In some cases the knowledge may lead to treatments
    that delay the onset of the disease or soften its effects


    ➢ 单词速记
    cohesive [kəʊˈhiːsɪv] a粘合性结合力
    coherent [ko'hɪrənt] a条理清楚连贯致
    congestive [kənˈdʒɛstɪv] a充血
    congest [kən'dʒest] v充血堆积拥挤
    digest [daɪ'dʒest dɪ] v消化理解 n摘
    ingest [ɪn'dʒest] v咽吸收
    corporate ['kɔpərit] a团体公司
    incorporate [ɪn'kɔːpəreɪt] v包括吸收…合
    collaborative [kə'læbəretɪv] a合作
    collaborate [kə'læbəreit] v合作勾结
    elaborate [i'læbərət i'læbəreit] adj 精心制作详煞费苦心
    v 精心制作详细阐述变复杂
    scrutiny ['skrutini] n详细检查仔细观察
    temperament ['tempərəmənt] n 气质性情禀性(气度风格)
    disposition[dispə'ziʃən] n性情性格(决定思想行动方式心情)
    contamination[kəntæmi'neiʃən] n污染
    contaminate [kən'tæmineit] v弄脏污染
    symmetry['simitri] n称性匀称整齐

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Bank notes are not usually _____ into gold nowadays [民学 2008 年真题]
    A inverted B revertible C convertible D diverting
    2 Disobedience will bring _____ on the nation fatal disease famine wild beasts ravaging the
    land and war leading to exile [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    A calamity B provision C rivalry D revival
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Performing at a high level in a good quality but not highly prestigious college may give a student a
    better chance of getting into graduate or professional school than being lost in the middle of the
    pack in a highly selective institution The quality of graduate or professional school will matter
    more in the long run to a student’s success in life than the reeking of the undergraduate college


    ➢ 单词速记
    convertible [kən'vətəbl] a改变转换兑换
    convert [kən'vət] v转变转化改变信仰(态度)
    invert [ɪn'vɜːt] v 倒置颠倒倒转
    revertible [ri'vətəbl] a恢复应
    revert [rɪ'vɜːt] v恢复(原状) 回(原话题思路)( 财产权利等)复属
    divert [daɪ'vɜːt dɪ] v转转移消遣娱乐
    calamity [kə'læmɪtɪ] n灾难灾祸
    disaster [di'zɑstə] n灾难幸
    catastrophe [kə'tæstrəfɪ] n灾难祸惨败
    provision [prə'vɪʒ(ə)n] n供应养口粮条款规定准备预备
    rivalry ['raɪv(ə)lrɪ] n竞争抗竞赛
    revival [ri'vaivəl] n恢复
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 France’s_____ of nuclear testing in the South Pacific last month triggered political debates and
    mass demonstrations [吉林学 2012 年真题]
    A assumption B consumption C presumption D resumption
    2 The girl _____ her tablemate’s arm to see if she was fast asleep at class [清华学学 2008
    A pinched B punched C pitched D pumped
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Equally important many black leaders began to disclaim full integration into the American
    mainstream as the goal of the black minority Instead they argued blacks ought to coexist with
    other groups in a plural society containing different and distinctive communities living in mutual
    respect The elimination of legal barriers to advancement has been a major gain for the blacks
    but institutionalized discrimination is still rife


    ➢ 单词速记
    resumption [ri'zʌmpʃən] n重新开始继续进行重新占
    resume [ri'zjum 'zum] n 摘[理] 履历简历
    vt 重新开始继续恢复重新占
    vi 重新开始继续
    consumption [kən'sʌmpʃən] n消耗消费挥霍消耗量消费量
    consume [kən'sjum] vt 消耗消费…着迷挥霍
    vi 耗毁灭耗生命
    presumption [prɪ'zʌm(p)ʃ(ə)n] n假定推测放肆傲慢
    presume [prɪ'zjuːm] vt 假定推测擅意味着
    vi 相信擅行
    pinch [pɪn(t)ʃ] v捏掐夹痛扎痛
    punch [pʌn(t)ʃ] v猛击穿孔 n力量效力
    pitch [pɪtʃ] v投掷扔猛然倒定调架设
    pump [pʌmp] v抽水气n泵

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 We must also understand how to_____ between what should be remembered and what
    should be forgotten [南京学 2014]
    A differentiate B distinct C disengage D entangle
    2 There would be a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was _____ into
    darkness [四川学 2014]
    A desolate B dived C drowned D plunged
    答案1A 2D


    ➢ 英译汉练
    The mischief of flattery is not that it persuades any man that he is what he is not but that it
    suppresses the influence of honest ambition by raising an opinion that honor may be gained
    without the toil of merit and the benefit of advice arises commonly not from any new light
    impinged to the mind but from the discovery which it affords of public suffrages [东北财学
    [参考译文] 奉承危害相信成原种引
    ➢ 单词速记
    differentiate [‚dɪfə'renʃieɪt] v辨区分区(类)
    distinguish [dɪ'stɪŋgwɪʃ] v区分表现突出(联系事物)
    discriminate [dɪ'skrɪmɪneɪt] v区分(细微差)歧视
    distinct [dɪ'stɪŋ(k)t] a区清晰明确显著
    disengage [dɪsɪn'geɪdʒ dɪsen] v放开脱离接触中止战斗
    entangle [ɪn'tæŋg(ə)l en] v缠绕纠缠陷入
    plunge [plʌn(d)ʒ] v身投入头进入猛猛跌突然陷入遭受
    desolate ['des(ə)lət] a荒芜烟 v悲惨荒芜
    dive [daɪv] vn跳水潜水俯扑
    drown [draʊn] v淹死淹没
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 A feeling of tiredness almost ______the soldier on duty and he had to struggle hard to keep
    awake [厦门学院 2012 年真题]
    A overcame B defeated C conquered D overtook
    2 This____ is a national prize and is awarded for the best score by a player under 16 years of age
    [中国社会科学院 2014 年真题]
    A trophy B treat C trifle D tribute
    答案1A 2A
    ➢ 汉译英练


    [参考译文] Some researchers now believe that the stress involved in socalled high demand low
    control jobs further down the occupational scale is more harmful than the stress of professional
    jobs that come with greater autonomy and control Others are studying the health impact of job
    insecurity lack of support on the job and employment that makes it difficult to balance work and
    family obligations Then there is the issue of social networks and support the differences in the
    knowledge time and attention that a person’s family and friends are in position to offer
    ➢ 单词速记
    overcome [əʊvə'kʌm] v战胜克服( 感情等)压倒受
    defeat [dɪ'fiːt] v击败战胜挫败落空 n
    conquer ['kɒŋkə] v攻克征服破克服
    overtake [əʊvə'teɪk] v赶超突然降意外碰
    trophy ['trəʊfɪ] n奖品(体育赛) 纪念品战利品(狩猎战争中获)
    treat [triːt] n款招乐事 v医治款
    trifle ['traɪf(ə)l] n琐事价值东西 v嘲笑轻视
    tribute ['tribjut] n颂词贡品
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 All the people in the stadium cheered up when they saw hundreds of colorful balloons ____
    slowly into the sky [电子科技学 2010 年真题]
    A ascending B elevating C escalating D lingering
    2 The medicine_____ his pain but did not cure his illness [北京航天航空学 2015 年真题]
    A activated B alleviated C deteriorated D mediated
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    家走起谈重话题中华民族 21 世纪强盛然祖国陆中国台
    中华文化优秀传统印记拥着振兴中华民族理想[南京学 2012 年真题]


    参考译文The current visit to Taiwan for exchange brief and cursory as it is has enabled us to
    see many places and visit old friends while making new acquaintances Whenever people gather
    together an important topic of discussion has been how the Chinese nation can become
    prosperous and powerful in the 21 st century Although the young people on the Mainland and in
    Taiwan live in different social contexts with their individually different experiences of life in the
    innermost recesses of their hearts are engraved an indelible mark by the fine traditions of the
    Chinese culture They all cherish the same ideal to rejuvenate the Chinese nation
    ➢ 单词速记
    ascend [ə'send] v升高攀登
    elevate ['elɪveɪt] v举起升提高改善情绪高昂
    escalate ['eskəleit] v逐步增长逐步升级
    linger ['liŋɡə] v继续逗留继续存留
    alleviate [ə'liːvɪeɪt] v减轻缓解
    activate ['æktiveit] v活动起开始起作
    deteriorate [di'tiəriəreit] v恶化变坏
    mediate ['midieit] v调解斡旋

    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Reporters and photographers alike took great _____ at the rude way the actor behaved during
    the interview [民学 2008 年真题]
    A annoyance B offence C resentment D irritation
    2 In the 1970s he became a tireless promoter for the drug as a cure for depressionwhich he
    once suffered fromand other _____ [中国科学院 2014 年真题]
    A ailments B therapies C tolls D addictions
    答案1B 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    As an ecological approach to Translation studies Ecotranslatology views translation as an entire
    translational ecosystem and focuses on the relationship between the translator and this
    translational ecoenvironment A translational ecoenvironment is construed as a highly
    integrated entity that comprises the actual text the cultural context and the human agents as
    well as other tangible and intangible ingredients [南京学 2012 年真题]


    ➢ 单词速记
    offence [ə'fens] n犯规罪行犯攻击
    offend [ə'fend] vt 犯…愉快 vi 违反进攻引起舒服
    offensive [ə'fensɪv] adj 攻击犯礼讨厌
    annoyance [ə'nɒɪəns] n烦恼扰
    annoy [ə'nɒɪ] vt 骚扰惹恼搅
    vi 惹恼令讨厌搅
    n 烦恼(等 annoyance)
    irritation [ɪrɪ'teɪʃn] n愤怒烦恼刺激疼痛
    irritate ['ɪrɪteɪt] vt 刺激兴奋激怒 vi 引起恼怒引起愉快
    resentment [rɪ'zentm(ə)nt] n愤恨怨恨
    resent [rɪ'zent] vt 怨恨愤恨厌恶
    ailment ['eɪlm(ə)nt] n疾病
    disease [dɪ'ziːz] n病[医] 疾病弊病
    sickness ['sɪknɪs] n疾病呕吐弊病
    illness [ˈɪlnəs] n病疾病
    therapy ['θerəpɪ] n治疗理疗
    physiotherapy [fɪzɪə(ʊ)'θerəpɪ] n物理疗法
    psychotherapy [saɪkə(ʊ)'θerəpɪ] n心理疗法
    toll [təʊl] n路费桥费伤亡数损失
    addiction [ə'dɪkʃ(ə)n] n瘾沉溺
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The_____ of a cultural phenomenon is usually a logical consequence of some physical aspect in
    the life style of the people [吉林学 2012 年真题]
    A implementation B demonstration C manifestation D expedition
    2 The government is trying to help these enterprises out of the _____ by various means [清华
    学学 2008 年真题]
    A flight B plight C delight D twilight


    答案1B 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    In Ecotranslalology translation activities are described and interpreted in terms of such
    ecological principles as holism relevance dynamics balance and harmony together with
    ecological aesthetics Some elements of classical Chinese or Oriental philosophies and cultural
    quintessence are projected in this nascent approach [南京学 2012 年真题]
    ➢ 单词速记
    demonstration [demən'streɪʃ(ə)n] n表现显示证明证示范解释集会游行
    demonstrate ['demənstreɪt] vt 证明展示证 vi 示威
    implementation [ɪmplɪmen'teɪʃ(ə)n] n履行实施贯彻
    implement ['ɪmplɪm(ə)nt] vt 实施执行实现生效
    n 工具器具手段
    manifestation [mænɪfe'steɪʃ(ə)n] n 表现显示示威运动
    manifest ['mænɪfest] v证明显示显灵 a明显
    expedition [ekspɪ'dɪʃ(ə)n] n出行远征远征队迅速动作敏捷
    expedite ['ekspɪdaɪt] v加速促进a迅速
    plight [plaɪt] n 困境境况誓约 vt 保证约定
    flight [flaɪt] n航班飞行群飞齐发阶梯奔放(想象力) 名列前茅
    delight [dɪ'laɪt] n高兴v高兴
    twilight ['twaɪlaɪt] n微光曙光衰落时期
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 We shall probably never be able to_____ the exact nature of these subatomic particles [南京
    学 2013]
    A assert B impart C ascertain D notify
    2 Satellite communication is so uptodate that even when _____ in the middle of the Pacific
    businessmen can contact their officers as if they were next door [四川学 2011]
    A gliding B cruising C piloting D patrolling
    答案1C 2A


    ➢ 英译汉练
    One of the troubling paradoxes of gold seeking populations was that they also were a highly
    mobile wandering tribe in some ways similar to the Aborigines they sought to displace Anxieties
    about the continuity of white settlement in Australia intensified impulses to vilify Aborigines and
    to keep Asians out [武汉学 2015 年真题]
    [参考译文] 淘金者中令困扰悖断流动流浪部落
    ➢ 单词速记
    ascertain [æsə'tein] v查明弄清
    assert [ə'sət] v断言维护坚持
    insert [ɪn'sɜːt] v插入嵌入
    desert [(for v) dɪ'zɜːt (for n) 'dezət] vt 遗弃放弃
    n 沙漠毛
    impart [ɪm'pɑːt] v告知透露赋予予
    notify ['nəʊtɪfaɪ] v通知报告
    glide [glaɪd] v滑行滑翔
    cruise [kruːz] v航游巡航( 出租车船等)缓慢巡行
    pilot ['paɪlət] v驾驶(飞机) (船舶等)引航试验试
    patrol [pə'trəʊl] v巡逻巡查
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Nuclear power plants are some of the largest producers of ______wasters with each plant
    producing barrels of radioactive material that must be stored in special protective containers [厦
    门学院 2012 年真题]
    A biodegradable B hazardous C reasonable D durable
    2 Ancient Greeks believed that the gods who resembled humans lived on Mount Olympus
    where they had a hierarchical society Individual gods became associated with three
    main_____the sky or heaven the sea and the earth [中国社会科学院 2013 年真题]
    A paradigms B regimes C domains D regimens


    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    参考译文Everyone should have an ambition in his lifetime otherwise his energy will be
    wasted Each young man endeavors to be a person with achievements It is unwise for a young
    man who merely looks forward to becoming wealthy or only to attend to pursue power and fame
    is also incorrect A young man wishes to be an achiever which is often actualized in the end Here
    is an example about the story of Disraeli When Disraeli began his public life he was eager to
    become a scholar and speechmaker He was more successful in the aspect of literature than in
    the aspect of speech Initially he entirely failed as speechmaker However he deemed that he was
    sure to surmount the obstacle therefore he committed himself to the aim’s realization with
    persevering spirit
    ➢ 单词速记
    hazardous ['hæzədəs] a危险险
    hazard ['hæzəd] nv尝试着做…风险
    biodegradable [baɪə(ʊ)dɪ'greɪdəb(ə)l] a生物降解
    reasonable ['riznəbl] a合理适度公道
    durable ['dʊrəbl] a耐持久
    duration [djʊ'reɪʃ(ə)n] n持续持续期间
    domain [dəu'mein] n领域范围领势力范围
    paradigm ['pærədaɪm] n范例样式词形变化表
    regime [reɪ'ʒiːm] n政治制度政权
    regimen ['redʒɪmən] n生活制度养生法


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The wind may____ the palms in Langkawi but windsurfing is the only way to enjoy it [西南财
    学 2010 年真题]
    A haunt B rustle C peep D patent
    2 He found his new acquaintance to be____ trying to understand her personality was like
    peering into an unknown dimension [北京航天航空学 2014 年真题]
    A cosmopolitan B imperturbable C inscrutable D puerile
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    20 世纪类创造物质文明精神财富超时代令遗憾
    类 100 年中历前未苦难特遭受两次世界战浩劫世界
    总会战胜落类必然会断克服艰难险阻着美未开拓前进 [武汉学
    2011 年真题节选]
    参考译文In the 20th century mankind creatated material and spiritual wealth unmatched by
    any other time in history Regrettably it was also in these 100 years that humanity experienced
    unprecedented hardships particularly suffering the havoc of the two world wars However it is
    always the people of the world that make and write world history therefore justice will inevitably
    prevail over evil light over darkness and progress over backwardness Mankind will undoubtedly
    keep overcoming difficulties and obstacles blaze new trails and steadily move forward to a better
    ➢ 单词速记
    rustle ['rʌsl] v发出轻爽声音准备张罗
    haunt [hɔnt] v(鬼混)常出没常(某处) 常浮现(脑际)
    peep [pip] v偷慢慢露出 n窥视嘟嘟声吱吱声
    patent ['pæt(ə)nt 'peɪt(ə)nt] vt 授予专利取…专利权
    adj 专利新奇显然
    n 专利权执专利品
    inscrutable [in'skrutəbl] a思议神秘
    scrutiny ['skrutini] n仔细审查细
    cosmopolitan [kɔzmə'pɔlitən] a世界性四海家 n世界义者四海家者


    imperturbable [impə'təbəbl] adj 冷静泰然
    puerile ['pjʊərɪl] a幼稚孩子气天真
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The service was held to _____ the sacrifice of those who died in the war [中国矿业学 2011
    A memorize B commemorate C remember D remind
    2 In her new novel Annabel reviewed this week in the magazine Kathleen Winter _____the
    naturenurture divide [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A outgrows B explores C perceives D contends
    答案1B 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    The first complete theory was that of Lamark who thought that modifications due to
    environment if constant and lasting would be inherited and produce a new type Though no
    evidence for such inheritance was available the theory gave a working hypothesis for naturalists
    to use What is more many of the social efforts for the nineteenth century were just framed on
    the assumption that acquired improvements would be inherited
    ➢ 单词速记
    commemorate [kə'meməreit] v庆祝纪念
    immemorial [imi'mɔriəl] a法追忆古老
    memorize ['meməraɪz] v记住记忆
    remember [rɪ'membə] v记住代…问候
    remind [rɪ'maɪnd] v提醒发生联想
    explore [ik'splɔ ] v勘探探测仔细查阅探索探究
    deplore [dɪ'plɔː] v谴责悲悼哀叹
    implore [im'plɔ ] v恳求祈求
    outgrow [aut'ɡrəu] v长…高快长(某事物) 长厌倦(某事物)
    perceive [pə'siv] v意识注意观察理解领悟认
    contend [kən'tend] v竞争争斗张


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 The barbarous aggressors grew more and more_____ in slaughtering people and burning down
    their houses [吉林学 2012 年真题]
    A amorphous B ferocious C audacious D egregious
    2 In ancient mythology there were no impassable _____ separating the divine from the human
    beings [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A polarity B split C gulf D void
    答案1 B 2C
    ➢ 英译汉练
    There is no question that sciencefiction writers have become more ambitious stylistically and
    thematically in recent years But this may have less to do with the luring call of academic
    surroundings than with changing market conditions—a factor that academic critics rarely take
    into account
    ➢ 单词速记
    ferocious [fə'rəuʃəs] a残忍凶猛猛攻
    feral ['fiərəl] a野生狂野
    fierce [fiəs] a凶猛猛烈暴躁
    amorphous [ə'mɔfəs] a定形组织杂乱
    audacious [ɔ'deiʃəs] a险精神畏厚颜耻鲁莽
    egregious [i'ɡridʒiəs] a异寻常突出显著
    gregarious [grɪ'geərɪəs] a群集爱交际
    congregate ['kɒŋgrɪgeɪt] v集合聚集
    gulf [ɡʌlf] n海湾分歧鸿沟
    polarity [pəu'lærəti] n极性分歧立(物间条件法等)
    split [split] n裂口分裂
    void [vɔid] n真空空白空虚感


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 A visitor to a museum today would notice_____ changes in the way museums are operated
    [南京学 2013]
    A cognitive B rigorous C conspicuous D exclusive
    2 An obvious change of attitude at the top towards women’s status in society will _____ through
    the current law system in that country [四川学 2011]
    A permeate B violate C probe D grope
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Though we hear much about the limitation on the freedom of the affluent when their income is
    reduced through taxes we hear nothing of the extraordinary enhancement of the freedom of the
    poor from having some money of their own to spend [中国社会科学院 2015 年真题]
    [参考译文] 听关税收造成收入减少富权利带种种限
    ➢ 单词速记
    conspicuous [kən'spikjuəs] a显易见明显
    cognitive ['kɔɡnitiv] a认知认识
    rigorous ['riɡərəs] a严密缜密严格严厉
    rigor ['riɡə] n严厉僵硬精确
    rigid ['ridʒid] a严格僵硬精确
    exclusive [ik'sklusiv] a独排斥包括奢华
    permeate ['pəmieit] v弥漫散布渗透
    violate ['vaiəleit] v违反亵渎侵犯
    violent ['vaiələnt] a 暴力猛烈
    probe [prəub] v探索查究探测
    grope [ɡrəup] v探索摸索


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Anthony’s ______expression masked an essential cheerful nature [厦门学院 2012 年真题]
    A jubilant B inevitable C dour D pert
    2 Intellectual property is a kind of _____ monopoly which should be used properly or else would
    disrupt healthy competition order [中国科学院 2011 年真题]
    A legible B legendary C lenient D legitimate
    答案1C 2D
    ➢ 汉译英练
    参考译文The Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and World
    War II were a decisive battle between justice and evil between light and darkness and between
    progress and reaction In that devasting war the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against
    Japanese Aggression started first and lasted longest In defiance of aggression the unyielding
    Chinese people fought gallantly and finally won total victory over the Japanese militarist
    aggressors thus defending the cause of peace for mankind
    ➢ 单词速记
    dour [duə] a脸色阴沉闷闷乐严厉严格
    inevitable [in'evitəbl] a避免意料中惯常
    jubilant ['dʒubilənt] a欢欣欣喜
    pert [pət] a礼失致
    legitimate [lɪ'dʒɪtɪmət] a合法法律认合情合理
    legible ['ledʒəbl] a清楚易读
    legendary ['ledʒəndəri] a传奇传说名著名
    lenient ['linjənt] a宽仁慈


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 If a cat comes too close to its nest the mockingbird ______ a set of actions to protect its
    offspring [山东学 2013 年真题]
    A hastens B releases C devises D initiates
    2 I think Kim would be great for the job Her work record is_____ [北京航天航空学 2014 年
    A impeccable B enriched C rudimentary D tarnished
    答案1D 2A
    ➢ 汉译英练
    教育成长学生遇事时眼泪汪汪外做什呢 [中国政法学 2013
    参考译文I have always considered university presidents to be visionary decisionmakers who
    conduct academic research and guides main directions of education rather than babysitters in
    charge of students’ daily life Of course there is no doubt that such educators have very good
    intentions However the problem is when we make judgments on something what matter are
    not intentions but the actual consequences How serious the consequences of education are
    What can you expect the university students who are brought up in an educational system which
    treat them like babies to do except for seeing them to shed tears in face of an actual hardship
    ➢ 单词速记
    initiate [ɪ'nɪʃɪeɪt] v开始创造发起初步解接纳
    hasten ['heɪs(ə)n] v急忙赶快催促促进
    release [rɪ'liːs] v释放解某物飞走落放开发布发行
    devise [dɪ'vaɪz] v发明策划想出
    impeccable [ɪm'pekəb(ə)l] a错误极瑕疵
    enriched [ɪn'rɪtʃt] a丰富浓缩
    enrich [in'ritʃ] v某富裕改善某事物质量味道等
    rudimentary [ruːdɪ'ment(ə)rɪ] a未充分发展发育成熟退化基
    tarnish ['tɑːnɪʃ] v失光泽玷污损害


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 It is increasingly believed among the expectant parents that prenatal education of classical
    music can ______ future adults with appreciation of music [医学考博 2015 年真题]
    A acquaint B familiarize C endow D amuse
    2 It is intended that these guidelines should be applied flexibly and_____ [中国科学院 2013 年
    A substantially B pragmatically C dogmatically D reflexively
    答案1C 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    Some historians have pointed out that famine may have led to chronic malnutrition which in turn
    contributes to increased infant mortality lower birthrates and higher susceptibility to disease
    because malnourished people are less able to resist infection This they argue helps explain the
    high mortality of the great plague known as the Black Death
    ➢ 单词速记
    endow [ɪn'daʊ en] v资助捐赠予赋予认…具某种特质
    acquaint [ə'kweɪnt] v认识解熟悉
    familiarize [fə'mɪlɪəraɪz] v某熟悉某事物
    amuse [ə'mjuːz] v逗乐逗笑…提供娱乐
    pragmatically [præg'mætikəli] adv实事求注重实效实义
    substantially [səb'stænʃ(ə)lɪ] adv观量实质体基
    dogmatically [dɔg'mætikəli] adv教义教理武断
    reflexively['riːfleksivli] adv反身
    flex [fleks] v弯曲
    flexible ['fleksɪb(ə)l] a易弯曲柔韧灵活
    reflex ['riːfleks] n反射(作动作)


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 I was unaware of the critical points involved so my choice was quite_____ [吉林学 2012 年
    A arbitrary B rational C mechanical D unpredictable
    2 Shortness of breath often goes hand in hand with _____ the kind that sweeps over the whole
    body and isn’t confined to one area [华中科技学 2013 年真题]
    A infection B fatigue C syncope D suffocation
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    But hardly so with technology we do not have the option of refusing to hear the sonic boom
    produced by a supersonic aircraft flying overhead we do not have the option of refusing to
    breathe polluted air The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve peoplepeople in general
    not merely some people and future generation not merely those who presently wish to gain
    advantage for themselves
    ➢ 单词速记
    arbitrary ['ɑːbɪt(rə)rɪ] a意意专断武断专制
    rational['ræʃ(ə)n(ə)l] a理性理智合理
    ration ['ræʃ(ə)n] n定额定量 v配
    ratio['reɪʃɪəʊ] n率例
    ratify ['rætɪfaɪ] v批准认
    mechanical [mɪ'kænɪk(ə)l] a机械力学呆板
    unpredictable [ʌnprɪ'dɪktəb(ə)l] a法预料
    fatigue [fə'tiːg] n疲劳劳累 v疲乏 a疲乏
    infection [ɪn'fekʃ(ə)n] n感染传染
    syncope['sɪŋkəpɪ] n 晕厥
    suffocation [sʌfə'keɪʃən] n窒息闷死


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Despite almost universal ______of the vital importance of women’s literacy education remains
    a dream for far many women in far too many countries of the world [厦门学院 2010 年真题]
    A confession B identification C acknowledgement D compliment
    2 I think that I committed a _____ in asking her because she seemed very upset by my question
    [四川学 2011]
    A blunder B revenge C reproach D scandal
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    This tradition sees the world as many not as one These empirical instincts the preference for
    fact over logic for deed over dogma have found their most brilliant expression in the writings of
    William James and in the approach to philosophical problems which James called radical
    empiricism [中国社会科学院 2014 年真题节选]
    [参考译文] 种传统世界成威廉詹姆斯作品谓激进
    ➢ 单词速记
    acknowledgement [ək'nɒlɪdʒm(ə)nt] n承认致谢回信
    confession [kən'feʃ(ə)n] n坦白忏悔承认声明
    identification [aɪdentɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] n验明鉴身份证明
    identify[aɪ'dentɪfaɪ] v认出鉴定…等
    compliment ['kɒmplɪm(ə)nt] n赞美恭维致意问候 v赞美恭维
    blunder ['blʌndə] n错 v犯错误慌乱走
    revenge [rɪ'ven(d)ʒ] n报仇v…报仇
    reproach[rɪ'prəʊtʃ] n责备 v责备批评
    scandal ['skænd(ə)l] n丑闻流言蜚语愤慨


    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Her jewelry _____ under the spotlights and she became the dominant figure at the ball [南京
    学 2013]
    A glared B glittered C blazed D glowed
    2 Rights and obligations are_____an obligation flows from a right and this provides clarity in
    action For example if it can be agreed that the patient has a right to confidentiality then it is
    clear that the doctor has a duty not to breach this [中国社科院 2011 年真题]
    A correlative B extraneous C irrelevant D compatible
    答案1B 2A
    ➢ 汉译英练
    济保持持续发展瓶颈[武汉学 2013 年真题节选]
    参考译文As a developing country China is confronted with the dual tasks of developing its
    economy and protecting the environment However China suffers an increasing disparity
    between economic development and natural resources and the environment with a large
    population relative insufficiency in natural resources and expanding economy The bottleneck for
    the sustainable development of the Chinese economy can be exemplified by the serious
    environmental problem caused by severe pollution deteriorating ecological conditions huge
    consumption of resources and low reclamation
    ➢ 单词速记
    glitter['glɪtə] v闪光闪烁n灿烂光辉诱惑力
    glisten ['glɪs(ə)n] v闪闪发光发亮
    glare [gleə] v发出炫目令快强光怒目视
    blaze [bleɪz] v 熊熊燃烧放光彩爆发
    glow [gləʊ] v发光灼热( 脸)红( 身体)发热
    correlative [kə'relətɪv] a相关显示相互关系


    extraneous [ɪk'strenɪəs] a外部正题关
    irrelevant [ɪ'relɪv(ə)nt] a相关
    compatible[kəm'pætɪb(ə)l] a兼容存
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 These samples have to be _____ in certain kind of chemical water in order to protect them [吉
    林学 2013 年真题]
    A immersed B crisped C armored D arrayed
    2 The river was_____with industrial waste from nearby factory [北京航天航空学 2014 年真
    A irradiated B contaminated C corrupted D fragmented
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    心理学家称乐观信健康心理状态应具备素 焦虑种心理问题
    源生活中确定素恐惧者说种安全感 繁荣市场济中躁
    动消费需求某焦虑情绪产生原名车 豪宅优越生活视高档
    标志数难达样生活标准会产生失落感[南京学 2015
    参考译文According to psychologists a healthy status should involve two essential elements
    optimism and confidence Anxiety is a mental problem whose roots are in inner fear of the
    uncertainties in life In other words it is a feeling of insecurity The prosperous market economy
    reflected in conspicious consumption is the reason for some people’s anxiety Brandname cars
    luxurious houses and elitist lives are considered to be a sympol of high profiles But as they are
    hardly achivable for many some people feel frustrated
    ➢ 单词速记
    immerse[i'məs] v浸没沉浸专心
    crisp [krɪsp] v某物变脆 n油炸土豆片
    armored['ɑməd] a装甲
    armor['ɑmə] n装甲盔甲保护物
    array[ə'reɪ] v排列配置扮装饰


    contaminate[kən'tæmɪneɪt] v弄脏污染
    irradiate [ɪ'reɪdɪeɪt] v耀某物某物生辉焕发
    eradiate[i'reidieit] v辐射发射
    corrupt[kə'rʌpt] v腐蚀堕落a堕落腐败
    fragment['fræɡmənt] v成碎片n碎片断片
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 I’m sorry I’m late…I had a mental ______ and forget that we would have a meeting today [复
    旦学 2011 年真题]
    A aberration B perversion C imbalance D sanity
    2 As the world’s largest grain exporter the United States has power _____over the world food
    distribution system [中国科学院 2013 年真题]
    A assorted B unrivaled C compounded D intrigued
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 英译汉练
    [中国科学院 2012 年真题]
    1) Thus a courageous person is disposed to face danger without fleeing and we would be
    hesitant to characterize as courageous someone who runs away from danger
    2) Sometimes therefore we will discover no perfect fit between virtuous character and a
    disposition to act in specific ways
    3) They are not simply skills that like technical competence enable us to carry out a particular
    task with proficiency rather they are skills that fit us for life generally
    1) 勇敢会逃避面危险会逃避危险行
    ➢ 单词速记
    aberration [ˌæbəˈreɪʃən] n差错偏差出轨失常


    error ['erə] n错误罪
    errant ['er(ə)nt] a错误偏离正路
    erratic [ɪ'rætɪk] a规常
    perversion [pə'vɜːʃ(ə)n] n变坏歪曲异常
    imbalance [ɪm'bæl(ə)ns] n衡失调
    sanity ['sænɪtɪ] n神智正常心智健康稳健明智
    unrivaled [ʌn'raivəld] a手双
    assorted [ə'sɔːtɪd] a种样混杂什锦
    assort [ə'sɔːt] v…分类
    compounded [kɔm'paundid] a复合化合
    compound ['kɒmpaʊnd] n化合物复合物院
    intrigued [ɪn'triɡd] a奇迷住
    intrigue [ɪn'triːg] v激起…奇心迷住v耍阴谋施诡计
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 My eyes had become _____ to the now semidarkness so I could pick out shapes about
    seventyfive yards away [中国科学院 2012 年真题]
    A inclined B accustomed C vulnerable D sensitive
    2 Remember to ask for a _____ of quality for these goods otherwise they will not offer any
    maintenance [中国民学 2008 年真题]
    A warranty B promise C certificate D receipt
    答案1B 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    The selfinterest argument can be a problem when other interests conflict with it often it is
    difficult to convince someone who sees obvious benefits in acting immorally in a particular
    situation that it is in his or her selfinterest to do otherwise [中国社会科学院 2102 年真题]


    ➢ 单词速记
    accustomed [ə'kʌstəmd] a惯…适应…惯常
    accustom [ə'kʌstəm] v惯
    inclined [ɪn'klaɪnd] a某种倾某方面天赋
    incline [ɪn'klaɪn] v倾斜弯腰点头倾 n斜坡斜面
    vulnerable [ˈvʌlnərəbl] a易受伤脆弱易受攻击难防御
    sensitive ['sensɪtɪv] a敏感灵敏神敏易受影响
    warranty [ˈwɒrəntɪ] n保证书保单权威
    promise ['prɒmɪs] v允诺…指 n诺言希出息
    certificate [səˈtɪfɪkɪt] n证明书执
    certify ['sɜːtɪfaɪ] v证实证明
    ascertain [æsə'teɪn] v确定查明
    receipt [rɪ'siːt] n收接收入进款发票收
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 He had a clear picture of a sad and lonely man deeply concerned about his health which
    seemed to promise only a fairly rapid decline into_____ [中央校 2015 年真题]
    A convalescence B recovery C senility D relapse
    2 While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity cold or inconsistent parents may
    ______it [吉林学 2011 年真题]
    A exacerbate B neutralize C eradicate D relieve
    答案1C 2A
    ➢ 英译汉练
    There are several reasons why he no longer appears to be the magician the world press had
    made him out to be an illusion which he failed to discourage because as he would admit himself
    he has a tendency toward megalomania
    ➢ 单词速记


    senility [sɪ'nɪlɪtɪ] n衰老状态
    convalescence [kɒnvə'lesns] n恢复期康复期
    convalesce [kɒnvə'les] v恢复(健康体力)
    recovery [rɪˈkʌvərɪ] n恢复复原找回重新获监护部
    relapse [rɪˈlæps] vn退步复发
    exacerbate [ɪɡˈzæsəˌbeɪt] v恶化加重
    neutralize [ˈnjuːtrəˌlaɪz] v效中中立参战
    eradicate [ɪ'rædɪkeɪt] v根消灭结束
    abrade [əˈbreɪd] v擦伤磨损
    relieve [rɪˈliːv] v轻松宽慰缓解减轻调剂接
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 In the world of show business for example fame is apt to be _____ breathtakingly a year in
    the limelight followed by total obscurity [中国社科院 2012 年真题]
    A ephemeral B peripheral C perpetual D evanescent
    2 In 1976 a terrible earthquake killed countless people in China People fear an earthquake will
    _____ [中国传媒学 2011 年真题]
    A incur B recur C occur D curb
    答案1A 2B
    ➢ 汉译英练
    [参考译文] Humanity must respect protect and stay in harmony with nature in its development
    activities otherwise nature will take its revenge This is a law that everyone should observe
    Humanity relies on nature and the relationship between the two is one of symbiosis Harm to
    nature will eventually hurt humanity Only by following the law of nature can we effectively avoid
    going astray in our exploitation and utilization of nature
    ➢ 单词速记
    ephemeral [ɪˈfɛmərəl] a短暂生暮死
    peripheral [pəˈrɪfərəl] a外围边缘次重


    perpetual [pəˈpɛtjʊəl] a永久休止
    evanescent [iːvə'nes(ə)nt ev] a迅速消失
    recur [rɪˈkɜː] v发生重现
    recycle [riːˈsaɪkəl] v回收利(废物等)
    incur [ɪnˈkɜː] v招致遭受引起
    occur [əˈkɜː] v发生出现想起
    curb [kɜːb] v控制约束 n路边
    ➢ 词汇练
    1 Good writers are often also _____ readers who enjoy equally fiction and nonfiction prose and
    poetry philosophy and science [中国社会科学院 2012 年真题]
    A carnivorous B omnivorous C herbivorous D prestigious
    2 During the construction of skyscrapers cranes are used to _____building materials to the
    upper floors [四川学 2011 年真题]
    A toss B tow C hoist D hurl
    答案1B 2C
    ➢ 汉译英练
    旅行家探险家浅游[复旦学 2011 年真题]
    参考译文From my point of view I believe that no one will say no to going outside and having
    a look around see more of other people and read more of ailen lands which could enhance your
    chance to understand the world and be aware of yourself Some people travel by luxury cruise
    ships so does Xie Lingyun Not matter who carry luggage to tramp over mountains and through
    ravines or travel around the world by riding bikes all of these are admirable However I am more
    interested in driving a long journey to the end of the earth My wife loves tour more than I and
    therefore both are travelling companion which may be envied by Xu Xiake But compared with
    Xu Xiake who is a great traveller and explorer we are just travelling around
    ➢ 单词速记


    omnivorous [ɒmˈnɪvərəs] a杂食种书电视节目等
    omnipresent [ˌɒmnɪˈprɛzənt] a处普遍存
    devour [dɪˈvaʊə] v吞食吞噬
    voracious [və'reɪʃəs] a贪吃贪婪
    carnivorous [kɑːˈnɪvərəs] a食肉
    carnal ['kɑːn(ə)l] a肉体感官
    carnage [ˈkɑːnɪdʒ] n屠杀
    herbivorous [hɜː'bɪvərəs] a食草
    herbal [ˈhɜːbəl] a药草芳草
    herbicide [ˈhɜːbɪˌsaɪd] [ n草剂
    prestigious [pre'stɪdʒəs] a威信威
    hoist [hɔɪst] v提升 n吊起举起
    toss [tɒs] v扔抛掷猛抬(头) 拌(食品) 摇动颠簸
    tow [təʊ] vn拖拉牵引
    hurl [hɜːl] v猛投声骂




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    每日一练(理)16一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.(2008年安徽理)复数 ( )A. B. C...

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    每日一练(23)1、(2008山东理)已知圆的方程为.设该圆过点的最长弦和最短弦分别为和,则四边形的面积为【 】A.        B.        C.        D.2、(200...

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    每日一练(9)1.(2011浙江理)有本不同的书,其中语文书本,数学书本,物理书本.若将其随机的并排摆放到书架的同一层上,则同一科目的书都不相邻的概率【 】A. ...

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    每日一练(25)1、(2009浙江理).已知是实数,则函数的图象不可能是 【 】2、(2009浙江理)过双曲线的右顶点作斜率为的直线,该直线与双曲线的两条渐近线的交点分别为.若,则双曲线的...

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    每日一练(理)13一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.(2012年陕西理)集合,,则( ) A. B. ...

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    每日一练(18)1、(2009陕西理)若正方体的棱长为,则以该正方体各个面的中心为顶点的凸多面体的体积为【 】 A. B. C....

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    每日一练(10)1.(2011辽宁理)函数的定义域为,,对任意,,则的解集为【 】A. B. C. D.2.(2011全国新理)已知均为单位向量,其夹角为,...

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    每日一练(17)1、(2010辽宁理)已知点在曲线上,为曲线在点处的切线的倾斜角,则的取值范围是【 】A. B. C. D. 2、(20...

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    每日一练(1)1.(2012江西理)在直角三角形中,点是斜边的中点,点为线段的中点,则=【 】A. B. C. ...

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    每日一练(2)1.(2012重庆理)设函数在R上可导,其导函数为,且函数的图像如题(8)图所示,则下列结论中一定成立的是【 】A.函数有极大值和极小值 B.函数有极大值和...

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    每日一练(理)18一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题4分,共40分在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.(2012年辽宁理)复数( )。A. B...

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    每日一练(19)1、(2011山东理)已知是上最小正周期为的周期函数,且当时,,则函数的图象在区间上与轴的交点的个数为【 】A. B. ...

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    每日一练(4)1.(2011安徽理)已知函数,其中为实数,若对恒成立,且,则的单调递增区间是【 】A. B.C. D.2.(2011浙江理)若为实数,则“...

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    每日一练(29)1、(2008辽宁理)在正方体中,分别为棱的中点,则在空间中与三条直线都相交的直线【 】A.不存在 B.有且只有两条 C.有且只有三...

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    每日一练(13)1、(2010全国理)已知椭圆的离心率为,过右焦点且斜率为的直线与相交于两点.若,则【 】A. B. C....

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