
    学校 班级 姓名 学号
    密 封 线 准 答 题   
    2019-2020 学年度第二学期期中学情调研

    听力部分(30 分)

    听录音选择听容(听两遍) (5 分)
    ( )1 A quiet B quickly C quietly
    ( )2 A bite B bike C bit
    ( )3 A rabbit B happy C habit
    ( )4 A bad B bed C bag
    ( )5 A healthy B help C health
    二听录音根听句子选出相应答语(听两遍)(5 分)
    ( )1 A Today is Friday B It is November C Thank you
    ( )2 A At 710 B On 650 C It’s 640
    ( )3 A Yes I am B No we don’t C Sorry
    ( )4 A By metro B Walking C On feet
    ( )5 A Some bread B An apple please C A lot of meat
    三听录音根听话问题选择正确选项(听两遍)( 10 分)
    ( )1 What did Mike do last night
    A He watched TV B He washed clothes C He cleaned the car
    ( )2 What time do you usually go to bed
    A At ten B At eight thirty C At nine
    ( )3 Did you go to school late this morning
    A No I didn’t B Yes I did C Sorry I don’t know
    ( )4 Is it a good habit
    A Yes it is B No it isn’t C It’s not a good habit
    ( )5 What does Liu Tao usually do before dinner
    A Does housework B Does homework C Does sports
    四听录音填入缺单词(听三遍)( 10 分)
    One daya _________ mouse walked by a_________ lion and _________ him up The lion
    wanted to eat him _________ but the mouse said he would _________ the lion in the future So
    the lion let it go
    The _________ day someone _________ the lion with a _________ But the mouse came
    He _________ a big hole with his _________ and saved the lion
    笔试部分(70 分)

    五找出列单词中划线部分读音三项(5 分)
    ( ) 1 A flower B brown C now D grow
    ( ) 2 A good B book C foot D food
    ( ) 3 A diet B never C messy D egg
    ( ) 4 A over B no C old D box
    ( ) 5 A word B work C horse D world
    六单项选择(15 分)
    ( ) 1 Sam is pouring the water ___________ the hole
    A in B to C into
    ( ) 2 Did you_________ the PE teacher yesterday
    A see B saw C look
    ( ) 3 Mary is a ___________ girl She always laughs ___________
    A happy happy B happily happy C happy happily
    ( ) 4 He ___________ to bed at half past nine every day
    A went B go C goes
    ( ) 5 The old man walks_________
    A Slow B slowly Cfastly
    ( ) 6 The boys and girls some sweet food now
    A wants B want C want to
    ( ) 7 Lily sometimes eats meat for lunch
    A a little B a few C a lot
    ( ) 8 Miss Li often has porridge dinner
    A as B for C to
    ( ) 9 There _______ some cups of tea on the table
    A is B isn’t C are
    ( )10 Don’t drink cola
    A too much B too many C a few
    ( )11 I have dinner_________ 700 in the evening
    A at B in C about
    ( ) 12 The man is singing _________
    A happy B loud C loudly
    ( ) 13 He often _______to school by bike
    A go went B goes went C went go
    ( ) 14 The monkeys and the moonis a famous
    A song B fairy C fable
    ( ) 15 Chinese families often some porridge and eggs in the morning
    A has B have C had 3
    七词汇(20 分)
    A 短语填空(5 分)
    1 Bobby went to bed early ________________ (昨天晚)
    2 I have _______________()apples
    3 When I (走进)the forest I feel afraid
    4 _________________ (时) the police came
    5 I’m sure I can help you________________(某天)
    B词正确形式填空(10 分)
    1 The boy does ___________ (bad) at school
    2 The woman is ___________ (cry) ___________ (sad) now
    3 Wang Bing is good at __________ _ (play) football
    4 Who ___________ (walk) by and ___________ (wake) the tiger up yesterday?
    5 I feel _________ (sleep) now I want _________ _________ (go) to bed
    6 I want some (fish)
    C 根句意首字母提示完成列句子(5 分)
    1 The girl has a t________ room
    2 My grandpa is reading newspapers q___________ in the study
    3 Sweet snacks can give us energy but they are not g for us
    4 If you want to be h you should eat fruit and vegetables
    5 Yang Ling only drinks a l milk
    八求完成列句子(10 分)
    1 The lion has big and sharp teeth (改义句)
    The ___________ teeth __________big and sharp
    2 My sister has some water (改否定句问)
    My sister___________ ___________ ___________ juice
    3 My uncle always has noodles for breakfast (划线部分提问)
    your uncle always for breakfast
    4 There is a little apple juice in the glass (划线部分提问)
    apple juice is there in the glass
    九完形填空(5 分)
    One day a crow 1 on a branch near his nest and felt very happy with the meat in his
     At that time a fox saw the crow with the meatso he swallowed (吞口水)and
    eagerly thought of a plan to 2 the meat
     However whatever the fox said to the crow the crow just kept 3
     Until the fox thought highly of the crow’s 4 voice the crow felt flattered(感
    满意) and opened his mouth to sing 4
     As soon as the meat fell 5 to the ground the fox took the meat and went into
    his hole
    ( )1 A stand B stands C stood
    ( )2 A get B eat C catch
    ( )3 A happy B noisy C quiet
    ( )4 A beauty B beautiful C beautifully
    ( )5 A off B up C down
    十阅读短文(10 分)
    At the end of 2019 more and more people got fever and dry cough Some of them even died(死
    亡) The doctor said they had got pneumonia (肺炎) which was very terrible and caused by the
    novel corona virus(新型冠状病毒引起) At that moment people were afraid of it
    After that Expert(专家) Zhong Nanshan came out and told people how to keep safe:We
    must stay at home and wear masks when we go outSo students couldn't go to school people
    couldn’t go to work If you go out to buy things someone would take your temperature to make
    sure it’s below 373
    But doctors and nurses from all over the country went to Wu Han
    This is a battle without smoke They were also soldiers and angels
    We believe that Together with our efforts(努力) we will win
    ()选择正确答案(4 分)
    1 terriblemeans A good B bad C different
    2 Zhong Nanshan is a A doctor B teacher C businessman
    3 Wuhan is a big A country B city C town
    4 went to Wuhan A Soldiers B Angels C Doctors & nurses
    (二)判断正误正确写 T错误写 F(4 分)
    ( ) 1 People were afraid of the novel corona virus
    ( ) 2 People should go out to keep safe
    ( ) 3 If we go out we must not put on the masks
    ( ) 4 If your temperature is below 373 you are not safe
    (三)翻译文中划线部分句子(2 分)__________________________________
    十写作(5 分)
    请 My healthy diet 题写篇短文少五句




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