
    20202021学年高英语教版(2019)必修第册unit 5
    题精选 8
    1In my opinionmy best friend changed my attitude    life 
    2In his speechhe     (refer) to a recent trip to Canada the other day 
    3The study was     (base) on data from 2100 women 
    4In ancient timesthe wood     (carve) into the shape of a flower 
    5These data have been collected from     (variety) sources 
    6She majored     math and physics at university 
    7The novel is regarded     one of the excellent works 
    8As we all know    (globe) warming is a real problem 
    9We’d appreciate your     (leave) as fast as possible 
    10So farevery possible means     (try) to solve the problem 
    1totowards 2referred 3based 4was carved
    5various 6in 7as 8global 9leaving
    10has been tried
    1 张二手桌子非常价值(be of great value)
    2 越心犯错误越少
    3 位老常晚饭电视现惯公园散步手杖帮助走路
    4 毫费劲说服男孩
    5 介意书?
    6 求少周聊次天
    7 认物理枯燥味学
    8 种类繁图片供选择
    9 研究员说种虎原产印度
    10 总做书呆子
    1 Although it is a secondhand table it’s of great valueit’s very valuable
    2 The more careful you are the fewer mistakes you will make
    3 The old man used to watch TV after supper but now he is used to taking a walk in the park and his stick is used to help him walk
    4 We had no trouble persuading the boy
    5 would you mind my using your book
    6 We demanded that he (should) chat with us at least once a week
    7 She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring
    8 There are a wide variety of pictures to choose from
    9 The researchers say the tiger is native to India
    10 I always refer to him as a bookworm
    三. 课文语法填空
    China is __1__ (wide) known for its ancient civilization which has continued all the way until now One of the main __2__ (factor) is the Chinese writing system
    At the beginning written Chinese __3__ (base) on picture language which dates back several thousand yearsAncient Chinese people carved symbols on animal bones and shells
    By the Shang Dynasty these __4__ (symbol) had become a well-developed writing system At that time people lived in different places __5__ (lead) to many varieties of dialects and characters
    Emperor Qinshihuang united the seven major states into one country __6__ the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction The writing system played __7__ important part in uniting the Chinese people and culture Now people can still communicate in writing
    Written Chinese has also become an important means by which China’s present is connected with its past People in modern times can read classic works which were __8__ (write) by Chinese in ancient times The Chinese writing system has developed into Chinese calligraphy __9__ is an important part of Chinese culture Today the Chinese writing system plays a greater role in __10__ (globe)affairs
    1.________ 2________ 3________ 4________
    5.________ 6________ 7________ 8________
    9.________ 10________
    答案 1 widely 2 factors 3 was based
    4 symbols 5 leading 6 where 7 an
    8 written 9 which 10 global
    If you are like most international students you are probably comfortable with reading and writing in English  1  Below are some means of helping you to improve your conversational skills 
    Make friends with American students Many international students end up making friends with a lot of—or only—other international students  2  Hanging out with natives not only naturally pushes you to improve your spoken English but also helps you pick up cultural and social information 
    Learn from American friends Tell your American friends that you are trying to improve your listening and speaking skills and would like them to help you If you pronounce a word incorrectly or misuse an idiom you ask them to guide you  3  
    Increase your knowledge 4  If you are familiar with the topics that are likely to be discussed in conversation you have a much better chance of understanding people when they talk and of being able to express yourself well 
     5  If you have to explain something to someone you have a strong motivation to pronounce everything as well as you can and find other ways to explain yourself Finally this becomes a good habit Many people have asked me how I learned to speak English fluently and I owe most of it to my years of being a math teacher in college 
    AIt is bad for them to do that
    BYou will make progress this way
    CBecome a teacher at your school if possible
    DIt's a winwin opportunity for international students
    EKeep up with news and watch popular shows and movies
    FExplaining everything in a different way matters
    GHowever you may have trouble in listening and speaking in the language
    1    2    3    4    5    
    1G 设空处句Below are some means of helping you to improve your conversational skills提出面提升话技巧方法说明国际学生阅读写作水听说方面问题G项然听说门语言方面困难符合语境选G项
    2A  设空处句Hanging out with natives not only naturally pushes you to improve your spoken English but also helps you pick up cultural and social information告诉交朋友提高口语处解文化社会信息国际学生成朋友国际生做朋友A项样做符合语境选A项
    3B  段中前三句建议美国朋友学请求帮助提高听说水例读错单词错语请求指导B项样会取进步符合语境选B项
    4E 设空处句告诉果熟悉讨话题更理解说容表达意思建议听新闻流行节目电影E项解新闻观热门节目电影符合语境选E项
    5C 设空处句If you have to explain something to someone you have a strong motivation to pronounce everything as well as you can and find other ways to explain yourself告诉果解释某件事情强烈动机切读找表达意思方法结合该段句中I owe most of it to my years of being a math teacher in college知C项果话成学校名老师符合语境选C项





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