
    1 it演讲稿范文
    2 典英语演讲稿: It is Important to Drive Safely
    3 学生英语演讲稿 I can hadle it
    4 英语演讲稿范文:My definition of success
      first i would like to know what does your destiny offer you happiness wisdom a strong body or something else if i had asked this question to president nixon he would probably had saidour destiny offers not the cup of despair but the chalice of opportunity
      needless to say one of the biggest opportunities given to china is the olympic games till now we have used two sevenths of the preparation time how much changes have you seen new roads new subway lines publicexercising equipments with beautiful colors large blocks of grass fields and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction
      other than those there are even more good effects brought to us by the olympic games that cannot be seen directly for example more and more people will get to know china i’m sure the mysterious chinese culture will attract them strongly and the games will also do good to the economy and environment for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened what is more olympic games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new generation of chinese youth with the olympic values and the olympic spirit now that we have seen so many advances could you even imagine us losing the holding rights
      i’ve already said a lot about the olympics and china but i think everyone should use some time to think of this question does the olympic games have any special meaning to you
      for us i mean the chinese youth olympic games is a tremendous gift because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us the society is just like a ship and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying hey come here and take the helm how charming his voice is but we have never heard of it in our true life this morning however when we wake up we will see the olympic games waving its hand after chewing most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the olympic games and mine is to be a comforter that is someone who will give comfort to others
      at the end of my speech i hope all the preparation will go well and everyone will show their ability to the world let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges
    典英语演讲稿: It is Important to Drive Safely
    it演讲稿范文(2) | 返回目录
      now there are many people having cars many people go out will drive their cars because people and cars are becoming more and more the roads are seemed smaller and smaller it is easy to appear accidents because of people’s carelessness for example drunk driving absentminded and some other carelessness will lead to car accident people need to aware the importance of driving safely and pay attention to their behavior only in this way the injury can be reduced people will have less sadness the world will be more beautiful
    学生英语演讲稿 I can hadle it
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      i can hadle it
      i can never forget the summer in 1996 i went through an extremity of despair due to my failure in the national college entrance examination it seemed that my dream of being a university student would never come true one evening my father came and told me the story of steven callahan who was crossing the atlantic alone in his sailboat when it struck something and sank it was a miracle that he survived and was found 76 days later(the longest anyone has survived a shipwreck on a life raft alone) later in his narrative he wrote these sentences i tell myself i can handle it compared to what others have been through i’m fortunate
      hearing these sentences i felt something important struck me i belived my life would mot be that bad and it was proved to be true later during my study in the university i always told myself i can handle it when my own goals seemed far off or when my problems seemed too overwhelming and every time i said it i always came back to my senses
      now i work as an english teacher in a middle school whenever my students complain about their difficulties in study or want to give up i will tell the same story of callahan to them i just want to make them believe they can handle their difficulties because their circumstances are only bad compared to something better but others have been through much worse then they will build up fortitude
      so here coming to us from the extreme edge of survival are words that can give us strength whatever you’re going through tell yourself you can handle it compared to what others have been through you’re fortunate tell this to yourself over and over and it will help you get through the rough spots with little more fortitude
    英语演讲稿范文:My definition of success
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      today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success what is success it is what everyone is longing forsometimes success would be rather simple winning a game is success getting a high grade in the exam is success making a new friend is success even now i amstanding here giving my speech is somehow also success
      however as a person’s whole life is concerned success becomes verycomplicated is fortune success is fame success is high social status success no i don’t think so i believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and idealsnowadays in the modern society there are many people
      who are regarded as the successful and the most obvious characteristics of hem are money high position and luxurious life so most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose but the problem is wether it is real success we all know there are always more money higher position and better condition in front of us if we keep chasing them where is the end what will satisfy us at last therefore we can see to get the real success we must need something inside which is the realization ofpeople’ hopes and ideals
      different people have different ideas about success cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another but i am sure every success is dear to everybody cause it is not easy to come by cause in the process of our striving for success we got both our body and soul tempted meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings love patient courage and sense of responsibility these are the best treasures so now i am very proud that i have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you it is my success cause i raise up to challenge my hope
      what is success everyone has his own interpretation as i do but i am sure
      every success leads to an everbrighter future so ladies and gentlemen believe in our hopes believe in ourselves we every one of us can make asuccessful life
      wish you all good success
    阅读英文案例 How to Read English Cases and Citations演讲范文
    My definition of success――成功定义
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