高中英语人教版 必修二综合检测限时试(十七)(有答案)

    时间:60分钟 分值:100分
    I have five months to travel before I write I’m going to some countries where I can practice speaking English Where am I going to start

    It’s the Rockies for me in November There are mountains and beautiful lakes everywhere I’d like to visit Nunavut the home of the Inuit in the north of Canada but unfortunately I’m not going to get there
    Australia is very hot from November to March I love hot weather so I’m going to arrive in Sydney in December I’m going to sight see in Sydney—there are so many interesting buildings in the city

    Rajasthan is the perfect introduction to India with its festivals and monuments (古迹) There are also exciting markets with beautiful clothes and jewelry I’m going to spend the month of January there
    South Africa
    South Africa offers safaris (狩猎旅行) and the chance to see wild animals It also has a wonderful coastline so after the safari I’m going to find a beach and go swimming there I’m going in February

    1 If you enjoy mountains you can go to ______
    A Canada B Australia C South Africa D India
    2 What’s the perfect introduction to India
    A The Rockies B Rajasthan C The buildings D The safaris
    3 What can we know from the text
    A There is a wonderful coastline to visit in India
    B The author is going to visit Nunavut in December
    C It is very cold from November to March in Australia
    D The author will have a chance to see wild animals in South Africa
    I was working as a consultant (顾问) in a beer company helping the president and senior vicepresidents with something important It was a big challenge At the same time my mother was in the final stages of cancer
    I worked during the day and drove miles home to be with her every night It was tiring and stressful but it was what I wanted to do My promise was to continue to do excellent consulting during the day even though my evenings were very hard I didn’t want to bother the president with my situation But I felt someone at the company wanted to know what was going on So I told the vice president of Human Resources asking him not to share the information with anyone
    A few days later the president called me into his office I figured he wanted to talk to me about one of the many issues we were working on When I entered he asked me to sit down He faced me from across his large desk looked me in the eye and said I heard your mother is very ill
    I was totally taken by surprise and burst into tears He just looked at me let my crying subside (息) and then he gently said a sentence I will never forget Whatever you need That was it His understanding and willingness both to let me be in my pain and to offer me everything were qualities of compassion (情) that I carry with me to this day
    4 What does the author think of his job as a consultant in a beer company
    A It was quite boring B It was an easy thing C It was a great challenge D It was rather interesting
    5 What was wrong with the author s mother
    A She was injured in a traffic accident B She was too old to look after herself
    C She was in the final stages of cancer D She fell down the stairs and broke her leg
    6 Who did the author tell about his information at the company
    A One of his friends B The manager of his department
    C The secretary of the president D The vicepresident of Human Resources
    7 Why did the president call the author into his office
    A To offer whatever help the author needed
    B To ask him to do some market research about their beer
    C To talk with the author about some problems in their work
    D To provide the author some advice on how to cure his mother

    Winter tips for your skin
    Everyone takes baths It can not only clean your body but also lift your mood It feels good to have a nice hot bath during the winter but it can also cause dry skin What else do we need to know about bathing in winter Let’s have a look
    Q ____8____
    A The outermost layer of human skin is the stratum corneum (角质层) On top of it there is a layer of sebum (皮脂) It can protect and hydrate (……提供水分) our skin according to Health line a US health website
    In winter the air is colder and drier ____9____ Frequent bathing and use of bath soap can take away the sebum So your skin may itch (痒) and get dandruff (皮屑) according to China Science Communication
    Q How often should you take a bath in winter
    A Many people shower at least once a day In summer you might even take two or three of them depending on the day and your activity level Your skin might be drier in the winter In this case too many showers can bring on extreme dryness ____10____
    Rajani Katta a professor at Baylor College of Medicine in the US recommends showering with lukewarm water (温水) for no more than 10 to 15 minutes during the cold season
    Q What else do you need to know about winter bathing
    A Some people tend to take a shower in the morning while others like to bathe in the evening ____191___
    A hot water bath in winter can make you so relaxed that you feel like taking a nap as soon as you leave the bathroom In other words your morning bath will do nothing to heighten your senses when tackling a brand new day Instead it is likely to make you lazy according to the newspaper
    Students need to be energized for study during the day ___12___
    A So taking a shower every day must have a huge effect o your body
    B Which is a better choice in winter
    C Yet a shower every day may not negatively affect your skin
    D Why do you need a hot bath in winter
    E Why do you feel itchy after 8 bath in winter
    F Therefore maybe it’s better to take a hot bath before bedtime
    G Our bodies make less sweat so we have less sebum

    第二部分 语言运(两节满分45分)
    Once a highly successful businessman ____13____ a health insurance company was getting ready to go to his office When he ____14____ the car door and tried to reach into his car a dog sleeping under his car suddenly came out and ____15____ on bis leg The businessman got very angry and quickly ____16____ a few rocks and threw at the dog but none hit the dog The dog ran away
    Upon reaching his office the businessman ____17____ a meeting of his managers and during the meeting he put the anger of dog on them The managers also got upset by the anger of their ____18____ and they put their anger to the employees working under them The chain of this reaction kept going ____19____ the lower level of employees and ____20____ the anger reached to the office peon (苦力苦工)
    After the of office time was ____21____ the peon reached his home and his wife opened the door She asked him Why are you so late today The peon _____22_____ and upset gave one slap (手掌拍捆) to his wife And he said I didn’t go to the office to play football I went to work so don’t irritate me with your stupid questions
    So now the wife got upset for she got a slap for no _____23_____ She put her anger on his son who was watching TV and gave him a slap This is all you do and you have no interest in studying _____24____ the TV now
    The son got upset now He walked out of his house and saw a dog passing by looking at him He picked up a rock and hit the dog in anger and frustration The dog getting hit by a rock ran away barking _____25_____
    This was the same dog that bit the businessman early morning
    What we can learn from this story is that we should be mindful of our _____26_____ because good actions will bring you good things and black deeds will lead to _____27_____ results
    13 A serving B funding C running D paying
    14 A opened B closed C locked D washed
    15 A felt B barked C smelt D bit
    16 A broke up B picked up C cut up D hung up
    17 A postponed B canceled C called D considered
    18 A partner B child C customer D boss
    19 A till B before C after D past
    20 A luckily B finally C painfully D hopefully
    21 A down B over C on D off
    22 A angry B frightened C helpless D nervous
    23 A good B word C reason D luck
    24 A Break down B Put away C Turn off D Pick out
    25 A in need B in trouble C in order D in pain
    26 A experiment B challenge C recommendation D behavior
    27 A unpleasant B unique C equal D impressive

    第二节 (10题跑L 5分满分15分)
    I truly believe the secret to a successful quit lies in the desire to quit No ____28____ (program) work when you don’t really want to stop ____29____ (smoke) If your desire to quit is ____30____ (great) than your need to smoke you will ____31____ (success) We all deserve ____32____ smokefree life No matter what causes us ____33____ (quit) smoking or spurs (鞭策) us on we deserve health and ____34____ (happy) that being smokefree provides You’ll have a ____35____ (wonder) existence without nicotine addiction If you still struggle with the desire ____36____ you have to continue smoking after you’ve quit I believe you need to reexamine your reasons _____37_____ quitting in the first place

    第三部分 书面表达(满分15分)
    38 假设李华高学生马面选课知道物理历史两门学科中应该选门纠结
    1 选课认识
    2 两门课程学体会
    注意:1 字数80左右2 适增加细节行文连贯:
    13 ABD 47 CCDA
    812 E G C B F
    1317 CADBC 1822 DABBA 2327 CCDDA
    28 programs
    29 smoking
    30 greater
    31 succeed
    32 a 33 to quit
    34 happiness
    35 wonderful
    36 that 37 for
    Dear Tom
    How’s everything going I’ve been in a dilemma these days Now I am at the stage of choosing courses in high school I am hesitating between physics and history I hope you can offer me some advice
    From my point of view the main purpose of the curriculavariable system is for scientific talents and maintain education fair to the maximum extent As far as I am concerned physics from which we can learn the nature of some phenomena lays solid foundation for new inventions and helps us explore the future History is a subject for us to have a good understanding of the past and learn something meaningful from the past
    Both of the subjects are attractive So I would be grateful if you could share some of your thoughts with me
    Yours Sincerely
    Li Hua
    困境:dilemma →difficulty
    建议:advice →suggestion
    目: purpose →aim
    言:as far as I am concerned →personally speaking
    原句:History is a subject for us to have a good understanding of the past and learn something meaningful from the past
    拓展句:History is a subject for us to have a good understanding of the past from which we can learn something meaningful
    点睛高分句型1As far as I am concerned physics from which we can learn the nature of some phenomena lays solid foundation for new inventions and helps us explore the future(运介词+关系代词引导定语句)
    高分句型2So I would be grateful if you could share some of your thoughts with me(运复合句中含条件句虚拟语气句式)





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