
      ladies and gentlemen:
      welcome to sanqing mountain
      sanqing mountain lies in the northeast of jiangxi province with yujingfei as its highest peak (altitude 1 8169m) sanqingshan has an area of 22 950 hm2 among which core tone covers 7 690 hm2 natural reserve zone 15 260 hm2 besides buffer zone surrounding it covers 14 000 hm2
      sanqing mountain is located at the conjunction between the yangtze plate and the huaxia plate north to it is the jiangxi northeast suture cincture deep fault ever since the indochina movement sanqing has entered continent margin violent changes and propacific ocean structure development stage at late yanshan movement period a large scale of acid magma intrude activities took place under the integrative effect of three faults in northeasteast northnortheast and northwest sanqing were uplifted during (at) late himalayan period the sediment of carbonate which deposited during the carnbrian and ordovician even late c p and early triassic was eroded more easily than the harder granite the granite rocks were exposed as a result the granite mountains further developed their characteristic shape through erosion and dissection sanqing continues to be uplifted till now
      unique geologic structure and suitable geographic environment makes sanqing mountain famous with its granite hill forest physiognomy and it is a natural museum for the evolvement process of granite hill forest which is composed of with ridges and peak apex wall apex woods apex pillar and stone sprout etc the various shapes of hills also have high aesthetic and tourism development value
      sanqing mountain is the product of geological history of the earth and biological evolvement which includes all types of chinas midand subtropical zone vegetation and they are in stale condition with the increase of altitude there are 6 vegetation cinctures by sequence namely indeciduous latifoliate forest indeciduousdefoliation latifoliate forest taigalatifoliate forest warm taiga
      mountainous region mossshort crooked wood alp meadow besides there are clumps and sheets of midand subtropical zone protorozoic indeciduous latifoliate forest cragliving vegetation communities and various kinds of fern sanqing mountain is a typical transitional area of torrid to variable zone geographical vegetation composition also a transitional area between mideast sea and ancientnorth in zoological division specially for the large areas of eastchina yellow firry wood and cragliving monkeyfaceshape azalea short crooked wood it preserves that are rare in the world sanqing mountain belongs to panarctic pole vegetation zone sinojapan forest vegetation subzone central china plant geographical province in sanqing mountain there are 2072 kinds of
      senior plant 500 kinds of vertebrate 1327 kinds of hexapod among which there are 23 genera of plants that only grow in china including 266 kinds besides then grows a local genus qianshan bramble which is only available in this area within the area there are 51 species of vertebrate and butterflies and 33 species of wild plant under state protection such as pseudotsuga gaussenii tsuga
      tchekiangensis taxus mairei pseudotaxlrs chienii emmenopterys henryi etc also there are species of wild animal under the protection such as mutiacus crinifrons neofelis nebuloas panthera padus macaca thibetana syrmaticus ellioti tragopan caboti mergus squamatus andrias duvidianus teinopalpus aureus etc
      monkeyfaceshape azalea is a genus only available in central china botanical geographical province a large area of cragliving monkeyfaceshape azalea short crooked wood ecosystem has developed in sanqings granite hill forest physiognomy environment this system is critical for the preservation of granite hill forest physiognomy and aesthetical value it has deep biological influence on the evolvement of granite hill forest eastchinayellow firry is a genus only available in eastchina in sanqing mountain them is a large scale protistan eastchinayellow firry forestry ecosystem it forms inlay landscape with indeciduous latifoliate forest thus becoming an important ecosystem type to study the interaction between the development growth and evolvement of subtropical pine forestry ecosystem and granite hill forest physiognomy the complete forestry ecosystem and unique biodiversity makes sanqing a critical area in subtropical biodiversity protection
      sanqing mountain also preserves lots of old architecture and taoism relics including 230 relics including palace temple hall terrace lane pagoda bridge pool well tomb tablet pass stone statue stone carving site etc these make it become naturalandculture scenery with chinese traditional culture natural beauty and a large biodiversity
      therefore sanqing mountain has high geographic aesthetics and culture value combining fantastic natural scenery especially the forest of granite hills scenery and taoism culture with thousand years of history




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