

    班级____________ 姓名__________________ 学号_______________
    〔 〕1 A fit B fits C pick
    〔 〕2 A take of B takes off C take off
    〔 〕3 A shows me B show me C show to me
    〔 〕4 A by B buy C bye
    〔 〕5 A try on B tries on C is trying on
    〔 〕6 A bike B bus C taxi
    〔 〕7 A Mike B Mike’s C Mikes
    〔 〕8 A drink B drinks C drinking
    〔 〕9 A later B late C letter
    〔 〕10 A hurt B hers C hurts

    二 听录音根听容判断否图片相符相符写T〞相符写F〞〔听两遍5分〕

    〔 〕 〔 〕 〔 〕 〔 〕 〔 〕
    ( )1A He goes to school by bike B He goes to school on foot
    C He goes school on foot
    ( )2A We are B Liu Tao is C Liu Tao and Tim do
    ( )3A Because I’m ill B Because it’s my birthday today
    C Because I’m happy
    ( )4A No they can’t B Yes she can C No she can’t
    ( )5A They often go there on foot B They often go for a walk by the lake
    C They are watching TV at home
    ( )1 A No it’s cold B Yes it’ hot C No it’s hot
    ( )2 A On foot B By bike C By bus
    ( )3 A Yes it is B No it’s far from it C No it isn’t
    ( )4 A She has a cold B His arm hurts C She can’t hear well
    ( )5 A Yes it’s near her school B No it isn’t C Yes it is
    1 Cinderella ______ on the new ________and shoes
    2 My uncle _______ on a big ship He goes to many _______
    3 Go _______this Moon Street you can see my house on your ________
    4 She likes_______ sweets so she ________her teeth twice every day
    5 You________ talk or eat _________
    〔 〕1 near hear 〔 〕2 ship bike
    〔 〕3 room mushroom 〔 〕4 peach watch
    〔 〕5 dress traffic
    A 根中文提示完成句子空词〔20分〕
    1 They cannot drink _______( ) eat in the library
    2 We take the______(火车) to Nanjing this weekend
    3 Nancy likes r_______ bikes in the park
    4 Cinderella tries on the shoe it_________ (适宜)
    5 Then _________〔长颈鹿〕comes to see us
    B 单词适形式填空
    1 Who_______(help) you with your English
    2 Your gloves _______(be) under the sofa
    3 Where are my socks I can’t find _______(they)
    4 I have some nice _______ (dress)
    5 Mary _______(try) on her new skirt
    6 I want ______(show) you my new kite
    7 Miss Li _________(not work) on Saturdays
    C 选择适宜词短语填横线〔填序号〕
    1 get off 2 go to the party 3 get there 4 before supper 5 have a good time 6 come back 7 have to 8 it’s time to
    1Do you do your homework___________w ww
    No I do it after supper
    2 We all ___________ at Ben’s birthday party
    3 The old man can’t find the park He asks the policeman how to ___________
    4 _________ get up Linda
    5 Who can’t _________ Why
    6 I ___________ go now
    7 You can take Bus No 114 and _________in front of Xinhua Bookshop
    8 When does she________ She comes back at five o’clock
    1脱外套___________________ 2 e back before Sunday___________
    3 位公交车司机________________ 4 get there by metro_________________
    5 展示新行车_________________6 live on Moon Street_____________
    7 问路______________ 8 eat chicken for his lunch________________
    9 刷牙________________ 10 leave her shoe behind_________________
    〔 〕1Whose jeans are these________
    A They’re Linda’s B It’s Linda’s C They are Linda
    〔 〕2 That girl_______ so dad Her hand_______
    A look hurt B looks hurts C looks hurt
    〔 〕3 Do you have______ drinks I’m very _______
    A any thirsty B some hungry C any hungry
    〔 〕4 Mike shouldn’t eat ________ cola it’s bad for_______
    A too many he B too much him C much too him
    〔 〕5 My father goes to work_____700 ______every morning
    A in in B in C at
    〔 〕6 My parents and I live in the different_______
    A city B country C cities
    〔 〕7 ______ you taking _______medicine Yes I am
    A Do take B Are take C Are taking
    〔 〕8 What’s wrong with______ Yang Ling I _____a high fever
    A her has B her have C you have
    〔 〕9Lily ______ understand this question
    A doesn’t B isn’t C don’t
    〔 〕10 In the ________ we ask Where’s the _______〞
    A US toilet B UK toilet CUS WC
    I II
    ( ) 1 Why is Kitty so say A Thirtyeight
    ( ) 2 How is your father B Because her dog is ill
    ( ) 3 Who is the boy in black C It’s Mike’s
    ( ) 4 How old is your father D He is fine
    ( ) 5 Whose football is it E He is Mike
    1 什学迟?家离学校远步行学
    ________ ________ you come to school late
    ________ my home is far ______ the school I go to school _____ _____
    2 刘涛桌底发现事书谁书?迈克
    Liu Tao _______ a storybook _______the desk _________ book is this
    3 条漂亮连衣裙请试试
    _________ is beautiful dress here Please ______ it _______
    4 父母天工作?爸爸铁班妈妈步行医院班
    ________ ________your parents go to work every day
    My father ______to work _______ ________ My mother_______ to the _______
    Mr Green lives in a small town but he works in a big city One day Mr Green drives his car out and washes it When a friend comes and sees the car he says That’s a nice car Is it yours〞 Sometimes〞 answers Mr Green The friend is surprised (惊讶) Sometimes〞 he asks What do you mean〞 Mr Green answers slowly Well when there is a party in the town my daughter Jane drives it When there is a soccer game it is my son Joe’s turn When it looks really nice and clean my wife Linda uses it And when it needs cleaning it’s mine
    〔 〕1 Mr Green lives in a big city
    〔 〕2Mr Green is Jane and Joe’s brother
    〔 〕3Joe goes to watch soccer games in the car
    〔 〕4Mrs Green can’t drive a car
    〔 〕5 Only Mr Green washes the car
    Sue and Linda usually go to school by car They drive past()a cinema a supermarket and a food shop The food shop is next to the supermarket Jack and Michael usually go to school by bus They go past a bank and a post office The bank is next to the post office Mary usually goes to work by bike She rides a bike past a police office a library and a swimming pool
    〔 〕1 How many people are there in this passage
    A Five B Three C Four D Two
    〔 〕2Where is the bank
    A It’s next to a swimming pool B It’s on the right
    C It’s next to a post office D It’s on the left
    〔 〕3How does Linda go to school
    A By bike B By bus C By car D On foot
    〔 〕4Where does Sue drive past
    A A cinema B A post office C A park D KFC
    〔 〕5Who isn’t a student in the passage
    A Sue B Mary C Jack D Michael

    1 Do the shoes fit Yes they fit well
    2 It’s too hot Nancy Take off your coat
    3 Please show me your homework
    4 I want to buy a bike on my birthday
    5 Bobby is trying on his new jacket It’s smart
    6 Shall we go to the park by bus Ok
    7 Whose socks are they They’re Mike’s
    8 You look thirsty Drink some water please
    9 Why are you always late for school
    10The shoe is too small the girl’s foot hurts
    1 How does your father go to work every day By bus
    2 Shall we go to the library Sorry I want to see a film with my mother
    3 How is your sister She is fine
    4 Do you like reading stories I like Monkey King best
    5 What’s wrong with Tim He has a toothache
    1 How does your brother go to school every day
    2 Who goes to school by bus in our class
    3 Why are you so happy
    4 Can the girls try the shoe on
    5 Where do you parents go after supper every day
    1 A It’s cold outside put on this sweater Yang Ling
    B OK Mum
    Q Is it hot day
    2 A Shall we go to the museum on foot
    B Why don’t we go there by bike It’s late
    A OK
    Q How do they go to the museum
    3 A Look at this photo of my new house
    B It’s nice Where is it
    A It’s on Moon Street near City Museum
    Q Is the girl’s house far from City Museum
    4 A There’s a party at my house Would you like to come Nancy
    B I’d love to But there’s no bus stop near my house
    A You can take a taxi
    Q How can Nancy go to the party
    5 A I often go to school on foot it is not far from my home How about you Su Hai
    B I should take a metro to school It’s too far
    Q Is Su Hai’s home far from her school
    1 Cinderella tries on the new clothes and shoes
    2 My uncle works on a big ship He goes to many cities
    3 Go along this Moon Street you can see my house on your left
    4 She likes eating sweets so she brushes her teeth twice every day
    5 You shouldn’t talk or eat either





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