
    1 总统演讲稿范文
    2 奥巴马总统胡德堡枪击案悼念仪式英语演讲稿
    3 奥巴马总统美国济外交政策发布会演讲稿
      thank you thank you very much (applause) thank you so much pleaseplease have aseat thank you
      what a singular honor it is forme to be here today i want to thankfirst and foremost thejohnson family for giving us this opportunity and thegraciousness with which michelle and ihave been received
      we came down a little bit latebecause we were upstairs looking at some of the exhibits andsome of theprivate offices that were used by president johnson and mrs johnson and michellewas in particular interested to of a recording in which lady bird is critiquing presidentjohnson’sperformance (laughter) and she said come come you need to listento this (laughter) and she pressed the button and nodded herhead some things do not change (laughter) even 50 years later
      to all the members of congressthe warriors for justice the elected officials andcommunity leaders who arehere today i want to thank you
      four days into his suddenpresidency and the night before he would address a jointsession of thecongress in which he once served lyndon johnson sat around a table withhisclosest advisors preparing his remarks to a shattered and grieving nation
      he wanted to call on senators andrepresentatives to pass a civil rights bill the mostsweeping sincereconstruction and most of his staffcounseled him against it they said itwashopeless that it would anger powerful southern democrats and committeechairmen that itrisked derailing the rest of his domestic agenda and one particularly bold aide said he didnotbelieve a president should spend his time and power on lost causes howeverworthy they mightbe to which it issaid president johnson replied well what the hell’s the presidencyfor (laughter and applause) what the hell’s the presidency for if not tofight for causes youbelieve in
      today as we commemorate the 50thanniversary of the civil rights act we honor the menand women who made itpossible some of them are heretoday we celebrate giants like johnlewisand andrew young and julian bond werecall the countless unheralded americans blackand white students andscholars preachers and housekeepers whose names are etched notonmonuments but in the hearts of their loved ones and in the fabric of thecountry theyhelped to change
      but we also gather here deep inthe heart of the state that shaped him to recall one giantman’s remarkableefforts to make real the promise of our founding we hold these truths to beselfevidentthat all men are created equal
      those of us who have had thesingular privilege to hold the office of the presidency knowwell that progressin this country can be hard and it can be slow frustrating andsometimesyou’re stymied the office humblesyou you’re reminded daily that in thisgreatdemocracy you are but a relay swimmer in the currents of history boundby decisions madeby those who came before reliant on the efforts of those whowill follow to fully vindicate yourvision
      but the presidency also affords aunique opportunity to bend those currents by shapingour laws and by shapingour debates by working within the confines of the world as it is butalso byreimagining the world as it should be
      this was president johnson’sgenius as a master of politics and thelegislative process hegrasped like few others the power of government tobring about change
      lbj was nothing if not arealist he was well aware that the lawalone isn’t enough to changehearts and minds a full century after lincoln’s time he said until justice is blind tocolor untileducation is unaware of race until opportunity is unconcernedwith the color of men’s skinsemancipation will be a proclamation but not afact
      he understood laws couldn’taccomplish everything but he also knewthat only the law couldanchor change and set hearts and minds on a differentcourse and a lot of americansneededthe law’s most basic protections at that time as dr king said at the time it may betrue that the law can’t make a manlove me but it can keep him from lynching me and i thinkthat’s pretty important (applause)
      and passing laws was what lbjknew how to do no one knew politics andno one lovedlegislating more than president johnson he was charming when he needed to beruthlesswhen required (laughter) he could wear you down with logic andargument he could horsetrade and hecould flatter you come with me on thisbill he would reportedly tell a keyrepublican leader from my home stateduring the fight for the civil rights bill and 200 yearsfrom nowschoolchildren will know only two names abraham lincoln and everett dirksen (laughter) and he knew thatsenators would believe things like that (laughter and applause)
      president johnson likedpower he liked the feel of it thewielding of it but that hunger washarnessedand redeemed by a deeper understanding of the human condition by a sympathyforthe underdog for the downtrodden for the outcast and it was a sympathy rooted in hisownexperience
      as a young boy growing up in thetexas hill country johnson knew what being poor feltlike poverty was so common he would later saywe didn’t even know it had a name (laughter) the family homedidn’t have electricity or indoor plumbing everybody workedhard including the children president johnson had known the metallictaste of hunger the feelof a mother’s calloused hands rubbed raw fromwashing and cleaning and holding a householdtogether his cousin ava remembered sweltering daysspent on her hands and knees in thecotton fields with lyndon whisperingbeside her boy there’s got to be a better way to make aliving thanthis there’s got to be a better way
      it wasn’t until years later whenhe was teaching at a socalled mexican school in a tiny townin texas that hecame to understand how much worse the persistent pain of poverty could beforother races in a jim crow south oftentimes his students would show up to class hungryand when he’d visit their homes he’d meetfathers who were paid slave wages by the farmersthey worked for those children were taught he would latersay that the end of life is in a beetrow a spinach field or a cottonpatch
      deprivation and discrimination these were not abstractions to lyndon baines johnsonhe knew that poverty and injustice are asinseparable as opportunity and justice are joined that was in him from an early age
      now like any of us he was not aperfect man his experiences in ruraltexas may havestretched his moral imagination but he was ambitious veryambitious a young man in a hurryto plot his own escape from poverty and tochart his own political career and inthe jim crowsouth that meant not challenging convention during his first 20 years in congressheopposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote once calling the pushfor federallegislation a farce and a sham he was chosen as a vice presidential nominee in part becauseof hisaffinity with and ability to deliver that southern white vote and at the beginning of thekennedy administrationhe shared with president kennedy a caution towards racialcontroversy
      but marchers kept marching four little girls were killed in achurch bloody sundayhappened the winds of change blew and when the time came when lbj stood in theovaloffice i picture him standing there taking up the entire doorframelooking out over thesouth lawn in a quiet moment and asked himself what thetrue purpose of his office was forwhat was the endpoint of his ambitions hewould reach back in his own memory and he’dremember his own experience withwant
      and he knew that he had a uniquecapacity as the most powerful white politician from thesouth to not merelychallenge the convention that had crushed the dreams of so many buttoultimately dismantle for good the structures of legal segregation he’s the only guy whocould do it and heknew there would be a cost famously saying the democratic party mayhave lostthe south for a generation
      that’s what his presidency wasfor that’s where he meets hismoment and possessed withan iron willpossessed with those skills that he had honed so many years in congresspushedand supported by a movement of those willing to sacrifice everything for theirownliberation president johnson fought for and argued and horse traded andbullied and persuadeduntil ultimately he signed the civil rights act into law
      and he didn’t stop there eventhough his advisors again told him to wait again told himlet the dust settlelet the country absorb this momentous decision he shook them off themeat inthe coconut as president johnson would put it was the voting rights act sohe foughtfor and passed that as well immigration reform came shortly after and then a fair housingact andthen a health care law that opponents described as socialized medicine thatwouldcurtail america’s freedom but ultimately freed millions of seniors fromthe fear that illnesscould rob them of dignity and security in their goldenyears which we now know today asmedicare (applause)
      what president johnson understoodwas that equality required more than the absence ofoppression it required the presence of economicopportunity he wouldn’t be as eloquentasdr king would be in describing that linkage as dr king moved intomobilizing sanitationworkers and a poor people’s movement but he understoodthat connection because he hadlived it a decent job decent wages health care those too were civil rightsworth fightingfor an economy wherehard work is rewarded and success is shared that was his goal and heknew as someone who had seen the newdeal transform the landscape of his texas childhoodwho had seen thedifference electricity had made because of the tennessee valley authoritythetransformation concretely day in and day out in the life of his own family heunderstood thatgovernment had a role to play in broadening prosperity to allthose who would strive for it
      we want to open the gates toopportunity president johnson said but we are also goingto give all ourpeople black and white the help they need to walk through those gates
      now if some of this soundsfamiliar it’s because today we remain locked in this same greatdebate aboutequality and opportunity and the role of government in ensuring each as wastrue 50 years ago there are those whodismiss the great society as a failed experiment and anencroachment onliberty who argue that government has become the true source of all thatailsus and that poverty is due to the moral failings of those who suffer fromit there are alsothose who arguejohn that nothing has changed that racism is so embedded in our dnathatthere is no use trying politics the game is rigged
      but such theories ignore history yes it’s true that despite laws like thecivil rights actand the voting rights act and medicare our society is stillracked with division and povertyyesrace still colors our political debates and there have been governmentprograms that havefallen short in atime when cynicism is too often passed off as wisdom it’s perhaps easytoconclude that there are limits to change that we are trapped by our ownhistory and politicsis a fool’s errand and we’d be better off if we rollback big chunks of lbj’s legacy or at least ifwe don’t put too much of ourhope invest too much of our hope in our government
      i reject such thinking (applause) not just because medicare and medicaid have liftedmillions fromsuffering not just because the poverty rate in this nation would be farworsewithout food stamps and head start and all the great society programs thatsurvive tothis day i reject suchcynicism because i have lived out the promise of lbj’s efforts becausemichelle has lived out the legacy ofthose efforts because my daughters havelived out thelegacy of those efforts because i and millions of my generation were in a position to takethebaton that he handed to us (applause)
      because of the civil rightsmovement because of the laws president johnson signed newdoors ofopportunity and education swung open for everybody not all at once but theyswungopen not just blacks and whitesbut also women and latinos and asians and nativeamericans and gay americansand americans with a disability theyswung open for you andthey swung open for me and that’s why i’m standing here today because of thoseeffortsbecause of that legacy (applause)
      and that means we’ve got a debtto pay that means we can’t afford to becynical half acentury later the lawslbj passed are now as fundamental to our conception of ourselves andourdemocracy as the constitution and the bill of rights they are foundational an essentialpiece ofthe american character
      but we are here today because weknow we cannot be complacent forhistory travels notonly forwards history can travel backwards history cantravel sideways and securing thegainsthis country has made requires the vigilance of its citizens our rights our freedoms they are notgiven they must be won they must be nurtured through struggle anddisciplineand persistence and faith
      and one concern i have sometimesduring these moments the celebration of the signing ofthe civil rights actthe march on washington from a distance sometimes thesecommemorations seeminevitable they seem easy all the painand difficulty and struggle anddoubt all that is rubbed away and we look at ourselves and we say ohthings are just toodifferent now wecouldn’t possibly do what was done then these giants whattheyaccomplished and yet they were men andwomen too it wasn’t easy then it wasn’tcertain then
      still the story of america is astory of progress however slow howeverincomplete howeverharshly challenged at each point on our journey howeverflawed our leaders however manytimes we have to take a quarter of a loaf orhalf a loaf the story of america is a story ofprogress and that’s true because of men like presidentlyndon baines johnson (applause
      in so many ways he embodiedamerica with all our gifts and all our flaws in all ourrestlessness and allour big dreams this man born intopoverty weaned in a world full ofracial hatred somehow found within himselfthe ability to connect his experience with thebrown child in a small texastown the white child in appalachia the black child in watts aspowerful as he became in that oval officehe understood them he understood whatit meant tobe on the outside and hebelieved that their plight was his plight too that his freedomultimately waswrapped up in theirs and that making their lives better was what the hellthepresidency was for (applause)
      and those children were on hismind when he strode to the podium that night in the housechamber when hecalled for the vote on the civil rights law it never occurred to me he said in my fondest dreams that i mighthave the chance to help the sons and daughters of thosestudents that he hadtaught so many years ago and to help people like them all overthiscountry but now i do have thatchance and i’ll let you in on a secret i mean to use itand i hope that youwill use it with me (applause)
      that was lbj’s greatness that’s why we remember him and if there is one thing that heand thisyear’s anniversary should teach us if there’s one lesson i hope that malia andsasha andyoung people everywhere learn from this day it’s that with enougheffort and enoughempathy and enough perseverance and enough courage peoplewho love their country canchange it
      in his final year presidentjohnson stood on this stage racked with pain battered by thecontroversies ofvietnam looking far older than his 64 years and he delivered what would behisfinal public speech
      we have proved that greatprogress is possible he said we knowhow much still remainsto be done andif our efforts continue and if our will is strong and if our hearts areright and ifcourage remains our constant companion then my fellowamericans i am confident weshall overcome (applause)
      we shall overcome we the citizens of the united states like dr king like abrahamlincoln likecountless citizens who have driven this country inexorably forward presidentjohnsonknew that ours in the end is a story of optimism a story ofachievement and constant strivingthat is unique upon this earth he knew because he had lived that story he believed thattogether we can build anamerica that is more fair more equal and more free than the oneweinherited he believed we make our owndestiny and in part because of him wemust believeit as well
      thank you god bless you god bless the united states of america (applause)
    总统演讲稿范文(2) | 返回目录
      in our lives in our joys andin our sorrows we’ve learned that there is a time for everymatter underheaven we laugh and we weep we celebrate and we mourn we serve in warand we pray for peace but scripture also teaches that alongsidethe temporal one thing iseternal love bears all things believes allthings hopes all things endures all things lovenever ends
      deputy secretary fox generaldempsey secretary mchugh generals odierno and milleyand most of all thefamilies of the soldiers who have been taken from us the wounded thosewhohave returned to duty and those still recovering and the entire community offort hoodthis great place it islove tested by tragedy that brings us together again
      it was love for country thatinspired these three americans to put on the uniform and jointhe greatest armythat the world has ever known sergeantfirst class daniel fergusonstaffsergeant carlos lazaneyrodriguez sergeant timothy owens
      and danny and carlos joined twodecades ago in a time of peace and stayed as the nationwent to war timothy joined after 911 knowing he couldbe sent into harm’s way betweenthemthey deployed nine times each served iniraq danny came home from afghanistanjustlast year they lived those shiningvalues loyalty duty honor that keep us strong and free
      it was love for the army thatmade them the soldiers they were fordanny said his fiancéebeing in the army was his life carlos said a friend was the epitome ofwhat you would wanta leader to be in the army timothy helped counsel his fellowsoldiers said a friend he wasalwaysthe person you could go talk to
      and it was love for theircomrades for all of you that defined their last moments as we’veheard when the gunman tried to pushhis way into that room danny held the door shut savingthe lives of otherswhile sacrificing his own and it’s saidthat timothy the counselor eventhen gave his life walking toward thegunman trying to calm him down
      for you their families no wordsare equal to your loss we are here onbehalf of theamerican people to honor your loved ones and to offer whatevercomfort we can but know thiswe also draw strength from you for even in your grief even as your heartbreaks we see inyou that eternal truth love never ends
      to the parents of these men asa father i cannot begin to fathom your anguish but iknow that you poured your love and yourhopes into your sons i know that themen and soldiersthey became their sense of service and their patriotism so much of that came from you gaveyour sons to america and just as you will honor them always so too will thenationthat they served
      to the loves of their lives timothy’s wife billy and danny’s fiancée kristen these soldierscherishedthe army but their hearts belonged to you and that’s a bond that no earthly powercan ever break they have slipped from your embrace but knowthat you will never be alonebecausethis army and this nation stands with you for all the days to come
      to their children we live in adangerous world and your fathers served to keep you safeand us safe they knew you have so much to give ourcountry that you’d make them proudtimothy’s daughter lori already has last wednesday night she posted this message online ijust wanteveryone to think for a moment loveyour family she said because you never knowwhen [they’re] gonna be takenfrom you i love you daddy
      and to the men and women of forthood as has already been mentioned part of whatmakes this so painful isthat we have been here before thistragedy tears at wounds still rawfrom five years ago once more soldiers who survived foreignwarzones were struck down hereat home where they’re supposed to be safe we still do not yet know exactly why but wedoknow this we must honor their livesnot in word or talk but in deed and in truth
      we must honor these men with arenewed commitment to keep our troops safe not just inbattle but on the homefront as well in our open society andat vast bases like this we cannever eliminate every risk but as a nation we can do more to helpcounsel those with mentalhealth issues to keep firearms out of the hands ofthose who are having such deep difficulties a military we must continue to do everything in our power to secureour facilities and spareothers this pain
      we must honor these men by doingmore to care for our fellow americans living withmental illness civilian andmilitary today four american soldiersare gone four army familiesaredevastated as commanderinchief i’mdetermined that we will continue to step up ourefforts to reach our troopsand veterans who are hurting to deliver to them the care that theyneed andto make sure we never stigmatize those who have the courage to seek help
      and finally we must honor thesemen by recognizing that they were members of ageneration that has borne theburden of our security in more than a decade of war now ourtroops are coming home and by theend of this year our war in afghanistan will finally be over
      in an era when fewer americansknow someone in uniform every american must see thesemen and these women our 911 generation as the extraordinary citizens that they arethey love their families they excel at their jobs they serve their communities they areleaders and when we truly welcome our veterans homewhen we show them that we need them not just to fight in other countriesbut to build up our own then our schools and ourbusinesses our communitiesand our nation will be more successful and america will bestronger and moreunited for decades to come
      sergeant first class danielferguson staff sergeant carloslazaneyrodriguez sergeanttimothyowens like the 576 fort hood soldierswho have given their lives in iraq andafghanistan they were taken from usmuch too soon like the 13 americans welost five yearsago their passing shakes our soul and in moments such as this we summon oncemore whatwe’ve learned in these hard years of war we reach within our wounded hearts we lean on eachother we hold each other up we carry on and with god’s amazing grace we somehow bearwhat seems unbearable
      love bears all things believesall things hopes all things endures all things love neverends may god watch over these american soldiersmay he keep strong their families whoselove endures and may god continue tobless the united states of america with patriots such asthese
    总统演讲稿范文(3) | 返回目录
      good afternoon everybody happy friday i thought i’d take somequestions but first let me say a few words about the economy
      this morning we learned that our economy created over 200000 new jobs in july that’s ontop of about 300000 new jobs in june so we are now in a sixmonth streak with at least200000 new jobs each month that’s the first time that has happened since 1997 over thepast year we’ve added more jobs than any year since XX and all told our businesses havecreated 99 million new jobs over the past 53 months that’s the longest streak of privatesector job creation in our history
      and as we saw on wednesday the economy grew at a strong pace in the spring companies areinvesting consumers are spending american manufacturing energy technology autos allare booming and thanks to the decisions that we’ve made and the grit and resilience of theamerican people we’ve recovered faster and come farther from the recession than almost anyother advanced country on earth
      so the good news is the economy clearly is getting stronger things are getting better ourengines are revving a little bit louder and the decisions that we make right now can sustainand keep that growth and momentum going
      unfortunately there are a series of steps that we could be taking to maintain momentum andperhaps even accelerate it there are steps that we could be taking that would result in morejob growth higher wages higher incomes more relief for middleclass families and so far atleast in congress we have not seen them willing or able to take those steps
      i’ve been pushing for commonsense ideas like rebuilding our infrastructure in ways that aresustained over many years and support millions of good jobs and help businesses competei’ve been advocating on behalf of raising the minimum wage making it easier for working folksto pay off their student loans fair pay paid leave all these policies have two things incommon all of them would help working families feel more stable and secure and all of themso far have been blocked or ignored by republicans in congress that’s why myadministration keeps taking whatever actions we can take on our own to help working families
      now it’s good that congress was able to pass legislation to strengthen the va and i want tothank the chairmen and ranking members who were involved in that it’s good that congresswas able to at least fund transportation projects for a few more months before leaving town although it falls far short of the kind of infrastructure effort that we need that would actuallyaccelerate the economy but for the most part the bigticket items the things that wouldreally make a difference in the lives of middleclass families those things just are not gettingdone
      let’s just take a recent example immigration we all agree that there’s a problem that needsto be solved in a portion of our southern border and we even agree on most of the solutionsbut instead of working together instead of focusing on the 80 percent where there isagreement between democrats and republicans between the administration and congress house republicans as we speak are trying to pass the most extreme and unworkable versionsof a bill that they already know is going nowhere that can’t pass the senate and that if it wereto pass the senate i would veto they know it
      they’re not even trying to actually solve the problem this is a message bill that they couldn’tquite pull off yesterday so they made it a little more extreme so maybe they can pass it today just so they can check a box before they’re leaving town for a month and this is on an issuethat they all insisted had to be a top priority
      now our efforts administratively so far have helped to slow the tide of child migrants trying tocome to our country but without additional resources and help from congress we’re just notgoing to have the resources we need to fully solve the problem that means while they’re outon vacation i’m going to have to make some tough choices to meet the challenge with orwithout congress
      and yesterday even though they’ve been sitting on a bipartisan immigration bill for over ayear house republicans suggested that since they don’t expect to actually pass a bill that i cansign that i actually should go ahead and act on my own to solve the problem keep in mindthat just a few days earlier they voted to sue me for acting on my own and then when theycouldn’t pass a bill yesterday they put out a statement suggesting i should act on my ownbecause they couldn’t pass a bill
      so immigration has not gotten done a student loan bill that would help folks who havestudent loan debt consolidate and refinance at lower rates that didn’t pass thetransportation bill that they did pass just gets us through the spring when we should actuallybe planning years in advance states and businesses are raising the minimum wage for theirworkers because this congress is failing to do so
      even basic things like approving career diplomats for critical ambassadorial posts aren’t gettingdone last night for purely political reasons senate republicans for a certain period of timeblocked our new ambassador to russia it raised such an uproar that finally they went aheadand let our russian ambassador pass at a time when we are dealing every day with the crisisin ukraine
      they’re still blocking our ambassador to sierra leone where there’s currently an ebolaoutbreak they’re blocking our ambassador to guatemala even as they demand that we domore to stop the flow of unaccompanied children from guatemala there are a lot of things thatwe could be arguing about on policy that’s what we should be doing as a democracy butwe shouldn’t be having an argument about placing career diplomats with bipartisan support incountries around the world where we have to have a presence
      so the bottom line is this we have come a long way over the last five and a half years ourchallenges are nowhere near as daunting as they were when i first came into office but theamerican people demand and deserve a strong and focused effort on the part of all of us tokeep moving the country forward and to focus on their concerns and the fact is we could bemuch further along and we could be doing even better and the economy could be evenstronger and more jobs could be created if congress would do the job that the people sentthem here to do
      and i will not stop trying to work with both parties to get things moving faster for middleclassfamilies and those trying to get into the middle class when congress returns next month myhope is is that instead of simply trying to pass partisan message bills on party lines that don’tactually solve problems they’re going to be willing to come together to at least focus on somekey areas where there’s broad agreement after all that we’ve had to overcome our congressshould stop standing in the way of our country’s success
      so with that let me take a couple of questions and i will start with roberta rampton ofreuters
      q thanks i want to ask about the situation in the middle east and why do you think israelshould embrace a ceasefire in gaza when one of its soldiers appears to have been abductedand when hamas continues to use its network of tunnels to launch attacks and also have youseen israel act at all on your call to do more to protect civilians
      the president well first of all i think it’s important to note that we have and i have unequivocally condemned hamas and the palestinian factions that were responsible forkilling two israeli soldiers and abducting a third almost minutes after a ceasefire had beenannounced and the un has condemned them as well
      and i want to make sure that they are listening if they are serious about trying to resolve thissituation that soldier needs to be unconditionally released as soon as possible
      i have been very clear throughout this crisis that israel has a right to defend itself no countrycan tolerate missiles raining down on its cities and people having to rush to bomb sheltersevery 20 minutes or half hour no country can or would tolerate tunnels being dug under theirland that can be used to launch terrorist attacks
      and so not only have we been supportive of israel in its right to defend itself but in veryconcrete terms for example in support for the iron dome program that has interceptedrockets that are firing down on israeli cities we’ve been trying to cooperate as much as wecan to make sure that israel is able to protect its citizens
      now at the same time we’ve also been clear that innocent civilians in gaza caught in thecrossfire have to weigh on our conscience and we have to do more to protect them aceasefire was one way in which we could stop the killing to step back and to try to resolvesome of the underlying issues that have been building up over quite some time israelcommitted to that 72hour ceasefire and it was violated and trying to put that backtogether is going to be challenging but we will continue to make those efforts
      and let me take this opportunity by the way to give secretary john kerry credit he hasbeen persistent he has worked very hard he has endured on many occasions really unfaircriticism simply to try to get to the point where the killing stops and the underlying issuesabout israel’s security but also the concerns of palestinians in gaza can be addressed
      we’re going to keep working towards that it’s going to take some time i think it’s going to bevery hard to put a ceasefire back together again if israelis and the international communitycan’t feel confident that hamas can follow through on a ceasefire commitment
      and it’s not particularly relevant whether a particular leader in hamas ordered this abductionthe point is is that when they sign onto a ceasefire they’re claiming to speak for all thepalestinian factions and if they don’t have control of them and just moments after a ceasefire is signed you have israeli soldiers being killed and captured then it’s hard for the israelis tofeel confident that a ceasefire can actually be honored
      i’m in constant consultation with prime minister netanyahu our national security team is inconstant communication with the israel military i want to see everything possible done tomake sure that palestinian civilians are not being killed and it is heartbreaking to see what’shappening there and i think many of us recognize the dilemma we have on the one handisrael has a right to defend itself and it’s got to be able to get at those rockets and thosetunnel networks on the other hand because of the incredibly irresponsible actions on thepart of hamas to oftentimes house these rocket launchers right in the middle of civilianneighborhoods we end up seeing people who had nothing to do with these rockets ending upbeing hurt
      part of the reason why we’ve been pushing so hard for a ceasefire is precisely because it’s hardto reconcile israel’s legitimate need to defend itself with our concern with those civilians andif we can pause the fighting then it’s possible that we may be able to arrive at a formula thatspares lives and also ensures israel’s security but it’s difficult and i don’t think we shouldpretend otherwise
      bill plante
      q mr president like that ceasefire you’ve called for diplomatic solutions not only in israeland gaza but also in ukraine in iraq to very little effect so far has the united states ofamerica lost its influence in the world have you lost yours
      the president look this is a common theme that folks bring up apparently people haveforgotten that america as the most powerful country on earth still does not controleverything around the world and so our diplomatic efforts often take time they often will seeprogress and then a step backwards that’s been true in the middle east that’s been true ineurope that’s been true in asia that’s the nature of world affairs it’s not neat and it’s notsmooth
      but if you look at for example ukraine we have made progress in delivering on what we saidwe would do we can’t control how mr putin thinks but what we can do is say to mr putin ifyou continue on the path of arming separatists with heavy armaments that the evidencesuggests may have resulted in 300 innocent people on a jet dying and that violatesinternational law and undermines the integrity territorial integrity and sovereignty ofukraine then you’re going to face consequences that will hurt your country
      and there was a lot of skepticism about our ability to coordinate with europeans for a strongseries of sanctions and each time we have done what we said we would do including this weekwhen we put in place sanctions that have an impact on key sectors of the russian economy their energy their defense their financial systems
      it hasn’t resolved the problem yet i spoke to mr putin this morning and i indicated to himjust as we will do what we say we do in terms of sanctions we’ll also do what we say we do interms of wanting to resolve this issue diplomatically if he takes a different position if herespects and honors the right of ukrainians to determine their own destiny then it’s possibleto make sure that russian interests are addressed that are legitimate and that ukrainians areable to make their own decisions and we can resolve this conflict and end some of thebloodshed
      but the point is though bill that if you look at the 20th century and the early part of thiscentury there are a lot of conflicts that america doesn’t resolve that’s always been true thatdoesn’t mean we stop trying and it’s not a measure of american influence on any given day orat any given moment that there are conflicts around the world that are difficult the conflict innorthern ireland raged for a very very long time until finally something broke where theparties decided that it wasn’t worth killing each other
      the palestinianisraeli conflict has been going on even longer than you’ve been reporting (laughter) and i don’t think at any point was there a suggestion somehow that america didn’thave influence just because we weren’t able to finalize an israelipalestinian peace deal
      you will recall that situations like kosovo and bosnia raged on for quite some time and therewas a lot more death and bloodshed than there has been so far in the ukrainian situation beforeit ultimately did get resolved
      and so i recognize with so many different issues popping up around the world sometimes itmay seem as if this is an aberration or it’s unusual but the truth of the matter is is thatthere’s a big world out there and that as indispensable as we are to try to lead it there’s stillgoing to be tragedies out there and there are going to be conflicts and our job is to just makesure that we continue to project what’s right what’s just and that we’re building coalitions oflikeminded countries and partners in order to advance not only our core security interests butalso the interests of the world as a whole
      q do you think you could have done more
      the president on which one
      q on any of them ukraine
      the president well look i think bill that the nature of being president is that you’realways asking yourself what more can you do but with respect to let’s say the israelipalestinian issue this administration invested an enormous amount to try to bring theparties together around a framework for peace and a twostate solution john kerry investedan enormous amount of time in the end it’s up to the two parties to make a decision wecan lead them to resolve some of the technical issues and to show them a path but they’vegot to want it
      with respect to ukraine i think that we have done everything that we can to support theukrainian government and to deter russia from moving further into ukraine but short of goingto war there are going to be some constraints in terms of what we can do if president putin andrussia are ignoring what should be their longterm interests
      right now what we’ve done is impose sufficient costs on russia that objectively speakingthey should president putin should want to resolve this diplomatically get these sanctionslifted get their economy growing again and have good relations with ukraine but sometimespeople don’t always act rationally and they don’t always act based on their medium or longterm interests that can’t deter us though we’ve just got to stay at it
      q mr president republicans point to some of your executive orders as reason they say thatthey can’t trust you to implement legislation that they pass even if you don’t buy thatargument do you hold yourself totally blameless in the inability it appears to reach agreementwith the republicanled house
      the president wendell let’s just take the recent example of immigration a bipartisan billpassed out of the senate cosponsored by not just democrats but some very conservativerepublicans who recognize that the system currently is broken and if in fact we put moreresources on the border provide a path in which those undocumented workers who’ve beenliving here for a long time and may have ties here are coming out of the shadows paying theirtaxes paying a fine learning english if we fix the legal immigration system so it’s moreefficient if we are attracting young people who may have studied here to stay here and createjobs here that that all is going to be good for the economy it’s going to reduce the deficit itmight have forestalled some of the problems that we’re seeing now in the rio grande valleywith these unaccompanied children
      and so we have a bipartisan bill wendell bipartisan agreement supported by everybody fromlabor to the evangelical community to law enforcement so the argument isn’t between meand the house republicans it’s between the house republicans and senate republicans andhouse republicans and the business community and house republicans and the evangelicalcommunity i’m just one of the people they seem to disagree with on this issue
      so that’s on the comprehensive bill so now we have a shortterm crisis with respect to therio grande valley they say we need more resources we need tougher border security in thisarea where these unaccompanied children are showing up we agree so we put forward asupplemental to give us the additional resources and funding to do exactly what they say weshould be doing and they can’t pass the bill they can’t even pass their own version of the bill that’s not a disagreement between me and the house republicans that’s a disagreementbetween the house republicans and the house republicans
      the point is that on a range of these issues whether it’s tax reform whether it’s reducing thedeficit whether it’s rebuilding our infrastructure we have consistently put forward proposalsthat in previous years and previous administrations would not have been considered radicalor left wing they would have been considered pretty sensible mainstream approaches tosolving problems
      i include under that by the way the affordable care act that’s a whole other conversation
      and in circumstances where even basic commonsense plain vanilla legislation can’t passbecause house republicans consider it somehow a compromise of their principles or givingobama a victory then we’ve got to take action otherwise we’re not going to be makingprogress on the things that the american people care about
      q on the border supplemental can you act alone
      the president well i’m going to have to act alone because we don’t have enoughresources we’ve already been very clear we’ve run out of money and we are going to haveto reallocate resources in order to just make sure that some of the basic functions that have totake place down there whether it’s making sure that these children are properly housed ormaking sure we’ve got enough immigration judges to process their cases that those thingsget done we’re going to have to reallocate some resources
      but the broader point wendell is that if in fact house republicans are concerned about meacting independently of congress despite the fact that i’ve taken fewer executive actionsthan my republican predecessor or my democratic predecessor before that or therepublican predecessor before that then the easiest way to solve it is passing legislationget things done
      on the supplemental we agreed on 80 percent of the issues there were 20 percent of theissues that perhaps there were disagreements between democrats and republicans as i said toone republican colleague who was down here that i was briefing about some national securityissues why wouldn’t we just go ahead and pass the 80 percent that we agree on and we’ll try towork to resolve the differences on the other 20 percent why wouldn’t we do that and hedidn’t really have a good answer for it
      so there’s no doubt that i can always do better on everything including making additionalcalls to speaker boehner and having more conversations with some of the house republicanleadership but in the end the challenge i have right now is that they are not able to act evenon what they say their priorities are and they’re not able to work and compromise even withsenate republicans on certain issues and they consider what have been traditionallyrepublicansupported initiatives they consider those as somehow a betrayal of the cause
      take the example of the exportimport bank this is an interesting thing that’s happened thisis a program in which we help to provide financing to sell american goods and products aroundthe world every country does this it’s traditionally been championed by republicans for somereason right now the house republicans have decided that we shouldn’t do this which meansthat when american companies go overseas and they’re trying to close a sale on selling boeingplanes for example or a ge turbine or some other american product that has all kinds ofsubcontractors behind it and is creating all kinds of jobs and all sorts of small businessesdepend on that sale and that american company is going up against a german company or achinese company and the chinese and the german company are providing financing and theamerican company isn’t we may lose that sale
      when did that become something that republicans opposed it would be like me having a cardealership for ford and the toyota dealership offers somebody financing and i don’t we willlose business and we’ll lose jobs if we don’t pass it
      so there’s some big issues where i understand why we have differences on taxes republicanswant to maintain some corporate loopholes i think need to be closed because i think that weshould be giving tax breaks to families that are struggling with child care or trying to save for acollege education on health care obviously their view is is that we should not be helping folksget health care even though it’s through the private marketplace my view is is that in acountry as wealthy as ours we can afford to make sure that everybody has access toaffordable care
      those are legitimate policy arguments but getting our ambassadors confirmed these arecareer diplomats not political types making sure that we pass legislation to strengthen ourborders and put more folks down there those shouldn’t be controversial and i think you’dbe hardpressed to find an example of where i wouldn’t welcome some reasonable efforts toactually get a bill passed out of congress that i could sign
      last question michelle kosinski
      q you made the point that in certain difficult conflicts in the past both sides had to reach apoint where they were tired of the bloodshed do you think that we are actually far from thatpoint right now and is it realistic to try to broker a ceasefire right now when there are stilltunnel operations allowed to continue is that going to cause a change of approach from thispoint forward
      the president well keep in mind that the ceasefire that had been agreed to would havegiven israel the capability to continue to dismantle these tunnel networks but the israelis candismantle these tunnel networks without going into major population centers in gaza so ithink the israelis are entirely right that these tunnel networks need to be dismantled there isa way of doing that while still reducing the bloodshed
      you are right that in past conflicts sometimes people have to feel deeply the costs anybodywho has been watching some of these images i’d like to think should recognize the costs youhave children who are getting killed you have women defenseless who are getting killed youhave israelis whose lives are disrupted constantly and living in fear and those are costs thatare avoidable if we’re able to get a ceasefire that preserves israel’s ability to defend itselfand gives it the capacity to have an assurance that they’re not going to be constantlythreatened by rocket fire in the future and conversely an agreement that recognizes thepalestinian need to be able to make a living and the average palestinian’s capacity to live adecent life
      but it’s hard it’s going to be hard to get there i think that there’s a lot of anger and there’s alot of despair and that’s a volatile mix but we have to keep trying
      and it is bill asked earlier about american leadership part of the reason why america remainsindispensable part of the essential ingredient in american leadership is that we’re willingto plunge in and try where other countries don’t bother trying i mean the fact of the matteris is that in all these crises that have been mentioned there may be some tangential risks tothe united states in some cases as in iraq and isis those are dangers that have to beaddressed right now and we have to take them very seriously but for the most part these arenot the rockets aren’t being fired into the united states the reason we are concerned isbecause we recognize we’ve got some special responsibilities
      we have to have some humility about what we can and can’t accomplish we have torecognize that our resources are finite and we’re coming out of a decade of war and ourmilitary has been stretched very hard as has our budget nevertheless we try we go in thereand we make an effort
      and when i see john kerry going out there and trying to broker a ceasefire we should all besupporting him there shouldn’t be a bunch of complaints and secondguessing about well ithasn’t happened yet or nitpicking before he’s had a chance to complete his efforts because itell you what there isn’t any other country that’s going in there and making those efforts
      and more often than not as a consequence of our involvement we get better outcomes not perfect outcomes not immediate outcomes but we get better outcomes and that’s goingto be true with respect to the middle east that’s going to be true with respect to ukrainethat’s going to be certainly true with respect to iraq
      and i think it’s useful for me to end by just reminding folks that in my first term if i had apress conference like this typically everybody would want to ask about the economy and howcome jobs weren’t being created and how come the housing market is still bad and why isn’t itworking well you know what what we did worked and the economy is better and when i saythat we’ve just had six months of more than 200000 jobs that hasn’t happened in 17 yearsthat shows you the power of persistence it shows you that if you stay at it eventually wemake some progress all right
      q what about john brennan
      q the africa summit ebola
      the president i thought that you guys were going to ask me how i was going to spend mybirthday what happened to the happy birthday thing
      q happy birthday
      q what about john brennan
      q africa summit
      the president i will address two points i’ll address
      q and flight 17
      the president hold on guys come on there’s just
      q and africa
      the president you’re not that pent up i’ve been giving you questions lately
      on brennan and the cia the rdi report has been transmitted the declassified version that willbe released at the pleasure of the senate committee
      i have full confidence in john brennan i think he has acknowledged and directly apologized tosenator feinstein that cia personnel did not properly handle an investigation as to howcertain documents that were not authorized to be released to the senate staff got somehowinto the hands of the senate staff and it’s clear from the ig report that some very poorjudgment was shown in terms of how that was handled keep in mind though that johnbrennan was the person who called for the ig report and he’s already stood up a task force tomake sure that lessons are learned and mistakes are resolved
      with respect to the larger point of the rdi report itself even before i came into office i wasvery clear that in the immediate aftermath of 911 we did some things that were wrong wedid a whole lot of things that were right but we tortured some folks we did some things thatwere contrary to our values
      i understand why it happened i think it’s important when we look back to recall how afraidpeople were after the twin towers fell and the pentagon had been hit and the plane inpennsylvania had fallen and people did not know whether more attacks were imminent andthere was enormous pressure on our law enforcement and our national security teams to tryto deal with this and it’s important for us not to feel too sanctimonious in retrospect aboutthe tough job that those folks had and a lot of those folks were working hard under enormouspressure and are real patriots
      but having said all that we did some things that were wrong and that’s what that reportreflects and that’s the reason why after i took office one of the first things i did was to bansome of the extraordinary interrogation techniques that are the subject of that report
      and my hope is is that this report reminds us once again that the character of our country hasto be measured in part not by what we do when things are easy but what we do when thingsare hard and when we engaged in some of these enhanced interrogation techniquestechniques that i believe and i think any fairminded person would believe were torture wecrossed a line and that needs to be that needs to be understood and accepted and we haveto as a country take responsibility for that so that hopefully we don’t do it again in thefuture
      q mr president –
      the president now i gave you a question
      q all right
      q the summit the usafrica
      the president we’ve got a usafrica summit coming up next week it is going to be anunprecedented gathering of african leaders the importance of this for america needs to beunderstood africa is one of the fastestgrowing continents in the world you’ve got six of the 10fastestgrowing economies in africa you have all sorts of other countries like china and braziland india deeply interested in working with africa not to extract natural resources alonewhich traditionally has been the relationship between africa and the rest of the world but nowbecause africa is growing and you’ve got thriving markets and you’ve got entrepreneurs andextraordinary talent among the people there
      and africa also happens to be one of the continents where america is most popular and peoplefeel a real affinity for our way of life and we’ve made enormous progress over the last severalyears in not just providing traditional aid to africa helping countries that are suffering frommalnutrition or helping countries that are suffering from aids but rather partnering andthinking about how can we trade more and how can we do business together and that’s thekind of relationship that africa is looking for
      and i’ve had conversations over the last several months with us businesses some of thebiggest us businesses in the world and they say africa that’s one of our top priorities wewant to do business with those folks and we think that we can create us jobs and send usexports to africa but we’ve got to be engaged and so this gives us a chance to do that it alsogives us a chance to talk to africa about security issues because as we’ve seen terroristnetworks try to find places where governance is weak and security structures are weak and ifwe want to keep ourselves safe over the long term then one of the things that we can do ismake sure that we are partnering with some countries that really have pretty effectivesecurity forces and have been deploying themselves in peacekeeping and conflict resolutionefforts in africa and that ultimately can save us and our troops and our military a lot ofmoney if we’ve got strong partners who are able to deal with conflicts in these regions
      so it’s going to be a terrific conference i won’t lie to you traffic will be bad here inwashington (laughter) i know that everybody has been warned about that but we are reallylooking forward to this and i think it’s going to be a great success
      now the last thing i’m going to say about this because i know that it’s been on people’sminds is the issue of ebola this is something that we take very seriously as soon as there’san outbreak anywhere in the world of any disease that could have significant effects the cdc isin communication with the world health organization and other multilateral agencies to try tomake sure that we’ve got an appropriate response
      this has been a more aggressive ebola outbreak than we’ve seen in the past but keep in mindthat it is still affecting parts of three countries and we’ve got some 50 countries represented atthis summit we are doing two things with respect to the summit itself we’re taking theappropriate precautions folks who are coming from these countries that have even amarginal risk or an infinitesimal risk of having been exposed in some fashion we’re makingsure we’re doing screening on that end as they leave the country we’ll do additionalscreening when they’re here we feel confident that the procedures that we’ve put in place areappropriate
      more broadly the cdc and our various health agencies are going to be working very intentlywith the world health organization and some of our partner countries to make sure that wecan surge some resources down there and organization to these countries that are pretty poorand don’t have a strong public health infrastructure so that we can start containing theproblem
      keep in mind that ebola is not something that is easily transmitted that’s why generallyoutbreaks dissipate but the key is identifying quarantining isolating those who contract itand making sure that practices are in place that avoid transmission and it can be done butit’s got to be done in an organized systematic way and that means that we’re going to haveto help these countries accomplish that
      all right okay
      q happy birthday mr president
      the president there you go april (laughter) that’s what i was talking about somebody finally wished me happy birthday although it isn’t until monday you’re right
      thank you so much
    2017总统演讲稿(4) | 返回目录
      my fellow south africans
      our beloved nelson rolihlahla mandela the founding president of our democratic nation has departed
      he passed on peacefully in the company of his family around 20h50 on the 5th of december XX
      he is now resting he is now at peace
      our nation has lost its greatest son our people have lost a father
      although we knew that this day would come nothing can diminish(减少) our sense of a profound and enduring loss
      his tireless struggle for freedom earned him the respect of the world
      his humility his compassion and his humanity earned him their love our thoughts and prayers are with the mandela family to them we owe a debt of gratitude
      they have sacrificed much and endured much so that our people could be free
      our thoughts are with his wife mrs graca machel his former wife ms winnie madikizelamandela with his children his grandchildren his great grandchildren and the entire family
      our thoughts are with his friends comrades and colleagues who fought alongside madiba over the course of a lifetime of struggle
      our thoughts are with the south african people who today mourn the loss of the one person who more than any other came to embody their sense of a common nationhood
      our thoughts are with the millions of people across the world who embraced madiba as their own and who saw his cause as their cause
      this is the moment of our deepest sorrow
      our nation has lost its greatest son
      yet what made nelson mandela great was precisely what made him human we saw in him what we seek in ourselves
      and in him we saw so much of ourselves
      fellow south africans
      nelson mandela brought us together and it is together that we will bid him farewell
      our beloved madiba will be accorded a state funeral
      i have ordered that all flags of the republic of south africa be lowered to halfmast from tomorrow 6 december and to remain at halfmast until after the funeral
      as we gather to pay our last respects let us conduct ourselves with the dignity and respect that madiba personified
      let us be mindful of his wishes and the wishes of his family
      as we gather wherever we are in the country and wherever we are in the world let us recall the values for which madiba fought
      let us reaffirm his vision of a society in which none is exploited oppressed or dispossessed by another
      let us commit ourselves to strive together – sparing neither strength nor courage – to build a united nonracial nonsexist democratic and prosperous south africa
      let us express each in our own way the deep gratitude we feel for a life spent in service of the people of this country and in the cause of humanity
      this is indeed the moment of our deepest sorrow
      yet it must also be the moment of our greatest determination
      a determination to live as madiba has lived to strive as madiba has strived and to not rest until we have realised his vision of a truly united south africa a peaceful and prosperous africa and a better world
      we will always love you madiba
      may your soul rest in peace
      god bless africa
      nkosi sikelel' iafrika




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