
    My views on electronic books  
    In the past decades our society is developing at an amazing speed along with the improvement of science and technology At the same time we are gradually changing our reading habits A new baby the electronic books such as Kindle has been grow rapidlyYou can see people reading through mobile phone or even a watchAs you read this article perhaps on your smartphone or iPad
    For this phenomenon people like printed books better are worry about the Ebooks would take the place of printed booksand in some day we will never read through paperAs for meEbooks has more advantages than printed booksbut there is also some disadvantages that can not be ignored now
    In my eyesthe knowledge was contained in the book is the most importantbut not the form Gorky once said Books are the stepping stones to human progressBut he didn’t said what books we needand which form of books would be better Actuallyits real meaning is that the store of knowledge is the true ladder of human progress With the help of internet and mobile equipmentwe can get a rich diversity and quantity of informationRight now I am carrying a couple of dozen books around with me at all times You can't do that with paperBesides the software database has the advantage of large storage great stability longtime saving and easy backup which helps to avoid the damage and loss of the paper informationAnd I believe you will chose a slim book stores huge information but not a heavy book with limited knowledge
    There is no doubt that electronic book is much more convenient than paper booksThe fatal weakness of printed boos is priceIt cost much more money than electronic booksbut with limited informationIt made from wood is another disadvantageIt wasn't a wise decision to cut down many trees to get we wantedEspecially when we are facing deterioration of environment
    And let me give just few examples to show the advantages of electronic booksFirstlyelectronic books are much more portable than our typical bookWe need carry much weight outside if we chose typical bookThink about what would be  happen if there is no electronic book I want to read The Lord of the Rings in my journeyi need a bag to carry my heave booksBut the story will be different if you decide to read through your mobile phoneSecondlyonce we have the thought about what we want to read we can get the information on the Internet all the information will be come out at once the author the main plot will be listed We can get the most important information immediately but not running from first floor to fifth floor to find what we want in the libraryThirdlywhile if we want to read on the paper book we need to go to the library or buy it on the shop it takes time to do itAs a medical studentwe need to consult reference book in many timeseven working in the hospitala place without bookshop or libraryand i know it
    ’s hard to get the information we wanted immediately through printed books In this casethe electronic represented its great advantages that can help us to consult reference books in our office and to give us information immediatelyAt last for those guys loved printed booksif they wish to have it printed it is very easythey can very inexpensively print it with their home printer or at any printing shop
    The popularization of computer and phone will made a revolution in our reading habitIn this electronic information erapeople spends more time on the screen than on the paperNot only readingbut in many other fieldssuch as emailelectronic advertisingelectronic shopping and so onThe development of modern sciences and technologies especially highly developing of computer and networking technologies not only change our everyday work but also our life For readingIt made it possible to read at anywhere and improve humane reading progress Nowadaysyou can hardly find a people without a phone in our cityEven in the distant countriesyou can also find a boy read the news through mobileElectronic products are very popular and it means many people can reading through a phone or other productsI have heard and known a good example around meRecentlywe can borrow Kindlean ereaderfrom our libraryAnd the traditional library is facing many crises such as flood fire racial conflict and public security management
    Maybe ebooks will completely replace the paper books one day and people will not borrow book from librarybut getting the authorization of the librarythen you can download the book you wanted
         As the popularity of ebooks and ereaders continues to increase it is because most of the E books are free and convenient to download But ebook piracy is also growing rapidly Piracy is a particular threat because of bigger problem the apparently arbitrary nature of ebook pricingIn Chinamost ebook is freeYou can download and read a new book free after it has been published for few daysIt damage the interests of writers and infringement copyright And some publishers and author advocates have generally refused to put books online for fear the content will be copyThis problem of piracy should receive due attention now and it's time everyone started the battle against piracy First customers should develop their consciousness to resist the pirated products Besidesgovernment should take effective measures to stop piracy Finally stronger laws must be strictly executed to completely ban piracy Only in this way can we wipe out piracy
    The fundamental law of productive forces development is that advanced productive forces perpetually substitute backward productive forcesTools are becoming more sophisticated and everything seems to be getting faster more efficient more compact or handsfreeIn the same waybook will be cheapermore environmentally friendlymore portable and larger capacity in the futureEbook will replace paperbook in the end because it is more advanced than the paperbook
    It's easy to imagine a near future in which paper books are the exception not the normBelieve it or not printed book on slabs of marble and glass are going largely untouched like artifacts in museums





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