The Great Philosophy

    The Great Philosophy
      The great rejuvenation of a nation need to have strong comprehensive national strength it includes not only the prosperous economy and stable politics but also need more unique culture Culture is the soul of a nation Between country and country may have the same mode of economic development but never have the same nationality culture Each ethnic group has formed its own characteristic national culture in the long historical development process But today modern science and technology is developing with a unprecedented speed The phenomena which worship science above everything else can be found everywhere People pay more attention to the materials and interests As the result moral is declining For this reason we must seriously reconsider what is the genuine value for life and get a clear understanding of true meaning of traditional ethics and morals so as to gear it to developing besides to bring to light standards of values among the younger generation China is a country with a long history the rich thoughts are the resources of making our nation stands in the world 
    I convinced that we should be grateful to our ancestors because the great wisdom they left The long and glorious history and culture of china made the world revering especially the Confucian doctrine The rich and in many ways unique civilization of China owes much in its shaping to the widespread influence of Confucianism Confucianism is the mainstream of Chinese culture It not only had been regarded as an ethicpolitical system in ancient china but also be considered the excellent value principle formed in the longterm historical practice For more than two thousand years it has moulded and shaped the civilization of china and exerted a profound influence upon almost one fourth of the human race The national spirit the national character and the formation and construction of national psychology structure are closely related to the longterm effects and accumulation of Confucianism Until today the everyday life of the Chinese nation is also following the code of conduct such as for the good of others respecting honest and trustworthy advocating etiquette and so on all of them have not without the thoughts of Confucianism The important position of Confucianism in the Chinese civilization is selfevident Our country has put forward that We must follow the overall requirement of building a democratic society under the rule of law a society based on equity and justice an honest and caring society a society full of vigor and a stable and orderly society in which humans live in harmony with nature There is no difficult to see that these requests of building a democratic society are consistent with the Confucianism
      In my opinion Confucianism’s greatest contribution to the Chinese nation is its shaping and moulding of the Chinese character and national soul and its founding of the complete system of knowledge Confucianism has made a tremendous influence at all aspects of Chinese culture Confucianism is broad and profound but the ethical thought of Confucius can be summed up in eight words loyalty and piety(忠孝) affection and love(仁爱) faithfulness and righteousness(信义) peace and harmony() These high standards of morals are our national spirit Confucius himself had a simple moral and political teaching to love others to honor one’s parents to do what is right instead of what is of advantage to practice reciprocity for example do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you to rule by moral instead of by force and violence
    Therefore Confucius’s thoughts deserve using for reference
      Affection and love is translated variously as goodness benevolence humanity and humanheartedness In short affection and love means affection and love Confucius attaches such great importance to affection and love as to regard it as a universal solution to all human problems For a definite period of time and to some extent the Confucian theory of affection and love complied with the interests of the common people and appealed the middle and lower rank scholars and officials
    How to practice the benevolence proposition Confucius told us to think in the position of others to become to the rescue when others are in difficulty treat other people as you would do to yourself be considerate of others If everyone hold this attitude to treat others how harmonious the society is But nowadays most people only care about themselves On the one hand people try their best to avoid being hurt on the other hand people spare no pains to get more interests in any ways Only a minority people concern about the situation and feelings of others So the society becoming more and more apathy In the big city people don’t know each other even live on the same floor love all men advocated by Confucius is just like a phantom According to the Confucius’s thoughts if one desiring to establish himself seeks to establish others if one desire to succeed should help others to succeed However the fact is people always strive the chance belongs to others for themselves even obstruct others to get succeed In the fact when a person reject to help and care about others he will get nothing when the life end Because we live in a group which have the same social background speak same language and believe in same moral standards We cannot be separated from the society and to existence Help and care about others are the basis of maintain the relationship between people
    Loyalty and piety is another important moral standard of Confucianism In the daily life we may can do this loyal to the country the people and the friend But sometimes we haven’t loyal to our own inward and conscience Sometimes we know something is wrong but most people think it right so we follow it sometimes we don’t want to do something but for some reasons we give in of course it is impossible that we just do things what we want and should to do Because we have some duties so there are some things we wouldn’t like to do but we must do But no matter what situation we are we should make the wise and correct choice Some of errors we can change some of pities we have no chance to make up In one’s life will face a number of temptations keep the loyalty in one’s mind will make one free from the trouble that he can’t expect
      For faithfulness and righteousness Confucius teaches us that we should do like this in the face of benefits one should think of righteousness in the face of danger one should try his best to offer help in the longterm poverty shouldn’t forget his principle But today most people give up the righteousness to get more benefits Businessman make the poor quality goods because use the poor materials can save cost Some officials abuse the rights they have to gain money and position instead of serving people some young girls sell themselves for the money Some people betray friendship easily In a word our society is developing on a road that lack of righteousness We must inherit the Confucianism doctrine of righteousness rebuild the moral system
    Confucius said isn’t he a man or virtue who doesn’t feel annoyed when others do not understand him it means if a person do not lose his temper when no one understand him thus he is a gentleman For this Confucius teachs us should tolerance and keep balance in the mind
    I think the peace and harmony is a very high standard it ask us keep the balance in the mind to be calm and at ease when we in difficult or trouble misunderstood and even offended by others There is no doubt that is very hard to reach this state However if one can cultivates himself in this way he will become stronger and have the ability and courage to deal with any trouble Keeping balance in mind wouldn’t lose the passion and hope of life even face frustration and always can find the measures to improving the situation without any complain Only experience many things know what are you really want and know what kind of person you are can you keep the balance in your mind Life is a challenge we have to face some terrible things suffer painful experiences Some blows are too heavy to bear While there’s life there is hope If we love life with a thanksgiving heart and full of hope matter how the difficulties may be we can overcome them
    Apart from the above ideas Confucius was a believer in the the ordinance of heaven holding that death and life have their determined appointment riches and honors depend upon heaven I also agree with this view Some people hold this opinion think this idea is very negative is a representation of does not seek to improve themselves But I don’t think so Many things are beyond our control though we try our best we still get anything So we should act without artificiality without overaction without attachment to action itself For many things we take this way of living according to the way is the best choice
    In a word Confucius’s thoughts are the huge spiritual wealth of china nation We should inherit it enrich it an make it become modernity The civilization of the 21st century is plural perhaps between different civilization will exist some conflicts but no matter how intense the conflict is a civilization can’t take another civilization destroyed Besides the strength of a country’s economy is likely to be surpassed by other countries but the civilization will not So it is very important to respect prize excavate and activate spiritual and moral resources of Chinese culture and to rebuild Chinese moral in the 21th century Today we still find meaning and value in the doctrine of Confucianism We shall bring the doctrine of Confucianism into full play though cleansing and transforming in the 21th century Not only leaders of today and tomorrow the scholars of the humanities but everyone should do some things to carry forward the valuable spiritual wealth of our nation and mankind





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