• 1. 四级考试阅读—长篇阅读句子与段落匹配题型 2013年12月开始考的新题型
    • 2. 出题形式长篇阅读理解,答题时间10—15分钟 篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求考生找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两句,有的段落可能不对应任何一句。 段落用英文字母顺序标记 句子用阿拉伯数字标记
    • 3. 考查重点快读技能,即浏览(skimming) 和查读(scanning) 长篇文章信息查找和定位 关键是阅读速度要快。
    • 4. 题型归纳细节辨认题,文字上和原文一样。(最简单) 同义转述题,即文字上换了同义的表达。(简单) 细节推断题,即句子是从原文某个细节推断出来。(较难) 段意归纳题,即句子是某段文字意思的归纳。 (较难)
    • 5. 样题和最近考试真题答案规律揭秘句子顺序和段落顺序不对应,即顺序打乱了 一个句子对应一个段落是最常见的,即1对1 两个句子对应一个段落会个别出现,即2对1 三个及三个以上的句子对应一个段落的情况没有出现过。 有些段落不会被选到,即不会成为答案选项。因为所选文章往往超过10段,而句子只有10句,何况还有个别2个句子对应1个段落的情况。
    • 6. 实用答题步骤:1. 先简单浏览文章标题和文章重要部位,用时越短越好。大致了解文章内容。(Skimming) 2. 看题目,按题查找。带着题目中的关键信息(数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等),到原文中去查找定位,找到句子信息所在段落。有时要用到句子中的多个关键词到原文中定位查找。查找时也可遵循先易后难的原则。(Scanning) 3. 确定答案,大多数句子是原文某段涉及的一个细节,少数个别句子是对原文某段内容的归纳。
    • 7. 方法运用举例讲解长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 1 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 2让学生练习实践,仔细体会这种题型的答题方法和技巧。
    • 8. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 1第一步,先简单浏览文章标题和文章重要部位,用时越短越好。大致了解文章内容。(Skimming) Title:TV Linked to Lower Marks Sentences in First Paragraph: The effect of television on children has been debated ...Now three new studies… First Sentence in Last Paragraph: Lucas puts the responsibility for … squarely on parents. First Sentences in other paragraph indicate that B-C-D-E, F-G, H-I, each belongs to one study; J-K-L, is opinions from another 2 experts.
    • 9. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 1第二步,看题目,按题查找。带着题目中的关键信息(数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等),到原文中去查找定位,找到句子信息所在段落。有时要用到句子中的多个关键词到原文中定位查找。查找时也可遵循先易后难的原则。(Scanning)
    • 10. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 11. According to Borzekowski, children having chances to use a family computer are likely to acquire better results on the different tests. 通过定位Borzekowski,很容易确定本句应该在B-C-D-E, 由于本句谈论的是实验结果,而D正是实验结果
    • 11. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 12. The reports issued in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescents Medicine find that watching too much TV leads to poor performance in school. 定位Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescents Medicine 出自A段
    • 12. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 13. Watching more than three hours of TV before age 3 has bad effect on kids. 定位before age 3出现在H-I,其中结论部分在I
    • 13. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 14. According to the second report, the chance for one to acquire a college degree depends on the amount of his TV watching during his children. 明确定位the second report,应在F-G,在F段后面是结论
    • 14. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 15. In Deborah L. Lingbarger’s opinion, educational content is helpful for teenagers to get better results on school readiness tests. 定位Deborah L. Lingbarger至J段
    • 15. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 16. The environment of family media greatly affetcs children’s test scores according to the first report. 根据the first report定位至B-C-D-E,再根据family media定位至C 7. Borzekowski believes that TV’s negative effect on children’s marks may mainly lie in what children watch on TV and how much time they spend on it. 定位至B-C-D-E中E部分
    • 16. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 18. Lucas Lucas thinks parents should take the responsibility to supervise kid’s TV watching. 根据人名及内容定位至K-L中L部分 9. According to the recommendation of American Academy of Pediatrics,children under 2 should watch no TV. 根据American Academy of Pediatrics定位至I 10. Hancox thinks earlier childhood TV watching affects one’s acquiring a college degree. 根据人名和内容定位至G
    • 17. 长篇阅读(匹配)练习Exercise 1第三步,确定答案,大多数句子是原文某段涉及的一个细节,少数个别句子是对原文某段内容的归纳。 本长篇阅读(匹配)练习中的10个句子,基本上都是原文某段涉及的细节题。
