• 1. CASE STUDYLi Haiyun Wen Renyi Zhao Yu Zhuang Wei*1Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 2. CASE1(Spain) vs(USA)*2Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 3. Date3Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 4. Propagandize FocusThe 1st in Spain, even in Continental Europe. Emphasize the competitive advantage of Internet-based supermarket to traditional supermarket. Enjoyable: In Spain, leisure has a different meaning and shopping is an innate part of the Spanish way of life. Convenience Full-time Low-cost is a key factor? Date4Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 5. 利用规模效益降低成本提高利润 尽快解决技术问题,将业务拓展到全国,从而降低单位成本。 在更大范围内追求购买效益 通过资源共享减少重复配置所造成的浪费 Date5Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 6. 向价值链全过程要效益 电子商务概念的引入将对Alcampo公司价值链的各环节产生重大影响。 除销售外,Alcampo公司应同样重视电子商务在其他环节可能产生的效益。 采购 寻价 存货管理 Date6Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 7. 建立自己的特色 以特色求生存、求发展 。 由于网络所拥有的“链接”优势,可将Alcampo公司的其它业务进行整合。 将“旅游”作为其网上超市的特色 Date7Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 8. 安全 网上交易的安全性是消费者最大的心理顾虑,要将消费者从传统连锁业中争取过来,这是Alcampo公司必须解决的重要问题 应重点从“财”、“物”两方面做好安全工作 确保消费者信用卡帐户的安全 要建立时时查询系统,让消费者了解自己所购物品 的状态,何时货可送达。 Date8Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 9. 协助社会推广网络概念 从案例中提供的资料看,1997年西班牙14岁以上人口为约3400万,其中对互联网有所接触的为134万人(4%),使用者约92万人(2.7%)。Date9Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 10. Original Goals To respond to the need for differentiated service and high quality interaction with customers. To meet customer’s desire for shopping through an Internet-based supermarket. To become the market leader in the online distribution channel. To acquire relevant know-how for the online retailing and thus prepare Alcampo for the emerging information society.Date10Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 11. Current StatusThe 1st in Spain, even in Continental Europe. Oct. 1997 0.01% of total turnover 4,900 m pesetas (profit in 1996) 490k pesetas profit (virtual supermarket) Cost 100 m for developing the new system Operation and maintenance feeDate11Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 12. Competitives AnalysisCOMPETING SELLERSSUPPLIERS OF KEY INPUTSSUBSTITUTESBUYERSPOTENTIAL NEW ENTRANTSWin buyersBargaining power and leverageAbility to exercise bargaining power and leverageThreat of entry of new rivalsDate12Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 13. Key FocusSegmentation, Differentiation strategy, customer’s loyalty improvement, insight. Based on E-commerce, develop SCM, Synergy Strategy. Deeply involved into the E-Commerce Business and establish effective distribution system.Date13Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 14. SegmentationOn-line Supermarket Customers: Suburb families Mothers taking care of little baby Technical focus families What they focus Price Convenience Diversification Date14Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 15. Customer’s LoyaltyCritical Success Factor for On-line Supermarket I know it and trust it CRM Sales Marketing Call Center Service, etc. InsightDate15Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 16. Develop SCM, Synergy Strategy SCM Logistic; Inventory; Purchase; Distribution Profits: Alcampo : 1.9% Prvca : 4% Reduce profit to sustain Alcampo’s discount way of life? How to? Low-Cost Leadship Strategy Based on the E-Commerce, establish SCM, Synergy Date16Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 17. Long-run StrategyDeeply involved into the E-Commerce Business and establish effective distribution system (Sustainable Competitive Advantage) Improve System Security Special E-Business Model (not easy to copy) Core Competencies Other 4 supermarkets’s business E-Commerce platform Alcampo’ other business E-Commerce platform最理想的发展战略:连锁经营、物流配送、 电子商务三方面齐头并进。Date17Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 18. Date18Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 19. Peapod Inc.Online grocery company in U.S.*19Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 20. Corporation DevelopmentDate20Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 21. Revenues growth & orders soarOrders: 93700 in 3rd quarters of 1997, 43700 only during the same period in 1996; Revenues: 41.6 million in first 9 months in 1997, up by 111% from 19.7 million for the same period in 1996; Revenues from online marketing services: 3 million to 6 million; Revenues from member and retail services: 1.8 million(1996) to 3.4 million (1997) No. of fulfillment centers: 37 more, cover 6.6 million household totally. Problem: still incurred losses, facing the financial problem,why? Date21Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 22. Business pattern of PeapodCustomers send the purchasing order through internetPeapod servers & systemsFulfillment center closet to the specified delivery addressFleet of delivery vansPartner of retailer Date22Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 23. IT SystemClient layer Reside on the customer’s computer; create the user’s interface by following instructions from the application server; run the application and return input to Peapod server Application servers Proprietary targeting engine Business support system Fulfillment management application Accounting systems Database Maintain and manage the data associated with the Peapod application.Date23Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 24. What has Peapod done so far for its business?Peapod’s discussion and information forums (submit recipes and win the coupons, “American Heart Association”. etc) Selling the IT system and Know-how to its select retailers. (Cole Myer) Diversification Strategy. FTD-branded Flower shop, premium wines and greeting cards and other retail relationships. Interactive marketing services. From late 1995, built relations with several consumer goods and service companies. Provides a variety of bundled interactive marketing products and services. Banner Advertising \ Enhanced Content Advertising \ Electronic Coupons \ Stimulus response TestingDate24Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 25. Still incurred the loss and Why?网络公司是命里注定的烧钱公司 基本网络的架构就如同基础设施的建设; 系统维护、更新和维持正常运作的成本非常高; 改变和维持客户消费行为的成本过高; 过于庞大的服务范围使得运营成本过高。 建设自己的配送体系并加以维持正常运营的成本过高 大量的车队 许多消费者没有按时收到货物,或者货物发送错误, 导致公司补偿成本增加。 Date25Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 26. SuggestionsFocus on certain service area Reduce the number of employees Merge with local retailers or delivery companies, take advantage of their service networks. Date26Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 27. Peapod –Optimistic E-Commerce Model互联网并不能取代传统媒体,它与传统媒体的关系应是一种互为补充的关系,两者将长期共存。 传统零售模式在某种程度上来说已在人们的意识形态中根深蒂固 电子商务尽管已经发展了十余年,但不管是管理理念、文化理念、还是技术发展都还有很长的路要走 配送、支付 、网络安全等一系列技术问题 并非所有的的商品都适合做电子商务 传统的零售企业有着丰富的物流、资金流、信息流、营销 方面经验,这些经验也不是电子商务可简单拷贝的。 Date27Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 28. 电子商务发展前景看好美国零售业的电子商务销售在沃尔玛等大型连锁集团的领军之下继续扩展市场空间。 美国零售业的电子商务销售额 1999年第四季度:54.8亿美元 2002年第二季度:102亿美元 电子商务的发展魅力Date28Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 29. Conclusion发展电子商务并不是要企业在“传统” 与“网络”间做出选择,而是要借助网络优势,让企业以最低成本获取最大利润。Date29Alcampo vs Peapod
    • 30. 谢谢大家!Date30Alcampo vs Peapod