• 1. 现代物流对新欧亚大陆桥的影响 Impacts of Modern Logistics on the New Eurasia Continental Bridge (NECB)何明珂博士 北京工商大学商学院教授 Dr. He Mingke, Professor and Head Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University 中国物流与采购联合会副会长 Vice President, China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing 2003新亚欧大陆桥区域经济合作国际研讨会 the 2003 International Symposium on Regional Economic Cooperation along New Silk Road 国家新亚欧大陆桥协调组、商务部、联合国开发计划署主办 China National Coordinating Mechanism of New Eurasia Continental Bridge the Ministry of Commerce of China and the United Nations Development Programme 2003.11.03.中国郑州嵩山饭店1
    • 2. 发言提纲 Contents趋势:现代物流产业发展的国际趋势 Trend: global trend of modern logistics development 影响:现代物流与新亚欧大陆桥 Impact: mutual impacts between the development of modern logistics and NECB 建议:对新亚欧大陆桥区域物流发展的建议Suggestion: suggestion on logistics development along cities of NECB趋势:现代物流产业发展的国际趋势2
    • 3. 现代物流业发展的10大原因 10 main micro-reasons for the development of modern logistics产品更新越来越快 Quicker product update 需求升级越来越快 Quicker demand escalation 需求变化越来越快 Faster demand change 销售价格越来越低 Lower selling price 经营成本越来越大 Higher operation cost 利润空间越来越小 Lesser profit margin 市场划分越来越细 Tinier market segment 零售商圈越来越小 Narrower market strip 市场竞争越来越烈 Tougher competition物流瓶颈越来越多 More logistic bottleneck 3
    • 4. 趋势:现代物流产业发展的国际趋势 Trend: global trend of modern logistics development物流专业化和一体化比翼齐飞 Greater development of both logistic specialization and integration 全球化与本土化趋势都在加剧 Localization abreast with globalization 物流基础设施更加先进和完善 More advanced and sophisticated logistic infrastructure 物流组织管理更加科学和合理 More scientific and rational logistic management 信息与网络使供应链更透明、反应更迅速 Quicker response and more transparency by information & network 企业间并购与企业内流程重组更加普遍 More merging, acquiring and reengineering 4
    • 5. 物流专业化和一体化比翼齐飞 Greater development of both logistic specialization and integration企业内部:功能整合 Internal function integration within a company 企业外部:网络资源整合 External network resources integration among supply chain members 供应链物流的一体化 Integration of supply chain logistics海尔物流功能和资源的整合 Function and network resource integration by Haier物流的专业化 Specialization of logistics第五方物流 5 Party Logistics第四方物流 4 Party Logistics第三方物流 3 Party Logistics第二方物流 2 Party Logistics第一方物流 1 Party Logistics5
    • 6. 物流专业化和一体化比翼齐飞 Greater development of both logistic specialization and integration全球采购网络 Global purchasing network全球配送网络 Global distribution network满足客户采购JIT JIT of purchasing客户原材料配送JIT JIT of raw material delivery客户成品配送JIT JIT of product distribution物流 Logistics信息流 Information flow信息网络(BBP+ERP+CRM) Information network (BBP+ERP+CRM)客户定单信息流 Order flow供应商 Supplier 制造支持 Manufacturing 购买获取 Purchasing 产品配送 Distribution顾 客 Customer 客户定单信息流 Order flow客户定单信息流 Order flow企业管理基础 Management base of the company6
    • 7. 全球化与本土化趋势都在加剧 Localization abreast with globalization着眼全球,立足本土 Think globally and act locally工厂的专业化 Focused factories仓库的集中化 Centralized inventories制造、采购的延迟化 Postponement工厂 Factory供应商 Supplier客户 Customer 客户 Customer客户 Customer分销商 Distributor直拨、集并(Cross Docking、Consolidation)7
    • 8. 物流基础设施更加先进和完善 More advanced and sophisticated logistic infrastructure8
    • 9. 物流组织管理更加科学和合理 More scientific and rational logistic management实物传递网络 Physical network 信息网络 Information network 组织网络 Organization network 运作网络 Operation network 9
    • 10. 信息与网络使供应链更透明、反应更迅速 Quicker response and more transparency by information & network物流资源的辨识与调度(Identifying and Scheduling) 数据库、标准、编码、定位、地图、通信物流系统的设计与优化(System Planning) 预测、决策分析、人工智能、模拟与仿真物流业务运作(Operation) EOS、EDI、VMI、CRP、ECR、RFID、WMS、ITS、ERP物流管理与业绩评估(Evaluation) CRM、ABCs、DPP、KPI、GMP、SOP物流服务提供(Service) Call Centre、Web-Based Tracking/Tracing企业间并购与企业内流程重组更加普遍 More merging, acquiring and reengineering10
    • 11. 供应链物流的需求 New logistics demands in supply chain1.供应链的快速响应(Quick Response) 2.延迟制造导致供应链重心下移:B2C delivery 3.经销商管理库存转向供应商管理库存(VMI) 4.降低供应链成本(Activity-Based Costing, DPP) 5.客户关系管理(CRM) 6.流程重组(Procedure Re-engineering, ERP,DRP) 7.持续补货策略(CRP)11
    • 12. 供应链物流集成商的责任 Responsibilities of logistics integrator1.供应链物流系统总体设计 Master logistics planning2.物流业务外包与资源外购 Outsourcing3.物流运作过程监督与控制 Operation supervision and control4.供应链物流系统集成整合 System integration5.一体化增值物流服务提供 Integrated value-added services12
    • 13. 发言提纲 Contents趋势:现代物流产业发展的国际趋势 Trend: global trend of modern logistics development 影响:现代物流与新亚欧大陆桥 Impact: mutual impacts between the development of modern logistics and NECB 建议:对新亚欧大陆桥区域物流发展的建议Suggestion: suggestion on logistics development along cities of NECB影响:现代物流与新亚欧大陆桥13
    • 14.                    新亚欧大陆桥 New Eurasia Continental Bridges14
    • 15. 2002年中国的经济发展 China’s economic development in 2002Fundamental change Planned → Market Marketization 69% 99%: supply> demandTrade 5th in the world US$620.8 billion USA, GER. JAP., FRA.GDP 6th in the world US$ 1237 billion Growth 1978-2002 ↑ 9.4% GDP per capita us$950FDI 1st in the world US$ 52.7 billion >USA first timeFER 2nd in the world US$286.4 billion, Jap. Private financial assets US$1351.5 billionChina is: 1.developing 2.emerging market 3.open, interdependent 4.friendly, reliable中国经济的快速持续增长是物流发展的强大动力。 The strong economy drives the development of logistics.15
    • 16. 影响:现代物流对新亚欧大陆桥发展的影响 Impact: impacts of modern logistics on the development of NECB发展物流对NECB有直接的需求 Logistics development serves AS a direct demand for NECB促进以运输为核心的基础设施建设 Facilitate the construction of transport-oriented infrastructure物流的发展 Logistics development新亚欧大陆桥的发展 Development of NECB运输包含在物流中,发展物流就要发展运输 Transport is part of logistics, to develop logistics is to develop transport16
    • 17. 发言提纲 Contents趋势:现代物流产业发展的国际趋势 Trend: global trend of modern logistics development 影响:现代物流与新亚欧大陆桥 Impact: mutual impacts between the development of modern logistics and NECB 建议:对新亚欧大陆桥区域物流发展的建议Suggestion: suggestion on logistics development along cities of NECB建议:对新亚欧大陆桥区域物流发展的建议17
    • 18. 建议:对新亚欧大陆桥区域物流发展的建议 Suggestion: suggestion on logistics development along cities of NECB开放:开放市场,推行贸易自由化和便利化,增加原生性物流需求 Open market and develop economy to facilitate trade and provide convenience,increase original logistics demand机构:建立统一的特别机构,提升地位,变协调为决策,纳入上海合作组织框架 Set up an authorized and uniformed ad hoc unit to make decision rather than coordination only调研:调查和研究新亚欧大陆桥运作困难,提出对策 Study on the difficulties and problems in the operation of the NECB战略:制定新亚欧大陆桥战略规划 Develop a NECB Strategy企业:鼓励企业使用大陆桥 Encourage companies to make use of NECB18
    • 19. 建议:对中国沿桥城市物流发展的建议 Suggestion: suggestion on logistics development along Chinese cities of NECB点、线、面规划的分工与协同 Logistics plans in site, industry and region should be coordinated基础设施新建、存量资产的整合、优化与重组 Integration,rationalization and reshuffling new and old investment物流定位符合城市特色与定位 Logistics position should fit the position of the city物流网络的优化(节点与连线) Optimization of logistics network集中与分散布局 Centralization and decentralization of logistics infrastructure城市需要总体的物流规划,只有运输规划不够 An overall logistics plan is required for a city19
    • 20. 演 讲 人:何明珂教授 Speaker: Professor and Dr. He Mingke 工作单位:北京工商大学商学院 Organization: Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University 电子邮件:hemingke@ht.rol.cn.net Email: hemingke@ht.rol.cn.net 移动电话:13501207866 Mobile: 00-86-13501207866 通信地址:北京市海淀区阜成路33号 Address: No.33, Fucheng Road, Beijing 邮政编码:100037 Postal Code: 100037谢谢! Thank you!Scen of “Su Di Chun Xiao” at the West Lake HangzhouBihai Lake YunnanShangri-la Sichuan20