• 1. Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 全球供應鏈管理講員:李慶恩 教授 國立交通大學工業工程與管理學系 國科會電子資訊產業供應鏈管理總計畫主持人中華民國八十八年五月六日1
    • 2. Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 製造業 V.S. 服務業 2
    • 3. 我們有供應鏈管理的問題嗎?Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 3
    • 4. 製造目標與趨勢的變遷 成本 品質 交期 彈性 服務 創新 全球化 結果 成本 品質 交期 彈性 速度 創新 成本 品質 交期 服務 速度 成本 品質 彈性 服務 成本 交期 彈性 品質 交期 成本 品質 成本Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 顧客迫使製造商/供應商生產/供應多樣、大量且低成本的一般化商品(Commodity)4
    • 5. 如何建立競爭優勢/障礙(Competitive Advantage/Barrier)Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 生產力優勢 (Productivity Advantage)價值優勢 (Value Advantage)5
    • 6. 產業對策•建立技術優勢(Leading- Edge Technology/Innovation) •成為快速跟隨者並建立差異化( Quick Follower (TTX) and Differentiation ) •全球供應鏈管理( Global Supply Chain Management) •著重核心競爭力( Focus on Core Competence)Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 6
    • 7. 產銷環境之演進From:”Transform Your Supply Chain - Releasing Value in Business”, Jon Hughes, Mark Ralf, Et. Bill Michels7
    • 8. 產銷環境 演進之結果大量生產(Mass Production)   大量客製化生產( Mass Customization) 多樣少量生產(Job Shop) 顧客滿意(Customer Satisfaction) 以顧客成功為依歸 (Customer Success) 供應商管理(Supplier Management) 發展供應商合作關係(Supplier Development) 物料/產品供應鏈(Material / Product Supply Chain) 知識供應鏈 (Knowledge Supply) ChainLee, Ching-En; NCTU *資訊技術(Information Technology; IT)的高速發展是始做俑者。8
    • 9. 基本製造型態Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 種類(Mix)量(Volume)9
    • 10. 大量客製化之效應Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 10
    • 11. 過去 ( 推/Push ) 局部最佳化(Local Optimization) 研發  業務/行銷   採購   生產/製造 配送/服務  財務 (R&D) (Sales/Marketing) (Procurement) (Production) (Distribution) (Finance) & Service現在 ( 推 &拉/Push & Pull) 整合且同步化的鏈(Integrated & Synchronized Chain)產銷模式變遷(I)Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 研發  業務/行銷   採購   生產/製造 配送/服務  財務 (R&D) (Sales/Marketing) (Procurement) (Production) (Distribution) (Finance) & Service11
    • 12. 供應流(Supply Flow)產銷模式變遷(II)Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 需求流(Demand Flow)JIT and Quality Material Flow供應商(Supplier) 配銷商( Distribution) 零售商(Retailer) 顧客(Customer)Qn-time, Accurate and Paperless Information Flow 過 去現 在供應商(Supplier) 配銷商( Distribution) 零售商(Retailer) 顧客(Customer)12
    • 13. 產銷模式變遷(Ⅲ)•Emphasize rigour and tough barganing.供應商顧客過去:開放競爭(Open Competition)期望:從供應商上游到顧客下游的整合(From Suppliers’ Suppliers to Customers’ Customers)• Link up all the players in a horizontal supply chain. • Emphasize seamless delivery, optimization and integration.許多產業的現況(Dominate or Die)上游下游13
    • 14. 大量客製化的原則1.Enriching Customers- Providing Solutions vs. Products 2.Mastering Change and Uncertainty (Rapid Response) 3. Leveraging the Impact of People and Knowledge 4. Cooperating to Enhance Competitiveness - Virtual OrganizationSource: The Agility Forum14
    • 15. 產業未來趨勢Lee, Ching-En; NCTU •快速回應之供應鏈體系(Responsive Supply Chain)是必然趨勢15
    • 16. 供應鏈管理的定義Lee, Ching-En; NCTU Integrate, Synchronized, Lean, and Responsive Flow of Materials, Information, Funds, Processes, Services, and Organizations from Suppliers’ Suppliers to Customers’ Customers. 16
    • 17. Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 供應鏈特性(以電子資訊產業為例)產業特性: (1)高科技,高資本,高報酬,高風險,高度競爭。 (2)產品生命週期短,市場變化大,價格變動快。 (3)產業族群龐大,供應鏈長鞭效應明顯。 (4)朝開放及市場標準化發展,品牌價值差異越來越小。 (5)IC與PC產業考量重點不同。17
    • 18. 造成供應鏈管理問題的原因資訊扭曲(Information Distortion) 不同步的通路(Asynchronized Channel) 鏈的複雜度(Chain Complexity) 無效率的作業(Inefficient Operations) 文化地區之差異(Cultural Problems) Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 18
    • 19. 常聽到與績效管理有關的問題預測不準 MPS變化太大 存貨過高 存貨週轉率太低 供應鏈管理問題的徵兆 顧客服務水準低落 缺料,不預期換線頻繁 長鞭效應明顯 Key problem : 前置時間(Lead rime)太長 One of obvious solutions : 正確且快速回應(Accurate and Quick Response; AQR)Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 19
    • 20. 快速回應 (QR)QR:以資訊取代存貨:(The substitution of information for inventory.) [From:Christopher]AQR﹕QR with the effective management of the supply chain.Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 20
    • 21. 縮短前置時間的重要性Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 21
    • 22. 一些工業界的做法Postponement from HP BTO ( Build-To-Order ) from Dell CTO ( Configure-To-Order ) from Compaq 98, 2 days from IBM TOM / Virtual Fab from TSMC VMI / CRP from 3M, P&G, and Wal-Mart Uni-Load and Localization from Acer ECR from Wal-Mart and P&G Contract Manufacturing from Leo and GVCLee, Ching-En; NCTU 22
    • 23. 延遲理論(postponement) 延遲:延後產品間之差異化,以降低因多樣性產生之不良 效應 兩大手法 運送的延遲(Logistic Postponement): Moving customization point closer to customers. 形式的延遲(Form Postponement) Delaying differentiation point by standardization 基本對策:DFSCM Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 23
    • 24. 型式的延遲Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 標準化/ 模組化前標準化/模組化後From: “Designing Products and Process for Postponement”, Lee and Billington24
    • 25. 那些製程應由工廠完成?那些該由物流中心(D.C)或經銷商完成? 如何評估(Justify)? Redesign Costs, Module Safety Stock, Finished Goods Inventory, WIP, Testing, Freight, Customs & Duties, Fixed Investment, Extra Training at DCs, Leadtime, Forecast Errors, Schedule Accuracy, Material Shortages?延遲的考慮因素Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 25
    • 26. Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 戴爾(Dell)的作法Simplify your supply chain; sell direct to the customer; cut out the dealers; build to customer requirements; make to order Maintain and extend the price focus on the corporate customer. Bypass the distributors and dealers. Align production to future trends. Adopt responsive supply. Close supply chain collaboration. Make purchasing easy.26
    • 27. 康柏(Compaq)的作法CompaqERP(SAP) ImplementationSupplier Alliance IntegrationSupply ChainTotal IntegrationSupplierERP ImplementationCompaq InterfaceSupply Chain Compaq InterfaceEnterprise IntegrationFrom : Compaq presentation materialsTotal Supply Chain Profitability Lowest Total Delivery Cost and Highest Inventory Turns in Total Supply Chain Build to Customer “Pull”Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 27
    • 28. VMI 定義Lee, Ching-En; NCTU Inventory management via the supplier’s generation of timely, cost-effective purchase orders for the customer. Supplier uses sales activity information and product demand history sent from its customer to generate demand forecasts,make adjustments to the forecast with market intelligence, and plan for inventory replenishment. All data between supplier and customer are transmitted via standard EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) related documents.28
    • 29. VMI 架構流程Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 29
    • 30. 一些物理現象Lee, Ching-En; NCTU Manufacturing PhysicsSupply Chain Physics100% Capacity used100% Service levelManufacturing Lead TimeInventoryoriginalattemptoriginalattemptFrom: Hau Lee’s Lecture Materials30
    • 31. 經驗中我們學到了什麼以創意改善上下游所有相關人事物的關係 Lee, Ching-En; NCTU Help More SuccessProvide Better Service31
    • 32. Reduce Leadtime and Reduce ComplexityInfo. Sharing Objective: Info. Transparency Methods: IT Technology CALS ERP/MRPII Workflow Datawarehouse Customer-Oriented Interface (ATP/CTP, Planning, Scheduling, and Order Tracking)Virtual Manufacturing Objective: Distance X Methods: Internet/Intranet Simulation VM Multi-Media TOM/OTIS/CS Channel Alignment Objective: Alliance Methods: Strategic Alliance Supplier Development/Mgt. Supplier Reduction, Retionalization, and Early Involvement Outsource Non-core Work VMI/CRP FTL W/ Consolidation 3rd Party LogisticsOperation Efficiency Objective: Synchronization, AQR(TTX) Methods: Chain Reconfiguration Postponement(Standardization / Modularity ) DFSCM SKU Reduction Target System VAN/EDI/POS… ECR BPR/TOC QRM/COM Cross DockingLee, Ching-En; NCTU 如何做好供應鏈管理32
    • 33. 供應鏈管理的範疇33
    • 34. 你有下列供應鏈管理的問題嗎?Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 34
    • 35. 檢視在供應鏈管理所做的努力Audit how time is allocated in the supply chain. Assess where value is added. Then set the goals for change and improvement1. Concurrent new product development with multi-process teams 2. Close involvement of suppliers in design for manufacturability 3. Strategic cost management and target costing 4. Integration of demand data via electronic commerce 5. Breakthrough projects on inventory and logistics 6. Joint purchaser-supplier training programmers 7. Contract management 8. Requisitioning and orders 9. Stock control 10. Low value purchasesCurrent FocusRequired FocusTypical ActivitiesPercent Time AllocationFrom : “Transform Your Supply Chain - Releasing Value in Business”, Jon Hughes, Mark Ralf, Et Bill Michels35
    • 36. 推動供應鏈管理專案六部曲熱誠 覺醒 狼狽 尋找有罪的 尋找無辜的 對沒有參與者給予讚賞與尊敬 Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 36
    • 37. 推動供應鏈管理專案的關鍵成功因素(I)3M : Material, Methodology, Mentality (Mindset) Material Higher Mgt. Support Valid data Efficient Process Effective Strategy Qualified Person Proper Organization Right Tool and System Methodology 徹底手冊化排除錯誤 由簡入繁階段性完成 重新建立新秩序(組織,職責,法規,工作流程) 建立終身學習知識團隊,並培養具企業家的人力資源 建立管理「變革」的機制 Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 37
    • 38. 推動供應鏈管理專案的關鍵成功因素(Ⅱ)Mentality Lee, Ching-En; NCTU 38