• 1. The Value Proposition of Supply Chain Management0© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 2. Manu- facturerTier 2 SuppliersTier 1 SuppliersWholesaler or DistributorRetailer or DealerConsumers“The Power of Business to Business Integration” Benchmarking Partners, December 1998Cost is one of the major drivers to extend the traditional enterprise.60% of variable costs of an organization are driven by decisions that are external to the organization.1© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 3. Logistics expense includes: Finished Goods Transportation Warehousing Order Entry/ Customer Service Administration Inventory Carrying Cost @ 18%— North American Annual Total Logistics Cost Change in Percentage —Source: Council of Logistics Management 1997 Annual Conference Proceedings, Logistics Costs and Customer Service Levels (Herbert W. Davis & William H. Drumm)The past efforts have not been without considerable rewards.-50%-30%-10%10%30%50%838485868788899091929394959697%of Sales$/CWT$/CWT = Dollars per hundred weight.2© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 4. Best in Class Average12Source: Logistics Management, April 1997Yet, supply chain cost reduction still represents a significant business opportunity …...Supply Chain Spend as a Percentage of Revenues$ 34 $ 37 $ 34 $ 20 $ 15 $ 8 $ 4 $ 10 $ 162Size of Gap in Billions3© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 5. VALUE THEORY holds that to increase the value of a company, you must increase cash earnings in excess of its full cost of capital in a sustainable fashionThe supply chain must continue to drive shareholder value.4© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 6. RevenueCostsWorking CapitalFixed Capital— Impact of SCM —Greater customer service (i.e., higher market share, greater gross margins)Lower raw materials and finished goods inventory Shorter “order-to-cash” cyclesShareholder ValueProfitabilityInvested CapitalSCM has contributed to increased shareholder value by impacting traditional value levers.Fewer physical assets (i.e., trucks, warehouses, material handling equipment, etc.) Lower cost of goods sold, transportation, warehousing, material handling and distribution management costs5© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 7. CostsAssetsCustomer ServiceStrategic and Financial Impact The improvement of SCM has significant strategic and financial impacts on bottom line activities.Shareholder Value Creation Customer Service Level Increase Supply Chain Variability Reduction Inventory Reduction Cycle-time CompressionFinancials / Metrics.ROA94%98% In-stock availability Lead time Ability to tailor to specific customer needs Fixed Purchase Cost Variable Manufacturing Trans/Distribution Obsolescence/Markdown Administrative/Transaction Manufacturing Distribution Centers Inventory6© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 8. Best in Class companies enjoy significant advantage over their competitors.Total Supply-Chain Mgmt. Cost“For a company with annual sales of $2 billion and a 60% cost of sales, the difference between being at the median in terms of performance and being in the top 20% is $176 million in working capital.”7.06.30%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%19961997RevenueBestMedian37318702040608010012019961997Calendar DaysCash-to-Cash Cycle Time13.111.61051997 PRTM Study7© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 9. 35347866010203040506070809010019961997Days of Supply949471810%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%19961997Total Days of SupplyOn-Time Delivery PerformanceBestMedianU.S. Dept. of Commerce estimates that manufacturers have cut inventories by 9% in the 1990’s saving about $82 Billion [Fortune 3/3/97].Best in Class companies enjoy significant advantage over their competitors.1997 PRTM Study8© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 10. For period 1988-1996; Source Strategic Supply Chain Alignment, 1998500% Above Average 3000% Above Average 250% Above Average Industry leaders have demonstrated the significant value that successful supply chains can create.Point of Sale Data and Flow Through Distribution“Retail Direct” StrategyInvestment in Distribution Network9© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 11. Inventory Turns 50 times per yearThe 1997 Andersen Consulting Global Electronics Study (GES) showed that total inventory in the U.S. technology industry supply chain was around $0.5-1.5 trillion and turned less than 10 times per year.Supply Chain Opportunities for EHT IndustryStill, there are potential Inventory Reduction Opportunities 10-30% Inter-enterprise Postponement 10-30% Intra-enterprise Postponement 40-65% Direct-to-Customer Sales 10-25% Joint (Collaborative) PlanningSource: AC-Stanford-Northwestern’s CDDN Study, also 1996 U.S. Census data10© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 12. - Inter-Company Supply Chain Practices -All the TimeNot at AllLowerHigherLowerHigherLowerHigherLowerHigherLowerHigherLowerHigherLowerHigherSupplier Owned Or Managed InventoryThird Party Logistics (Warehousing)Third Party Logistics (Transportation)Third Party Logistics (Information Management)Electronic Information Systems to Manage Channel Fill Rates and ReplenishmentCustomer Access to Internal Systems to Track OrderConfigure to Order Strategy543210Lower PerformersHigher PerformersSource: Manufacturing Manager Responses (4/2/97 data)The material contained in this presentation is confidential and proprietary to Andersen Consulting.4C-15Higher performing global electronics companies integrate more extensively across the supply chain.11© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 13. Substantial value creation has been identified for computer supply chain.Andersen Consulting’s CDDN Study- Benefits Summary -Suppliers Semic. StorageAssemblers Distributors Retailers Inv. Margin Value -- -- 10%-70% 10%-100% -- -- -- .7%-4.7% .5%-4.9% -- -- -- $70-$470M $10-$102M --Inv. Margin ValueInv. Margin Value -- -- 10%-70% 10%-100% -- 5.3% 2.0% 2.2% -- --$69M $18M $145M -- --Compressed Supply ChainCollaborative PlanningDesign for Responsiveness10%-25%10%-25%10%-25%10%-25%10%-25%.6%-1.4%.6%-.7%.7%-1.8%.5%-1.2%.7%-1.6%$9-$23M$4-$9M$70-$181M$10-$26M$26-$64M12© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 14. Supply chain breakthrough has realized in significant benefits.Typical Levels of Supply Chain Benefits:Benchmark Improvement Delivery performance 16 - 28% Inventory reduction 25 - 60% Fulfilment cycle time 30 - 50% Forecast accuracy 25 - 80% Overall productivity 10 - 16% Lower S.C. costs 25 - 50% Improved capacity 10 - 20% Source:AMR & PRTMBreakthrough areas: Integrated Demand and Supply Planning New business models and portfolios of best relationships Strategic Sourcing and eProcurement eCustomer linked to Demand Chain13© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 15. Which should come first? SCM or ERP?Customer ValueSupply chainplanningERPGlobalfinancialsLowHighTicket to EntryLow-Hanging FruitHard Nut to CrackNarcissisticTime to Produce Net ValueWarehousemgmt.ShortLongSource:GartnerGroup, 1998 SCM ERP ROI (times) 5 to 15 1.5 to 2 Payback in 2 to 3 Period months yearsAchieving internal efficiencies is important, however, the external integration can make the difference between market leadership and failure. High returns from external integration can be achieved even when internal integration is not very sophisticated. It isn’t necessary to wait until your internal integration efforts are complete to begin external integration initiatives.(Ken Ross, Extricity Software, Inc.)14© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 16. 供应链管理的价值15© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 17. 制造商第二层 供应商第一层 供应商批发商 或 分销商零售商 或 经销商顾客“The Power of Business to Business Integration” Benchmarking Partners, December 1998成本是扩展传统企业的主要推动力之一.机构的60% 可变成本由机构对外的决策所支配16© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 18. 后勤开销 包括: 产成品运输 仓库费 定货手续/ 客户服务 管理 仓储成本 @ 18%— 北美每年总的后勤成本变化百分比 —Source: Council of Logistics Management 1997 Annual Conference Proceedings, Logistics Costs and Customer Service Levels (Herbert W. Davis & William H. Drumm)过去的努力不是没有回报-50%-30%-10%10%30%50%838485868788899091929394959697%of Sales$/CWT$/CWT = Dollars per hundred weight.17© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 19. 最好 平均12Source: Logistics Management, April 1997然而 , 供应链成本降低仍存在巨大的商业机会...供应链消耗占销售收入的百分比$ 34 $ 37 $ 34 $ 20 $ 15 $ 8 $ 4 $ 10 $ 162Size of Gap in Billions18© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 20. 价值理论 为了让企业增值,必须以能够持续经营的方式将收入提高到超过总成本供应链一定会推动股东的利益.19© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 21. 收入成本营运 资本固定 资本—SCM 的影响—更强大的客户服务 (如,更高的市场份额, 更多的毛利)更低的原料及产成品的库存 更短的 “定单变现” 周期股东 价值收益性投资 资本SCM 通过对传统价值杠杆的影响,为增加股东的价值做出贡献更少的实物资产 (如, 卡车, 仓库, 原料处理设备,等) 更低的商品销售、运输、仓储、材料处理及分销管理成本20© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 22. 成本资产客户 服务战略及财务的影响 SCM 改善对有战略及财务具有巨大影响创造股东价值 客户服务水平提高 供应链变动性降低 库存减少 周期压缩财务衡量ROA94%98% 现货供应能力 交付周期 根据客户特殊要求定制的能力 固定 采购成本 可变制造成本 运输/发行成本 无形磨损费/减价 管理/交易成本 制造行业的资产 分销中心 库存21© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 23. 最好的公司得益于巨大的竞争优势.总供应链管理成本“对于年销售收入为20亿及60%的销售成本的企业,中等层次的企业与前20%的企业之间的运营资本的差异为1.76亿美圆。7.06.30%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%19961997收入最好中等37318702040608010012019961997天数现金周转周期13.111.61051997 PRTM Study22© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 24. 35347866010203040506070809010019961997供应天数949471810%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%19961997总供应天数按时供货最好中等美国商业部门估计,制造业在20世纪90年代降低了9%的库存,节省了820亿美圆 [财富 3/3/97].最好的公司得益于巨大的竞争优势.1997 PRTM Study23© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 25. For period 1988-1996; Source Strategic Supply Chain Alignment, 1998高于 平均水平 500% 高于 平均水平 3000%高于 平均水平 250% 行业巨头证明供应链的成功带来的巨大价值贯穿整个销售过程的销售信息及流程“直销策略”分销网络 的投资24© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 26. 库存周转率为 50次/年1997安达信全球电子行业研究显示,美国科技企业供应链的总库存约为 $0.5-1.5 万亿,并且库存周转率低于10次/年对于高科技电子行业的供应链尽管如此,仍存在减少库存的潜力 10-30% 企业内部的延迟 10-30%企业外部的延迟 40-65% 直销 10-25% 协同计划Source: AC-Stanford-Northwestern’s CDDN Study, also 1996 U.S. Census data25© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 27. - 企业内部供应链实践 -总是根本不差好差好差好差好差好差好差好供应商拥有 或管理库存第三方后勤 (仓储)第三方后勤 (运输)第三方后勤 (信息管理) 电子信息系统 管理渠道供应 与补充客户访问 内部系统 跟踪定单制订 定货策略543210差好Source: Manufacturing Manager Responses (4/2/97 data)The material contained in this presentation is confidential and proprietary to Andersen Consulting.4C-15优秀的全球化电子公司广泛地整合供应链26© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 28. 计算机行业的价值链创造了价值.Andersen Consulting’s CDDN Study- 受益情况 -供应商 Semic. Storage装配企业 分销商 零售商 库存. 利润 价值 -- -- 10%-70% 10%-100% -- -- -- .7%-4.7% .5%-4.9% -- -- -- $70-$470M $10-$102M --库存. 利润 价值库存. 利润 价值 -- -- 10%-70% 10%-100% -- 5.3% 2.0% 2.2% -- --$69M $18M $145M -- --扁平化协同计划快速反应10%-25%10%-25%10%-25%10%-25%10%-25%.6%-1.4%.6%-.7%.7%-1.8%.5%-1.2%.7%-1.6%$9-$23M$4-$9M$70-$181M$10-$26M$26-$64M27© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 29. 供应链的突飞猛进实现了巨大价值.供应链的典型收益:项目 改善 交货能力 16 - 28% 库存减少 25 - 60% 实现周期 30 - 50% 预测的准确性 25 - 80% 总生产率 10 - 16% 降低供应链成本 25 - 50% 能力提高 10 - 20% 源自:AMR & PRTM成功的领域: 集成的需求与供应计划 新商业模型及最佳关系组合 战略资源及电子采购、电子客户被需求链联系起来28© 1999 Andersen Consulting
    • 30. 哪个先开始? SCM 还是 ERP?客户价值供应链计划ERPGlobalfinancials低高Ticket to EntryLow-Hanging FruitHard Nut to CrackNarcissistic产生净值的时间仓库管理短长Source:GartnerGroup, 1998 SCM ERP 投资回报率 (倍) 5 到 15 1.5 到 2 回报周期 数月 2 到 3年 内部效率的提高固然重要,但是,外部整合会影响到企业的成功与失败。 即使内部整合不是很完善的时候,我们也可以从外部整合得到高额回报。 没有必要等到内部整合完全结束才开始进行外部的整合.(Ken Ross, Extricity Software, Inc.)29© 1999 Andersen Consulting